#mun watches ace attorney
mima-sama · 4 months
Hey Mun, after 7 years from release I finally got my hands on a Switch, which games should I look to play besides the free ones on eshop? (Reminder that each Big N own franchises' game here cost ~250 BRL, that's quite expensive considering the minimum wage of 1400 BRL). Ps: sent you a friend request there,i hope i got the right code
I'll have to check my friend requests a little later, then! As for game recommendations, I'll only give ones I've personally played, so... Games I highly recommend will be highlighted in blue. In the ~20-30 USD/~100-150 BRL range: Okami HD (no explanation necessary) Katamari Damacy: Reroll (another port/remake, but a fun time nonetheless) Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin (which is an excellent game if you like action platformers mixed with a rice farming simulator-- which is a lot more fun than it sounds Untitled Goose Game (Unbridled fun. You play as a horrible, horrible goose, and it is wonderful) Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony and its sequel (Touhou + Castlevania! Probably one of the most well-known Touhou fangames) Gensou Skydrift (Mario Kart, but Touhou!) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (If you like the AA games, this is a good way to have 'em all in one place)
Some games in the ~15 USD/~75 BRL price range: Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King and Blossom Tales: The Minotaur Prince (An action RPG series very similar in gameplay to classic Zelda. They're very cute games) Murder by Numbers (A Picross game that has some Phoenix Wright elements, which also has music by the composer of Phoenix Wright, and art by the Hatoful Boyfriend artist!) Hollow Knight (if you like insects and really hard platformers) Stardew Valley (no explanation necessary, though if you already have it on PC, it's up to you if you want to double-dip)
Games below ~15 USD/~75 BRL: Kubinashi Recollection, a puzzle game which is a Touhou fangame, ~12 USD/~60 BRL. Yodanji, a Mystery Dungeon rougelike that's only ~5 USD/~25 BRL Kamiko, a top down arcade hack-and-slash, also only ~5 USD/~25 BRL Part Time UFO, a fun little physics puzzler by HAL, ~9 USD/45 BRL
And of course, there are the more expensive games, like the first party Nintendo titles, if you want to save up for them. You can't go wrong with any of the Zeldas: Link's Awakening, BotW, or TotK, though TotK's price is OOF. Pokemon Legends Arceus is genuinely the best Pokemon game we've had in ages, it's unironically really good. If you like 3D Mario, Super Mario Odyssey is definitely a must-have. 2D Mario is more your thing? Super Mario Maker 2. Do you like Toad? Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. And of course, there's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I would always recommend checking out what's on sale, too. Sometimes, there are some hidden gems in there. You just gotta sift through the crap-- and on that note, if you see a game in the eShop with a banner at the top, AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS, IT IS RANK GARBAGE. (I highly suggest you watch AntDude's video, Nintendo eShop Regrets, in order to better learn how to recognize the games you should avoid.)
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abyssembraced · 1 year
Get to know the mun!
What's your phone wallpaper?: All of my backgrounds are video game characters! On my phone, I'm using fanart of Amaterasu from Ōkami, though unfortunately I don't know where I originally got it from. And on my tablet, I'm using this fanart of Edelgard from FE3H!
Currently reading: I'm keeping up with a couple of PMD webcomics, but other than that... Nothing, really! I've been spending most of my free time drawing and writing instead (...though I. Haven't been writing my owed replies. I should really get to those now that I'm on summer break, oops)
Last movie: Honestly? No clue. I hardly ever watch movies, so whatever it was probably happened months ago lmao
What are you wearing: Just some pyjamas! I have nowhere to go today and I am comfy :)
Piercings/Tattoos?: My ears were pierced when I was young, so I've got earrings that I wear pretty much permanently! Basically the only jewellery I really wear lmao. Other than that, nothing!
Glasses, Contacts, Both, or Neither?: Just glasses! Contact lenses make me nervous,,, dgshshf
Last thing you ate: Had some cereal for breakfast a couple hours ago! Might go eat something else soon, though
Favourite colour(s): Light pinks and light blues!
