#my guy is face to face with the old king from those tales 3000 years ago
hearties-circus · 11 months
Forever and always so incredibly fucked up about x and y </3
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silver-stargazing · 7 years
Storytime with Joel and The Bots
My submission for @aggressivelyarospec AggressivelyArospecWeek. I wrote about Joel Robinson from Mystery Science Theater 3000, who I headcanon as aro/ace and also as someone who, at one point in his life, wanted children of his own.
Please note that this is entirely a headcanon and that you are more than welcome to have a different headcanon from mine. Draw a picture, write a song, compose an awesome play, make a goofy post, whatever it is that helps you express your important headcanons! I’d honestly love to see more headcanons about these wonderful characters!
And for context: this takes place a few days after Women of the Prehistoric Planet, so this would be very early in the show’s run and only a few months into Joel’s captivity. The only thing you need to know is that they had a couch briefly on the bridge.
Word Count: 2572
“C’mon, Joel! Hurry up!”
From the Satellite’s kitchen, a slightly muffled voice responded.
“One more minute, Crow! My hot chocolate’s almost done.”
“How long does it take to make one cup of Swiss Miss?” Tom Servo shot back. “It’s like you’ve been in there for hours. Did you fall into the stove again? Do we need to call LifeAlert?”
“You keep up with that sass, Tom, and there’ll be no RAM chips for any of you guys. Now I said a minute and I meant it.”
The Bots both groused for a moment. Then the bridge of the Satellite of Love fell into a restless silence as its robotic crew waited impatiently on their big comfortable couch.
The past few days had really tested the patience of the Satellite’s crew, both robots and human alike.
They’d had to sit through a particularly dreadful film called Women of the Prehistoric Planet and deal with a doomsday device that did nothing but aggravate them even further. Then, once the experiment was finally over, they ended up flying through a nasty solar storm that resulted in a brief black-out, shorting out many of the Satellite’s essential functions including the heating.
According to Gypsy’s calculations, the Satellite would return to normal after a few days of system updates and reboots. Until then, though, no heat.
To compensate for the coldness, warm blankets and pillows had been dragged out of every nook and cranny and stockpiled onto the bridge. The Bots had their built-in heaters, but the chill of the Satellite mixed with the general frigid coldness of space was more than enough to get everyone to bundle up. Crow and Tom were wrapped up tightly with several multi-color afghans, Gypsy had a bright pink shawl tied up around her head and body, and even Cambot had on a little winter hat made from spare fabric.
Joel Robinson, the sole human occupant of the SOL, walked into the room holding a small stack of books and his coffee mug. He looked to all the world like he’d just come out of a blizzard. He had three different layers of Gizmonics sweaters on over his regular jumpsuit plus a cozy wool jacket. His hands were covered in several gloves, each with a built-in heating unit of his own design. His face was barely recognizable under the length of scarf covering it, but from the warm crinkle lines around his eyes, the Bots could tell that he was actually enjoying the change in climate.
“Peculiar weather we’re having for June, huh?” he joked. “Reminds me of those summer days back in Minneapolis.”
He placed the pile of books down in between Tom and Crow and set off to the far opposite of the room where Cambot lay nestled on a pillow.
“Sure you don’t want to join us, little guy?” asked Joel softly while adjusting the bot’s tiny hat.
The bot narrowed his lens and nestled even deeper, indicating he was comfortable where he was currently.
Joel nodded and gave Cambot a little pat on the head before returning to the couch. The little bot had always been a bit more standoffish by nature, anyway. Always happy to simply be around his family but not directly interact with anyone. Joel could understand that.
Grabbing a heap of blankets, Joel settled himself neatly between Tom and Crow on the couch. He cradled his hot coco in his gloved hands, cherishing the taste of chocolate and appreciating the warmth. It was so warm, in fact, that it was almost enough to put someone to-
“Hey, don’t go to sleep yet!” Tom called out, jerking Joel straight out of his daze.
“Yeah, remember?” said Crow, nudging the pile of books with a small golden claw. “Stories?”
