#mostafa waziri
Il Segretario generale del Consiglio Supremo delle Antichità egiziane, Mostafa Waziry, mostra che la missione archeologica egiziana a Gebel El-Haridi, presso Sohag, ha scoperto una casa torre destinata a posto di controllo, costruita durante il regno di Tolomeo III. La missione ha anche portato alla luce altri resti del tempio tolemaico dedicato alla dea Iside, parti del quale sono state scoperte…
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archaeologicalnews · 1 year
Looted ancient sarcophagus returned to Egypt from US
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An ancient wooden sarcophagus that was featured at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences was returned to Egypt after U.S. authorities determined it was looted years ago, Egyptian officials said Monday.
The repatriation is part of Egyptian government efforts to stop the trafficking of its stolen antiquities. In 2021, authorities in Cairo succeeded in getting 5,300 stolen artifacts returned to Egypt from across the world.
Mostafa Waziri, the top official at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said the sarcophagus dates back to the Late Dynastic Period of ancient Egypt, an era that spanned the last of the Pharaonic rulers from 664 B.C. until Alexander the Great's campaign in 332 B.C. Read more.
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blueiskewl · 6 months
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3,400-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian Cemetery Found With Colorful Coffins
Archaeologists have uncovered an Ancient Egyptian cemetery dated to more than 3,000 years ago containing the colorful coffin of a high priest's daughter and preserved mummies, among hundreds of other finds.
Researchers unearthed the cemetery at the Tuna el-Gebel necropolis, located almost 170 miles south of Cairo in Minya Governate, Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced in a statement on Sunday.
The cemetery, which dates back to the New Kingdom (16th-11th centuries B.C.) of ancient Egypt, was used as a burial ground for senior officials and priests during the period, according to archaeologists.
The cemetery was uncovered during excavations that began last August in the Al-Ghuraifa area of Tuna El-Gebel and features "many tombs" that have been carved into rock.
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Researchers have also made hundreds of archaeological finds at the site, including stone and wooden coffins—some of which contained mummies—amulets, ornaments and funerary figurines.
One of the most notable finds at the cemetery is a colorful, engraved coffin belonging to the daughter of a high priest of the ancient Egyptian god Djehuti, often referred to as Thoth.
This deity, commonly depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or baboon, was a key figure in ancient Egyptian mythology and played several prominent roles. For example, Thoth was credited with the invention of writing and is also believed to have served as a representative of the sun god Ra.
Next to the coffin of the high priest's daughter, archaeologists found two wooden boxes containing her canopic jars, as well as a complete set of "ushabti" statues.
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Canopic jars were vessels used by the ancient Egyptians to store the organs removed from the body in the process of mummification—the lungs, liver, intestines and stomach—in order to preserve them for the afterlife.
Ushabti statues, meanwhile, were figurines used in ancient Egyptian funerary practices that were placed in tombs in the belief that they would act as servants for the deceased in the afterlife.
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Archaeologists also made another particularly fascinating find at the New Kingdom cemetery: a complete and well-preserved papyrus scroll measuring approximately 42-49 feet in length that features information related to the Book of the Dead.
The Book of the Dead is a collection of ancient Egyptian funerary texts consisting of spells or magic formulas that were placed in tombs. These texts were thought to protect and aid the deceased in the afterlife. They were generally written on papyrus, a material similar to thick paper that was used as a writing surface in ancient times.
Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said in the statement that the discovery of the cemetery is an "important" find.
By Aristos Georgiou.
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egypt-museum · 7 months
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5000-Year-Old Pharaonic wine jars found intact at Abydos
The Egyptian-German-Austrian archaeological mission excavating the tomb of Queen Merit-Neith of the 1st Dynasty in Umm El Qa’ab at Abydos in Sohag, succeeded in uncovering hundreds of sealed jars, containing remnants of wine, in addition to uncovering a group of funerary equipment.
Mostafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said the archaeological team found several grave goods, including hundreds of large wine jars, some of which had intact stoppers and contained the well-preserved remains of 5000-year-old wine.
