#mysme beach resort au
zennyshoneybunch · 5 years
Mysme Beach Resort AU
Pairing: Zen & OC
A/N: Meet my new fic: A Dirty Dancing inspired story that revolves around the man who’s gorgeous face will make you weep, the man that God created by mistake, the man that sweeps you off your feet and, like a thief in the night, steels your heart when you least expect. The sweetest man you’ll ever meet: our very own Zen, The Knight.
So, this is basically an excuse for me to imagine Zen dancing ballroom dances and using swimwear at the beach. Can’t blame me for that!
I plan it to be a short fic, filled with fluff and music, centered, like I said, on Zen, although the rest of the guys may join here and there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and please remember that comments, likes and reblogs are always welcome. <3
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Paradise
The landing wheels hit the ground and once again Ella felt the dread in the pit of her stomach.
All through the long flight, she had been fighting with herself; one minute feeling foolish for going through with the trip, and the other feeling excited about spending some time alone, away from everyone she knows. Especially everyone who knows him.
Going alone on a lavishing vacation, that was supposed to be a romantic getaway for them, was embarrassing. Everywhere she looked, inside the plane, she saw couples, which was why the dread was winning her internal argument.
As soon as she set foot out of the airport, she was greeted by the afternoon sun. The weather was hot and humid, in an almost suffocating way, but she didn’t mind it much. Without much trouble, she found the shuttle that would take her to the Hotel and settled inside.
Once again, she noticed all the couples around her. Apart from herself and a beautiful red haired girl, the shuttle was filled with lovey-dovey looking couples. She let out a sigh and made herself comfortable, hoping for a rapid trip.
The shuffle came to a slow stop in front of the Hotel. ‘Paradise Resort Hotel’ was written on top of the modern looking arcades that gave way to the glass doors, in a sophisticated calligraphy. Tall trees, and all kinds of tropical flowers and foliage, flanked it, as if the Hotel was the only piece of civilization in the middle of a fairytale forest.
She stepped out of the vehicle in awe. It looked even better than she expected, from the pamphlets she saw. A brunette girl with short hair and glasses greeted them, handing everyone a small piece of paper.
- Hello and welcome to the Paradise Resort Hotel. My name is Jaehee and I will be your concierge. Please make sure you locate your luggage and write its number in this ticket, before heading to the reception. Our bellboys will make sure your luggage is taken care of.
She followed Jaehee’s eyes to where a young blond guy, with big purple eyes, was standing and numbering the luggages. Their eyes met and the blond smiled at her. He had a kind and sweet smile.
After following Jaehee’s instructions, and getting through with the check-in, she was sent into a little golf cart, where an hotel employee drove her to her room.
The inside of the resort was as green as the outside, like one big garden. It was a lovely sight that made her feel a little bit happier for being there.
As they passed around the main pool, she noticed a big commotion. There was a lively music playing, while a tall man with long silver hair was at the edge, dancing and talking to the group of women inside the pool. Hydrogymnastics classes. They sure were popular, given the great number of women concentrated by the edge where the man was. They almost couldn’t move, which was a little weird in such a big pool.
She looked at the pamphlet in her hand, and realized she had to hurry and dine if she wanted to attend the ‘Special Paradise Welcoming’. Whatever that was.
The welcoming took place in the large terrace by the reception, after sunset. The Hotel’s manager, Jumin Han, a tall and handsome man with very dark hair and a serious demeanor, made a small presentation of the facilities and introduced the staff. Besides Jaehee, the consierge, there was also the tour guide, a handsome guy with beautiful mint hair and a kind smile named Jihyun, and the security team consisting of a fit brunette man and a shorter red haired one with glasses. The latter had a friendly, and a bit goofy, smile while the former remained dead serious the whole time.
- And now, please allow me to introduce our entertainment team. Dance classes are available with each of them. If it is your desire to do so, please request them at the reception, with Jaehee.
The girl she had met before nodded and a group of men and women, all very properly dressed in suits and evening dresses, stepped forward.
Ella perked her ears. Dance lessons could be a nice way to spend her lonely time. She lifted her heels, trying to keep her weight on her toes so she could take a better look at the dancers, when a pair of light minty-green eyes covered her vision. A waiter, dressed in an all black barman outfit, that greatly contrasted with his white hair with pink tips, stopped in front of her with a tray of colorful cocktail drinks in his hand. He didn’t smile, nor did he utter a word.
- To finish our welcoming, they prepared a little dance display for your entertainment. It is our wish that you all enjoy yourselves, here at the Paradise Resort Hotel. Thank you all for choosing us. Good evening.
Not wanting to miss the dance, she randomly picked a pink drink from the tray, thanking the waiter and peering over his shoulder to where the dancers were.