“Stories!” Gypsy exclaimed excitedly.
Storytime was a relatively new tradition on the Satellite of Love. A week ago, when Joel first found the couch in the loading bay, he also came across an old box full of fairy tale and folk lore books. Why they were there in the first place, he never knew why (then again, he’d learned by now to stop asking too many questions when it came to the Satellite anyway).
Originally, he read the stories to test the Bots’ comprehension skills and experiment with how much information they could retain. Overtime, though, storytime turned into less of a lab test and more of a nightly gathering for the residents of the Satellite to take a break. To hear stories that were designed to lift their spirits up rather than break them down. Sure, their evil overlords down in Deep 13 would probably take away both the stories and the couch as it would mess with their data, but for now, everyone on board appreciated their time spent together.
“Well, all right. We’ve got storytime and then a letter from Earth to read after that.” He began to flip through the stack of books. “Which story should we read tonight? We’ve got Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Pinocchio-“
Tom shuddered.
“Never again with that one. Way to traumatize me away from show biz, story.”
“Not me!” said Crow enthusiastically. “Hollywood ain’t seen nothing ‘till they sees the likes of Crow T. Robot! I’ll be up there with the legends. Steven Spielberg, Billy Wilder, Francis Ford Coppola…”
“Yeah, more like Ed Wood, Coleman Francis, and Sandy Frank,” muttered Servo.
“Hey!” Crow squawked indignantly.
“Girl!” croaked Gypsy, distracting everyone from the brewing fight between Crow and Tom. The purple robot pointed her head in the direction of the book stack.
“Do you want us to read a story about a girl, Gypsy?” asked Joel, proud of her for taking the initiative in choosing a book. She was usually so shy and introverted around the rest of the Crew during their nightly storytime.
She nodded her head vigorously. Both Tom and Crow groaned.
“A girl book? Aww Joel? Do we have to?”
“Hey, you should have said something before Gypsy. Besides, I happen to recall that you, Mr. Tom, have chosen the last three stories in a row.”
Servo sighed.
“Alright, we can give Gypsy’s story a try.”
They silently rummaged through the story books, occasionally showing a book to Gypsy only for her to reject each offering.
Crow waved a book in front of Joel’s face.
“Ha-ha. Hey! She looks just like how you used to look!”
On the cover was a young woman with impossibly long blonde hair. Rapunzel.
“Very funny, Mr. Smart Guy,” replied Joel dryly. His right hand ghosted over where his old hair length used to be. That extra hair probably would have helped to keep him a little bit warmer, he lamented.
“What do you think about this one, Gyps?” asked Crow, holding the book up for Gypsy. “She’s got really long hair just like you’ve got a really long coil.”
“Yeah! Yeah!” she responded, nodding her head eagerly.
Crow passed the picture book off to Joel, who then held the book up for Cambot to see.
“You all right with Rapunzel, Cambot?”
The bot’s lens widened and his whole form whirred with excitement. Joel smiled at the quirky response.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
He quickly drained the remaining dregs of his hot chocolate and set the mug aside.
Cracking open the book, he gave a dignified “Hem” and began:
“Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom…”
And so, Joel recounted the tale of the maiden Rapunzel, of the evil witch who imprisoned the young girl in a tower, and of Rapunzel’s noble prince. He paused occasionally to address any questions and allow for riffing from his captivated audience (that was, after all, what the Bots were originally designed for. To make jokes at stories no matter how good or bad they were. Joel found no point in discouraging them from what they were built to do).
“And Rapunzel and her Prince rode off to the Prince’s kingdom where they lived, happily married and with several wonderful children, for many long and loving years. The End. So, what did you all think of the story?”
“Yay!” exclaimed Gypsy, enthused by the story’s happy ending. Cambot similarly buzzed with delight.
“Thought the second act could’ve been stronger. And that ending? Is it believable in that era that a peasant would marry into nobility? The whole kingdom would be thrown apart by scandal! It would be like Wallis Simpson and King Edward all over again!” Tom argued before adding hesitantly “It was nice that the Prince got his eyesight back, though.”
