#mtg decked builder
coveredinmetaldust · 1 year
Here's a completely normal tutorial on building your first deck in Magic the Gathering. It's not an elaborate shitpost where things get weird. People who follow me know that I don't do that kind of thing.
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pinertim · 2 years
Mtg decked builder
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#Mtg decked builder full
Sort and filter your deck by mana cost, color, card type, tournament legality and more
#Mtg decked builder full
Full text search for cards in your deck - perfect for building EDH 100 card singleton decks Get statistics on your deck including mana curves, color symbol counts and card type percentages Easily test sample draws from the deck, and simulate a game of Magic by playing cards to the battlefield. Build multiple deck listings and sideboards Full card text search - easily find every Landfall card, Elf, Vampire or any other attribute that has ever been printed. See only distinct cards, or find every printing of a card in every set Built in support for tournament formats including Standard, Modern, Extended, EDH and Classic Search for cards by any combination of card expansion, rarity, color, type or cost Instant search results with no Internet connection as the database is stored locally "I have to say that this app is certainly one that I would recommend to any MTG player" Solitaire play has been upgraded and the card loading speed is marvelous. "The iPad version of Decked Builder is perfect. There’s almost nothing that I need, that this app can’t do for me." "Decked Builder is the absolute pinnacle of what a Magic the Gathering accessory app should be. It has a ton of very cool features, runs smoothly, and even has RSS feeds for several top MtG sites." I’m one of those people who will generally take the free alternative over the paid app any day, but I’m actually happy to have spent the money on this one. "This is the program I recommend for anyone willing to spend. Note: the Lite version of Decked Builder allows building only a single deck and a limited size collection. Decked Builder is the premium deck building app for Magic the Gathering - providing a sleek user interface to research decks, find cards, and then build, price and finally buy the deck that you want.
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powdermelonkeg · 5 months
D&D spells but they're like Pokémon cards.
Look I have a design in my head but I'm tired and my art program is out of reach so you guys just gotta trust me for now alright.
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dimestoretajic · 7 months
Out of curiosity...
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robinvous · 3 months
MKM precon arrived and managed to grab a Warleader's Call from the sample pack ! I got Voja as my promo card and pulled Tolsmir at the prerelease, so i guess Elf Ball is my next deck 🧝‍♀️
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the-art-of-matt-wydick · 11 months
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“The 4 stages of building an EDH deck”
Does anyone else relate to this?
Untitled mtg comic series #3
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jack0flynn · 3 months
So, trying out a mono green lands shenanigans deck. Trying to find ways to get out of the power 8 and making it a 9 for competive games. Any help and criticism is welcomed
Commander is Azusa btw
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oldscrumpy · 1 year
I feel like this card released to a pretty lukewarm reception just because it didn't fit much into Merfolk tribal as a whole. But seeing this run in pioneer in the Dimir Control shell seems to make it pretty awesome.
You get to loot and drain at the same time while setting up for some mini snapcaster plays. That extra delta in life could mean the difference in a longer grindy game, and it can be done at instant speed (and in a deck with maybe 2 sorceries and 20 instants, it can always remain a threat).
It also has good synergies with some staples in the deck, like Sinister Sabotage giving fuel off of surveil, Consider setting up plays, Censor getting double mileage, Memory Deluge going straight to it's larger form.
I'm not sold on it being the powerhouse of the deck yet, but I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised.
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mechaknight-98 · 5 months
Gathering Part II: Primal Empathy
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Warning: there's going to be quite a bit of mtg nerd in this section along with some heavy topics.
I "Hey Tj, why haven't you played this deck?" Yujin asked me as I worked on cataloging things for the collector.
"That's Volrath… I don't think you all would like playing against it," I replied.
"Why not?" Yujin asked, looking confused.
