#miércoles addams x y/n
poisonlove · 1 year
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miércoles addams se encontraba en una fiesta y cuando sus ojos encuentran los de T/N, nuevos sentimientos salen al flote, pero necesitará un pequeño empujón por entenderlo.
Mención de Violencia, celos, obsesión muy oscura.
Que alguien hagas un pedido por favor, necesito más ideas
Miércoles Addams no sabía exactamente por qué se encontraba en esa fiesta. Estaba acostumbrada a pasar las noches escribiendo, tocando el violonchelo o simplemente continuar la investigación sobre el Hyde, pero a pesar de esto, estaba en la sala principal de Nunca Más, torturando sus tímpanos de la manera en que no le gustaba ser torturada.
Sus ojos oscuros como el alquitrán vagaban por la habitación, notando cómo otros adolescentes bailaban, hablaban o simplemente trataban de lograr el mayor contacto físico entre ellos. El olor a alcohol picaba las fosas nasales del miércoles y estaba más de acuerdo en que no debía estar allí en ese momento.
Es una tortura estar aquí.
Su alcance se detuvo en la figura de T/N en la parte inferior de la habitación, acompañada por Yoko.  La chica se reía mientras sostenía en una mano un vaso rojo rebosante de alcohol. Sus ojos brillaban ligeramente mientras se reía y sonrojaba por las cosas que la chica vampiro le susurraba al oído. El brazo de la chupasangre estaba alrededor de los hombros de la única hada de la academia, jugando distraídamente con los mechones T/C de T/N.
El miércoles sintió una extraña sensación en la boca del estómago, como una tormenta de fuego que no quería calmarse. Sus manos se cierran con un puño, marcando sus nudillos de un color blanco. La mandíbula se apretó, provocando un extraño chasquido de los dientes. Addams estaba muy confundida porque no sabía que estaba pasando en su cuerpo.
Probablemente había estado mirando demasiado tiempo a T/N, ya que la chica se había vuelto hacia su dirección. Una sonrisa se extiende sobre sus labios, mostrando su dentadura perfectamente blanca. Saluda con la mano el miércoles, sintiéndose incómoda por no haber recibido en cambio su saludo. Volvió a dirigir la atención a Yoko.
— Si sigues mirándola, se derretirá. —El miércoles, apartó la atención de la pareja en el fondo de la habitación y se volvió hacia el sonido de la voz. Dos ojos azules la miraban divertida.
La sensación en el estómago había desaparecido.
—no la estoy mirando- dijo simplemente Addams, molesta por la sola afirmación. Enid levanta una ceja en señal de negación.
—No pensé que vendrías a la fiesta, estoy gratamente sorprendida- dice Enid. La chica lobo había bebido y Miércoles frunce la nariz por el olor de lo que parecía vodka. Enid mira con ojos vidriosos a Miércoles.
—Estoy tan sorprendida como tú, no sé por qué vine aquí- respondió fríamente la chica de pelo negro, encogiendo de hombros.Sus ojos de una manera casi inconsciente buscaron y cayeron nuevamente a lo largo de la figura de T/N.
La sensación de incomodidad vuelve.
Vampiro estúpido.
Enid retuvo una sonrisa cuando vio la garganta de Miércoles tragar ruidosamente por el nerviosismo. El miércoles estaba celosa y  lo va a enchar en su cara de por vida. Addams retuvo el impulso de ir allí y arrancar los colmillos de Yoko.
—creo que vuelvo a la habitación, no me siento muy bien- confiesa Addams, mirando las puntas de sus zapatos como si fueran lo más interesante en ese momento.
—¿qué tienes?- Enid mira con preocupación a su roomies.
—Me duele el estómago, creo que no he digerido la cena— dijo con el ceño fruncido.  En ese momento sus nervios se habían relajado y el fuego en su estomago se había calmado. reemplazado por la vergüenza.
—Déjame probar algo- Enid agarra los hombros de Miércoles,  en ese momento la chica estaba confundida por el gesto de la rubia. Sus ojos miraban a T/N. sensación de arañas tejiendo la tela reina en su estómago, que de repente son reemplazados por el fuego que arde cuando vio la mano de Yoko alrededor de su cintura.
—sientes que te molesta el estómago?- pregunta distraídamente Enid.
—si, como si quemara...- susurra suavemente. Enid Sinclair se puso delante de ella, impidiéndole la visión de la hada.
—ahora?- Pregunta sonriendo.
—Ahora estoy mejor... definitivamente- Miércoles abre los ojos con confusión, por el repentino cambio de emociones. Un nudo se cuelga en la garganta cuando los ojos de color T/C se encuentran con los suyos. Sus piernas se tambalean.
—Perfecto. Lo que sientes se llama celos- Enid sonrió dulcemente, satisfecha por haber resuelto el dilema de su mejor amiga. El miércoles siente que el mundo le cae encima. No podía estar celosa, no quería ser como sus padres, no quería enamorarse.
—¿Cómo se puede evitar?- preguntó con pánico el miércoles. Por primera vez en su vida sentía miedo. Tenía miedo de algo que era nuevo para ella y que no podía manejar. Quería enterrarlo dentro de ella, esconderlo en la parte más remota de sí misma.
—no puedes controlarlo...- exclama Enid, suspirando pesadamente cuando vio a lo lejos a Ajax, su maravilloso novio.Ajax la saluda y la invita a venir hacia él.
Miércoles Addams volvió a mirar a T/N, dándose cuenta de que Enid tenía razón. Su corazón latía con fuerza, nunca se había sentido así en su vida y estaba empezando a sentir la famosa obsesión que su padre le había dicho que sentiría cuando se enamorara, algo dentro de ella había florecido y sabía que sería imposible ocultarlo.
Si no puedes vencer al enemigo, alíate con él y el miércoles quería hacer exactamente eso con El amor.
—Serás mía, Cara Mia- susurra el miércoles, haciendo una leve sonrisa, ojos que se oscurecen más por la oscuridad que crecía dentro de ella. El apodo italiano que nunca pensó de recordar o decir en su vida salió de sus labios y se sintió jodidamente bien decirlo.
Será mía y nada ni nadie podrá separarnos, aunque tendré que matarlo y eliminarlo de la faz de la tierra.
Ahora que el miércoles había admitido lo que sentía, ya no quería negarlo, simplemente quería ir allí y reclamar lo que le pertenecía, a costa de mancharse las manos de sangre para obtenerlo.
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poisonlove · 16 days
Wednesday and R studying as 'friends'
Yk the friendships where u keep indirectly flirting + hinting u like each other but never actually adress it?
anyway Wednesday's big on focus so she takes R's phone out her hand and finds her stupid ass looking up 'how to kiss your best friend' or smth😭😭
just flirting | w.a
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams X reader
Status: request
Warning: fluffy, Wednesday really don't understand
Studying with Wednesday Addams was never an easy task. I sat on the floor of her room surrounded by books and notes, while she read with intense concentration.
My eyes admired the gothic girl: hair neatly aligned in two locks, long lashes and piercing brown eyes, full lips, freckles dusted on the bridge of her nose, and a stoic yet attractive gaze.
I had been in love with Wednesday for a long time.
But everyone knows that Wednesday is... well... Wednesday.
"What are you staring at?" the brunette asked in a monotone voice, her eyes focused on the sheet she was writing on.
Neat and small handwriting.
Addams' eyes shifted to the English literature book.
"Wednesday, do you know that your way of concentrating is fascinating?" I said, with a slight smile
blatantly flirting.
She lifted her gaze from the book, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. "I don't see how it can be fascinating," she replied with her usual coldness.
"Well, there's something magnetic about the way you immerse yourself in what you do," I continued, getting closer. "It's hard to look away from you when you're so focused."
I bite my lower lip.
I could smell Wednesday's perfume: Vanilla.
Wednesday stared at me for a moment, her intense gaze scrutinizing me as if trying to understand my true intentions.
My cheeks flushed at the intensity of her gaze.
"You have a strange way of expressing your interest in studying," she commented, returning to the book with a slight grimace. "And what's with your face? You're blushing," she asked with curiosity, and perhaps a hint of concern.
"Oh, nothing, it's just warm here," I apologized, avoiding her gaze and looking at the floor.
Wednesday sighed loudly and slowly got up from the floor. Her feet moved gracefully and rhythmically towards the window, opening it.
I bite my lower lip at the sweetness of the brunette.
"It's not just an interest in studying," I replied to her first statement, keeping my tone light. "There's something fascinating about you, in the way you dedicate yourself to what you do. It's as if you're in a world of your own and I can't take my eyes off you."
She raised her eyes again, this time with a hint of curiosity. "It's a very elaborate way of saying that you find me interesting," she observed, her tone slightly less cold.
"Yes, and I think it's wonderful," I said, hoping that my flirting attempt had made an impression.
Wednesday raised an eyebrow slightly, as if evaluating my response. "Instead of staring at me, why don't you use those beautiful eyes to read the English literature assignment?" she said monotonously, indicating the book on the floor next to me.
I felt surprised by her response, but I couldn't help but smile. "Alright," I replied, accepting her request.
I smiled shyly, my eyes looking at Wednesday with curiosity.
"Wednesday... What should we do?" I asked, looking at the book with confusion.
"An analysis of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'," Wednesday replied calmly.
"Speaking of dreams," I said calmly, catching Wednesday's attention.
"Wednesday, are you real or are you a dream come true?" I said, trying to keep a light tone.
She raised her gaze and her eyes looked at me intensely. "You seem rather confused," she commented with a subtle, almost imperceptible smile. "But I believe I'm real enough to help you with this assignment."
Addams' attention was captured by the book once again.
I sighed internally, but I didn't give up.
"You know, if you ever need a break, we could do something different. Maybe go out together?"
"An outing?" Wednesday repeated, without lifting her gaze. "I find social outings to be mostly a waste of time."
"But not with me," I promptly replied. "I promise it would be interesting."
She raised an eyebrow, finally looking at me again. "How exactly?"
"Well, I could tell you about that time I solved a mystery in the library," I said with a mischievous smile. "Or we could simply take a walk in the woods. I'm sure we'd find something intriguing."
Wednesday seemed to consider my proposal for a moment. "If you think it's worth our time, I might consider it."
My heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was a step forward. "Then it's a date," I said, trying to sound casual.
She didn't respond, returning to her book.
My stomach twisted in a tangle of frustration. It was as if I had thrown a coin into a bottomless well, not expecting even an echo in response. I bit my lower lip to hide my disappointment, trying to focus on the text in front of me, but it was difficult to ignore the weight of Wednesday's silence.
I sighed loudly.
"Um... Could I use your phone?" Wednesday suddenly asked.
Her eyes scrutinized my movements with care, as if trying to read my thoughts.
"Sure..." I replied with tight lips, feeling a shiver of nervousness run down my spine.
Wednesday took the phone, opened the browser, and the expression of confusion that appeared on her face made me instinctively worry.
"How to kiss your best friend," she read aloud, raising an eyebrow. "Why did you search for this?"
My heart began to beat faster in my chest as I desperately tried to find an answer that didn't sound suspicious. "Uh, just curiosity," I stammered, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "You know, for... research purposes,"
I quickly concluded, hoping that my explanation sounded convincing enough.
She stared at me for a moment, then shrugged. "I find empirical research more effective than theory. If you really want to know, you should try it directly."
I stood there with my mouth open, unsure if she was joking or not. "Are you saying I should try it?"
"If you think it's important for your education, yes," she replied, returning to her book as if nothing had happened.
I sighed, resigned. Perhaps one day Wednesday would understand what I was trying to tell her. But until then, continuing to flirt seemed like the only option.
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poisonlove · 5 months
Proposal | w.a
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"Sorry, can you repeat that?" I ask incredulously to the brunette in front of me.
Wednesday rolls her eyes at my request and merely stares at me with her usual apathetic gaze. We were sort of friends... well, I'm not entirely sure, given that a couple of times she told me she could barely stand me and refrained from taking my life due to my bright and optimistic attitude. Nevertheless, I enjoyed spending time with her.
"You know I hate repeating things," she says, maintaining a neutral tone, "but... I asked if you can pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my parents," she repeats, batting her lashes. "So, I didn't mishear," I murmur under my breath, and the long-braided girl rolls her eyes at my comment.