Crow, meanwhile, seemed to have his focus elsewhere entirely, his ping pong eyes darting everywhere in concentration.
“Crow, buddy, what’d you think of Rapunzel?”
“Wait a second…Joel!” Crow finally cried out. “Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel! Remember how I said you looked like the lady?”
“Yeah, I remember. And I should really have a talk with you about-”
“Oh, I was joking then, but Joel! What if you did grow out your hair long enough so that it could reach Earth? We’d be saved!”
The human could only chuckle at the Bot’s suggestion.
“I don’t know if that would work too well,” was all he could respond before laughing again.
“What? Why not?! We’re all basically stuck in a tower like Rapunzel anyway. Let your hair grow out, toss it out the airlock and wait for a wayfaring prince to come and rescue us! C’mon, it’s foolproof!”
“Crow, space and human hair do not work-”
“Oh yeah, and then maybe you and the prince could get married and we could all live in a castle!” Servo chimed in. Joel could honestly not tell whether Tom was being serious or not. “Get ourselves some servants, a few butlers, a swimming pool, the whole nine yards!”
“Marriage? Now that’s the most far-fetched thing you guys have said yet!” snorted Joel, before realizing what he had just said.
He awkwardly coughed and gave an outwardly light laugh. Scratching the back of his head, he hoped for something, anything to change the subject. He really didn’t feel ready to have this conversation yet (if ever).
“What’s so odd about you and marriage, Joel?” Tom inquired innocently.
“Yeah, are you already married or something?” came the follow-up question from Crow.
“Wife?” asked Gypsy.
“No, not married. It’s just, I’ve never considered getting married before. Well, actually…at all. Just never been for me, I guess.”
“How do ya’ figure?” said Crow.
Joel opened his mouth, paused and closed it again, considering what to say next.
To him, it had always been so simple. He had long accepted that he would rather be in a lab cooking up a new gadget or planning his next invention than pursuing any sort of romantic relationship. Romance was about as appealing to him as an arsenic and hamdinger sandwich.
But how do you explain that lack of attraction? The Bots only had a scant understanding of human behavior, most of which came from awful B-movies. Joel would have to choose his words carefully.
“It’s like…some folks have lives and stories a lot like Rapunzel and her Prince,” he finally said. “They find someone who they deeply love all romantic like and they hopefully live happily ever after together. But that’s not everyone’s story.”
“Some folks, myself included, have stories more like…more like Geppetto.”
“What? The old geezer from Pinocchio?” Crow responded incredulously.
“Yeah, does that mean we’re going to get a cricket infestation and Crow’s beak is going to grow longer than it already is?” joked Tom.
“No no. Just that Geppetto is so full of love but not in the same way as Rapunzel is for her Prince. He has more of this wonderful platonic love. A love for his craft. A love for life,” Joel reached over to pat Gypsy on the head. “A love for his creations.”
“Aww,” she said.
“I think the word they were using for that back on Earth was ‘aromantic’.”
“Well, I always thought you smelled lovely,” said Tom.
Joel smiled at the word-play.
“That’s ‘aromatic’, you goof. And I don’t remember installing any smell sensors in you, either.”
“Wouldn’t be opposed to an upgrade,” Tom quickly replied. “You know, my vocal box still keeps glitching on me from time-to-time.”
“I’ll see what parts I can scavenge to build you a new voice box. Might take a while but we’ll fix it.”
Joel paused and looked upwards.
“Hey, Magic Voice. How are we doing with those system updates? Any estimates?”
“Five more hours, Joel,” chimed a light mechanical but still recognizably female voice over the Satellite’s intercom.
He gave a weary sigh.
“Thanks. Looks like I’ll have to make some actual coffee this time. It’s going to be a long night.” He shifted, getting ready to stand up. “Maybe I’ll sniff out some RAM chips while I’m in the kitchen. Gypsy, honey, you want to help me search for some?”