"Well, simply put, this is my deck. So originally, it was an ooze kindred deck, but as I put more time into the deck, it changed and evolved into something else. It kinda became a part of me, and for better or for worse, it is the deck that is most reflective of me. I don't think others should be exposed to that, especially since it's not always the best to be around. Needless to say, it is no longer that pauper deck it once was," I explained to Yujin.
"Okay. Well, I want to see it, so bring it to the next game night. I want to see you as you see yourself," Yujin said, determined.
I laughed before countering, "You're a little minx, you know that?"
"Yeah, but you like me like this," Yujin replied playfully. "Wait, I thought you didn't have a 'signature deck'? I know you said that to everyone when we first played."
"Oh no, it's not my signature deck. This is a manifestation of all I am as a player. It has all my pet cards, all my favorite effects, and all my best and worst quirks and ticks as a deck builder, which makes the deck extremely true to me," I responded.
"I'd call that a signature deck," Yujin corrected me.
"I wouldn't, but only because in my mind for something to be 'signature', you have to sign off on it, and I refuse to sign off on that deck," I said.
"Ominous," Yujin teased.
"Yeah… Sorry about that. Got a little in my head there. It's just been tough, you know, the whole thing with Astrid has got me out of sorts," I rationalized.
"Really? What happened?" Yujin asked, sounding concerned.
"She'll tell you that it was how I dealt with her mom, but this is about her new girlfriend," I answered.
"Didn't you tell her to try dating again? Are you mad it's not a guy?" Yujin asked, hesitantly.
"No, despite my Christian upbringing, I don't care about her choice. Well, I do… Her partner is bad news," I responded, honestly.
"Oh? Why do you think so?" Yujin asked, surprised.
"She uses her intelligence to lord over others in a subtle way that many don't realize what's going on," I explained.
"How so?" Yujin asked, curious.
"She thinks you are inferior to her because we are dating because she thinks I am immature. So when she said, 'Oh, you're dating him, that's understandable,' in a tone that reads, 'You could be doing better,' I felt belittled," I quantified.
"But you have said I can do better numerous times," Yujin pointed out.
"True, but that's all in fun. You like to tease, so I am trying to match your energy," I explained.
"Oh really? So what do you think?" Yujin interrogated.
Not falling for her trap, I gave her the honest answer that wouldn't show too much of my anxieties or self, "I think you are one of the most spectacular girls I know. Also, I am lucky to have been smitten with you and you with me. Lastly, your sincerity makes me want to be more refined in who I am and match that."
"Oh, you're such a charmer, also weirdly flexible," Yujin teased.
"How so?" I inquired, intrigued.
Yujin hesitated as she thought of a clear way to say what was on her mind. "You always seem so burdened to keep the peace that you shift yourself to do so, whether it's edh or socially. I don't think you've ever intentionally overstepped your bounds."
"Well yeah, obviously not. Why would I?" I asked, confused.
"Because we need to create space to be who we are!" Yujin asserted, almost yelling.
"Oh, right," I said.
Yujin smiled, then leaned in closer. "So tell me. Who are you behind the mask?"
"You'll have to stay tuned to find that answer," I responded before kissing her. She blushed before smiling and kissing me back.
A couple of days later it's game night and I am on my getting ready. when I leave my apartment and before I can space sift over to Yujin's I am accosted by my ex-partner.
"Well if it isn't Agent Muraganda. I am surprised to see you so far out this way." I groan
"Agent Kylem. I knew I should have killed you instead of listening to Artio." I lament
"Still to the point. Good that will make this easier." Kylem praises
"Enough small talk I gotta be somewhere soon." I sigh
"Oh, you think you can take me?" Kylem Inquires
"You have been out of the game for a while so you may not be aware of where I am at," I say
Kylem smiled then summoned his dual swords, "So confident! Let's see if it's well-founded." he taunted.
