#my question was 'if they're not That far from tommy what's stopping ellie from going back for help'
deanpinterester · 1 year
given that joel and ellie are less than a week's ride away from jackson wyoming, i wonder if the next episode is going to be ellie trying to make her way back on her own to get help, and along the way is when she runs into david and co. we wouldn't have the winter timeskip in this scenario, but we'd still have ellie trying to be self sufficient to save joel, which is the same gist
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actual-changeling · 1 year
In the grand scheme of things, a month is not enough time to really get to know someone, especially if said person is clearly still going through a lot of shit and clinging to his brother like an octopus. They have been spending more and more afternoons with each other, always with Joel in the middle, and he likes to think they're on a good path to being friends.
Tommy might not know Ellie well, but he does know her, and it's easy to see that she is currently incredibly uncomfortable and Joel nowhere to be seen. The dining hall is loud during meal times on the best of days, but today it is outright chaotic, and Tommy remembers how overwhelming it had been during his first few months in Jackson. On top of that, Ellie is so small she can probably barely see through the crowd, just a piece of driftwood caught in the current and pulled along in whatever direction people are moving, and without Joel there to enforce her personal space, she is drowning.
His body is moving toward her before he even notices what he is doing, stopping himself once he does; there's a chance Ellie would be quite upset if he tried to swoop in and "save" her, well aware how much she dislikes being close to anyone who isn't Joel. But then Martin starts talking to her, good guy, usually very friendly, and all color drains from her face, and Tommy decides he'd rather have Ellie elbow him in the stomach than face his brother's wrath over not stepping in.
The crowd parts around him when he moves through it, the distance between him and Ellie closed within seconds, and he stops on her right, keeping himself in her field of vision so he doesn't startle her (he did that once on accident, never again). He nods at Martin, though his feelings are far from his priority right now.
"Hey Ellie, have you seen Joel somewhere?"
Trying to keep his tone light, he has one eye on the people surrounding them and one on her, still trying to figure out where the hell his brother disappeared to, he never leaves her alone if he can help it. He's not quite sure what he expects Ellie to do, but it's definitely not her hands snapping up to grab his arm so tightly it's almost painful, nails digging into his skin. She is shaking, trying so hard to be aware of the room around her that her eyes are almost fluttering, and it takes him a few beats to react.
"Gonna go 'n find my brother with this one, Martin."
It's not a question but he nods, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze before merging back into the crowd, and Tommy is incredibly thankful for that. The second he is gone, Ellie deflates, falling against his side, and Tommy brings up his other arm around her and gently places his palm on her back, relieved when she doesn't flinch. Asking if she is okay seems unnecessary, she clearly isn't, so he just tries his best to provide her with as much space as possible as he navigates them to an empty table in one of the quieter corners near the back exit, casually pushing people away when necessary.
Ellie sinks into a chair and doesn't let go of him, knuckles white, and he settles next to her, keeping an eye out for Joel while talking to her.
"Anything you need, sweetheart?"
The endearment slips out, force of habit, and her gaze is suddenly glued to his face, pupils blown so wide her eyes seem black.
"Don't leave."
"I won't, promise. Do you know where Joel went?"
She shakes her head, fingers around his wrist loosening a tiny bit.
"Alright, I'm sure he'll be back soon, someone probably just distracted him."
They both lean back, the relative silence between them oddly comforting, and Ellie nudges her chair across the floor until their armrests are pressed together, her breaths coming a bit slower and deeper now. The affection curling around his heart is familiar, warmth blooming in his chest, and it's easy to understand why Joel fell for her so quickly and completely it almost killed him. She relaxes while they wait, head tipping to rest against his biceps, eyes closed, and the open display of trust is so sweet it makes him ache. Despite not spending a lot of time together, she clearly thinks of him as someone safe, probably due to his relationship with Joel, and Tommy finds himself hoping that maybe they can build something on that foundation. Ellie is Joel's kid, which makes her family, and Tommy looks out for his people.
