#muga sports
okaima · 7 months
Silly ask tag/ask game.
Thanks for the tag @thegrapeandthefig
English under the cut:
1: Oletgo nikenen periä suannuh nimen?
Emohizen ämmän da edähizen äijän periä olen suannuh
2: Konza jälgimen itkevyit?
Onnakko egläi oli? Hyöten hyvästä oli, toinah minul on gormonat kurčinmurčin.
3: Ongo siul lasta?
Eule ga malittun on.
4: Mittusta sportuo kižuat libo olet kižannuh?
En ni äijäldi mittustu, minun perehes ei mostu sportuo himoruavokse... toiči perehenke kižaimmo gr'uuhah.
5: Pagizetko pilkoi?
En puaksuh.
6: Midä tarkait edizih kenestah?
Toinah heijän sovat libo ruutat x'D
7: Min värizet siun silmät ollah?
Moizet talvikanabran karvazet. Päiväni kruuga i on seämes.
8: Sroastikinot libo hyväozani loppu?
Nepremenno hyväozani loppu pidäy. Eule minul stroastikinot pättävät.
9: Ongo neruo?
Leibuo maltan midätahto, elättilöinke maltan, dai maltan käinmaltuo.
10: Kuspäi sie roit?
Mie roin Karjalan Tazavallas, Ven'anmoal.
11: Mittustu himoruaduo sinul on?
Käziroaduo on, koirienke menen da sit mostu sanaluetteluo suačen panna.
12: Ongo sinul elättiä?
Ga muga! Kaksi minul on koirua.
13: Kuin on sinul pitkys?
Minul on 167 sentimetrii.
14: Mieluzin školaruado?
Školas suačin fiiziekkua, hiimiedy da matemuatiekkuo.
15: Hoavehruado?
Praudua en hoaveksi roavos, ga pastainna eule paha.
Kučun: @harakanpoigu, @roakkaliha, @discoshhtick
1: Are you named after anyone?
My maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather
2: When was the last time you cried?
I think yesterday, for no reason, my hormones are bit out of whack
3: Do you have kids?
No, but I'd like to
4: What sports do you play/have played?
Nothing really, my family didn't really do sports as hobby.
5: Do you use sarcasm?
Very rarely.
6: What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably the way they dress.
7: What's your eye color?
Kinda murky green with yellow-brown centres.
8: Scary movies or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings, world has enough upsetting things as it is.
9: Any talents?
I'm decent baker, I get along with animals and I can sew clothes.
10: Where were you born?
Republic of Karelia, Russia.
11: What are your hobbies?
Traditional handcrafts, dogs and making word lists.
12: Do you have any pets?
Two dogs
13: How tall are you?
14: Favorite subject in school?
I always quite enjoyed physics, chemistry and mathematics
15: Dream job?
Honestly? I'd rather not work. But being baker is pretty nice.
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freeblognew · 1 month
Le MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area)
Une Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) est un espace sportif multi-usage destiné à la réalisation de différents sports et activités de loisirs sur une même surface. Les MUGA sont généralement équipées de revêtements en gazon synthétique, gazon naturel, asphalte ou béton, en fonction des besoins et des préférences des utilisateurs.
Ces installations sont fréquemment utilisées dans les établissements scolaires, les parcs publics, les centres communautaires et les complexes sportifs afin de fournir un espace souple pouvant être utilisé pour des activités sportives diverses : football, basket-ball, tennis, hockey, netball, handball, cricket, etc.
Les MUGA offrent des avantages tels que l'optimisation de l'espace disponible, la promotion de la pratique de diverses activités sportives, la diminution des coûts d'entretien par rapport à l'entretien de plusieurs terrains différents, et la mise en place d'un cadre propice aux activités sportives et de loisirs.
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macgroundworks · 1 month
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MUGA Installation with Durable Surfaces by Mac Groundworks
Mac Groundworks specializes in MUGA installation, offering versatile and robust multi-use games areas. They design and construct MUGAs with durable surfaces, reliable fencing, and clear court markings for diverse sports activities. For more info, visit https://www.macgroundworks.co.uk/mugas/
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Play Anytime, Anywhere: The Magic of MUGA Construction
Multi-Use Games Areas (MUGAs) have changed the landscape of outdoor recreational spaces, introducing a touch of magic to communities, schools, and sports enthusiasts. MUGAs are versatile, dynamic, and accessible game areas that provide a unique blend of inclusivity and adaptability. With MUGA construction, individuals can enjoy their favorite sports and activities anytime, anywhere, thanks in part to innovative features like the cutting-edge 5G football pitch. In this article, we will explore the enchanting world of MUGA construction and how these spaces are making outdoor play and exercise accessible like never before.