Current obsession: Deltarune is definitely one of the Big Ones right now, but my old Undertale obsession from like 2015-2017 has also been back with a vengeance lately. Hollow Knight is still stickin' around though, albeit maybe a little less than it was a couple months ago, but it's still there! And I fully expect my Ace Attorney obsession to be back in full force once my friend and I can start playing (replaying for me) TGAA.
Do you have a crush?: Nope! And I plan on keeping it that way dgdgshs. I'm not interested in romance at the moment
Favourite fictional character?: No. Bad. This question is bad I don't like it ASGSGSHDS. I have So Many beloveds, how can I pick just one!? Give me an individual game or series and I can pick out my favourite from there easily enough, but picking my favourite among my faves? Impossible. I don't even wanna start a list here because I'll probably forget someone and then feel bad about it dgdgdsh
Tagged by: Stolen from @ofeggies
Tagging: @tazmilyxfamily, @trxvelingnightmxre, @voidedheart, @legalbrats, @xmfxne, and anyone else reading this who wants to! I'd love to read it :)
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mathcs · 1 year
[ src. ] 👋 / 🎀 / 🍓 ( [ace attorney table slam vc] LET'S GOO HAHA )
👋 Do you and the mun agree on something? 
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"More than you'd think."
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"Like the need for a better, healthier sleep schedule. But I guess I'm one to talk."
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"My 'morals'...? I dunno if that's something to go crazy over....."
🎀  What does the mun have for a music taste? Do you like it? 
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"To summarize... lots of rock with some pop here and there. Nothing too unconventional, aside from the fact that she's a bit behind on the latest releases if it weren't for others." Un-trendy moment! His appearance aside, he sort of understands. "I think I prefer the softer songs on the playlist... Like this one."
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"But... those lyrics....." It's timeless ok. Much more awkward than Hey_Jude.mp3!
🍓 What is something you and the mun disagree on?
Oh! There it is.
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"... A couple of things. It'll be easier if I just show you, though." Click, click. "Since you're the only other person who can understand these at a glance... here." Wait, what's those screencaps he's bringing upー
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"And so on."
But is it wrong, Jude? Factually!
"... Then there's this."
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"Andー" Oh no, he's slowly losing it.
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"Why is it a WIP when there's already four continuations of this listed?!" Never mind, already lost it!
And, one misclick click laterー
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".... Oh, you have to be kidding mー" Wh-What a discovery! Thank you for the questions today, and from Shai Tomino herself! Unfortunately, we've just run out of time, oops! Here's the outro...
[Buer vc] Look forward to it...
REVIEWS: "that's it for the preview? BRUH WTF YOU CANT JUST" - anon user A "why's jude screaming like that when law's death ep already aired? HELLO?? why does buer sound so calm? IM SCARED" - anon user B "apparently law's X2 hanger scene just got leaked. if you know you know. unless its a REALLY well fanmade thing. haha. anyways. so does a voice actor ever make you cry or are you normal" - anon user C "i'm going to pre-order the bluray so i can see the 4koma scenes of this early. because i just want to feel happiness. i'm only human." - anon user D "whoa, we did an even better job than usual this time! thank you to everyone in the staff for your hard work!! to those at home, please watch until the very end! thank you for all the support!! and due to our combined efforts, i'm happy to announce that 'phase two' is greenlit!!!" - m. yamato
. . . . . The TV turns off via remote control.
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(Law's right. This is a weird anime. Talk about some scary coincidences...)
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(Well, I better sleep. Class in the morning. I'll let him know I watched this tomorrow!)
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galacticgather · 4 years
SB: So Cyrus tell us about your childhood
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aptlyattorney · 4 years
Do I Follow Them?: Indeed!
Why Did I Follow Them?: In looking for Ace Attorney blogs, this was one of the first that I found.
Do We Role Play?: Unmistakably so.
Do I Want To Role Play With Them:  Absolutely.
An AU Idea For Our Muses:  Hrm.. It’s not really a verse if we’re planning ahead for it so..  Maybe a reverse AU where Polly’s a magician, trucy’s the lawyer? Or something fantasy based.
