laferocia · 4 months
Mike Patton at JazzIn Festival Milano, 2010: Mike talks about trees, his wife, and says lots of "WOW".
Alright, here we go! Santa is coming, and Lilia from Italy wants to make a gift for her international Mike fan friends.
Let me give you a bit of context: the event is called JazzMi Festival. The individuals you see at the beginning of the video are Letizia Moratti, who was the mayor of Milan at that time; Red Ronnie (the guy with red hair and round glasses), a famous italian DJ in the 70s and 80s and for years the host of a TV show where he featured excellent artists who could perform live, the "Roxy Bar"; Nick The Nightfly (the guy with white hair), a Scotsman who has been in Italy for years, at that time he was the artistic director of the event and also a DJ.
Letizia Moratti shakes hands with Nick and they exchange greetings.
Red Ronnie: sei il direttore del festival! // You are the festival director!
Nick: Sì! Benvenuto Red, benvenuto Red! Adesso andiamo a trovare anche Mike, magari lo salutiamo. Vediamo se... facciamo un viaggio da queste parti. // Yes! Welcome Red, welcome Red! Now let's go and find Mike, perhaps we can say hello to him too. Let's see if... we take a tour around these parts.
Letizia Moratti: sono molto felice di essere riuscita a venire // I am pleased to have succeeded in coming.
They have a brief exchange about a previous event in Milan. Nick mentions that it was a beautiful evening and compliments the mayor not only for the event but also for the speech, which he describes as touching and non-institutional. She thanks him and replies that she is not good at speaking in an institutional manner. Nick remarks that he has the same issue with Italian, sometimes saying things he shouldn't (Moratti, however, praises his Italian, which is indeed excellent, featuring a slight and charming Anglophone accent).
At 1:10, finally they met Mike.
Mike: Ciao, salve, tutto bene? Sono Mike. Questo è Daniele // Hi, hello, how are you? I'm Mike. This is Daniele.
Daniele: Piacere // Nice to meet you.
Moratti speaks to Mike in English and he responds in Italian "Parlo abbastanza bene, non perfetto" (= I speak Italian quite well, though not perfectly").
Moratti: grazie per essere qua // Thanks for being here.
Mike: oh, grazie per... it's great to be here.
A note of appreciation for Letizia Moratti: she is one of the few Italian politicians who speaks a decent English.
2:02, Mike: è un bel lavoro! // It's quite a job!
Red Ronnie: ha lavorato tanto! // She worked a lot!
Moratti: Sì, ho fatto tante volte il giro del mondo per riuscire, votano 157 paesi, bisogna avere il voto della maggioranza, eravamo in competizione con la Turchia, non è stato facile. Comunque adesso l'abbiamo, io vado a Shanghai per fare la handover cerimony. // Yes, I've traveled the world many times to succeed. There are 157 countries voting, and you need the majority vote. We were in competition with Turkey, and it wasn't easy. Anyway, we have it now. I'm going to Shanghai for the handover ceremony.
Mike shakes hand with Nick and with a guy that is a city councillor, Giovanni Terzi. Moratti explains to Mike that the municipal councillor organized the festival.
Nick: Mike io ti devo portare i saluti di Norah Jones // Mike, I've got greetings for you from Norah Jones.
Mike: ah! Stavo parlando con lei anche ieri sera che stava a Venezia. // Oh! I was talking to her just last night, she was in Venice.
Nick: Perché ha suonato l'altra sera, lei ha guardato e mi fa "oh my friend Mike Patton," // Because she performed the other night, she looked at *(a poster or something about the event, I guess)* and said "oh my friend Mike Patton".
3:26, Red Ronnie: fai tutto Mondo Cane? // Are you playing the whole 'Mondo Cane' project?
Mike: sì sì sì! 22 canzoni // Yes, 22 songs.
3:43, Mike: un'orchestra piccolina, 12 violini, però funziona! // A small orchestra, 12 violins, but it works!