Inscriptions also indicate that Merit-Neith had been in charge of central government offices, like the treasury, which lends credence to the theory that she played a historically significant role, Waziri noted.
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ancientorigins · 1 year
Egyptian authorities have spoken out about the casting of a black actress as Cleopatra in an upcoming Netflix documentary series.
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kemetic-dreams · 11 months
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Egypt bans Dutch archaeology team from Saqqara due to museum’s ‘Afrocentric’ exhibition
A team of archaeologists from a Dutch museum has been banned from carrying out excavations in Egypt’s rich Saqqara necropolis, after the museum mounted an exhibition that drew condemnation from Egyptian authorities.
After the opening of “Kemet: Egypt in Hip Hop, Jazz, Soul & Funk,” the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO) in Leiden received an email from the head of foreign missions of the Egyptian Antiquities Service saying that the museum is “falsifying history” with its “Afrocentric” approach, Dutch newspaper NRC reported on Monday.
Wim Weijland, the museum’s managing director, confirmed to CNN via email that the Egyptian authorities have denied the institution a permit for the next excavation season at Saqqara. He also confirmed that the journalist who wrote the NRC article had seen the email from the Egyptian authorities.
A vast burial ground that sits nearly 20 miles south of the capital Cairo, Saqqara is home to Egypt’s oldest pyramid, the pyramid of Djoser, and has been the site of multiple important discoveries in recent years.
The museum has been carrying out annual excavations there for more than 40 years. Its most recent excavation campaign took place earlier this year, between February 19 and March 23.
“The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden has been working at Saqqara since 1975,” Weijland told CNN. “For the upcoming season, the museum has been denied the permit to excavate here.”
Weijland said the reason for the permit’s denial is the “presumed ‘falsifying history’ in the current exhibition,” adding that the museum is trying to “open the dialogue” with the Egyptian authorities about the matter.
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Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.
Weijland went on to say that the aim of the “Kemet” exhibition is “to show and understand the depiction of ancient Egypt and the messages in music by African artists,” as well as to “show what scientific, Egyptological research can tell us about ancient Egypt and Nubia.”
Nubia is an ancient region in northeast Africa that extends from the Nile River valley in Egypt, all the way down to Khartoum in modern-day Sudan. The area was once home to the Nubian Kingdom of Kush, or the “African Pharaohs.”
According to its web page, the exhibition, which opened in April and runs until September 3, “embarks on a journey through music history” and looks at “the influence of ancient Egypt and Nubia…in the works of a multitude of musicians of African descent, including icons of jazz such as Miles Davis and Sun Ra and contemporary artists such as Beyoncé and Rihanna.”
In recent days, the museum’s social media posts about the exhibition were flooded with comments, mostly by Egyptians who deemed it disrespectful. Some commented with photos showing light-skinned ancient Egyptian drawings, next to ones with darker skin tones, which they say the museum is propagating.
In response to the controversy, the museum added a note on its website with further information about the show’s content, background and goals. It also said it would remove offensive or racist comments from its social media platforms.
The museum encouraged visitors to “visit the exhibition and form their own opinions,” saying it “welcomes respectful dialogue on the cultural heritage of Egypt and Nubia.”
This isn’t the first time Egypt has objected to the depiction of its ancient ancestors. It recently criticized the Netflix docuseries “Queen Cleopatra,” which portrays the ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt as a woman of color.
Zahi Hawass, an Egyptologist and former Egyptian minister of antiquities, wrote last month that “no one with even a little education could make a film showing Cleopatra as African
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nadakhaderblogspost · 10 months
Egito anuncia medidas para promover o turismo cultural
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Em sua reunião de diretoria na terça-feira, que foi presidida pelo Ministro do Turismo e Antiguidades Khaled Al-Anani, o Conselho Supremo de Antiguidades adotou medidas para incentivar o turismo cultural no Egito.
Uma das decisões mais significativas, de acordo com Mostafa Waziri, secretário-geral do Conselho Supremo de Antiguidades, foi a concessão de um desconto de 50% nos ingressos disponíveis para egípcios em museus e locais antigos que você pode visitar com nossos pacotes de viagem para o Egito.