I get in a fighting stance ready to face him. He runs to me with a wild lunge. I dodge and kick him in the chest as he rolls behind me. I summon a smile rifle to keep him at a distance. He smiles and slashes through my bullets while avoiding the ones he can't cut. He kept running and when he got close I had to block with the rifle. he attempted a lucky slash which I blocked and parried with the rifle bayonett. Kylem slid back. He smiled maliciously.
"You know I always thought your guns were so cool. how you could kill at range but then I realized you are a weakling." as Kylem spoke he got a lucky shot and stabbed through my face…from then on the mask fell off and he was a dead man. an intense green ichor mixed with red blood drips from my face as my aura tries to repair the damage. I remove my hand and look to Kylem who can only look in terror.
"I will eradicate you." I yell Kylem looks at me terrified as I grab him and space-sift him to a place where I can "stretch out." my aura opens up and one head pops out of it and becomes one of the Lami-Orochi the unyielding's heads. Kylem looks in terror.
"Let me beat you with your toys," I say as menace drips from my tone and I point to Kylem. Copies of his weapons begin to fly at him from every direction, and to his credit, he manages quite well, for thirty seconds, until I send more, then some more, and more. I watch as his body becomes a pin cushion for copies of his blades. I snap to stop the blades and approach the bloodied brawler. "I told you what would happen if we fought again."
"What happened to you?" Kylem asked gurgling his last few words.
"You of all people should know. I got hungry and bored and "ate" my way to more power." I said before stomping the last lights out of his eyes.
when I was done I space-sifted back home to get clean, then I called Artio and said "I cleaned up your "mess". It's in Death Valley. you know the "proper dumping spot"
Artio responded, "Theodore what did you do to Kylem?"
"I fulfilled the promise I made the last time we fought. You honestly should be thanking me he can't hurt anyone anymore." I tease
"We will talk about this later!" Artio commands
"Um no we won't it was self-defense and I don't work for BRIPE anymore. This was just a courtesy call." I say calmly
"What's gotten into you?" Artio questions
"I don't know my ex-best friend who tried to kill me just tried to kill me again," I argue
"Point taken, but we do need to talk. Not as boss and employee but as friends."Artio concedes
"Every time I have needed a Friend the only one I could count on was me…and I guess Yujin now…huh that's a weird emotion I am feeling," I say as I process everything that has gone on today. I hang up on Artio before heading to Yujin's I see Volrath The Shapestealer sitting on the shelf, and I consider leaving it, but then I remember her words from the other day and stow it just in case.
I arrive outside the dorm still somehow earlier than everyone else. Wonyoung and Gaeul are still here along with Yujin and Rei. Yujin in an admirable attempt to bridge the gap has me sit with Gaeul and Wonyoung. They are still wary of me despite my withdrawal From BRIPE, but hey what can you do? Seeing Yujin's worried look I realize something. there is no point in attempting to appeal to Wonyoung and Gaeul. I should only appeal to the person I care about here.
"Yah Yujin-ah your sisters are giving me dirty looks," I say as I walk to her. she looks at me shocked
"What are you doing?" Yujin whispers.
"What I came here for. To hang out with the best 4th gen idol ever." I said loudly
Rei interjected "Me."
I turn to Rei and tease, "Sadly no but you are exceptionally talented and I will support you. I came to hang out with Yujin. The Ace of Aces. The all-around all-rounder." I turn back to Yujin who blushes. Gaeul and Wonyoung follow into the kitchen.
"Oh don't act to be all lovey-dovey with us." Wonyoung challenges.
I scoff at Wonyoung.
"Act??? This is not an act. This woman is Mucho Caliente, she is a star whom I am lucky to have interested in me. All the love I have for her is not an Act. I scoff at your insistence it is."
Gaeul looks at me and begins to laugh. then quickly recomposes herself, but it is too late my silliness got her, Now for Wonyoung.
"if this isn't an act then why are you so tense with us."
I had to be careful in my response. I had to be witty and not overbearing. so I went for it.
