hatiragulzaman · 4 months
Allahın izniyle ile her akşam belgesel saatim kaçmaz
Tabi Rabbimin izni ile bir mani keder olmazsa devam.
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thedepressexpress · 4 months
in case anyone is interested in learning some stories about islam
some background, in Islam, there are lots of different prophets and they were blessed with special gifts. the prophets all had friends that are called companions and they're collectively considered the best of humanity.
during the days of Hazrat Sulaiman (King Solomon), his people were walking through an area but he heard an ant say to its fellow ants to hurry into the colony so they don't get trampled and Sulaiman stopped to pray and thank god that he could do righteous things like being mindful of the life around him
the last prophet, who's also the most famous and considered the best of humanity, Hazrat Muhammad, had a cat named Muezza who he loved so much he didn't mind drinking water that Muezza stuck his face in
Hazrat Muhammad loved Muezza so much that when he was called to prayer and Muezza was sitting on his sleeve, he chose to cut off his sleeve rather than disturb Muezza
there was a woman who used to throw garbage on Hazrat Muhammad every time he had to walk by her house on his way but one day she didn't so he knocked and went into her house and saw that she was sick so he nursed her back to health
Hazrat Muhammad called his younger cousin Ali, Abu Turab, or Father of Dirt because he fell asleep in a mosque absolutely COVERED in dirt
on the way to Makkah (where Hazrat Muhammad was born and basically abused and thrown out of when he became a prophet, he was coming back to claim it in peace) there was a dog and her puppies in the path that his army had to walk through so the prophet gave the dog family their own guard to keep them safe while they walked through
Hazrat Muhammad, again, the single most important human being in Islam, was praying with his head to the ground (prostrating) and his grandkids climbed on to his back so he just stayed there until they had their fun and got off and then continued his prayer
there's a lot of poetic justice on the day of judgement so people who were arrogant are turned into ants, people who masturbated will have pregnant hands, real creative stuff
there was a battle of trenches where the Muslims dag hide trenches to protect their one exposed side and without resources like water and food, to suppress hunger, the diggers would tied a stone to their stomach and pressure would make them feel less hungry. they went to complain to the Hazrat Muhammad that it wasn't fair. when they reached him where he was digging in a different part, he just lifted his shirt to show them that he had two stones tied to his stomach too.
once Hazrat Muhammad was sleeping at his companions house and early morning on Eid (think Christmas level celebration) the companion's daughters were singing while the prophet was asleep. his companion was telling his daughters to quiet down because he, the most important person, was sleeping and the prophet wakes from his sleep to basically say it's Eid. it's a day to celebrate. let them sing even if it disrupts my sleep.
Khalid bin Walid, one of the companions was so fucking sick, he was called the sword of god and during one of his battles he broke nine swords. he broke nine swords. he was also ambidextrous and fought with two swords.
disclaimer: I am not a religious scholar, I just know some things. For reference, I was born, raised and schooled in Islam for a really long time. I am not a Muslim, so please feel free to correct me or add on any religious stories from any religion.
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theothershin · 5 months
I told my sister that my cat and my aunt's cat were sleeping next to each other, and she said, "Woow, Kit-Kat, you were sleeping with Muezza?"
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minumanoishiibwi · 2 years
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Klik: https://wa.me/6281217569968, minuman kekinian segar, Oishii_Banyuwangi.
Terdapat 2 jenis varian rasa dari minuman Oishii Banyuwangi:
• Teh Tarik Jelly
• Kopi krim jelly
Yuk buruan order bisa hubungi owner kami:
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salah-with-sadie · 6 months
Are Cats allowed on the Prayer Mat?
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As-Salam-u-Alaikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh ("Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and his Blessings")!
"Surely Allah will admit a woman into paradise because she gave a thirsty dog to drink by taking water from a well with his shoe."
