#mofth cat
coconutxav · 8 months
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New characters! Yippee! I love big fluffy mofth cat!
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coyote-brainbabies · 6 years
Profile: Allegro
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musical mofth
Basic Information
Full Name: Allegro Nicknames/Aliases: Allie Title(s): None Age: Unknown (joined the Troupe at age 30) Gender: Cis male Orientation: Pansexual Species: Peppermint Moth Birthday: February 11th Occupation: Singer Powers: Fire conjuring/manipulation Living Family: Cinder (wife), Adagio (son), Presto (daughter), Ember (mother-in-law), Grimm (father-in-law) Hometown: -tba- Current Residence: Traveling with the Grimm Troupe
Physical Characteristics
Height: 6'4” Skin Shell: Black Hair Fur: White and off-white, with red spots in his mane and red tufts of fur on his arms and legs. Eyes: Red (used to have reddish-brown eyes) Body Type: Average, somewhat sleek Distinguishing Marks: The spots along his wings and mane Left or Right-Handed: Left Quirks/Habits: Quickly checking his appearance when passing a mirror. Voice/Voiceclaim: Jonathan Young (example)
Medical Information
Addictions: None Aids/Augmentations: None Allergies: None Conditions: None Physical Abnormalities: None Blood Type: ??? Mental Illnesses: Depression Other Notes: Before joining the Grimm Troupe, Allegro's depression hit an all time low, and he contemplated suicide. Though his mental state has improved significantly, he still has occasional depressive episodes. He's also prone to sore throats.
Mental/Personality Attributes
Known Languages: Common Positive Traits: Charming, intelligent, loyal, passionate, hardworking Neutral Traits: Cunning, ambitious, philosophical, emotional, sentimental Negative Traits: Overly private, sadistic, somewhat mischievous Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist (used to have a much more pessimistic mindset, but has tried to improve) Introvert or Extrovert: Somewhere in between, has been described by friends as an “introverted extrovert” Fears: Dying alone, rejection, emotional intimacy Secrets: None
General Likes: Singing, theater/acting, reading, evening walks, traveling, playing the piano, dancing, calligraphy, toying with people, genuine admiration, sweets, snow, flying, poetry General Dislikes: Messy fur, sore throats, opening up to people, laziness, cheap puns, killjoys, taking medicine, hot weather, trying new foods, crying, awkward silence, his exes, being interrupted Favorite... Animal: -tba- Color: Yellow-green Food: -tba- Music Genre: Opera Season: Winter
Best Friend(s): Cinder Other Friends: Inula, Sonatina, Harmony, Stanza, Mabelle, Divine Acquaintances: Brumm, Aponi, Eifa, Ina, Odin, Lachesis, Azad, Alala, Lorcan, Midir Significant Other(s): Cinder Rivals: None Enemies: None Pets: None
Meaning of Name: Allegro is a music term referring to a fast tempo. Religion: Indifferent Astrological Zodiac: Aquarius Chinese Zodiac: Unknown Celtic Zodiacs: Cat and Rowan Element: Earth MBTI Type: ENFJ Hogwarts House: Slytherin Alignment: True Neutral
Althought he's a genuinely talented individual, Allegro never had any luck in getting his career to take off before joining the Troupe thanks to terrible managers and such.
Allegro is very animated.
Allegro can roll his R's and sometimes does so when he sings.
Allegro is a very finicky eater.
Allegro tends to speak with a poetic flair around groups of people, but talks normally when he's alone with friends or in a serious situation.
Before joining the Grimm Troupe, Allegro would often get cast in a villainous role in the plays and such he's performed in. Not that he ever minded; he found those roles fun.
Even before his children hatched from their eggs, Allegro would often sing lullabys to them, and they'd even react to his voice sometimes if he hit a certain note/tone.
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