“But-but Joel?” Crow finally said, still processing what Joel just told them. “If we can’t marry you off, how are we going to convince a wandering prince to save us?”
Joel could hear the worry in the golden bot’s voice. He placed a gloved hand on Crow’s shoulder.
“We don’t need any Prince to save us. Crow, you just came up with an escape plan in minutes! Why would we need a stuffy old prince to get us out when we’ve got a couple of expert jailbreakers right here? We’re all smart enough to get home safely together.”
“Well…” Crow started, reconsidering his plan. “We could always modify the plan so that I climb down your hair to Earth.”
“There we go!”
“Yeah! And then, in a thrilling conclusion to our epic odyssey, I’ll lead an expert commando squadron of elite ninja warriors to infiltrate and bring down Deep 13, getting you all back to Earth! I should really check to make sure my ninja contacts are all up to date…”
“Give me an outline of the plan in the morning and I’ll see what I can do for you, buddy” said Joel, getting ready to return to the kitchen. He stopped, suddenly remembering the letter in his jacket pocket.
“I almost forgot, the Mads sent us a letter before the black-out earlier. There’s not going to be an experiment this week until they get the projector fixed but we can still read it.”
“Who’s it from, Joel?” asked Tom.
“From a Mr....Isaac Asimov? From Minnesota, Earth?” Joel looked at the address then back at the Bots. “You guys didn’t have anything to do with this, did you?”
They all shook their heads, even Cambot. The human still suspected otherwise.
Joel opened the letter and smiled wider than he had in months.
It was a crayon drawing of a red jump-suited person being hugged by a red gumball machine, a golden bowling ball pin, a purple snake, and a camera on a wire.
The SOL crew.
Joel felt a tear leak from his eye. Years back on Earth spent in misery, coming to terms with the fact he’d never have a family like he’d often wished for. All that felt immediately shut down by this letter
Here was his family all along, sticking it out together on a satellite orbiting the Earth. An unconventional family? Sure, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
The letter simply read:
Joel’s honestly really important to me in regards to headcanoning him as aro/ace. Here’s a cool and relaxed man who I see as aromantic who has a family and is a wonderful parent to his kids. As an aro/ace person who might like to have kids of her own one day (maybe), it’s kind of reassuring to know that Aromantics can make for great parents.
This is also actually my very first fanfiction and probably my first time writing creative fiction since I was 14 (discounting any songs that I’ve written as writing those feels like a completely different experience). So I apologize if the characters seem OOC. Never was the best with dialogue, so it was probably a poor decision to have my first fic be comprised largely of dialogue...
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I just finished Impyrium by Henry H Neff and I’m gonna talk about it because I have a lot of feelings so spoiler warning
-I completely forgot the demon’s conditions for the Red Winter Treaty so I saw the Prusian Sea on the map and I was like “huh I wonder what the crafty bastard did to get an ocean named after him” and then I got to the line about underwater demon kingdoms and I was like THAT’S RIGHT THEY BANISHED HIM TO THE SEA and of course he still managed to go make himself a successful kingdom like ffs Prusias just enjoy retirement.
-Sigga Fenn is my new favorite character. What a bro. I mean yeah she played Hob like a panther stalking a rabbit and absolutely would have killed him in an instant and we don’t still know what her exact orders are but there are times when she does seem to be as sincere and friendly as she can professionally be and like honestly it’s nice to have such a chill agent. Disguising herself as the old lady was hilarious like that was so unnecessary Sigga you didn’t have to steal her dessert
-I love the dynamics between the triplets. Isabel is great.
-homunculus breeding is fascinating oh my god
-”Hazel saw that Harkün had also drawn a dagger with a wavy black blade” TFW you’re such a die-hard Cooper fan you can recognize his weapon 3000 years later
-speaking of the devil, I hope that Mystic with mismatched eyes was a descendant of who I think she was because please imagine Hazel Cooper’s reaction to finding her greatx3k granddaughter gambling with a domovoi
-Like. I know Prime is not going to turn out to be Cooper but there’s a tiny part of my sappy fangirl heart going, “if anyone were to volunteer themselves to be turned into a statue for all eternity to protect Rowan it would probably be him”
-Hob’s sass is beautiful can he give me lessons
-I love the quotes at the start of the chapters, not only did they bring more meaning to the chapters but they also provided some context and backstory, like how old David lived to be.
