#milwaukee brace
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Milwaukee brace, Scoliosis
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castjo · 3 months
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echo-bleu · 7 months
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More concept sketches for Maedhros post-Angband needing skeletal support/correction. I focused more on the spine/neck braces this time, I'll draw some more slings and shoulder braces ideas at some point.
Disabled characters series
Closer look + notes/rambling under the cut
The first sketch is really just a preparatory one for the second. It's based pretty directly on an existing scoliosis brace called the Milwaukee brace, which used to be the most common and is still used sometimes for, I believe, high curvatures, which would be the case for Maedhros after being pulled by the arm for so long. The second sketch is a try at a more ornamented design, as Curufin and whichever other Noldor creating it would strive to make it beautiful.
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The brace opens at the back and requires some flexibility to put on, so it wouldn't be a very early brace for Maedhros (that and the healers/smiths would need some time to attain a good design). It's geared toward correction and not immobilization, he can still somewhat turn his head but it's supported enough to lessen the pain. Leather pads can be added in various places to help with correction, so I gave him a shoulder pad, but he'd still wear some kind of sling or brace for his arm with it, I think.
The bottom sketch is a more ornamented brace meant for formal occasions, not everyday wear. It's aimed at support only, not correction, I think Maedhros could/would only wear it on a day where he's going to be sitting around and not really moving, like the Mereth Aderthad (he's in no shape or mood for dancing). And only later on, once his spine is more stable. This one also opens in the back with laces and various clasps and it's a lot lighter both visually and literally. I think brass would be a cool metal for this one to go with the leather (would it be solid enough? I have no idea).
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There is a transcription of my little notes in alt, but I've basically said it all in the text.
Help I put too much research into this 😭
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commad · 23 days
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27 OCTOBER 2004 (background text under the cut)
MILWAUKEE, WI — Police forces reel from a night of unprecedented civil unrest as mobs of robot and human rioters vandalize, destroy, and light property on fire as yet another escalation in pro-robot and anti-police protests. In a harrowing statement released from the Milwaukee Police Department, they saw a “complete and total loss of control over crowds” as the night progressed, and are currently “bracing for yet another day of chaos.”
Violence started five hours before sundown, but ramped up significantly after dusk. Streets in downtown were filled with members of the local chapter of the Machine’s Militia (M2), a robot-led revolutionary group advocating for universal robot rights without compromise. In the chaos, two people were admitted into the hospital for burn injuries. Their injuries were not severe.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel attempted to reach out to MPD’s Chief of Police for further comment on the week-long outbreak of unrest, but were told resources were occupied in preparing for further unrest. However, rumors that the National Guard were on their way to assist were confirmed. Journal Sentinel attempted to reach out to the leader of M2’s leader, who goes by the name “512”, but did not hear a response.
Last night’s violence is a common scene across the rest of the United States, most notably in Houston and Chicago, where violence continued throughout the entire night. Cities like Seattle and San Francisco, however, have been able to control the expansion of the riots and have even begun to push back on the violence. The future seems uncertain, many bracing for even more unrest as Election Day draws near.
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strzzeka · 1 year
The Fulfilment Chronicles
Doug UK offers his latest writing, an insight into the minds of the men who came together to make The Community (see story last month).
Here's an excerpt.
My Milwaukee is now so much a part of my being that I cannot imagine living without it. Valentine unlocks me from it for a few minutes once a week to change my tee-shirt and sponge my skin, but I’m locked back into it as soon as possible. This means that I spend no more than 20 minutes a week outside the brace, equivalent of less than one day a year. My movement is permanently restricted, which I enjoy daily, but the experience of real disability developed when I got my long leg  braces. The ischial rings under my pelvis make my mobility very restricted, and I know that I’ll never achieve walking without my crutches. I sleep without the leg braces, but Valentine straps them onto me every morning, and does not release me until the end of the day. I never leave my bed without the braces, and thus never take an unrestricted step. I love waking up looking forward to another day of very limited mobility.
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aestheticvoyage2023 · 9 months
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Day 245a: Saturday September 2, 2023 - "Firsty Game at 35,000 feet"
Id been prepping William for the past week about going to San Francisco, and we've even been playing the "flowers in your hair" song at bedtime. And while he easily mastered the four syllable locale, and knew we'd be meeting Mommy there, it wasn't until the last couple of days that I also had to start prepping him for one other big surprise - we'd be getting there, on Mama's Flight. Yes, thats right - the big blue airplane that Mama is always on, is the one we're taking to San Fran Cis Co. Whoa. I am not even sure how much of that he really grasped, as I told him its like when Daddy's in his office and you can't come in. And so as I bustled my way through security, gate checking the car seat in San Diego, I nervously braced for what was coming at me next hoping that it would all go perfectly smooth, with no meltdowns and grateful that it would just be a one hour experiment flight. And William gave us his answer - no problem. He settled in to his distractions, and didn't complain for Mama, even as she did her PAs. And when it was time to collect trash, she came and got him and they did it together, him smiling all the way, leveling up in so many ways. When we landed in San Francisco, he got to meet all the crew, including the pilots and be wrapped in their affection, nurturing that special feeling that he was really some big shot and that he got to do something really special today. And while we had some fun planned for our time in San Francisco, the Firsty Game was bagged by the time we landed - on this overnight, the big first was William's first time riding on Mama's flight. He passed with flying colors and earned his airplane snacks.