The Versatility of MUGAs
MUGAs have gained tremendous popularity for their ability to accommodate a wide range of sports and recreational activities. These areas have transformed underutilized spaces into hubs for physical fitness and social engagement. Unlike traditional sports facilities designed for a single sport, MUGAs are adaptable, making them the ultimate choice for communities, schools, and sports clubs that aim to maximize the use of their outdoor spaces.
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The Allure of 5G Football Pitches
One of the key elements in modern MUGA construction is the inclusion of 5G football pitches. These state-of-the-art pitches provide an exceptional playing experience that mirrors the feel of natural grass while incorporating advanced technology. The "5G" designation represents the fifth generation of football pitch turf, signifying a significant leap forward in terms of performance and playability.
Customization for Various Sports
MUGAs are all about flexibility, and the 5G football pitch plays a crucial role in achieving this adaptability. For sports like soccer, rugby, or American football, the playing surface needs to offer natural ball movement, traction, and durability. The advanced properties of the 5G football pitch make it a versatile choice for these sports, enhancing performance while minimizing the risk of injuries.
Durable, Weather-Resistant Surfaces
One of the remarkable features of MUGAs with 5G football pitches is their durability. These surfaces are engineered to withstand heavy use and harsh weather conditions, ensuring that players have access to a high-quality playing surface year-round. This resilience is a significant advantage, especially in schools and sports facilities where consistent access to a playable surface is essential for practice and competitions.
Environmental Considerations
Sustainability is a growing concern in construction projects. MUGA construction, including the incorporation of 5G football pitches, is increasingly focusing on eco-friendly materials and practices. These efforts help reduce the environmental impact of MUGAs and contribute to responsible urban planning. Additionally, the low-maintenance nature of 5G football pitches reduces the need for water, fertilizers, and pesticides, further supporting environmental sustainability.
Inclusivity and Accessibility
MUGAs are designed with inclusivity in mind. They offer accessible spaces for individuals of all ages and abilities to engage in physical activities and sports. The 5G football pitch contributes to this inclusivity by providing a comfortable and safe playing surface. Its wheelchair-friendly design ensures that people with mobility challenges can also participate, promoting social inclusion and making the MUGA an ideal space for all members of the community.
Safety and Comfort
Safety is a top priority in MUGA construction. The choice of playing surface significantly influences the safety of players. The 5G football pitch excels in this regard, offering a cushioned and shock-absorbing surface that reduces the risk of injuries. This makes it an ideal choice for high-impact sports, ensuring that players can enjoy their favorite games without fear of harm.
A Vision for the Future of MUGA Construction
As MUGA construction continues to evolve, the integration of advanced elements like the 5G football pitch is becoming standard practice. These materials not only enhance the performance and safety of MUGAs but also contribute to their sustainability and inclusivity. This vision for the future of MUGA construction aims to create magical spaces where people of all ages and abilities can play and exercise, anytime and anywhere.
MUGA construction has redefined the concept of outdoor recreation, offering a magical blend of inclusivity and adaptability. These dynamic spaces, with features like the 5G football pitch, empower communities, schools, and sports enthusiasts to play their favorite games and stay active year-round. As MUGAs continue to weave their magic into the fabric of our communities, the future of outdoor play and exercise is looking brighter than ever. With the accessibility and versatility of MUGAs, the world truly becomes a playground where everyone is invited to participate, anytime and anywhere.
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mugaconstructionblog · 7 months
From Blueprint to Reality: A Step-by-Step Guide to Muga Construction
Muga construction is a process that transforms an idea on paper into a vibrant, multifunctional sports facility. These Multi-Use Games Areas have gained popularity due to their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Whether you're planning to build one in your community, school, or organization, it's essential to understand the step-by-step process that takes your project from a blueprint to reality.