Islam, a religion built on principles of compassion and respect for all living beings, places significant importance on the welfare of animals. In this blog post, we will delve into the role animals play in Islam, exploring their rights, the ethical treatment they deserve, and the responsibilities Muslims have towards them. We will also look especially at how cats are regarded in Islam.
The Rights of Animals in Islam
Animals, both domestic and wild, have inherent rights in Islam. Islam recognizes that all animals are part of Allah’s (subhanahu wa ta'ala) creation and should be treated with care and respect. According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), animals deserve to be treated well, provided with food and water, and protected from harm. Inflicting unnecessary harm upon animals is strictly forbidden. Muslims cannot hunt for sport, abuse or neglect an animal, overwork animals, encourage animal fighting, etc.
Islamic practices go beyond recognizing the rights of animals; they actively promote their welfare. When slaughtering animals for food, Islam has specific guidelines to ensure their well-being and minimize suffering. There are strict rules to make the food “halal,” or permitted. For example, Muslims must ensure the knife is as sharp as possible and that no other animals witness the killing. Throughout the process, Muslims must ensure that they practice mercy towards the animal. This humane approach reflects Islam's emphasis on compassion and respect. Muslims are encouraged to consume only halal meat.
Cats in Islam
Cats hold a special place in Islam and are highly regarded for their companionship and cleanliness. According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a deep affection for cats. Prophet Muhammad (pease be upon him) had a favorite cat named Muezza. One day, when the Adhan, or call to prayers, played, Muezza was asleep on the Prophet’s robes. Rather than disrupt Muezza’s slumber, the Prophet cut off part of his robes to leave her to sleep in peace. If anyone has ever had a cat asleep on their lap, they probably know the feeling of not wanting to awaken that sleeping angel.
Speaking of angels, some believe that having a cat allows angels to enter the home! Not to speak ill of your favorite pooch, but dogs have the opposite effect. According to a Hadith, the Prophet said that angels do not enter homes where dogs are present.
Additionally, Cats are considered clean animals in Islam. According to tradition, Muslims are allowed to perform wudu, or ritual cleaning, with water cats have drank out of, or eat off a plate that a cat has eaten off of. Because of their cleanliness, cat s are allowed in sacred spaces, like a mosque or on the prayer mat. A cat sitting or rolling on your prayer mat mid-Salah, or prayer, does not interrupt your prayer.
However, it is important to note that while cats are appreciated in Islam, they are not considered sacred. Muslims do not worship cats. To do so would actually be a great sin.
Animals hold a cherished place in Islam, with their well-being and rights highly valued. We as Muslims must treat animals with kindness, compassion, and respect, recognizing their fundamental rights to be treated well and protected from harm. Cats specifically hold a special place in Islam. By adhering to these teachings, Muslims can contribute to a more compassionate world, where the rights of all living beings, including animals, are acknowledged and protected.
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bosses-stay-flawless · 6 months
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The Prophet himself was a great cat-lover, Muezza was the name of his favourite cat.
There are several cats mentioned by name in the ancient and modern world. A cats purr has been scientifically proven to have healing properties for humans.
Muezza said to be the name of the Prophet’s favorite cat.
Queen Cleopatra and the great scientist, Nikola Tesla also had favorite cats.
As have many more.
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ebookporn · 1 year
Bookstore Human Reunited With Cat After Earthquake
Arif Bayraktar is a 42-year-old bookseller who lives in the Duzce province of Turkey. After experiencing so much trauma and sadness, he is happy to finally reunite with his cat, Muezza, which was lost in the 5.9-magnitude earthquake that rocked the city on Nov. 23. Now Muezza is showing Bayraktar just how much they missed their human.
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rembulancempaka · 1 year
Kisah di Perjalanan Pulang
Terima kasih untuk kisah singkat di perjalanan pulang. Dua belas jam penuh mendadak merasa terlindungi, dari terang ke gelap, pertama kali, sesuatu yang sangat tidak biasa dan tidak bisa saya anggap mudah. Ini memberatkan, membuat was-was, takut, tegang, dan toh memang benar bahwa aku menyadari satu hal: kamu hanya berniat mengantarkan sampai rumah dengan aman dan selamat.
