nightshadevinter · 4 years
Some New Recs
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I have some amazing fanfiction recommendations today. I’ve been spending the past few days just reading through many fics and I just loved reading them all. Here they are:
The Holi-Date by @kpopfanfictrash (Taehyung x reader)
This fic features Kim Taehyung as ‘the artist that everyone is in awe of but is anonymous’, and the ‘ very sexy neighbor’ who is going to be the ‘fake date’; I honestly can’t tell you how much I loved it - it happens at Christmas-time too which is the ultimate bonus. I highly loved it and it’s a fic I‘d love to pick up and read when I sit curled up with a hot cup of coffee (or tea or hot-chocolate!) and, especially if the weather is cold out.
Carousel by @yoonia (Yoongi / reader)
In the world of the rich and wealthy, where things rarely happen without reason, you are stuck in the biggest mystery ever. Enter your husband, Min Yoongi, who seems to be entrenched in it as much as you are - if not more. Will you solve it, or will you fall prey to the hands that are trying to catch you? Okay, so the title of the story itself had me entranced and I really enjoyed the story very much. Those of you who love reading crime, thrillers with romance mixed in, this fic is right up your alley. ;)
An Abundance of Scrunchies by @hoseoksyn
So. This story is a collection of short stories that had me squealing with each line that I read. It’s cute, fluffy, so so playfully enjoyable with a smidge of angst(?). It’s so perfect, and it’s something I’d read over and over again. <3
I’ll be posting more fic recommendations soon. Meanwhile, do check out the other stories written by these lovely authors. I hope you have a great day!
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nightshadevinter · 4 years
Weekly Recs
New recs: some long, some (extremely) short
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Hey all! I promised you new recs and I’m here to fulfill it. So, without wasting any more time, let’s dive in. As usual, I’m not claiming any of the fics below as mine and am only sharing my experience about reading them.
Half Asleep Wishing I Still Had You (mystery BTS member x reader) by @parksfilter​
Hmm.There were smiles and then it was gone; there was warmth, until it was suddenly cold; there were colors but then it bled away. But then, there comes a ray of hope - maybe, just maybe, all is not lost.
Yikes, that sounds cheesy but I wanted to describe it that way. This story is angsty. It made me smile for a moment, only to make me sad the next but there is something genuinely attractive about the style of writing - the memories are so amazingly highlighted. Mind you, this story has two parts and you should definitely read both parts.
Eldorado (Jimin x reader) by @smoochkooks
First of all, I remember how I began chuckling two minutes into the story. And from there, I couldn’t help but keep laughing. So, a sassy, determined reader paired with an equally smart-aleck, archaeologist Jimin who has the tendency to quote ancient Greek philosophers. To add spice to this mix, they’re enemies (kinda?) and when they are paired up on a treasure-slash-gold-hunting mission accidentally, it spells a recipe for disaster. This story was really so fun to read, fluffy with the right amount of sarcasm and hot sun which you can look forward to.
i have these feelings (Seokjin x reader) by @jiminssizzles​
This is cute, fluffy, short and, did I mention how cute it is? That’s all I’m going to say. Do read it, it’s so cute. Okay, one thing to note: this story is part of Trivia: Love which is a series of small stories which @jiminssizzles​ is writing from prompts. There are 14 stories, each story featuring one of the BTS members.
The Turing Test by (Jungkook x reader) by @fortunexkookie​​
HELLO??! oH. My. GoD?!!!!! The concept is mind-blowing and I was able to associate to everything that has been portrayed. The writing is beautiful, especially when I got to read about how the world looks like from the view of an android (ahem, JK) and it does get angsty but I just LOVE it. If you haven't read it yet, please do so, it's absolutely one the best fics I’ve read. Thank you for writing something so amazing @fortunexkookie!!!
That’s all for this week! Before I go though; I was surprised by this - authors of tumblr, the choices of your character preferences amazes me all the time. I love browsing through may authors’ masterlists, so when I come across an intriguing character choice I immediately drop everything and begin reading. Thank you all authors! Your creativity is so inspiring and sometimes, it’s the only things I look forward to - reading new stories so that I can refresh my mind.
My rec schedule will be something like this: I will post recommendations twice a week, and I will be updating my favorite fics list, a.k.a my Treasure Trove, as often as I can. Thank you reading if you’ve made it this far!
Love, missC <3
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nightshadevinter · 4 years
Weekly Recs - I’ve only got two recs though . . .
