ivakir · 9 years
looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll
- But I am… I am.. the storm of the night!
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pyromxncer · 9 years
[ mynameismilkthemusclegirl ]
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"How much fer the lot of that ore stock? Immortan wants ‘at and that hide over ‘ere.”
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gonnadiehistoric · 9 years
♤ are you proud of Nux or angry that he left you.
“…don’t see what I’d be angry for. He’s…he was…still just a baby. Didn’t mean to leave anyone…’M glad he’s alive. Strong. He made it up like we said.”
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Vash had spotted the stopped vehicle a few miles back and had continued heading towards it slowly to see if it’d continue on. When it seemed to him they driver wasn’t leaving he sped his pace until he was pulling up to it. It was risky to pull up to random vehicles on the wastes, but the potential for profit was usually high. Rather than put his car in park he held his foot on the break in case he had to make a quick get away.
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hewhograbsthesun · 9 years
♠ : What is the hardest thing about playing this muse?
My instinct is to be kind and merciful to people and Joe’s definitely isn’t. It’s a constant struggle to remind myself to be completely uncompromising, completely merciless. 
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organic-mech · 9 years
"Got gash that need stitchin'. Its between the shoulder blades so I can't reach it myself." ((HI! :D It so cool seeing an Organic Mechanic blog )
“Oi, how you know it needs stitchin if it’s on your back and you can’t see it, eh?” The Mechanic didn’t even bother looking up from the cannula he was fidgeting with on one of the caged bloodbags.
(Thanks! He’s fun to write! I found another one, but he wasn’t active.)
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droptherocks-blog · 9 years
> mynameismilkthemusclegirl
“-----I think it’s more than fair.”
Though Sawyer’s leaned casually against his bike, and the inflection of his voice is simply firm, frustration is beginning to eat away at him. Other Rock Riders have traded with this particular woman before, but this is his first time encountering her.
You’d think as a revered and respected leader, it might be a little easier to bargain. You’d think.
The chief unfolds his arms long enough to point a thumb in the direction of the food he’s bartering for. “-----That much meat, for my people,” He prods the plastic jerry can with his boot. It’s dirty, but full of gas, and Sawyer isn’t stupid; he knows that’s valuable. “------For this much fuel, just for you?--------It’s fair.” 
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buzzardbrains-blog · 9 years
1, 9, 29
1. What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this — optional.
Tsiha normally sleeps curled up on their side, mostly to keep from breathing in too much sand and dust while trying to rest as well as to protect vital organs in the case of an emergency so they aren’t as easily gutted as they would be with their stomach to the sky.
9. Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
It all depends on the situation. If in the Sunken City dreams are common, though not always pleasant. Mostly filled with stress and worrying about what to do the coming day. When outside the settlement however sleep is normally brief and empty, too high strung and excited to collect and gather.
When unable to sleep at all Tsiha will normally try and play card games with herself, with what cards they have anyways just to pass the time.
29. Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why?
Tsiha can get very restless, always wanting to be tinkering or wandering, something to distract the mind. If forced to wait somewhere they will always be found tapping their feet or picking at their gloves or bandages. She would rather have something distracting going on and something they can focus on than ever be left alone to their thoughts for too long.
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team-warboys · 9 years
mynameismilkthemusclegirl liked for a starter!
Kak’s head and upper torso were underneath a car, but that didn’t stop the warpups from clambering around on her legs and knees. They were the three who frequented her workshop. She would sometimes teach them something she knew - though she knew it encouraged them to be blackthumbs like her - just to get them to leave. She rolled her eyes fondly as the warpups played. When they quieted and began whispering to each other, she maneuvered her torso so she could see what they were whispering about. An unfamiliar woman stood in the carved stone entrance to her lair, holding the greasy, stained curtains open at arm’s length. Kak called out to her. “Mornin’! What’ brings ya ‘ere?”
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slitdevoted · 9 years
☥: If events in your muse’s life had gone very differently to how they did, what would they have done with their life? What sort of occupation might they have chosen for themselves and would they, in your opinion, be happier than they are now?
Kinda hard to answer this question, cause there are a lot of things that could’ve gone differently. Slit could’ve survived the end of Fury Road; he could’ve been born in a different area, never become a War Boy; he could’ve lived in a world without an apocalypse.
No matter what could’ve gone differently, I think Slit would always carry that thirst for danger with him. Born in a different wasteland town, he’d still be some kind of crazed scavenger, ruining the lives of everyone around him. Alive in a modern world, he’d partake in racing, or cliff diving, or anything similar to get that thrill, and he might even still dabble in crime.
Would he be happier in a different life? I don’t think he’d ever achieve the typical definition of happiness. Slit has fun and has a good laugh sometimes, but there’s always something keeping him from real happiness, whether it’s that constant lust for peril, or just the fact that being happy is unfamiliar, and therefore, uncomfortable. Finding that happy state means things for you are good enough to cope with, and deep in his core is a belief that things could never really be “good”, regardless of whatever world he lives in.
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torrere-blog · 9 years
♐:  what is your muse particularly unskilled at?
 singing. she cannot sing to save her life, soothing sonnets are not of her.  she  cannot  carry  a  tune  so she merely hums. whenever miss giddy asks of the  girls  to  sing the songs of the ancients she merely mouths the words.  it’s actually something she’s incredibly embarrassed about considering how often giddy had them sing.
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