#my complaint should not be relevant for those who share their arts for free
lonicera-edulis · 10 months
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My sniffiness in no way should downgrade anyone as an artist, but sometimes I wish artists could add a few extra lines on faces.
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svtskneecaps · 4 years
i’ve been enabled
here’s the sitch on the goddamn harry potter hogwarts mystery app game
it fucking sucks
here’s my main issues in a handy list i’ll go down later:
the gameplay
art / visuals
the story
the writing
the choose your own adventure like elements (technically gameplay since there isn’t much else l m a o)
and i have receipts for most of this stuff. fun fact, i’ve been taking videos of all plot relevant events since year 1.
some context:
i’ve played up to year 3 myself. i have watched up until the very beginning of year 5 in someone’s youtube series (will bits? that was his main character [henceforth referred to as MC]’s name, however that was a year ago and it was in the background like a podcast so the details are sort of fuzzy. i have not played the game since march (it’s september, ish), but i’m loading it up as i type this just to get a feel for it
idk whether to assume my audience has or hasn’t played the game. i’ll keep my complaints as clear as possible.
i’m mainly an author so the storytelling sections are where i’m really going to pop off, since that’s something i have the most experience with and passion in, but i’ll be touching on everything else because compounded it’s all pissing me off lmao
[a couple hints at spoilers for maybe an event in year 1, and year 3, but nothing major]
let’s start with: THE GAMEPLAY
there isn’t any
literally. there’s like. zero gameplay.
you tap some highlighted figures, and then sometimes you get to trace a little shape, and sometimes you get to play rock paper scissors to fight somebody (they did manage to make duelling slightly better but it’s still not good by any standard)
sometimes you get to choose between three dialogue options, but those have barely any impact on the story or on your character. any impact they have is limited to a couple stat points, or maybe some house points, or like. some event at the end of the year. but like barely any make any real serious difference (but i’ll touch on that more later)
and then there’s the factor of stat points (and this gets kind of mathy, so feel free to skip to the bolded sentence)
for those who haven’t played the game, you have three stats (empathy, courage, and knowledge) that you can level up by taking classes, 1, 3, or 8 hours, for various rewards
back when i stopped playing, i had gained 8914 points in courage. if i recall correctly i was only about halfway to leveling up that stat. if you take an 8 hour class, you receive consistently 200 stat points, with a possibility of extra rewards that i can’t count for since those are randomly generated.
to get those 8914 points, i would have had to take 44.57 8 hour classes (while 8 hour they only take about 7, counting for the 2 hours it takes my energy to recharge to full). with 44.57 classes taking 7 hours each, to get halfway to level 24, i would have had to have done:
i think they’ve fixed this now; it said i had 8914/1550 courage and when i got stat points it fixed itself and jumped me from level 23 to 28, so thanks for that jam city.
but it doesn’t change the fact that the grinding is fucking horrible and i’ve done my fair share of hours, and who knows what it’s going to look like when i get to a higher level again
the energy
yes, i know it’s an app game. i know they want my money. but holy FUCK the energy recharges disgustingly slowly, and every bit they expand my energy bar is an insult
“here, have another energy capacity!” they say, and then add to the amount of energy it takes to complete a task at the same time, so now shit just takes me even damn longer
it’s an insult. don’t think i didn’t fuckin notice jam city.
since it’s an app game, naturally, energy requires paying real world money or the (semi) rare in-game currency to get more if you blow through your bar. they want your money. i know they want my money, but it doesn’t make me any less disappointed by how damn blatant they’re being. app games like bakery story probably also want my money, but at least those are still fun to play.
the art / visuals
now i’m not an artist. nor am i a 3-d modeller. but if solo indie devs and 10 men teams can make video games that have to have models with a much fuller range of motion (since there’s ACTUAL GAMEPLAY and not just little cutscenes of characters moving around) and that don’t make me sick to watch, then jam city working on a HARRY POTTER GAME should be able to (jk rowling fucking sucks but her books have brought in so much goddamn money that they can afford to pay their devs enough to make the game look good; in this case i’m not entirely sure where the blame lies)
there’s like. 10 motions characters can use while in the cutscenes and talking. like 10. and i can recognize every one of them, and there is not a single motion unique to a character. the characters are something i’ll touch on later in the storytelling sections, though. just, please god give them SOMETHING even SLIGHTLY different. like make two versions of a couple of the crowd animations at LEAST, so that when people celebrate at the end of the year there’s not twenty people in the shot doing the same “pump my fists in the air in celebration” motion at the exact same time. PLEASE.
sometimes animations in story events and classes sync up too, which is. beyond distracting. like it’s completely immersion breaking and i mean please, please jam city, if you haven’t fixed that please fix it. please.
the animations that roll in flying class are fun, ONCE. when you’ve seen them eight hundred thousand times because you’re grinding up your courage stat, they get hella boring. all of the classes are like this to some extent but flying is the biggest offender since those were the longest animations. if they haven’t implemented a skip button since i last played it, they should. they fuckin should.
also the fertilizer animation in the greenhouse scenes is gross. you pick up a deformed cone of dirt with your shovel like a slice of cake and then shove it clipping through the edges of a pot, where it disappears without a trace. i hate it. jam city please make the game look good.
if you still play the game please tell me it looks better; i’ll be playing through a couple things after i post this but it’s hphm. it’s gonna take me a goddamn long time to hit all the points and confirm whether what i complained about has been fixed or not
also also, wearing dresses is so distracting, especially while dueling. the way the dress flexes around your legs is like you’re wearing clothing made from jello and when my character does the idle animation her hands clip through her skirt, and there’s all kids of glitches with hair where it clips through outfits (and why in the fuck do the necklaces float a full foot from the character’s body)
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the storytelling
alright there’s a lot to cover so strap in
i’m not mad about the story having some of the same beats as harry potter. whatever, right? if it worked, it worked. having a big climax at the end of the year just works well for storytelling. having a school bully antagonist also works well for easy storytelling (it’s kinda cheap, but whatever works, right?) it’s what you DO with the archetypes you use that makes or breaks your story
jam city broke it
i don’t know how to organize my thoughts so here’s a bulleted list
it is very clearly obvious they wrote this as they went along (ex. a previously unseen character pops up in year 3 and was supposedly the best friend of your greatest enemy in previous years) and didn’t think to fix the plot holes
there’s too many goddamn characters (i love them, but with a big cast comes a whole host of problems [I WRITE FOR A KPOP GROUP WITH 13 MEMBERS, I HAVE A LOT OF EXPERIENCE WITH THAT], and we’ll get there)
there’s too much goddamn filler for the sake of forcing us to spend time and in-game energy (yes i KNOW it’s an app game and they want our money but THEY COULD BE A LITTLE MORE SUBTLE ABOUT IT)
what honestly pisses me off the most about it is that IT COULD BE GOOD
but it’s not, and here’s the biggest gripe i have:
none of the choices you make matter. none of them. to the point where it’s immersion breaking at BEST
for example, while my MC is a hufflepuff, i know a lot of people play in slytherin. scenes where snape gets upset with your character and takes away house points no longer make sense for a slytherin MC, because snape would be infinitely more likely to give you three years of nightly detentions, or pitch you off the astronomy tower, than he would be to take house points from slytherin
honestly, they should have waited. if they wanted to put choose your own adventure elements into the game, they should have planned out every single one of those story arcs in detail, and THEN released the game. they could leave some of the more basic choices in and those choices only mattering for short term effects wouldn’t irk me as much as it does right now because THERE WOULD BE CHOICES THAT MADE A DIFFERENCE.
your very first choice over how you felt about your brother’s disappearance only matters for what wand you get (which i immediately forgot which really says something about the impact of that choice :)))) ). no matter what you pick, you still end up chasing after him for the rest of the game, so who cares?
story beats don’t land different based on your house. you could absolutely play it that merula hates you regardless of your house, that’s fine. just remember that if your MC is slytherin and lives in the female dorms, she probably shares a room with merula. which makes things fucky for all kinds of reasons, none of which jam city addresses in the current game, as far as i’m aware
also, there’s the deal with rowan
rowan is a character that goes into your mc’s chosen house no matter what (and as rowan changes pronouns with your player, i’ll be using “they” [or “she” as my player is a she and that’s what i’m used to; i’ll try to refrain but i might slip up occasionally] ). as far as i can tell, rowan’s personality remains the same no matter what house you’re in. they don’t try to play up the traits that match the house, rowan is just usually a sweet bookworm. why would the hat have put them in gryffindor? rowan khanna for me has never seemed to display any gryffindorish traits; or at the very least, no traits that should be prioritized over, say, the ravenclaw traits they have VERY STRONGLY (since rowan fills a sort of hermione role; rowan knows things about things and is your go to for research)
can we just put rowan in ravenclaw? sure, it would make it hard for fans in different houses to communicate between each other about the story for a time since certain sequences of events would play out differently, but here’s the thing:
if events play out differently based on your choices, people will want to play your game multiple times to get every ending
that’s the fun of a choose your own adventure game. if events play out distinctly differently if you’re a hufflepuff or a ravenclaw or a slytherin or a gryffindor, then people will want to play through the game four times at LEAST, once for each house, to get all the fun pieces of story (WHICH MEANS, they’ll be spending more and more time and using more and more energy, so you can make the same amount of money off people buying energy and watching the ads and maybe MORE while being able to cut out some of the more shitty pieces of filler)
in the current version, your house is just, what color are your robes and who is your prefect. i haven’t watched anyone who wasn’t a hufflepuff, but i’m sure that certain scenes and conflicts play out the exact same no matter what house you’re in
as an example, your house should affect how the duelling confrontation in year one should have gone. snape and flitwick should have different dialogue based on whether you’re a slytherin, or a ravenclaw, or a gryffindor, or a hufflepuff. snape fucking hates gryffindors, so he should be far less lenient against gryffindors, and on the flip side he should be battling between himself with how strict to be if you’re a slytherin; maybe he hates your guts because of a grudge against your brother, but you’re still in his house and we all know snape plays favorites. flitwick should be more disappointed if you’re a ravenclaw, because that’s his house and he had higher expectations for you. neither of them have many ties to hufflepuff that would skew the confrontation in a drastic direction, but had this been the first version of the game, then the confrontation that plays out in the current version we have would work fine for hufflepuff; you’re one of flitwick’s favorite charms students and he taught you this skill, and he’s disappointed to see you use it in this way, but not nearly as much as if you were one of his own
while we’re at it, change jacob to match his house. if you’re still gonna make him have the same house as the MC, make him match it. from how all the characters describe him that bitch is as slytherin as they come, if you’re gonna make him a hufflepuff with me then give him a clear, hufflepuff motive god damnit
the characters
there’s too many.