O Museu Egípcio, no Cairo, abriga uma das mais extensas coleções de antiguidades egípcias do mundo. Você pode ver múmias, joias, estátuas e outros artefatos com nossas viagens ao Egito que oferecem um vislumbre da antiga civilização egípcia.
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O Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) é um museu arqueológico em construção em Gizé, no Egito. Localizado próximo às pirâmides de Gizé, o museu abrigará mais de 100.000 artefatos que pertencem à antiga civilização egípcia, incluindo a coleção completa de Tutankhamon, e está pronto para ser o maior museu arqueológico do mundo. Muitas peças de sua coleção serão exibidas pela primeira vez. Você pode visitá-lo com nossos passeios de um dia no Cairo.
Há muitos passeios de um dia no Egito que você pode considerar. Não importa quais sejam seus interesses, você certamente encontrará algo para desfrutar no Egito.
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A promoção, continuou ele, faz parte da campanha "Aproveite seu inverno no Egito" do Ministério do Turismo e Antiguidades. Em janeiro e fevereiro de 2021, você poderá aproveitar o inverno com nossas excursões de Natal no Egito. Essa campanha foi lançada em colaboração com a Câmara de Estabelecimentos Hoteleiros e o Ministério da Aviação Civil.
Os torcedores do Campeonato Mundial de Handebol Masculino de 2021 no Egito também receberão um desconto de 50% na entrada em museus e locais históricos. Desde que tenham a identificação adequada, esses ingressos serão válidos para o campeonato entre 13 e 31 de janeiro de 2021, bem como para todos os locais abertos para visitação nas províncias do Cairo, Gizé e Alexandria, que podem ser visitados com nossos passeios clássicos pelo Egito.
Além disso, nossos passeios de curta duração no Cairo incluem visitas às Pirâmides de Gizé, à Esfinge, ao Museu Egípcio, ao Cairo Copta, ao Cairo Islâmico e a Alexandria, que é uma bela cidade na costa do Mediterrâneo.
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Para os fãs do evento que estavam vindo do exterior para o Egito, o Ministério do Turismo e Antiguidades participou oferecendo vários programas logísticos e turísticos.
O ministério também instruiu todos os museus e sítios arqueológicos a continuar adotando medidas preventivas, como manter distância social entre os visitantes, usar máscaras faciais e limitar os grupos de turistas a não mais de 25 pessoas. Isso além de respeitar o número máximo de visitantes permitido dentro dos museus em um determinado momento.
Waziri disse que o Conselho também decidiu conceder a todas as cafeterias e bazares em museus e sítios arqueológicos afiliados ao Conselho uma isenção total do pagamento de taxas de aluguel.
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nada-khader · 10 months
Egito revela antigas oficinas de mumificação e tumbas em Saqqara
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Na necrópole de Saqqara, que fica ao sul da capital do Cairo, o Egito informou ter encontrado dois antigos estúdios de embalsamamento para humanos e animais, bem como duas tumbas e uma coleção de artefatos.
A Necrópole de Saqqara é um Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO e é um dos destinos turísticos mais populares do Egito que você pode visitar com nossos passeios de um dia no Egito. A necrópole está aberta aos visitantes durante todo o ano e há várias visitas guiadas disponíveis.
Saqqara é um antigo cemitério localizado no Egito, cerca de 30 quilômetros ao sul do Cairo. Foi a necrópole da antiga capital egípcia de Mênfis e contém os túmulos de muitos dos governantes mais importantes do Egito, que podem ser visitados em nossos passeios de um dia no Cairo, incluindo a Pirâmide de Djoser.
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Uma expedição egípcia chefiada por Mostafa Waziri, Secretário Geral do Conselho Supremo de Antiguidades, conduziu a escavação. Enquanto as duas tumbas são do Antigo e do Novo Reinado, os dois estúdios de embalsamamento são da 30ª Dinastia e da era ptolomaica.
A necrópole de Saqqara abriga uma grande variedade de tumbas e monumentos, incluindo pirâmides, mastabas e templos. Com nossos passeios pelo Egito, você poderá ver A estrutura mais famosa de Saqqara é a Pirâmide de Djoser, construída durante a Terceira Dinastia. A Pirâmide de Djoser é considerada o mais antigo complexo completo de construção em pedra da história.