"Well isn't obvious? I am surrounded by some of the hottest young ladies I have ever seen, and so I stumble…I am excluding Leeseo from that she is firmly in the cute category for obvious reasons." Leeseo who happened to be walking by looked at me sad and then confused before laughing at me.
Wonyoung was still unconvinced, "Oh really big scary BRIPE agent is afraid of pretty girls?"
"Yes 100 percent no hesitation, now it gets easier each day, minus the urge to talk someone's ear off about my special interest but hey, that is neither he nor there," I respond to Wonyoung's challenge.
Wonyoung's eyes narrow, "You expect me to believe that talking to women is harder than fighting monsters?" Wonyoung questioned
"Definitely. Fighting monsters is easy just roar and hit them harder than they hit you." talking to y'all is hard, there are all these unsaid rules and etiquette things I have to follow it's exhausting." I answered
"So how are you being so eloquent now?" Wonyoung rebuked
"Because I am treating you all as monsters or villains, and this is battle banter. I mean everyone here is a demi-human minus me a psionic so I figure why not." I rebutted
Wonyoung erupted into a laughter fit hearing that it was so intense that she began snorting, and that's how I knew I got her.
"You're so dumb." she teased
"Nun-uh," I said and Wonyoung began bursting into laughter again. I found her energy and I matched it.
Wonyoung's laughter subsided, "I still don't trust you."
"I don't care besides I got you. We're friends now." I counter
"You seem confident." Wonyoung asserts
"Well yeah, I got you to laugh. that's my win condition, in social spaces." I retort
"what?" Wonyoung asks
"Well that's what this is right a game, and games have winners and losers, I learned that my best strategy is to get to people by either being the most bombastic and memorable person I can or getting them to laugh. Yours Yujin is the overwhelming charm. you charm people with your grace and wit so everyone has no choice but to like you. Wonyoung's is delicateness and nobility. My only proof of this is how many people call your princess all the time. Gaeul's is her grace and poise. she is regal and dignified in her presentation so she garners positive attention. this all manifests to win cons. or to put it simply the acknowledgment of your social skill working. for me that's laughs. If I can get you to Laugh we're friends. Unless I don't want to be." I elucidate
Wonyoung looks at me stunned, before saying "Well played then Paladin."
"Oh, I like that Princess wony. You're going to have to keep that one." I say to Wonyoung who blushes and laughs some more. I move closer to Yujin who is all smiles at this point. "I think we are good to go right?" I ask Yujin. she nods.
"Well then (I clap my hands) Onwards to Yunjin's for game night," I say enthusiastically. Yujin and the rest of her present group members laughed some more.
On our way out Wonyoung corners me and says, “Since you are Yujin's boyfriend and you're not backing down can I ask a favor?”
“Sure,” I say
“Keep her safe,” Wonyoung responds
“As long as she lets me I will,” I reply
“Spoken like a true paladin.” Wonyoung teases
“Requested like a true Princess,” I say
“Okay, Pally now go on help Wonyoung beat Yujin, Connor, Sakura, and Siyeon.” Wonyoung edicts
“Ya know what I will,” I affirm
after that Yujin and I begin the trek to Yunjin's. while on the way Yujin says "So I have bad news Tj."
"What is it?" I ask hesitantly
"My label says we can't date." She says
"I figured that but we are not dating I am courting you; there's a difference." I correct
"My label doesn't see it that way," Yujin says
"So what does that mean?" I ask
"Well, We have to cut this off." Yujin states
"Ahn Yujin I swear on all that is bizarre and unexplainable…"I start but realize something halfway through," You know what I will humor you."