1. Conceptualization and Design
The journey of Muga construction begins with a concept. Before anything else, you need a clear vision of what you want to achieve. This vision should include the intended purpose of the Muga, its size, and the types of sports it will accommodate. Once you have a basic concept in mind, consult with architects and engineers who specialize in sports facility design. They will help you turn your vision into a concrete plan.
2. Site Selection and Preparation
The next crucial step is choosing the right location for your Muga. The site should be level, well-drained, and accessible to potential users. It's also essential to consider factors like soil quality and any necessary grading work. Preparing the site might involve removing any obstacles, leveling the ground, and addressing drainage issues. Proper site selection and preparation are vital for the long-term success of your Muga.
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3. Obtaining Permits and Approvals
Muga construction typically requires several permits and approvals from local authorities. These may include zoning permits, environmental clearances, and building permits. Ensuring that you have all the necessary paperwork in place is critical to avoiding delays and legal issues later in the construction process. It's advisable to work closely with local authorities and experienced professionals to navigate the permitting process smoothly.
4. Choosing the Right Materials and Equipment
Selecting the right materials and equipment is a key aspect of Muga construction. The type of sports you plan to accommodate will dictate your choices. For example, a tennis Muga may require a different surface and fencing compared to a soccer Muga. It's essential to invest in high-quality materials and equipment to ensure the longevity and safety of your Muga.
5. Grading and Foundation
The grading and foundation work is a crucial step in Muga construction. Proper grading ensures that the playing surface is level, which is essential for most sports. The foundation work provides stability and support for the Muga's surface and fencing. Both of these aspects require skilled professionals who can perform the necessary excavations and installations accurately.
6. Surface Installation
The choice of playing surface is another significant decision in the Muga construction process. Options include artificial turf, synthetic sports tiles, and acrylic surfaces, among others. The selection depends on factors like the primary sports to be played, climate conditions, and budget constraints. The installation of the playing surface requires precision to ensure it is level and free of imperfections.
7. Fencing and Accessories
Fencing is a critical component of a Muga, as it ensures safety and security for players and spectators. The type of fencing will vary depending on the sports to be played, but it should be robust and durable. Additional accessories like goals, basketball hoops, and lighting may also be added at this stage to enhance the Muga's functionality.
8. Line Marking and Finishing Touches
Once the playing surface and fencing are in place, the next step is to mark the lines for various sports. Accurate line marking is essential for ensuring that the Muga is suitable for different activities. Finally, the finishing touches, including landscaping, seating, and signage, give your Muga a polished and professional look.
9. Quality Assurance and Safety Checks
Before opening your Muga to the public, it's essential to conduct quality assurance and safety checks. These checks ensure that the construction has been completed to the required standards, and the Muga is safe for use. This step is critical in preventing accidents and ensuring the long-term durability of the facility.
10. Opening and Maintenance
With all the previous steps successfully completed, your Muga is ready to open to the public. However, Muga construction doesn't end here. Regular maintenance is necessary to preserve the facility's quality and safety. This includes periodic inspections, surface maintenance, and repair or replacement of any damaged components.
In conclusion, Muga construction is a step-by-step process that turns a vision into a vibrant sports facility. By carefully considering the conceptualization, site selection, permits, materials, and various construction stages, you can create a Muga that caters to the needs of your community, school, or organization. Remember that proper planning, quality construction, and ongoing maintenance are essential for the long-term success of your Muga. With the right approach, your blueprint can become a reality that enriches the lives of sports enthusiasts and fosters a sense of community.
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mugapitchcostings · 8 months
Unlocking the Secrets of MUGA Pitch Size and Dimensions
Imagine a sports surface that's like a chameleon, changing to accommodate various sports and activities. That's what a Multi-Use Game Area (MUGA) pitch does. But how do you ensure that your MUGA pitch size and dimensions are just right for your needs? In this article, we'll dive into the world of MUGA pitch size and dimensions, unraveling the details that make these spaces versatile and functional.
What's a MUGA Pitch, and Why Size Matters Before we delve into the specifics, let's understand the basics. A MUGA pitch is a versatile, all-weather sports facility that can host a range of activities, from soccer and basketball to tennis and hockey. It's like a blank canvas that transforms itself into the perfect stage for different sports.