He'll grow up with a love for air travel that he won't even remember when and where it started, but the photos will be precious reminders from his first big year of ramble where he leveled up from a lapbaby, to now getting out and helping clear the cabin alongside his mama. Its a special thing to be his wingman on his little magically journey through the world, and to play this game with him, putting a 6th overnight on the board.
Updated Overnight List / Firsty Game:
1 Milwaukee, WI -> First Brewers Game (May 27, 2023) 2 St Louis, MO -> First Visit to the Arch (May 28, 2023) 3 Long Beach, CA -> First Time Riding A Boat (July 3, 2023) 4 Honolulu, HI -> First Time Flying with Grandma/Papa; First time Swimming in Pacific Ocean (August 5, 2023) 5 Honolulu, HI -> First Hawaiian Shaved Ice (August 8, 2023) 6 San Francisco, CA -> First time flying on Mama's Plane (she was A), September 2, 2023
Song: Scott McKenzie - San Francisco
Quote: "A spirit of art and madness lurks incessantly beneath the balconies and behind the drapes. It cannot die, and it prevents all from being lost." ~Albert Camus
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fromcainwithlove · 2 years
master post: important jordan poole characterization
the athletic: you don’t know jordan poole
Jordan Poole's persona made that shot. Gray talked and Poole answered. He launched that ball with the confidence of 10 armies. That ego. Those stones. This is who Poole spent the last 18 years trying to mold himself into—a sashaying, shit-talking, shot-making star. He's the guy who makes this shot.
Jordan Poole, the person, then reacted to it. Wide-eyed, mouth full of braces, he darted around the arena, flailing his arms, whimsy in the air, as teammates chased. He didn't strut or swagger. He ran everywhere and nowhere and nearly lifted off the ground like Peter Pan. This is the guy who, down to the marrow, carries the endearing disposition of a daydreamer.
Between the two, it's a fine middle-class life, one with weekends spent apple picking and attending art festivals and pottery classes. The Pooles are church folk, a Lutheran household, and that's how young Jordan was raised. That turned slightly complicated, though when Jordan's blooming personality outgrew ecclesial tolerances.
"We always encouraged individuality," Monet Poole said on Wednesday night, sitting in her living room, wearing a University of Michigan long-sleeved shirt. "He didn't want to go to parochial high school because he was so fun and so different. The parochial school kind of wants you to walk a fine line. It would've smothered him.”
"When he was little, he was so annoying, "Wilson said in the A&M locker room on Wednesday. "I’m not gonna say I hated em, but (I) always wanted to beat him up. The first time I met Jordan, we were at a King James Tournament and he was like 8 or 9, and I was like 12 or 13, he just kept talking crazy, like, I can beat you one-on-one.' I was like, bro, you're 8 years old, get outta here. He just always had this crazy energy, talking about how good he was.”
One side of Poole is prim and G-rated. He's strong in the classroom. He loves animals and has volunteered at the Wisconsin Humane Society. He also participates in a reading program at a grade school in Ann Arbor. He's disarming—looking just as he did as a freshman in high school, except with a thin mustache that may or may not be stenciled on.
This all comes with an eccentric's bend Poole carries the sort of countercultural style that comes with embracing individuality. He manages to go so far in the other direction that being a (for lack of a better term) dork translates to self-confident cool. In high school he was not the high-profile athlete lounging back in the bleachers at a sporting event; he was the one leading the student section in cheers at women's basketball and volleyball games. Those who knew him at Rufus King and La Lumiere describe someone who figured out how to transcend castes and cliques. Or, better put, perhaps, he chose to.
But there's the other side, too. Poole's wealth of confidence can be misappropriated funds, often resembling arrogance. He's not one to stand in line. When he arrived at Michigan, he gave approximately zero damns about his place in the pecking order. He fired up whatever shots he wanted. He got into a scuffle with walk- on Brent Hibbitts in the first week of practice and fired a ball at him, a scene that, if you know Brent Hibbitts, sounds preposterous.
Poole is a trapeze artist of social relations. He can rub you the wrong way and be everyone's best friend, all at once.
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the chron: warriors’ jordan poole recoils from the spotlight, but it found him, anyway
He didn’t need many people. He didn’t clamor to be in cliques or have a lot of friends. He was fine with Blink and Drake. Those were his cats. Blink, jet black, slept in his bed nightly. He trained them to sit for treats like dogs, even taught them to fetch felt balls.