A pirâmide de Djoser é composta por câmaras com camas de pedra onde os mortos se deitavam para mumificação. A oficina de animais também é retangular e construída de barro com piso de pedra. Consiste em várias salas que abrigavam enterros de animais e coleções de vasos de barro, além de equipamentos de mumificação de bronze. As primeiras pesquisas indicam que a mumificação de animais sagrados ocorria nessa oficina.
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A primeira tumba a ser descoberta pertenceu a "Ne Hesut Ba", um oficial sênior da quinta dinastia (2400 a.C.) que supervisionava os escribas e servia como sacerdote de Hórus e Maat. Um sacerdote Qadish da 18ª Dinastia (1400 a.C.) chamado "Men Kheber" está enterrado na segunda tumba. Enquanto a tumba do Reino Novo é cortada na rocha com uma porta e um lintel ornamentados com os nomes do falecido e de sua esposa, a tumba do Reino Antigo é uma mastaba com uma fachada de pedra pintada com os nomes do falecido e de sua esposa.
Os locais de Saqqara têm sido palco de inúmeras descobertas nos últimos anos. Não deixe de visitar esse local com nossos passeios de um dia no Cairo saindo do aeroporto, incluindo centenas de caixões coloridos contendo múmias bem preservadas de sacerdotes e estadistas seniores.
Além disso, a excursão às pirâmides de Gizé e à Esfinge é obrigatória para qualquer visitante do Cairo com nossos passeios de meio dia no Cairo. Você verá as Grandes Pirâmides de Gizé.
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Há muitos passeios de um dia em Luxor disponíveis em Luxor. Há passeios para todos os interesses, portanto, você certamente encontrará um que seja perfeito para você. Você pode visitar alguns dos locais mais famosos de Luxor, incluindo o Templo de Karnak, o Templo de Luxor, o Vale dos Reis e o Templo de Hatshepsut. Além disso, o Abu Simbel Temples Tour é imperdível para qualquer visitante de Aswan. Você verá os dois enormes templos de Abu Simbel, que foram transferidos de seu local original na década de 1960 para evitar que fossem submersos pelas águas do Lago Nasser com nossos passeios de um dia em Assuã.
As excursões de Natal ao Egito são uma ótima maneira de ver o melhor do Egito antigo e moderno. Você começará no Cairo, onde visitará as pirâmides, a Esfinge e o Museu Egípcio. Em seguida, você voará para Luxor, onde explorará o Vale dos Reis, o Templo de Karnak e o Templo de Luxor.
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merelygifted · 1 year
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Egypt recovers 'Green Sarcophagus' from United States | CNN Travel
Egyptian authorities announced the recovery of a heavy sarcophagus lid from the United States on Monday at a ceremony in Cairo.
The sarcophagus, which at 500 kilograms (about 1,100 pounds) is one of the biggest, dates back to the Late Period of Ancient Egypt (747-332 BC), said Mostafa Waziri, the secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities at Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
Ahmed Issa, Egypt's minister of tourism and antiquities, said the lid "was looted and smuggled from Egypt to the United States a few years ago."
The recovery came as a result of the collaboration with US authorities and an investigation spanning over two years, Issa added.  ...
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt on Monday displayed a trove of ancient artifacts dating back 2,500 years that the country's antiquities authorities said were recently unearthed at the famed necropolis of Saqqara near Cairo.
The artifacts were showcased at a makeshift exhibit at the feet of the Step Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, 24 kilometers (15 miles) southwest of the Egyptian capital.
According to Mostafa Waziri, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, the find includes 250 painted sarcophagi with well-preserved mummies inside, as well as 150 bronze statues of ancient deities and bronze vessels used in rituals of Isis, the goddess of fertility in ancient Egyptian mythology, all from the Late Period, about 500 B.C.
A headless bronze statue of Imhotep, the chief architect of Pharaoh Djoser who ruled ancient Egypt between 2630 B.C. and 2611 B.C was also displayed.