Diri ini sekarang tahu bagaimana cara berbicara dengan menatap kedua mata tanpa rasa takut, bercerita, mendengarkan, bercanda, bekerja sama. Diri ini sekarang tahu bagaimana cara menyikapi situasi canggung, duduk bersebelahan, duduk berhadapan, mencari topik pembicaraan. Diri ini sudah berhasil sedikit melawan rasa takut itu, tuan, dan semua ini berkat kisah singkat di perjalanan pulang.
Terima kasih untuk kisah singkat di perjalanan pulang. Kucingmu yang bernama "mui" diambil dari kata "muezza", kakak perempuanmu yang galak, amanat yang tersampaikan lewat mimpi sebelum ayahmu meninggal, belajar mobil sendiri, hingga nominal penghasilanmu. Oh, itu belum cukup, perbincangan di rumah makan cepat saji, mual ketika pesawat landing, bulan lahir kita yang sama, bertukar sosial media, melihat potret kita dulu yang berpenampilan berbeda, kamu yang ingin mengubah model rambut, berebut siapa yang akan membayar. Semuanya sangat tergambar jelas dan tidak bisa saya sebutkan seluruhnya, tuan, saya sangat menikmati perjalanan ini, perbincangan ini. Ini semua yang sedang saya butuhkan. Saya butuh saling bercerita dan saling mendengarkan. Sekali lagi saya tegaskan sungguh saya merasa cocok dan itu yang sedang saya butuhkan. Saling mengenal dengan baik. Saya teramat senang, kala itu.
Kau tahu? Kita melewati tiga pulau besar bersama. Terbang di atasnya. Melewati awan biru, langit cerah, berbelok, diberi sedikit guncangan, saling menengok dan tersenyum menenangkan. Itu belum selesai, kita berkeliling mencari pengantar selanjutnya, dengan tas besar, koper, dan jinjingan kardus jelek tapi penting itu. Kemudian menunjukkan bulan purnama yang terlihat sangat besar dan dekat. Kamu batuk-batuk, sedang kurang sehat memang kamu bilang, tapi bisa-bisanya kamu tetap izin merokok. Ah ini memang terlalu saya besar-besarkan, mungkin menurutmu itu biasa saja.
Terima kasih untuk kisah singkat di perjalanan pulang. Ternyata semua ini berlebihan, entah kamu yang berlebihan dalam bersikap atau aku yang terlalu perasa. Tidak ada yang tahu. Akhirnya semua ini kembali bermuara kepada sebuah usaha untuk melupakan. Melepaskan dan mengikhlaskan. Lagi-lagi saya kembali ke fase ini. Lagi-lagi bertemu momen berat dan kali ini dirasa paling menyakitkan. Fakta yang terlihat langsung oleh mata, membenarkan perkataan orang. Doakan saja semoga saya cepat lupa karena semua itu tidak akan ada artinya jika sudah ada yang punya. Saya masih menangis ketika mengingatnya tapi saya mundur dan saya sangat menghargai perempuan pilihanmu, sejak bertahun-tahun lalu itu.
Pada akhirnya, saya membeli buku yang katamu cocok untuk dibaca ketika sedang tidak baik-baik saja. Dan ternyata memang kisah singkat di perjalanan pulang membuat saya sangat tidak baik-baik saja. Apakah itu sebuah kebetulan? Lagi-lagi, saya bertemu orang sangat baik dan lagi-lagi, itu bukan untukku.
Saya mau kamu membaca ini. Agar setidaknya tahu apa yang sedang saya rasakan. Tapi kemungkinan kamu membaca laman ini hampir tidak ada, dan saya ingin berterima kasih, kamu orang baik dan saya ingin kamu dalam keadaan baik-baik saja di manapun, dengan siapapun, dalam kondisi apapun. Saya amat tahu pekerjaanmu tidak mudah, jadi tolong hati-hati dan selalu menjaga diri, teman. Semoga kebaikanmu akan menjadi salah satu alasan Tuhan mengabulkan impian-impian yang waktu itu kamu ceritakan.