“He’s a little cat whisperer,” said his mother, Monet Poole.
Jordan strolled through the wilderness whenever he could. His dad, Anthony, called them “little nature walks.” Milwaukee’s lakefront and Doctors Park were among his favorite retreats. The Midwest is known for its scenery — its burly trees and stunning lakes. Poole escaped into its tranquility.
“Can we finish this another time?” he asked as he got up from his seat, politely. “I want to get some shots up before I miss the last bus.”
He walked over to the 3-point line, where Chris DeMarco, the Warriors player development coach, joined him and proceeded to work on his game. The squeak from his gray Kobe Nike’s was the loudest sound in the gym.
If Poole is anything, he is self-aware. He knows popularity, the pursuit of clout, is a rabbit hole. He knows he’s at risk for getting swept up in it all. So he chooses isolation, a tendency that traces to his childhood, when he blocked out distractions in pursuit of his dream of becoming an NBA All-Star.
“He wants to be great,” Thompson said, “and you need that confidence to be great.”
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the merc: buckets, cartoons and confidence: rookie jordan poole making an early impact for the warriors
Like on the black tops of Milwaukee, Poole’s age hasn’t revealed itself on the court at Chase Center. In the locker room is when the age disparity between him and his teammates is most obvious.
One of many new perks at the Warriors new arena includes a personal TV in each of the players’ lockers. After Thursday’s win against the Minnesota Timberwolves, most of the players had their sets tuned to the news. Poole was watching “SpongeBob SquarePants.”
“Here, in San Francisco, it’s the most ‘me’ vibe. Be yourself, be unique. It’s real chill, laid back,” Poole said. “I feel like if there’s any place I was supposed to be, it was California.”
nbc sports: photography, friendship sparks lifetime bond for poole, jimenez
For Poole, while he did take a photography class in high school where he even he had to work in a darkroom, his true love of working behind the camera as he continues to get used to being front of one so frequently, was during his sophomore year at Michigan. First during a summer trip to Spain, and then in the classroom.
The Michigan Wolverines men's basketball team made a three-game, 11-day trek through Spain in August of 2018 going into Poole's sophomore season. He took a camera with him everywhere he went and as someone who journals daily, dates entries and his pictures, he loved looking back at the expedition from a different angle. Then, he met Professor David Turnley.
My fault for asking Poole what grade he received in Turnley's class.
"Yeah, I got an A," Poole, the Warriors' most-memeable player said with a look that would have lit up Twitter. "C'mon."
He also quickly confirmed Poole easily earned an A, remembering his work as being very natural, interestingly composed and full of grace -- making sure to always give his subjects the dignity they deserve.
"To be a great photographer requires having great people skills," Turnley said, an answer that mirrors Jimenez's. "Jordan is a natural. He communicates easily with everyone, and he always has a twinkle in the eye. He is disciplined in his work as a student. He was always very modest, and humble with his fellow students about his incredible abilities as a basketball player. I think he is such a secure man about that side of himself, that he doesn’t want to intimidate others with that. And to be in a position to interact with people in a way that doesn't limit himself, as a human being -- not denying his great athletic abilities -- but also aware of other parts of his and others' humanity.
"It was clear to me that Jordan will be great in life at everything he does. And the world is fortunate to have him."
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the athletic: jordan poole, it’s time for your turn in front of the camera
Jordan Poole has this thing he does. When he’s making appearances or out among the people, he has his favorite cameraman, Bay Area photographer Jordan Jimenez, turn the camera away from him and onto others. The two Jordans pull up on people — the vibe capturer known as J-Squared pointing the lens, and the Golden State Warriors guard dishing instructions — and give them a chance to say whatever comes to mind. If they ask Poole anything, he refers the subjects back to their heart.
He calls it Five Seconds of Fame. To random people, to friends, to colleagues, out of the blue and unsolicited, Poole is doling out moments. It’s odd, even jarring, the way he flips it. The NBA player normally commands the space. But Poole gives people a chance to be the center of attention, let them feel the heat of sudden expectation.
nbc sports: how klay’s brotherly mentorship of poole helped warriors
One of the longest and strongest was Jordan Poole putting his face into Klay Thompson's right shoulder, the two wrapping their arms around each other. Ten years apart in age, an unbreakable bond and a lifetime of mentorship was displayed under the lights of a crowning achievement: The first championship for the 22-year-old Poole and a fourth for the 32-year-old Thompson.
"He's taken me under his wing and from workouts together, to text to talks and conversations in the locker room and calls, it was really special to see somebody who is as closed off kind of like to himself," Poole said after an emotional pause at the postgame podium. "He's his own person, and for him to embrace me at such a young age and kind of take me under his wing, teach me his tricks and show me his blueprint is really special, and I'm glad to be part of that."