A Song For Our Muses:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxnpFKZowcsthey’re both pretty strong-willed people, and I didn’t want to use that same song you sent me the other day.
Do I Ship Our Muses?:Father-son relationship only.  Please, give this boy a living dad.
What I Think About The Mun: Great listener, and good with planning.
Overall Opinion: Y’all have not SEEN the absolute bsing that happens between us, the mini scenarios we cook up, I love every time.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10  Love picking around the theme,  everything’s neat and organized, unlike phoenix’s life.
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streetsteel · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
Asks for the mun — Accepting!
1. Who has been your favorite muse to play?
Oh boy oh boy. TBH I’m having a blast with Jay. He’s always been a fun one to write, and since he’s an OC too I feel like there’s been less stress on me because there’s no preconceived idea about how he can be. I gotta say though, I also had a blast writing in the Ace Attorney fandom as this dork right here Mr. Detective Bobby Fulbright
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He’s pretty much Jay’s polar opposite, but I love him so much and the community was pretty damn chill back in the day. No idea what it’s like now though. 
2. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you like to listen to?
I usually listen to stuff when I draw, but when I write… I don’t really, unless I’m writing horror and I have to put myself in a mood. Otherwise, I have the TV on for background noise? ……….though sometimes I end up watching whatever is on TV instead of writing. Welp.
3. Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write?
That and idk I’ve had an itch like. I wanna write a FFXII AU but getting to it man getting to it is hard lmao
4. What are some of your rp pet peeves?
It’s a stupid one, and if you do this, don’t mind me and keep doing what you prefer, it’s 100% aesthetic. But people who write && instead of ‘and’. I always end up reading it ‘and and’. Which uh. Yeah. Ampersands aren’t meant to be used in sentences in that way, grammatically speaking. 
5. What is the most difficult thing about writing your current muse?
Plotting stuff and ways for him to interact with people. He’s got a shit temper, so he’s hard to get along with, and that makes it also really hard to reach out from his side. He doesn’t ask for help, tends to be a loner, which means I really have to drag him to do stuff. It’s easier when people write starters for me rather than the other way around, because otherwise I draw blanks because he doesn’t go towards people naturally.
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tenacityblitz · 4 years
Munday Meme
🎃 - What is the mun’s favorite holiday?
Probably Halloween. Even tho I’m a cosplayer and I get to do it many times throughout the year except this year thanks coronavirus, I still love being able to go out in cosplay and a lot of people are doing it too.
⚾- What is the last TV show the mun watched?
I watched the newest BNHA episode earlier today!
🏐 - What is one thing the mun would like to know more about?
I’d love to learn more Japanese so I’m more proficient in reading and speaking it. Especially if I ever get to travel to Japan someday and go everywhere I want to visit, I’d need to be able to comprehend the language on a basic to moderate level. Namely the real life town where Iwatobi from Free was modeled after. It’s a small seascape town so it’s unlikely that many of the residents would know English like people would in the bigger cities like Tokyo.
🏀 - What is one thing the mun hasn’t done but wants to do?
I also really want to go to Italy (and Siciliy by association) so I can go to the towns where my mom’s side of the family are from. My moms parents and grandparents were off the boat Sicilians, so it’d be cool to go walk the streets they used to walk, possibly even go see the house my grandmother grew up in if someone in my family has an address somehow.
🏈 - What is a trope or plot the mun wants to do with their muse?
I need a Detroit Became Human AU badly now. I’ve only watched a friend of mine do one playthrough of the game, so we’ve got so many other possible routes to play through (we were sort of middle of the road between pacifist and violent this go around), it just made me want to write it in some capacity.
🎱- What is the mun’s biggest hobby or passion?
Roleplaying hands down. I very much enjoy my cosplaying to a comporable degree as RP”ing, but I’ve been doing RP’ing for about twice as long so it edges out for biggest hobby.
🥐 - What is the mun’s favorite thing to eat?
See the above answer of how much I love pizza and pasta LOL. I am a big lover of Asian food though too, though I haven’t been able to go to either of my favorite restaurants as of late again thank you coronavirus.