-Honestly Hazel’s mentality was so unapologetically realistic like she was so innocent and oblivious but then she started learning things and I love her revelations that she can take control of her own life. But like she was still allowed to be delicate and cry and sleep with a stuffed giraffe and it wasn’t depicted as weakness.
-I will be forever be impressed at the all the political webs Henry weaves
-Montague’s character development
-I wonder what Ember really did with Mina like did he really eat her or is she chillin in his mouth under the sea
-The two perspectives were so great and it was awesome because you can’t trust the Fellowship and you can’t trust the royals, you can only trust that the main characters themselves will see the faults of their respective sides and make the right decisions. I love how they opened each other’s eyes to new things.
-It’s so cool because The Tapestry was so heavily based in Irish mythology and now Impyrium is based in Tapestry mythology like the original series became the mythology of the new series, which means that our world is part of that mythology. I remember Henry saying something about how The Tapestry was partially a story about human perseverance and that really spoke to me in some parts of this book too. That ancient, scratched-up, barely-working Disney film was so unsettling but so wonderful. Burke’s line about “would you believe we lowly little humans once walked on the moon?” The part where the Fellowship is explaining about how humans once built flying ships and split matter to its smallest components without any magic, just with the sheer power of their minds. It’s inspiring. And it was interesting seeing that different perspective of the destruction of the Book of Thoth, like we were just starting to explore the heavens themselves and then that technology was taken away from us. But like it said, at least we’re still walking on the Earth. It’s surreal reading this and realizing that in this book we are the ancient civilizations. Much of our history is either not known at all or considered a nonsensical fairy tale. But Disney films and the Brothers Grimm tales still exist. Stories persevere, no matter how rare or expensive or illegal they may become. Getting even more meta, it’s just like the stories of the original series becoming the mythology of this one. Stories stick around, no matter how much they may change, and apparently the same applies to humanity.
-I would love to talk to someone who read Impyrium without reading The Tapestry first and find out what that realization was like, when it suddenly dawned on them that this had once been our world.
-It’s also really interesting and kind of funny seeing the empress and the princesses have the whole week-long pilgrimage and put themselves through such physical and mental duress to go worship this mysterious scary god-king from another world when those of us who have read The Tapestry know that this all-powerful warrior is the same guy who got repeatedly bossed around by a talking goose and once used magic to leap 20 feet in the air because he got startled by a robot centipede. The Hound of Rowan, everybody. One thing I always admired about Max’s character was that no matter how much he grew and changed the core of his personality, his kindness and his humor, stayed the same (and even when he went full supernova god in the Workshop he was still able to keep from destroying everybody because of the love he felt for his friends). And I’m glad that even just from that little glimpse we got of him we can see that he still holds that same personality, that he was so eager to help this teenage girl that he forgot about the FATAL WOUND that would literally kill him if he went through the gate like Max never change
-I was not expecting this story to give me so many Max feels like I thought I was over the end of The Red Winter but apparently not. I actually laughed when they brought out the lyrmrills as offerings because it was so beautifully nostalgic and sentimental but also like, what else would it be? The man loves his lymrills.