Poole has his 90-second rule for interviews, which has vanished as his star status has grown. Klay taps the table and often looks away as he answers questions, even in his 11th year as a pro, and ninth season when taking away his two lost years to injuries.
It's the last place they want to be at times. On Thursday night in Boston, they soaked it all up. As Poole said, Thompson can be to himself. He's happiest in the water or on the hardwood. They're both gym rats, though, basketball junkies always striving to take their game to levels that so many doubted they would reach at one point.
Golden State drafted Poole one week after Thompson tore his ACL in Game 6 of the 2019 Finals. It was his first major injury and a new low for him on and off the court. There were countless dark days. For Poole, the Splash Brother was a bright light when the Michigan product was struggling.
Klay even saw a younger version of himself when Poole was a rookie, trying to get his feet wet on a Warriors team that had lost Thompson to injury, Kevin Durant to free agency and Steph Curry to injury four games into the season. The Warriors finished the regular season with the worst record in the NBA. Thompson made sure he was there to pick Poole up when he needed it most.
"When it comes to Jordan, that's my rook," Thompson said to reporters after the Warriors won the Western Conference, beating the Dallas Mavericks in Game 5 of the Western Conference finals at Chase Center. "I remember a couple years ago when he would go through a shooting slump, he would be so hard on himself. Reminded me of my younger self. I just kept telling him, it's going to pay off young fella, you're gonna play in the NBA Finals one day.
"I told him that on the bench, third game of the season when we were getting smacked. He was going through it as a 19-year-old rookie. Now for that to come to fruition, I mean, I'm so happy."
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the athletic: jordan poole unplugged: from g league to steph curry comparisons
There was no better way to get a sense of who Poole is than, well, asking him to talk for more than 90 seconds. Nearly 20 minutes later, with Poole proving to be a delight during our Wednesday discussion that lasted twice as long as originally advertised, it was quite clear he’s the kind of player and person who will elevate the Warriors’ already-elite program for years to come.
So personality-wise, have you always been a don’t-love-talking-about yourself guy?
Yeah. If you go to my college interviews and stuff, whenever we would do media, I never really was a fan.
How come?
I don’t know … but I used to want to do journalism.
Did you really?
Right, so I kind of get the concept. I feel like, you know, they’re looking for their big break, as well. Everybody is looking for their big break. They’ll get it however they can. So, if you don’t give them the opportunity, you know? But I mean, I keep it pretty neutral.
Did you ever dabble in any type of journalism stuff?
I took a lot of English classes, but I was only in school for two years.
This is a little bit of a cliché question, but I think it’s still worth asking: If I asked you what was your lowest point when it comes to belief that something like this might happen, what comes to mind?
[Thirteen seconds of silence pass before he answers]
There was never really a point to me where I didn’t believe it would happen, if that makes sense. If anything, when it gets tough, that means it’s working. That’s how I look at it. If you go through a bad shooting streak for a week, two weeks, normally the people who come out of those go on a hot streak or something like that. I mean, my rookie year was rough.
You’ve been around for a minute, but to all of a sudden be having these kinds of games on the playoff stage is different. What’s the world around you like these days?
I keep a small circle. I’m not, like, a big social media guy. All I have is Instagram, and I’m rarely on that. I don’t do much. I just kind of chill at home, be to myself. I put all of my energy into the hoop stuff, go home, restore my energy so I can come back and do it again.
There’s a video that went around the other day of you in Game 3 (against Denver) sitting in Coach Kerr’s seat in the huddle and just lifting everybody up. Somebody made the point to me that a couple years ago, you obviously didn’t have that voice. What’s that evolution been like?
Growing up, whatever team I was on, I was always a leader. It was more so in terms of giving guys confidence, telling them, “Yo, just be yourself.” You don’t have to overthink it. Just positive reinforcement, positive reinforcement. And when I got here, it was pretty cool to see how much of an impact Steph has and the player that he is. But he wasn’t insanely vocal. And then we have Draymond, who was like the most vocal. So, I was able to kind of pick and choose a little bit, see what direction I wanted to go in.
Klay wasn’t really around in terms of practice because he was hurt. But naturally, I’m always ready to give positive reinforcement. I do a lot of it in the game, like talking to Klay, talking to Steph, at the free-throw line, walking back from timeouts. But at that time, it was the last couple of minutes, I think, the last two minutes. And no one had said anything. I’m (thinking), “This is the time where we all, this is where we win the game.” And it had nothing to do with age to me; it was more so, like, I built the relationship with Steph, with Klay, with Wiggs, with Draymond, that I could go and tell them, like, “It’s your time, (so) step up.” That’s all it was. It was more so confidence. It had nothing to do with basketball. It had nothing to do with plays, nothing to do with switch here, switch this. It was like, “Steph, be a dog. Klay, when you get any look, knock it down. Wiggs, be aggressive. Draymond, take somebody out the game.” It was more (a message of), “This is the time, of any time, to step up.” People on the bench, like the other guys, they were kind of just chilling.
the ringer: making a splash
“You gotta say it,” Poole, beaming a million-watt smile, said to Terry Ryan, a Chase Center security guard. “You gotta say it or I’m not doing it.”
