#my beloved kat💐
requiem626k · 2 years
For the ask game, 💙 🖤 💗 with Kunikida please👀
Hi there Kat! ^^ Ooh these are nice, thank you so much for asking!
ask game
Kunikida Doppo
💙 What is their perfect date?
I’d imagine that Kunikida’s perfect date is definitely something quiet and cozy. Being fed up with the naughty and loud nature of the Agency, he’d seek comfort with his beloved in a serene place like the seashore - he’d look forward to showing off his fishing skills - , a museum or a book-café. I also see him liking the feeling of being lost -- intentionally, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to handle the anxiety haha -- in the streets of an unknown part of the city, and he’d definitely love to wander around with you in different places. Though, he also wouldn’t say no to just staying home, cuddling under the warm blankets and watching your favourite stuff together.
🖤 Do they enjoy loving or being loved?
Kunikida is a really selfless man, but he can’t admit it even to himself. Until he meets you, he doesn’t even think highly of the emotion called “love”, he just believes that it’s an innecessary thing that causes nothing but trouble. But after he starts experiencing it himself, he absolutely loves how it feels to love. The butterflies he feels in his stomach, his heartbeats picking up speed, the warmth that covers his inner world, they all make him feel alive for once instead of feeling like a mission-focused machine. He thinks that being loved only comes as a beautiful bonus along with the act of loving and cherishing. That’s why he immediately adds an ideal in his notebook’s “Ideal World” part: 
A world where everyone knows how it feels to love.
💗 How do they show affection?
The way he shows affection is so subtle. I don’t see him enjoying extreme amounts of PDA, primarily because he thinks intimate moments aren’t to share with everyone and it makes him feel very uncomfortable, but it doesn’t mean he would deprive you from his warmth. He’d engage in shy gests like gently touching your arm when you’re walking together, smiling warmly whenever you mae eye contact, or giving you a furtive forehead kiss and whispering a sweet “I adore you.” when you snuggle upon him for a close hug. 
But when you’re home, his primary way of showing his affection is quality time + acts of service. He would bring you coffee/tea, invite you to cook together, note down in his notebook your every preference about literally everything, plan the perfect date to spend the weekend, brushes your hair, adjust the objects on your messy desk and lots of other things. 
He also loves catching you off guard with a back hug and a soft kiss on the crook of your neck. You sometimes can’t believe how the stoic, intimidating man you once knew could turn into someone this smooth and affectionate.
Also, one last thing: He has a pet name that he’s just stuck with using for you. It could be dove, doll, kitten, angel, whatever you can think of, but he uses it so frequently for you that you get chills down your spine and butterflies up your stomach whenever you hear that word in another irrelevant conversation.
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fatmaclover · 1 month
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ intro
hi! im kat. i use it/he/she pronouns. i'm a trans fagdyke and my main is @coelacat. this is my sideblog for it's always sunny in philadelphia, as well as other shows made by rcg, and any other sitcoms or live action tv shows that tickle my fancy.
mac is my favorite character, and i think it's a heavenly blessing that hes no longer a twink. i'm fat mac's #1 defender, fan, lover, and blogger. i'm also joyce kelly's #2 fan and a joyce kelly truther!! find me on ao3 as coelacat! WRITING REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN! send one in the ask box. no guarantees i'll get around to posting it, but feel free to send stuff for iasip in :)
anyone being weird will be blocked without hesitation.
blog content + tagging
i reblog gifsets, memes, posts that remind me of characters or dynamics, basically whatever i want. don't trust me to make sure i'm consistent about tagging reblogs, i will inevitably forget something. sorry, nothing i can do about it 👍
i write fic! yes, i do indeed. find it under #kats scribbles, or through the portal post embedded below 👇
any drawings may be found under #kats doodles, though i rarely post that kinda fanart. analysis posts may be found under #kat overthinks. any liveblogging may be blocked (or found) under #kat liveblogging. miscellaneous text posts may be blocked (or found) under #kat will yap. if you need something specific tagged, reach out to me. chances are i'll tag it for you!
other tagging systems include media, character, and pairing organization. any posts made before May 5th, 2024 may not be properly tagged. i will try to tag all of them over time, there may be too many for that shit. you understand. any shipping tags are for personal use. they are for both romantic and platonic interpretations of pairings.
#iasip* - all it's always sunny in philadelphia blogging #maccy donal - all posts about/containing mac mcdonald #denny ren - all posts about/containing dennis reynolds #iced dee - all posts about/containing dee reynolds #overjoyed!!! - all posts about/containing joyce (charlie) kelly❓ #franky panky - all posts about/containing frank reynolds #cricketetet - all posts about/containing matty "cricket" mara #artemis. my beloved. - all posts about/containing artemis dubois #wait. rest. - all posts about/containing the waitress #macden - mac x dennis #joyden - joyce (charlie) x dennis #joymac - joyce (charlie) x mac #joydee - joyce (charlie) x dee #deetress - dee x the waitress
#mq - all mythic quest blogging #im so. so. unbelievably apologetic. - a place to contain my unhinged thirst for david so you don't have to see all that (character tags tbd)
#pacrim - all pacific rim blogging #fruity newty - all posts about/containing newt geiszler #hismann - all posts about/containing hermann gottleib #sharg. - all posts about/containing mako mori #ralsleighhh - all posts about/containing raleigh becket #newmann - newt x hermann
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
Kat, my beloved wife, happy birthday! 🥺💕
Thank you for existing and being there, honestly, your notifications have kept brightening my day up since the day we met. I just know that the sweet and wise girl behind the screen deserves the world.
