#mother fucker my mutuals are making me cry holy shit
buckleysg1rl · 7 months
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0-solshroom-0 · 22 days
I got encouragement from one whole mutual and decided i was gonna post it so here’s
roasting you based on your favorite les amis member
enjolras - you really do have good intentions, but holy shit calm down the savior complex. it’s not all up to you, and you are really trying to take on too much but let’s be honest you do at least half of it for attention. and let’s be really honest you like the attention it gets you in the worst way. you probably only listen to like, mother mother now. used to be a hamilton kid TM
combeferre - you’re either incredibly anxious and not super book smart, or the most pretentious mother fucker i have ever met. you read a lot of books that make you look smart but you actually hate all of them and if it was up to you you would only read like, bad YA novels. please get a life that doesn’t revolve around impressing others
courfeyrac - calling myself out with this one, you’re not near as cool as you think you are babes. stop trying to be a whore and go to class. similar to combeferre fans, you’re either incredibly anxious or incredibly sexy in the worst way. burned out gifted kid but the kind that went fucking wild
grantaire - we get it, you’re sad. choose another personality trait that doesn’t involve you being sad please. it was almost funny at first, but now it’s annoying. other then that i love you and there’s not much else to say about you. you’re cute but you think you’re ugly and you make that very apparent.
jehan - look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t listen to glass animals and smoke weed. that’s right, you can’t. because it’s all you do. you like to pretend you’re very soft poet owo, but really you’re just as wild as the courfeyrac fans if not more and you probably don’t even fucking write poetry.
joly - a lot like jehan fans, except instead of being wild you’re just fucking weird. you pretend to be all soft and shit and then people get to know you and you’re a gremlin but not the fun kind. you probably think you’re all smart about medical stuff but you got all your information off of wikipedia and you don’t actually know anything
bossuet - i didn’t realize you guys existed but welcome to the party ig. you’re incredibly boring, there is nothing interesting about this character except he’s bald. are you bald, did you break one too many limbs and now relate to him, or do you just have really bad taste? and i love bossuet but why is he your favorite??
feuilly - (i’m trying but i don’t have very much bad to say about you guys) you probably are the type to complain about capitalism and money and then spend 300 dollars on clothes and other shit the moment you get paid, then whine about being broke. i mean, me too, and the system is definitely set up against us, but have you tried a savings account?
bahorel - i can see the appeal, but much like bossuet fans why is he your favorite? you probably had a very toxic view of masculinity until very recently, and now you project it way too much onto this character. you probably hit your friends as a sign of affection. except you hit way too fucking hard and it makes people cry when you’re not around. there’s really not a lot to say about you. you’re kind of mid but you think you’re hot shit
marius - he doesn’t even count bitch pick another one. i know you won’t because you’re “different” and “quirky” you’re definitely the friend nobody likes but everyone loves. like we love you but you bring a strange off-putting aura to the hangout and nobody really trusts you with any important information.
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anxiousfuckupon · 5 years
Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 opinions/ commentary. Sorry I'm late!!! Spoilers!!
Samwell looks so goddamn scared my baby!!
This beginning is just everyone trading ominous looks with each other
Why is nobody but the unsullied wearing headgear??
Why the fuck is Ghost fighting? He's the only direwolf left! ( Nymerias MIA )
You can feel the awkwardness between Jon And Dany
Of course Melissandri has to be a dramatic fuck and scare everyone
Well at least we can see now
Oh I can tell Davos wants to kill her so bad
And Arya
Everyone wants to kill Melissandri
Jon and Damy being salty to each other like 😯
The battle has started and I see nothing
I love Jaime saving Brienne
Those dragons look beautiful this episode tho
Arya wanting to protect her sister and Sansa being like " I'm not gonna wimp out Bish" is such sisterly love I love it
"Stick them with the pointy end!!!!!!!!!
Samwell is acting like such a baby
Edd is dead
Only 2 left of the OG night watch club
Sansa is looking at anyone on Danys side like Try Me Bitch
This dragon scene would be awesome if I could see something
Pod stopping to check on Bri is so beuatiful
Holy Shit Greyworm is afraid and showing it I'm scared
Hey Melissandri did something useful for once. I can see again
Poor Sandor with all this fire
Sansa spilling the tea again
Holy Shit is Tyrion hitting on her
And he gets shut down
Aww Missandi being loyal to her bestie
Theon and Bran moment has me bawling like brotherly love!!
And..... The trenches have used up its uselessness
Fuck now the walls are useless
This fight would be cool if I could see something
Arya is using her training!!! The one true queen!!