🥨- Most recent book the mun has read?
It’s been awhile since I read a physical book, but not counting the BNHA manga since I’ve only ever read it in digital form, the last actual book I read was the Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat. If you don’t have any triggers and can handle some pretty heavy subject matter, it’s a really good trilogy that I’d recommend.
🍠- Does the mun like to play video games? What kind?
What I play versus what I’ll happily watch other people play is pretty different. Even when I had a steady full time job, I wouldn’t drop full price money on a game unless I really really wanted it. All my life I’ve played stuff like Harvest Moon, Sims, Smash Brothers, Pokemon (and all its spinoffs), the Tales of franchise (Zestiria, Berseria, Graces, Vespiria, etc), Ace Attorney, so a lot of RPG sort of games. But I’ve watched gameplay of stuff like The Division, Nier Automata, Shadow of the Colossus, Detroit Became Human, Five Nights At Freddy’s, Until Dawn, the list goes on. So I enjoy a lot of video games, I just don’t play a lot of them myself.
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kuyuzhishi-a · 5 years
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NAME : Blues NICKNAME / S : Blues, Bwues, Bloos, bitch, sadist mun, shipmaster, queen HEIGHT : 5′6″ NATIONALITY : 'murica FAVOURITE FRUIT : Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, tomatoes, and lemons FAVOURITE SEASON : Summer FAVOURITE SCENTS : Hardware store. Yes I know that sounds weird but I could inhale that shit for days FAVOURITE ANIMALS : Literally all cats, raptors, snakes, fish, orcas, and honestly I just love animals TEA, COFFEE, HOT COCOA : Tea generally, but I love all of these things AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP : heh WHEN MY BLOG WAS CREATED : I think like 5 years ago according to this idk # OF FOLLOWERS : uuuuuuuuuh 2,119. I had to do a purge recently actually RANDOM FACT : There are no known fatal wild orca attacks on humans.  FAVOURITE FOOD : Freshly caught fried haddock FAVOURITE T.V. SHOWS : fucking UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH I don’t really watch tv. Various anime... I used to be really into TWD... and Lost... yeah. FAVOURITE MOVIE : Currently BoRap. I watch movies even less than I watch TV FAVOURITE VINE : Too many but for good measure, this one  SEXUALITY : bifurious (the person I got this from put this here but shit it’s accurate for me too) PRONOUNS : she/her but I honestly do not care so do as you please FAVOURITE BOOK SERIES : ... I actually mostly read nonfiction and manga I’m sorry FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME / S : Rune Factory 4, Octopath Traveler, Kirby SSU and AM, BBCSEX, Legend of Zelda BotW and MC, and the entire Ace Attorney series FAVOURITE SUBJECT : Sciences especially bio, art, data analytics, psychology, philosophy GUYS OR GIRLS : porque no los dos LAST TIME I CRIED : I honestly can’t remember WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING : my class assignment... sweats..... FAVOURITE FANDOMS : Kirby fandom is full of good vibes and DEEPEST LORE. thank you kirby fans
tagged by : I stole it. You know, like a thief tagging : uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
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youareaservant · 5 years
2 & 4 (mun's ask rp edition)
Munday Asks || Accepting!
Tell us about the first fandom you roleplayed in. Are you still part of it or have you moved onto others?
lmao so I think??? the first character I RPed was either a Sailor Moon OC or Lum from Urusei Yatsura. I was maybe like... 9 or 10 (yes i watched Urusei Yatsura at that age), and this was back in the AOL RP chatroom days where there were just a bunch of random RP rooms you could go in as whatever character. 
I haven’t seen Urusei Yatsura since I was still in like, elementary school, so I haven’t RPed it since. I’m in the Sailor Moon fandom from crib to grave though, fam--even if I’m not RPing it anymore. 
How many roleplay blogs do you have?
At present I have three that are not... well, while not active, I’ve been on them in the past year??? lol. This one obviously, and I also play Simon Blackquill from Ace Attorney ( @samurai-esquire ) and Lin Xianming from Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens ( @shoubupantsu ).
