#my taurus moon laughs at the thought of not indulging in sensorial elegance and decadence
bean-chaointe · 2 years
When I started converting my childhood bedroom into my crafting room, it was meant to be a silly pun on both the art and spiritual supplies kept in there with an eye towards the possibility of also allowing it to be a space where I meet with clients for spiritual services.
But I'm someone who appreciates Control over their personal spaces and is also very bad at artifice, so now I'm looking around my study and wondering how the hell I'm supposed to work with new clients when My Insides are so clearly, visibly, and vulnerably splattered around the room. Either a too-perceptive client will see something I don't want them to understand or I'll end up metaphorically consuming them like they've walked straight into my belly, which can adversely impact a client's personal process (e.g. their own spirits don't feel welcome in the space, the client feels intimidated, etc).
who needs to worry about ~*~witch wars~*~ and ~*~evil eye~*~ when you're so good at sabotaging yourself goddamnit
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