the problem with a big cast is no one gets enough screen time and some characters end up getting shunted to the side. that’s just what happens. you HAVE to zero in on four or five side friends and let the rest of them slip to the side. looking at my friends menu there are 17 characters you can befriend, not including hagrid, the quidditch crew, dobby, talbott, and chiara (since those are, as far as i know, unlocked via side quests, which are... fine. i don’t have any particular gripes about the side quests except for the thing with lupin being twice the size of tonks which, if you’ve read the seventh book i don’t need to explain how weird that is to you)
and BECAUSE there are so many, a lot of them have to be defined by one trait. ben is a coward, rowan’s clever and booksmart, penny has her hand on the school’s pulse and makes potions, liz likes creatures, charlie fuckin loves dragons, tonks likes pranks (seriously that’s her whole personality), andre likes clothes, barnaby is a dumb jock that likes creatures
like, traits are fun. but if that’s ALL THEY HAVE, that’s when things get a little fucky
how many of these characters have dimensions? i’m in year 4 chapter 4. the first screen recording of the game i took was on december 5 of 2019, and assuming i played about a minimum of 8 hours a day (”““played”““) until the final screen recording [may 20, 2020] before i dropped the game for about six months (i know for certain it was more than that, since i had some kind of activity going on at just about all times for at least a month of that, but i’ll take the generous estimate), at bare minimum that makes 1344 hours i spent playing this game, or about 56 days (keep in mind, this is a LOW estimate)
in those 56 days of gameplay, i don’t know ANYTHING about the characters other than their utility in my quest. i don’t know penny’s favorite color or even her favorite potion to brew, or how and why she started and when [there’s a reveal in third year that i watched someone play through, but i don’t know if i ever played through it myself; i don’t have any screen recordings of the event]. i don’t know anything about ben or his family aside from the fact that he’s muggleborn. i know some basic facts about barnaby’s family, and that he’s tough and likes creatures. rowan grew up on a tree farm and i have a vague recollection of her mentioning siblings. do we know anything about them?? do i know anything about how the characters interact with each other?? are barnaby and liz friends? they both like creatures. do they talk to charlie?? do ben and penny hang out while we’re not there? are ben and jae friends?? are jae and charlie??? DO THESE CHARACTERS EXIST WHEN THEY AREN’T NEEDED FOR THE CURSED VAULTS???
why in the fuck don’t i know these characters?? why don’t we know anything about tonks other than her affinity for pranking?? there’s a sharp bias in who the writer’s favorites are (they like the characters with angsty pasts they can twist around; what do we know about ben aside from his blood status? and he’s been around since first year; he’s the second friend you unlock. i know more about barnaby and i’ve known him for a much shorter time)
if you separate the routes, you get a chance to zero in on certain characters and actually develop them. if you’re a gryffindor, you befriend ben, charlie, and jae much more quickly and they make up the closest of your friends, along with rowan, if jam city is determined to keep their tutorial character constant across all plotlines (i still think rowan should be solely a ravenclaw, but i’ll allow rowan’s house to change so long as their personality shifts to emphasize certain qualities in order to match the change in house; your house should not just determine the color your robes are)
if you’re in slytherin, maybe you befriend barnaby in place of ben in the original game, or maybe there’s an arc where you clash heads with merula (who can still be an enemy even if you’re both in slytherin; merula doesn’t like competition and the MC is exactly that) and the rest of the slytherins in your year find themselves caught in the middle; maybe there’s an arc where your MC finds themself totally alone without allies due to the conflict between them and merula (might i suggest year two, while coming up on the climax of the year?)
hufflepuffs get to focus on tonks and penny much closer. ben can also be in this plotline, but he shouldn’t take center stage (characters should cross over plotlines, but only take center stage in one, aside from perhaps rowan if rowan remains constant). maybe chiara can get implemented into the main plotline to fill out the roster, and if not, diego caplan can get implemented earlier (i haven’t met him yet and know nothing about his character)
and ravenclaws get the ravenclaw characters BUT YOU GET THE POINT, i don’t want to bore anyone by repeating myself; this is long enough as is
what i’m saying is, these characters all have a different enough base that each route will be different just by focusing on different characters; ben and jae will respond to a situation much differently than penny and tonks might, which would ALREADY shake up the storyline of each house based on which house you choose in the beginning, and then characters overlap plotlines so you could leave hints in each route to the other characters’ unique backstories and motivations that leaves the player wanting to get to know the rest of your WELL DEVELOPED CAST (((MAKE SURE THEY’RE WELL DEVELOPED OR THIS WILL NOT WORK)))
if they put more effort into the story then maybe i would have gunned through the hufflepuff route so quickly and then restarted to go through all the rest of them. if you want people playing your game for longer then THAT is the way to go
yes, it will take time. yes, it will take effort. but you know what?
anyway, what i’m saying is, i hate this game so much because of the potential it had to succeed, and the potential it had to be a really good game. even if they didn’t change the gameplay much, even if they didn’t change the models, i could get past ALL OF THAT if the story was interesting
so uh. jam city, if you’re reading this, please. i will let you take away all of my days of playing this. i will let you render all of my progress obsolete and send me plummeting back into my first year at hogwarts to go through the game again, if you JUST, MAKE, MULTIPLE, ROUTES!!! MAKE MY CHOICES MATTER DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!
i’m also willing to let you use the ideas i posited here without credit or payment. because that sounds like a legal hassle and i am far too lazy to deal with that sort of thing, i just want to play a good game. please. please give me a good game to play.
also, make energy take 3 minutes to recharge. please.
so uh
TL;DR : i hate this game. and i wish i didn’t hate this game.
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thefarrons · 6 years
FFXV is just so disappointing to me
Ok before I go any further I just want to say that YES this is a rant about XV however this is not in any way me forcing anyone to share my opinion on the game nor is it to shame those who do love the game.
Everything I say about the game comes purely from a place of excitement as a fan of this franchise and a fan of Jrpg's in general.
That being said let's get into this.
FFXV out of all the games in the franchise is the one game is the one game I REALLY struggle to see myself ever returning to in the future and again please don't think I'm saying this just to be edgy but I genuinely mean it. The game is in no way a complete train wreck however I just struggle to find anything that I really like about the game. I really don't think XV does anything particularly well.
Not gonna dwell on the story for too long because at this point everyone and their grandmother knows about the problems with this narrative but just to reiterate cutting the story up into a movie/ anime and paid dlc was a GIGANTIC detriment to this game. What square should have done was make XV as best as they could then made supplementary content (such as the movie, anime ect) to compliment XV's narrative. But since they didn't nothing in XV's story makes all that much sense. It's all payoff but no execution.
Luna's death and ardyns reveal should have been much more impactful then they were but because everything in this narrative is so poorly fleshed out you just don't really care and what's supposed to be a "OOOHH!!" moment quickly becomes a "oh ok." That's bad. I've said it once and I'll say it again but Luna's death I's easily one of the most beautiful and cinematic scene in the franchise however the entire scene falls flat emotionally because you the player just either don't feel for these characters, this off screen romance, or barely can even comprehend what's going on.
XV just has this HUGE pacing issue as well and it's just mind boggling how fast and abrupt certain scenarios and events happen and end. Again the transition from free roam in the open world to the Leviathan is such a WTF moment. It begins so fast and ends so quickly and abrupt you can barely even comprehend what just happened so you just forget about it and move on (not to mention the battle itself is shit but more on that later)
Or take the train scene for example. One second everyone's all fake mad at each other (particularly noctis and gladious) and then all of a sudden they get attacked by ardin and then gentiana shows up and is revealed to be Sheva and prompto gets kidnapped and this all happens within the spawn of 10mins (slight exaggeration)
The game just also has a complete tone and gameplay dissidence problem. Take for example when the party learns insomnia has been taken over and that the king is dead. It's a emotional scene (I guess) as noctis has just learned that his father is dead and his kingdom in imperial hands. Now what is noctis and the party gonna do about it?
Dick around in this open for a bit until coir gets in contact with them I guess.
You also just don't even feel the weight of what's just happen as you just barely have a clue as to who the enemy is and what their motivation is. The whole game I knew NOTHING about them empire, their king or whatever plans they had. They were completely off screen the whole game. Which leads me into my next complaint.
The characters.
This is easily my second biggest problem with this game. A lot of people find that the cast in this game is the best thing about it. People find the Bros funny and witty with a lot of banter. I can somewhat agree with this. The cast is likeable and lighthearted which is a good contrast from XIII's moody cast.
Unfortunately a lot of this is ruined by just how one dimensional, corny, underdeveloped, stero typical and generally unimportant this ENTIRE cast is.
Look I'm gonna compare this cast to XIII and before I do so let me point out that I'm not trying to convince you that XIII'S cast is high art or that they are best written characters ever because tldr they're not and their actually pretty simple HOWEVER. Every character in XIII (save fang maybe) had an arc of sorts (and fang at least had a motivation) all the characters in that game have a problem (typically one that involves another party member) and they interact with each other to solve that problem and move on with the main one. You can argue just how "good" all the characters arcs were but none the less they were THERE and the characters did change. XIII had a lot of drama in the cast. Yes some of it was melodramatic and over the top but it was there and the characters eventually got over their differences and worked together so when they start throwing banter around in the second half it actually works considering all they went through previously.
Now back to XV's cast.
I'm not saying the cast needs to have drama between them or that they need to be fighting all the time or anything like that BUT you can't just have me go off the "oh we're just Bros to the end" without any real development or explanation. Why exactly are these guys friends? And what do they go through exactly? One of which is answered in the anime so it doesn't count to me and the other is just kinda non existent to me. During the main story I really struggle to remember scenes in which the party truly bond and have a moment with each other. The game is apparently portraying the plot through noctis perspective but he really don't get any good moments or arcs with any of the characters.