*A brief interlude of idle chatter, LOL*
3:46, Red Ronnie: la cosa incredibile, come hai visto nel disco ha messo, sì, "Il cielo in una stanza", che son dei classici... Letizia Moratti: è una delle mie canzoni preferite! Mike: ah allora è la prima canzone! È un pochino diversa ma è riconoscibile insomma; Letizia Moratti: posso avere un autografo? Mike: certo! Dovrei chiederlo io a lei! (Mike is is using the formal "lei" instead of "tu" as a form of courtesy and respect for Moratti's role and age) //
ENG: Red Ronnie: The incredible thing, as you saw on the record, is that he included, yes, "Il cielo in una stanza," which are classics... Letizia Moratti: It's one of my favorite songs! Mike: Ah, it's the first song then! It's a little different but still recognizable, in short. Letizia Moratti: Can I have an autograph? Mike: Of course! I should be the one asking you for it!
4:09, Mike pointing to the CD: "ahi ahi ahi, hai ascoltato?" Letizia Moratti: no! Red Ronnie: no no ma lei ascolta, diciamo che lei ha scelto di venire... Letizia Moratti: io ho scelto di venire al tuo concerto! Eh sì! Ho guardato tutto il programma e poi... Mike: ah sì? E quello di Norah Jones non l'hai visto?
ENG: Mike *pointing to the CD*: "Ouch ouch ouch, have you listened?" Letizia Moratti: No! Red Ronnie: No no, but she listens, let's say she chose to come... Letizia Moratti: I chose to come to your concert! Oh yes! I watched the entire program and then... Mike: Oh yeah? And you didn't see Norah Jones' concert? (Mike laughs, you can understand the rest of the conversation because they speak in English.)
4:40, Red Ronnie: è interessante perché questo è un progetto internazionale ma è molto italiano e questo pur con una ricerca... Letizia Moratti: è questo che mi è piaciuto! Mike: sì è bello! Red Ronnie: perché ad esempio "Urlo negro" dei Blackmen che è un disco (che da) piccolino ascoltavo... Mike: conosci? Hai sentito? Red: io ho il disco! Mike: quarantacinque (45) giri? Red: il juke box, il 45! Mike: mamma mia, questo è raro! Red: e quando lo mettevo nel juke box... e vedere tu *(it should be "vedere te", LOL)* che fai "Mondo cane"... Letizia Moratti: ma Red ha una collezione che è una meraviglia! Mike: eh si vede che è un intenditore! Moratti: sì, sì, ha pezzi abbastanza unici, ha piatti di John Lennon con le ghiande della pace... adesso abbiamo in programma di fare il giardino di John Lennon per l'8 ottobre... Red: beh ormai... Moratti: tanto è stato già detto! Eh sì, per i 30 anni... L'idea è quella di avere un albero da ogni Paese del mondo, tutti i Paesi che verranno qui per l'Expo, dove ognuno pianti un albero... Red: bel gesto! Potresti portarne uno dall'America, dalla tua zona... Mike: sì, c'ho magari qualche seme, non so... Moratti: bello! Mike: Io sono di quelle parti, California del nord, Redwood. Nick: San Francisco, Redwood. Mike: sì sì però io sono proprio... vengo da anche di più, capito? Più a nord. Moratti: il primo ce lo hanno regalato dal Congo. Mike: Wow! E com'è? Moratti: è un eucalipto. È uno degli alberi loro tipici, sì. Mike: una sequoia a Milano? Moratti: una sequoia sarebbe bellissimo! Mike: però (it should be "il clima") la clima mi sa che... Moratti: esatto, bisognerà cercare degli alberi che non muoiano... Mike: sì deve essere bagnatissimo, capito? Deve avere tanta tanta pioggia e non troppo sole, perciò... magari cresce un po' così ma... Moratti: un po' mini! Mike: sì sì un bonsai-sequoia! Moratti: ti lascio, vorrai stare un attimo... Mike: no! Dai, abbiamo fatto già... *voice: vogliamo fare una foto?* //