“Y’all have him for 90 seconds,” Ryan said, prompting laughter from the press corps.
Ryan has been making the same joke since midseason. The media began to request to interview Poole more and more, but the 22-year-old guard wasn’t quite used to being in front of a live microphone.
“If I could duck it, I would,” Poole tells me a day later. “I guess it’s just … we kind of signed up for it.”
The rook couldn’t stop talking. During the first week of his first training camp, Poole was the lone shooter playing against a first-string team featuring Curry, Green, and D’Angelo Russell. Poole was clearly overmatched, but he kept jawing and chucking.
“He was just all over the map,” Kerr tells me. “You could see he had ballhandling skills, but they needed to be tightened up. You can tell he had the talent, but what was he going to do with it and how was he going to respond to the inevitable lumps that he was going to take? And, frankly, I had no idea at that point how he would do that.”
“He talking shit because he kind of low-key cooking, but it really don’t matter because you ain’t winning,” says Juan Toscano-Anderson, an undrafted rookie at the time.
The Warriors’ veterans were struck by such boldness from the 28th pick. Some made comments wondering where the rook got this confidence. But Poole never intended to make it a scene; his tough talk is merely a means of survival learned long ago.
Playing with grown-ups meant dealing with dirty screens, trash talk, and doubt. If Jordan even thought to complain, his pops would relay a recurring message: “No matter what, don’t let nobody tell you what you can’t do or what you can do if you’re doing the right thing,” Anthony would say. “You can question authority, as long as it’s done with respect.”
But Jordan also developed a propensity to gab. “I was never like a bad kid or I never did anything to get in trouble,” Jordan says. “But If I wanted to stand out without being obnoxious, I would—whether that’s what I wore, whether that’s what I listened to, whether that’s the things that I talked about, the questions that I asked, the people that I hung out with.”
But in the practice facility at Chase Center in his rookie season, Poole’s mouth was getting on everyone’s nerves, and players were letting Draymond Green know about it. “They’ll come to me like, ‘Dray, tell him to shut up. He a rookie,’” Green tells me.
Except Green didn’t have much sympathy for his fellow vets. He saw something in the kid who wouldn’t shut up.
“I was a big advocate of his then,” Green says. “I think a lot of people didn’t like his attitude early on, and I loved it. I was a rookie that talked, so I’m not going to go tell another rookie to shut up because y’all think, ‘Oh, you young. You shouldn’t say a word.’ I don’t roll like that. And so right then and there I’m like, ‘Oh, you getting under people’s skin. OK. I love that.’”
Most nights would be spent scouring YouTube at 2 a.m., downloading video clips of Damian Lillard’s stepback, or Steph’s shot off a curl, and sending them to Patrick Turner, his offseason trainer, with the accompanying message, “We need to work on this.” When he got to Turner’s gym, just outside of San Francisco, he’d ask more questions. One evening following a workout, he asked Turner about the toughest thing he’d ever seen somebody do in a workout. Turner pointed to the corner of the gym, and said Poole had 20 attempts to make at least 18 3-pointers without the ball touching the rim. “And I told him only two people had done it,” Turner says, “Steph Curry and Sabrina Ionescu.”
“Bet,” Poole responded. “You’re about to see the third.” And an hour later, his words came true.
“That was him during the whole pandemic,” Turner says “Just wanted to be great. Just coming in, working his ass off and getting after it.”
Poole took frequent trips to the G League. He scored 23 points in his first game, helping the Santa Cruz Warriors overcome a 15-point deficit. But in his third game, he jawed with an opponent and earned a technical foul, prompting then–Santa Cruz coach Kris Weems to take him out of the game. “You can’t be doing that, man,” Weems said. “I need you to just stay focused. Don’t be worrying about dudes who are not at your level.” Heeding the message, Poole responded with one of his own. “Watch,” he said. “I’m going to win this game.” Then he scored five of his game-high 24 points in the final three minutes and 40 seconds, including two free throws to ice a 110-106 victory.
An opportunity arose on May 11, 2021, in a matchup against the Suns. The Warriors, in the thick of the play-in race, needed a win. Poole scored 20 points, including a go-ahead 3-pointer, opening the eyes of the team’s biggest stars.
“I could see the moment didn’t bother him,” Curry tells me. “And you can see the passion. This matters to him. I don’t know how loud it was to everybody else, but to me, I was out there with him, and I could feel a different energy about him.”