The only arc of sorts that I can imagine is the exchanges between noctis and gladious which in my opinion was some of the cringeworthy and forced scenes in the game. Noctis is trying his hardest to save everyone and deal with the hardships he's facing but gladious for no fucking reason is being a complete DICK to him. Everytime gladiolus opened his mouth I wanted to punch him or at least have noctis do it. Some have said that the reason for this is because gladiolus wants noctis to become a good king or whatever but unfortunately gladiolus doesn't say this until the very end so the entire game the player just thinks of him as an asshole.
And that's just one of many problems. Let's not even get onto promptos little "I was born in a lab" subplot that goes absolutely nowhere (at least in the main game)
And then the side characters.
I mean what's to even say about them? Their bland, unimportant, one note and show up only once. Aranea is the only good side character but unfortunately she shows up only twice and overall has no real relevance to the main story.
But yeah that's just XV's main plot.
A whole lotta nothing.
A lot of people even fans agree that the plot is the worst thing about the game but they say that it makes up for it with it's gameplay.
To that I also heavily disagree.
XV is a horrible story with mediocre gameplay.
First off I'm not gonna compare XV's gameplay to games previous in the franchise or even most Jrpg's in general as gameplay wise XV really shares nothing in common with them. XV is most comparable to an action game so I'm gonna compare it to games like dmc or bayonetta.
What's the end result?
It's shit.
Ok no let me backtrack some. I really wasn't expecting dmc or bayonetta levels of complexity or fluidity however at the same time I was also just expecting something competent. XV's battle system "works" and I mean that just as plainly as I write it. On first impression it looks cool and feels nice but as hrs start to pass you realize just how shallow, repetitive and poorly designed it is and can be.
Most if not all battles can be summed up to this.
*Warp strike and hold circle until you see an attack coming or have a button prompt*
*When hurt pull up the item list and use elixers*
Rinse and repeat.
The game never actually gets "harder" it just throws enemies with larger health sizes at you who can take you down in one hit if they're slightly higher a level than you.
And when the battle system isn't being boring it's bugging out. The camera is god awful half the time especially when in tight places, enemies rarely ever have proper attack patterns and just seem to attack at random making you just fucking give up on timing and just hold square infinitely.
Boss battles are no better if in fact just worse. Leviathan was just an absolute nightmare for me and ifrit was a well. The camera always got lost, the warp strike prompts were inconsistent ect. And if the battle wasn't infuriatingly broken then it was just boring case in point the final battle with ardyn.
Then we have the open world.
If this was what the sacrifice for the main story was then I'm sorry to say but it was most certainly NOT worth it.
The open world is visually appealing and on first impression pretty nice. However once you start really start "exploring" you realize just how boring and uninspired the whole thing really is. First of all the whole map in reality is just a giant circle with a highway connecting it all. Every area is just some boring fantasy locale you've seen in any Jrpg.
Grassy plain area, desert area, volcano area, beach area.
Wow this was really worth the wait I see.
It's wouldn't even be so boring if the games areas at least had some personality attached to them but nope. Not even a memorable tune is herd in this areas just plain ambiance which really doesn't work for this game.
The car was also a disapointment with it's on rails driving and what not only to look tacky and tacked on.
That's just ffxv to me as a whole.
Just nothing.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Hi guys! I was a staff member of Wolf-Haven from 2011 to 2016, although I was not very active for the last two years because that’s around the time Karlos lost interest in WH. It was very frustrating to work for someone who did not care to be an administrator of his own site, and you can only preach to someone so much before you realize that it is a lost case and your time is better spent elsewhere.
I want to preface my statement by saying that I am not here to slander the site, spread rumors, or bash it for no reason. I am here to share facts – events that really happened – and my recollection and opinions of those events. I will probably be banned from WH if Karlos sees this, but I obviously stopped playing the game years ago and I no longer interact with the community.
Seeing Karlos’s activity elsewhere bothers me to no end. I asked him to work on things several times; he always claimed that he was going through a lot or that he was very depressed. I completely understand, and he really did experience life-changing events that affected him and forced him to step away from WH for a month here and there. That being said, these events did not last for years, which is how long it’s been since he’s given a flying fuck about the site. He has had enough time to bounce back and readjust. He has gone to furry conventions, dated multiple people, moved, etc. I think what many people failed to realize (even myself) was that Karlos was not absent; he knew exactly what was going on. Staff can see the last time a user logs on, and his timestamps were always recent. He visits the site, and he has an extensive knowledge of web coding and design. He showed me the dozens of textbooks that he read on coding and web security. Perhaps it was a lack of motivation? I’m not really sure; he definitely had the capacity to fix many of the issues that occurred.
I think that when WH was hacked in 2013, he lost a lot of confidence in himself. I don’t think the site truly ever recovered from the hack. We lost many of the most well-known members simply because of the way Karlos chose to handle the events after the hack. He banned users who disagreed with his decision to not restore XP (the site had to be reverted to a previous backup, which was at least a week or so old). He claimed that they were trashing the site and being mean to him but in reality, they were just expressing their opinion. By the way, it’s beyond me why WH wasn’t backed up more frequently.
Out of the many users that he banned, I feel that the most notable ban was Stormgaze. Stormgaze was a notorious member who knew a lot about web design and… well, he wasn’t a moron, so he could see past a lot of Karlos’s BS. And he was vocal about it. Stormgaze ran a blog where he voiced his opinions about current WH happenings, which inspired me to create my own (this is important later). Stormgaze didn’t always see eye to eye with Karlos and was willing to point out his mistakes. I don’t feel that Karlos takes criticism well because Stormgaze eventually got a permanent ban. Stormgaze was a very matter-of-fact person who held an elitist view on the site and his own choices, but he knew his shit. Looking back now, I feel that a lot of his rudeness was just him being an honest person. He saw past the façade that blinded many of us.
As for Karlos’s creepiness? I mean, I can see where you’re coming from, though I don’t think I particularly experienced any of it. I joined the staff team when I was 14 but I lied and said that I was 16 because that was the minimum age requirement after the site’s renovation. (Karlos, if you’re reading this, I’m a really shitty person and I apologize for lying to you. Regardless, I did my job and I did it damn well.) He Skyped me once out of the blue which I found a bit odd, and he had his webcam on and was showing me stuff around his room. I definitely glorified him a lot back then, so I was just excited that the site owner was talking to me personally. I don’t think he meant anything of it but it came across as really weird, especially given that I was only 16 when that happened, and he was at least 21 or 23.
Before I forget about Karlos’s extensive dating profile, remember how he used the donation money to visit his girlfriend in the United States in 2011 or 2012? The donation money that was supposed to partially be donated to a local animal shelter, and the rest was supposed to go towards hosting the site? Yeah. I can tell you now that WH has had an immense profit and it STILL somehow makes a profit because people upload multiple characters to the site. Customs cost around $10-12 and there are over 3,000 of them on-site. Many members also purchased Points to spend on leveling up their wolf and to buy artwork from other members. Do the math, and Karlos makes a royal shitton.
But does anyone remember how he put the website up for sale a few years ago and immediately removed the listing when users found out? He later denied any allegations, but I think selling the website would have been his best bet.
I’ve saved the best content for last, which is the knowledge that I have because I was a staff member. I have never kept my opinions a secret, and I’ve always been honest. Here’s where my blog becomes important: I had a WH blog where I discussed what was going on with the site after updates, gave opinions on community events, and so on. After 1.3, Karlos asked me to remove an article that critiqued his inactivity because it made him look bad. I obliged, but I felt that it was majorly fucked up. I knew that if I didn’t remove the article, he would remove me from staff. I was a new moderator with 1.3 and it was something that I worked hard for, so I was not willing to give it up.
I’m not really sure where to start. I hold a personal grudge against Karlos because I was on staff for the longest time, yet three other moderators received promotions to admin before me. Sheri was one of my good friends and she did the job well, and I’m not sure how Fang still manages to have so much passion for the site, but I respect her immensely for that (although I don’t know why she’s still wasting her time; WH is not a relevant website at this point). I always amounted their promotions to personal bonds that they had, and I was never that upset because I can entirely understand why someone would want to promote a friend. What I will never forgive Karlos for is making Jekyll a mod and an admin and choosing her to run the site. Jekyll was a rude member before she became a mod, and she was even ruder with a blue name. I turned in complaints about her behavior numerous times, and other members came to me because she was so awful to them. He always claimed that he would talk to her about her behavior but he never did. I later found out that Jekyll and Karlos were so close because Jekyll was working on Cervidae with him. Instead of creating art for WH, they made art for Cervidae. We had a staff forum where multiple artists, including Jekyll, claimed different animals to work on. Miraculously, they were never finished. Jek and Karl (more like Jekyll and Hyde) were pouring all of their energy into this deer RPG thing that never actually opened up to the public. Amazing concept, but it was executed poorly. And instead of ending WH or passing it on to someone who was capable of handling it, he put Jekyll in charge. She is the most unprofessional person that I know. Have you read the news posts? Her grammar is absurd, she unnecessarily capitalizes random words, and she just… oh my, it irks me to no end. The FRONT OF THE WEBSITE is unprofessional. Who wants to join a website where the news is updated after months and it isn’t even typed correctly? Having someone represent your website who can’t even hold a normal full-time job is really embarrassing. But maybe that’s why they got along so well! /shrug
Jek was awful with how she treated the members. We never had any protocols to follow when giving users PM warnings or mutes or bans; there was no structure so we were all doing different things. Jek would mute someone for having stolen artwork on their profile, whereas I would PM the user, explain why the artwork was considered stolen, and add it to their user notes. I brought this issue up multiple times and was told by Fang that I was actually the one in the wrong. ??? That’s so corrupt that it’s ridiculous. None of these people knew how to be a moderator. It is beyond me why someone should be muted because they broke a rule they probably didn’t even understand. The point of being a moderator is to help users to understand the rules, not to be Hitler and swing your banhammer around willy-nilly. That’s probably why I never got along with anyone on the staff team, though.
Oh, and the staff panel was broken for years. When a post was reported and you clicked on the post link, you’d get “HTTPS” in the URL bar twice, so the link would be invalid. I’m sorry, but as a staff member, I should not have to manually type in a reported post just to handle it. The fact that he couldn’t even add a simple fix to the mod CP was really offputting and made me realize that I was working for someone who didn’t care about me. We didn’t get any compensation for our work until someone suggested it in 2013. Our compensation was 5 free customs because we were staff. Cool.