Wednesday and I are completely different: she's black, I'm white; night and day; yin and yang. My reaction is entirely justified! How can two people so different be together? Despite these internal questions, a part of me has been waiting for this proposal for a long time. Even though the gothic girl wasn't programmed for relationships, my heart couldn't help but beat faster for her over time. Wednesday remains unsettling, and her tastes are truly unique, but despite everything, talking to her is pleasant, and I adore the way she treats me.
In the end, the little brat cares about me.
"So?" she asks impatiently, and I blink, diverting my attention from my thoughts. "Why? Why do you want to pretend in front of your parents?" I inquire with curiosity, and Wednesday crosses her arms over her chest, looking at me seriously.
Wednesday sighs, lowering her head towards the floor, averting her gaze from mine. "You know I hate the human race, right?" she rhetorically asks, and I nod, attentively watching the gothic girl. "I don't want my family to know that I still feel this hatred. I want them to believe that I have social interactions," she says, almost with shyness in her whisper. "And besides, they already know you," she adds absentmindedly.
Analyzing her words, I smile widely with mischief. "You want your parents to believe that you're like them... Do you care about their opinion!" I say with emotion, approaching Wednesday more. I wrap my arms around her waist, catching the brunette off guard, and hug her tightly against my chest. "Y/n," she warns, her voice lowering dangerously. Seeing that I don't let go of her, Wednesday sighs heavily before tentatively reciprocating the hug, making me triumphantly smile.
"See? You've taken steps forward! You can endure hugs," I say, smiling widely.
Wednesday loosens herself from my arms and sighs heavily. "I can tolerate touching you for a few minutes before my homicidal instinct acts on its own," she says absentmindedly, tightening her grip.
Okay, her arms were around my neck, and I wasn't exactly sure if Wednesday was being serious. I loosen my hold on her body and step back, observing her brown eyes completely unreadable. "Alright," I say smiling slightly and Wednesday lifts the corners of her lips simulating a smile.
"Perfect," she declares, immediately wiping the smile from her face. The gothic girl walks towards her desk and sits in front of her typewriter, leaving me stunned. "Is that all?" I ask incredulously and Wednesday turns her head towards me looking at me seriously. "Yes. Now go, I need to write. See you tomorrow morning at the entrance, don't be late," she says with a neutral tone returning to her writing.
The sound of her fingers pounding on the keyboard fills the room, and I'm left staring at Wednesday Addams. "Stop looking at me, it's irritating," she says, sighing loudly. "Go away," she repeats and I smile unconsciously at her words. In the particular language of the Addams, stop looking at me seems to translate to if you look at me, I get distracted and can't continue writing and i have to talk to you
Exiting Ophelia Hall, I run into Enid returning from her date. "Everything okay with Ajax?" I ask with curiosity and the blonde laughs happily, nodding.
"And you? Has Wednesday already grown tired of you?" she says smiling and I nod my head, my enthusiasm slipping away.
"You know she likes you... she's just slow in these things," Enid encourages me and I smile with sadness. "Yeah..." I say doubtfully and sigh loudly. "I'm going to my dorm, goodnight," I say to Enid, who looks at me with sadness before walking towards her room.
"Good morning," I say with enthusiasm as I see Wednesday Addams waiting for me at the entrance of Nevermore Academy. The gothic girl looks at me impatiently.
"You're late," Wednesday says, looking at me seriously, arms crossed. "Sorry... Yoko didn't wake me up," I justify, and the brunette shoots me a glare. I unconsciously smile, seeing the tension in Wednesday's shoulders, her coffee-colored eyes brimming with irritation. "The usual silly vampire," she mutters softly, and I glance at the brunette, suppressing a knowing smile at her jealous outburst.
"Y/n!" I turn towards the voice and see the mentioned girl running towards me, holding my hoodie. "Yoko," I smile at the vampire, immediately feeling a piercing gaze behind my back. "You forgot your hoodie; thanks for lending it to me," she says, smiling widely and revealing her fangs.
"Thanks," I take the hoodie, and with the corner of my eye, I see Wednesday continuing to stare at us with irritation.
I walk back towards Wednesday, and she scrutinizes me with her eyes, shining with jealousy. "Did you lend her your hoodie?" she unconsciously asks, and I nod without any issue. "Good," Wednesday rolls her eyes and walks out of the iron gate, leaving me stunned and standing alone.
Every time Wednesday saw me with Yoko, she became impatient and stared at us with irritation, unable to avoid feeling uncomfortable. I knew Wednesday's jealousy was entirely different from romance; the gothic girl had confessed that I'm her only friend, not counting Enid, and Wednesday doesn't like sharing her things.
"Hey!" I chase after Wednesday, and the girl continues to walk with her classic elegant yet serious pace. "Wait," I shout at the gothic girl, and she stops, sighing loudly. "Move," she says irritably, and I roll my eyes at her childish behavior.
The Addams family's car appears before our eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. "So, shall we go in?" Wednesday Addams says, opening the car door and inviting me to get inside the vintage car. Lurch watches us from the central mirror, and his eyes make me uneasy.
Wednesday's hand delicately takes mine, and my eyes shift downwards. My heart races against my chest. The gothic girl's skin is pale and cold to the touch, but it's a pleasant sensation. Wednesday holds my hand in a peculiar way, loosely against mine, with a stiff wrist, as if she doesn't know how to hold hands.
Lurch looks away from the mirror and starts the car. "What are you doing?" I whisper as soon as the partition rises between us, and Wednesday quickly lets go of my hand. "We need to start the plan; play along," she apologizes with an authoritative and cold tone, surprising me.
"Well..." I say hesitantly, looking out of the car window. The landscape outside is shrouded in an eerie atmosphere, with a dense, dark-leafed forest standing against a twilight sky. The air is thick with mystery, and the road winding through the forest seems to lead to unknown places.
The car stops, and I, with a puzzled look, glance around. "We've arrived," announces Wednesday, quickly getting out of the car, and I follow suit.
The Addams' house stands imposingly before us, a Gothic mansion wrapped in an aura of dark elegance. Sharp spires pierce the sky, while intertwined vines give it an even more sinister appearance. The windows are adorned with heavy curtains and stained glass that seems to hide dark secrets within.
A sense of unease envelops the surrounding atmosphere, but at the same time, there's something fascinating in the decadent majesty of the Addams' abode. With uncertain steps, I approach the main door, ready to immerse myself in the enigmatic world of this unique family.
Wednesday rings the doorbell.
The gothic girl firmly grabs my hand again. "Calm down and act like a real girlfriend, or I'll kill you," she whispers in a low voice, her gaze fixed on the imposing door of the Addams' house.
The tension in the air is palpable, and when the door opens slowly, Mr. Addams, a man of imposing figure and mysterious air, appears behind it. His mischievous smile widens upon seeing his daughter Wednesday hand in hand with me.
"Stormcloud!" Gomez opens his arms, expecting a hug from his daughter. However, Wednesday looks at him with confusion, remaining fixed in place, not responding to the expected embrace.
"Darling! Our terror is home!" Gomez Addams exclaims with a playful smile, revealing the family's peculiar sense of humor.
At that moment, the house door opens elegantly, revealing the dark and fascinating figure of Morticia Addams. Her presence is shrouded in an aura of mystery and grace, with her long black hair and the form-fitting dress that emphasizes her sinister elegance.
"Welcome, my treasures," Morticia murmurs, her calm and measured voice adding a touch of seduction to the atmosphere. Her gaze, penetrating and magnetic, traverses the foyer as she observes the two of us with interest. A smile spreads across her lips upon seeing our intertwined hands.
"Our little one brought home a guest," announces Mr. Addams, and Morticia smiles slightly. "It's a pleasure to see you again, y/n," she says, addressing me with a slight bow.
I met the Addams family at Nevermore, and it was the first time I saw their house.
"The pleasure is mine," I say with a smile on my lips. A guttural sound echoes behind us, and when I turn, I see Lurch walking strangely towards us, holding my hoodie.
Without saying anything, Wednesday takes the hoodie and wraps it around her waist. "Don't say anything," she whispers, tightening her grip on my hand, and I nervously smile. Lurch takes off his hat and mutters something incomprehensible before entering the house. "Thanks," I say, smiling widely and leaning towards Wednesday.
I had to play the role of a girlfriend, right? So, I had to thank her appropriately. I unconsciously smile as my lips touch her pale cheek. Sensing a strange movement near her, Wednesday turns towards me, looking at me seriously. Instead of a simple thank-you, my lips collide abruptly with hers. I immediately sigh at the contact with her soft lips.
Wednesday stiffens at the touch but shows no sign of rejection. The gothic girl extends her hand, intertwining her fingers around my neck, pulling me closer, our lips firmly attached.
I break the kiss and look at the family with embarrassment, Gomez smiling widely. My heart was pounding wildly, and shivers ran down my body, the ghost of the kiss still present on my lips. The kiss was fantastic, I must admit, and her lips were delightfully cold and plump, exactly as I had imagined them in my dreams.
Wednesday clenches her jaw and breaks the contact between our hands, entering the house. I was about to follow her when a hand gently grabs my arm. Mr. Addams looked at me, smiling but with a strange glint in his eyes. "You know how our family is, right?" he asks in a low voice. "Yes..." I say hesitantly, feeling a strange anxiety creeping in.
"If you dare to harm our little one, I swear I'll cut you into such small pieces that it will be impossible to find you," he threatens menacingly.
I nervously swallow saliva.
"Darling, don't scare our guest," Morticia intervenes with a small smile on her lips. "But the threat is real," she says before turning and walking towards the staircase, her husband following her with admiration.
"Well, I'm screwed," I say nervously, my eyes looking around with confusion, not exactly sure where the heck I should go.
Wednesday's Room
My eyes curiously scanned Wednesday's room: black curtains, a small guillotine, scattered weapons, and a canopy bed. I had the pleasure of meeting her little brother, Pugsley. The Addams boy had embraced Wednesday, begging her to play with him—games like burying him alive, shooting him with a crossbow, or tying him up somewhere.
The atmosphere in the room was tense, a strange silence enveloping us.
"Do you want to talk about the kiss?" I asked timidly, and Wednesday's shoulders tensed as she sat on the canopy bed. Her eyes looked at me with confusion, and with a slight nod of her head, she gestured for me to sit beside her.
I walked over with embarrassment and sat beside her.
"It was an accident," I confessed, feeling fear gradually grow in my body. Wednesday raised her head and looked at me attentively, her cold fingers touching mine.
"Okay," she said simply, her eyes looking at me in a strange way. "But we absolutely have to do it again, now," she said quickly, her eyes watching me closely. "I need to understand something," she added later, her eyes truly expressing curiosity.
I blinked in surprise and leaned towards her, shivering with excitement. Wednesday looked at me attentively and raised her chin, seeing how I was getting dangerously close to her face. I closed my eyes and bridged the gap between our lips, smiling at the moment of the long-awaited kiss. Wednesday melted at the contact and leaned further, her hands gripping my shirt with the urgency to eliminate every inch of distance between our lips. Wednesday sighed against my lips and tilted her head. With my tongue, I tapped her lower lip, shivering with pleasure as I felt the goth opening her mouth, letting me in.
Wednesday's hands tightened on my shirt, and then she pushed me away from her. I blinked incredulously, my eyes seeing her lips swollen from the kiss.
"What did you do to me? I like it," she said with confusion, pure panic in her eyes. "Nothing... maybe... you like me?" I asked rhetorically, and Wednesday turned her head abruptly in my direction.
"I don't feel anything beyond horror, disgust, and annoyance," she apologized, her tone completely irritated and cold. "I don't know, Wed..." I said tiredly as I looked at the goth. "I feel like insects are crawling on my stomach," she added, and I sighed at her words.
I quickly took her chin and kissed her abruptly, Wednesday sighing at the contact. "Do you like it when I kiss you?" I asked with curiosity, my heart beating recklessly. "Yes..." she affirmed coldly.
Wednesday leaned in, and our lips joined again. "And I want to do it again, your lips are delicious... and I want more," she confessed calmly, my cheeks blushing at her words.
"Do you like being with me? Does it bother you if I'm around you?" I asked with curiosity.
"Sometimes," she murmured weakly, her eyes looking at mine with concern.