It takes Joel about fifteen minutes to finally return to them with a panicked look on his face, clearly out of breath, and he stops dead in his tracks when he sees Ellie half draped over him.
"I'm sorry, baby, someone was asking about some construction work I did yesterday, and-"
"It's okay," she interrupts, blinking up at him and stretching out one hand in a clear demand, "Tommy got me."
Joel stills, eyes flicking between the two of them, and he simply shrugs his unoccupied shoulder, it's not like it's his kid, after all. He takes Ellie's hand and falls into the chair next to her, leaning over to press a kiss to her hair, and Tommy doesn't even try to hide his smile. To everyone's surprise, Ellie stays right where she is, holding Joel's hand with a death grip but still using him as a pillow, and the look he shares with Joel is one of mutual confusion and resignation. She starts talking to him about some space book she's been reading, ignoring the last twenty minutes of her life, and they silently agree to wait out the masses before getting their own food, Ellie seemingly content to force both of them to listen to her ramble about an astronaut he has no idea about.
Yeah, she got them both wrapped around her finger, and Tommy finds he doesn't mind it one bit, hoping that maybe this is not only a second chance for Joel, but for him, too.
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final-girl96 · 4 months
Firefly Chapter Fifty-Two
It was clear that this campus was abandoned years ago. We haven't seen a single soul; no signs of the fireflies. “This place looks like it's been abandoned for a while,” I say. If there are any infected, they're inside the buildings, which is where most infected stay. “They gotta be here somewhere. Just have to find that building,” Joel said. We continued to slowly make our way through the campus.
We came to a stop when we got to the middle of the campus grounds. “Holy shit,” I whispered. “Are those monkeys?” Ellie asked. In front of us was a barrel of monkeys scattered around us. “Yup. They were probably using them to test on,” I said. “Never seen a monkey before?” Joel asked. “Never seen a monkey,” Ellie responds. The building we needed to get to wasn't too far away from where we were. We headed in that direction making sure not to get too close to the monkeys.
“So what was it really like to go to college?” Ellie asked. “Umm…it wasn't too bad. Like I said there were a lot of parties but we also had classes. Some lived on campus and some people, like me, lived off campus,” I said. “People lived on campus?” I nodded my head, “Yeah, some of these buildings are dorm buildings. That's where the students would live. It's a big building with a bunch of dorm rooms. Most of them are shared rooms but some people got lucky to have their own room. It's just easier to live on campus for those who don't live close by. There were also fraternities and sororities.”
Ellie looked at me with a questioning look. “Fraternities and sororities?” I hummed a response nodding my head. “A fraternity or sorority is a brotherhood or sisterhood formed around common goals and aspirations. It's a Greek organization type thing. A fraternity was for the guys and a sorority was for the girls. They would do organizations like fundraisers and such. But mostly it was an excuse to also throw parties.” She nodded her head slowly. “Were you in a sorority?” I scoffed out a laugh, “No, absolutely not. It wasn't my scene.”
“What about you old man? Did you go to university too?” Ellie asked. Joel shook his head, “No. I had Sarah at a kind of young age and it was never my scene. I started working at a hardware shop then slowly started working construction but I had enough to start my own contracting company with Tommy,” Joel said. “I did go to some parties though when I was younger before I had Sarah and stayed in a couple dorm rooms.” Ellies nose wrinkled up. Joel's eye caught mine and I felt my face start to heat up.
Flashback 2007
Joel and I were running from a group of raiders when we came across Boston University. The building had been caught in the bombings in the beginning of the outbreak. The university had been destroyed in some places. We ran through the campus and into a building. Pieces of brick and plaster are scattered across the floor of the hallway we were in. “Do you think we lost them?” I asked, trying to catch my breath. Joel didn't answer me though just flung the first door he came to open. The room was destroyed but by the looks of it we were one of the dorm buildings.
Without closing the door he continued down the hall until stopping at the stairwell door. I was right behind him, coming to a stop to look behind me. Joel slammed into the double doors until a small gap opened. “Go! Yn, damnit, go!” I quickly slid through the gap and stood up. There was a large couch blocking the door so I moved it enough that Joel could push his way through. He pushed the door closed and put the couch back where it was before grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs with him.
