#my family has made jokes about belly button lint my entire life so its kind of normal to me
funshinebf · 6 months
one thing no one warned me about when starting T is that when your stomach grows hair you will probably have to start cleaning your belly button more often. idk about anyone else but i rarely thought about cleaning it out but now i clean it at the very least every time i shower but often more frequently than that
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Trying to Make a Dollar out of Fifteen Cents
Hello there, Dear Reader. The time has come talk about finances in modern society for the not so young adults. I am talking about those of you, born in the late 1980’s and/or who graduated during years following the economic crash of 2007-2008. If you are part of that misfit group. CONGRADULATIONS! You have graduated from the School of Hard Knock Life. We are part of the not so forgot but, greatly mislabeled group that gets shitted by the media at large as the “lazy millennials.” Although, when I last checked I thought we were the Next Generation or is it Generation XYZ. Who knows anymore?!? It seems like society is confused about where to place us, just like we are confused on how we got here. SHRUG
What do I mean by here? I am talking about the group of late 20’s and early 30’s people who despite all the motivation and education got shafted when it came to “doing better than our parents.” Our lovely parents and mentors force fed us the lie that working hard, and getting smart would help us excel in life. The world was our oyster and knowledge and aspirations was the pearl. HA! Wrong again. If you are like me, this old-school formula worked out pretty crappy in the end. We got into magnet programs, skipped grades, took honors courses, graduated early and were met with some serious “real world” realness. Fuck me.  Fuck this. You know what?  Fuck you, world!  What the fuck was I thinking?!?
Most likely, if you are like myself you are on the other side of 25 wondering, how am I supposed to get out of debt with these two pennies and belly button lint. You still live in your childhood home with your parents or living in a loft in the sketchy part of town with your seven roommates to garner some type of independence; which is ultimately based on how long can we stretch out these three cup of noodles until our next paycheck. This is the harsh reality.  Society pretty much ignores the true problem but, in turn blames us for not searching long or hard enough and feeling entitled to better (livable) pay.
Bonus points if your parents and their friends are anything like mine. The elderly are quick to give you all the old-school mentality on how to land a good paying job and eventually a career.
Parent: Sweetheart, why are you on the computer all day? I saw a help wanted sign at insert random company name here. You should get up put on your Sundays best and go there and ask to speak to the manager. Introduce yourself and as for an application. If you keep doing this every day or week the next time they have a job opening you can get that interview and land that job.
Us: Major eye roll sequence ACTIVATED
“To all the kids all across the land, no need to argue, parents just don’t understand.”- Will Smith
This way of getting a job died in the early 2000s, when everybody and they mama moved to digital, including signing up for FASA and student loans. Hehe Student loans. The American systems biggest joke.
Society: Hey you want a good job, go to college and when you get there we want to know you and parents’ income. Sorry, despite your family living just above poverty level, you make too much for a grant.
Student: Oh no! How will I pay for school?
Society: Funny you should ask. Apply for student loans through your school or government. And while you take out the thousands upon thousands of dollars needed to deal with an array of professors that range from chill to uptight. And oh, don’t forget to take out a little extra for the text book that is less than 100 pages long, that your professor made a requirement even if you are only going to open four times the entire semester, but cost $350.
Student: Well, okay. I mean, the public-school system was in taught me little to nothing about this and I just turn 18. While I am at it, let me borrow a little extra so, I can get those new Jordans that are going to drop next week. 
4 to 5 years and countless all night study sessions later
Student: YAY! It’s time for me to graduate. Wait. What do you mean I got to pay $50 for my diploma? Omg, so glad I’m graduating. Soon, I’ll get that good paying job with benefits I’ve been working so hard for this high GPA for.
6 months later
Society: Hey, alumni, it’s time to start paying for your student loans back. And depending on what kind of loan you signed for you might have to pay for interest acquired as soon as you signed on the dotted line. Oh, you’re not working we don’t care you need to start paying money or fill out a form explaining that you are looking for employment. Also, could find it in your heart to donate to your alma mater.
2-3 years later and still making peanuts
Forever the Broke College Student : Student loans, credit card debit, cell phone bills, rent and car upkeep. Hmm, how is I got paid Friday and its Sunday and I got $25 to last me for the next two weeks.
Yep, Dear Reader, this is the reality of a vast majority of us 20 to 30 something and who knows if or when it will end. It makes me jealous of my peers who did not go to or finish college. Tim with trade school certification in insert blue color skill that is still needed has no student loans to payback, has medical and life insurance, living on his own, and saving for his retirement. 401(K) what’s that? What you mean you want to take 3%-12% of my pay BEFORE taxes so I have something to live off of when (if I am lucky) when I turn 65. Cause we all know social security is dying out.
Well, I do not know how to finished this post because it is an open-ended problem that has no solution in sight. I guess me and my friends drowning in debt with our minimum wage jobs as part time nanny, pool cleaner, bartender, barista, and dog walker will just have to figure it the fuck out.
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