"If I touch you..." I started, my hand resting on her arm, her muscles tensing at the contact. My fingers slid down her forearm, and Wednesday gradually relaxed, sighing as my fingers intertwined with hers.
"Does it bother you?" I concluded, and Wednesday shook her head.
"Do you like contact in general? Like, if Enid hugs you?" Wednesday raised an eyebrow with confusion and shivered at the thought, her lips curling in disgust.
"No," she confessed and tightened her grip on my hand.
"If I hug Yoko... does it bother you?" I asked, my eyes looking at the goth hopefully.
Wednesday Addams looked at me irritably and nodded.
"So, you're jealous," I said, smiling widely, and Wednesday looked at me with confusion.
"No, jealousy is for relationships," she confessed, and I sighed with frustration.
"All right... I've done the analysis... if you don't want to accept it, it's your problem," I got up from the mattress and walked towards the entrance of her room.
"Y/n," I turned at the sound of her monotonous voice and looked at her expectantly. "Can we keep kissing?" she asked innocently, her eyes looking at me with curiosity. A part of me wanted to refuse because I knew it would be my downfall, and I would suffer a lot, but my heart ardently desired contact with the goth.
"Okay," I said, smiling bitterly, and Wednesday nodded satisfactorily. "Can we do it... slowly? It's hard to assimilate," she continued, and I looked at her with surprise and confusion. "Slowly? Does that mean..." I started incredulously, a smile plastered on my lips.
"I want to discover my feelings with you," she confessed, and her eyes sparkled in a strange way, a dark desire mixing with her brown irises. "You're mine," she concluded, and my heart skipped a beat.
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poisonlove · 8 months
Thoughtless sex | w.a
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Y/n is Tyler’s sister, a blood bond that was supposed to bring harmony, but the tumultuous past continues to cast a shadow over them. Wednesday doesn’t seem to care about this detail and ignoring her conscience decides to turn off her sexual desires with the girl Galpin
Will they manage this intricate web of feelings without disrupting their lives forever?
Warning: 18+
"Yes... continue" she said biting her lips hard. I clung more to her thighs and stuck my tongue in her privacy.
We were in the woods away from prying eyes.
"Shit!" Wednesday moans biting her lower lip, closing her eyes. I smiled and kissed her inner lips gently, releasing a stream of saliva that connects her to my mouth. With one hand, I made rotating movements around her clitoris, causing Addams' sighs to become heavier. My hand was completely covered with her fluids, I leaned over and left another kiss on the bundle of nerves.
I licked with my tongue the excitement I had on my lips. I put my lips back around her clitoris and stuck two fingers inside her.
With the corner of my eye I saw Wednesday’s knuckles turn completely white, squeezing the car seat in need
The moans echoed in the car.
The walls of Addams narrowed around my fingers and I realized it was coming.  Wednesday put her hands in my hair and put more pressure on her intimacy. I kept licking and penetrating.
Her back arches more.
" IF..." moans and arching fingers I found her G-spot. Mostly twin. -"Fuck!" exclaims.
Her hips moved more and I increased the rhythm of the lick. As I stopped penetrating her, I put my fingers in her mouth, sucking her nectar.
" Look at me" I exclaim with a small smile, ceasing to lick her delicious intimacy. With difficulty she put the weight on her arms and looked at me excitedly.
She was covered in sweat and her lower lip was caught between her teeth. I took her legs and invited her to rest on my shoulders, giving me more access to her privacy. Without looking away, I licked again and saw that Wednesday moved the weight on one arm, the other stretched it and put her hand between my hair. 
Wednesday moves her hips again.
"Fuck!. Yes.." whispers.
Her eyes turned white with excitement. She turned her attention back to me.
"Y/N" exclaims with difficulty.
" I’m.. to... " murmurs with difficulty and does not even finish pronouncing the phrase I feel her excitement pouring into my mouth.
I ate the excess.
Wednesday moves swiftly to fix her skirt, glancing at herself in the rearview mirror of the car.
I wipe my mouth, slightly incredulous at Wednesday's gesture, and sigh audibly.
"What's going on?" Addams mumbles weakly, looking at me with boredom.
"Do we always have to see each other in these circumstances?" I ask curiously, leaning against the seat.
"Between us, it's just sex," Wednesday frowns.
"I know... but do we always have to do it in this car? Maybe we could meet somewhere else, maybe in my room or yours," I murmur absentmindedly, biting my lower lip.
"Some things are off-limits, too many risks," Wednesday confesses venomously. "Plus, I don't want Enid to suspect," she adds coldly. "She hates the fact that you're Tyler's sister," she admits.
Tension in the car increases as Wednesday's words hang in the air.
Wednesday Addams' eyes are truly a wonder. They have a mysterious and seductive color, a deep and vibrant black hue that seems to capture the light fascinatingly. They are piercing eyes capable of expressing a wide range of emotions, from a seductive and provocative gaze to a cold and distant one. They are the eyes of a woman who knows how to use her charm to her advantage and who hides intriguing secrets.
I visibly get angry.
"I know Tyler was horrible to you, but I'm not like him... I'm genuinely interested in you, Wed," I murmur with a hurt tone, reaching out to her.
Wednesday moves away quickly.
"I don't want to be seen in public with someone like you," she confesses, looking at me defiantly.
I nervously smile and simply shake my head.
"Fine, I don't want to be seen with a shallow and unpleasant girl," I admit, and Wednesday looks at me seriously.
"Between us, it's over," I confess seriously.
"Well, then we're done, useless," she looks at me defiantly. Wednesday swallows and gets out of my car.
"To leave and to end are the same thing," I shout as I watch Wednesday walk towards her rooms.
Anger and disappointment overwhelm me as I drive away from the scene, making it clear that this story has come to an end.
"No more casual sex," I whisper to the air as I start my car.
The morning sun painted the sky with golden hues as Yoko and I walked through Nevermore's ancient gate, heading to our next class at the academy. The leaves of the trees, now dressed in autumn colors, danced lightly in the air.
"So, Y/n... what class do we have now?" Yoko yawned and adjusted her sunglasses.
"We have art history," I replied, smiling, flipping through the schedule. "It will be interesting."
Yoko stretched and nodded, ready to face the next part of the academic day. As we headed towards the classroom, the campus buzzed with student energy.
"And tell me..." Yoko murmured with a hint of curiosity. "Why didn't you tell me you're with someone?" she asked, playfully revealing her fangs.
"W-What?" I stammered, panicking and shaking my head. "Y/n, if you want to keep it a secret that you're with someone, at least cover the hickies," she said mischievously, and my cheeks turned red.
I spotted Wednesday in the distance, walking carefree with Enid. I felt sad and neglected, as if my role in her life had become invisible. It was as if a piece of my heart shattered seeing that my presence didn't seem to matter to her anymore. I wanted to call out to her, to make her notice me, but something held me back, leaving me with an emptiness and a sadness that tightened my chest.
"Hey," Yoko called, snapping her fingers and catching my attention.
She gave me a shy smile and hugged me, wrapping an arm around my neck as we walked together.
"I was distracted... sorry," I said with sadness, trying to hide my unease behind a forced smile. "Let's go," I continued, forcing a happier expression.
Addams gave me a quick glance, a flash of interest or perhaps something more complex, before walking decisively towards the building entrance.
I felt increasingly involved in this intricate situation, as if I were trapped in a web of complicated relationships. The sadness continued to burn inside me, but I tried to focus on the present moment, trying to overcome this discomfort that undermined my confidence.
Walking beside Yoko, I took a deep breath and prepared to face the day.
"Hey, sorry..." Yoko bit her lower lip slightly, visibly concerned. "I just remembered I have to meet Bianca," she confessed quickly.
I sighed, realizing that the situation forced me to separate from her, even if only for a while. Yoko gave me a apologetic smile and a kiss on the cheek before heading towards Bianca, the queen of this school.
I watched her go, feeling a mix of loneliness and determination.
I put on my headphones, trying to isolate myself from the surrounding world as I climbed the stairs. I had to cross the deserted and abandoned corridor. My heart was racing, the tension in the air palpable.
Suddenly, two hands grabbed my collar with firmness, pulling me abruptly into the rarely frequented bathrooms. A shiver ran down my spine, and my eyes met Wednesday's black irises. Her gaze seemed penetrating, dark, and enigmatic.
I stood still, caught between fear and curiosity.
Wednesday's hands firmly grabbed my pants' belt, making me tense, as she approached my neck with determination. I looked confused, unable to understand what was happening.
"What are you doing?" I asked uncertainly, trying to ignore the confusion that overwhelmed me.
Wednesday looked at me seriously, without answering, before leaning further and pressing her cold lips against mine. A shiver ran down my spine, and for a moment, instinct made me respond to the kiss.
But reason prevailed.
I finally found the strength to break that kiss, my heart beating fast, and my breath short.
"We're done, Wednesday," I managed to say decisively, trying to convey my feelings.
But she held my neck firmly, pushing me again towards her for a needy kiss.
"I don't like to fight, okay?  Can we keep fucking" she whispered calmly, her hands still around my neck.
I was astonished, my mouth opened to say something but remained speechless. Wednesday swiftly moved to my neck, starting to leave sloppy kisses on it.
I felt trapped in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, desire conflicting with confusion and the need to express what I really wanted.
I timidly returned the kiss, still confused but drawn to that intense energy. Wednesday genuinely smiled against my lips, a smile that seemed to carry a strange mix of pleasure and torment.
My heart was beating fast.
The bathroom door swung open with a dull noise, and in a panic, I turned my eyes towards the person responsible.
Wednesday still had her hands around my neck, her obvious state revealing what we were doing. Addams stood there, breathing heavily, her braids unkempt.
"But what the fuck..." Enid exclaimed, her mouth wide open in disbelief.
A sense of embarrassment and dismay overwhelmed me. I felt as if I had been caught in something forbidden and shameful. The words seemed to get stuck in my throat as I tried to find explanations that eluded me.
Everything plummeted in an instant. The consequences of this situation will be unavoidable.
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poisonlove · 6 months
It's a Date? | w.a
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Y/n invites Wednesday Addams to an unusual forest outing, pretending there's a mystery. In the cemetery, amid gravestones and shadows, they share a special moment, discovering an unexpected connection.
I find myself in front of Enid and Wednesday's room. My throat is tight, and my heart beats so loudly it echoes in my ears. Inviting Wednesday on a date makes me strangely nervous, a whirlwind of emotions translating into an exhilarating anxiety, a feeling of fear and anticipation blending together.
The plan was simple... invent an excuse to capture Wednesday's attention and venture into the woods, where the date would take place.
I take a deep breath and open the door, immediately seeing my best friend in bed, while Things does her nails. I slowly move my eyes to the other side of the room, where Wednesday Addams is immersed in writing her novel with the typewriter.
Wednesday Addams, sitting in front of the typewriter, exudes an air of cold calmness. Her long black hair is neatly tied into two braids, falling gracefully over her shoulders. Her facial profile is regular, with a fine nose that rises with grace. Thin lips are closed in a determined expression as her fingers move precisely on the keyboard. The atmosphere is charged with creativity and mystery, with Wednesday seemingly completely absorbed in her narrative world.
Enid genuinely smiles when I enter. "Hey, Y/N, how are you?" she asks with her warm smile.
"Fine, Enid," I reply, trying to hide my nervousness. "Um, how's your boyfriend doing?"
Enid laughs slightly. "Well, you can imagine, always busy with work. But let's say everything is fine. But now, tell me, what brings you here?"
I shift my attention to Wednesday, trying to keep a seemingly casual tone. Enid smiles mischievously, aware of the reason for my visit.
Enid glances out of the corner of her eye at Wednesday and smiles broadly.
The blonde clears her throat. "You know, the other day something strange happened in the woods..." Enid exclaims casually.
Wednesday straightens up and stops typing on the typewriter. "What happened?" I ask with genuine confusion.
"Don't you remember? You told me the other day! Someone died, but the body disappeared into thin air. The only thing they found was a shoe. Now it's in the sheriff's hands in case there are any developments," Enid says, tilting her head to the side and looking at me with confusion.
I open my mouth and understand her look. "Oh yes, yes... I needed someone to come with me to see," I mutter distractedly.