ENG: Red Ronnie: It's interesting because this is an international project, but it's very Italian, and this is despite thorough research... Letizia Moratti: That's what I liked about it! Mike: Yes, it's beautiful! Red Ronnie: For example, "Urlo negro" by the Blackmen, which is a record I used to listen to when I was little... Mike: Do you know it? Have you heard it? Red: I have the record! Mike: 45 RPM? Red: The jukebox, the 45! Mike: Oh my, that's rare! Red: And when I put it on the jukebox... and see you doing "Mondo cane"... Letizia Moratti: But Red has a collection that is wonderful! Mike: You can tell he's a connoisseur! Moratti: Yes, yes, he has quite unique pieces, turntable platters from John Lennon with the acorns of peace... now we're planning to create the John Lennon garden for October 8th... Red: Well, by now... Moratti: It's already been said! Yes, for the 30th anniversary... The idea is to have a tree from every country in the world, all the countries that will come here for the Expo (in 2015, Milan hosted the Expo), where each one plants a tree... Red: Nice gesture! Could you bring one from America, from your area... Mike: Yes, I might have some seeds, I don't know... Moratti: Nice! Mike: I'm from those parts, Northern California, Redwood. Nick: San Francisco, Redwood. Mike: Yes, yes, but I'm even further north. Moratti: The first one they gave us was from Congo. Mike: Wow! How is it? Moratti: It's a eucalyptus. It's one of their typical trees, yes. Mike: A sequoia in Milan? Moratti: A sequoia would be beautiful! Mike: But the climate, I think... Moratti: Exactly, we'll need to look for trees that won't die... Mike: Yes, it has to be very wet, you know? It needs a lot of rain and not too much sun, so... maybe it grows a bit like this but... Moratti: A mini one! Mike: Yes, yes, a bonsai-sequoia! Moratti: I'll leave you, you might want to stay a moment... Mike: No! Come on, we're already done... *Voice: Do you want to take a photo?*
7:00, Moratti: ma in casa parli italiano con tua moglie o... Mike: tutto! tre parole in italiano, una in inglese. Red: ma poi è una bolognese! Moratti: infatti! Lo so! Mike: lo senti? Un po'? Red: le "s" un pochino. Mike: un po' esce. Red: ma hai vissuto a Bologna? Mike: sì, 6 anni, più o meno. Red: ah, in che anni? Mike: sarebbe primi anni 90. Red: allora quando facevo il Roxy Bar. Mike: ah, infatti! Ho riconosciuto 'sta faccia! Guardavo, sì sì guardavo! Una volta, con un altro gruppo, non ricordo quale che ne avevo un paio, mi han detto eravamo chiesto (eravamo chiesto: it is not correct in italian but we can understand that he was saying "ci avevano chiesto") di andare lì però non potevamo fare. Red: tu hai collaborato con i Melvins, i Melvins han suonato dal vivo. Mike: sì sì sì mi ricordo! Red: il gruppo più rumoroso che abbia mai avuto! Mike: eh già! Red: hanno fatto... guarda... non puoi capire! Perché lui (Mike) ti sembra un bravo ragazzo... *a female voice, prolly his wife: ok, basta grazie, andiamo!* Red: lui fa degli esperimenti con la voce molto interessanti, con delle scatole, esperimenti. Un po' quello che faceva anche Demetrio Stratos, solo che faceva solo vocalizzi. Mike: sì ma per me Demetrio Stratos per me è proprio un idolo, è un grande, sono un grande fan, e c'ho molto rispetto per lui, ma veramente! Red: buon concerto Mike! Mike: grazie! È stato un piacere. *The other guy: quando sentirai urlare saremo noi!" //
ENG: Moratti: But do you speak Italian at home with your wife or... Mike: Everything! Three words in Italian, one in English. Red: But then she's from Bologna! Moratti: Indeed! I know! Mike: Can you hear it (he meant the typical Bologna accent)? A bit? Red: The "s", a little bit. Mike: It comes out a bit. Red: But did you live in Bologna? Mike: Yes, for 6 years, more or less. Red: Ah, in which years? Mike: It would be the early '90s. Red: So when I was doing the Roxy Bar (Roxy Bar was a music show created and hosted by Red Ronnie, broadcast in Italy from 1992 to 2001). Mike: Ah, indeed! I recognized that face! I watched it, yes, I watched it! Once, with another band, I don't remember which one because I had a couple, they had asked us to go there, but we couldn't make it. Red: You collaborated with the Melvins, and the Melvins played live. Mike: Yes, yes, I remember! Red: The loudest band I've ever had there! Mike: Oh, indeed! Red: They made... look... you can't understand! *Talking to Moratti* Because he (Mike) seems like a nice guy... *a female voice, probably his wife: okay, enough, thank you, let's go!