The stairs to go up were blocked off so it was our only choice. Downstairs was a little better than the recent floor we were on. Joel pushed a door open and surprisingly the room wasn't destroyed. It was as it was when whoever had this room left. We closed the door and Joel barricaded it with one of the beds. “We should be here for a while right?” I asked, taking my backpack off and setting it down. “Tommy will be okay, too, right? I mean he went in the opposite direction as us with Tess, but they'll be okay.”
Joel was pacing back and forth when he Came to a sudden stop. “For your sake you better hope they're alright!” He fixed me with an angry look. “If you didn't get so damn trigger happy we wouldn't be in this fucking situation!” He stalked towards me, making me stumble backwards until I hit the wall. “What the hell were you thinking?” He caged me in with hands on either side of me. I looked up at him and swallowed. “I was thinking…” My train of thought was lost in his brown eyes that darkened and flicked down to my lips, lingering only for a second before slowly moving back to look me in the eye.
“You were thinking what? Hmm? Thinking about getting yourself killed and making my life more miserable?” I shook my head, “wh…what? No! That asshole was going to kill you, Joel!” My voice started to raise. “He was trained on you and it's like you didn't give one flying fuck!” His hand was around my throat in a blink of an eye. “Watch your tone with me, Firefly. You are in no position to get mouthy with me.” My panties were instantly wet.
“I had the situation under control. All you had to do was what I told you to do. Stay still and be fucking quiet. Maybe I should teach you a lesson in how to listen.” I nodded my head, “yeah, yeah, definitely need a lesson,” I said. My pulse was hammering in my neck, heat spread over my whole body. I knew he could feel it; I knew he could see the heat rising in my cheeks. His free hand reached my belt and skillfully undid it and the button on my pants. Just as his hand reached under my jeans and underwear and his fingers started to lazily rub circles on my clit, we heard distance voices.
That didn't stop him though. He continues, speeding up his movements whispering in my ear how I’m always wet for him. He slides his thick calloused fingers down to my entrance teasing it before finally filling me with his middle and long finger. I gasped and gripped onto his arm. “Shh…You don't want them hearing you, do you?” Joel curled his fingers inside of me, pumping in and out. The voices got louder the closer they got. A moan crawled up into my throat at the feeling of Joel's fingers hitting that spot deep inside me just right. “That's it, come for me, Darlin’.” My walls tightened around his fingers as I came undone.
“They have to be around here somewhere! Keep looking!”
Joel spun me around, pushing me done to my knees. “Be a good girl and take my cock out,” he said. With quick hands I undid his belt, button, and zipper, pulling his pants down just enough to release his hard dick from its restraints. I look up into his dark chocolate eyes. His left hand laced itself into my hair. “Open.” I do as told, opening my mouth wide for him. Joel pushed forward, filling my mouth with his thick cock until the head hit the back of my throat. I flattened my hands on his thighs to help keep myself steady while he fucked my mouth. Tears gathered in my eyes from gagging on him each time he hit the back of my throat.
I gasped for air when Joel pulled himself out of my mouth and hauled me to my feet only to turn me around and bend me over the dusty desk. He yanked my jeans and underwear down to my ankles. I yelped when his hand came down on my ass. “Better be quiet, darlin’.” Infelt Joel line himself up with my entrance before he pushed himself into my pussy, making me gasp and grip the sides of the desk. “Fuck, your pussy feels so damn good!”
I'm biting the inside of my cheek trying to keep from moaning too loud, but it feels too damn good; he feels too damn good. Joel slams into me, his grip on my hips tightens. “Joel, please!” I push back onto him, meeting his thrusts. He's so deep, stretching me open with his thickness, hitting the right spot over and over. My pussy tightens around him, pulling a deep throaty groan from him. “You wanna come for me, sweetheart?”
