#mrs perumal
lotsofsq · 9 days
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in honor of pride month i am posting these queer headcanon charts i made a while back!! happy gay everyone
[ID copied in alt text: two circles of pictures of the book and show characters respectively, accompanied by flags.
first chart is of my book characters queer headcanons. reynie: demiromantic andbisexual. sticky: nonbinary and bisexual. kate: bisexual. constance: aroace. SQ: demisexual and pan. the ten men: achillean and polyamorous. milligan: bisexual. Ms perumal: lesbian. rhonda: pansexual. Number Two: aroace, lesbian and transgender. Mr benedict. Transgender and Gay. Mr curtain: transgender, achillean and aromatic.
second chart is of my show characters queer headcanons. reynie: bisexual. sticky: transgender and bisexual. kate: sapphic. constance: aroace and agender. SQ: nonbinary and achillean. Martina: transgender and lesbian. milligan: bisexual. rhonda: pansexual. number two: aroace. transgender and nonbinary. Ms perumal: lesbian. Mr benedict: transgender and achillean. Dr curtain: transgender and aromantic.]
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bi-demon-ium · 8 months
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i didnt actually think this through thoroughly but
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kneeslapworthy · 1 year
inspired by this post by @mbspolls i wanna go into what kind of drinks (non-alcoholic for the kiddos of course) all of the characters like
When it comes to the adults in the society you could definitely argue that they’re all sober and I would agree with you. But for the sake of a fun tumblr post, let’s play around with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks: 
Number Two makes cocktails that are borderline science experiments. She also makes her own kombucha (that she drinks out of a huge jar like with the pickle juice).
Rhonda and Miss Perumal occasionally take shots of tequila when they have a girls night. Apart from that Rhonda drinks STRONG coffee and Miss Perumal is more of a tea-girly. 
Milligan OBVIOUSLY drinks whiskey and maybe like... idk a white russian? Something gross lmao. Other than that, my guy drinks egg creams. He’s classy like that. 
Mr Benedict is the least likely to drink alcohol in my opinion (ngl in the aforementioned poll i voted for hot cocoa), but if he does drink he’s a fruity cocktail girly (just like me fr). 
Curtain drinks sparkling water or milk (like a psychopath) and of course green tea because Helth (but make it really fancy loose leaf green tea with a very sharp taste that honestly tastes like paint water). We do see him drink alcohol in the show which i kind of think is out of character because he wants to always be in control and drinking alcohol sort of has the opposite effect?? But if he does drink, you can bet your ass it’s expensive and gross. 
SQ doesn’t drink a lot because the amount of times he’s accidentally drank paintwater has left him traumatized. But Mr Benedict introduces him to hot chocolate with marshmallows and his life changes forever. 
Reynie has a huge tea collection thanks to Ms Perumal. He pretends to like Classy Teas like Early Grey when in actuality he loves fruity teas.
Sticky is a weirdo that likes hot lemon water or something because he read that it’s good for brain activity or something. But like the intellectual he is he also loves hot chocolate. 
Constance drinks the most disgusting sugary sodas you can imagine. Reynie accidentally takes a sip of it once thinking it’s lemonade and nearly throws up. 
Kate drinks Bang Energy and spins around violently like a washing machine for 48+ hours. 
(feel free to add your own suggestions. i am constantly dehydrated so i am therefore not well versed in the world of beverages.) 
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stonetowns · 2 years
need to start dressing like im an extra in the mysterious benedict society show
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sophieswundergarten · 5 months
Secret World of Arrietty AU where Reynie is a human and the other three kids are tiny little Borrowers
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mvshortcut · 7 months
Crack mbs spinoff where Mr. Oshiro and Ms. Perumal's mother are vigilantes together
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gardencactus · 1 year
I love that the Mysterious Benedict Society live very average lives outside of the society.
When it comes to Mr.Benedict, Number Two, Rhonda, Constance… I’m sure they’re neighbors would not be surprised that they’re running a secret society. They’re quirky weirdos who live in gigantic mansion. But when it comes to the other members I highly suspect that their non-society peers have no idea what they’re actually doing.
Reynie is just some really sweet kid who likes reading, sweater vests, and hugs. He’s being raised by his school teacher mother who is the most prim and proper woman you will ever meet. They’re totally harmless right? No, they spend their summers taking down an evil mastermind and yeah, Reynie is an intuitive genius who knows exactly what you’re thinking at all times.
Imagine being one of Sticky’s classmates at Boatwright. You think your friend as just some intelligent but very awkward dweeby nerd who not to mention is scared of everything. Turns out he’s in a secret society and jumps off the sides of ships very often.
And then there’s the Wetheralls. Seemingly a totally chill farm life family. Yeah you get my point already they’re absolute weirdos.