* Red: He experiments with the voice in very interesting ways, with boxes, experiments. A bit like what Demetrio Stratos used to do, only he did vocalizations. Mike: Yes, but for me, Demetrio Stratos is truly an idol, he's great, I'm a big fan, and I have a lot of respect for him, really! Red: Good concert, Mike! Mike: Thank you! It's been a pleasure. *The other guy: When you hear shouting, it'll be us!"
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vorreisparireunpo · 2 years
Hai tirato fuori solo il peggio di me
-DILE "Mondocane"
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walkingstgo · 1 year
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🎂 Feliz cumple @officialmikepatton 🎤⚡🤘🏼🔥🇨🇱❤️ #ChilenoDeCorazon @mrbungleofficial en vivo el @knotfestchile en el Estadio Monumental de #Santiago, 11.12.2022 📷 @godoyphotoshoot para @walkingstgo #MikePatton #FaithNoMore #MrBungle #Tomahawk #Fantomas #DeadCross #MondoCane #KnotfestWS #KnotfestChile #MusicaEnVivo #LiveMusic #Concierto #Concert #Metal #Rock #ConcertPhotography #ConcertPhotographer #MusicPhotography #LiveMusicPhotography #MusicPhotos #LiveMusicShots #Chile #SCL #SantiagoDeChile #WalkingStgo https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn7Db6QO6w3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Mondocane : délectez-vous de ce film sur l’application Android PlayVOD
Jonglant entre drame, action et science-fiction, « Mondocane » est un film qui vous empêchera certainement de vous ennuyer pendant votre temps libre ! Direction donc l’application Android PlayVOD pour l’apprécier autant de fois que vous le souhaitez.
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oneofusnet · 2 years
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Digital Noise Episode 308: Necro-Wright in a Hell-Dress DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 308: NECRO-WRIGHT IN A HELL-DRESS Wright and Chris have a monstrous stack today. Seriously, it’s HELL high. But the Sacred Spirit rises in them at lightyear speed even though it takes them almost to the edge of tomorrow to review all these home titles. It’s truly the righteous energy of these two… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 308: Necro-Wright in a Hell-Dress read more on One of Us
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samcgui · 2 years
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We’re howling forever oh! oh! #doodle #draw #drawing #desenho #rabisco #croqui #dibujo #illustration #ilustracion #ilustração #dog #pero #cane #mondocane #cachorro #doguinho #painting #parede https://www.instagram.com/p/CezpZVENdyI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS:  In the not-too-distant future on Italy’s southern coast, the city of Taranto has become a toxic wasteland ruled by warring gangs and surrounded by barbed wire, where best friends Pietro and Cristian dream of escaping their hardscrabble existence for a better life in nearby New Taranto. Opportunity knocks when Hothead, the charismatic and dangerous leader of a local gang called the Ants, recruits the two boys and gives them everything they fantasized about: money in their pockets, a family, and a father figure. The friendship begins to splinter, though, as Cristian displays a surprising talent for mayhem and quickly rises through the ranks. With a new female friend pushing them further apart, an obsessed cop hounding the gang, and Hothead becoming increasingly unhinged, the boys barrel toward a confrontation that will determine if their bond is strong enough to survive.