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3! [mun tastes meme]
15 questions about mun’s taste in muses.
3. do you often get ideas when watching new media? do you end up wanting a canon character, an oc in that world, or just things involving current muses in the world / with those characters?
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[[Absolutely! It’s hard for me not to watch something these days and imagine my characters in that world, interacting with or fighting against the other characters. That’s basically how I got into the DBH and Ace Attorney roleplay communities, by shoving Kisama into the world and seeing what would happen. I could argue the same for Bleach too, to a point, although that was more in-reverse. I got into the RPC and then started getting more invested in the show/manga. I’m silly like that.]]
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itsgottabethebutz · 6 years
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(art of us by Sam)
Repost, don’t reblog!
Name/Nickname: Sinead
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'4’’
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Animal: Red Panda
Hours of sleep: haha maybe 6?
Dogs or Cats?: Cats
Number of Blankets: One
Dream trip: Ireland
Dream job: full-time professional mermaid (I’m a part-time professional mermaid!)
Current time: 11:34 am
Birthday: February 25th
Last Show I watched: Say Yes to the Dress
When did I create my blog: December 2010
Song stuck in my head: Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy
Other blogs: @distanttracesofbeauty
Why I chose my URL: When something smells.....
Following: 507 (though in my eight years here, many of those are deactivated or no longer active)
Followers: 1354 (many are deactivated as well)
Favorite Instrument: uilleann pipes!
Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like to Join: Pokémon, Ace Attorney, Animal Crossing
Tagged by: I actually stole this from @guilty-love
Tagging: @chiefseekeroftruth, @prosecutor-in-chief, @crossed--fates
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alleinmeilen · 6 years
Mun Meme!
Tagged by: @prosecutorsoffice and @detachableteacher (Thanks y’all!)
Rules: Tag 15 people you’d like to get to know better.
Tagging: Steal it :D
Relationship status: Very single 
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick (I don’t really like either though)
Three favorite foods: Pizza, pot roast w/mashed potatoes, and chicken strips! (Anything cheesy I also love)
Song stuck in my head: Michael in the Bathroom- Be More Chill
Last movie I watched: Uhhh I don’t remember actually- Incredibles 2 I think??
Top Three TV Shows: Ace Attorney (does that count?), Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, and the first few seasons of Fairly Oddparents
Book I am currently reading: Textbooks only rn ;-;
Last thing I googled: ‘Movies 2018′ (Trying to remember what movie I last watched X,D)
Time: 8:05 pm
Dream trip: London!
Anything you want: My own kitten maybe? Also a better ability to study 
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empressdelights · 6 years
Get to know the Mun!
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Repost, don’t reblog!
Name/Nickname: Bri!  usually go by Bri or Rae
Gender: Female.
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5′3.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw.
Favorite Animal: leopards, ducks and dogs
Hours of sleep: About six to eight.
Dogs or Cats?: Dogs.
Number of Blankets: Two thick blankets. My dorm room is usually cold
Dream trip: To Italy, Spain or England
Dream job: Therapy/Psychiatry
Current time: 10:29. (Eastern Standard Time.)
Birthday: February 24
Last Show I watched: Masterchef US
When did I create my blog: I made this one back in May 2018.
Other blogs: @airheaded-donuts @hopeful-luminaries @misterstealyourheart
Why I chose my URL: because Haru is my delightful empress
Following: 139
Followers: 191
Favorite Instrument: I have no idea lol
What I’m wearing: burgundy joggers with a mustard yellow blouse
Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like to Join: I would love to live in a pokemon universe, ace attorney and MAYBE persona.
stolen from @electricea
Tagging: anyone who can read 
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xseedgames · 6 years
2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza Blog! #1
It’s time for our first 2017 End-of-the-Year Q&A Extravaganza! We’ve got a bunch of these we’ll be posting over the holiday break, so please look forward to them. Now, let’s roll right in!