Why Size Matters Size is a crucial factor in making a MUGA pitch truly versatile and accommodating. Consider the following:
Multi-Sport Capabilities: A well-sized MUGA pitch can cater to a broader range of sports and activities, making it a more valuable asset. Safety: Proper dimensions ensure that games are played within safe boundaries, reducing the risk of injuries. Enjoyment: A spacious pitch provides a better experience for players and spectators alike. Standard MUGA Pitch Dimensions MUGA pitch dimensions aren't one-size-fits-all; they can vary based on your needs and the available space. However, there are standard dimensions for various sports and activities that can serve as guidelines.
Soccer and Mini Soccer Standard Size: A full-size soccer MUGA pitch is approximately 100ft x 50ft (30.5m x 15.25m). Mini Soccer: For smaller areas or youth games, you can opt for a smaller size, such as 60ft x 40ft (18.3m x 12.2m). Basketball Standard Size: A standard basketball MUGA pitch is about 94ft x 50ft (28.65m x 15.25m). Tennis and Netball Tennis: For tennis, the dimensions are approximately 78ft x 36ft (23.8m x 11m). Netball: Netball courts are usually the same size as tennis courts. Hockey Standard Size: A typical hockey MUGA pitch is approximately 98ft x 50ft (30m x 15.25m). It's essential to remember that these are standard dimensions and can be adjusted based on the available space and specific requirements.
Customization: Tailoring Your MUGA Pitch The beauty of a MUGA pitch is its adaptability. You can customize the size and dimensions to meet your needs. Here's how you can tailor your MUGA pitch:
Multi-Sport Integration: If you plan to host various sports, consider a larger pitch to accommodate different activities comfortably. Youth and Recreational Play: For youth or recreational games, you can opt for smaller dimensions to suit the skill level and age group. Available Space: Your available area plays a significant role in determining the size and dimensions of your MUGA pitch. Customization allows you to make the most of the space you have. The Road to Your Ideal MUGA Pitch Creating the perfect MUGA pitch is like planning a grand event. Here's how you can get started:
Define Your Needs: What sports and activities do you want to accommodate on your MUGA pitch? What's the purpose of your MUGA pitch? Survey the Space: Assess the available space to determine the maximum dimensions for your MUGA pitch. Regulations and Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with local regulations and guidelines regarding pitch dimensions and safety requirements. Consult a Professional: Reach out to experienced MUGA pitch contractors who can help you design and customize the ideal pitch for your needs. Consider Future Needs: Think about any potential future needs and how they may affect your pitch's size and dimensions. Conclusion: The Perfect Fit for Versatile Play A MUGA pitch isn't just a sports facility; it's a versatile playground where athletes of all ages and skill levels can come together to play, learn, and grow. By understanding the intricacies of MUGA pitch size and dimensions, you can create a space that's not just functional but exceptional.
So, are you ready to embark on the journey of creating your dream MUGA pitch, tailor-made to your specifications? Your canvas for sports, fun, and memories awaits, and with the right contractor, you'll have a masterpiece that fits your needs like a glove. It's time to step onto the pitch and let the games begin!
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De Bruyne named best player of the year in the Premier League
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mugapitch · 4 years
MUGA Pitch
MUGA Pitch
Multi-purpose flooring in the United Kingdom can be used for a variety of activities. The client can help structure the way that they would like the flooring to be installed.
Flooring for these areas normally include artificial needle punch and EPDM rubber, both of which are available in a wide range of colours.
 Constructing a Multi Use Games Area
Prior to the fitting of the surfacing a tarmacadam sub base is set up. After that the coloured sports surfacing will be rolled out and then secured at the joints and sides, keeping the surface safe and secure and avoiding movement. A shock pad could be laid down as a way to enhance the impact absorbing properties of the surface making it safe for younger children.
 Cleaning a MUGA Pitch
If your surfacing is in need of repairs, reactive maintenance can be used to restore the surface. Routine servicing and repairs need to be conducted for as long as you are able to, in order to prevent these types of damages.
Regular observation is strongly advised, to lower major repairs. If contamination goes into the MUGA flooring it may need servicing in order to remove it. Specialists can attend to these kinds of fixes to a high standard so your Multi Use Games Area can be kept in it's best condition.
Specialist moss and algae treatment is used to remove the contamination from your surface. This can also improve the playing quality of the multi active games space and make certain that it is safe for use all through the year.