REVIEW: Alessandro Celli’s MONDOCANE is an impressive low budget post-apocalyptic film that blends elements of the “Mad Max” universe with Charles Dickens's “Oliver Twist” into an intense and emotionally engaging film of innocence and friendship trying to survive in a toxic wasteland.
The narrative is a character study of two boys, friends, Pietro and Cristian whose dreams of finding someplace better lead to them doing dirty deeds that turn deadly. Hothead feels like a contemporary Bill Sikes. There is not one character that embodies Fagin, but there are two characters that fit the bill. The Ants feel like Fagin’s band of young criminals, a bit of the lost boys thrown in, but here they are deadlier than Fagina’s band of rogues. There are some other elements here reminiscent of Victor Hugo’s “Les Misérables'' in terms of this connected cast of characters that are in dire situations and how that influences their actions, not always for the better. The narrative provides more background than a “Max Max'' film into this plot and a few characters. We are presented with several sides to Hothead and what drives his actions. I was interested in the amount of background the story provides to create a full pitch about what transpired here and how that motivates the factions. As this is subtitled, I can’t really comment on the dialogue, but the subtitles did provide access to the narrative and maintained my interest.
The film balances two visions, the city of Taranto that looks like a war zone and New Taranto that looks like a Mediterranean paradise. There are locations in the old city that look like a war zone where Pietro and Cristian have found an oasis before they join The Ants.  There is an excellent equilibrium in the cinematography in blending these contrasting cities. There are moments when the film’s stressed beauty reminds of a Terry Gilliam film. I would describe the look as a micro-epic. The filmmakers make these smaller locations look much bigger than they are. The costumes are solid, the makeup great, and the effects nicely done.
Alessandro Celli has a talented cast and captures superb performances. His adolescent stars do an amazing job of creating a transformation before our eyes. The actor playing Hothead provides a rich emotional palate as he creates a character you want to hate but still manage to have some sympathy for. The rest of the cast offer the viewer some interesting touchstones into the world of MONDOCANE.
MONDOCANE is the debut feature of Italian writer/director Alessandro Celli. His work here demonstrates an excellent knowledge of both the technique and artistry of filmmaking. This is a rare occasion since the pandemic that I would have liked to view this film on the big screen. It’s a dark, adult dystopian story that doesn't hold any punches. There is violence, no sex or nudity, but given the themes it’s more for older teens and not for younger children. I’m excited to see what Alessandro Celli does next.
CAST: Dennis Protopapa, Giuliano Soprano, Alessandro Borghi, Barbara Ronchi, and Ludovica Nasti. CREW: Director/Screenplay - Alessandro Celli; Screenplay - Antonio Leotti; Producer - Matteo Rovere; Cinematographer - Giuseppe Maio; Score - Federico Bisozzi & Davide Tomat; Editor - Clelio Benevento; Production Designer - Fabrizio D'Arpino; Costume Designer - Andrea Cavalletto; Makeup Effects Designer - Roberto Pastore; Visual Effects Artist - Maurizio Alario OFFICIAL: groenlandiagroup.com/it/portfolio/mondocane FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/XHUQFOYspB8 RELEASE DATE: In NY & LA theaters May 20th, 2022
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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piccolaaa3 · 1 year
Per la rubrica *mio padre dice cose..*
Stavolta se ne esce con "dici troppe bestemmie, non sta bene per una ragazza" (chissà da chi ho imparato eh?)
Quindi ho deciso di mettermi alla prova e cercare di sostituire le bestemmie, vediamo quanti giorni duro.
L'esclamazione del giorno (che partirà da domani perché spero di aver finito i motivi per bestemmiare di oggi) sarà "mondocane".
Si accettano consigli e suggerimenti per i prossimi giorni 🥹
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weardes · 6 months
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Alessandro Borghi || Mondocane (2021)
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arcobalengo · 11 months
3-4 giugno a Trento, in memoria di Giulietto Chiesa
Alterfestival, primo festival dell'informazione indipendente italiana.