At this point I don't give a fuck who hears us. I'm screaming his name as I come on his cock. He quickly pulls out, “On your knees and open your mouth, now!” I do as I was told just as hot ropes of his orgasm hit my tongue. “Fuck! Swallow.” I look up at him and swallow his cum. “Good girl. Now get up we need to get the fuck out of here before those assholes find us or infected come.” I stood up on wobbly legs, pulled my pants up, and buttoned them and my belt. Joel gave me a quick kiss and handed me my bag and gun. “Don't think this is over.”
“Look fireflies, we're here!” I was knocked out of my memories and learned my throat. I looked over where Ellie was pointing to see the spray-painted symbol on the brick wall. We were getting closer to where we needed to be.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader
WC: 2250
Warnings: Angst, fluff, mild smut, non explicit,
Summary: Various flashes of Reader and Joel's life together. Based on the song Angeles by Elliot Smith (though I prefer the one sung by Jensen Ackles.)
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Someone's always coming around here
Trailing some new kill
Says "I've seen your picture on a
Hundred-dollar bill"
“Who is she?” Joel’s gruff voice echoes off the concrete walls of the power plant they walked through. His footsteps are seconds behind his younger brother’s.
“Hell if I know. Maria says she knew her. Before.” Tommy’s blonde hair hits the light as he leads Joel outside, towards the perimeter wall. Towards their new guest.
“She trusts her?” Joel has always been a stubborn son of a bitch, but that's nearly doubled now that Ellie is in the picture. His daughter-but-not is everything to him. Everything.
“Apparently. We’re just going down to-” Tommy is cut off by Joel grabbing his shoulder to stop him.
“What the hell is she thinking? This girl could've been anything while she was out there! Shit, she could be a hunter for Christ’s sake!” He makes sure to keep his voice firm but quiet. They're close enough to the outside now that she -and anyone else she might’ve brought with her- would hear them.
Tommy breathes a sigh before speaking. “Joel, you're my brother. I respect that. But this is my town. This is Maria's town. She and I decide who comes in and out. Not you.” Tommy looks at his brother with an “Understood?” look and gives a snort when Joel angrily nods his head in reluctant agreement.
They continue their walk up the wall to see a woman standing just outside their gates. She's younger than Maria. Maybe 30? Just as Joel and Tommy were making these internal calculations Maria strides up to them.
“She's clean. I checked her myself.” Maria squeezes Tommy’s shoulder- the only semblance of greeting she grants her husband.
“And..” She looks to Joel. Knowing what his question would be. “She’s good people. Guarantee it.” Maria gives Tommy a look of question- not for approval, but for agreement. Tommy nodded at her.
“Let her through!” Maria shouted to the men at the gates below. Within a few seconds the metal clanged as the doors swung open wide for the woman below.
What's a game of chance to you,
To him is one of real skill
So glad to meet you, Angeles
Maria is the first to greet her. Hugs and “how ya been’s” and “oh, you know, trying not to die”. The woman had an infectious smile. Damn near addicting. Tommy and Joel strode up to meet her. Tommy introduced himself but Joel couldn't hear him. He was too busy sizing her up. Her walk, her talk, the way she held herself, how many weapons she was carrying, how well put together said weapons were… He was a paranoid man. If this woman was going to be a danger to Ellie, he was going to find out now. Tommy may have been talking but Joel spoke nonetheless.
“You took a mighty big chance here, didn’t you?” Joel rocked back on his heels. His thumbs hooked into his belt. Casual, at a glance. Upon further inspection one would see the placement of his hands was intentional- as they were now within inches of his knife.
“Pardon?” The woman asked. She had a slight accent. Midwestern. She'd traveled far.
“If Maria hadn’t deemed you trustworthy, we would've shot you dead. That's a mighty big risk, ain't it?” Joel explained his question. He watched the gears turn in her head- sizing up the possible threat. Just as he did to her moments ago.
“It was a risk. But I've never been one to shy away from a gamble.” The woman stuck her hand out to him. “Y/N Y/L/N.”