I think Ser Davos has another daughter
This reminds me of the Waif fight so much
fuck fuck fuck the giants alive dead
Oh no Lady Lyanna!!!!!!!!!!
Sandor chooses right now to deal with his PTSD. Like valid but....
The Hound Came out of his panic attack to save his little Murder Daughter!!!!
So suspenseful but I can actually see and Aryas being a baddass best scene of episode
Oh No she's hurt!
Running In the crypts scene!! I expected her to be running from wights
Hound saving Arya just like old times!!!!
Beric Is Dead
The Arya and Melissandri scene is a little dissapointing because I expected Arya to kill her
But Mel is acting like such a mom though
Hound is just sitting in the back like the fuck is this shit
OMG blue eyes Ayra will kill the night kill calling it NoT ToDaY FuCkFaCe
OH No Dragon!! (Idk if Drogon or Rheagal)
Ok if regular fire kills Wights why doesnt dragon fire kill the night king??????
Oh fuck Drogon!!
NK rose everyone we have to fight everyone we are so screwed
Oh fuck now drogons dead (i think)
The Tyrion and Sansa look will they just make up there mind if they will fall in love or not?
"You're A Good Man. Thank You." That is all Theon ever wanted I'm crying even though That Bitch dead from those words
Also thank you for finally joining us BRAN!
Theon crying at the end because he knows he's gonna die but takes it like a man is so in his character and is such a good death for him protecting a Stark. Ned would be proud.
Theon is dead. Rest in peace with Ned and Rob, son.
The Night King has a better manicure than I do.
Is it just me, or do Bran and Night King share a look of understand when they stare at each other. Like they found a mutual respect.
I think Bran teared up when NK reached for his sword.
Holy shit Arya came from nowhere ( haha get it its a pun)
the switchy hand thing the switchy hand thing!!!!
A hundred pound girl just killed the Most powerful thing in westeros
Jorah is dead.
For the first time in a long time I feel bad for Dany
Seeing her weep over her best friends dead body wow I'm hurt
I can see it in Davos eyes he still wants to kill Melissandri himself
Melissandri is dead.
In conclusion
Rip Edd nightwatch dude
The Hound getting out of his fluck to save his little murder daughter gives me a lot of feels
RIP Beric
Melissandri is awesome in the scene with Arya and I think that is the only scene I will say I like her
RIP Theon Greyjoy. Ned would be proud. Oh fuck poor Yara...
Arya is a goddamn goddess and killed the night king and she is my one true fav now
Rip Jorah. Oh fuck he was the last of house Mormont
Melissandri is dead. She doesn't get an RIP because I'm still pissed about Shireen
Davos should have killed Melissandri
Did anyone else notice that Jon Snow did almost nothing in this?
By all! Love you! See you next week!
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Fearghal & Fraze
Fearghal: Your sister has had the baby, 10.30 ish this morning, both healthy, no complications Fraze: Cheers for letting me know Fraze: I'll have to give her a bell when she's home Fearghal: Yeah about that Fearghal: if you could give her a couple of days, it'd be greatly appreciated Fraze: What's the craic? Caleb being a twat again like or what? Fearghal: No, well, not exactly but there is some shit she needs to get in order Fearghal: on strict orders to tell you all as much as you need so you're not worried but she'll give you the rest in her own time Fearghal: thought I'd get to you sharpish, on the off chance Ro wants to talk to Bea about it Fearghal: Know they don't usually talk but, she might, I dunno Fraze: Fucking hell Fraze: The kid got two healthy heads? Fearghal: As good as, son Fearghal: that's how it feels Fearghal: The kid ain't Calebs Fearghal: obviously so, you understand Fraze: Jesus Christ Fraze: It's white, ain't it? Fraze: What's Ali doing about it Fearghal: Right Fearghal: Keeping it of course Fearghal: but that has everything else a bit up in the air, her and the lad, he's meant to be going off to Singapore with her Fraze: Does she know who the other lucky lad is? Maybe he'll take the plane seat Fearghal: Oi, enough of that Fearghal: She does and it isn't fucking likely Fraze: Calm down, da, you know I've got her back Fraze: You gonna go round there and sort him? You ain't getting any younger, gotta be careful Fearghal: Fucking cheek Fearghal: Don't think there's much point, no talking to some people and anyway, what do I do for the best? Fearghal: She doesn't want him, get nothing forcing a piece of shit Father on the poor little sod Fearghal: Might be better off with him out of it frankly Fraze: She knows how