We have answers from: 
Ken Berry, Executive Vice President / Team Leader John Wheeler, Assistant Localization Manager Nick Colucci, Localization Editor Liz Rita, QA Tester Brittany Avery, Localization Producer Thomas Lipschultz, Localization Producer
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Question: Has selling your games on PC worked out for you so far? I know supporting the PC platform is a relatively recent choice for XSEED. - @Nate_Nyo
Ken: Being on PC has been great for us as it allows us to reach anyone anywhere in the world regardless of region or console. We were probably one of the earlier adopters in terms of bringing content from Japan to PC as we first published Ys: The Oath in Felghana on Steam almost 6 years ago in early 2012.
Brittany: I love working on PC. The work involved is greater than working on console, but I feel like it's a bigger learning experience, too. For console, the developers normally handle the graphics after we translate them, and they do all the programming and such. For PC, everything falls on us. I wasn't that experienced with Photoshop in the beginning, but I think I've gotten a lot better with it over the years. We can also receive updates instantly, and since I talk with our PC programmer through Skype, it's easier to suss out our exact needs and think of ideas to improve the game or bring it to modern standards.
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Question: What non-XSEED games do you praise the localization for? - @KlausRealta
Brittany: Final Fantasy XII. I love everything about Final Fantasy XII's writing. I'm also a big fan of the personality in the Ace Attorney localizations. I'm still playing Yakuza 0, but you can feel the passion of the localization team in the writing. There are some projects where you can tell the editing was phoned in, and then there are games where it's obvious it was a labor of love. All of these games have a color I aspire to.
Tom: Probably going to be a popular answer, and not an especially surprising one, but I've got to give props to Lost Odyssey. It's hard to deny the timeless quality and absolutely masterful English writing that went into basically every line of that game's massive script, with the many short stories being of particular note. That game really does represent an inspirational high bar that I think most everyone else in the industry will forever strive to reach in their own works.
For a more unexpected answer, I've also got to give mad props to Sega for their work on Monster World IV. As a Sega Genesis game released digitally in English for the very first time less than a decade ago, I guess I was kind of expecting a fairly basic "throwaway" translation -- but instead, the game boasts a full-on professional grade localization that's easily up to all modern standards, brimming with charm and personality. It's really nice to see a legitimate retro game being given that kind of care and attention in the modern era, and it makes it very easy for me to recommend (as does the fact that the game is actually quite fun, and is sure to be enjoyed by anyone who's played through all the Shantae titles and really wants to try something else along similar lines).
John: I played Okami on PS3 earlier this year (before the remake was announced), and I was awed by how skillfully the team handled text that is chock full of localization challenges like quirky nicknames, references to Japanese fairy tales, and regional dialects. I was especially amused to see a reference to "kibi dango," the dumplings Momotaro uses to bribe his companions in that famous story. We dealt with the same cultural reference with STORY OF SEASONS: Trio of Towns.
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Nick: My go-to response is always Vagrant Story, because it’s the game I credit with getting me really interested in a career in localization. Before that point, I had enjoyed games for their story and characters, but hadn’t realized just how much the specific word choices and tone contributed to a reader’s perception of a story as a whole. The gents behind VS’s localization would go on to be industry luminaries, with Rich Amtower now calling shots in Nintendo’s Treehouse department and Alex Smith being synonymous with the highly regarded prose of Yasumi Matsuno’s games – including the cool and underappreciated Crimson Shroud for 3DS, and Final Fantasy XII, which as anyone who’s played it can tell you is a stellar localization. Having spent a lot of time with FFXII’s “The Zodiac Age” remaster this year, the care and attention to detail put into the localization still blows me away. The unique speech style of the Bhujerbans (with...Sri Lankan inflections, if memory serves correctly) sticks with me, because I knew that I myself would never have been able to pull off something like that so deftly. I guess you could say Vagrant Story started a lineage of games that’s always given me something to aspire to as an editor.