Joel looked her up and down before taking her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Vegas.”
Picking up the ticket shows there's
Money to be made
Go on, lose the gamble that's the
History of the trade
“Damn you, Y/N Y/L/N.” Joel’s voice sounded and bounced off the walls of the small room they sat in. Y/N sat a foot away from him, playing cards scattered between them.
“They don't call me Vegas for nothing.” She gave him a smirk and a wink as she picked the cards up to shuffle them again.
“I call you Vegas. And you won ‘cause you're cheatin.” Joel sat back on his hand, one knee propped up with his arm draped over it.
“Oh, I'm a cheater? You're just saying that because you don't like that a girl 20 years younger than you whipped your ass in some poker.” Y/N shuffled the cards in her hands, the cards sliding over each other with grace.
“Shit, that makes me feel old. But yeah, you're a cheater. Got a card hidden up one of those sleeves or something.” Joel’s eyes danced with amusement as he watched her. Her hands were deft as they moved. It broke his heart to see the scars flecked across their surface. Such beautiful hands, such a horrible world.
“Up my sleeve, hm? Why don't you come check?” Y/N’s eyes met his. She was daring him to do something. Anything. The tension between them had been bubbling since that first day she showed in Jackson all those months ago. Now, since they were trapped in a lookout due to a rainstorm, they had all the time in the world to talk about… things.
“You'd like that wouldn't you?” Joel looked at her, unsure of what exactly he should do. He knew there was something between them, but didn't know how to act on it.
“Not as much as you would.”
Joel reaches for her hand, shaking her sleeve gently. Seeing if any cards fell out. She slid her other hand to him, shaking it pointedly. He laughed softly and his hands reached to the bottom hem of her shirt.
“Anything under there?” He let his fingers ghost across the skin there.
“Christ, Texas, you're killing me.” She whispered his nickname. His heart ached a bit at the thought of Tess but he knew she'd want him to be happy.
“Then take a risk, Vegas.” Joel’s lips were a hair’s breadth from this.
She pushed her lips to his, sighing. Months of dancing around each other. Playing these games. Finally, finally, they found each other. Their lips slid together like the cards she was shuffling, long forgotten on the floor. He groaned softly into her mouth, his tongue dancing across her lips. She answered his silent question, lips parting for him.
Joel gripped her waist and moved her into his lap. Y/N’s hands came up to his face, her palms to his cheeks. She scratched at his beard lightly and smiled into the kiss. Joel pulled away a bit to get a look at her.
Her cheeks were flushed, both from the rising body heat and excitement of the moment. Her lips were slightly swollen- his doing. That thought alone made him twitch in his pants. Y/N giggled a bit at his stare.
“Whatcha looking at, Texas?” Her hands travelled his chest, feeling the expanse of muscle beneath her and they came to land on his shoulders. Joel took advantage of the change and began kissing her neck. Alternating between feather light touches and sloppy mouthed tongue kisses. He kissed his way up her neck and kissed the shell of her ear.
“Just admiring the Vegas view, darling.”
Did you add up all the cards left to play
To zero
And sign up with evil, Angeles?
“God, what are you doing?” Joel shouted across the park to Y/N. She had ducked behind a small wooden platform just after she had chucked a snowball at him. Another small ball hit him in the head and he turned to see Ellie running behind the slide.
“Having fun! Haven't you heard of it?” Y/N’s voice called out from her hiding place. She threw another snowball but he ducked that one.
“No, I haven't, because we’re needed on patrol! C’mon now.” Joel tried to contain his laughter but Ellie ran up behind him and dumped snow on his head, making him chuckle.
“Gotcha, old man.” Ellie smirked proudly and dashed off to join Dina and Jesse at the pavilion. Y/N came out of her makeshift shelter and walked towards him, giggling madly.
“Oh, she got you good.” Y/N brushed off his shoulders and ran her fingers through his hair. He gave her a curious look.
“What? You got snow in your hair.” Y/N met his eyes, a mischievous glare in her own.
