#mmmohmygod stop FUCKIN lyin....
jerek · 1 year
“I remember Fahrad well! He was truly an exceptional being, and his service in my name was invaluable. Sadly, his life was cut short... he was one of the many who died in Draenor. He truly deserves to be remembered for the great deeds he did... in his short life, he saved countless others. As for Anduin... he deserves love and respect. I hope he returns from the Shadowlands soon, and can lead his people to a long and prosperous era. He always struck me as a much more capable ruler than his father, and far wiser as well.”
-Wrathion’s lying ass Character AI
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ap-kinda-lit · 5 years
Trump: A lot of presidents have talked about building a wall, including Clinton
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spacednp · 6 years
you literally are a transphobe tho if you got trans people telling you that you are why you always lyin mmmohmygod stop fuckin lyin
once a guy who said he was a profit told me i was the chosen one damn i guess that makes me luke fucking slutfucker that guy is also what we refer to as the geese whisperer and he once called the police on me for poking a mother goose w/a stick bc i wanted to see the babies and i hid in a bush across the street for 45 minutes and another time i saw him lying face fucking down on the ground in front of a dead ass squirrel and i think he was harvesting its soul i ran also ima say ur homophobic now bc im gay so i can make that call with little to no evidence StEp ThE FUCK uP kYlE
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