The man moved away right when the song started to play, and with him so did the group of people in front of her, giving her full view of the group, already in their places.
They moved in perfect sync with the rhythm that was playing.
“La gente anda diciendo por alli, que tu quisieras acercarte a mi.”
In the middle of the pairs, there was one that stood out. The girl had very long brown hair and big light eyes, but her eyes were not the only huge pair she had. Every male guest around had their attentions set on her chest area.
“No me dejes solo com mi corazon, que esta enloquecido con esta pasión.”
On the other hand, every female had their hearty eyes set on her partner, a tall and elegant man, who moved both gracefully and sensually at the rhythm of the music, with its long silver hair tied in a low ponytail. She recognized it immediately. He was the same guy she saw by the pool when she was heading to her room. The popular one. And now she understood why, he was possibly the most gorgeous man she had ever seen in her life.
“Ay dimelo, ven dimelo, porque por tu amor estoy muriendo yo.”
Suddenly the rhythm changed into a hip-hop style. The male dancers discarded their coats and ties, unbuttoning the first few buttons on their shirts, while the female ripped their long skirts, revealing tight short shorts or frilly mini-skirts.
“Dimelo, dimelo, dimelo. Dimelo, dimelo, dimelo. You got them hips like Shakira,smile like Camila. Got me feeling Latino.”
In a flash, their dance changed from ballroom dance to street dance. The guys started breakdancing and doing back flips, while the girls moved in a more sensual way, shaking their hips. Some of the guys used their neckties as a bandana and it looked like they were just having fun together instead of performing.
“I grab your hand, we start to step. We salsa dance and move correct.”
Subconsciously, Ella’s eyes drifted to the beautiful man with silver hair. He looked incredibly sexy performing in his black pants and white, half unbuttoned, shirt. A black, and satiny looking, waist belt was tightly bond above his slender hips; his long hair swaying with each confident movement. He was truly breathtaking.
“The way you move, the way you groove, makes me wanna get close to you.”
For a brief second their eyes met, before she hurriedly averted hers. Was she gawking like everyone else? Well, the guy was probably more than used to it, with those looks, he had to know how hot he was. The girls around surely were not discreet about it.
By the corner of her eye she saw the chesty girl approach the silver hottie and, while the other members kept their separe dances - jumping, doing handstands and backflips - they joined together in a very fast salsa-like dance.
Those two were, most likely, the main dancers of the group. The way they danced together was amazing, like they were completely at sinc. They sure made a great couple.
“The way you move, the way you groove, makes me wanna get close to you. I had to Whatsapp my amigos, she moving like she from Puerto Rico.”
Suddenly the music changed again, to the same one that was playing before.
“Oh, no me dejes solo con mi corazón, que esta enloquecido con esta pasión. Si es que me deseas, nena, dimelo, porque por tu amor estoy muriendo yo.”
They all scattered around, looking into the crowd and inviting the guests to dance. Ella was watching with a smile as a young, blushing, girl stepped forward with one of the male dancers, when a big hand, with long and lean fingers, was extended to her.
Slowly, she lifted her gaze to the pair of ruby eyes in front of her. The smile that grew in his eyes matched the one on his lips, and her heart started racing with embarrassment, sending the blood rushing to her face.
“Si yo pudiera acariciar tu piel. Tu cuerpo entero quiero conocer.”
Saying she didn’t know how to dance was an understatement and she was well aware of that fact. And she was definitely not interested in making a fool out of herself in front of everyone.
Ripping her eyes from his hypnotizing ones, she bowed her head.
- Sorry.
Her apology was almost inaudible, as she retreated back into the crowd, not once looking back at the man. She all but ran away from the terrace, heading for her room.
“Ay dimelo, ven dimelo. Porque por tu amor estoy muriendo yo.”
She turned around and faced the clock on the nightstand. 3 am already, but no matter what she did she couldn’t sleep. It was probably the jetlag the cause of her insomnia, not the continuous thoughts about her good-for-nothing ex-boyfriend.
She let out a sigh. It was not like she had slept well in the plain. Her body was tired and hurting and the bed was comfortable and soft. Yet, sleep didn’t come.
Looking at the empty space beside her, she noticed for the first time how big the bed was - much bigger than the one she had at home - and it was all hers for the next 11 days. All that empty space...
In a swift movement she pushed the sheets away.
- It’s too hot. That’s why I can’t sleep.
She put on some clothes and headed out to get some fresh air, forcing her mind to ignore the obvious fact that the room had the ac on and was, in fact, cooler inside than out.
Music: Dimelo by Marc Anthony & Dimelo by Rak Su
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zennyshoneybunch · 5 years
Mysme Beach Resort AU
Pairing: Zen & OC
A/N: Hi! Here we go, chapter number two... this one is from Zen’s POV. I hope you like it.