In the most subtle way possible, Wednesday puts the papers aside on the desk and stands up from the chair. After the solved mystery of the Nevermore monster, Wednesday had no more stimuli to satisfy her investigative side. This mystery seemed perfect.
Wednesday's movement catches the attention of the two girls. "I'm coming with you," Wednesday mutters softly.
I widen my eyes, and Enid immediately corrects Wednesday, "No, no, I can't come," the blonde murmurs quickly.
Wednesday thinks Enid is scared and observes her friend.
With determined steps, Wednesday approaches me, and at that moment, the considerable height difference between us becomes evident. Her intense eyes scrutinize me with curiosity, and as the distance between us shortens, we both sense the peculiar dynamic developing between us. Her presence, albeit cold and distant, conveys a subtle tension that cannot escape careful observation.
"Shall we?" I murmur with a thread of voice.
Without saying a word, Wednesday turns quickly, grabbing her bag from the chair. She tightens her lips and tries to slow down her heartbeat by breathing slowly.
"Get ready for an... interesting experience," Wednesday murmurs, adding a touch of mystery to her monotone voice.
The strange combination of enthusiasm and detachment in her words is fascinating as we head towards the exit of the room.
I walk nervously through the woods, the sound of my steps blending with the rustle of twigs and leaves crushed under my feet. I'm lost in my thoughts, focused on the daunting task of keeping the conversation with Wednesday. I feel her behind me, silently observing me with curiosity as we venture deeper into the forest. Her presence, almost ethereal among the trees, adds a mysterious dimension to the surrounding atmosphere. The forest seems to respond to our passage, a succession of sounds and shadows fueling nervousness and anticipation.
We walk through the woods, "How much longer, Y/N?" Wednesday breaks the silence. Knowing the forest quite well, Wednesday seems intrigued by the fact that we've taken an unfamiliar path. I move a branch obstructing our way and stop, looking at her with curiosity.
"Here we are," I whisper softly, diverting my gaze to the ground beneath my feet.
Wednesday Addams gives me a quick glance before discovering a cemetery around us. "Interesting," she comments with her monotone voice, but her eyes reveal a hint of happiness.
Wednesday notices a blanket near a tombstone and raises an eyebrow, looking at me with a mix of curiosity and indifference. "What's interesting here?" she asks, her voice as sharp as a knife. As I approach, I notice the blanket, and my gaze meets Wednesday's. "It seemed like a good place to stop," I reply, trying to maintain composure that seems to elude me when her eyes scrutinize the cemetery carefully.
Wednesday nods slightly, perhaps approving the choice. "So, what have we planned?" she asks, her interest hiding behind the veil of her tranquility.
I feel warmth rising to my cheeks as I respond, trying to maintain composure. "I thought it might be an opportunity to... spend time together." My voice betrays a slight insecurity, but Wednesday seems to show no emotion.
After the question, Wednesday realizes the basket of food on the blanket, understanding that everything was planned. There was no mystery in the woods, at least not one related to a dead person.
"Is it a date?" she asks with curiosity, looking at me seriously. I nod, feeling my cheeks blush as I sit on the blanket. "I thought it might be a good way to get your attention," I confess, smiling with embarrassment.
Wednesday tilts her head to the side and approaches me more closely. The little Addams kneels, reaching my eye level. With an embarrassed smile, I take a black rose and a Dahlia from the basket. Wednesday watches with curiosity as I do so, and later, she gives me a small smile, seeing the flowers in my hands. Her smile widens, and I unconsciously smile, realizing it's the first time Wednesday has smiled in that way.
In an unexpected move, Wednesday leans in and delicately places her lips on mine. I'm surprised by the speed of the gesture and, above all, by the sensation of her lips, which are lethally cold. A shiver runs down my spine, while the woods around us seem to whisper secrets. It's a moment of quiet mystery among the graves, where the world seems to stop as Wednesday and I share that delicate kiss in the silent cemetery.
Timidly, I melt during the kiss, placing a hand on Addams' side. Her lips are surprisingly cold, but in that moment, the cold seems only to intensify the aura of mystery surrounding us. When we finally break the kiss, I notice Wednesday's lips pulling into a small smile. "There was no need to do all this to get my attention... my eyes are always fixed on you, Y/N/N," she says with a seriousness that makes me blush.
I look around uncomfortably, even though I know we're alone. "I don't like cemeteries," I mutter weakly, reading the name engraved on the tombstone. Two fingers gently touch under my chin, forcing me to meet Wednesday's black eyes. "I know... you mentioned it some time ago," she says with a cold voice.
I raise an eyebrow, and Wednesday fiddles with the flower between her fingers. "Not answering you doesn't mean I don't pay attention when you speak," Wednesday murmurs softly, and I can't help but smile at her unexpected sincerity.
It wasn't an official date, but as Wednesday walked away, her heart was racing. A strange sensation, like spiders weaving a web, made its way into Wednesday's stomach, creating a pleasant restlessness.
I look at Wednesday with surprised eyes. "Was all this not necessary?" I ask incredulously.
Wednesday, with her intense gaze on me, responds calmly: "Maybe not, but it was a welcome surprise."
We sit on the blanket in the silent cemetery, the twilight light dancing among the tombstones. It's a timeless moment, where the mystery of the dark woods merges with the mystery of our connection. Her eyes gaze into mine, and I can feel her heart beating fast. A slight smile appears on her lips, almost like a shared secret.
"It's not official," I whisper, trying to understand the meaning of that moment.
Wednesday nods slightly, her hand getting closer to mine. "It doesn't need to be official to be real," she says timidly while looking at the sky slowly tinting orange.
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poisonlove · 9 months
Jealous | w.a
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Wednesday Addams wasn't exactly sure why she found herself at that party. She was accustomed to spending her nights writing, playing the cello, or simply continuing her investigation on Hyde, but despite this, she was in the main hall of Nevermore, torturing her eardrums in a way she didn't like to be tortured.
Her brown eyes roamed the room, noticing how other teenagers danced, talked, or simply tried to get as physically close to each other as possible. The smell of alcohol stung Wednesday's nostrils, and she agreed that she shouldn't be there at that moment.
It's torture being here.
Her gaze stopped at the figure of Y/N at the far end of the room, accompanied by Yoko. The girl was laughing while holding a red, overflowing glass of alcohol in one hand. Her eyes sparkled slightly as she laughed and blushed at the things the vampire girl whispered in her ear. The vampire's arm was around the shoulders of the academy's only fairy, idly playing with Y/N's T/C-colored strands.
Wednesday felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach, like a firestorm that didn't want to calm down. Her hands clenched into fists, knuckles turning white. Her jaw tightened, causing an odd clicking of teeth. Addams was very confused because she didn't know what was happening in her body.
She had probably been looking at Y/N for too long, as the girl had turned in her direction. A smile spread across her lips, displaying her perfectly white teeth. She waved to Wednesday, feeling uncomfortable for not receiving a wave in return. She then turned her attention back to Yoko.
"If you keep staring at her, she'll melt," someone said, and Wednesday turned her attention to the sound of the voice. Two blue eyes looked at her amusedly.
The sensation in her stomach had disappeared.
"I'm not staring," Addams said simply, annoyed by the mere accusation. Enid raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
"I didn't think you'd come to the party; I'm very surprised," Enid said. The werewolf girl had been drinking, and Wednesday wrinkled her nose at the smell of what seemed like vodka. Enid looked at Wednesday with glassy eyes, offering a clumsy smile.
"I'm as surprised as you are, I don't know why I came here," the black-haired girl replied, shrugging. Her eyes, almost unconsciously, sought and fell once again on Y/N's figure.
The feeling of discomfort returned.
Stupid vampire.
Enid held back a smile when she saw Wednesday's throat swallow nervously. Wednesday was clearly jealous, and she would tease her about it forever. Addams resisted the urge to go over there and rip Yoko's fangs out.
"I think I'll go back to the room; I'm not feeling well," Addams confessed, looking at the tips of her shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.
"What's wrong?" Enid looked at her roommate with concern.
"My stomach hurts; I think I haven't digested dinner," she said with a furrowed brow. At that moment, her nerves had relaxed, and the fire in her stomach had subsided, replaced by embarrassment.
"What did you eat?" Enid asked, rubbing her wrist to ease the pain. Addams grabbed Enid's wrist and pushed her hand away abruptly, annoyed by the contact.
"I ate the usual, Enid," Wednesday replied begrudgingly, rolling her eyes at the somewhat stupid question. The blonde rubbed her wrist, trying to alleviate the pain.
The alcohol in her veins allowed Enid to challenge Wednesday. Suddenly, she had an idea, a thought that, if she wasn't careful, could kill her. Tonight, she felt strangely brave.
"Let me try something," Enid grabbed Wednesday's shoulders.
At that moment, Wednesday was confused and felt like pulling Enid's hair due to the blonde's gesture. Her eyes were fixed on Y/N, a sensation of spiders weaving a web reigning in her stomach, which was suddenly replaced by the fire when she saw Yoko's hand around Y/N's waist.
"Do you feel that your stomach bothers you?" Enid asked absentmindedly.
"Yes, it feels like it's burning..." she whispered softly. Enid Sinclair stood in front of her, blocking her view of the fairy.
"How about now?" She smiled.
"Now I feel better... definitely," Wednesday opened her eyes in confusion at the sudden change of emotions. A knot stuck in her throat when T/C-colored eyes met hers.
Her legs wobbled.
"Perfect. What you're feeling is called jealousy," Enid said sweetly, satisfied with having solved her best friend's dilemma. Wednesday felt like the world was crashing down on her. She couldn't be jealous; she didn't want to be like her parents, she didn't want to fall in love. She despised anything that came close to this feeling, and she felt nauseous at the thought of her parents' interaction.
"How can it be avoided?" Wednesday asked in panic. For the first time in her life, she felt fear. She was afraid of something that was new to her and that she couldn't handle. She wanted to bury it inside her, hide it in the remotest part of herself.
"You can't control it," Enid exclaimed, sighing heavily when she saw Ajax in the distance, her wonderful boyfriend. Ajax greeted her and invited her over.
Wednesday Addams looked at Y/N again, realizing that Enid was right. Her heart was pounding, she had never felt this way in her life, and she was beginning to feel the famous obsession that her father had told her she would feel when she fell in love. Something inside her had bloomed, and she knew it would be impossible to hide it.
If you can't beat the enemy, ally with them, and Wednesday wanted to do just that with Love.
"She will be mine, Cara Mia," Wednesday whispered, smiling slightly, her eyes darkening further due to the darkness growing within her. The Italian nickname that she never thought she'd remember or say in her life came out of her lips naturally, and it felt damn good to say it.
She would be mine, and nothing and no one could separate us, even if she had to kill her and erase her from the face of the earth.
Now that Wednesday had admitted what she felt, she no longer wanted to deny it; she simply wanted to go there and claim what was hers, even if it meant getting her hands dirty with blood to get it.
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poisonlove · 6 months
Addyy | w.a
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Y/N transfers to the prestigious "Nevermore" academy and becomes entangled in an eccentric and mysterious world. In her dorm, she shares spaces with Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams, both possessing intense personalities. Navigating complex dynamics, y/n delves into unique relationships and secrets, exploring the dark side of the academy.
Part 1
I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh.
I had just arrived at the Nevermore academy for less than five minutes, and I was already stressed from the never-ending talk of the director. Yes, the academy is prestigious and blah, blah, blah.
"Usually, we don't admit mid-year students... but her grades are excellent" Principal Weems says as she walks down the corridor, the sound of heels echoing. "All right, Miss... we don't have any more rooms... so you'll have to share with someone," she said with a slight smile.
"Yeah... okay," I replied with boredom.
I tried not to look back out of annoyance and just returned the smile. The blonde took two steps toward a wooden door and opened it for me.
"Welcome to the Ophelia Room... if you need me... you know where to find me," Director Weems gave my shoulder a squeeze and turned away, walking off.
A confusion of colors assaulted my eyes as a perfectly divided room greeted me. One side was terribly black and macabre, while the other was a riot of colors.
I suppressed the urge to vomit.
In the middle of the room, two girls were in the midst of a quarrel.
"Turn off this horrible music; it's time for my writing," said the shorter girl, looking at the blonde in front of her with inquisitive eyes.
