#my AU is super messed up so portal 2 ends up going differently but its still like
portalmentio · 2 years
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aisy15-chan · 11 months
Tell me more about your tntduo Danny Phantom au!!
I haven't actually watched it but I'm genuinely curios cause I love your art about it <3
Oh- I'll give you everything about this AU!! I have how many ideas and plots!! But I really remind you all that if you want to watch Danny Phantom, I don't recommend reading discussion about AU is because it will contain spoilers about the series as well as a bit of the latest comic Danny Phantom, which was just released 2 weeks ago!!
If you ask "wait you can make fanfic?!" Well I can but I'm not sure I can execute the story well :( !!! I mostly just conceptualize AU just for fun so if you want to use this idea i allow you- just credit me please.
Plot idea simply:
yo Wilbur is only 16 years old and he is half dead from an accident in the ghost portal. trying to feel alive in a half-ghost state, becoming an impromptu super hero, trying to adjust to the life of ghosts & humans- having internal conflicts with his parents who are hunting for his ghost side as well as conflicts with his younger brother Tommy. Everthing passed then Quackity appeared in his life. Q who is annoyed at her because he & his 'dragon' destroyed his love life & tried to kill Wilbur ghost side, one day they are then forced together in a school project and then learn about each other and start to get close (on the human side only) time passes and Quackity still hunting for Wilbur, a bored Wilbur offers something to Q "How do we become Psycho competitive rivals??? Instead of hunting me how do we fight who can catch and beat more ghosts!" and Q are hesitant at first but he accepts it- they develop more maybe they turn into boyfriend :³???
Fine let me explain. Danny & Wilbur have a lot in common.
Been a sim: ✓ Ever died: ✓ Have a 'twin': ✓ Emotional support sibling: ✓ Have rivals + love interested: ✓ Explode something & lose everything: ✓ Thought to be a bad person but actually depressed: ✓
C!Wilbur & Danny experience the butterfly effect and their lives are inversely proportional because of that, Wilbur loses everything just by losing the election while Danny loses everything by cheating on the C.A.T exam & ends in a bang.
Danny: VLAD! please get rid of the MY ghost side! They must agree too!!
Wilbur: PHIL! kill me! Kill me! They will definitely agree!!
(I kinda forgot how the dialogue was sorry)
Well in the end Wilbur & human side Danny died. Leaving their ghost side… Then they came back to life.
I'm not sure whether to make Dan/Dark Danny in this AU?? It will be a heavy & complex plot, if you don't know Dan is a fusion of ghost Danny & Vlad also the 'evil' & depressed version… In his timeline he destroys the whole world and tries to kill Valerie for getting in his way btw- so in the latest comic he is back and at the end becomes an emo teenager in Danny's clone body that Vlad made.
Let talking about Quackity!!
Quackity plays as Valerie in this AU!!! In the original version, Valerie's life was destroyed by Danny & Cujo (ghost dog) who messed up where Valerie's father worked so that her father was fired and sold their house easily, causing Valerie to hate ghosts, especially Danny & Cujo, got ghost hunting equipment from Vlad Master Valerie became a ghost hunter and exterminated them also tried to kill Danny's ghost side but over time their relationship grew more complex over time especially in the season 2 especially, they even had a date!! It's canon!! But unfortunately they also broke up in the same episode… And since then Valerie was forgotten and only appeared in 3 episodes in the third season…
Quackity's story will be a bit different from Valerie to than the ghost dog what about the ghost dragon?! Well the canon dragon in Danny Phantom with the Amulet of Aragon ghost/human can turn into a ghost dragon when angry or strong emotions— I thought it was great how can include Qsmp, its members & the dragon eggs in this AU ahaha ^^
So the story goes:
Quackity was so happy to be able to ask his boyfriend to go date (I have no idea who) they really love the date but Wilbur & the 'dragon' completely destroy their dating in restaurant, Q has a big fight with his boyfriend and they end up breaking up on the restaurant in middle of all people. Quackity experienced severe stress and started to hate ghosts then someone gave him a gift, a ghost hunting tool. Quackity started his career as a ghost hunter-
Someone: *addresses ElQuckity as Ellie* Me: *remembers what the phandom call Dani as Ellie too, the clone theory oh Dani is a Danny clone too wait…* SHET THIS GENIUS!!! GREAT IDEA EVER!!!