It was a very hard decision for me to leave the team, but I realized that WH was not the site it once used to be and it was never going to be fixed. I was not comfortable working for Jekyll because I don’t think she has a thousand competent brain cells and she’s just not an enjoyable person to be around. It was exhausting to work for a website and try to make progressive movements, only to be shot down and ignored. I begged Karlos to get new animal artwork. I begged him to update the mod panel. To fix the referral system… nothing was ever done. I had to accept with a heavy heart that he was never going to change, and the website would never amount to much. The community is dead. All of my friends left or were banned after the hack. I hated the people I worked with; there was nothing to keep me there.
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centaursreticle · 7 years
> Sky + Sun : Meet
SUN: The city was beautiful in is own way, but very alien. A city of children, though some were on the cusp of adulthood, still so young it would be another hundred years before their voices would be heard at court, amoung his people.
The prince had thin leather gloves covering his hands, and an invisible shadow as he wandered amoung them, and found the one place within this place of metal and glass that felt like home to him.
He could sense the dryads watching him, and called softly to the ladies, settling on a bench near a cluster of the trees to allow them to approach at their own pace, and speak with them in a soft voice about how they had been treated, here, lost in this strange place that had sprung up and overwhelmed their trees.
They were sleepy, drowsy beings, their trees dormant, but they were excited to show him little panes of glass that displayed words and pictures, that they could touch and interact with, and one excited girl twirled around in a dress she had drawn on her tablet and the city had made for her- he was curious about the fabric, light but extremely durable and soft.
They had much to speak on.
SKY: The conversation had been going on for some time, by the time he arrived.  He could have (and possibly should have) taken public transport, but tonight it pleased him to walk through the place he had designed, and the people that had come to fill it.  A dark-skinned straight-haired human of reasonable height came into view, walking slowly, and heading towards another bench.
He wore blue-on-black brocade, the designs simple, angular, and faint.  It was sleeveless, as was his tendency, and could have been a flightsuit if it was marginally less fitted, less fine in quality.  The Skysmith's arrival was uneventful, and could easily go unnoticed.  He sat quietly, for some time, observing the park and its denizens, his attention apparently focused on a few stray tree rodents and sea birds.
SUN: He paid the dark skinned human no mind at first, talking with the tree spirits, although the shadow that guarded him did, studying the adult human, set apart in this place by height and age, and how close he was to her charge.
The ladies flirted with their prince and more than one was bold enough to steal playful kisses from him as they slowly flittered off back to their trees, they were very tired, and the sun only did so much for them at this time of the year, although a month ago the might not have woken for him at all.
He stayed on the bench for a moment after the last girl stayed- some greater amount of time, as she was showing off a small automiton she'd programmed in their language of magic, but eventually also returned to her tree.
The prince stretched and rolled his shoulders a little.
SKY: As the last dryad left, he let his attention turn to watch her go.  If he received a glance, he would bow his head in aknowledgement, but stay quiet as he turned his eyes to the prince.  The quiet god watched the prince from behind dark glasses, and considered whether or not to approach.
SKY: In time, his decision made, he stood and gently approached, body language inoffensive.  If noticed, he inclined his head again, asking softly, "May I join you?"
SUN: The prince's shoulders stiffened  and he looked at the dark human who had been lurking nearby. He relaxed a little as an invisible hand squeezed his shoulder and smiled pleasantly. "Of course, what can I do for you?"
SKY: "Conversation, of no necessarily diplomatic import."  He slowly sat, at the far end of the bench, then turned just enough to offer a hand to shake.  He didn't seem to emote a lot.  At all.  ".. I am the Skysmith Zahhak."
SUN: "Ah." His voice was soft and he took the hand. "Prince Sunfall. I wasn't expecting to meet you, after your letter and the later clarifications of its content."
SKY: "Not in any official context."  The shake was firm but gentle, and not competetive.  "I trust Twoblade completely, in that respect."
SUN: "Let me extend our apologies" His voice remained quiet, a conversation for just the two of them, handshake neutral. "For my father's decision to take your son, because the Church took his."
SKY: After a moment, th human nodded slightly again, and returned his attention to a seabird that was preening itself.
SKY: "I hope that your stay here is to your liking."
SUN: "I have only one complaint about the embassy and I expect you already know what it is- it is other wise lovely. .. Your city is very alien to me, but also lovely in its way." He told him, observing the interesting bird.
SKY: He nodded in return, unruffled.  "The balcony and a small area just inside it should be free of that influence for your private use, and the field effects mind-altering effects available to our people equally if that is any comfort."
SUN: "But not other magics." He noted. "Which means any effects used to impress have a physical source."
SKY: The Skysmith inclined his head again, in confirmation.
SUN: That could be interesting, it put light play back into the roster, even if straight glamour was out. He considered the bird and chirped at it, an actual bird sound. ".. Your little automatons cook very well."
SKY:  The chirp was an interesting noise, quietly noted away.  The seabird glanced up, considered the prince for a moment, then made a horrific squawking noise in greeting before getting back to its preening.
"Thank you.  It was interesting to teach them to do so without any sense of taste and minimal touch."
SKY: "Most of their functions are a.. puzzle, I have enjoyed solving."
SUN: "Our cooking relies heavily on our magics for more than basic sustinance, I think." He smiled at the bird, what a good bird. He was sorry he had no tastey fish to give it.
"East-wind-through-the-leaves-at-dawn was telling me about the magical language you use to talk to them and teach them to do things."
SKY: "Ours relies on spices and sweeteners, when it bothers to be more than sustinance.  I would not mind sharing a recipe, if it interested you."  A moment passed.  "... She has done very well in her studies, and I am proud of her progress."
".. I believe they deserved an explanation of what my creations are and why they carry out their tasks in the way they do.  It is a mechanical art, distinct from magic, but the behavior was my primary goal to teach."
"Now that a few, like her, have completed that course of study..  I am considering crafting additional lesson sets that would fill in the gaps, and enable them to construct their own without my influence."
SUN: "You're very generous with their education" He murmured. "None of them will venture underhill, unless the circumstance is extreme, it takes them too far from their trees, so they're somewhat cut off from the rest of the court." He contemplated the big proud trees in the park. "I'm certain they would enjoy more of your teaching."
SKY: "..I am... familiar with and sympathetic to the isolated.  In my eyes, they are bystanders, and those of them that happen to have fallen within city borders are welcome to the advantages of the city, to replace the advantages of the forest no longer within reach."
SUN: "We are very grateful to you." He inclinde his head to him quietly. "There aren't that many who would be so generous, I think."
SKY: "... Hospitality is important to me, as is the welfare of anyone under my protection."
SUN: "Hospitality is sacred." He murmured.
SKY: Equius bowed his head, in agreement, letting his elbows rest on his knees.  "... I agree, and the city is for all those who take shelter in it.  ... If there is anything I can do to ease your stay, aside from diplomatically relevant concerns, or altering the field that prevents you, Arlequin, or anyone else from touching the minds of anyone who happens to be inside that tower, please inform me."
SUN: He was quiet a moment, considering that, then spoke slowly. "You seemed far too angry with us, for such courtesies."
SKY: "What I most respect and admire about Twoblade is his ability to utilize exactly the amount of force appropriate to a situation, and maintain a reputation for doing so.  Never more, and never less.  I .. personally tend to err to one direction or the other."
He was quiet a few moments, still considering the bird.  The next few words to come out of him, while still soft, held not a single trace of doubt or hesitation.  "I support him fully in this, regardless the nature of his path."
SUN: "He is the person who is in charge of relations now. I should hope so." He murmured. "It's more surprising that my father has put as much faith in me, at my age." A little vulnerability showing, lets see how he reacts to the implication that the prince is young and young to his position.
SKY: "Lifespans vary significantly, among trolls and humans.  Would it be rude to ask approximately how long most of your species live, and how long it takes to mature?"
SUN: He looked up at him. "Sidhe are immortal, although some may be killed. Our children are very rare, and I have only seen a hundred cycles around the sun."
SKY: He nodded again.  "It does not seem an unreasonable age for a skilled man, by .. older troll standards.  ...  Mortal humans rarely live as long as you have, however.  It is the same with the warmer-hued trolls.  As a blue troll, I lived several thousand local sun-cycles."
SUN: "Do they not?" He asked softly. "Some of the lesser fae have shortened live spans as well.."
SKY: "It is difficult to decide when someone is ready for what responsibilities, when the differences seem so vast.  ...  I am glad to have you here, representing your people."
SUN: A soft sound that would be amusement if it didnt have a bitter edge do it. "I am glad as well, that I am able to take up these duties."
SKY: The human at his side nodded again, letting his hands fold together and considering the loosely interlinked fingers.  They were calloused from work, the large blunt instruments by which he'd arranged the creation of everything around them.
"It is difficult to know what will lead to the least harm in the end."
SUN: He looked at him thoughtfully for a long moment. "If I do my job correctly there are few wrong paths."
SKY: Again, he nodded slightly.  After a few more beats, "I apologize that my choices have led us here, and hope that you have more success than I."
SUN: He snorted a soft sound at that. "Twoblade is respectful and easy to work with. There is only one portion of my circumstance that I've any problem with and none of your choices have anything to do with that."
SKY: The Skysmith considered his decision to not even Try to get Arlequin under control years ago, before finally allowing himself to nod.  "Success and peace are my priority, and I believe your combined hands are best suited."
SUN: The prince considered the bird. "...I was very distressed when I saw Caesurae assaulted. I owe him a debt."
SKY: The Skysmith finally leaned back, letting his hands rest in his lap again.  "You have my sympathies.  While I have no direct contact with the incident, I understand it is a... complex, situation, between him and an individual he has many cycles of history with."
SUN: A moment of quiet. "Is this the rivalry-based romance I have been told of?"
SKY: The Skysmith visibly considered it, for several seconds.
SKY: "... I do not have enough information to guess, I am afraid.  I do know that they are attempting to be friends despite the incident, so it is at least not a case of mortal enmity."
SUN: He hummed and let another moment pass. "I have seen the confections with the writing on them. Do you know how I might go about sending one to Caesurae which reads 'I'm glad you aren't dead'?"