Final Fantasy XIV, which I’ve been playing this year, also has a very good localization, especially considering the reams of text that go into an MMO of its size and scope. Michael-Christopher Koji Fox and his team have done a bang-up job giving life and personality to the land of Eorzea, and I’ve enjoyed seeing how the localization has changed in subtle ways as time has gone on. The initial “A Realm Reborn” localization sort of cranks the “regional flavor” up to 11 with heavy dialects and vernacular, but in subsequent expansions, they kind of eased up on that and have found a good mix between grounded localization and the kind of flourishes that work well in high-fantasy settings.
 And, while I haven’t played it in a number of years, I remember Dragon Quest VIII having a really great localization, too, with ol’ Yangus still living large in my memories. Tales of the Abyss was fantastic as well, and both DQVIII and Abyss delivered some really brilliant dub work that showed me how much richer one could make characterization when the writing and the acting really harmonized. I still consider Tales of the Abyss my general favorite game dub to date. The casting is perfect, with not a bad role among them. I also want to give mad props to Ni no Kuni’s Mr. Drippy, just as a perfect storm of great localization decisions. Tidy, mun!
Question: How hard is it to turn in game signs and words to English for Japanese? Is it as simple as going in and editing text? Or as hard as creating a whole new texture for the model? - @KesanovaSSB4
Tom: We refer to this as "graphic text" -- meaning, literally, text contained within graphic images. How it's handled differs from project to project, but the short answer is, yeah, it involves creating a whole new texture for the model. Sometimes, this is handled by the developer: they'll just send us a list of all the graphic text images that exist in-game and what each image says, we'll send that list back to them with translations, and they'll use those translations to create new graphic images on our behalf. For other games, however (particularly PC titles we're more or less spearheading), we'll have to do the graphic edits ourselves. When the original PSDs or what-not exist for the sign images, this is generally pretty easy -- but as you might expect, those aren't always available to us, meaning we'll sometimes have to go to a bit more trouble to get this done.
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John: The best practice is to review graphic text very early in the localization process because it takes effort to fix and can throw a wrench in schedules if issues are discovered too late. On occasion, it is too difficult to change ubiquitous textures, especially those that might also appear in animation. This was the case with "NewTube" in SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash, which the localization team wanted to change to "NyuuTube" to make the wordplay clearer to series fans.
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Question: With the Steam marketplace becoming increasingly saturated and being seen as a greater risk to publish on in recent times, what does XSEED plan on doing in order to remain prominent and relevant in the PC gaming space? - @myumute
Ken: It is indeed getting harder and harder to stand out as hundreds of new titles are releasing on Steam each month. We are working our way towards simultaneous release across all platforms to help leverage some of the coverage from the console version to get more attention to the PC release, so hopefully that's something we can accomplish soon. For PC-exclusive releases it continues to be a challenge, but at least they have a long tail and even if it's not an immediate success at launch we know it can continue to produce sales for years to come.
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Question: What was your favorite film that you saw in 2017, and why? - @Crippeh
John: I'm way behind on movies this year (haven't seen Disaster Artist, Phantom Thread, or Get Out, for example), but recently I've enjoyed both Star Wars and Lady Bird. I expect I'll watch my favorite film from 2017 sometime in 2018.
Ken: Wind River. Mainly because of Jeremy Renner's performance and how many quotable lines he had.
Liz: Get Out for horror mindblowing amazingness, Spider-Man Homecoming for genuinely fun comic book movie, and The Shape of Water for Guillermo del Toro. Guillermo del Toro should always be a category.