That all i can think- feel free to ask to my ask box hehehe ^^👍
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stargazer-tps · 9 months
Stargazer’s Art History: Best of the Amino Era (Portal)
Around 2017, I joined Amino! Most of what I posted was Barbie-related, but there were a lot of good posts I had there so I'll be crossposting them here individually (and slowly). However, I also had some Portal-based stuff that I was pretty proud of.
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First up was this humanized GLaDOS design, based off of an earlier humanization I made of the Broken Age character Lorraine (the fork). This is basically what my design for Lorraine looked like, except in white/black/gold instead of blue/orange/white, and also a little more intense looking. She's a design I used in a sort-of-series I called "Project HuXLEY"—a Portal and Brave New World crossover. You can find that on AO3!
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I also made this watercolor painting of her! I don't paint with watercolors very often, so this was a fun experiment for me.
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This comic used lyrics from "The Mascot 3000" from Paul Shapera's New Albion Guide to Analogue Consciousness, which I thought would make great crossover content with Portal. I also wrote out this mess along the same lines:
[...] Anyway, without further dithering, let's get into the idea! Usually I would write this out as a fanfiction, but I have a nasty habit of writing a chapter or two and then never finishing it (R.I.P my Undertale x Phantom of the Opera, Harry Potter x Drowsy Chaperone, and Harry Potter x Dolls of New Albion AU fanfics), so this time I'm just going to write out the whole timeline/idea in bullet points and half sentences.
The Cast
Chell as Rachael: our protagonists have to stick together! Also, in the original Atompunk Opera, Rachael is the one who escapes the asylum, learns about the past, and eventually goes free in Elysium (and is really the only one who does so). It kind of fits. Chell is believed by Rattmann to be Cave Johnson’s reincarnation. She’s not, though; she’s no one’s reincarnation, at least not from this universe.
The Companion Cube as the Mascot 3000: this one has changed since the original comic, and even since I first started writing this post. Originally, I had set GLaDOS as the Mascot because of the song from Act 4, but given the differences between Mascot and GLaDOS (personality and role-wise), that didn’t really work. My next thought was to have it be Wheatley, since the Mascot is Rachael's guide throughout the opera, and Wheatley is Chell's guide (originally). But that doesn’t work great either given the second half of Portal 2. I settled on the Companion Cube because a) the Mascot 3000 is given to Rachael by Connor, who I’ve made Doug in this version, b) the Mascot yearns for companionship and people to go on adventures with, and c) Rachael and the Mascot go off together to explore at the end of the atompunk opera. Unlike the atompunk opera characters, though, they're not half-siblings. Or, uh, Chell's not the non-reincarnation of its half-sibling. Whatever. It’s confusing.
Doug Rattmann as Connor: although he may or not be old enough to fulfill this kind of role following the canon Portal timeline (which is super duper confusing anyway), I figured he was kind of perfect for this role. Connor is originally an employee of Arcadia Corp., the Voodoopunks’ science company, is against their AI experiments (for him, though, it's because they're using his toddler child), and frees Rachael from the asylum. Or helps, at least. It's unclear. He also uses the radio (through Lee's song) to communicate to Rachael, whom he assumes is Adrian's reincarnation. In this AU, Rattmann fills many of the same roles: an Aperture employee who doesn’t agree with all they do, who aids the protagonist and, while not the primary culprit behind its use, is at least somewhat associated with the radio. He helps free Chell from her confinement, sends her on her way with the Companion Cube, and is trying to rescue Caroline from Elysium, I guess. (It’s a bit ironic, though, because in order to do that, Caroline will have to be uploaded into an AI—as was the plan for Lee in the original opera—thus becoming GLaDOS.)
Caroline as Adrian: I kept going back and forth as to whether Caroline should be Lee or Adrian, but settled on this, I guess—but modified a little bit. She went through the portal into Elysium along with Cave. She was killed basically immediately, and reincarnated into… Doug, I think? However, Doug thinks that she is the one in Elysium who is still alive—not Cave—and wants to save her. He doesn’t know she’s gone.