-Speaking of Max getting bossed around by Hannah I seem to remember her saying she was immortal at the end of The Red Winter so are she and her goslings still wandering around the Direwoods oh god
-Again it must be such a different experience reading this without the context of the first series because that whole Direwoods field trip was kind of a punch in the gut. I remember in The Hound of Rowan reading about the abandoned charges wandering the Sanctuary and forgetting that humans ever cared for them and I thought that was so sad and now the entire Sanctuary is like that. The Sanctuary was such a beacon of hope and peace and now it’s just a creepy haunted forest where little rich kids are afraid to get their feet dirty. Who knows how long selkies live, that could have been Frigga or Helga in the lagoon being so glad to have some humans to play with again. And the ruins of the Warming Lodge and the dvergar brother’s forge. Dude that one classroom had Nile Croakers and domovoi and stuff in cages and the selkies were described as “water beasts” like that was so sad it feels so wrong and it’s such a good representation of how the culture has changed
-Like honestly it’s just such a message about the nature of history. It reminds me of Church’s monologue from the end of season 13 of Red vs Blue, where he talked about the hero never getting to know if his sacrifice was worth it. Max didn’t know what became of his friends or the world he left behind presumably until David’s death (and don’t think I don’t have a fanfic idea about that), and then Max and David and everyone presumably don’t really know what became of their world 3000 years later, like they know the gate and the dragon exist and they know about the Faeregines coming on pilgrimage every few years, but I guess they probably don’t know much beyond that. They never get to see the long-lasting effects of their efforts, and they don’t get to know the perspectives with which people view them and the legends they’ve become. They didn’t want Rowan to become a place for snobby elites, and they didn’t want nonmagical people to be discriminated against, but they can’t do anything about it. Because we can act to change our history, but in the long run we never know how our stories will end up being told. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take action to better our world for the present and the foreseeable future.
-I love all the subtle parallels, intentional or not, between this story and The Tapestry. Kids sneaking out at night for a sleepover on a ship, kids sneaking out for a duel. A man losing his face. Workshop specimens getting stolen. Being betrayed by a friend (honestly, I didn’t suspect Viktor at all until he suggested that they collect firewood and then my mind immediately went to Rolf and Connor for some reason even though there was no real connection). The illustration of Hob outside Hazel’s tent with the House Blade next to the fire reminded me so much of Cooper sneaking into Max’s tent with the poisoned Atropos blade, and it was Scathach the shadow who saved Max and Sigga the shadow who saved Hazel and Hob. History repeats itself. No matter how much some things change, some things still repeat.
-Olly was such a great character, like he had flaws but he acknowledged and apologized for them and he was so great. Sniff.
-Seriously Sigga is that teacher who’s like “I know you’re going though a lot so I’m going to conveniently forget to close the submission box until a while after the due date so I won’t know if you turned the homework in late but if I do catch you turning it in late I gotta fail you sorry”
-Also can we talk about the fact that Ember apparently fell in love with Astaroth’s hell dragon that he conjured from dead people like oh my god Ember plz you guys almost killed each other
-I feel like remember Henry saying something about us eventually getting to hear more about the grymholch from Prusias’s arena and the world it was from and I hope that happens
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/all-the-best-movies-coming-to-and-leaving-netflix-in-april-2017/
All the Best Movies Coming to and Leaving Netflix in April 2017
Netflix is about to rain down on April with some nerd-friendly original content, but that’s coming at the cost of some of the best nerd-friendly classic TV.
The Highlights
Let’s get the bad news out first. Several classic series are leaving Netflix. From my probably incorrect memory, a few of these have been with Netflix since the start of streaming. Okay, here we go then, you ready? Because this is going to hurt. Here are some of the shows leaving Netflix April 1: Firefly, The X-Files, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, House, Bones, Ally McBeal, and Roswell. Movies aren’t safe either, with The Princess Bride, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and The Usual Suspects all leaving at the beginning of the month too. I know, it doesn’t feel great. Take a second. There’s good news though.
The new Mystery Science Theater series arrives April 14 and Bill Nye’s new show, Bill Nye Saves the World arrives April 21. Also coming back are the The Get Down and Chewing Gum, alongside a handful of interesting looking new shows, like, Girlboss and Dear White People.
New Netflix movies are also on the way, including the already-maligned live-action Death Note, which features white people in a remake of a Japanese anime—something that we all know people love. If that wasn’t enough, Death Note is directed by the same guy behind the 2016 Blair Witch movie and one of the writers also worked on the 2014 Fantastic Four and the 2016 The Exorcist.
