#n ig her sword could be mystic magical bs that enhances elemental abilities/makes that easier
futurefind · 2 years
//Not me realizing the Oshiparents [’ gen/group aka including Tomas] running theme/reoccurring plots of ‘members of variably im/moral but for sure super stressful organization before faking deaths to to escape except it doesn’t work for forever / doesn’t succeed in keeping kids out of it’ means
Sasume’s mom was a former/defectee Fatuus and potential HARBINGER whose Pyro Delusion she holds on to and uses, as a Vision wielder. She knows nothing about this beyond nebulous dread at finding Fatui members with similar devices, and hides hers twice as intensely.
...Also obligate s.o to how she’s the spitting image of her mom so um. So um. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE HARBINGERS (N OLDER FATUI) RECOGNIZING HER OFF OF RESEMBLENCE... IT’S FINE... DWAI.........
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