She wore a gray-black uniform, much like the rest of the room. Her hair was neatly tied in two perfectly aligned braids that gracefully fell over her shoulders. Her skin was very pale, almost as if she were dead. As far as I could see, her lips were tightly pressed.
She showed no emotion.
The other was notably taller, with a blue-black uniform and blonde hair with shades of two different colors. She literally bared her nails in defense.
"This kitty has claws and is not afraid to use them," the blonde said with a challenging finger.
"Turn off this thing," the dark-haired girl repeated.
"I do what I want; after all, Taylor Swift is much better than the cello solo you play every night," she replied venomously.
I decided to intervene.
"I disagree," I said, placing my suitcases on the floor.
Both turned toward me. Brown eyes met mine, and a faint smile spread across her lips, immediately replaced by a darker look. Blue eyes lit up upon seeing me, and a smile spread across her lips.
"I hate Taylor Swift," I confessed, and the shorter one looked at the girl with disdain. The blonde snorted and turned off the music.
"However, I'm y/n," I added, approaching and shaking hands with the blonde.
"Enid Sinclair," she replied.
I glanced at the dark-haired girl who had turned her back to me, walking towards her desk.
"Sorry," I whispered to Enid and broke the contact between our hands, walking towards the center of her roommate. I put a foot outside the line, and a creak made the girl freeze.
"Stop, if you want to live," she said with a cold voice, putting a hand on the chair.
"Don't listen to her; she's always..." Enid began, but I didn't let her finish. "And what if I don't want to?" I asked.
I walked and approached her even more. Suddenly, she turned towards me, looking at me seriously.
"Y/N," I repeated, and she continued to look at me without blinking. I dangerously approached her, and she looked at me without moving a muscle.
"Things, I think we should bury her sooner than expected," Enid said with concern.
Our faces were very close, and I gave her a faint smile. She looked at me curiously, surprisingly turning her gaze away with her cheeks reddened.
"Wednesday Addams, now if you don't mind, step aside from my path," she whispered softly, authoritatively. She turned completely towards the desk and sat down, starting to manipulate the typewriter.
"Incredible," I whispered with a triumphant smile.
"I can't believe she didn't kill you for invading not only her room but also her personal space," the blonde said in amazement.
"Don't get your hopes up, Enid. I just wanted to be... kind," Wednesday said, almost disgusted by the last word. "Now shut up before I start thinking about taking away your privilege to speak," she said casually, focused on the paper in front of her.
"She's back," Enid laughed.
"Y/N, do you want to take a look around the school?" Enid suggested.
"I've seen enough... but okay," I smiled and approached the blonde. "I want to avoid getting killed... especially because I'll have to share a bed with Wednesday," I said hastily, almost running.
Enid laughed, and Wednesday froze in place, surprised by my words.
"Your friends are really... peculiar," I said with a half-smile.
Enid and I walked through the halls of Nevermore. The blonde had introduced me to her circle of friends, and we explored the school's gardens. I had a nice afternoon, but it was getting late, and it was time to return to my room.
"They're just idiots" Enid replied, gesturing. "Ajax, huh?"I asked with malice, raising my eyebrows, aware of Enid's infatuation with this guy.
"Shut up"she mumbled weakly, blushing. The blonde quickened her pace and entered the room, trying to dodge my questions.
I laughed and followed her.
"Come on... tell me"  I murmured with a 5-year-old's voice. "Tell you what?" Wednesday suddenly intervened. I turned to the right side of the room and smiled when I saw the image of little Addams.
"Addyyy, you finished writing, I see" I said with a finger of happiness.
The mentioned one furrowed her brow in confusion.
"Addy?" she repeated.
"A nickname... don't you like it?"I asked curiously, tilting my head to the side. "I hate it" she said coldly, looking at me without blinking. "Now tell me what you wanted to know about Enid" she repeated, crossing her arms over her chest.
"It doesn't matter, Wednesday, it's our business" The Blonde intervened, sliding under the sheets. She yawned slightly.
Look, she's already in pajamas.
Wednesday didn't say anything and just approached her bed and sat on it.
"y/n/n, do you want to sleep here?" Enid proposed, leaning on the bed, looking at me with tired eyes.
"She doesn't need it; she'll sleep with me" Addams replied absentmindedly as she slid under the sheets. "You heard the boss"  I joked as I walked towards the suitcase that had been moved next to the bed. I took off my shirt and pants.
"What... what are you doing?" Wednesday asked timidly. I took the shirt out of the suitcase and looked at Addams. Her eyes roamed my body, stopping for a few seconds on my stomach.
"Am I putting on pajamas?" I responded with obviousness. She blinked and looked at me again. "Okay" she responded coldly, but her flushed cheeks made me smile slightly at the cuteness.
I put on the pajamas and lay down next to Addams; there was a noticeable space between our bodies.
"Goodnight Wednesday, night y/n" Enid said, turning off the light.
"Don't call me Addy if you want to keep all your fingers in place" Wednesday replied before turning around and giving me her back.
"Goodnight to you too..." I mumbled to myself.
A slight squeeze on my side made me open my eyes; darkness surrounded the room, and an unsettling silence reigned between the walls of the academy.
I slowly looked down, and inevitably, a smile appeared on my face. In front of me was the image of Wednesday hugging me, and it was damn adorable. Addams' arms were around my stomach; her head rested against my chest, and sighs escaped her lips, making me tremble slightly.
If I move and wake her up... she'll probably kill me
I stayed still in my place and closed my eyes again, relaxing in the arms of little Addams.
My body collapsed against something hard and cold; an unpleasant pain pricked my back, and my breath got stuck in my throat for a few milliseconds. "But what..." I'm dragging the words, opening my mouth, trying to get as much oxygen as possible. My eyes moved to the figure of Addams looking at me slightly amused from the edge of the bed.
"Addams" I muttered between teeth, looking at the responsible with anger. I closed my eyes and started to breathe slowly, trying to calm down and avoid causing a kinetic storm. "Why did you throw me off the bed?" I asked slowly, rubbing my elbow to alleviate the pain.
"You hugged me tonight; you're lucky I pushed you instead of inflicting excruciating pain" she said coldly, getting up from the bed.
"I didn't hug you! It was you who did it" I said as I got up from the floor. "No" she simply replied, looking at me without blinking.
"Apparently, you were the one who needed some affection"  I responded, pointing with my finger at the uniform leaning on the chair, making it levitate in my direction.
"I don't need affection; I hate physical contact and all of humanity... and especially, I don't need you" she affirmed and headed to the desk.
"Shut up, Things.." the raven-haired girl whispered as she grabbed her jacket.
"Enid?" I asked, looking to the left side of the room, searching for the girl's wolf mane.
"She already left" Wednesday said, grabbing her backpack.
"Perfect" I replied, heading to the bathroom, getting ready for class.
"Can you believe that Addams threw me off the bed this morning?" I asked Xavier.
The artist smiled mockingly as he tapped the desk with the pen.
We were in the greenhouse attending a lesson from Professor Thornill, and for the occasion, I decided to sit next to Xavier since I was still angry with Wednesday and had no intention of talking to her at least for today... Besides, she didn't seem interested in talking to me. I looked at Addy's profile... coal eyes focused on her notes; I shook my head disconsolately.
"Actually, it doesn't surprise me... but I'm surprised she didn't take out any organs or cut off a finger" he smiled as he concentrated on writing something on paper.
I looked at my notes, and I hadn't written anything at all..."Damn it..." I whispered, resting my head on my hand.
"What's wrong?" Wednesday turned around and looked in my direction. Her eyes met mine with indifference.
"I didn't write anything..." I affirmed sadly.
"This is because you've limited yourself to talking all the time" she replied monotonously, looking at my completely blank sheet.
" Don't tell me..."  I whispered mockingly; in response, Wednesday rolled her eyes. She turned again, giving me her back.
"Well, guys... the lesson is over... you can go" Thornill said in a high-pitched voice, smiling at her students.
I got up from the chair, took the bag, but perfectly aligned sheets in the corner of my desk made me freeze in place. I looked up and saw Wednesday Addams watching me.
"These are..." I took the notes from the bench, and inevitably, I smiled at the perfectly ordered and impeccable handwriting.
"Don't get your hopes up... you were just pathetic with that dejected look" she replied coldly.
Her words didn't hurt me for a second; I found Wednesday's gesture damn adorable. The girl turned her gaze annoyed and walked quickly towards the exit of the greenhouse; seeing her smile had caused me a strange and annoying sensation in the pit of my stomach.
As if spiders were spinning webs inside.
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poisonlove · 8 months
a macchiato, please | j.o
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Y/n, working in the quiet café in Turin, is having a normal day until Jenna Ortega, a famous actress, walks into her establishment. This unexpected event will change Y/n's routine and lead to a series of events that will transform her life.
Immersed in the quiet routine of an afternoon in the small café in Turin, I focused on cleaning the cups and glasses.
The atmosphere here was always enveloped in a calm aura, so different from the chaos of daily life. The café, furnished with simplicity and charm, exuded a welcoming atmosphere. Wooden tables were neatly arranged, with comfortable chairs framing the central area. The walls were adorned with paintings by local artists, creating a lively and artistic ambiance.
"Hey, y/n," I turned at the sound of the voice and noticed Mrs. Rossi, my boss, emerging from the kitchen with a gentle yet concerned expression.
With a friendly smile, I approached. "Is everything okay, Mrs. Rossi?"
"Yes, everything's fine. You can call me Maria, you know that, right?" she replied with a sigh. "I have to go for an unexpected medical check-up. Will you be able to close the café tonight?"
"Of course, no problem," I assured, trying to reassure her. "I'll take care of everything. Have a good check-up." Mrs. Rossi smiled at me. "Thank you, Y/n. If you need anything, call me. Goodbye!" she said, putting on her jacket and leaving the premises.
With a wave goodbye, Mrs. Rossi left, leaving me alone in the small yet cozy café.
The sweet melody of Leave Me Lonely by Ariana Grande filled the air of the café through the speakers. "Dangerous love, you're no good for me, darling," I sang with a smile, feeling captivated by the music as I grabbed the coffee capsules for the machine.
I moved my hips slightly, letting the song's rhythm envelop me.
The tinkling of the bell at the entrance made me look up. "Welcome to Caffetteria Rossi! How can I assist you?" I murmured with a warm expression.
My eyes gazed with curiosity at the girl who looked around cautiously and with interest. She wore a huge black cloak, sunglasses, an elegant hat, and a scarf that wrapped around her neck.
I blinked in confusion, considering that the weather in Turin wasn't as cold as her attire might suggest. Perhaps she came from a much colder place, I thought, or she simply loved the mysterious and incognito style.
"Do you speak English?" the girl asked with curiosity, her voice muffled by the scarf.
"Uhm, yeah," I replied, confused.
I glanced around and realized I hadn't put on the shop's apron yet. I turned and took it, tying it around my waist.
"Of course. What can I get you?" I asked absentmindedly, still facing away.
"Uhm... a macchiato, please," she smiled. I realized her voice was clearer now, probably because she had removed the scarf.
A smile crept on my lips at the peculiar pronunciation of macchiato but of course, I wouldn't judge. I focused on the coffee machine, carefully starting to prepare her order. The reassuring sound of capsules entering the machine filled the air as I worked.
The girl approached the counter, pushing her sunglasses slightly down, revealing a lively and curious gaze. "Mi scuso per il mio italiano, è... non è molto buono" she said with a slightly embarrassed expression. She removed her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head.
"Don't worry, you..." I stopped abruptly, surprised, seeing her brown eyes clearly. Penetrating coffee-colored eyes, a delightful smile, and several freckles around her nose.
"You're doing fine," I replied timidly, almost embarrassed and excited by her presence.
What was Jenna Ortega doing in our café?
Jenna seemed slightly tense, as if she feared the worst, even having to escape if recognized. The atmosphere suddenly became more intense, and I could sense her nervousness. "You... do you know who I am, right?" she murmured with a disheartened tone.
I gave a slight side smile, nodding.
"Don't worry, I'm not like the other fans," I said, smiling.
I picked up the coffee cup and offered it to Jenna. "What are you trying to say?" Jenna asked curiously, looking at me seriously.