Also something people love, another Adam Sandler movie. This time it’s Sandy Wexler, which is directed by the man behind other Adam Sandler classics like Little Nicky and Mr. Deeds. You remember those Adam Sandler classics, right? Also on the way is a stylized documentary about JonBenét, Casting JonBenét, which looks like a fittingly bizarre take on an already very-weird story.
None-Netflix movies arriving this month include The BFG, which was supposed to arrive last month but apparently was delayed, Gremlins, Schindler’s List, and The Prestige, a film that’s so Christopher Nolan-y that just reading the title of the movie puts your brain in a “figure it out” mode. Spoiler, there’s a twist revealed at the end! Also Christian Bale has a moody mustache.
Leaving Netflix This Month
April 1
Ally McBeal: Seasons 1 – 5
Angel: Seasons 1 – 5
Better Off Ted: Season 1
Barbershop 2: Back in Business
Bones: Seasons 1 – 4
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Seasons 1 – 7
Dollhouse: Season 1
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
House, M.D.: Seasons 1 – 8
Lie to Me: Season 1
Menace II Society
Resident Evil: Extinction
Rosewell: Seasons 1 – 3
Snow Day
Stomp the Yard
Superman II
Superman III
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Superman Returns
Superman: The Movie
The Agony and the Ecstasy
The Boys from Brazil
The Escapist
The Princess Bride
The Riches: Seasons 1 – 2
The Usual Suspects
The X-Files: Seasons 1 – 9
Vanilla Sky
April 3
Collateral Damage
The Circle
April 7
Legit: Season 2
Wilfred: Season 4
April 9
April 10
Legit: Season 1
Flower Girl
April 14
The Lazarus Effect
April 15
A Fantastic Fear of Everything
April 17
American Dad! Season 6
April 26
The Nutty Professor 2: Facing the Fear
April 30
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Mirror
Born to Defense
The Defender
Arriving on Netflix This Month
April 1
A Weekend with the Family (2016)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Across the Universe (2007)
An American Tail (1986)
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (1991)
An American Tail: The Mystery of the Night Monster (1999)
Boy Bye (2016)
Born To Be Free (2016)
Cool Runnings (1993)
Good Witch: Season 2 (2016)
Gremlins (1984)
Only for One Night (2016)
Richard Pryor: Live & Smokin’ (1971)
Scooby-Doo (2002)
Schindler’s List (1993)
Something’s Gotta Give (2003)
Thunderstruck (2012)
Wynonna Earp: Season 1 (2016)
Trouble with the Curve (2012)
Tropic Thunder (2008)
The Tenth Man (2016)
April 2
The D Train (2015)
April 4
Chewing Gum: Season 2—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
April 6
Disney’s The BFG (2016)
April 7
Dawn of the Croods: Season 3—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
April 8
Kubo and the Two Strings (2016)
April 10
Documentary Now!: Season 2 (2016)
April 11
Kevin Hart: What Now (2016)
April 12
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: Season 2 (2016)
April 14
Chelsea: Season 2—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
El Elegido (2017)
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
April 15
Disney’s Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)
April 18
Lucas Brothers: On Drugs—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
April 19
A Plastic Ocean
April 21
Bill Nye Saves the World: Season 1—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Girlboss: Season 1—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On: Season 1—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Tales by Light: Season 2—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show: Season 4—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
The Prestige (2006)
April 22
The Great British Baking Show: Masterclass: Season 1-3 (2016)
The Secret Life of Pets (2016)
April 23
Liv and Maddie: Season 4 (2016)
Phantom (2013)
April 25
Long Nights Short Mornings (2016)
April 25
Disney’s Queen of Katwe (2016)
The 101-Year-Old Man Who Skipped Out on the Bill and Disappeared—NETFLIX ORIGINAL FILM
Vir Das: Abroad Understanding—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
April 26
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Trust (2010)
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Las Chicas del Cable: Season 1—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
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Dear White People: Season 1—NETFLIX ORIGINAL
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