The artifacts will be transferred for a permanent exhibit at the new Grand Egyptian Museum, a mega project still under construction near the famed Giza Pyramids, just outside Cairo.
The Saqqara site is part of a sprawling necropolis at Egypt’s ancient capital of Memphis that includes the Giza Pyramids and the smaller pyramids at Abu Sir, Dahshur and Abu Ruwaysh. The ruins of Memphis were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1970s.
Egypt has been heavily promoting recent archaeological finds, hoping to attract more tourists to the country. Its tourist sector, a major source of foreign currency, suffered from years of political turmoil and violence following the 2011 uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak.
The sector has recently started to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, only to be hit again by the effects of Russia's war on Ukraine. Along with Russia, Ukraine is a major source of tourists visiting Egypt.
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
エジプト当局は24日、南部ルクソール(Luxor)で1800年前の「ローマ帝国時代の完全な植民都市」を発見したと発表した。  エジプト考古最高評議会(Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities)のムスタファ・ワジリ(Mostafa al-Waziri)事務局長は、2~3世紀のもので、ルクソールを流れるナイル川(Nile River)東岸で見つかった中では「最も古く重要な都市」だと説明している。  発掘されたのは「多数の住宅」、ハトを飼育するための「ハトの塔2基」や「多数の鍛冶場」など。鍛冶場では鍋や道具類、「ローマ帝国時代の青銅貨や銅貨」も見つかったという。
ローマ帝国時代の「完全な」植民都市発見 エジプト 写真3枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
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archaeologicalnews · 1 year
52-foot-long Book of the Dead papyrus from ancient Egypt discovered at Saqqara
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Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a 52-foot-long (16 meters) papyrus containing sections from the Book of the Dead. The more than 2,000-year-old document was found within a coffin in a tomb south of the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara.
There are many texts from The Book of the Dead, and analysis of the new finding may shed light on ancient Egyptian funerary traditions. Conservation work is already complete, and the papyrus is being translated into Arabic, according to a translated statement, which was released in conjunction with an event marking Egyptian Archaeologists Day on Jan. 14.
This is the first full papyrus to be uncovered at Saqqara in more than 100 years, Mostafa Waziry, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said, according to the statement. Read more.
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blueiskewl · 11 months
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Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II’s  Statues and Treasures now on Exhibition in Paris
Many of the more than 180 objects have never left Egypt before.
From whichever angle you approach Ramses II, the 13th century B.C.E pharaoh earns his epithet: the Great.
His 67-year reign stands as the second longest in Egyptian history. Bold in both war and peace, Ramses expanded Egyptian territory and signed the earliest-known peace treaty with the Hittites in 1271 B.C.E. This consolidation led to an unparalleled building of cities and monuments—often to himself. Ramses’s progeny was also vast, he’s estimated to have fathered more than 100 children.
There may have been 11 other pharaohs named Ramses, but “Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs,” a recently opened show in Paris demonstrates the pharaoh who acquired semi-godlike status in his own lifetime needs no identifiers.
The exhibition is on the third leg of a five-year, 10-city global tour with previous stops at Houston Museum of Natural Science and San Francisco’s de Young Museum. It was devised through a collaboration between the Supreme Council of Antiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt and World Heritage Exhibitions.
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Across more than 180 objects, many of which have never before left Egypt, the show creates a vivid picture of the country’s ancient Golden Age. Though Ramses’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings was raided and plundered of its gold adornments, the show presents ample treasures directly connected to him including a colossal red granite statue of the pharaoh’s head, one of his many gold rings, and painted reliefs celebrating his military victories.
More broadly, the exhibition presents a view of the world Ramses inhabited, sculpted, and inspired. There is space dedicated to the grave of royal tomb builder Sennedjem, a collection of mummified animals found at the Saqqara necropolis, and treasures discovered in the royal tombs in Dahshur and Tanis.
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The exhibition also leans on contemporary technology to bring both artifacts and historical events to life. Drone footage and computer animations have been used to recreate the ancient splendor of Ramses’s memorial temple, photo-murals are projected on walls, and there’s a multimedia recreation of the Battle of Kadesh, a 1274 B.C.E. chariot battle widely considered the pharaoh’s greatest military achievement. There is also a V.R. experience available to visitors.