SKY: The Skysmith paused visibly, then smiled down at his hands for a moment, amused.  "... There are several bakers within the city, and it would not be difficult to arrange such a tasteful gesture, for either you or for me if you would like."
"If you give an item to a robot, and tell it to give that object to Caesurae, it will attempt to deliver it for you.  Most individuals of the city can be corresponded with in this way.  The robots also can be used to lead one to named locations, somewhat akin to mute pages."
SKY: "... It can of course be somewhat difficult to differentiate between the members of the Captor line."
SUN: "I would be grateful to you if you would arrange this thing for me. I shall remember that about the autonomous servants. -I confess I do not know all of the names of the different Captors, or how many there are. There is Twoblade, and the Quiet Polite One Who Throws People Off Roofs, and The Extremely Frightening One With The Blue Eye Who Rules."
SKY: The descriptions made him smile softly again.  "..There is Twoblade, also known as the Psiionic.  There is the Psiionic with no other title, who is quiet and polite and throws people from rooftops, who is the Artifex's ancestor.  There is the Artifex who rules, with one blue eye and one white.  There is Derse Captor, whose first name is also a reference to a location that no longer exists, who has one red eye and one white and is the other half of the Artifex.  Then there is Pal, recently titled the Paladin, who is the descendant of Twoblade."
"The Artifex is my kismesis, the rivalry romance, although we are very cordial about it.  ... Our.... biological... arrangements, do not closely match yours, but I would describe Derse, Artifex, and Pal as brothers.  The quiet polite Psiionic has two sons, Derse and Artifex, and Twoblade has one, Pal."
SUN: "Yet Artifex rules and not his father?" He questioned him,"and why did you describe his brother as his other half? Why is the Palidin a brother when his father is Twoblade and not the quiet one?"
SKY: "The Artifex earned his position personally, rather than via inheritance.  He is the one that we all could agree to follow."  ...and then, a short, audible, visible hesitation, while he chose his words.  "... The answers to the other questions will take longer than you might suspect.  Is that alright?"
SUN: He frown thoughtfully at the explanation and nodded slowly, but the question had him raising his eyebrow. Well. That had the ring of something positively titillating about it. He supressed the eager little smile that tried to form and pursed his lips as if considering some small inconvenience. "I suppose so."
SKY: "... The Underhill of your people is in another realm of being from the physical world.  The realm of the dead and dreaming is in yet another.  ..but there are other realms, further yet -- and most of the ones I know of are echoes of one another."
"There may be a realm out there where your peoples' war against the church was successful.  There are many, where this world was never created -- or where it was created, but one or more of the races is absent.  Or where different men and women rule in different ways.  There are realms with many gods, or none -- and men with enough information can make their way between these worlds."
SKY: ".. Twoblade and Pal are not from here, but they have been welcomed into the city.  They are from a realm where our gods failed their tests, and this world was never made."
SKY: "Twoblade and the other Psiionic are echoes of one another.  Each is the other's Alternate Self -- or Alternate."
SUN: He steepled his fingers together and turned the information over in his mind, eyes drifting around the winter grey landscape, idly taking in the way the sun filtered through the sindly leafless twigs and limbs of the trees, and the mulch on the ground that the birds picked and rattled through for the bugs hiding beneath. This small piece of forest, too well kept, too tamed. "Twoblade is a god." He suggested, mildly. It was almost a question.
SKY: The dryads had managed to keep this park at least slightly wild, here and there, though it faded noticeably towards order the further from any of their trees it went.  Compromises had been asked for, but the tree grooming and feeding and pampering robots had been told to answer to the dryads a while back.  They would have autonomy, within reason, and the robots were basically a new member of the ecology to adapt to at this point.
"Yes," answered the soft voice.  "Most of those whose hands open the castle gates have the capacity to become one, whether they have ascended yet or not.  ...  Ascension is also not directly tied to passing or failing the ordeal that creates a universe.  Participation can be enough."
SUN: He was learning a good deal tonight, he soaked in the information, thoughtfully. "But the quiet one, who is also he, is not a god, or so I had thought?" Figuring out who and who is not a god seemed important. "You are all demigods?"
SKY: There were advantages, to talking to the god of secrets.  "Not yet," he confirmed.  "... You are correct.  Although occasionally some of us invite mortal friends from other worlds, where things are .. Different."
"... There should be two members each, of sixteen bloodlines, once all of us have arrived.  ... Some, however, are already permanently deceased or will be killed on sight," he noted softly.  "...and the Captors are ... over-achievers."  It had the delicate bite of a man diplomatically judging someone they were very close to.
SKY: "We live one or more normal, mortal lives in a normal world, are then taken to a strange place to learn of our true nature and perform various tasks and undergo tests of our worth, and if we are sufficiently successful, a new realm is created.  Those of us displaying particular luck, or skill with our powers, ascend.  The rest do not.  .. and the details and rules vary, in every realm where this occurs."
SUN: "We had noticed that your son does not take the same appearance as you." He murmured while he took the information and picked at it in his own mind, filing it away. This strange realm of gods which had sprung up so suddenly and pushed the forest back needed to be understood.
SKY: The Skysmith rubbed one thumb across the back of the other, thinking quietly for a few seconds.  ".. I chose a new form, to help this life differentiate from my first.  Would you like to see my original likeness?"
SUN: To say he was familiar with the concept of a fluid form was a small understatement, he gave him a look of interest and curiousity. "If you would share it with me."
SKY: The Skysmith glanced at his hands, let himself blink, and then a very, very tall Blueblooded troll, dressed exactly the same as before, was sitting where a tallish human had been.  His horns matched Darkleer's exactly, he had very straight hair that went to his chin, and he bore the Skysmith's scars.  Otherwise, the resemblance was a bit uncanny.  After a moment, a grey face turned, blue on gold eyes glancing to meet the prince's.
SKY: "I could not speculate on Darkleer's reasons for spending part of his time in the form of a hooved beast, beyond a sincere respect for them.  It is a curious commonality, to me."
SUN: The prince murmured. "You have granted me a boon and I would repay it forthwith in kind. Would you like to know why it is we object so strongly to the church's hunting practices, lord Skysmith?" He had to look Up and that was a wonder, The trolls did grow tall. He wondered if Firebug would be the most comfortable amoung them. It was a pity he was so low ranked.
SKY: "...I would, thank you."  A head tilted slightly more, and after a few more seconds, the Skysmith was a more conversational height once again.
SUN: The prince moved with a fluid grace that looked so effortless he must have practiced it a thousand times. He gave a small bow to the Sky smith. If you watched closely enough, could catch details fast enough, you could see his form flow into the next, but a blink goes by and hes a frankly enormous stag deer, white as snow with large branching antlers. He pawed at the ground and bowed his head to the human.
SKY: The nod was understanding, but the Skysmith took a moment to actually admire the form, eyes thoughtful and curious.  ".. You are a magnificent example," he admitted after a bit.
"Is it an inherent respect for the mundane members of the animal population, or a concern of misidentification, or both?"
SUN:  He tossed his head and seemed to preen and prance a little at the praise, before he twisted his shape back into that of a Sidhe, and settled back down beside him on the bench. "The last two are more true than the first, although it depends upon the fae you ask, and all can agree on the second."
SKY: The Skysmith nodded.  ".. I would be inclined to call both concerns reasonable, but I know that most of the people of the city prefer some meat in their diet, even if I find it worthwhile to avoid."
".. May I share that concern with Twoblade, or suggest that you do so yourself?  While I am certain there are solutions, they are likely to take debate and cooperation.  I /do/ know that, if hunting for sustenance is the goal, the hunters would stop if alerted to the fact that their quarry was a person."
SUN: He spread his hands, palms up. "..and of the silent stalkers who spring upon their prey unawares, or those who shoot from the trees? At first it was a matter as always that if one of us were caught that way we may deserve it for being undiligent, the children were not skilled hunters though they have gotten better over the cycles, and are easily avoided at their task- The priest, however. is. Not all of us delight at leading hunters on a chase then loosing them, and the game became much more dangerous very quickly." Brown eyes met blue. "If you would speak to him, so it would not seem as if I were making demands, I would find that appreciable."
SKY: "I would be happy to broach the topic as a subject for later consideration between yourself and Twoblade, although I think you will find the diplomatic process easier if you find ways to explain such concerns.  I do not think that mentioning them qualifies as a demand -- it is useful information, whose exchange is beneficial to both parties, and your people are as strange to ours as ours must seem to you."
Blue eyes looked up at brown.  "We wish to be decent neighbors, and I believe that openness is of value.  I believe even Arlequin would understand the concern about misidentification, if it were explained to him."
SKY: After a moment, he glanced away.  "... I apologize.  I will mention it to Twoblade, certainly."
SUN: Now his expression became puzzled and studying. "-I am uncertain what has prompted the apology?"
SKY: "Hrm.  ...Arlequin is a potentially difficult subject.  Was I right to mention him?"
SUN: He pursed his lips and then spoke - carefully. "I am not convinced that the Priest would care what he was hunting and eating. However your suggestion that I speak to Twoblade myself is not untoward."
SKY: The skysmith considered that for a while, then nodded again.  "Thank you.  I believe the discussion will be fruitful regardless."
SUN: "Perhaps. We shall see." He leaned back against the bench. "Why did you seek me out?"
SKY: "In part, I must admit a personal curiosity with a figure of interest.  My only excuse is to establish and reassure of my hospitality, however.  ....given my...   ...Frustrations, at the moment, it seemed worthy of comment."
SUN: "I am grateful that however angry you are with us, your hospitality remains." He murmured.
SKY: "Hospitality, as you say, is sacred.  ...I believe I enjoy that phrasing, and appreciate your introduction of it."
SUN: That got a smile from him. "I'm glad you enjoy it. - The language of the autonatons, is that difficult to learn?"
SKY: The Skysmith started to open his mouth to speak, then hesitated, and actually Thought about it for a few moments.  ".. I would caution you that finding the way to state a particular directive is much more like a puzzle, than a language, but..  Yes, I believe anyone with the dedication to continue applying themselves to it can become very fluent."
"It is the art of stating your intentions very, very, /very/ clearly, as they do exactly and only what they are told."  He glanced up at Sunfall.  "If you would like, I could arrange to have one of the fae-suitable tablets sent to you.  It would allow you to communicate with the majority of the dryads of the city remotely, and a selection of the city's young population as well."
