#mona's merlin rewatch
queerofthedagger · 4 months
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merlin rewatch let's goo
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
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— you should not have killed my friend.
this is for @queerofthedagger ! thank you mona for inspiring me to embark on my most recent merlin rewatch <3 <3 hope you enjoy this lil doodle! i'm still figuring out how their faces work but
i just finished 1.13 le morte d'arthur and then immediately after that i saw this
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and also dream state by son lux was playing while i was drawing this
so basically i'm totally normal and had to draw about it??? haha
anyways, ily and seeing you being active in the merlin fandom in the year of our lord 2023 (AS WE ALL SHOULD BE) reminded me that this lil show combined with arthuriana in general make up basically 75% of my personality <333 so tyyy
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gvaine · 1 month
Ohh hiii <3 what's your top 3 episodes and why? 👀
hi mona ❤️
#1 is easy: 4.06 a servant of two masters!! i've lost count how many times i've watched it at this point. it's like the quintessential merlin episode to me. it's funny, it's tragic, it has so many perfect moments that i adore with my whole heart. gaius and gwen teaming up. arthur beginning to doubt agravaine. anything merlin says delights me. mergana torture scene, hello?? the reunion hug, et cetera, i could go on but you get it
choosing two more is so difficult because it so depends on my mood ghvfhe but one is:
2.04 lancelot and guinevere. the sheer amount of relationship building between... countless dynamics in this episode alone makes it one of my faves. gwencelot, of course, heartbreaking; the way morgana loved gwen so much; merlin and arthur bonding over their shared missing parents; arthur going against arthur's wishes and morgana arguing with him, too; arthur helping morgana, albeit not entirely selflessly. i adore it. there's also that shot of merlin sleeping against a tree covered up to his neck by a blanket.
third: 4.10 a herald of the new age. it's just so wonderfully creepy!! it (not unlike 5.03) has a vibe that just works for me, the ghost, the forest, the possession, the lighting, the eerieness of it - reminiscent of my favorite ghost hunting tv show. the way it has arthur confronting his guilt makes me want to eat glass, and merlin's scenes in the druid camp are haunting. i think i'll rewatch this episode soon
honorable mentions to 2.09 the lady of the lake and 3.08 the eye of the phoenix because you asked for three but not even mentioning these two felt wrong 😭
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queerofthedagger · 4 months
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creepy bastard episode 1/???? let's goo
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queerofthedagger · 7 months
okay okay look. i know we just had a lord of the rings rewatch but..... what about another lord of the rings rewatch?? 🥺👀
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
N!! <3 I saw that you're rewatching, so - top 5 Merlin episodes? 👀
omg mona, this would be so difficult asdhghgh
i am still on season 1 so i'm not sure it's fair for me to do a top 5 eps until i've rewatched the entire series over?
i do know that "the labyrinth of gedref" will probably for sure be in my top 5, though (i haven't gotten there yet in the rewatch, i'm so excited)
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