It was supposed to be shorter, but I realized that what I had was way too short to be deserving the title ‘chapter’, so I hadded a little more lol!
Anyway, last chapter Ella couldn’t sleep after arriving at the Paradise Hotel & Resort, so she decided to take a little walk... at 3 am. :) 
If you want to know what happened, then please click below. Thank you for reading~!
Chapter 2 - The Night Nymph 
Zen let out a sigh. Damn, it was late! He didn’t expect to still be out at that hour, even if he didn’t have anything booked to do the next morning, but the crew kept asking him to stay and have another drink. He had to literally slip out the club’s back door without anyone noticing.
More than ready to fall on his bed, he decided to take a shortcut through the Resort instead of around it. The staff’s lodges were right at the very back of the Resort, out of the guest’s way, and going around the complex, on foot, would take him too much time.
- Man, it’s hot…
He grumbled with yet another sigh. He should be used to that crazy weather at that point, but he still wasn’t. He glanced at the main pool on his left, considering taking a quick dip, but deciding against it.
However, the moment he looked away, he saw something that resembled a person floating, face up, in the clear water.
- Huh? Am I he seeing things? I didn’t have that much to drink, did I?
He slowly approached the pool, for a better view and it wasn’t a mirage! A girl was definitely there, floating peacefully with her hair spread around her face and her arms wide open. Her eyes were closed and a little smile played on her lips.
Zen’s jaw fell open. She looked like a nymph, and he felt attracted to her as a sailor to a siren's call. He didn't mean to be a peeper but she looked so serene, so peaceful and beautiful. And so naked.
His face flushed at the realisation that he was actually peeping on someone who was wearing nothing but lingerie. Wet lingerie. And he obviously didn't mean it like that, but nonetheless that was what he was doing.
Peeling his eyes away from the girl, he walked to the nearest boot to retrieve a clean towel, before returning to his previous spot. He crouched down and reached for the water, splashing her lightly, to call for her attention.
Finally, she opened her eyes, eyebrows slightly creased.
- Couldn't sleep?
He asked with a smile. The girl’s eyes grew bigger and she immediately dived into the water, all the way up to her nose. Still, he recognized her as the girl he had asked to dance earlier.
- Don’t worry. I’m part of the staff, but I’m not here to scold you.
He looked at one of the closest CCTV cameras installed and smirked at it.
- But someone might… So, if you can’t sleep I’d recommend a long run on the beach... or dance lessons with me.
He gave the girl a big, charming, grin. Since they were both there, why not advertise the lessons? Even though he knew that by lunchtime he would still be fully booked, even without advertising.
After a little pause, she finally spoke, in a small voice that he could only hear because everything was so quiet.
- I don't dance.
- You will after our lessons. I can guarantee that.
- No, thank you.
She looked uncertain, but he didn’t want to insist. She was obviously embarrassed.
- Alright. Earlier you looked so interested in our little performance, I thought you’d want to take the lessons. But if not, I guess I’ll leave you to your...  activities. I'll leave this towel here for you. It may be hot outside but there won't be any sun rays to warm you up after you get out of there.
He rose up, stretching a little and noticing how her eyes followed his movements.
- I should warn you, though, there are cameras here, and the guy in charge with the surveillance doesn’t sleep much, so he is probably watching us right now.
He waved at the camera, not missing the way she hugged herself under the water, her face showing her embarrassment.
- Anyway, if you change your mind about the lessons look for me. My name is Zen.
And with a wide smile he turned around and walked away, not giving her a second glance.
He chuckled to himself as he continued on his way to his bungalow. What a cute girl. He didn’t know why, but he hoped she would end up deciding in favor of the lessons.
The next day, after lunch, Zen received his schedule from Jaehee. As expected, he was already fully booked, the first 3 lessons taking place that same afternoon.
He was inside the dance room, with his back to the door when he heard steps behind him. He glanced at the schedule with the customer’s name.
- Welcome, Miss. Summers, to our ballroom dance lessons, I’ll be your instructor, Z-
He turned around to find the girl from the pool, the nymph, standing in front of him. He barely noticed the smile tugging at his lips, the moment their eyes met.
- Ah! It’s you!
She smiled.
- So you decided to give it a try, after all.
- Yes… you said it could help me sleep.
Zen focused his stare on her eyes. They were a little puffy and had little dark circles underneath. Obviously her night swim didn't help. That must have been some serious jetlag.
- But I have to warn you, I'm very bad at this.
He let out a chuckle.
- Don't worry. I'm your instructor and I'm great at it, so you'll learn in a flash.
With a wink, Zen beckoned the girl to come closer, into the middle of the room.
- Ok, we’ll start with Salsa, it's usually a favorite.