Cave Johnson as Lee: I don’t have a very good description here. He’s the one in Elysium using the radio to communicate out with a song, but I guess unlike in the Atompunk Opera it might just be like the Still Alive instrumental thing and that’s why Doug doesn’t know it’s Cave who’s still there and not Caroline.
Aperture Science as Arcadia Corp.: a given, I suppose. Instead of working on GLaDOS as a solution to Cave's moon rock poisoning, they just kind of try to shoehorn themselves into Elysium. I mean, they do work on AI for a while (hence the existence of Wheatley), but it's kind of a complicated mess, and then they realize "ooh, portals," and try to make one into the world of the dead. IDK, maybe they think that going there will make them immortal: "This illness can't kill me if I'm already dead, dammit!"
The Plot (kind of)
Alright, I’ll level with you—I started writing this like a year ago and now I don’t remember what I was doing with this at all, but I wanted to at least post what I had written. Anyway, I do know that in my mind this AU basically just followed the plot of the New Albion Guide to Analogue Consciousness, so what I’m gonna do is summarize song by song, I guess.
New Albion 9: Don’t worry about it. It’s the expositional worldbuilding song and we don’t care about it in this context.
Rachael: Somewhere in Aperture, Chell awakens. She escapes from where she has been confined or whatever and starts trying to find her way up and out. I think the backstory here was that Portal 1 wasn’t really a thing (b/c GLaDOS doesn’t exist rn); the scientists were re-focusing their energies on Project Elysium (getting into Elysium to live there/have Cave go there/whatever) instead of the handheld portal device, but they figured they’d need test subjects at some point and put her in long-term relaxation. Since many of the scientists died in the migration (also in whatever legal action was taken against them), no one was left to reawaken her except like… Doug, but that took a little while.
Introducing the Mascot 3000: Chell runs into Rattmann, who gives her the Companion Cube to guide her. It’s a little more sentient than usual in this version, or maybe Chell is hallucinating as a result of whatever soup of chemicals they had her on in long-term relaxation. She continues on.
The Shopogopolis: Aperture is Aperture, so there’s still things out there that could kill her—whether it be rogue AI, turrets, or the stray employees left (she doesn’t want them to know she’s out b/c they might put her back into LTR)—so while she isn’t hiding in one place like Rachael, she is sneaking around, trying to figure out what to do next.
What the Trite and Banal Say: Chell and the Companion Cube follow a rogue radio signal. It leads them to the back offices, where Rattmann is waiting for them. He wants to tell/show them a little bit about what has happened over the years in Aperture, maybe the Companion Cube has the capacity to show them, maybe not.
New Albion 8: Also exposition, but basically Aperture Science is as twisted as ever, but with an extra layer—this would bring us back in time first to describe Aperture’s golden days, then the goals of Project Elysium and how things were in the company right before they actually completed that—they’re convinced it’s a great idea to go there, because if Cave is already there, then by some twisted logic he won’t be able to die or whatever. Or maybe he just wants control over the dying.
Kyrie: I don’t know, this kind of describes the plot too. Cave is really talking up the whole plan, even though it’s probably not a great idea.
Connor: Doug Rattmann gets an aria to explain his reservations, I guess. He’s not romantically involved with Caroline like Connor is with his unnamed wife, but he is just as disillusioned with the company he’s working for and their goals.
The Lovers: Idk. This would be where Cave and Caroline are having a dialogue about the whole plan but I’m not sure it would be in the same style or of the same flavor.
The Deceit: I’m cutting this one, it isn’t needed here. But Rattmann is planning on sabotaging the operation IG.
The Voodoopunks’ Ascension: Kind of the same as the original. They’re crossing over.
Ark 1: The scientists who are still in Aperture (who didn’t go over) are checking in on the groups (who are Not Doing Well); Rattmann has ratted them out to the authorities or whatever for something illegal (cause there’s a lot of potential things that they could be reported for aside from, you know, trying to cross the bridge into the land of the dead). They shut things down (on the surface level; there’s still stuff going on in the lower levels and in the relaxation centers that no one finds). Rattmann did not realize that Caroline had gone with the group into Elysium and his plan had banked on her still being around to run the company.