"Oh really and why is that?" Yujin questions suspicous
"Because you have stolen my heart and I want you to be happy and I think you are in the same boat. I don't think you can do it." I assert
"What's that supposed to mean?" Yujin asks
"Well I think you are as in love with me as I am with you, and it leads me to believe that I don't think you can cut me off. Also, I think your label may be preparing one of the girls for a dating scandal but that's irrelevant." I postulate
"Oh really Mr. Know it all and why do you assume that?" Yujin questions
"Just a hunch, but yeah I will humor you. So how does this change things between us." I ask
"No hanging out alone one on," Yujin says
"We barely did that?" I reply
"No PDA." Yujin states
"Again that's something that seldom happens," I reply again
"No…" Yujin starts
Tiring of this game I decided to predict her next statement"Ooh Ooh let me guess, no intimacy whatsoever."
"How did you?" Yujin starts
"I've read your company's dating policy because I realized this would be an issue. So I began courting you instead." I explain
We arrive at Yunjin's not long after. Connor opens the door and greets us.
"Oh good it's Theo and Yujin. I can't wait to play against your Sultai pirates deck Theo." Dexter says as we walk in. Eunbi smacks his neck
"I know you're excited but greet them properly." Eunbi scolds
"Hi guys ( I turn to Eunbi.) Once a leader always a leader huh?" I say pleasantly as Yujin also greets everyone.
Eunbi blushes.
"How is my favorite interracial couple," Yunjin says as she walks into the dorm's living room.
"Oh us we aren't a couple anymore," I say teasing Yujin who hits me.
"Ah Whae?" Yunjin quesitons
"OH, what happened," Connor asks.
"My company found out about us and told us to break it off," Yujin says as I gesture to her.
"Jinja" Eunbi says shocked Yujin nods Dexter being the blunt one says
"But wait you two came here." I nod and then respond to something he said earlier
"Oh before I forget I am sorry Dexter there will be no Sultai Pirates today. It will be Sultai Toolbox instead."
"Sultai toolbox?" Yunjin asks
"Sultai toolbox," I affirm
"Who's the commander?" Siyeon asks
"Oh, Volrath the Shapestealer," I answer
"How does it work?" Sakura asks as the sometimes fellow Sultai player.
"You'll see," I say as we all sit down.
In tonight's game knight is headed dragon. All the "Couples" were paired off. So the pairs were; Yunjin, Connor, Dexter, Eunbi, Sakura Siyeon, Yujin, and me. We all sit down and reveal commanders. Connor looks at mine and reads it "Huh I haven't seen it in a while."
"yeah I don't like bringing it out but I can't bring myself to dismantle it," I explain
"Okay, how strong is it?" Dexter asks
"About as strong as your Omnath locus of the roil deck." I clarify Dexter nods and this causes everyone to bring out their "Signature decks. Yunjin and Connor won the roll-off
"Ah Tj-ah you can go first I wanna see how good Volrath is," Yunjin said. Connor looks at her before saying
"No you know how he builds and he says this deck is as strong as Dex's omnath deck." Connor tries to
"It will be fine. we can afford to lose a game. besides we can do what we always have done and gang up on them." Yunjin replies. her smug, and confident look wears down Connor. Typically the competitor in me would be all about wiping the smirk off her face but I am trying not to give into the other part of me I can feel waking up We unfurl our playmats and Yujin sees mine.
"What Happened?" she said I looked down and saw it was my Fromis_9 Playmat.
"I have played with this loads of times," I say to Yujin. She pouts and says
"BUT I like your IVE one. Where is that one?"
"I had to wash it. it was covered in dust." I explain. Yujin scowls, and pouts
"You sure you two are cutting it off," Yunjin interjects.
I shrug which makes everyone laugh. I open the deck box and set Volrath the Shapestealer down with his deck box close by. I take it out and set it down I begin to sit up and a familiar silence begins to overtake me. Siyeon sees it and comments on it. "Tj-ah are you alright?" I look at her and I see apprehension in her eyes. I blink as I try to mask the hostility that is arising within me.
"Yeah, I am feeling great why?"I lie
"Your eyes are glowing with your aura," Sakura responds
I nod and say "Yeah my powers activate when I am in tune with myself and this deck is the most I have been "in tune with myself" I explain. Yunjin smiles and says
"that's so cool."