In the meantime, Jenna had taken off her coat, placing it over the armrest of a chair.
"I respect your privacy... oh god... I adore you, you're amazing and beautiful..." I confessed, my cheeks reddening. "But I can't imagine how it feels to be recognized by everyone," I murmured absentmindedly.
Jenna seemed taken aback by a sweet surprise, as if those unexpected words had positively impacted her. "Thank you, really," she replied with a sincere smile.
"And you're right, it can be a bit overwhelming. But meeting genuine people like you makes it all more enjoyable." Jenna tilted her head to the side, reading my name tag, smiling playfully "y/n..." she whispered softly "y/n, you're beautiful too," she said in a light tone.
I felt myself blush immediately, caught off guard. Jenna had joked about me calling her beautiful, and now the compliment directed at me made me feel a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "Thank you," I replied shyly, with a timid smile.
Jenna gracefully took the coffee cup, thanking me again with a warm look. Then, with elegance, those coffee-colored eyes were now free to survey the world around, revealing a depth and intensity that captured my attention.
"Can I ask you something?" Jenna asked kindly, sipping her coffee.
"Of course," I replied, intrigued by her interest.
"Tell me about this café? It has such a welcoming atmosphere, it seems like a special place."
"Sure," I said with a smile, beginning to tell the story of the café.
"This little oasis was born many years ago, founded by a couple passionate about coffee and art. They wanted to create a place where people could escape from their daily routine, enjoying great coffee in a cozy and stimulating atmosphere." Jenna listened attentively, interested in the narrative.
"And the tradition continued over time," I continued, "maintaining the authentic and friendly atmosphere that is the heart of this place. Now it's a beloved spot for many, not only for the coffee but also for the sense of community that is felt here."
As I spoke, I noticed Jenna was fascinated by the story of the café. It was nice to share a piece of that magic with her, who had brought a bit of light and curiosity to that quiet working day.
"And what are you doing in Turin? It doesn't seem like the kind of place someone like you would want to visit," I murmured curiously, leaning on the table.
"Someone like me?" Jenna finished her coffee and gently placed it on the counter. "Sorry, but Turin doesn't seem like your kind of place," I confessed, picking up the cup and placing it in the sink.
"I have an interview, and we'll probably be around here for the new season of Wednesday. Tim fell in love with this city after seeing the exhibition dedicated to him months ago," she confessed, and I smiled at her honesty.
"I loved that series," I admitted quickly. "The way you act is impressive, you can tell you love your job," I nervously bit my lower lip. "But personally, I also loved Scream... Tara is so mysterious... I swear I thought she was the ghostface" I chuckle "then the scream you make... wow!" I murmured absentmindedly.
"Thank you..." she chuckled softly.
"Do you want something else? A brioche?" I asked gently, and she nodded slowly.
"Cream, chocolate... pistachio, or plain?" I asked with a small smile on my lips.
"I prefer cream," she murmured lightly.
Jenna looked around curiously, and I couldn't ignore her beauty. Her dark and silky hair fell gracefully on her shoulders.
Her face had delicate features and penetrating coffee-colored eyes that expressed vivacity and determination. Her smile was radiant, illuminating the entire café. The thin lips added grace to her face. Jenna exuded elegance in every gesture and movement.
"Can we take a picture? I swear I won't post it," I asked nervously.
Jenna chuckled, "It doesn't matter, you can post it if you want," she said with a smile.
"Sorry... after, I'll give you the brioche, but I really want this photo," I admitted, picking up my phone from the counter.
I walked around and approached Jenna, smiling at the height difference. Jenna stood next to me, and we both smiled at the camera.
Jenna's arm gently wrapped around my waist, and I shivered at her touch. Her scent, a mix of fresh and light notes, filled my nostrils as I tried to maintain my nervous smile for the photo.
My heart was racing, almost deafening, feeling Jenna's breath against my cheek. The moment seemed suspended, an eternity compressed into that simple instant.
I looked at the camera, trying to focus on the shot, but it was difficult to ignore Jenna's proximity. It was as if everything else faded away, leaving space only for the two of us in that small fragment of time.
And then, the click of the camera broke the spell. It was over, but that brief moment would remain etched in my memory, like a pure and authentic emotion. I smiled in satisfaction and quickly went back behind the counter, wanting to fulfill Jenna's request.
"Here..." I handed her the brioche, and Jenna smiled sincerely.
"How old are you?" she asked with curiosity, taking a bite of her brioche.
"20," I replied, taken aback.
Jenna nodded, listening with interest. It was pleasant to converse with her, as if there was a natural harmony between us, despite the obvious differences in our life paths.
Shortly after, Jenna's phone chimed, announcing an incoming call. She pulled the phone out of her bag and checked the screen.
"Sorry, I have to take this, it's my agent," she said, slightly rising from the stool.
"Go ahead," I replied, smiling understandingly.
Jenna moved slightly away from the counter, answering the call with a professional yet polite tone. I could perceive her determination in the way she spoke with her agent. Despite the distance, I could catch snippets of the conversation, discussing work commitments and future projects.
As I waited, I looked at the paintings on the walls, letting the café's music lull me into a quiet serenity.
"Sorry, but I have to go," Jenna murmured with a clearly disappointed expression. "The brioche is excellent," she confessed, and I smiled gently.
"How much do I owe you?" she murmured softly, flustered. "It's on the house," I confessed, and Jenna gave me a huge smile.
"Thanks" She quickly says
"No worries, have a good day," I replied, feeling a hint of sadness.
Jenna picked up her coat and put it on, putting on her sunglasses. "It was a pleasure to meet you, y/n," she confessed as she put on her scarf.
"The pleasure was mine," I murmured with a small smile.
"See you soon," Jenna said, opening the door and turning in my direction with a smile.
I didn't reply and watched as she left the café, glancing at the sign with curiosity. Jenna approached the street and raised her hand, catching the attention of a black SUV that had come to pick her up.
I sighed, looking at the clock and realizing that I would soon have to close the café.
"Yes, it's time to go home," I murmured, allowing a wave of nostalgia to wash over me.
I approached the door and hung the "We're closed" sign with a sigh of satisfaction. Next, I dedicated myself to arranging a few things in the café, sweeping the floor and cleaning the cup Jenna had used. It was a way to bring order and close a day that had turned out to be much more interesting than expected.
I sighed audibly, letting the weariness and excitement of the day blend inside me.
A notification on my phone caught my attention, and I approached the counter with slow steps. I picked it up and widened my eyes seeing two notifications on Instagram:
Jennaortega started following caffetteria_Rossi.
Jennaortega started following you.
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poisonlove · 5 months
Finally | Jenna Ortega
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Prompt: Uno Night
pairing: Jenna Ortega x reader
Author: I know, is short
My eyes meticulously observe the surrounding environment, the atmosphere becoming tense with each passing second.
We were at Hunter's trailer, enjoying a pleasant evening until things took a serious turn: playing Uno. Georgie proposed a brilliant idea, each of us would stake $50, and the winner would take it all. The excitement was palpable until Hunter started dealing the cards.
In the first round, Emma was the first to be eliminated, expressing her disappointment as she angrily left the table with the lost $50. In the next turn, Joy, Naomi, and later, a turmoil caused by Georgie accusing Jenna of cheating. Finally, Hunter was the last to leave the competition.
Only Jenna and I remained.
The brunette stared at me intently, her brown eyes brimming with challenge and excitement. A small smile played on her lips, her tongue licking the lower lip as a sign of concentration.
Change direction
Jenna throws the card on the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The tension rises, and with a lump in my throat, I watch expectantly for the brunette's next move. My eyes see her hand delicately picking the penultimate card, her fingers long and tapered, utterly perfect.
Blue 7
I see the card she drops and shift my gaze to Jenna, the brunette looking at me amused.
By now, I was accustomed to Jenna's gaze: no shame, no concern if she embarrassed you. Jenna looked at me as if she could understand my feelings and thoughts with a glance, even deciphering the cards I held.
"Damn," Georgie mutters, watching the game intently, his knee nervously moving up and down. "Uno," Jenna says, smiling widely, the dimple on her face deepening.
My eyes soften seeing the joy in Jenna's state: a broad smile, bright and hopeful eyes. I had been in love with Jenna for a while now, enjoying seeing her happy, laughing, looking at me amused. During these weeks of shooting for the second season of "Wednesday," we spent a lot of time together off set: drinking, dancing, or watching movies in my trailer after a stressful day.
My eyes look at the plate full of money: $400. I bite my lower lip nervously. I divert my attention from the money, looking at Jenna, who was watching me, waiting for my move, with Georgie nervously by my side. The girls were chatting on the sofas, immediately forgetting their defeat. Hunter watched the game with crossed arms.
I look at Jenna again, who was looking at me with a small smile on her lips.
Despite my strong feelings for Jenna, I was also very competitive, and the prize was truly tempting. Sorry, Jen. With eyes brimming with mischief, I play my ace in the hole: +4. Jenna opens her mouth in surprise and looks at me in shock, Georgie smiling at my move.
"Uno," I say, knowing perfectly well that Jenna couldn't respond to my move as she was picking up the four cards from the deck. Nonchalantly, I play my last card on the table. I won. I WON. I smile widely and stand up from the table, Georgie happy for my brilliant play. "You're great," Hunter says, smiling widely, giving me a high five.
Jenna huffs and sighs loudly through her nostrils due to the bad defeat.
"Is that mine?" I take the money and put it in the back pocket of my pants. "Did y/n win?" Emma asks with curiosity from the couch, looking at me with a smile. "Yes," Jenna interjects, frustrated. "Another match?" Hunter claps his hands and smiles excitedly, Georgie nodding quickly.
"I have to go, guys," the brunette murmurs tiredly, a strange tone in her voice. Jenna gets up from the chair and puts on her jacket, her eyes giving me a quick glance before looking away and smiling at the others. "Tomorrow morning, I have to record," she apologizes quickly before walking towards the exit. "Alright… see you tomorrow then," Hunter says as he picks up the cards, shuffling them. "I'm going too," I mumble quickly, following the brunette.
I wasn't sure if Jenna was angry with me for the defeat; I knew she was extremely competitive. Jenna Ortega was known to be a determined, elegant, professional, and serious person for her work, but many didn't know that behind her mask of a cold and solitary girl was a child who pouted and grumbled about entirely trivial things, like tonight.
"Jen," I say quickly, catching my breath from the sudden run.
Darkness surrounds us, and a beautiful starry sky highlights the full moon. Jenna looks at me with a raised eyebrow, the jacket around her body to shield herself from the cold. The faint light from the moon accentuates her eyes that glitter in a spectacular way. "Hey," Jenna genuinely smiles as soon as she sees me.
"You're not mad, are you?" I ask quickly with concern. I walk more and stop in front of the brunette. "I lost $50," she starts, raising an eyebrow, biting her lip nervously, "but it offends me that you think I could be angry about this," she concludes, looking at me through her long lashes.
"Oh," I open my mouth in surprise, blushing violently for my stupid thought. "I'm sorry, tomorrow I'll make it up with coffee," I say, laughing embarrassedly, and Jenna analyzes me with her gaze, her lower lip trapped between her teeth.
You can't understand the longing I'm feeling right now to kiss her.
"Alright…" she says timidly, releasing her lower lip, smiling, "but to make up, you'll have to do more," she sings with a playful tone, and I smile at her gesture, getting lost staring at her magnificence. Jenna continues to stare at me, her eyes shining in an incredible way.
"So… goodnight," I say with embarrassment, hands in the pockets of my hoodie trying to warm myself, clearing my throat. "Goodnight," Jenna smiles sincerely and walks down the road towards her trailer.
Jenna stops in her tracks, turning around. I look with confusion as she retraces her steps, hesitantly approaching me. "You worried about me… it was kind of nice," she says, smiling shyly, her sweet eyes fixed on me. The brunette leans timidly towards my face, placing her lips against my cheek.
My heart races wildly against my ribcage, and all I could think was that I ardently wished for Jenna to kiss me on the lips.
"You're really into Jenna," Georgie says, chuckling softly, looking at me with mischief.