Elysium 1: in the opera, this is just some vague commentary. We don’t really need it here.
Postcards from Perdition Trail: the Aperture folks who went through before Doug ratted them out are stuck in Elysium now, and it’s Bad for the same reason as in the Atompunk Opera. It’s not great being Alive in the land of the dead because the creatures will kill you.
Lee: Cave sings his musings on the situation and the loss of Caroline (who was killed by the creatures and thus reincarnated into Chell IG(but not really; if we’re following the Atompunk Opera to the letter, then technically Caroline would have reincarnated into… Doug?).
Rachael Returns and The Moth: Chell and the Companion Cube arrive in Elysium. It was at this point in my writing that I switched Cave to being Lee and Caroline to being Adrian, so if there’s inconsistencies in my writing, that's why. Anyway Doug has that personal interest in saving Caroline—but she died. He did not know Caroline was killed but knows Chell is special. When Cave hears that someone is coming through, he thinks it’s Caroline reincarnate and is disappointed that it’s not her.
The Show No One Saw: Chell is bitter that this whole thing was for nothing—there was no Caroline to save (her mission) AND Cave was very dismissive and rude. She runs.
The Mascot 3000 and In This Episode: The Companion Cube gets some songs explaining its origin and drive for, well, companionship. (They ARE sentient, you know.)
The Rescue Plan, The Creatures Speak, and Lost Night’s Lullabye: Cave confronts Chell like “are you nuts?” thinking the creatures are gonna kill her. The Cube gets everyone’s attention and gives them the choice to either “go through the gate” and reincarnate OR be put into a robot body back in Aperture. If Caroline was still there, they’d have told her she HAS to upload but she’s dead. Cave is going to upload himself but gets killed. Those who want to are uploaded (minus Cave). Chell stays in Elysium with the Cube—symbolically, she’s already dead.
Connor Reprise: Doug waits indefinitely for Chell, Caroline, and the Companion Cube as the other Aperture folks upload.
New Albion 10: Narration to say goodbye.
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syrupwit · 6 years
Letter for Femslash After Dark 2018
Hi writer! Thank you very much for creating a work for me! I hope this letter will inspire or at least mildly entertain you. If you have an idea that diverges from my prompts but doesn’t cross my DNWs, please go for it -- I’m just spitballing, as they say. (As someone presumably says, somewhere.)
I should note that I’m slightly more into this exchange for dark themes than for smut, but I 100% don’t object to non-dark smut either! All in favor of smut.  
DNW: Unrelenting grimness, entirely miserable stories with entirely miserable endings, guro/gore meant to titillate, children in sexual situations, kinks commonly considered “opt-in” (scat, bestiality, etc.), 24/7 BDSM, unrequested identity headcanons, issuefic.
Do Want: Dark themes and content, complicated relationships that may or may not merit the label “unhealthy”, twisted/one-sided/manipulative relationships that decidedly merit the label “unhealthy”, explicit sexual content, sexuality-related angst, dubcon, enthusiastic consent, Bad Ends, hurt/comfort, possessiveness, bondage, Stockholm/Lima syndrome, emphasis on age difference in pairings where it applies, humiliation, dirty talk, “this isn’t technically sex because xyz (except it’s totally sex)”, aliens and robots misunderstanding human stuff but trying really hard to get it right anyway. 
The worldbuilding and characters in this game have me consistently like ♥_♥. I’ve spent way too much time playing it! Waaaaaay too much time. I’m only through The Brigmore Witches DLC, so... avoid extensive spoilers for Dishonored 2 or Death of the Outsider if you can help it, please. I’m spoiled on a few things, like Delilah’s good ending in DH2, but the bulk of it is mystery.
For this exchange, I’ve requested Delilah ships featuring characters introduced in the first game and its DLCs.
Delilah Copperspoon/Billie Lurk | Meagan Foster
Lots to work with here! I feel like these two could have serious chemistry of the “this is definitely going to explode” variety, in addition to the whole canonical betrayal / manipulation thing.