"I assure you it's not as cool as you think," I say saddened to Yunjin
"Ooh Ominous" Eunbi teases, and I smile seeing where Yujin gets her 4D personality from.
our first turn goes by fast as I play Barkchannel Pathway into Sol Ring, into Arcane Signet into Sol talisman. I probably should have done Mystic Remora which was also in my hand but I know one of the other blue players probably would have countered that. so I let them have their moment to breathe as they all played their various turn-one plays.
I begin to see the gears in Connor's head turning as he faces Yujin. he gestures to my board and says "That's a turn two commander". as he plays commander turn one. as does Yujin
"Okay, so I am the problem when you both have two powerhouse commanders out turn one?" Yujin nods and says to her boyfriend
"He's right because we know Kkura Siyeon, Eunbi, and Dex are going to start explosive."
"But it's Theo we have all seen how he plays. We are being tricked." Connor pleads.
"I assure you There is no deception going on," I say
"Oh, really you just expect us to trust the Sultai player and the Jund player." Kkura teases
Yujin and I shrug at the same time which causes a riot at the table.
"Seriously you two are perfect for each other." Yunjin says in between laughs." Kkura nods in affirmation. after that Siyeon and Sakura go with draw engines for their turn ones. Sylvan Library for Sakura (She was Playing Tymna Hana I believe) and Siyeon was playing Evelyn the covetous. so her turn was a rhystic study turn one.
"Hey, Kkura or Connor how is Giselle? I haven't seen her in a while."
"Oh, she is dating this new girl Erin…I think is her name. she's a vampire like Yujin and Aeri." Connor says.
"OH, what type?" Yujin asks brightly
"Nightstar. if I remember correctly."
"Cool it will be awesome to have another Vamp to hang out with."
I give Connor a thanks and a thumbs up while also noticing the wince in his voice describing Erin which makes me believe she may be less than friendly but hey anything is better than HER. I think to myself. I watch as Dex plays more disciplined magic and doesn't feed Rhsytic study except to kill it with a clutch turn one nature's claim. Eunbi on the other hand explodes her hand all over the battlefield dropping artifact and ending it all with an Esper Sentinel. "Ah, Noona what did I say about feeding Rhystic study." Eunbi turns to Dexter and sighs as she remebers.
"Play under it because it is an incredibly powerful spell," Eunbi says.
"Yeah but why couldn't you just wait till I cast Claim before casting all your stuff."
"Well I got excited I finally got turn one sol ring and a fellwar stone," Eunbi says elatedly. Dexter relents in his frustration and nestles closer into the tiny woman. I smile at their relationship. My hostility is replaced by a firm sense of longing for something similar to what the Inuit/Russian young man and the Korean young woman have. It sent a pain in my chest that was painful but not unpleasant just dull.
"Tj-ah you're crying," Yujin says bringing me back to reality.
"Oh sorry Eunbi and Dexter are just so cute together," I say as I wipe my eyes.