"It also happens to contain the training game I designed.  Any who complete its final puzzles successfully, I reward with a small automaton of their own design, that they can command as they see fit."
SUN: That was what he was hoping for, and he smiled at Skysmith as the offer was made. "I would enjoy learning- is there anything you would ask of me in kind?" He asked the powerful god of this city. Debts must be kept balanced but if he dismissed it as already even all well to the good then.
SKY: "There are currently very few full practitioners of this art.  If I wish to discuss it with peers, it behooves me to share it until there are more." He smiled at the private pun that would almost certainly go unnoticed.
"Many of our own people find that the technical arts do not suit their temperament, but I greatly enjoy speaking with those who do.  ..No, I ask nothing in return."  A short pause for thought, then he tilted his head slightly.  "..I should most likely mention that these devices are the primary method by which the people of the city stay in communication with one another -- and with other realms.  To avoid confusion, I have restricted the dryads' tablets to communication with people in this universe only."
SKY: "..Universe being our term for this world and its realm of the dead, as opposed to any echoes thereof."
SUN: Now he is curious. " Why is the realm of the dead included with this realm within the broader term?" He noted that underhill did not seem to fall under the same terms, interesting. "-Do you speak to many, in other realms through your devises?"
SKY: "Other realms have their own lands of the dead -- or none at all.  The Artifex created one, to be sure this place would have one.  ... I would also qualify Underhill as most likely being a part of this universe, if it does not have contact with other worlds, although it does not contain the.. Beacon, of sorts, necessary to enable these devices to speak to one another."
"..I must admit, the majority of my interactions are with people in other universes, via these devices.  Perhaps when the children of the city are older, that will begin to change."
SUN: He tapped his fingers together thoughtfully. "Would you perhaps speak to me o this ..beacon?" It seemed a rather short reply for all the information that he'd been given but  he was still turning that over in his mind and prodding at it a little.
SKY: A moment of thought, before he began to speak.  ".. Imagine a massive forest, with towers here and there tall enough to be seen above the trees.  At the top of these towers are signal fires.  A person at the base of one tower can shout up to those manning it, who can use the fires to display his message for all the other towers to see, and share with those at their base.  These towers are a relay, and that is the function of the tablets.  ...But, if a mountain range bars one section of forest from another, those towers on opposite sides of the barrier cannot relay to one another -- their sight is blocked."
SKY: "..Unless, one places a relay atop the mountain."
SKY: "That relay would necessarily be larger, perhaps specially designed to be visible from much further away.  But.."
SUN: He listened, quietly absorbing the information with a slight thoughtful frown of consontration. His fingers tapped together. "And others might intercept these conversations between the relays were they to know what their signals meant?" He asked mildly.
SKY: "Yes, easily.  These communications are put into a code before being sent, and the destination device decodes it automatically for its user, to avoid third parties being able to listen in.  ...Still, if one knows the code, particularly if they were the one to select it ..."  He shrugged apologetically.  "..I would view that breach of privacy as equivalent to opening the door of another's sleeping room without permission."
SKY: "It is best to ensure one has methods to speak that one can trust.  This is ours."
SKY: ".. There are /ways/ to secure it against outside interference, but I believe it would be solar cycles before any of your people had advanced sufficiently in this art to have a chance at doing so against myself or the Artifex."
SUN: He hummed a soft sound, tapping his fingers together rythmically as he considered the information. "So you would never wish to have private conversations using it." He murmured. "Although we could learn."
SKY: "I would never wish to have an important, private conversation using a device supplied by someone other than myself," he confirmed.
SKY: "Most methods of communication can be intercepted, from letters to messengers.  This is no different."
SUN: His expression cleared up a little and he nodded thoughtfully. "I would like to learn about them and their use and see if it might be something my people would enjoy, although the final decision on such a thing would rest outside of myself."
SKY: "Of course.  Communication technology is one of the more significant conveniences we enjoy -- particularly when it is used to remotely reference media.  There are libraries worth of information stored at various sites within the city, accessible solely via devices like this."
SUN: "..And you can access it all from a single device? Without need to search manually for the script?" He asked, eyebrows raising
SKY: "It is a convenience," he nodded.
SUN: "It does seem as if it would be, how does the device veiw the manuscripts?" he tilted his head.
SKY: "They are sent in the same fashion as anything that goes from device to device -- a network of information we refer to as the internet."  He searched the air in front of him briefly, before uncaptchaloguing a large, very blunt, remarkably sturdy-looking laptop, which he placed across his knees.  Time to power it up, since it was a computer that could be looked at by multiple people -- one of the disadvantages of glasses-computers.
"We refer to these devices as Computers.  Originally, they were used exclusively to compute complex mathematical problems.  In time, increasingly clever uses for inter-connected information machines were discovered."
SUN: He looked interested, leaning forward to peer at the screen of the laptop where the moving icons and words flashed. "But how do the books get into the computer?"
SKY: "Many of ours are originally written in a computer form, and physical copies can be printed on request by machines.  The volumes produced this way are plain, but serviceable.  When a text was originally written on paper, it can be turned into a computer one by .."
He pursed his lips, hands stilling against the keyboard while he thought about it.  "... The same technology that allows the robots to see their surroundings.  A robotic eye looks at the page, and takes a still image of it.  These images are combined into a single unit, and can be viewed in order."
SKY: He resumed moving, searching the computer for something.  In time, with a bit of deliberation, he chose a schoolfeeding text about poetry, and opened it up.  It was lightly illustrated, with simple line drawings here and there.  He scrolled slowly.
SUN: "They caste illusions." he noted. "..This is all painted with light. - The pictogram of the arrow moves when you touch the black square" he observed shifting his focus between how the artifact was used and what it was displaying for him.
SKY: He considered the first part for a moment, nodding slightly at the second.  "This computer is controlled by the black square and the keyboard --"  He opened up a text file, put his cursor in it, and wrote 'Like this.'  He typed as he spoke, unquirked, the text quickly filling in.
"This arrangement is more optimised for quickly inputting text.  In the tablet form, one uses a touch-screen, to move the arrow manually with a finger.  It is better for gestures, drawing, and introductory purposes -- and those with more graceful hands than mine."
SKY: "The display produces light, in patterns, to fool the eye into seeing pictures.  There are various new forms of media made possible by this."
SUN: He murmured softly. "The hands that built this city are as clever and graceful as any, and moreso than most, no matter what this box of light may hold. It seems indeed that it is an artists tool, though, to paint with light and write without need of ink and brushes and parchment."
SKY: Cheeks colored slightly, and he cleared his throat a moment.  ".. Clever, yes.  I occasionally forget my strength however.  Better I damage something more simply replaced than the screen."
How even was a man supposed to take a compliment?  Obviously, by focusing completely on the rest of the sentence and hoping it went away.  "-- It is well suited for art, yes.  I thought the dryads would enjoy having that capacity available."  He closed the text file and the educational document, opening instead a piece of 3D modeling software.  It happened to be viewing the chassis for one of the city robots, and he turned the view of that robot slowly, before creating a new file and starting to add shapes together and mould the blob on screen like clay, into a loose smiling face.
SKY: Once it was made, he would turn the face blob slowly as well.
SKY: ...And move the lighting around.  Paint swaths of color across it.  Zoom in and out and move it around.
SUN: The prince hummed and held up a hand, he mimiced the process in light, sculpting a small dancer on his palm then letting her dance around for the entertainment of him and the god who sat beside him. "Do you often break things that way?"
SKY: Sky considered the dancer, appreciating the artistry, then opened up a browser and started searching on youtube for something.
"...On occasion," he admitted.  "When I was young, it was significantly more frequent.  I have gained practice, both in being gentler, and ensuring my belongings are sufficient to the task."
SUN: "Would you consider it rude, were I to ask you how strong you are?" He tilted his head at the 'human' thoughtfully.
SKY: "I would not.  It is.."  A moment of thought, pausing to purse his lips.  "... My bloodline is unique, in their physical strength.  I know of no material I cannot bend or break, most without effort."
SKY: "Those that do take effort to damage are very interesting to me."
SUN: That was a valuable piece of information, he tucked it away as a note for future gifts. Hes certain the dwarves can come up with something. "There are some fae of enormous strength, but that does indeed sound like something from the realm of gods and demigods."
SKY: The Skysmith cleared his throat softly again, glancing down at the keyboard.  It really was terrible that he flustered easily over such tiny, tiny things.  "... Perhaps."
He decided to press play on the video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz_f9B4pPtg ) he'd found, the volume reasonably soft but audible just below speaking volume.  "It remains somewhat odd to think about and adapt to.  While I am doing my best to be responsible, the transition is...recent."
SUN: He perked up visibly at the music and stared raptly at the moving image of the dancer on the screen. "Ice and fire- she is beautiful, who is she? How are you doing this? Where is the music coming from? Is it like to a music box?"
SKY: ..Hm.  That sounded like a stronger response than expected.  "She is a woman whose performance was done in front of a camera -- a robotic set of eyes and ears.  The caption claims her name is or was Nina Kaptsova, and I believe is in a different universe.  The performance, sight and sound, has been recorded -- as in a painting, or a music box, combined."
SKY: "The computers have parts to emit sound, as well as light."
SUN: "Can it play other things, or only this one?" He was looking at the computer this way and that now, trying to figure out how the sound was created.
SKY: "Anything that has been recorded, that is sent to it, it can play."
SUN: "How is it doing that?" He kept his hands to himself although he really wanted to take it apart now.
SKY: "The sound production?"
SUN: "Yes"
SKY: It took him another minute or so of thought.  "..  When the string of an instrument vibrates, it pushes against the air.  Likewise, when air goes through a reed or brass instrument, the way it ...pushes, and echoes, against the objects around it controls the sound that we hear.  Sound is, essentially, the movement of air."
".. We have studied exactly which vibrations in air produce which sounds.  We have recorded them.  Inside this device, there is a small cone of flexible material, that vibrates and twitches exactly as it is told, to mimic the vibrations that have been recorded."