How do they meet? Fugue Feast encounter, “happenstance” that Billie later realizes was calculated, honest actual happenstance, fleeing a botched job, spying on the same mark, what?
Delilah makes Billie pay for that “bit of a bitch” comment in the Timsh estate.
AU: After Billie defeats Daud at the end of The Knife of Dunwall, she expects to assume control of the Whalers. Delilah has other ideas.
AU: Delilah’s plans succeed in The Brigmore Witches and she goes to track Billie down. (If she’s in Emily’s body at this point, I’d prefer no sexual content unless Emily is an adult.) Dark themes? Draw the curtains and turn out the lights, we’re heading to shadowtown.
Delilah Copperspoon/Lizzy Stride
Though she only appears in one of the DLCs, Lizzy ranks among my favorite Dishonored characters. I adore her pointy teeth, her awful bare feet, and her zest for the life of crime. Delilah could chew her up and spit her out, but do I want her to? Maybe.
Something goes haywire in the Brigmore Manor mission, and Delilah ends up taking Lizzy captive (crew optional).
Fugue Feast! Cutting loose and having fun with a distinguished (Delilah) or rowdy (Lizzy) stranger. Maybe they wear attend the same wild party. Maybe they run around in the street sharing bottles of whiskey. Maybe they’re teenagers and Lizzy wants to impress / mess around with / brag about having gotten it on with the arrogant lady in the pretty mask. Maybe Lizzy bosses Delilah around, or vice versa, or both. Just show me these women enjoying themselves at an event where they feel entitled to do so.
AU: Empress Delilah takes a keen interest in the affairs of a certain minor crime boss. (Is Lizzy her lover? Does she want something from her? Is this a fantasy in Delilah’s dream?)
AU: Delilah, not Daud, is the one who breaks Lizzy out of Coldridge.
Delilah Copperspoon/Vera Moray | Granny Rags
As may become apparent, I’m fascinated by evil old lady witches. Granny Rags is an excellent example of such and I am quite fond of her.
As far as I know, these two haven’t encountered each other in canon, but I’d imagine they’d have a power struggle or an uneasy alliance if they did... or, who knows?
Delilah and Granny Rags meet at an Outsider shrine.
Delilah's attempts to form an alliance with Slackjaw are repeatedly thwarted by an inconvenient muttering old woman.
A young Delilah confronts the scariest witch in the slums.
One of the things that drove Vera Moray mad on the Pandyssian Continent was an apparition of void-bound Delilah, unstuck in time.
Delilah and Granny Rags meet at an Outsider shrine, where Delilah is attempting to complete a somewhat risqué ritual.
One of the things that drove Vera Moray mad on the Pandyssian Continent was an apparition of Empress Delilah, stuck in her painting.
Delilah kidnaps an inconvenient muttering old woman and gets more than she bargained for.
I just played these games for the first time and I! Love! GLaDOS! Hello voice kink, hello hilarious ridiculous complex evil-yet-sympathetic female villain, hello AI with a definite gender, hello... WORLD. Or something.
This may seem unusual for a ship where both characters canonically attempt to murder each other on multiple occasions, but I would prefer lighter/happier endings for this canon and pairing. Like, please seize and run with any dark thoughts that might accost you, but if I had to pick I’d pick Rated Explicit For Sexual Situations rather than Rated Explicit For Doom and Misery.
Note: I am SUPER INTO hurt/comfort for this pairing. And GLaDOS reluctantly relenting because Chell just continues to exceed her expectations...
Post-Portal 2, Chell runs into some problems in the outside world and reluctantly turns to GLaDOS for aid. GLaDOS agrees to help her, but there’s a price.
During Portal 2, after Chell and Wheatley have awakened GLaDOS, Chell finds that GLaDOS’s new tests have taken on an unusual new theme... a sexy (?!) theme. What’s going on?
At some point in any game, Chell fails a test. Instead of letting her die, GLaDOS rescues her and keeps her as a pet.
GLaDOS attempts to seduce Chell. Chaos ensues.
