#minty lore ig
mintytea-exe · 6 months
so does tumblr get busier on big holidays because everyone's trying to escape the awkward family conversations?
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//barrels through the window
Minty I think dream me is an idiot-
That's right the exterminator Wilbur dreams are back- (I am growing deeply concerned for dream me's sanity and IQ-) anywayy I welcome you to several times exterminator Wilbur tried to scare me and me girlbossing through it (as I should-) oh and the one time he actually does scare me because apparently I'm not immune to fear sadge 😔
The dream starts relatively normal, I'm sitting in the cage, Niki's not having a fun time and Wilbur still hasn't gotten me my playing cards ROOD. 😤
So Wilbur is doing his usual taunting and I... Am paying no attention because dude just get me some entertainment this cage is boring, I'd settle for a hamster wheel at this rate- and he, not happy with my lack of attention picks me up and promptly puts me in his mouth, I of course start screaming at how unsanitary this is (danger? Where clearly the only issue in that scenario is how unsanitary putting a small person in your mouth is LMAO) and when he doesn't seem to listen I just yank on his gum where it meets his teeth- and Idk if you've ever had something pull there but that HURTS and I'm actively digging my nails into this gap and simply pulling, gripping onto it with all my tiny little borrower strength- anyway he takes me out of his mouth and just stares at me like "what is your issue?" And I ofc (still not scared) go off about how unsanitary that is like I have plants growing from my head, he doesn't know where I been, what diseases I carry AND he hasn't given me a bath since he brought me here etc etc so he throws me into the sink and starts filling it with water and I (a person who can't swim) start thrashing obviously because what is YOUR issue Wilbur.
Then I start yelling more profanities at him because he deserves it for being a prick WHO STILL HASNT GOTTEN ME MY PLAYING CARDS- p sure Niki was looking at me like "oh my god- they're insane-" but eventually Wilbur fishes me out of the sink and I'm coughing and struggling to breathe because ✨can't swim✨ and he goes to pick me up so I shake myself dry like a dog because heck you Wilbur 😤
It then becomes routine for him to dunk me in the sink because it's the only way he's getting his damn fear scent >=|| (though sucks for him that with all the water the fear scent is muddled and not as strong as it would normally be HA Wilbur you have to try harder than that to scare me 😌😤) (dream me does in fact lecture him on the ethics of torturing a pet and he laughs at me like "you think you're a pet?" And I of course just say "you're keeping me in a fucking cage yes I think you're keeping me as a pet" my dreams have completely side stepped how I'm just OKAY with bring kept as a pet LMAO)
He does the whole eating borrowers in front of us but ig my eyesight just isn't that good because I got bored pretty easily and just- turn away while Niki freaks out ?? (He takes about as well to that as you'd expect- and I'm soon being shoved into the sink again)
Anyway the dream ended with Tommy coming over which was neat- little bit worried but that's okay this can't possibly end badly for me-
One-day these dreams are going to take a one-eighty and stop being silly goofy but until then I will continue to be a thorn in Wilburs side ='))
There are like pinches of 💖 anon lore here for you hehehe
Honestly our dream selves are just built different. Once I was in the ocean trying to use a blender against a shark, and idk how but dream me WON. So good on your dream self for girlbossing through his attempts at being terrifying. Once you get past the bloodlust for smols and general evilness, he’s not that scary. :))) but he’s still pretty scary
Man this guy should just give you your cards already. That’s all you want and it ain’t hard to do >:/ this guy Wilbur is being a big fat arse.
Hell yeah!!!!! Fight back!! He deserves it!! Putting you in his mouth like that!! He shouldn’t be putting strangers in his mouth anyway what a fool smh my head. (Ya got plants in your head? Gonna hope that those were there before 0-0)
What a Chad, you were still screaming and cursing at him while struggling to swim, respect to you. That’s a good way of asserting dominance over the tall man. But he still got his fear scent which kinda sucks lmao he doesn’t deserve that
Maaaaaan you’re awfully brave to just ignore Wilbur eating borrowers in front of you. That’s gotta be pretty traumatizing so gg on your part kek.
And Tommy is probably the best person to appear, because he actually has morals :D! So if anyone was to be the safest option it would be him!
Yesssss give him trouble and annoy him! He deserves it! Exterminator Wilbur sucks! Be the thorn! Fight the power! Make him regret his job! >:))))
and ohoho 💖 anon lore oooo that’s pretty poggers :)
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