to pick 'em Fearghal: Sound like your Mother, boy Fearghal: can't say he doesn't love his kids Fraze: Poor cunt Fraze: I'd go mad Fearghal: Same Fearghal: its not all it sounds, she's not cheated or been reckless but Fearghal: I'll let her explain herself Fearghal: Poor kid, all she's been doing since Fraze: It's a head fuck all round Fraze: Fair play if she's got any words Fearghal: She needs all the support she can get right now Fearghal: that's all we need from you lot, got it? Fraze: yeah yeah old man I hear you Fraze: What you think, I'm gonna wet the baby's head and drown the poor fucker Fraze: Come on Fearghal: You're not exactly known for your tact, are ya son Fearghal: Hence the preparation so you don't say something really fucking stupid Fraze: She's still my sister even if she is making a holy show of it Fearghal: None of you are angels Fearghal: but we're family, its a life sentence, no parole Fraze: Too right Fraze: Who's telling Joe? Fearghal: You can, if you'd like Fearghal: no chance of me or your Ma getting a response really but Fearghal: know he feels he can to you lot, when the mood takes him Fraze: Putting it strong but I will for what it's worth Fraze: He's gotta be told Fearghal: Cheers Fearghal: and if you could forewarn Bea to be on her best behaviour should Ro come-a-knocking Fearghal: rather you than me Fraze: Cheers yourself then Fraze: Ali coming back to yours? Fearghal: For now, yeah Fearghal: got about a month 'til she goes Fearghal: if she does Fraze: Rather you than me Fraze: Don't miss the kids being that small Fearghal: Loving the terrible twos that much, are ya? Fraze: I love a row, yeah? Fraze: It's hilarious Fearghal: Any excuse for a tantrum eh Fraze: Buster clocked me the other day, I was well proud Fraze: Great jab on him Fearghal: 'Course he does, he's a McKenna Fearghal: know what to get him for their next birthday then, I'll tell Ma Fraze: Speaking of, does Hallmark do a 'sorry your kid came out white' card or we improvising that hard on the gift front? Fraze: Fucked us all up there Fearghal: Funny, keep it up and you'll be dealing with worse than your toddler's Fearghal: I'm not sure she's incredibly arsed but you know what you need, wasn't that long ago Fearghal: She's not going to start sobbing at the sight of a babygro Fraze: I was gonna get her and the lad shit for Singapore case they started missing the homeland Fraze: Awkward Fraze: I bet she's desperate to fuck off out of it now Fearghal: It'll still be appreciated Fearghal: Last I heard she's determined to still go Fearghal: I'll intercept the post if there's a change of plans, like Fraze: She'll go just to prove she can Fraze: Stubborn fuck Fraze: Good thing the real dad don't want a look in like Fearghal: Mother's daughter Fearghal: Yeah, no danger of that Fearghal: Maybe when they come back he'll have manned up Fraze: I can't imagine having to hop on a plane every time your kid's got a shitty nappy Fraze: Don't sound like he's bothered though Fraze: Not like she needs him Fearghal: Nah Fearghal: Not every cunt is lucky enough that the relationship with the Ma works out though Fearghal: can't have the kid or her all to yourself all the time if you've fucked it Fearghal: but co-parenting and sharing is better than nothing Fearghal: if you ask me but he disagrees Fraze: No cunt'd keep me from my kids Fraze: Nothing to do with luck Fraze: It's an excuse for him to be a pussy and cry off if he gets challenged later Fraze: Can't be that loved up with her if it's the first we've heard Fraze: He's a twat. End of Fearghal: You know what I mean Fearghal: Heaven forbid you two ever broke up, you'd do what you could and make the most of your time with them Fearghal: Not sulk like a soppy twat because its unfair Fearghal: The feeling certainly is not mutual, from what I understand, at any rate Fearghal: But I thought the same Fraze: You gonna say next that it was all bad luck Ronnie's da was a waster and bowed out? Fraze: Some cunts honestly Fraze: Too busy crying to wipe your kids eyes Fraze: Ali's well rid Fearghal: I've got no room to judge Fearghal: he was a kid, made my own mistakes at his age, arguably as bad Fearghal: S'too short to be angry about it, you just have to get on with it Fraze: You don't get to be a kid when you have one, simple as Fraze: Tell me who the cunt is of Ali's I'll write that on his head for him Fraze: Proper spell it out Fearghal: Nah, you don't Fearghal: but even if you don't raise the kid, your childhood's still gone Fearghal: I doubt Josh went on to do great things with his life, or he don't have regrets about how he handled it