Poole doesn’t mind talking to the media. The issue, he says, is he’s afraid to give a piece of himself to a group that he feels doesn’t actually want to hear what he has to say.
“People really don’t care,” he tells me. “They’ll ask you the questions, right? They’ll say they want to know, but genuinely, they really don’t care. I mean, you know the people who do. Those are the people that are probably close to you, are like family. It’s just conversation, blank conversation for whatever time we have. … I’d just rather stay away from it.”
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resourcesofcolor · 1 year
the link on the "books by pacific islanders" post you reblogged is broken :(
nooo that's such a bummer, it had such a great list that didn't just include polynesian authors, but also from all of pasifika/oceana! :(
i'll add some book reccs myself based on the original post! :)
Iep Jaltok: Poems from a Marshallese Daughter by Kathy Jetn̄il-Kijiner  
As a poet and performer, Kathy Jetn̄il-Kijiner uses art and activism as a means to enlighten her readers and followers about her home, the Marshall Islands. In 2012, she co-founded Jo-Jikum, a nonprofit organization committed to helping the next generation of Marshallese to preserve their islands in the face of rising sea levels. Her book, Iep Jaltok: Poems from a Marshallese Daughter, pulls from personal and familial stories to create an illuminating collection of poetry about Marshallese politics, heritage, and climate change.
THE BONE PEOPLE by Keri Hulmes is part Maori, part European, asexual and aromantic and she's outcasted from her family. This Booker Award-winning novel digs into tragic romance, mystery and heritage.
ISLAND OF SHATTERED DREAMS by Chantal Spitz; critiques the French government leading to the time French Polynesia had to undergo its first nuclear tests, making it a controversial piece during its publication. Also included in the storyline is a family saga and a doomed love story.
YEAR OF THE REAPER by Makiia Lucier (Micronesia, Guam). Makiia Lucier grew up on the Pacific island of Guam and has degrees in journalism and library science from the University of Oregon and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
The Properties of Perpetual Light is an homage to the work of the activist-writer, which author Julian Aguon describes as ''the work of bearing witness, wrestling with the questions of one's day, telling children the truth.'' With prose and poetry both bracing and quiet, Aguon weaves together stories from his childhood in the villages of Guam with searing political commentary.
My Urohs: the first collection of poetry by a Pohnpeian poet, Emelihter Kihleng's My Urohs is described by distinguished Samoan writer and artist Albert Wendt as "refreshingly innovative and compelling, a new way of seeing ourselves in our islands, an important and influential addition to our [Pacific] literature."
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bas-alto · 1 year
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Milwaukee Braces
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killerchickadee · 2 years
@hannahlysing Yeah? BRACE YOURSELF
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Here he's working hard as the neighborhood watch
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Keeping Milwaukee safe.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
‘Perfect storm’ swirls as Canadians face hot inflation, rising rates (Reuters) At a warehouse on an industrial stretch in Ottawa, giant metal crates of donated groceries are piled high as volunteers sort canned goods, pasta and other foods to be distributed to pantries around the Canadian city. Demand has surged 33% at the Ottawa Food Bank from pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels, with visits up as spiraling grocery, gas and rent prices, along with fast-rising borrowing costs, leave more Canadians struggling to make ends meet. “We are absolutely seeing more people,” said Rachael Wilson, chief executive of the Ottawa Food Bank, adding the organization is now spending C$6 million ($4.4 million) a year on food, up from C$2 million pre-pandemic. “That’s because the cost of food has risen ... but also because of the number of people that are turning to a food bank right now,” said Wilson. “It is unfortunately a perfect storm.” Canada’s headline inflation rate has eased to 6.9% from a peak of 8.1%, but food costs are still accelerating.
Poll workers train for conflict (AP) Milwaukee’s top election official surveyed about 20 poll workers gathered in a classroom in a city building stuffed with election supplies, then spoke frankly about the tense environment they may face next week when the city expects more people watching their work than ever before. “So who is worried about observer disruptions?” Claire Woodall-Vogg, head of the Milwaukee Election Commission, asked the group. “Who has read things or heard things on the news, and you’re a little nervous? I am. I’ll raise my hand,” she said, smiling. A few of the workers raised their hands, too. They’re not alone in their concern: Election officials across the country are bracing for confrontational poll watchers fueled by lies about the legitimacy of the 2020 election spread by former President Donald Trump and others, even after Trump’s loss was upheld by repeated reviews, audits and recounts, and courts rejected legal challenges.
Brazil’s brash President Bolsonaro mum after election loss (AP) In Brazil’s capital on Monday, the silence was deafening. Nearly a full day after President Jair Bolsonaro lost his bid for reelection, the usually brash right-wing leader had neither conceded defeat nor challenged the results of the country’s closest political contest in more than three decades. Bolsonaro hadn’t spoken a word to reporters camped outside the official residence or the supporters who regularly gather nearby. Nor did he post on his otherwise prolific social media platforms. The only sign of protest came from Bolsonaro-supporting truckers who blockaded some roads across the country.