“Ramses II is considered to be the greatest king ever to rule Egypt,” said Mostafa Waziri, Egypt’s Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in a press statement. “This exhibition will illuminate the pivotal moments that earned the great pharaoh his place in history, while bringing visitors face-to-face with absolutely stunning Egyptian artifacts”.
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4gspeed · 1 month
Ông Mostafa Waziri, lãnh đạo Hội đồng Cổ vật Tối cao tại Ai Cập, đã đăng đoạn video lên mạng xã hội hôm 26.1, theo AFP. Video cho thấy công nhân đang đặt các khối đá granit dưới chân kim tự tháp Menkaure, công trình nằm bên cạnh tượng Nhân sư cũng như các kim tự tháp Khafre và Cheops lớn hơn ở vùng Giza, gần thủ đô Cairo của Ai Cập.Kim tự tháp Menkaure ban đầu được bọc bằng đá granit, nhưng theo thời gian, công trình đã mất đi một phần "vỏ bọc" này. Dự án trùng tu nhằm mục đích khôi phục hình dạng ban đầu của công trình bằng cách tái tạo lớp đá granit bên ngoài.Kim tự tháp Menkaure ở Ai CậpCHỤP MÀN HÌNH PHYS.ORGÔng Waziri, người đứng đầu một nhóm quy tụ các chuyên gia của Ai Cập và Nhật Bản đảm nhận dự án, đã gọi đây là "dự án thế kỷ". Ông cho biết quá trình trùng tu dự kiến kéo dài 3 năm và sẽ là "món quà của Ai Cập cho thế giới trong thế kỷ 21".Song bên dưới đoạn video được ông đăng tải, hàng chục người bức xúc đã để lại bình luận chỉ trích dự án."Không thể nào!... Điều duy nhất còn thiếu là lát thêm gạch vào kim tự tháp Menkaure! Khi nào chúng ta mới chấm dứt sự vô lý trong việc quản lý di sản Ai Cập?", nhà Ai Cập học Monica Hanna viết."Tất cả các nguyên tắc quốc tế về trùng tu đều cấm những hành động can thiệp như vậy", chuyên gia này cho biết, đồng thời kêu gọi tất cả các nhà khảo cổ học "huy động ngay lập tức".Các bình luận khác tỏ ra châm biếm và mỉa mai. "Khi nào dự án nắn thẳng tháp nghiêng Pisa sẽ được lên kế hoạch?", một người đặt hỏi. "Thay vì lát gạch, tại sao không dùng giấy dán tường cho kim tự tháp?", một người khác viết.Vấn đề bảo tồn di sản ở Ai Cập - nơi doanh thu từ du lịch chiếm 10% tổng sản phẩm quốc nội (GDP) - thường là chủ đề tranh luận sôi nổi.Bí ẩn gì của đại kim tự tháp Giza vừa được khám phá?Gần đây, việc phá hủy toàn bộ các khu vực thuộc khu vực lịch sử của Cairo đã dẫn tới phản ứng mạnh mẽ. Tranh luận giờ chuyển trọng tâm sang nhà thờ Hồi giáo Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi có từ thế kỷ 15 ở thành phố ven biển Alexandria, đô thị lớn thứ hai của Ai Cập .Chính quyền địa phương đã công bố một cuộc điều tra sau khi một nhà thầu phụ trách cải tạo quyết định sơn lại màu trắng trần nhà được trang trí công phu của nhà thờ Hồi giáo lớn nhất Alexandria.
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La piramide egizia di Micerino non sarà rivestita
AGI – L’Egitto ha deciso di abbandonare un controverso piano per reinstallare l’antico rivestimento in granito sulla piramide di Micerino, la più piccola delle tre grandi piramidi di Giza. Lo ha annunciato in una nota un comitato formato dal ministro del Turismo dopo che a gennaio Mostafa Waziri, segretario generale del consiglio supremo delle antichità, lo aveva definito “il progetto del…
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