Fearghal: I don't think its my place, son Fraze: Ma had me though, don't get greater, yeah? Fraze: I reckoned on you saying that. Ah well. Had to give it a shot Fearghal: So you say, so you say, boy Fearghal: You know you'd never hear the end of it Fearghal: Wouldn't be appreciated, like Fraze: Yeah Fraze: Probably won't hear the end of Bea if I don't tell her who it is though Fearghal: She'll probably work it out Fearghal: They're brighter than us Fearghal: Your Ma didn't seem surprised but first I'd heard of it Fearghal: Naturally, or maybe coulda intervened before now Fraze: Sounds legit Fraze: Fuck's sake Fraze: Our family needs their heads banged together, us two excluded Fearghal: Preaching to the choir boy Fearghal: we do alright Fraze: You were never a choir boy Fraze: Might bring Joe out of his hole, I'd take that Fearghal: 'Course I was Fearghal: fucking angelic, mate Fearghal: Yeah Fearghal: as usual, keep us posted Fraze: Fuck off Fraze: The cat thinks you're dying when you let a tune out Fraze: 'Course Fearghal: Well, lots changed since those days Fearghal: Balls dropped for one Fearghal: Career over Fraze: Regrets, you've got a few, yeah? Fraze: On you go, lad Fearghal: Too right, take me back Fearghal: Miss those nuns Fraze: Bet they miss you too Fearghal: I wouldn't bet on it but you know Fearghal: Only got better with age, in all the ways Fraze: Don't fancy your odds? More for them Fearghal: Oh trust me, you don't wanna face them on anything Fearghal: There's a reason we spared you the Catholic Schools Fearghal: aside from being relapsed and your Ma a filthy heathen Fraze: That'd do it Fraze: Damned the lot of us Fearghal: Might've done Fearghal: Not what we had in mind but Fraze: You're alright da I've competed my fair share of sins Fraze: Heaven's not a place for me Fearghal: I reckon we're best off if I don't know Fraze: Pissed my own bed with no help from ya, either way Fearghal: Oh well, at least we'll all be in the same place on the otherside Fraze: Stuck with all of yous Fearghal: Looks like it Fearghal: Tried to lose you all back in Liverpool but Fearghal: ya followed Fraze: Shouldn't have had a pint in your hand constantly it'd be easier to get rid of me Fearghal: 🍀 Fearghal: What can I say? Fraze: Given up the cigs yet, mate? Fearghal: Have you? Fearghal: Cheeky git Fraze: That's a no Fraze: And with a newborn in the house! Shocking behavior like Fearghal: Well, might be able to get through a whole pack by myself without your thieving mitts about, eh? Fraze: Quick learner and I had a good teacher Fearghal: How did any of ya survive honestly Fearghal: God knows Fraze: 🍀 Fearghal: Must be Fraze: Unless the bloke from downstairs with the horns wants to take credit, like Fearghal: If so, you're slacking in spreading the evil about for him Fraze: Got the next generation to do it for me Fearghal: Started doing that Damien shit have they? You were a bugger for staring at us as we slept, creepy lil fucker Fraze: Those twins from the Shining have got nothing on my two Fraze: Thank Christ they weren't both girls Fearghal: Woulda been a cracking costume but not good for your nightmares Fearghal: Ahh, those were the days Fearghal: Appreciate 'em Fraze: I do Fraze: It's fucked up that lad is so keen to miss out Fearghal: Well, he hasn't got the experience to know what he's depriving himself of Fearghal: Hm, might've been a giveaway that Fraze: I swear not to break his legs Fraze: Not looking to get you in shit with the girls Fearghal: I understand Fearghal: Its very fucking tempting Fearghal: You've got three guesses, use your head, kid, given enough away like Fraze: I reckon he's the kind of cunt to shop us, wouldn't put it past him by the sounds Fraze: Last thing anyone needs Fearghal: No chance, which makes it all the more Fearghal: Type of lad who can't go running to garda for anything Fraze: Fuck Fearghal: Yeah Fearghal: Why else would Ro be in a fucking state too Fearghal: Bastard Fraze: She's always in a state about something Fraze: I can't blame her this time though in fairness Fearghal: Apparently, its been years in the making, you know the type, gets so many yes' Fearghal: A no don't sit right, it wasn't THAT though, before you really get angry Fearghal: the chase, whatever, we've all been there and its obvious he's a scumbag but her sister Fearghal: Didn't need to go there, did he? Fraze: Opportunistic cunt Fraze: I bet he got her drunk as well as Fraze: Biding his time 'til she was at any rate Fraze: She wouldn't go near him otherwise and he knows it Fearghal: She was, your Brother reluctantly told us, didn't wanna snitch but