With Western Weapons, Ukraine Is Turning the Tables in an Artillery War (NYT) On the screen of a thermal imaging camera, the Russian armored personnel carrier disappeared in a silent puff of smoke. “What a beautiful explosion,” said First Lt. Serhiy, a Ukrainian drone pilot who watched as his weapon buzzed into a Russian-controlled village and picked off the armored vehicle, a blast that was audible seconds later at his position about four miles away. The war in Ukraine has been fought primarily through the air, with artillery, rockets, missiles and drones. And for months, Russia had the upper hand, able to lob munitions at Ukrainian cities, towns and military targets from positions well beyond the reach of Ukrainian weapons. But in recent months, the tide has turned along the front lines in southern Ukraine. With powerful Western weapons and deadly homemade drones, Ukraine now has artillery superiority in the area, commanders and military analysts say. Ukraine now has an edge in both range and in precision-guided rockets and artillery shells, a class of weapons largely lacking in Russia’s arsenal. Ukrainian soldiers are taking out armored vehicles worth millions of dollars with cheap homemade drones, as well as with more advanced drones and other weapons provided by the United States and allies. The Russian military remains a formidable force. Still, there is no mistaking the shifting fortunes on the southern front.
Russia’s security service works to subvert Moldova’s pro-Western government (Washington Post) When thousands of protesters gathered last month outside Moldova’s presidential palace calling for the country’s pro-Western leader to step down, the man behind the demonstration—an opposition party leader in exile in Israel—soon received plaudits from Moscow. One senior Russian politician praised the protest organizer, Ilan Shor, as “a worthy long-term partner” and even offered the Moldovan region led by Shor’s party a cheap Russian gas deal, according to Shor’s press service. Referred to as “the young one” by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the 35-year-old Shor is a leading figure in the Kremlin’s efforts to subvert this former Soviet republic, intelligence documents and interviews with Moldovan, Ukrainian and Western officials show. The documents—part of a trove of sensitive materials obtained by Ukrainian intelligence and reviewed by The Washington Post—illustrate how Moscow continues to try to manipulate countries in Eastern Europe even as its military campaign in Ukraine falters. The FSB has funneled tens of millions of dollars from some of Russia’s biggest state companies to cultivate a network of Moldovan politicians and reorient the country toward Moscow, the documents and interviews indicate.
At Least 140 Killed in India as Suspension Bridge Collapses (NYT) At least 140 people were killed after a century-old pedestrian bridge collapsed in the western Indian state of Gujarat on Sunday evening, sending hundreds plunging into the Machchhu River, officials said. About 350 people were on and around the bridge, a major tourist attraction, at the time of the collapse, said Brijesh Merja, a minister in the Gujarat government. A large number of those who died were children, women and older people, according to officials. The bridge collapsed four days after it was reopened to the public and about seven months after the start of renovation work. Built in 1880, during the Victorian era, it is about 755 feet long.
Shanghai Disney shuts over COVID, visitors unable to leave (Reuters) Shanghai’s Disney Resort abruptly suspended operations on Monday to comply with COVID-19 prevention measures, with all visitors at the time of the announcement directed to stay in the park until they return a negative test for the virus. The Shanghai government said on its official WeChat account the park was barring people from entering or exiting and that all visitors inside the site would need to await the results of their tests before they could leave. Anyone who had visited the park since Oct. 27 would need to test for COVID-19 three times in three days, it said. Shanghai reported 10 locally transmitted cases for Oct. 30, all of which it said were people without symptoms.
In Xi’s China, even internal reports fall prey to censorship (AP) When the coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan in late 2019, reporter Liao Jun of China’s official Xinhua News Agency told conflicting stories to two very different audiences. Liao’s news dispatches assured readers the disease didn’t spread from person to person. But in a separate confidential report to senior officials, Liao struck a different tone, alerting Beijing that a mysterious, dangerous disease had surfaced. Her reports to officials were part of a powerful internal reporting system long used by the ruling Communist Party to learn about issues considered too sensitive for the public to know. Chinese journalists and researchers file secret bulletins to top officials, ensuring they get the information needed to govern, even when it’s censored. But this internal system is struggling to give frank assessments as Chinese leader Xi Jinping consolidates his power, making it risky for anyone to question the party line even in confidential reports, a dozen Chinese academics, businesspeople and state journalists said in interviews with The Associated Press.