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fruitytulip · 6 months
If anyone is sad that mysterious Benedict society is canceled after season 3 I have the perfect fic for you
It’s Called S.O.S. It’s made by the wonderful @nobodysdaydreams (amazing work btw) they just finished season 2 and now doing season 3 I love this fic the details are amazing and the angst is wonderful I love this fox and I can’t wait for more
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
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mbspolls · 1 year
mr benedict and constance are having a picnic off to the side (constance refused to run) and milligan is sitting with them because he would probably win and also i wanted jackson and jillson to be in the running (literally)
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jollythunderstorms · 2 years
So while I was watching episode 2 I noticed that, besides the book with the clue, there were other books in the shelf as seen here:
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Being curious, I took a closer look to see if there was something significant on it (this was supposed to be the society's room after all)
(From L to R)
The first book is Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, a novel where a young woman is haunted by the memory of her husband's late first wife, to whom she's frequently negatively compared to, so it deals with themes of jealousy, escaping memory, the past, etc.
Second is Plutarch's Lives, a series of biographies of famous Roman and Greek men illustrating their common moral virtues/failings juxtapositioned with one another
Third is Essays and New Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon, the former delves into a variety of different topics while the latter is depicts an utopian (*cough* happy *cough*) land in the mythical Bensalem
Fourth is the book clue itself, My Island Paradiso by a J. Haley which, unlike the others, doesn't seem to be an actual book! Google doesn't show anything when you search for it BUT the supposed author shares their name with Jay Haley, one of the founding figures of brief and family therapy and of the strategic model of psychotherapy
Next is Harvard Classics Vol. 37: Locke, Berkeley, Hume, the three major English philosophers in Empiricism (of which Bacon is also considered the father of, mentioned above) which emphasizes all hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations of the world aka "knowledge is based on experience"
Sixth is Lewis Cass by Andrew C. McLaughlin, an US biography on the aforementioned 18th century man who was a leading spokesman for "popular sovereignty" aka the belief that each citizen has sovereignty over themselves (tho mainly to determine if they get to keep slaves 'cause US)
Seventh is Kidnapped by R. L. Stevenson, an historical fiction novel based around the Appin murder so it centers heavily on the concept of justice
I can't for the life of me make out what the eight one is
And the last one is How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler, which gives guidelines for critically reading books of any genre
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year
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I wish none of this had happened.
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kneeslapworthy · 1 year
Random headcanons i have about the Society
Despite being the least academic out of the four kids, Kate is actually fluent in the most languages. While Sticky and Reynie understand most languages (and Reynie can sort of speak some of them), Kate has grown up with people from so many different cultures at the circus that they all just come naturally to her
Sticky is a great cook/baker and I’ve written about this before, but I think he’d be like a little Michelin star chef á la Number Two in the kitchen
Rhonda designs and sews most of her clothes herself (with occasional assistance from Number Two)
Reynie does not do well with horror movies and like, neither does Sticky, but with Reynie he can’t even watch the trailer because he’ll get so scared
Kate on the other hand loves horror movies
Constance pretends to like them but is secretly also a little scared
Sticky can read sheet music but can’t actually play any instruments
He tries teaching himself the violin but quickly gives up
Number Two loves karaoke, but takes it way too seriously
Milligan loves it too but only when drunk
Mr Benedict doesn’t actually need his reading glasses he just wears them because he thinks it makes him look smart
Kate names birds/animals in the same way that SQ does (and that’s how she named Madge) 
No one in the Society (except for Milligan) drinks coffee
Instead, everyone drinks tea so there’s just one whole cabinet in the house that is filled with like a hundred different kinds of tea
Constance hates horses
Meanwhile, Kate used to be a horse girl 
All of the adults are great at skiing
Except for Mr Benedict
Reynie goes through a phase of wearing bowties every day and no one lets him forget about it 
Constance is one of those people that is really protective over her hair and lets no one touch it 
Subsequently, Constance hates all forms of headwear
Kate has holes in all of her socks and most of her clothes 
Number Two went to culinary school 
Mr Benedict is like Bruce Banner and has seven PhDs in vastly different fields 
He never specifies what those exact fields are so the kids just trust his claimed expertise when it comes to absolutely everything
Milligan loves goth music. No I will not elaborate. 
(based on this post) Miss Perumal and Reynie crochet/knit together 
Kate burns in the sun really easily so in summer everyone is always chasing her with a bottle of sunscreen 
probably going to add to this at some point
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ohifonlyx33 · 1 year
am i the only one who kinda wanted Ms. Perumal and Mr. Benedict to get together, effectively making Reynie and Constance adopted siblings? like how cute would that be?
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
New Crack Headcanon Idea:
Miss Perumal can hotwire a motorbike because her mother was in a Robin Hood-esque biker gang when she was younger, and she passed those skills onto her daughter
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mvshortcut · 1 year
Ok book version now:
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(Show version here lol)
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