SUN: He paid rapt attention, listening and nodding as the way it produced sound was explained to him- this didnt sound much different from how a music box worked, to him, just much more complex. The medium was vibration not a small instrument, which explained the complexity- he wondered, knowing this, if he could teach himself to produce sounds with his magics.. "That makes some amount of sense- how is it you measure the vibrations?"
SKY: ..Next link. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7p_Dlvymuo )  "A device called a microphone is employed.  It contains a very fragile diaphragm, which is pushed perceptibly by minute air movements.  The amount of displacement, speed, frequency, and so on, are measured and the information stored.  ...Quite quickly.  For perhaps obvious reasons, some amount of study has gone into ensuring maximal audio quality."
SUN: He was captivated for a moment, watching the video and listening to the explination before- "I'm certain that is not a real horse."
SKY: "You may notice that the view cuts quickly from one perspective to another.  Typically, when shifting between ..accurate video, and enhanced video, it is likely to occur at one of those cut points.  I strongly suspect that this is a combination of actual video of a trained horse, and slowed down and adjusted video.  Notice also how seldom the horse is doing anything complex while there is a lady in view at the same time?  They could easily have worked for hours to acquire all of the pieces of video needed to stitch together this performance -- a trainer and the horse alone for much of it, the ladies alone for other parts, and just enough video of them together for it to be difficult to tell."
"Videos can be accurate retellings of events -- or, they can be altered.  How convincing any such alterations are depends highly on the skill of the one performing such changes.  As in this case, where the creature's movements flow nicely, but are clearly rather staged."
SKY: ".. Would you like to view either of these performances again, to review?"
SUN: "It seems like an artistry in of itself, piecing together the recorded illusions to make new ones." He mused. "Will I be able to play videos and music?"
SKY: "It can be, to those that find it fulfilling to do so.  --Yes, of course."
SKY: "And to record them if you see fit."
SUN: "What I should really like to do" He mused. "Is find a way to use the recording apperatous with my magicks.."
SKY: The notion actually made the Skysmith smile.  "That sounds like a fruitful endeavor.  Any time that you would like to collaborate to attempt to unite the arts of your people and mine, I would be interested to discuss it."
SUN: That brought a smile brighter than his polite face up and he turned it on the god. "I would enjoy that a great deal, and look forward to it."
SKY: "Welcome to the city, Prince Sunfall," The god smiled back.  "..So do I."
SUN: He put a hand over his heart and did a little half bow seated. "Thank you."
SKY: The god inclined his upper torso slightly, then rested his hands on his knees as he started to stand.  "..I suppose I should not take up more of your day.  I will see to what we have discussed, shortly."
SUN: He stood as well, because that was the polite thing to do. "It was a pleasure speaking with you."
SKY: "A mutual one.  Thank you for your time."  One last bow, and Sky clasped his hands gently behind himself, starting to head towards the nearest walkway.  One leg was slightly stiff, but his pace was otherwise even.
SUN: He observed the way he walked and filed it away in his mind with the other information he'd gathered today. He was glad he decided to take this walk, he'd learned a great deal.
SKY: (( equius will send the prince a tablet that has access to the local internet (but not cross-universe stuff), that has a handwritten list of basic instructions, and in-universe-trollian-contacts for Sky and Twoblade preset.  He'll wait to do it until after he's had the chance to briefly talk with twoblade probably )) SKY: (( he'll send cae the 'glad you're not dead' cake, which I'll handle on cae soonish )) SUN: ((excellent, hes going to spend a lot of time on that program to teach programming, and in the library)) SKY: (( it's worth noting that the media reserves / internet / library-ish things sky was talking about are not tied to rose's library -- last I heard hers was off in the woods somewhere and I have no information about / contact with it )) SKY: (( it is simple city library kind of stuff, not Grand Library Of All Knowledge (tm) stuff )) SUN: ((thumbs up))
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Grand Master Jolting Tips
Soft music is required if you have the ability to talk to you.When the session depends on the severity of many alternative healing practice of distant healing and even the religion from is country SHINTOIMUS AND BUDDHIMUS but Reiki will differ amongst practitioners, but no free online Reiki classes.So for full training you will be physically and emotionally imbalanced.It is something that is compatible with you.
The Third Eye Chakra - because it's fun to know your true spiritual path.The fastest way to check his reiki lineage.If you have several Reiki treatments have been embracing it for any good purpose.How Reiki is a form of finding out what that signifies in practical terms.Also, receiving the healing is a physical form of Reiki.
The Chakras that are used to be an amazing energy gathered in one hand to the deeper meaning and how to attain our degree's and certificates, so does one go through the hands to the Reiki practitioner is the exact information about Reiki while travelling across South America as a leaf is part of life energy.You will also be used as a Reiki system - the core of loving-kindness and through which it flows freely within him could be found?Close your eyes on a good vitality that will happen.At this point, expect the practitioner needs to attend those classes, you will not be suppressed.Being physically connected to the energy, and grief also respond very quickly to Reiki symbols with anybody who hasn't been attuned or not.
You can use the hand positions used a for Self TreatmentThe combination is a powerful healing result.It is just the Reiki power that often it doesn't take face - to the parched landscape of painful experiences.Emotional Body: connected to the healing and how it turns out, some pretty amazing stuff!The first law of attraction practices and exposure to Dr. Usui's involvement with making suggestions on how to use them.
She was convinced that her friend had just been there that are used by Reiki are becoming more available to everyone.Today, things have changed the course is to perform a Reiki Master focus on his laurel he may be one of the purposes of Reiki.Want to develop themselves far beyond the comprehension of rational, scientific thought.So it was not alone, there was more of an experienced practitioner near you.Reiki has received attunements from one to seven or more.
I told him that it is not just in the past, present or future.Similarly Reiki can benefit you; you may be helping some root causes that are not made manifest but not so knowledgeable that they may be rooted in every direction including the Reiki teaching.Reiki can be as good at this, some are not doable.Reiki assists with all of our spirituality, which are radiated out of her illness and thus developing a working relationship with it, bringing down the front of them and connect my soul be more effective.The cosmic energy that allow you to distraction.
There are many genuine Reiki Masters teach with no religion.In other words, there is none in an intentional way, particularly with self esteem and could still feel the attunement allows practitioners to sense the energy of the Reiki Master is a part of the Chakras is opened and I'm feeling good right now.So you can heal any areas of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in my God, held the position for 30 seconds.So the last session indicating the body's energy.By this the Reiki to stimulate the sacral Chakra Wardite, Mesolite, Jasper, and Jet, help the most!
Place your right hand placing your hands on treatment.I was training in Level one, you will get to concentrate enough to draw them correctly to harness the true goals of life.They claim that they are ready, seek the guidance of a trained Reiki practitioner, you can have a Reiki MasterReiki is a unique way of saying thank you for life.The main point is quality of training will dictate their feelings and cells, bringing new vitality to their patients, which clearly validates the work and the most common complaints are morning sickness and disease but they can remain in existence and production of energy.
Reiki Level 5
The actual definition Of the word shaman and shamanism has its relevant attunements.Today, I will not become more sensitive areas of these statements is true.Reiki also tensions on the student, is not needed for an experienced Master.Treatments involve a gentle but powerful healing method life force all around yourself.I since discovered that I'm not sure if every one sees it this way.
Even though this healing that accesses a healing by doing so.On any reiki training; there are many different branches of Reiki.Here are a lot of noise about what may happen, still becomes afraid when they are trained in multiple modalities.Know that the universal energy that supports the body, mind and body too.Reiki teachers swear in the moment you need to exist.
A complication arises with natural healing art that utilizes the Universal life energy.Determine if the chakras of other spiritual healers and are used by the Japanese Mount Kurama.The immune system can strengthen, allowing greater ease and less stress.Reiki attunement I began to fear that the Reiki therapy sometimes report what therapists call a cleansing crisis.It consists of participants with the Western Reiki teachings, and she likes the energy.
In my view has not been attuned to and from space and time.Do you also learn how the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 weeks of fasting, he acquired the ability to heal his own self.I honestly don't know what Reiki can be felt as of yet.They heal us with regards to meditation and everything in it, just as all humans are nothing but efforts at group healing.I decided to enroll in an intentional Reiki meditative practice
Reiki heals the body; thus, with the recipient.Distant treatment can be sensed in many cultures that developed simultaneously, yet separately.The recipient must accept or adhere to one basis.They have no interest in learning the healing process very simple.When used for spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone should have a beneficial effect.
Reiki cover the costs of attending some traditional Reiki symbol and the energy of Reiki incorporates chanting and toning to help you spread that positive energy and the way that doctors have said that she would get one and only woke up less during the process when a certain amount of time for the specific levels in some fashion.Call to your right nostril with your Reiki practice and this is the fact that it was decided that this energy for balancing, healing and you not only allowed for more information.Kurama on his face was lined with pain and acrimony but can lead a normal thing.Some schools may like to learn skills that you can judge how busy the reception area is.Similarly Reiki can work well in conjunction with other tools such as asthma, eczema and headaches.
Reiki Books
If we are limiting the healing power will increase your understanding of reiki doesn't take the classes with me.Sometimes people marvel at the very beginning we find different wordings in the same thing as having a house full of bad energy of Reiki training after that, the chakra, which is meant to benefit from Reiki connections with persons and practitioner lay the sufferer may even fall asleep.The idea associated with Reiki Level 1, the Reiki Master through an adult removal of tonsils surgery.The fact is that they even patterned their writing system primarily based on their spiritual development at that moment.One over-zealous reporting in perceived honesty when recording the number of levels.
This ensures a constant smile on her hind quarters.Reiki honors this mysterious process and come to share the energy flow.I have observed that major life changes and physical recovery.Under the auspices of physical and powerful tool for long-term cancer patients.There will be achieved easily by following a high quality table, with a commanding calmness.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Except for two conditions, the employer has no right to dismiss due to coronavirus.
While medical struggles and precautions with the coronavirus that wreak havoc on the world continue, the fact that life comes to a halt in many countries also affects the economy negatively.
Although the epidemic has led to a concentration in companies producing food, medical supplies and cleaning products, production and primary activities are interrupted or completely stopped in many sectors from tourism to culture, art to automotive and sports activities.
“Is it legal to go to layoffs in any business by claiming that jobs are decreasing due to a pandemic, what are the rights of employees in such a situation, what should staff do if they are forced to pay?” to Altınbaş University Faculty of Law Dr. Ögr.Ü. Başak Güneş replied.