Bandung, 8/2/23. Pembuka bulan dua yang terasa amat berat dan menyedihkan. Semoga segera didatangkan kebahagiaan setelahnya.
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memphisjazzsigils · 2 months
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Muezza and the Rubaiyat
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hatiragulzaman · 4 months
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Ne güzel bir duygu .Namaz kılarken dizlerimin üzerinde mır mırrr o da Rabbimi zikrediyor.
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Always maintain your 😺 curiosity, for things of Heaven.
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Why are 😺 cats SUCH independent thinkers?
Why do 😺 cats have SUCH distinct personalities?
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Jesus 🦁 HIMSELF has a jungle cat avatar❣️
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Cherished 🐈 companions.
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On the FIRST visit, Christ was known as a 🐑 lamb.
✝️ ...a sacrificial little lamb.
NEXT time, he returns as Aslan, as a roaring Lion King.
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francoaaraujo · 1 year
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Por que eles estão em todos locais de Doha, inclusive, nessa bancada? Reza a lenda que um dia, ao ser chamado para uma das orações diárias enquanto sua gata, Muezza, dormia sobre seu manto, Maomé preferiu cortar parte das vestes, em vez de perturbar o sono dela. Quando ele retornou, ela teria retribuído o gesto curvando-se para o profeta, que respondeu acariciando suas costas três vezes.
Why are they everywhere in Doha, including this stand? Legend has it that one day, when he was called to one of the daily prayers while his cat, Muezza, was sleeping on his mantle, Mohammed preferred to cut part of his clothes, instead of disturbing her sleep. When he returned, she reportedly returned the gesture by bowing to the prophet, who responded by stroking her back three times.
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lestarilestary · 2 years
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Muezza #2
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sweetinzar-1 · 2 years
Melihat kamu begitu akrab dan begitu banyak merawat kucing, hati aku tersentuh dengan saaaaangat mudah. Melihat penjelasan mengenai kucing jantan yang dinamai 'muezza' di laman internet membuat hatiku semakin terketuk. Segala yang ada padamu, membuat aku semakin tersentuh, terketuk, dan akhirnya terbuka. Itu gambaran dari hati aku.
Nanti, kalau aku diberi kesempatan atau kesanggupan untuk memelihara kucing, aku mau dia diberi nama 'asep' kalau berjenis kelamin jantan, kalau betina aku mau dia diberi nama yang sama seperti aku. jara😇
Aku gak punya alasan yang tepat, aku hanya ingin.
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seanrees95 · 2 years
Ginger Cats: Here are Some Purrfect Tips You Should Know About Them!
Are you astonished by the title and thinking what ginger cats are? If you are a potential pet parent and up for owning a pet - hey! You've just rattled the right door! You also might be a Best cat insurance1 lover - either way, keep reading. Ginger cats are so special because they are easily spotted, beautiful, and strikingly distinctive. None deny that all the feline lovelies are beautiful in their own ways - and we highly recommend not to judge a cat by its color and a book by its cover, but there is something special about ginger cats that as a potential pet parent - you might be helped by knowing. 
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Are you a Potter fan? Everyone, who's ever seen a single film in the sequence, would be knowing that Harry is recognized with the scar on his forehead. And, Ginger cats? They are recognized with an M - marked on their forehead. In an Islamic legend, Muezza was a tabby cat. It saved Mohammad's life from a venomous snake, He was so grateful that patted her back and rendered a divine ability that all of them would be always landing on their feet. He also had drawn an 'M' on his forehead, none knows ,however - when Mohammad learned Roman orthography! 