"Shut up," I retort with flushed cheeks, my eyes scanning the set for the petite brunette. I release a sigh of relief. I had two coffee cups in my hands, one for me and the other for Jenna. At 7 in the morning, I had read Jenna's message that she was already on set and that we would see each other later. Now it's nine, and I heard from Emma that Jenna's morning recordings were over.
"When will you tell her?" Georgie asks, lowering his voice, his smile fading from his face. "Soon," I say, smiling widely, knowing perfectly well that I'm telling a lie. "Are you sure?" Georgie looks at me with concern, searching for the answer in my eyes. "Yes…?" I reply, questioning? I'm not entirely sure.
"If you don't try, you'll never know the answer… at worst, you aim for other girls," he says with enthusiasm, his eyes trying to make me smile at his statement.
"I know," I say weakly, silently thanking my friend.
My eyes unconsciously turn to the right, immediately finding Jenna. The brunette was wearing her Wednesday costume, her attention on the producer who was telling her how to improve some scenes.
Jenna was simply perfect, even in Wednesday's clothes. Her braids and seriousness made my heart beat faster.
I walk towards her, and Jenna, smiling at the producer, sees him quickly moving away. The brunette shifts her gaze to the approaching steps and smiles as soon as she sees me. I give a small smile and notice her tiredness in her eyes.
"Hi," Jenna smiles widely, her gaze landing on the cups I held between my hands. "For me?" The question sounds surprised and sweet at the same time, her eyes sparkling playfully. Jenna chews her lower lip, looking at me tenderly. "Yes," I smile shyly, offering the cup to Jenna.
The brunette takes the cup, our fingers brushing. An electric shock runs through my body, and I think Jenna felt it too, as she looked at my hand. "Thanks," Jenna smiles with her lips against the cup, taking a sip. She closes her eyes for the pleasant warmth.
Georgie's words echo in my mind, and nervousness runs through my body. I knew I was risking our friendship… but the worst thing she could say is no, right? Forget it all, we laugh it off, and we continue as friends. "Jen, I…" I start, unsure. Jenna looks at me through her long lashes, her eyes staring intensely. I swallow saliva and try to find courage. "Do you… want to…" I stammer, a lump in my throat.
Jenna continues to stare at me.
"See you tonight? Maybe… for dinner?" I ask with curiosity, fear flowing through my veins. I release a sigh of relief, feeling like I had lifted a weight off my chest. Jenna looks at me carefully. The brunette remains silent, her fingers gripping the cup, her eyes looking at me thoughtfully.
"A date?" She says with curiosity, her eyes analyzing my reaction. I blush and look at Jenna with embarrassment. "Yes? If you're uncomfortable, it's okay just as friends," I confess quickly, scared. Jenna smiles widely and looks at me with bright eyes, almost relieved.
"You took your time," she says, winking at me, and I look at her with confusion. "What?" I say spontaneously, and Jenna rolls her eyes at my comment. "I've literally been flirting with you for weeks," she says smiling, amused by her comment.
"Oh…" I affirm with embarrassment, feeling stupid.
"Okay, at 8 at your place?" Jenna taps her fingers on the cup and looks at me with excitement, hope in her eyes. I nod with confusion, and Jenna smiles pleased. She takes a sip of her coffee and places it on a table near the set.
The brunette approaches and looks at me smiling, her eyes bright and sweet. My heart beats quickly against my ribcage, and I watch as Jenna gets closer to me, her hands grabbing mine tightly, almost as if she's afraid I'll run away. I swallow saliva, our noses brushing, breaths mingling. Jenna gently presses her lips against mine, pressing for a passionate kiss.
I reciprocate enthusiastically.
Jenna releases our fingers and grabs my neck, her fingertips holding the grip to get closer to me. I sigh during the kiss and place my hands on her hips, more as a support since I was afraid of fainting in front of everyone. Everyone. We're literally kissing in front of the whole cast, regardless of comments or curious looks.
Jenna separates our lips with a loud smack.
"So, tonight?" She says, smiling widely, lips swollen from the kiss. Her cheeks were flushed, the wig now a bit disheveled from the intensity of the kiss.
"Yes…" I say breathlessly, smiling widely.
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poisonlove · 3 months
Beauty and the Beast | w.a
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Pairing: wednesday addams x reader
Words: 15k
Warning: reader unsure about her appearance
I felt lonely, so lonely.
But I couldn't risk anyone being scared by my appearance, I couldn't risk receiving mockery and laughter for what I hide beneath the mask. I had to protect myself and others from the horrible monster that I am.
Not even Eugenie, one of my few friends, knew my true face, and I don't think he'll find out anytime soon. Enid tried a couple of times, but after my umpteenth No she gave up, which I'm grateful for.
Why did it have to happen to me? Why do I have to feel scrutinized because of the mask I wear? Damn it, there are vampires, mermaids, and even people without mouths, and yet I'm the only strange one in Nevermore?
"Y/n, have you heard that a new student has arrived?" Eugenie smiles with all thirty-two teeth as he walks beside me, his eyes gleaming with happiness at the news. "Is it really important?" I ask timidly, biting my lower lip amused by his reaction.
"An extra girl is always welcome," he sighs dreamily. "Maybe she'll even like bees, don't you think?" He asks hopefully.
I tilt my head to the side and watch Eugenie smile widely, hope in his eyes. "I…" I start, feeling a  pressure in my chest from his enthusiasm, "I guess so?" I say, chuckling timidly, not wanting to spoil my friend's good mood.
"I mean, I adore you, really," Eugenie says, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "but having one more girl in our group would be cool!" He says, analyzing me carefully.
"It's just the two of us… We're not even a trio, and you're talking about a group?" I roll my eyes at his comment, and Eugenie gives me a friendly elbow on the side.
"There's no use rolling your eyes, you know I can see you, right? I mean… besides your mouth, and the other thing that can be seen under the mask," he says sing-song, looking at my mask reluctantly.
"And anyway! We're three!" The boy pouts adorably.
"Really?" I ask in surprise, and Eugenie nods. "Enid," he says, smiling in love at the mention of the blonde werewolf.
I open my mouth ready to retort, but I just ended up sighing loudly.
"Y/n," I turn towards the sound of the voice and see Enid gesturing for me to come closer to her. I raise an eyebrow with confusion and look at Eugenie shrugging indifferently. "Go on, I'll go check on my bees," he says, giving me a pat on the shoulder and walking towards his target, humming a tune.
I approach Enid, who smiles excitedly. "Hi Enid, everything okay?" I ask with a small smile on my lips.
"Y/n! I finally found you!" Enid exclaims, "I have some great news to tell you. You see, the new student is named Wednesday Addams and she'll be my new roommate!"
I feel a knot in my stomach at the thought of facing a new acquaintance, but I try to remain calm. "Wednesday Addams?" I repeat, trying to hide the anxiety that begins to creep up inside me.
"Exactly!" Enid confirms enthusiastically, "It would be fantastic if you two could become friends. I know you're a bit reserved, but I'm sure you'll get along well together!" The blonde smiled widely, her blue eyes looking at me attentively.
I try to mask my discomfort in front of Enid's enthusiasm, but inside, I feel a growing sense of unease. It's not fear, it's just a deep reluctance to interact with new people, especially when I have to hide my true identity behind a mask.
"Are you sure it's a good idea?" I ask uncertainly, the memory of Yoko staring at me strangely still vivid in my mind, sending shivers down my spine. I look at Enid curiously, seeking reassurance.
"With Yoko, it was just a small mishap," Enid replies, laughing nervously, able to read what I was thinking during my silence. "It's not your fault if you're so different."
"Right," I mumble to myself, still troubled by the memory of the episode with Yoko.
"I think it'll be different," continues Enid, placing her hand on my arm and starting to walk towards our dorms, "Wednesday has a… special character. You might like her," she adds with a broad smile.
"Are you telling me she's strange?" I ask, feeling offended by her description. Enid looks at me sideways, trying to reassure me.
"No, I didn't mean that," Enid clarifies, "just that she's also shy, and I think you two could get along," she concludes, smiling happily.
"But do we have to go now?" I ask with a worried tone, feeling the need to mentally prepare for the impending meeting. "Of course! I talked about you when she arrived, I think she's writing now," Enid babbles thoughtfully.
"She's writing?" I ask incredulously, a small smile threatening to spread across my lips. The thought of someone actually writing seems surreal to me.
"You see? You haven't even met yet and you already have something in common," Enid says, smiling kindly and looking at me with eyes overflowing with happiness.
As we head towards Ophelia Hall, nervousness grows inside me and my hands start to sweat. My heart beats faster and faster as the moment of meeting Wednesday approaches. I don't know what to expect, and the uncertainty makes me even more agitated.
Enid opens the door and my eyes immediately fall on the room divided in half by a black ribbon, separating two opposite worlds. Enid's side, bright and colorful, contrasts sharply with the darkness of the opposite side.
"The room is… Different," I say timidly, blinking in disbelief.
"Yeah, I was mad the first time too," Enid says with a reluctant sigh, evidently annoyed by the division of the room.
"Wednesday! I want to introduce you to someone," Enid announces, turning her gaze to her roommate on the other side of the ribbon.
Wednesday, focused on the typewriter, emits a small grunt before turning towards us with a rigid and impenetrable posture.
Her dark hair is braided into two impeccable braids that fall on her shoulders with precision and order. Her face is pale, almost ethereal, but her eyes are intense, deep, and penetrating. Her posture is rigid, but she exudes a silent confidence, as if she is aware of her inner power. The air around her seems filled with mystery and fascination, and even though her gaze is cold and distant, there is something about her that attracts and fascinates. It's as if she's enveloped in an aura of darkness, yet at the same time of strength and determination.
Her black eyes scan my figure, and I feel the warmth rising to my cheeks with embarrassment. Thank goodness Wednesday can't see it. I breathe deeply, relieved.
"What is she?" Wednesday asks with sharp curiosity, analyzing me with her gaze.
"Wednesday! You need to be more polite," Enid scolds her, but Wednesday ignores her with indifference.
My heart begins to beat faster as Wednesday approaches me, nervousness growing with each step she takes. Her presence, even silent, seems to envelop me in an atmosphere of mystery and tension, making me feel as if I'm under her scrutinizing gaze.
"You're not a vampire, a werewolf… not even a mermaid…" she mutters softly, her eyes scrutinizing mine intensely.
Her gaze is piercing, full of determination and fascination. "What are you?" she repeats, her voice neutral but curiosity palpable in the air.
I feel cornered, a knot forming in my throat, tightening.
Spontaneously, Wednesday reaches out and places her hands on my face, the tips of her fingers delicately touching my mask.
"Don't," I say in a low but sharp voice, trying to dissuade her.
Wednesday tilts her head slightly, ignoring my request, and brushes her fingers against the mask, exploring its texture with curiosity. Her hand wraps around my mask, and the contact sends shivers down my spine.
My breath becomes irregular as Wednesday continues to examine my mask with care, as if she wants to unveil the secret hidden beneath it. The touch of her fingers on my skin makes me feel vulnerable, exposed to her penetrating gaze.
"Please, stop," I whisper again, trying to control the agitation in my voice.
Wednesday doesn't seem at all disturbed by my request, continuing to explore the mask with an almost scientific curiosity. Her impassive face betrays no emotion, but I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I feel increasingly exposed in front of her.
"Wednesday, stop," says Enid firmly but gently, approaching us. "Y/n has her reasons for wearing that mask, and it's not right for you to force her to reveal it if she doesn't want to."
Wednesday turns to Enid, her cold and distant gaze piercing through her. "I'm not forcing anything," she replies calmly, "I'm just trying to understand."
Enid stands between me and Wednesday, shielding me with her body. "I understand, Wednesday, but there are better ways to get the answers you seek," she retorts, trying to defuse the situation.
I feel relieved by Enid's support, but at the same time anxious about how the situation will unfold.
After a moment of tense silence, Wednesday turns her back and walks away, heading towards the desk with measured steps. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I sink into a nearby chair.
"What an embarrassing moment," I say with a nervous smile, trying to break the ice.
Enid approaches and places a hand on my shoulder with an expression of solidarity. "Don't worry, Y/n. Wednesday can be a bit… intense at times," she comments with a half-smile.
"You said it," I reply with a small smile, grateful for Enid's support.