Ci saranno: il vignettista Vauro, Marcello Foa (giornalista, scrittore - ex presidente RAI), Carlo Freccero (saggista, esperto di comunicazione già direttore RAI2) e Francesco Borgonovo (L'altra verità); Germana Leoni (giornalista e saggista); Margherita Furlan (Casa del Sole TV); Angela Camuso (Giornalista, scrittrice - cronista di Fuori dal Coro); Raffaella Regoli (Giornalista, scrittrice - cronista di Fuori dal Coro); Enrica Perucchietti (giornalista, saggista); Giuliano Marrucci (Giornalista Ottolina TV - Ex Report); Paola Ceccantoni (Pubble l’imbannabile - influencer progetto Pubble); Giorgio Bianchi (giornalista, scrittore e fotoreporter); Pino Cabras (giornalista, saggista), Massimo Mazzucco (Contro TV); Francesco Toscano (Visione TV); Giacomo Gabellini (scrittore saggista esperto di geopolitica); Fulvio Grimaldi (giornalista, Mondocane), Valerio Lo Monaco, Michelangelo Tagliaferri (Presidente dell’Accademia di Comunicazione Italiana di Milano e direttore scientifico di Alterfestival)
➡️ Per seguire la diretta:
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animatormentata · 1 year
Forse cambierò strada,
cambierò casa
Per non vederti più
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vorreisparireunpo · 2 years
Io credevo fosse amore ma era circostanza
-DILE "Mondocane"
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Film testé et ok Présenté ici en version allemande La boite est a changé L'incroyable Verité (Mondo cane 2) est un film documentaire mondo italien réalisé par Gualtiero Jacopetti et Franco Prosperi, sorti en 1963. Comme les titres originaux le suggèrent, il peut être considéré comme la suite de Cette chienne de vie (Mondo cane), sorti en 1962. Synopsis Le film consiste en une série de petits documentaires sur les différentes pratiques culturelles à travers le monde : Nouvelle-Guinée, Allemagne, Singapour, Portugal, Australie, Amérique et autres. Il montre entre autres des scènes violentes de cannibalisme, vivisection, lynchage, croque-morts, travestis, chasse aux alligators, rites religieux, déviations sexuelles, trafic de cheveux et exploitation d'enfants handicapés. #oiseaumortvintage #melodieensoussol #vhs #cassettevideo #mondo #mondocane https://www.instagram.com/p/Cea5XHnsnX4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oldfilmsflicker · 2 years
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new-to-me #275 - Mondocane
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alicesfeelings · 3 months
E adesso cosa rimane di questo mondocane?
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lightdiabeticdiary · 7 months
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Domenica 1 Ottobre presso il Circolo ARCI Castelnuovo Magra si terrà una serata finalizzata a informare e accrescere la consapevolezza sul diabete attraverso dibattiti, musica, cibo e arte.
📸 Alle ore 18:00 inaugura la mostra fotografica Lightdiabeticdiary di Irene Malfanti, una selezione di immagini che raccontano la sua convivenza con il diabete tipo 1.
💆 A seguire si terrà una chiacchierata con Nunzia Galanda Del Litto, operatrice shiatsu. Parleremo di come il massaggio olistico può portare benessere a chi soffre di malattie autoimmuni, essendo lo Shiatsu una pratica di manipolazione che si concentra sul benessere di corpo, mente e spirito.
🥂Dalle 19:00 si potrà gustare un aperitivo a basso indice glicemico.
🎵A seguire il concerto dei Mondocane official e I Malati Immaginari. La serata si concluderà con un dj set a cura dei Mondocane!
Tutto il ricavato della serata andrà interamente devoluto in beneficenza per la ricerca sul diabete.
🗓 Domenica 1 Ottobre ⏰ Ore 18:00 📍Circolo Arci Castelnuovo Magra 📞 Info 34022763
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