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Hi there everyone! I'm late in posting my recs for today, but I've only got you two fics (as the title says). I'm sorry; I had no time to read much over the weekend mostly because I was lazy and did nothing but lie down to catch some much needed rest. Anyway, both my recs today are Jungkook centric. The maknae is not leaving my mind for some reason, because I have been either a) re-reading all JK centered fics for the past week, or b) am only finding JK centric fics on my dashboard. So yeah, I bring you these amazing fics.
As always, these fics are not mine and I’m not claiming them as mine.
midas (Jungkook x reader) by @gukyi
In the bustle of every day life, most of us do not expect the surprises that life brings us. It may be good, it may be not, but they always give us a chance to learn more from them.
Hands On Learning (Jungkook x reader) by @ladyartemesia
Midas was something like that - a CEO Jungkook, born with all the wealth one could want and yet has the midas touch - literally - with a reader who is a pickpocket, not by choice, only trying to survive each day. It's interesting really to see how these two people, as different as day and night, get along: really how different can day and night be, right? It's just the passing of time, only called by different names for the reason that one has something the other doesn't. It is a wonderful story of healing, growing, learning, and understanding that whatever life brings you, you must always be prepared for what it teaches you.
The writing is unique, the character portrayal is strong in the way that the reader is able to make up a firm opinion of the protagonists. The story in itself is promising, the plot intriguing - I read it in 45 minutes; can't believe that I actually finished it and didn't even realize the time passing. Thank you @gukyi for this beautiful story of two personalities that burn brightly in their own ways, but together are a sight to behold (or imagine).
So, that's it for today!! I hope you like these stories! Do check out the authors’ masterlists for other, more, superb stories. You can also check out my Treasure Trove, which is the list of my favorite stories of all time. In case any one is interested in reading novels, I also rec them as well, and you can request me for a rec anytime :)
Oh wow, this college/grad school au had me thirsty (oh yeah, Jungkook's hands can make anyone thirsty, wow). I love how the story starts - This is bad. Yeah, I've got it bad alright, because I know for a fact that I've had daydreams - and dreams, period - about Jungkook's hands. I mean, @ladyartemesia​, I loved reading this. I also loved reading the other stories on her masterlist. Please do check it out guys, it's amazing.
Before I forget, I also saw the preview for Heart of the Storm and OHMYGOSh it's so good!! I can't wait to read it - it's coming soon, woo!! - even, again, if it's a Jungkook fic * sighs *. It looks like I'm not going to get Jungkook out of mind anytime soon. Once again, thank you so much for this story @ladyartemesia (I love the username, btw. So cool).
Speaking of stories, y'all, when you read a fic from an author, please make sure to leave feedback for them - even if it's just a like. The same also applies for content creators apart from authors - this is our way of encouraging them. Creative souls require appreciation because they thrive on it, and it even gives them the motivation to continue their work. As a person who loves having her writings - either my poems, or essays (I don’t post them here) or even my reviews (which is the reason my blog exists) - being appreciated or even getting a feedback on it, I understand how creators feel. This is one of the major reasons I write my experience with stories. I want to show my gratitude for all the creators whose content I absorb because they give me joy or even the will to push myself out of my moody state when I'm having a bad day. Thank you all content creators for doing what you do and I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
One more tiny announcement: my review/rec schedule is every tuesday and friday. But I've been a little busy with schoolwork and some other commitments I have at the moment. So, for a while, I may only post recs once in a week. I do however, promise to bring you as many recs as possible because I love talking about my experiences and sharing stories.
Until next time,
missC <3
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nightshadevinter · 4 years
Weekly Recommendation pt.1
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I’m back with new recs and I hope you guys enjoy them. As always, I am not claiming any of these fics as mine. Also, I do apologize if ‘the words in italics’ sound cringey.
Airplane Pt.2 (Jungkook x reader) by @xjoonchildx
No matter what corner of the world you run to, you will never escape from my thoughts. Just as you are my captive, I am yours as well. When it comes to crime, I think the best ever on-screen criminal is Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer is the best). This story was something like that: very White Collar but unique in itself as well. It was so nice to read, especially with attraction thrown in the mix. @xjoonchildx really had my attention on Jungkook from his first mention and I instantly was a fan because I've not seen him portrayed that way a lot many times so this made me breeze through the first three chapters. I found the remaining chapters short and sweet, kind of lacking if I’m honest, but I still enjoyed reading this very much. Thank you @xjoonchildx for giving us this amazing story.
Coffee Crafts by @bangtiddies
Platonic stories are so refreshing. I just love how they show small moments in daily routines and yet they leave the reader just soft or crying, all depending on the situation. This story was something definitely like that: it shows the dynamic between Taehyung and Namjoon and honestly, my heart is so mushy because the friendship is so obviously apparent which makes me just softer than a marshmallow!