wanted us to have the full picture Fearghal: it was back when Caleb wasn't coping with the boy and they had their break Fearghal: Your Sister wasn't coping as well as she fronted either, apparently Fraze: Fair play to Tommo, this lad's a bigger rat Fraze: Glad he had her back when it was kicking off like Fearghal: Yeah, glad she had someone she could confide in Fearghal: 'cos obviously Ro was out of the question Fearghal: So much for loyalty from him to Caleb though...after all that family has done for him Fraze: Yeah Fraze: Great lad all round, ain't he Fraze: No surprise he isn't stepping up for his kid Fearghal: Yeah, not unless she stays with him Fearghal: Over my dead body, sunshine Fearghal: She won't, even if she has to leave without Caleb, she's not daft Fraze: Over his if he fucking tried it Fraze: Nobody's keeping her from going Fearghal: Its all she's wanted and worked for Fearghal: Though your mother isn't thrilled about the idea of her going out there alone with 3 babies in tow Fearghal: I'm not either but I know she can Fearghal: fucking how, I do NOT know Fraze: None of us want her over in wherever the fuck but it's where she's gotta be Fearghal: Right Fearghal: None of you can be normal and do one thing at a time, can you? Fraze: Who'd you think we got that off, you soft twat Fearghal: Fair, I never did the School thing and your Mum only went back inbetween you lot and Mr Oopsy-Baby himself Fearghal: Still proud of her Fearghal: and yous, glad you are but fucking hell Fearghal: gonna be in the ground 'fore the year is out, I tell ya Fraze: It'd be one hell of a party but there's plenty of shit to celebrate before you pop your clogs Fraze: If only Ali not being saddled with the local wannabe Fearghal: True Fearghal: I'll do my best to stick around then Fearghal: No promises Fraze: Try and earn a bit more before you're in the ground Fraze: Save us lot paying out Fearghal: Just fling me in the sea Fearghal: I'll write it in the will, no suspicions like Fraze: Trying to get the garda on me, are ya? Fraze: Unlucky Fraze: Gotta get up earlier than that, lad Fearghal: Oh well, had to try, ay? Fearghal: Reckon Rock's still young enough to fool Fearghal: Probably have me off the cliff whilst I'm still living like Fraze: He would Fraze: Watch yourself Fearghal: Got to Fearghal: Got Rio running 'round doing his bidding at the mo Fearghal: not needed tonight but might escape to the pub for the peace Fearghal: Irish Da style Fraze: 'course Fraze: Have one for me Fraze: Cambs can't compete Fearghal: I'll save it for the next time yous are over Fraze: Get yourself down here and save me from all these posh twats Fearghal: No chance, lucky you got a mongrel of an accent, catch a note of mine and I'll be banned with the dogs and blacks Fraze: Might get that burial sooner than you reckoned Fraze: Make your mind up Fearghal: Reckon I could take 'em but not in the courts like Fearghal: they'd have to fucking kill me, got no dosh to dole out Fraze: I'll let you off then Fraze: This once Fraze: Less good for us lot behind bars than you'd be in a box Fearghal: Know what I'd prefer Fearghal: Might bump into one of me brothers Fraze: Perfect time for a family reunion right now Fearghal: Fuck no Fearghal: Avoiding 'em in hell too like Fraze: Best of luck with that one Fraze: I'll raise a glass to it Fearghal: You can raise it again to the fact you never had to meet 'em Fraze: Any excuse for another drink, yeah Fearghal: If MY Da taught me anything worth remembering Fraze: A recycled lesson would be the only one I take to heart Fraze: fuck's sake Fearghal: What can I say? Fearghal: Not full of wisdom just full of shit Fraze: That makes one of us Fearghal: When yours can string a proper sentence together come back to me boy Fearghal: see how clever you feel when a kid's running rings round ya Fraze: Never gonna happen, I've got all the answers Fearghal: 😂 Fearghal: Well, best be off Fearghal: the kids are running riot and the baby is screaming along with your Ma so Fearghal: that's my cue to jump ship Fraze: yeah don't let me keep ya Fearghal: Catch you later mate Fraze: Look after yourself Fraze: And that lot Fearghal: Will do Fearghal: You and yours like
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buckleysg1rl · 7 months
Sending you more virtual hugs <3
Hope you have an amazing day!! You’re a great person and I hope for you this day will be filled to the brim with joy
Let it be as wonderful as you are 🥳🥳🥳
Tysm dušo, you're sososo sweet thank you so much 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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