“Yeah? Well, you got some snow on your face.” She seemed surprised as she couldn't feel any cold flakes.
“Right there.” Joel said, just before he kissed her. Y/N melted into the kiss, both because of the corny words and the luscious body heat he provided. He deepened this kiss and just as her knees began to shake he dumped a snowball over her head.
“Damn you, Miller!” Y/N gave chase after the old man laughing his ass off.
Don't start me trying now
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
'Cause I'm all over it, Angeles
“Joel, enough! You can't keep controlling her like this!” Y/N’s voice was stern but not loud- it was damn near one in the morning and she didn't want to risk a noise complaint from her neighbors.
“You have no place telling me what I can and can't do, Y/N. You ain’t been there.” Joel was unnervingly still, as he usually was when Ellie was brought up.
“That's bullshit, Joel, and you know it. I've been there for that girl for the last five years. I have every damn right-”
“No, you don't! You weren't there! You have no idea what I've done for that girl!” Joel was shouting now- neighbors be damned.
“You think I don't know? You think that wasn't one of the first things Tommy told me when we got together? That you killed those doctors? I'm fucking aware!”
Joel seemed shocked. Betrayed.
“Joel- that was too far. I'm sorry. But you have to listen to Ellie. I know it hurts but if she doesn't want you to be her dad-”
“If I ain't her dad, then you sure as hell ain't her mama.” Joel’s eyes were furious. He stared straight at Y/N. Regret shone in his eyes but he didn't speak of it. Y/N chuckled darkly, staring at the floor.
“Fuck you, Joel.”
Then she was gone.
I can make you satisfied in
Everything you do
All your secret wishes could right
Now be coming true
And be forever with my poison arms
Around you
A knock came at Ellie’s door. Ellie’s footsteps were quiet as she unlocked it and peeked her head out. Joel stood there, flowers in hand.
“She doesn't want to talk to you.” Ellie kept the door tight to her, not allowing Joel any glimpses inside.
“Ellie- it's ok.” A quiet voice sounds from behind the girl and Y/N is opening the door further.
She's a mess. Her hair is knotty and tangled. Her eyes were red. She looked like she hadn't slept in a week.
“What do you want, Joel?” She closed the door behind her and leaned against it, crossing her arms against the cool night breeze. Joel had to fight the urge to give her his jacket- knowing she wouldn't take it.
“I uh-” Joel cleared his throat. The speech he had prepared came back to him in pieces. “I want to apologize. What I said was way out of line. I'm sorry.” Y/N nodded vaguely, some form of acceptance.
“And I wanted to tell you that- shit. I'm not good at this.” Joel ran a hand down his face. “I wanted to say that I'm happiest when I'm with you. That you make me happier than anyone else on this damn planet. And I-” He took a shuddering breath. “I think I make you happy too.” Joel paused, trying to keep from fainting. The girl in front of him and the girl in the house behind her were the best things to ever happened to him- and he was fucking both of them up.
“I know that I'm not- shit, I'm not the best person. I'm not kind, or caring, or any of that. Maybe I'm the worst thing for you. But my mama always did say I was a selfish bastard. I can't be happy without you, Y/N. Please. Come home.” Joel finished his monologue and looked at Y/N and it was like he saw her for the first time again. She was smiling softly- but sadly.
“Joel Miller. You are the best person I've ever known. And maybe you are bad for me. Maybe you're poison. But I've never been one to shy away from a gamble.” Y/N grabbed Joel’s hand and looked him in the eye.
“Kiss me, Texas.” Joel almost broke down crying. All the shit he’d pulled, all the hurtful words he’d said, and for some reason, she still loved him. He really was the luckiest son of a bitch on God’s green earth.
“With pleasure, Vegas.” As their lips crashed again, there were no fireworks. No sparks flying. No. Their kiss felt to both of them like hot cocoa on a winter's day. Like a guitar by a campfire. Like pancakes in the morning. Like home.
No one's gonna fool around with us
No one's gonna fool around with us
So glad to meet'cha, Angeles
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