Heathens (Seokjin x reader) by @kpopfanfictrash
Sometimes, no matter how much power you hold, it doesn't matter if no one takes you seriously. But if that is all - and only - because you are a woman, then it downright sucks. You hate playing by the archaic rules, hate how you are forced to uphold them still, but little do you know that the man you marry is what you want - even if you tell yourself otherwise. Please excuse me I just wanted to sound fancy. What I just want to say is that Seokjin+mafia!AU is a sexy combination. I will even be terribly honest and say that I've read this fic so many times: it's my go to fic because I cannot resist an armed and dark Seokjin, and especially when he's diplomatic to boot. This is a must-read in my opinion, extremely well-written and even for it's 1.8k length, actually feels a lot shorter than that.
A Court of Curses (Hoseok x reader) by @readyplayerhobi
There is something I love about supernatural!AUs; maybe it's because the character is shown is a way the reader least expects. So when I read Vampire!Hoseok I was super intrigued and the synopsis had me pausing. Clearly, a world riddled with tension is not a good place to nurture a relationship between two parties that are enemies. What happens, though, is something I didn't expect and it made me all the more excited to learn more about this world. I enjoyed how many surprises I got thrown my way, the biggest one being the continuation of this universe which will be Yoongi's story (werewolf!Yoongi, can you hear me scream here??) that is titled A Court of Moonlight - it’s currently ongoing - and I can't wait to read more! Do check it out because it is absolutely delightful. @readyplayerhobi​ thank you so much for this wonderful story, because it is an absolutely beautiful universe and I can’t wait to read more of it.
I hope you all liked these recommendations. But if anyone is looking for something specific, feel free to drop me an ask. I’m also open to recommendations (I’m a sucker for stories, which is clearly not a surprise) so you can do that too. Now, if you’ve made it till here, do also check out the other stories on these lovely authors’ masterlists because they’re all too good to miss out on.
Until later this week, missC <3
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nightshadevinter · 4 years
Maybe one more?
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I’m so sorry, I just wanted to put this out because I just finished reading The Half Lycan (Taehyung x reader) by @yoonia and I am in love. I was thinking I’ll post it as a part of my recs next week but no, my heart would not agree. So here I am.
Half-lycan-werewolf-shifter Tae with human reader. Okay. This fic is long, and it’s wonderful. I picked it up a few hours after it was posted - it felt like I began, and when I was done I just lifted my head up to see that I’d finished it in forty minutes. The story is captivating, and I always love reading @yoonia‘s works. Especially her Shifters series which is a must read in my opinion. Already I loved reading Blood Moon Rising which is a Vampire Jimin and werewolf reader pairing, so for now it’s just waiting for the updates to roll since the fic isn’t complete, but this is very interesting with a super intriguing plot. It also provides you with an idea of the universe The Half Lycan is set in so you can read that beforehand.
The Half Lycan also has drabbles (there are two) but I’d recommend reading the main story itself before reading them.
I’d just like to say THANK YOU @yoonia for this! It definitely made my day. <3
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nightshadevinter · 4 years
Something new!
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Hello everyone! This week, I’m thinking of doing something new. Recently, I’ve been reading a lot of promising fics which are yet to be released. So I wanted to dedicate this week’s fic recs to these fics-to-be-released. So I have five fics, 5 of them which I’m pretty excited to read. Authors, this is in no way me telling you to hurry up and post them. I just want to share my excitement about your works though they’re not out yet.
And so, here I go!!
The Art of War More (Jungkook x reader) by @kpopfanfictrash​​
When I first read the preview, I was HOOKED. I loved reading it so much I can’t help but imagine about how amazing the final product will be. Hockeky player Jungkook and cheerleader reader (excuse me, I need a minute over here to compose myself) - college AUs are my weakness. The fic is releasing on 8th July, which for me from now, is less than a day away. I am really eager to read this!!
Of Bears & Bonds (Seokjin x reader) by @yoonia​
Part of the Shifters series, this fic is about Jin who is a bear shifter and the preview is absolutely, just gorgeously written and it drives me insane with the wait. But, patience is a virtue and I will wait for it to come satisfy my wereworlf-shifter Jin thirst ;) In the meantime, however, you can check out the rest of the Shifters series which would help understand the setting some more!
Heart of the Storm (Jungkook x reader) by @ladyartemesia
College AU fics are my favorite. As you can see, this is the second time in this post I’m including one, because the preview for this fic is so good. Idk, I’m simply weak for Jungkook and college-settings (maybe because I’m still a student, but whatever) and at this point, I’ve read so many college AUs I can’t even keep count but I love every single on I’ve read. And yes, I simply can’t wait to read this when it drops!