"Oh don't be such a softy." Yujin teases
"Why not you love that about me." I retort
"Yeah, but I can't love you right now so stop it," Yujin says and we share a laugh as does the rest of the table. it gets back to Yujin and I turn and she begins with Birds of Paradise and another flyer with Death touch that I couldn't remember the name of. I play a Zagoth triome, honored Hierarch, and a mystic remora, and the rest of the table looks at me with confusion. This begins the arms race between Sakura and Siyeon, versus Connor and Yunjin. Yunjin is worried because Kkura is playing one of her stronger decks as is Siyeon and they've already had really strong starts. this at least allows Yujin and I to have some breathing room. Something I was going to take advantage of. So on our next turn (after drawing 5 cards off Mystic Remora I pay for the fish then I play my commander as does Yujin. I put a -1-1 counter on the Avacyn Yunjin swung with and passed. Unsurprisingly Yunjin's next move after getting avacyn is a board wipe. everyone who isn't Connor or Yujin groans including Yujin but I pay one and make all of our stuff indestructible. Several eyes widen upon seeing this. after that, the table begins to hate Yujin and me while letting Connor and Yunjin acquire value, but the issue is a lot of the deck is just protected because of the avacyn of one player, the Shalai of another, and so forth. Eventually, it culminates at turn 5 where I make my commander a copy of scute swarm and crack two fetch lands making three of my commanders but with Scute Swarm's name, at this point, I don't have a lock but I do have a lot of exceptionally strong pieces that make the game incredibly hard for everyone else. The only issue was getting through Avacyn. So I did the smart thing and just kept needling damage through slowly but surely. waiting for a mistake to be made, and it did. Yunjin went for a massive board wipe due to her avacyn being out. my response was simple. I exiled avacyn after making Volrath a copy of her then watched the board be destroyed and cleaned up the wreckage from there securing one of our first wins together. Yujin was all smiles as she turned to me and hugged me tight. when she broke the hug the look she had was so full of affection and care, and with everything that happened over the last week and a half I just broke. I ran out of the dorm back to California.
Is Tj, okay Yunjin asks
I'd assume not really he's been dumped twice now in the span of two weeks. First by Astrid and now by Yujin that has to be wearing on him Connor says to Yunjin
He's carrying it much better than I thought he would. Yunjin says with a smile
I guess but honestly I think he's one bad day from full supervillain at this point. Connor replies
Nah he's to gives me too many st Bernard vibes to turn evil. Yunjin counters
You do realise Cujo was a st Bernard. Connor replies
Yeah one with rabies, and besides Tj protects us and himself so well that he would never go feral unless it's for Yujin because he is down bad for her. Yunjin says
Yeah he is extremely down bad for her but, I don't know that game he just played showed me some worrying traits of his Connor replies
Like what Yunjin questions
When I'm down I go to either the beach or the tar pits. Today was a tar pits day. I found a nice quiet corner and I cried for a good while. I cried about losing Astrid, losing Yujin, losing Kylem, losing my job. Thankfully it was in private so I could be alone at least for a little bit. While I sat there I got a message from Yujin.
Through the tears I began singing “Hated” by beartooth which provided some comfort at least
"Please come." It said. So I got up and space sifted to the dorm. I walked in as it was unlocked and went to the living room where Yujin, Wonyoung, and Gaeul were sitting. Yujin's face was puffy and full of tears I watch as Wonyoung glares at me along with Gaeul.
Why did you leave me Yujin asked me
My response was a simple one do you want the honest answer or the one that will be easier to here.
Before Gaeul could even speak I turn to her and say I am aware she is hurt and my affectation is unpleasant but this is between us so please reserve judgementuntil after we converse.
Gaeul and wonyoung both Glared at me but said nothing Yujin on the other hand through sobs said I want the truth do you hate Me do you want to leave and never come back.
I thought about my answer for a moment then I responded, Darling I love you and want to be with you like the sky and the horizon, but I want to respect your wishes and you told me to back off. So I did. Also its been a rough few weeks these last few days
Yujin blushed and looked at me with awe and confusion then she asked, wait really? Tell me everything
Not seeing the harm I did
Yujin hears me out and progressively gets more invested and saddened by my words. After my little tale she says, I had no idea Tj
I shrug and say I didn't want to really worry anyone. Ya know got a reputation to uphold.