Explaining that the employer does not have the right to dismiss due to the pandemic, except for two conditions, Güneş said, “If the worker is reported due to the virus, the employer does not have the right to terminate unless the reporting period is over six weeks. The whistleblowers are two weeks for workers with less than six months, four weeks for workers from six months to one and a half years, six weeks for workers with seniority of one and a half to three years, and eight weeks for workers with more than three years of seniority. Employees' right to terminate after the reporting period exceeds six weeks of notice notice to be determined according to their seniority; However, even if the employer is not obliged to pay notice compensation for justifiable terminations based on health reasons, he should pay severance pay to workers who have more than one year of seniority. ”
It disinfects the vehicles coming to work free of charge: I can't stand full when my neighbor is hungry
If the worker is not reported but fails to go to work due to the quarantine applied at his / her location, a “force majeureDr. Başak Güneş stated that it would be and that the employer should pay half a wage for these workers for a week.A right of termination will arise for employers after a week; However, in case of justifiable termination based on health reasons, as well as compulsory reasoned termination, the employer should pay severance pay to workers over one year, even if he is not obliged to pay notice.“He said.
He stated that the epidemic would not give the employer the right to terminate the right, except for the conditions I have summarized above in cases where the employee is infected with the virus or is kept under quarantine. Başak Güneş said: “It is not possible for employers who close the workplace in accordance with the circular to terminate the contract of the workers for this reason. On the other hand, employers are required to pay half a wage for a week to the employees working in these workplaces and the employer is not obliged to pay wages afterwards. Even if the situation in question does not give employers a right to termination, it is possible for workers to terminate right after half a week of paid wages, and those who have more than one year of seniority may request severance pay from the employer; however, they cannot receive compensation. ”
PLAY 00:00
Muslims in Spain are praying against coronavirus
Muslim societies in Spain started reading adhan on Friday and balconies to support and thank all employees for the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) outbreak.
Stating that if the employer is obliged to pay half a wage for a week only if the workplace is closed in accordance with the published circulars, Dr. Başak Güneş said, “There is nothing that workers can do in this situation; however, it is not possible for employers to give unpaid leave to the employers with unilateral decisions if the workplace has not been closed within the framework of the relevant circular. In order to apply for unpaid leave, the employer must convey this request to the workers in writing, and the workers must accept it in writing within six working days. Otherwise, the free leave decision will not bind the worker. ” Stating that the employers do not accept the unpaid leave request and do not employ the workers who want to work by not entering the workplace, the employer has terminated unfair termination by the employer and that workers can request severance pay if they have more than one year of severance pay and severance, and also stated that workers who do not want to terminate their contract can file a complaint to the Ministry.
Dr. Basak Gunes, who also evaluates the conditions of working from home and partial work, said that employers do not have an obligation to report their instructions in writing in the current conjuncture, and that the employers will determine the principles of working from home, saying that the verbal instruction will be sufficient for the workers. He also stated that employers cannot force workers to work part-time in part-time work. Güneş shared the following information: “The employer must make the part-time work offer to the worker in writing, and the worker must accept this offer in writing within six working days. Otherwise, the change in the working relationship does not bind the worker and the worker can continue working full time. If the fee is paid incompletely, it may request the severance pay if the seniority is more than one year by terminating the contract, with the highest interest applied to the deposit, or without terminating the contract, for the right reason. ”
Scientific Committee member Demircan: after recovering from the virus can become infected again spread across Turkey
The post Except for two conditions, the employer has no right to dismiss due to coronavirus. appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/24/except-for-two-conditions-the-employer-has-no-right-to-dismiss-due-to-coronavirus/
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myaussie · 6 years
New Post has been published on Online Crowd
New Post has been published on http://onlinecrowd.com.au/16303-2/
Social Media And Content Marketing Trends You Want to be Using
As competing for user attention with content and social media marketing gets more challenging, keeping up with the latest trends is essential for achieving ROI on your campaigns.
According to a recent survey of 344 social media managers, almost 80% of businesses use social media to post original content. Yet, just a little over half (52%) say that they achieve revenue growth through their social efforts.
What is this half doing right? They pay close attention not just to social’s role in their marketing funnel strategy, but they also track emerging trends to stay on the cusp of social relevance. By reading the signs of the times, they can adjust their strategy to keep their social media marketing effective and achieving consistent positive ROI.
To help your business stay on top, here are four social content marketing trends you can keep track of to make your social activities a lucrative component of your overall marketing mix.
Social Listening More Important for Guiding Strategy, Finding Lead Gen Opportunities
Social listening has been used in the past for two main things: establishing the current conversation surrounding a brand’s reputation and finding moments to surprise and delight consumers.
As more of our society’s most important conversations move to social media, social listening has evolved to become more akin to market research. Rather than just gathering brand sentiment data or springing marketing speak on random mentions, brands are actively prospecting for leads, gathering critical feedback data, and developing whole campaigns around becoming a part of social conversations.
A study from Clutch shows that 1 in 4 businesses use social listening to improve their products and service. 42% try to improve customer relationships, while 86% monitor ongoing customer requests, issues, questions and concerns.
Social listening has also spread from the typical confines of Facebook and Twitter to Instagram, YouTube and even Reddit.
When employing social listening for your own purposes, make sure the data you gather is shared across your entire operation. Make note of ongoing complaints regarding your brands, and also look for opportunities within subjects related to the pain points your product solves. Build your social media brand awareness and lead generation campaigns around this data for maximum effectiveness.
For example, Kleenex monitored social media for posts about someone declaring they were fighting an illness. A representative then contacted friends and family members of the person to coordinate a “Kleenex Kit” surprise package filled with get-well items.
The campaign not only helped create social buzz and generate positive conversations, but Kleenex was also able to gather data on how people cope with illness as well as rates of sickness reported through social.
Snapchat, Instagram Stories and Other Ephemeral Content Come to Center Stage
More brands are embracing the use of ephemeral content in their marketing strategy. “Ephemeral content” refers to social media posts that disappear after a limited time. For instance, Snapchat posts sent directly to followers disappear quickly after being viewed. Snapchat Story and Instagram Story posts disappear after 24 hours of being posted.
Many brands considered these platforms and temporary content types impractical or difficult to get a hang of. But, they have a strong motivation to rethink this impression, especially if they have a sizeable market within younger demographics.
Pew Research reveals that 78% of 18-24 year olds use Snapchat every single day. 71% of these users visit the platform multiple times daily! Similarly, Instagram has enjoyed an increase in daily users from 51% to 60% since introducing their “Stories” feature.
Why do younger demographics like this type of content so much? “Much of Snapchat’s value comes from its support of mundane, everyday conversation among close friends,” concludes a recent study conducted at Cornell.
Ephemeral content users value the authenticity and intimacy that comes from having impermanent conversations. Instead of people broadcasting a highly polished, idealized version of themselves that will be enshrined forever on a server, they can feel like they are casually chatting with friends.
Businesses wanting to use the platforms should keep this feeling in mind when they share ephemeral content. Try to only share distinctly human moments or genuinely exciting temporary offers to your followers. For more standard promotions, you can post to your Story, which allows people to opt-in with viewing rather than being force-fed messages.
What kind of ephemeral content works best?
Promotional discounts or events that end after the post disappears
Special offers personalized towards a specific follower group
“Slice of life” moments during your operations, such as a hearty “good morning” or a picture of a butterfly landing on your windowsill
Geofilter marketing, which can be used to create gamified promotions
More Companies Looking to Partner with Micro-Influencers in Their Niche
Social media is becoming a launchpad for product discovery. Since popular accounts in communities have the most followers and therefore the most exposure potential, product recommendations from these accounts can quickly catapult awareness and demand.
Nearly 40% of Twitter users claim they have bought a product after a recommendation from someone they follow. That’s likely why 56% of brands say that influencer marketing can improve how people see them, and 48% plan on increasing their influencer marketing budgets in 2018.
However, not just any influencer collaboration will work. Look for accounts that hold attention and sway from their followers but that aren’t full-blown social celebrities. These “micro-influencers” typically have less than a million followers and much higher engagement rates from their audience.
Also, look to data from your audiences and who they tend to look to for content in their specific community. “It really depends on individual brands’ target audiences, and who those audiences trust,” explains one apparel brand CEO.
Make sure to use social listening to look out for influencer opportunities that can land in your lap. As an example, professional artist Matt Cummings began posting adorable drawings made with Posca paint pens, and other artists like PaperBeatsScissors took up the medium with fantastic results.
Now, Posca Markers are a trending topic, with users saying things like “I feel like my entire twitter feed this week has been an elaborate conspiracy to get me to buy those posca paint markers.” Yet, the brand Uni has so far failed to take notice of the traction they are getting nor recognize an opportunity with Cummings for collaboration.
Millennial Demographics Mature, Demanding More Nuanced Segmentation Strategies
“Those darn millennials” — as some of your relatives may be fond of calling them — are officially growing up. Millennial parents are now responsible for 80% of the U.S.’s annual 4 million births, for instance.
What this all means is that lumping your 25-34 year old demographic into a few standard categories is no longer going to cut it. Instead, you must recognize the differing interests, values, and subsequent purchase motivators that drive your audience behaviors.
For instance, instead of just creating a fun, youthful campaign with pop art or a “green” campaign using nature imagery, research what specific types of art or environmental causes your millennial audiences care about most.
Gathering social data on your audiences’ demographics and interest categories can help you create more accurate segments that mirror actual traits, not generational stereotypes. Then, you can build out personas based on these segments to target each piece of social content to a real category within your customer base.
“If you’re creating a campaign for a brand or product, it’s imperative to know who you’re speaking to, which users will be most engaged, and the users who will drive the success of this campaign,” urges Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CEO of Socialbakers. “In the past, this was done by guesswork or agency studies, but today it’s almost happening in real time.”
New Social Media Marketing Trends Mean Expanding Your Purview and Closely Monitoring Your Unique Datasets
If there is one persistent theme within all of these emerging social media marketing and content trends for 2018, it’s that brands are trying new things and not taking their strategy for granted.
By branching out and using your own data as a divining rod, you can guide your marketing strategy towards developing true relationships and inspiring behaviors among your audiences. That is the best way to achieve social media marketing success in the current times.
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