Van Helsing (Hoseok x reader) by @readyplayerhobi​
I really, really love supernatural themed fics. And Van Helsing has been something of an enigma to me because ever since I first picked up Dracula, the go-to book for vampire fiction which is rather cheesy and scary, I have been drawn toward Helsing. So, when I read Vampire Humter!Hoseok I kept doubting my eyes. The synopsis however, interested me a great deal. Now, I tend to keep an eye out for this fic to drop!!
Captain’s Log (Jungkook x reader) by @readyplayerhobi​
The moment I read the title, my Star Trek heart attempted to jump out of my chest because I LOVE STAR TREK (who doesn’t?) and JUNGKOOK AS A STAR TREK CAPTAIN (* missC dies *). Yeah, but really I have never seen/read a Star Trek x BTS crossover before and I’m quite excited (read: practically screaming with enthusiasm) to embark on this mission. Let’s boldly go, where no one has gone before. (Yes, I had to do that or my brain would never shut up) And, @readyplayerhobi​ has a whole other bunch of fics that are as equally - if not more - promising as the ones I’ve mentioned. Please do check them out here.
So, seeing as I’m talking about unreleased fics, I want everyone to check out the masterlists of these lovely authors for more of the stories they’ve written. Also, to all the authors of tumblr, please take all the time you need so you can be satisfied with your stories, because if you’re happy then your readers will be happy.
Also, if anyone has noticed that I’m mostly recommending Jungkook fics more, I’m sorry my mind is not moving from Jungkook currently. Especially after the picture he posted on Weverse this morning and I missed it. But I promise you, I will recommend other fics soon. My weekend was filled with some relaxing and I spent some time with my family so I didn’t get much time to read. If you want to rec me any fics you think I’ll enjoy (I read almost anything but I won’t say no to all-things fluffy and supernatural!!), please feel free to either comment or send me an ask (that’s why it’s called ‘Ask me/Rec me’).
Until next time, missC <3 
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nightshadevinter · 4 years
Weekly recommendations pt2.
Hey everyone! Today, I'll be recommending two fics, both of them series. As always, these works are not mine and I'm not claiming them as mine. Hope you enjoy it!
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intro: her by @jamaisjoons
I will be honest. I'd been seeing posts about this fic where people said that they loved it and it was nice, but the whole synopsis made me stop in my tracks. But I'm nothing if not an honest reader, so I tried reading it. And yes, I will say that this series is really unique. Featuring dad!Namjoon with his three children (our beautiful maknae line, ohmygod), some soft moments with angst mixed in - whew, I didn't expect to enjoy reading this as much as I did. The only regret I have is that I didn't read it sooner because I would have enjoyed it earlier. But this is ongoing as well, and contrary to popular opinion, I actually enjoy following stories that are ongoing. Sure, there may be a wait because you're waiting for updates but I really like how much I can enjoy the latest update till another one comes and then the whole process is repeated - okay that might sound boring but I actually like that I have to wait so I can read the next update. So yeah, it's a great series, and it's something I would recommend off the top of my head (or list?). Thank you @jamaisjoons for the wonderful story-experience. <3
The Chronicles of Wintervale by @fantasybangtan
As always, I urge you to check out the other stories on these lovely authors’ masterlists. They’re also amazing to read. If you want to check out some of my other favorite stories, you can check them out at my Treasure Trove.
Wow. I've always loved stories that transport me to a world that is different - a world of archaic speech, mythical creatures and power that doesn't come with the ability to command magic; rather, the power one can hold by simply existing. A power that comes with a reputation, a power that leaves one thrilled to the bone, wishes that you were them. This series is short, but it is so satisfying. It is ongoing - one more story is yet to be posted I think - and I can't wait for that to come.
The reason why I love it so much is because: A. The world-building - a world of monarchy where rulers pit their wills against one another. With mythical beings. Need I say more?
B. The characters - the characters are enigmatic, bold and so starkly REAL.
C. The speech - like I've said I love archaic speech. Rather I love the idea of mixing Shakespearean English with the modern dialect we use and, goodness, who doesn't love when our favorite characters give a wonderful dishing while sounding all formal and proper and respectable? I get shivers up my spine whenever I read stories like this-
Okay. ahem. I will stop.
Y'all. If you haven't read this series yet please do. It's absolutely wonderful. This is a series I would willingly pick up anytime to read. Thank you @fantasybangtan for giving us this wonderful universe because I have enjoyed it so much I can’t possibly describe it (even though half this post was just that hehe). ;)
Love, missC
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