Yujin groans as she stares at me well then let's see how we can fix this. she says
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hello everyone!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
this is a blog dedicated to uploading new magic the gathering decks as i build them and explaining what they are trying to accomplish and how they win the game/why i made them!!
this is also the sideblog of @devilcat3d and will be kept mostly as a blog dedicated to mtg decks i build/maybe some discussion of new cards or sets or other mtg related news i find interesting!!
i currently have around 70 decks built on archidekt and i make more every week so there is already many decks for me to talk about and ill try to get through the more interesting ones first :3 i also am mainly a commander player and rarely make 60 card decks, but it happens occasionally. keep in mind that i dont finish every deck i start so there may be a few decks here and there that need finishing and thats just how it is. if you ever really want me to finish something let me know!!
i will do my best to explain every deck to the best of my abilities but if you have any questions at all feel free to ask them here or dm me and i can help you figure it out :3
im also down to take requests for making specific decks but cant promise itll happen in a reasonable time/happen at all. but still dont hesitate to ask!!
anyway thank you for reading and enjoy!! my archidekt link is right below this feel free to look around!!!!
and um yeah that should be all!! meowwww!! (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ
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Been a while since I shared one of my EDH brews, so here I present Mishra oil aristocrats, AKA I Can’t Believe It’s Not War Crimes!
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doodlesbycass · 6 months
Hey. You. If you like my mtg stuff you should look at my friend Wing’s channel too, i have this enchantress deck in paper and she’s a really good deck builder
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Sort of expected to see more people sharing their decks in the mtg tag, but that's not about to stop me. Anyway behold my first ever deck that I built for this absurdly expensive hobby because as it turns out if you tell me dragons are involved I will absolutely go all in on something:
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secundus-cinaedus · 2 years
holy shit. just found left in a cabinet in my grandparents' new house 4 entire mtg decks (planeswalker), a deck builders toolkit and a few spare boosters. guess i'm finally getting into magic
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tlblitz · 26 days
Ok enough boops, here's some actual asks ^^
What's your favourite colour and why? And what do you love doing the most in your free time?
Hot pink/magenta. We’re talking the obnoxiously bright version that technically isn’t real bc we can’t really see it, our eyes just register something that could be green but definitely isn’t so our brains make something up. I really like that tidbit, and also it’s fun enjoying something I “wasn’t supposed to” as a little boy. Feels liberating
Things I actively find enjoyment in on the level of loving them? Thaaaaaat’s kinda tough. Top of mind, it’s card games. Any kind, any flavor. TCGs, standard playing cards, deck builders, the works. Designing and playing! I play MTG the most, but I’ve also been known to enjoy
Cardfight Vanguard
Force of Will
Hearthstone (Blizzard is dead to me)
Legends of Runeterra (Riot is on thin fucking ice)
Hex: Shards of Fate (RIP)
Neopets (again, RIP)
War of Omens (an obscure digital CCG. I’m amazed it still exists)
plus some TCG/CCG/LCGs I’ve just not gotten around to (Flesh and Blood, Legend of the Five Rings, Keyforge, and Astatos at the top of the list)
Slay the Spire (the Downfall mod is SO GOOD)
Balatro (the latest roguelike devouring my attention)
Cobalt Core
Across the Obelisk
yet more increasingly obscure roguelike deckbuilders (Breach Wanderers, Pawnbarian, Card Guardians, Night of the Full Moon, Arcanium, etc)
Sentinels of the Multiverse
I’m not gonna keep listening tabletop ones you get the picture by now
And I DEFINITELY forgot some
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dadimreaper · 1 month
A lot of “deck builders” in the modern day draw from the legacy of turn based games. Many deck builders ate just a thinly veiled turn based strategy game where the actions you can take are randomized each round. While it makes for a powerful system, it often falls into the same trap. By trying to be closer to a true turn based, where many actions are available on every round and you have several reliable options with consistent results, many of these games optimize themselves into a normal turn based game with unreliable combos. It’s difficult to find games that take advantage of the “deck” part, by having multiple turn phases, places to play cards, or any of the infinite complexity found in established card games like MtG or Yu-Gi-Oh. These games are just “draw a new hand each round” and then focus on the turn based actions. This is not a bad thing, but I can see a lot of room for innovation by leaning more into the “deckbuilding” roots instead of the turn based. This is all due to the influence of slay the spire, of course.
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