 Sports Pitch Contractors in United Kingdom
Our team are games surface installers, you will find all sorts of services relating to outdoor athletics and leisure time spaces. We're able to perform extensive building of brand new multi use games areas, unnatural carpet surfaces, netball courts and quite a few additional features. Our team works with many different places which include activity spaces, competitive sports groups, educational facilities and private houses to develop multipurpose game centres.
 Options of Surfacing for a Sports Pitch
Manufactured grass, macadam flooring and EPDM material are among the activity flooring choices we quite often build for jobs.
The tarmacadam surfacing choice is made with a mixture of tar and stones and that is applied to the decided location and cures as a hard surface. The polymeric EPDM flooring design is produced by using a mix of strong binder and rubber crumb which is merged together and installed to a tarmacadam sub base. These surface varieties are frequently positioned in many different design and style choices to coordinate the individual's choice.
Expert slip resistant coloured coverings should be applied to asphalt and polymeric court floor types for boosted overall performance.
The fake grass materials we build can range from 3rd generation man made grass to sand based turf and fibre bonded surfaces. 3rd generation synthetic carpet is fantastic for football and rugby, 2G flooring can be used for hockey and tennis, and fibre bonded grass is good for all round multi-activities.
 Custom Sports Facility Specifications in UK
We will create a tailored design regarding the recreational flooring construction which suits the various activities you prefer to participate in.
The hard court surfacing variations are preferred in establishments like educational institutions, leisure centres and clubs in numerous destinations. To create greater performance characteristics and safety qualities, we provide you with professional sports painting services for these surfacing designs.
Our expert staff can use a coloured covering in either acrylic or polyurethane paint to match your individual design and colour choices. As a result of applying this professional paint, the court will have far better traction which helps to avoid injury to people when using the surface. Expert activities markings will also be added to the court with a different colour choice to ensure they're accurate and clear. This makes scoring a lot easier in competitive games as the markings are easy to see.
We will offer a number of sports flooring services in the UK such as installation, repairs and painting for outdoor features to ensure they are performing at their finest.
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froggyfroo-art · 3 years
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This one is for the prompt "Cage", and is a little bit from a scene I wrote in an AU about Gareth and Erika where they met four years earlier than in canon (told I wrote a few of these - this is what lockdown did to me vsbvdh). In the scene, Erika was trying to illustrate a point to Gareth that he was only missing the hoop so much because they were playing with a football instead of a basketball... and then still managed to score with a kick.
(You know when you pick a drawing idea and think 'I'm going to regret this' and then you do it and you're like 'oh this is actually worse than I thought'? That's me with this one, and that's why they're in a blank void djbsdjvjsd (I will admit I used CSP to clean up some stray lines here because my god this this messy before vbsdvb). I even went to my local park to get reference images for the dang sport cage thing (MUGA?) and then I kind of just winged it with the angles and measurements which uh. Don't do that.)
Prompt list by @oc-growth-and-development
[ID: A digital drawing of Gareth and Erika playing with a football in a caged off sports area. The ball has been kicked up at a sharp angle by Erika, and has fallen right into the basketball hoop. Gareth is just in front of her, staring dumbfounded at the ball as it falls through the hoop, saying 'What?' in underlined text. They are both dressed in jumpers and Gareth is wearing a scarf. End ID.]
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3G Sports Surfaces in Cornwall #3G #Sports #Surfacing #Cornwall...
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3G Sports Surfaces in Cornwall #3G #Sports #Surfacing #Cornwall
3G Sports Surfaces in Cornwall #3G #Sports #Surfacing #Cornwall
— Multi Use Games Area (@multigamesarea) April 24, 2019
from Multi Use Games Area https://ukmultiusegamesarea.tumblr.com/post/184410765039 via IFTTT
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Muti Use Games Areas (MUGA’s) are a great utilisation of space in a school sports environment. This 3.0mtr high Duex 868 rebound with goal units, basketball hoops and backboards looks brilliant! Well done guys another brilliant installation #muga #schoolsports #reboundfencing #multiusegamesarea #awholeworldoffencingsolutions (at Reedley Primary School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPknjK5tYsE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ukmuga · 7 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/MugaUk
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Man City eye Pogba and De Jong as they target midfield signing
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