I tried making a low quality edit 😖 of course it’s by no means fitting for this special day, so please also accept these cake and flowers that I would’ve brought you if I were there hehe. Ilysm <3
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Your words brighten my day and please you're making me feel warm inside🙈💕💕
And please🥺 that's so cuteee I love it so much😭❤
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requiem626k · 2 years
Your tags on the mys messager😭😭 I was literally going after Jumin in the beginning as well ahsjsks
Ohh really 😳?? Now I’m once again intrigued ahxjwn, he sure looked like the most interesting one and I probably would’ve gushed over him if I had attempted to play but years later I learned that his bad ending was a… questionable one to say the least 💀
Was it his route that you said you completed? 👀
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requiem626k · 2 years
I didn't want to distract you from your studies, I know your exams are nearing so I decided to send you an ask instead of texting you.
But I finished watching Death Note, per your recommendation hehe. I quite enjoyed it :) I remembered you wondered about my opinion on it!
Thank you so much for your consideration, Kat ❤️
Omg really? I’m so glad that you enjoyed it !! I remember really adoring trying to follow L and Light’s battle of wits and think on the ideologies that both parties defend. I just wonder, who did you feel closer to in terms of morality?
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requiem626k · 2 years
😳😳👉🏻👈🏻 This has me smiling at my phone absjsl orz
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Ahjsnxm 😳😳🙈 you’re my wife, of course I consider myself as one of your blorbos <3
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requiem626k · 2 years
coming over to give my wife some kisses 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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Oh goodness, are my senses deceiving me? My beloved wife is granting me her enchantingly sweet kisses…🙈💕
come here, I’m not letting you go without giving you some of mines <3 🫂
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requiem626k · 2 years
For being so nice 🎀 and cute 😚, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. 💗 Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful ❤️
<33 For this beautiful human being😌💕
Kattt 🥺💕
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Thank you so much mwah, it’s you who’s absolutely amazing and kind and beautiful, I hope you’re having a wonderful day <33 this goes of course right back at you, and to all my sweet mutuals who see this on their dash
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requiem626k · 1 month
Req on tumblr!! :0
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YES !! 🥹🫶🏻🤭
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requiem626k · 2 years
How are you doing? Been missing you🥺❤ I hope you've been taking care of yourself even with your studies
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I’m doing good! I’m just sooo tired, I had three 3-hour exams in 5 days and my body is exhausted but apart from that I’m mentally doing much better than I thought agxjsm 🤭
How about you, how have you been?? I missed you so much too 🥺💕💕
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requiem626k · 2 years
For the ask game 12, 24, 30, 38 please :3
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handwriting asks
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requiem626k · 2 years
Your new layout😳😳
Agxjsn I’m happy you like it 😳 the April Fools thing gave me the opportunity to think on it and I decided to go for a tidier wine red look which also includes Kunikida haha
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requiem626k · 2 years
a bookworm mutual, a dark academia mutual, a mutual who sunshine personified, a chaotic mutual but doesn’t show it (affectionate)
Aww Kat thank you so much ily, you’re the greatest sunshine ❤️❤️
ask game: mutual type
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requiem626k · 2 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of eight people who deserve it. if you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! <3
This of course goes back to you >:(
Aww Kat 🥺❤️ Thank you so much ily <3
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requiem626k · 3 years
Kunikida gif? Kunikida gif😌 For you <3
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There's a watermark though, I can't get rid of it sorry🥲 I hope you like it🙈
OMG KAT 🥺💕😭… I literally have no words, this is so beautiful. The academia aesthetic, the sheet music in the background, and of course Kunikida, aah my heart T^T
Thank you so much my sweet wife, you hope I like it?? I ADORE IT 🥺❤️
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requiem626k · 3 years
🥺 so my beloved wife has been sick lately I hope you're feeling a bit better now and got enough rest, and take extra care as it is getting cooler now🥺💕
I would make you a warm drink if I were with you, but for this is all I can do, take care Req mwah💕
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🥺 Ahh Kat, yes don’t worry I’ve been resting 🥺💕 I knew it wasn’t covid since this always happens when it’s that time of the month 🤧, and I was honestly lucky that I didn’t have any classes this weekend, I still had to study for my school exams but fortunately it wasn’t as busy hehe. I will take care only if you also do <3
Thank you so so much ahh that’s so sweet of you 🥺💕💕 and cat is soo cute please 😭, also the physical features of the girls in that pic omg they’re literally us 🤭
I hope you’re doing fine with your studies and everything!! Sending you my warmest hug mwah <33
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