AU: Chell is an Aperture test subject while Caroline is alive.
AU: Chell is an Aperture test subject. Cave Johnson is dead and Caroline has assumed his position. But is the woman who oversees testing really Caroline? (Androids! Cyborgs?)
Chell is trapped somewhere for a bit, GLaDOS can’t physically reach her, but can talk to her for xyz reason. The taunting that ensues gets weirdly sexual.
Sex pollen goo.
Divided by theme! tbh I’m loving these Extremely Specific Pairings That Function As Prompts In Their Own Right.
Robot Haphazardly Built Of Spare Parts/Glamorous Fashionista
The Fashionista, a renowned ditz whose heart of figurative gold remains concealed from the public eye, adopts a Robot because that is the thing to do. Dark societal truths come to light... or maybe they just hook up and it’s awesome.
They meet backstage at the runway. The Fashionista is promoting someone’s new line. The Robot is working as dress assistant, janitor, and/or decoration, for a pittance. What are these feelings???
The Fashionista’s Robot lover is her greatest shame.
The Robot’s Fashionista lover is her greatest shame.
The Fashionista has never had an orgasm. The Robot’s unusually shaped and/or vibrating appendage promises to change that.
The Robot has never experienced physical pleasure, at least not to a noticeable degree. But... the way the Fashionista attends to her...
A power couple enjoy a day out. Is it sinister? Is it sensual? Is this a boring prompt? Only you can say.
Nanite-based Shapeshifting Female Alien Robot/Space Explorer
[on their way]
Ice-Cold Mob Boss/Robot Bodyguard She Would Die For
The Mob Boss has always assumed her feelings for the Robot Bodyguard were, and would remain, unrequited. When she is injured, kidnapped, or otherwise placed in severe danger, this assumption is proven wrong.
Rival gangsters or law enforcement agents kidnap the Robot Bodyguard for information. They don’t expect the Mob Boss to care. They especially don’t expect her to personally storm their hideout / prison / whatever.
Rival gangsters or law enforcement agents, informed by a snitch of the Mob Boss’s secret feelings, kidnap the Robot Bodyguard. She knows it’s a setup exploiting her weakness. She personally storms the hideout / prison / whatever anyway.
Snapshots of the relationship between Mob Boss and Robot Bodyguard, beginning to end.
Female Sentient AI/Female Prisoner Recruited for Human Subject Trial
Question Prompts -- How ethical is the human subject trial and what is its purpose? What is the AI’s interest in the Prisoner, or vice versa? What was the Prisoner’s alleged crime, is she guilty or innocent, and was she justly or unjustly imprisoned? Is the AI supposed to be sentient, or is her consciousness a happy (depending on how you look at it) accident?
The AI gains or solidifies a consciousness while being tasked to perform increasingly sadistic experiments on the Prisoner. Does she continue the experiments or hatch a plot to rescue her subject?
These new sexually-themed tests would cause the Prisoner enough shame if they didn’t also turn her on. Is it just her imagination, or does the proctor AI seem to respond to her arousal?
Programmer/Rogue AI She Created
Question Prompts -- How has the AI managed to go rogue? Is this the cyberpunk future? What is the Programmer’s area of industry? Exactly what kind of stuff can the AI do?
Now a hostage of her own creation, the Programmer struggles to explain the decisions that led her to these circumstances. 
Evil Spellcasting Witch/Evil Hedge Witch She Is Having the Spawn of their Evil Love With
Enthusiastic pregnant sex that may or may not be part of an evil ritual. (What exactly is the spawn...?) 
Enthusiastic we’re-conceiving-the-spawn-of-our-evil-love sex that may or may not be part of an evil ritual. (Again, what exactly is the spawn?)
A torch-bearing mob descends on the cottage of the pregnant Evil Hedge Witch. Hark -- Evil Spellcasting Witch to the rescue!
Powerful Hermit Witch/Princess Who Comes Seeking Her Aid and Won't Take No For an Answer
0 Witch/Female Witch Hunter(s)
Female Pop Star/Fake Girlfriend Hired by PR Team
[under construction]
Female Pop Star/Controlling Manager
[coming soon]
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