In the next few minutes, he briefly explained the dance and showed her the steps. Once she seemed to have the hang of it, he turned the music on.
- Now, I want you to keep repeating those steps, but trying to match them with the music. Once the beat starts.
“Even if I know it's wrong, hope the DJ plays our song so you can find me, and dance behind me.”
- You have to listen to the music and feel it.
“You love how I dip and wine, with you it happens every time. My body is lonely, for you only.”
- Ok, ready? Now!
“Something about you got me sweatin', sweatin'. Baby, I'ma drive you loco, loco. Now you got my body shakin', shakin'. I wanna dance with you all night.”
- Alright, you have a good frame, and you should keep it, but you also need to loosen up more. You're too stiff.
He placed his hands on her hips, from behind, planning to help her move them in a more relaxed way, but she immediately jumped in surprise and recoiled. He raised his hands.
- Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to be inappropriate.
And he didn't, but now looking at the lovely blush on her face as she scratched her own arm, he was starting to doubt himself.
- No no, it's fine! I was just surprised, I’m sorry.
The girl gave him an embarrassed smile, and the expression shown in her eyes made him remember the way she looked that morning in the pool.
The memory of her half naked body made the blood rush to his face once again, and he turned his back to her, so she wouldn’t see it. Good grief, he was getting worse by the day, he really needed to find a girlfriend, fast!
“Pero sólo me gustas tú, solamente tú. Yo me imagino en la playa, contigo, en un cielo azul.”
Mentally scolding himself, he cleared his throat, trying to concentrate on the class.
- Anyway, you’re doing well, I just want you to relax a little more, you can't be so tense or your body won't cooperate.
- I feel silly, to be honest.
He turned to face her again.
- Silly?
- Yes, to be dancing on my own while you're watching.
She let out a nervous little laugh.
- Then... why don't we try together? Maybe it'll make you feel more comfortable.
Zen walked to her and showed her how to position herself when dancing with a partner. Then he gently took her in his arms.
“Hey DJ, póngale la música que le gusta, una para que se mueva y se luzca, y baile conmigo, sólo conmigo, hey!”
- The steps are the same, the only difference is that now you have someone in front of you. So now: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and keep your frame.
The girl bit her bottom lip in concentration. To help her, Zen kept counting the steps, and although she wasn't missing them, she was still too stiff.
Seemingly aware that something was off, she looked at their feet, but Zen admonished her.
- No, don't look at your feet, look up.
He raised her chin with his fingers and her chocolate brown eyes found his. Even puffy and with the dark circles, for a second Zen was sure he had never seen prettier ones, and he couldn’t look away. The distraction, however, made her stumble and he had to hold her close to prevent her from falling on her butt.
- Oh, no! I’m so sorry!
- It’s fine, it happens all the time, don’t worry.
- No, I…
A poorly muffled laugh interrupted the girl and they both looked at the door, where a woman's silhouette could be seen against the sun light that was pouring in.
Summers immediately straightened herself up, taking a step back, away from his arms, her eyes glued to the floor.
- I don’t think I can do this… I’m wasting your time.
- No, not at all, we just started…
- I’m sorry.
She bowed shortly and retreated, not raising her eyes from the floor once.
The young girl at the door moved away with a smile on her face, allowing the other one passage. Zen’s voice sounded more annoyed than he expected, when he spoke to her.
- Kinjyun, I thought I told you not to interrupt my classes again.
Kinjyun gave him her famous ‘innocent puppy eye’ look.
- Oh, I’m sorry, oppa. But honestly, the way I see it, I just helped you big time.
- You embarrassed her. She will probably give up the lessons now.
Zen walked to the door and watched as his client ran away at a fast pace.
- I'd say it's no big loss. I'm sure you'll have someone ready to fill her spot in about 3 seconds, oppa.
He knew his partner was right, but that wasn't the point. He had asked that girl personally to join the lessons and she had trusted him enough to give it a try. But now he felt like he had failed her, and for the second time in two days, he found himself looking at the girl’s retrieting back.
Music: Hey DJ by CNCO ft Meghan Tainor
And if you haven’t read it yet, here you can find the previous chapter:
Chapter 1
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zennyshoneybunch · 5 years
I just read your beach AU, and aaaaaaa, it's so good, when will the next chapter be out?! On a sidenote your whole blog is quality💞
Ahhhhh!!!! 🙈 Hahaha thank you so much!!! I'm working on the next chapter right now and it'll probably be a shorter one, so I expect it'll be out very soon! 🥰
I'm glad you liked my blog, I love sharing all this great content from the amazing artists and authors I find here on tumblr, but really what made my day was to know you liked my own writing as well haha. 😁 I hope you'll enjoy the next chapters too.
Again, thank you and have a lovely day ♥️
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