#my skin is glowing! a bunch of my coworkers complimented me earlier this week
joyridingmp3 · 6 months
i have been doing this thing where i have been accidentally eating nutritious meals, not drinking caffeine, not smoking, not drinking alcohol, and not eating any junk food and holy shit i feel amazing??? my mood has just increased so much and I'm NEVER tired and I've been having rare if no negative thoughts. has anyone heard of being healthy this is insane?
#to be fair i smoked like 4 times in the last two weeks#bc those were stressful days#but also considering everything else I've given up im fine with that#the fact that i#a guy who struggled with body image and anorexia and bulimia and binge eating and has an insane sweet tooth#bought a block of chocolate#over two weeks ago#and I still haven't eaten it#because I've been like. eating proper meals#is HUUUGE#i can't believe it!#my skin is glowing! a bunch of my coworkers complimented me earlier this week#i know what I'm like and I'm not going to completely cut out chocolate or anything#but the fact that i haven't even Wanted it is just insane to me#I've also been setting so many boundaries at work and in my personal life#not doing things that i don't want to do#this last month has just been amazing#ever since my naming ceremony ever since november i feel like I've literally physically (as well as figuratively re singing lessons)#cut out all of my shit that I've accidentally let grow#guy who recently discovered eating 3 nutritious meals a day: hey has anyone heard of this?#i do want to do more strength based exercise for my longevity just in case I'm fortunate enough to make it to old age#so I'll buy some weights later on but I've been doing yoga for now which has been cool#never thought I'd be this kinda person#I just kind of assumed I'd be living off monster energy zero and cigarettes for the rest of my life#I've also been enjoying logging all of my food that I eat into my phone app#because it breaks down how much of which vitamins and other nutrients you've eaten#and shows you where from#mine#anyway. this is the most sober and heslthy I've perhaps ever been in my life and holy shit this is transformative for me#feels weird to say it but I'm so glad i got sick that one week and went off food and coffee and cigarettes
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