fellow-traveller · 5 years
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kyojuuros · 5 years
(From Tatakaeeren) Mike! :) for the ask game
Sorry these are taking me so long to get done. Thanks for being patient!
Why I like them: Although he’s a minor character with few scenes, he made a huge impression on me as a character. He seemed very perceptive and he was a very skilled soldier, second strongest only to Levi. His loyalty to Erwin is made very clear and I admire it. He also has the best nose in the world lol
Why I don’t: I just wish we could have gotten to know him more.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): At the beginning of the Clash arc, when he’s on top of the building with Nanaba declaring that the fight isn’t over as long as humanity never gives up.
Favorite season/movie: I would go with the Female Titan arc because he’s more prominent there, but because his scenes in the Clash arc are so impactful, I’ll have to go with that even though the worst happens to him then.
Favorite line: “Humanity’s first loss will come only when we stop fighting. As long as we keep fighting, we haven’t lost.” (Chapter 35)
Favorite outfit: I don’t think we ever see him in anything but the standard Survey Corps uniform. 
OTP: mikenana, erumike
Brotp: mikenile, mikehan
Head Canon: He’s totally a dog person. Not just a dog person but like, the large breeds with shaggy hair. My kinda guy lmao
Unpopular opinion: I’m not sure I have any about Mike, tbh. 
A wish: In the past I was hopeful that his death would be acknowledged by the main cast at some point, but that’s already happened and I’m content with it. Although it would be interesting to see if anyone ever confronts Zeke about it face-to-face. I won’t get my hopes up about that tho. lol
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: See above, I was mainly afraid his death would never be acknowledged but there’s no worries there anymore.
5 words to best describe them: Loyal, focused, strong, perceptive, selfless
My nickname for them: I could go with “nose” lmao but really, I don’t have any. :P
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der-wachhund · 10 years
Pairing: Mike/Nile | AU: Titanic AU (*w*)
The “What are you doing?” startles him enough that he sways, the dark ocean wide and looming far below, and Nile looks back over his shoulder at the tall, scruffy man a few feet back. 
"None of your business," he snaps, but the blond man steps closer, holding out a hand like he’s trying to calm a spooked horse.
"It’s alright, you don’t have to jump," he says, and there’s something in his voice, the gentleness, perhaps, in his eyes, that has Nile hesitating, and ten seconds later he’s on his back on the deck, the man over him, panting with adrenaline, and Nile finds himself thinking he’s never seen eyes like that before.
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fellow-traveller · 6 years
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Welp! It’s already my birthday here so...
The birthday bash drawings (sort of), as promised!
Based on popular votes, I present you EruNile, KeniNai, MikeNai and Nile Dawk himself. Am not that surprised to get a lot of requests for popular Nile pairings, but thank you for suggesting all these. Appreciated ♥ Last but not least, enjoy!
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fellow-traveller · 7 years
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Nile Dawk in kilt. I do headcanon Nile as an Irish-Scots man, so this is good. Also learnt a little about tartans...I could be wrong but I think the Doak/Dawk/Dok/Doig family belongs to the Drummond clan; hence the tartan pattern. Nevertheless, I'm sure his boyfriend(s) would find this...fun.
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fellow-traveller · 7 years
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Day 27: Nightmare Pairing: MikeNai (Mike x Nile)
Without the mothership of all ships in my list of favourite ships (i.e. erunile), I probably would never even think of mikenai. This pairing is pure, a real cinnamon roll. In every depiction of mikenai, it’s always positive, always gentle and cuddly. Mike is always looking out and caring for Nile, and Nile smiles a lot and barely gets upset with Mike around. The book-perfect couple. ♥ Not sure how I can picture this theme. Hope this one works...sorry for the cheesiness.
Nile: It’s...it’s scary. I dreamt that you died. Eaten by a giant...and it felt so real. Don’t leave me alone... Mike: It’s alright, Nile. You just had a nightmare. See...? I’m here. Alive.
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