#my special girls (agd)
xlbi · 4 years
it is the end of a decade!! 
of my goals for 2019 i succeeded in: staying alive, which is the most important one; continuing to challenge myself/step out of my comfort zone; and working on recording/holding onto my memories from the year because everything passes by so fast!!
to no one’s surprise, i did not in fact get my license
good things in 2019:
-tahoe trip with henry!
-became close friends with nicole, from our first bplate dinner to king princess to la road trip to many many more mems
-got into fem!!! later, became ase, got log director, wrote the article i’ve always wanted to write for the print issue; also, rly fun launch parties
-got close with bitf friends; retreat, ILMBW, socials, banquet. also, all the other bitf events like INDD, beauty in you
-became co-director!!! 
-the last three things (fem, bitf, and getting co) are really special to me because they are all things i nearly skipped out of anxiety (i wanted to skip retreat, almost didn’t apply for co, wanted to ditch my fem interview) but i pushed through and they really really paid off and have brought me a lot of happiness
-celebrated chinese new years with henry + saúl c: 
-saw king princess, daniel caesar, raveena, and girl in red in concert!!
-two new tattoos (tiger by ida, lady by tati) that are beautiful and that i love
-going from seeing LIPS for the first time to writing a monologue for the coming year’s production!!
-abg hair (and my subsequent decision in sept to go back to my roots)
-tried a new thing with joining agd and even though it didn’t work out, i had a lot of fun at the date party! now i know what it’s like and i’m glad that i both was willing to give it a shot and that i realized it wasn’t for me n dropped it
-celebrating four years in capitola
-going 2 gay parties with holly 7 queers (incl cadence!!)
-pride!! x2, la and ny
-summer in nyc!! met sereena, swan, sarah; went to stonewall, hung out with emily; broadway show and times square; central park and chinatown;  
-summer cool cats outings like santa cruz beach boardwalk and sf/painted ladies
-starting apartment life in la!! cooking for myself and decorating my own room, also henry’s visit 
-starting watercolor painting in earnest
-portland trip with mom
-completing my first whole quarter as co-director :-) getting a whole new generation of bitf bbs
-turning 21!!! 
-brunches galore: with sarah and sereena in venice, summer bitf w lorena/mihika/paris, all the ones with henry in sacramento, cooking with mihika, bday brunch, lorena’s bday
-settling into swc Lship 
-first rocky horror!
-in general, developing more of my own style and becoming more confident in my beliefs/ideology; embracing my writing skills more! 
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