That’s it! Stay turned for blog #2 later this week. Here’s a preview of the kinds of questions we’ll be answering:
Question: Have you ever considered selling the music CDs for your licenses stateside? - @LimitTimeGamer Question: If possible, would you please consider researching and localizing classic Korean-made PC xRPGs? - @DragEnRegalia Question: Do you have any interest in pursuing the localization of any of the large, beautiful Chinese RPGs that have been hitting Steam? Or are you focused exclusively on Japanese titles? - @TheDanaAddams Question: What inspired you all to do this kind of work in the first place? Also, what’s the story behind the company name XSEED? How did you all come up with it? - @TBlock_02 Question: What was everyone's favorite game(s) to work on this year? - @ArtistofLegacy Question: What's everyone's favorite song from the Falcom games you've released so far? - @Crippeh
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(Repost ! Don’t reblog ! )
SO YOU ANSWER 21 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOURSELF (THE MUN ❤︎), THEN TAG 20 FOLLOWERS THAT YOU WANT TO GET TO KNOW BETTER. I WAS TAGGED BY: @licnheartd Tagging: Aw shoot, i’m no good at this, but-- @acekuratetto @steelprosecutor @mikeisalwaysready @pinksweatergettingbetter @fidcliitas @inmywhipitrust (t-that’s all i can think of i’m so sorry if i missed anyone i’m off-beat with everything right now)
1) NAME: (Funnily enough) It’s also Sebastian, haha 2) NICKNAMES:  Bean, Beanpole, Worm, and whatever one-off nicknames my friends and i exchange with eachother 3) HEIGHT: 5′ 7~! 4) ORIENTATION: llllesbian??? or maybe pansexual??? i’m confused 5) NATIONALITY: Filipino/Irish p much 6) FAVOURITE FRUIT: I love peaches and plums and I can’t pick which one I like better 7) FAVOURITE SEASON: spring. 8) FAVOURITE FLOWER: yep! calla lilies 9) FAVOURITE SCENT: I love the smell of any food cooking. Or vanilla extract 10) FAVOURITE COLOUR: Oooh, hard choice between teal or a dark green. (I’m a very indecisive person) 11) FAVOURITE ANIMAL: MUDSKIPPERS. 12) FAVOURITE LOCATION: anywhere w lots of grass and lots of flowers 13) COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Definitely a hot chocolate person. 14) AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: oof it used to be 8 hours and it’s slowly dropping to 6 15) DOG OR CAT PERSON: I own 2 cats which i cherish with all my heart 16) FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): Yikes??? Obviously my muse, but I love almost every AA character (with two exceptions,) the Voltron, OHSHC, and Inuyasha casts 17) NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: Three! 18) DREAM TRIP: Somewhere with a lot of flower gardens, or a town with like, a mysterious vibe 19) BLOGS CREATED:  I have an art blog, a personal blog, this one, and I co-own an ask series with my best friends that never went anywhere, haha;; 20) NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 45! (wait what when did I get that much,) 21) RANDOM FACT: I actually just got myself into Ace Attorney last year, but I’ve been watching trivia and videos about the games since like, 3-4 years ago?
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NAME:  Kelsey GENDER:  Female EYE COLOR: Blue HAIR COLOR:  Brown/black RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Happily Taken by my other half;  Mali’a ZODIAC: Taurus  FAVORITE COLOR:  Purple FAVORITE SEASON:  The fall.  FAVORITE PLACE:  Home. I’m a huge home body. I love being hope wrapped up in a blanket, normally I’m knitting or playing video games.  FAVORITE HOLIDAY:  Halloween!!!! FAVORITE VIDEO GAME:  This is actually sooooo fucking hard. Ace Attorney has a huge soft spot in my heart.  LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED:  The Wiz. lmao I don’t really watch tv whoops.
WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?:  I enjoy Writing Rick. He’s pretty bad ass when he wants to be. The later seasons now in the show I’m a little worried with how he’s going to end up but currently I do enjoy him. WOULD YOU DATE YOUR MUSE?:  OFC. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE KINDS OF THREADS?: I like threads that hit you in the heart. So I really enjoy writing sad things as well as fluff.   ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?:  I would say yes I am. I get picky with who I write with just because I dont have much free time. DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MUSE?:  Not currently. Rick is really my only used muse at the moment, just because I get lazy with other blogs. WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM?:  I was bored waiting for season 8 so here I am now lmao  DO YOU SEE YOURSELF STAYING WITH THE FANDOM FOR A LONG TIME?:  I normally do. I tend to stay in the fandom for a while. Before I RP it, I read/ watched the show as well as played the games. Even when I stop rping in the fandom I would continue to enjoy it. 
tagged by: @daughtergrimes tagging: @miserieah, @angelwithacrossbow @notglennrhee 
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