South Korea begins probe into deadly Halloween crush (Reuters) South Korean investigators combed footage on Monday from more than 50 state and private closed-circuit TV cameras as well as from social media looking for answers to how a surge in Halloween party-goers trapped in narrow alleys killed so many. As the country began a week of mourning, the death toll climbed to 154. Another 149 people were injured, 33 of them in serious condition. Tens of thousands of revellers—many in their teens and twenties and dressed in costume—had crowded into narrow streets and alleyways of the popular Itaewon district on Saturday for the first virtually unrestricted Halloween festivities in three years. Chaos erupted when people poured into one particularly narrow and sloping alley, even after it was already packed, witnesses said. On Monday, people laid white chrysanthemums, drinks and candles at a small makeshift altar off an exit of the Itaewon subway station. Jung Si-hoon, a retiree, placed an old wooden cross at the altar, saying nothing could be done to bring back all the young people who had died. “Those poor people, all at similar ages to my grandchildren... What more should we say? We should pray for them and wish they rest in peace,” he said.
Iran charges female journalists who helped break Amini’s story with being CIA spies (Washington Post) The two female Iranian journalists who helped break the story of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman whose death in the custody of the so-called morality police last month sparked a nationwide uprising, were formally accused late Friday of being CIA spies and the “primary sources of news for foreign media”—the former a crime punishable by the death penalty in Iran. Journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi have been held in Iran’s notorious Evin prison since late September as Iran’s clerical leaders have struggled to contain an outpouring of public anger and protests calling for their overthrow. In the joint statement sent to Iranian media late Friday local time, the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and the intelligence agency of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, the highly-feared guardians of Iran’s security state, accused the CIA of orchestrating Hamedi and Mohammadi’s reporting, and said “allied spy services and fanatic proxies,” planned the nationwide, leaderless unrest. Both Hamedi and Mohammadi’s top editors denied the charges Saturday and said the journalists were only doing their jobs. “What they have referred to as evidence for their charges is the exact definition of journalists’ professional duty,” the Journalist Association of Iran said in a statement Saturday.
Tight race in Israel (AP) Israeli voters appear to be hopelessly deadlocked as the country heads to elections once again on Tuesday, with opinion polls saying the race is too close to forecast. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who governed for 12 years before he was ousted last year, is asking voters to give him another chance, even as he stands trial on corruption charges. The current prime minister, Yair Lapid, has billed himself as a voice of decency and unity. He hopes his brief term as head of a caretaker government has shown voters that someone besides Netanyahu can lead the country. In Israel’s fragmented political system, neither Netanyahu’s hard-line Likud party nor Lapid’s centrist Yesh Atid is expected to capture enough seats in parliament to form a new government. Instead, each hopes to secure the required 61-seat majority in the Knesset, or parliament, with the support of smaller political allies. If neither succeeds, Israel could soon be facing another election, after already holding five votes in under four years.
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clubstyleeurope · 2 years
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#cse • @jekillandhyde 21 🔥 - Dr. Jekill & Mr. Hyde presents the 'Twenty-One', a unique 2-in-1 electronically adjustable exhaust for all Milwaukee-Eight Softail Models. The Twenty-One is made for an audience that wants to take riding a Harley to a whole new level of performance and sound. With this in mind Dr. Jekill & Mr. Hyde created an exhaust that meets all the needs of the clubstyle / performance scene, without abandoning the characteristic features and innovations of a Dr. Jekill & Mr. Hyde exhaust system. Brace yourself for an exhaust that not only performs like a beast, but also sounds like one. The raw and stripped design makes this exhaust must-have on your Milwaukee-Eight Softail. Configure your exhaust at jekillandhyde.com #jekillandhydeexhaust #harleydavidson #softail #theexhaust #21 #project21 #twentyone #lowrider #lowriders https://www.instagram.com/p/CgtqT1Jofkf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paulshishkoffjr · 2 days
Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals has gone final in Palm Desert. John Hayden scored a brace goal, including a 1st Period PPG. As @Firebirds defeated @mkeadmirals, 2-1. Dreidger & Grosenick were the other stars of Game 1. #AHL #CalderCup #CVvsMIL
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theangelyouknew · 4 months
My tags in the post with that poll about being disabled- has me thinking. I’m gonna be setting a wellness check in March after anime Milwaukee anyway.. now that I know my copay card is legit and works.. I think I’ll ask them to hook me up with someone who can check out my knee. Get it fixed so I hopefully don’t need a fucking knee brace every day.
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snarky-sports-report · 7 months
"Milwaukee Bucks Crush Chicago Bulls in Dominating Victory!"
Chicago Bulls 109   Milwaukee Bucks 118   1 2 3 4 T   Chicago Bulls 18 31 25 35 109   Milwaukee Bucks 35 24 24 35 118 Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round and listen up because I’ve got some exciting news for you. Brace yourself, because the Milwaukee Bucks just demolished the Chicago Bulls in a game that will go down in history! The final score was an absolute stunner – Chicago Bulls…
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wheelchairdaily · 1 year
Poor Betty in a Wheelchair with Milwaukee Brace and Leg Cast! ♿
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