Jokes apart! But there are Christian legends as well, the unmystified scientific explanation would go in the line of genetics. The ginger gene, which is available also among tigers - is responsible for red pigment production i.e. pheomelanin. This helps them to camouflage. To us - the car lovers - the interesting part maybe is the splendid color of them that mesmerizes us all the time! 
But, there is also misleading information about them. Many would tell you that all the ginger cats are male, Not at all, there is however three times greater availability of male ginger cats than that of female species. Sources say that only if both the parents are Ginger cats, only then the kitten will be a ginger one. 
Many misconceptions revolve around them, many people think that tabby, the ginger cat is a breed. Sources however say that it's an agouti fur coat type - that is what makes a beautiful pattern of tabby cats. The eye-catchy look of ginger cats always pinned themselves to your favorite list. If you are up for buying one car, you can think about them - they are lovely, temperate, foody, and tabbies over everything else! Furthermore, in comparison to your other house cats, a ginger cat would be cooler in temperament, affectionate, and friendlier than the others! 
If you're supposed to plan for owning a AU pet insurance , irrespective of species, specificity or anything else - you need to take up one cat insurance for sure. Cats often face accidental injuries, or medical issues. When they face it, you might be in a position where you've to choose between such a lovely creature's life and your bank balance! To avoid such situations, if you have cat insurance, it would help you out. 
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heart-prototype · 4 years
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[Click the source link in the bottom right corner (main site) or bottom left corner (dashboard) to see the full size of the image.]
Veins becoming bloodshot in a muddy dark red
Dead bodies of angels being profusely fired into
Whose back is it that you wish upon?
Never will your heart be moved by the same words
If you are prepared to make sacrifices
Accept me
Everyday, gruesome as I am
Coming into existence right here right now
A new...
Marquis, Centurion, The True Libertine - Spica was brought up in a wealthy and influential family of demons high up in the infernal hierarchy, enjoying the privilege of being the one of two successors to his father Denebola, Marquis de Diapanna. The other one was Corcarema, his older brother who he later killed by pushing him off a cliff, strengthening his status in the Diapanna family. His mother Arcturus was absent during his childhood, having an “important, but secret job someplace far away”. In fact, she was the guardian of one of two crystal caves filled with the skulls of Nefilim on Earth, the other one being guarded by the angel Polaris.
The Diapanna family had an alliance with the guild of fallen angels before the latter was dissolved in relation to Hapax Legomenon’s orders concerning total annihilation of the “fallen miscreants”. Due to that past connection, it became secretly involved with the creation of the hidden city Lorna, the sanctuary for fallen angels. Denebola was one of the main investors in the project and the then-teenage Spica was the second representative of the Diapanna family in charge of building the city, working along such big names as Lilith and Muezza, head of another influential family, who just had an infant son named Mau. 
Spica’s attitude towards building the city was at first positive, him looking forward to further climbing up the hierarchical ladder, but one unexpected factor made him change his stance completely. During the time his father was preoccupied with planning the infrastructure of the city, Spica was bound to meet Lilith, the Lightbringer and first fallen angel. He had to be subservient to Lilith, who abused his position and exerted pressure on teenage Spica to become his “sexual apprentice”, as Lilith was the patron of prostitutes in Hell*. This resulted in a few instances of molestation and eventual rape of Spica by Lilith, after which the former abandoned the whole undertaking and ran away, apparently disappearing off the face of the earth.
Not much is known about that period in Spica’s life, but the next time his presence would be felt was after the formation of the Five Centurions, as he succeeded in joining their ranks in an effort to hunt and kill all fallen angels. This time he wasn’t revealing his name and, while changed completely appearance-wise, was only known as the Second Centurion.
*In this post I mentioned Lucifer being the patron of prostitutes and former Angel of Generosity, but I decided to switch it up during the current development of the story.
This image shows the earlier version of the Tusans Strangel, before I reforged it into the current version. It’s also my spontaneous return to traditional pieces after... probably like a year or so.
Drawn on 31.05-06.06.20.
[BGM - 烏有の空 (live)]
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