On the other side of the room, the incessant ticking of Wednesday's typewriter continues unabated, creating a constant background to our conversation. Her silent presence seems to have added a new dimension to the room, making it even more charged with mystery and tension.
"What do you say we go for a walk outside?" Enid suggests, trying to distract my mind from tumultuous thoughts.
"That sounds like a good idea," I respond with a grateful smile, happy to escape from that tense atmosphere. We rise and leave the room, leaving behind the constant ticking of Wednesday's typewriter.
She seems like an interesting girl I thought to myself
but she really doesn't give up
Weeks have passed since that first tense encounter with Wednesday, yet her obsession with uncovering what lay beneath my mask showed no signs of abating. Occasionally, during classes or in moments of break, I catch her staring at me with her piercing gaze, as if she wanted to pierce through the fabric of my mask and read my deepest thoughts.
Wednesday doesn't give up easily. She made various attempts: sending anonymous messages, appearing out of nowhere at the most unexpected times, sending Things, and even trying to remove my mask with a sudden gesture. Her questions become more frequent and casual, as if she wanted to uncover my secret through the most mundane conversation.
During a break between classes, while I was sitting alone in a corner of the cafeteria, I felt a presence approaching. I looked up and saw Wednesday with her mysterious and aloof demeanor.
"May I sit here?" she asked calmly, indicating the seat across from me.
"Of course, go ahead," I replied, surprised by her sudden company.
Wednesday sat down with a fluid and silent movement, and for a moment we simply looked at each other, without saying a word. Then, without a smile or a greeting nod, she said, "How are you?"
"Quite well, thank you," I replied, trying to hide my surprise at finding her there.
That brief conversation remained imprinted in my mind for days, like an unsolved riddle. Yet, despite her seemingly insatiable interest in my mask, Wednesday did not seem at all frightened or disgusted by me. She was just… curious.
Flashback end
But then, without any warning, Wednesday stops altogether circling around me. She no longer approaches me with her questions or scrutinizing looks. I was left to wonder:
was I boring? Rude? Was I just being paranoid?
"It seems like she's gotten tired of you," Enid jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe she's finally realized that beneath that mask, it's just you, and nothing so terrifying."
Enid's joke made me smile, but it didn't completely dissipate the tension that had built up inside me. I was nervous about the various conjectures swirling in my head, and I literally asked myself too many questions that had no answer.
"Thank goodness you found something to laugh about," I remarked, trying to conceal my mood.
Enid looked at me with a sympathetic expression. "You know, Y/n, I think you're reading too much into things. Maybe Wednesday has just found something else to focus on, or maybe she's decided she doesn't want to make you uncomfortable."
I wanted to believe Enid's words, but doubt continued to nag at me. "Maybe you're right," I replied, trying to convince myself.
"I promise that if there's anything to worry about, I'll let you know," Enid said sincerely, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I felt somewhat relieved by her promise, but I knew that until I had answers to my questions, my mind would continue to race incessantly. It was frustrating not knowing what was going through Wednesday's mind, but I had to find a way to stop tormenting myself with suppositions and hypotheses.
That afternoon, I found myself in Enid's room, determined to clear things up with Wednesday. The tension in the air was palpable as I tried to gather the courage to confront the situation.
"Wednesday, can I talk to you?" I asked, trying to stay calm despite my pounding heart.
The girl looked up from the book she was reading and glanced at me with detachment. "Sure," she replied simply, showing no sign of interest. Her eyes returned to the pages of the book she was reading.
"Why aren't you talking to me anymore?" I asked, feeling my voice tremble slightly with emotion.
Wednesday didn't even look up from her book. "I can't be friends with a girl who doesn't show her face," she said coldly, as if it were obvious.
Those words hit me like a punch to the gut. "You can't really think like that," I replied, trying to control my growing frustration. "I'm not just my mask, Wednesday. There's much more beneath it."
Wednesday remained impassive, and her indifference deeply hurt me. "You don't even listen to me," I whispered, feeling my heart breaking.
The girl didn't respond, continuing to read as if I were invisible. Frustration and anger welled up inside me, but in the end, I gave up.
With a sigh, I realized I had to accept the situation for what it was. "Maybe you're right," I admitted softly. "But you can't judge without knowing the truth." Wednesday looked up from her book, looking at me with a certain curiosity. "And what would the truth be?" she asked, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"The truth… I'm afraid," I replied, feeling a lump in my throat as my hands trembled slightly. With determination, I placed them on the mask, ready to reveal what I had hidden for so long.
Damn feelings I developed for you, persistent Goth I thought bitterly.
Wednesday watched carefully, her black eyes scrutinizing my face with intense curiosity. My heart pounded in my chest, silently praying that she would accept what she was about to see.
With a deep breath, I slowly removed the mask, revealing my true face. Behind it, a hideous scar extended from my eyebrow to my cheek, thankfully sparing my eye. It was a wound I had carried for years, a witness to a painful past that I had never shared with anyone.
Wednesday remained still, her eyes fixed on my scar. Her expression was inscrutable, but I could see surprise in her eyes.
The scar was large and deep, and I couldn't help but feel vulnerable as Wednesday examined it. But there was no more room to hide the truth, and I had to accept her judgment, whatever it may be.
Wednesday closed the book and approached me slowly, her gaze still fixed on the scar adorning my face. Her expression was a mixture of curiosity and shyness, as if she were unsure of what to do or say.
"Can I touch it?" she asked in a barely audible voice, and I nodded weakly, feeling my cheeks flush at her question.
With cautious movements, Wednesday came even closer, her fingers delicately touching my scarred skin. A shiver ran down my spine at the contact, but it wasn't disgust or fear. It was a feeling of calm and acceptance, as if that gesture meant something deeper than just physical contact.
I looked at her face as she examined the scar. Her eyes were full of empathy and understanding, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. It was as if I had finally found someone who truly understood me, without judging or condemning.
It was hard to believe that all this had happened because I had fallen in love with her. But now, looking at her up close like this, I realized that maybe it was worth risking my heart for someone who made me feel so alive and accepted.
"How did you get it?" Wednesday asked timidly, slightly clenching her jaw as she continued to observe the scar on my face.
My voice trembled slightly. "It was done by my father," I confessed, feeling the lump in my throat tighten. "He was drunk and one night he lost control."
My voice broke slightly as I remembered those painful moments, the fear and despair I had felt. But I knew I had to share the truth with Wednesday, even if it hurt to revisit those memories.
Wednesday gently caressed my cheek, the touch of her fingers on my scarred skin sending a slight shiver down my spine. "Why did you keep it hidden?" she asked with curiosity, her gaze still full of compassion.
"It's horrible…" I replied softly, feeling the weight of my words. "When everyone looked at me strangely or laughed, I decided to cover it up."
Wednesday's finger brushed against the scar on my eyebrow and a shiver ran down my spine. It was as if that simple gesture was breaking down the barriers I had built around me for years.
"It makes you strong," said Wednesday, tilting her head to the side as she looked at me intently. "And you're… Beautiful all the same."
Her words struck me deeply, and I felt my cheeks blush slightly at her unexpected compliment. It was hard to believe that someone could find beauty in that ugly scar, but with Wednesday beside me, I began to see myself with different eyes.
"Thank you," I replied sincerely, my heart filled with gratitude for her kindness. It was a moment of intimacy and sharing that I would never forget.
"Does Enid know?" Wednesday asked with curiosity, and I shook my head.
"No," I replied, feeling a shiver of nervousness run through my body.
"Are you afraid of her reaction?" she asked timidly, and I nodded slowly.
"If she says something, I'll kill her," said Wednesday with a serious tone, and I couldn't help but smile, feeling for the first time confident and beautiful for myself.
And beautiful for Wednesday.
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poisonlove · 5 months
Apocalypse | Jenna Ortega
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Author: Yesterday, I watched World War Z… that movie inspired me.
"There it is, you can do it," I whisper to myself, tightly gripping the iron baseball bat in my hands. The awareness of the darkness outside the abandoned house begins to set in. I can no longer ignore the need to face the imminent danger: zombies.
It feels surreal to think that I have to confront creatures that once existed only in video games and movies. Who would have ever imagined that reality would take such an unexpected turn? The pistol in my pocket, the pump-action shotgun behind my back, and the kitchen knife taped to my leg become my improvised allies in this fight for survival. I step out of the house, ready to face what once seemed impossible but is now the harsh reality.
I had to go and find something to eat.
The door opens slowly under my hand, the iron bat raised menacingly as I carefully survey the surroundings. My eyes move from left to right, inspecting every corner, from top to bottom, searching for any sign of imminent threat. The silence is interrupted by guttural groans of an approaching zombie.
Freezing in place, my heart pounds as the creature gets closer. Without making a sound, I take refuge behind a wrecked car, holding my breath. I watch as the zombie—a woman of perhaps thirty—limps slowly down the street. Her eyes are white, the sign of a bite still visible on her neck. The movements are uncoordinated, and the teeth clatter together, producing a horrible sound.
The female zombie starts banging against the wall. Zombies that have nothing left to bite go into a state of absolute rest. Crawling to avoid stepping on debris, I cautiously circle the car. A horrible noise emanates from the zombie's mouth, her head turning to the left for no apparent reason.
I stay still.
The zombie turns her head the other way. I check my agitation and quickly cross the street, sighing in relief at having overcome the obstacle. The tension persists, but my determination to survive in this chaotic world strengthens.
I pick up the pace, eyes still vigilant on the surroundings, and sneak into the abandoned grocery store. Through the empty shelves, I hope to find at least some preserved food that survived the chaos of the past few days.
Footsteps make me slow down, and quickly, I hide behind the liquor aisle, clutching the bat tightly. I watch carefully as I turn the corner and see no one.
Closing my eyes, I hear fast steps approaching from behind. "Damn," I whisper before turning and raising the bat toward the noise. Before me stands another armed girl. The tension eases slightly, but I remain vigilant, aware that in this new world, every encounter can be risky.
"What the hell," I say with surprise.
The girl lowers the scarf from her face. Two brown eyes stare at me with confusion. The gun continues to point at me.
"Are you a zombie?" she asks seriously, the gun barrel shaking briefly along my body.
"What? No!" I say incredulously, lowering the weapon. "Do I look like zombies talk?" I say obviously.
"You never know," she exclaims, raising an eyebrow with confusion. "Maybe you're infected," she says, smirking mockingly.
"I could say the same," I roll my eyes at her comment. "Can we avoid humans fighting each other?" I ask kindly, and the girl analyzes my words before slowly lowering the weapon.
"Do you also want to drink to forget this shit situation?" she asks, changing the subject. She turns to the shelf, looking for something to drink, shaking off the tension. She takes half-empty whiskey and shakes her backpack, opens it, and puts the drink inside.
"Actually, I would have used it in case of emergency... to disinfect some wounds," I say, grabbing bourbon.
The girl takes a sip of tequila and squints her eyes at the strong taste. "Everyone does as they please," she says, smiling broadly.
My eyes curiously observe the girl: deer-like eyes, full lips, and a radiant smile. A dimple on her cheek when she smiles.
"Do you only need alcohol?" she asks curiously.
"Food," I say simply, and the girl nods.
"Come, I'll take you to the canned food aisle," she says, smiling broadly.
My eyes catch the tag on her shirt: Jenna Ortega. Most likely, she was an employee of this supermarket before chaos erupted.
I walk cautiously behind the girl, ready to defend myself from any potential ambush. Zombies were horrible, but hungry and scared humans were just as dangerous.
"Here we are," she says kindly.
I watch the girl, now knowing her name is Jenna, thinking that maybe she's too kind for this world now falling apart.
"Take it," before walking towards the canned food aisle, I grab walkie-talkies from the box, tear off the packaging, and throw one to Jenna.
"For any eventuality," I say with a small smile on my lips.
I walk towards the shelf and kneel on the floor. I open the backpack and start putting various cans of canned meat, fruits, tomatoes, and any long-lasting food inside.
My walkie-talkie makes a sound.
Confused, I press the button to hear what Jenna had to say. "What's your name? Over and out," I smile in surprise.
"Y/n," I reply.
"Jenna," she chuckles softly. "If you come to aisle 5, corridor 2, there's water. Over and out," she whispers, and I cautiously get up from the floor.
I walk towards her indication and put 3 water bottles inside and two more in the respective backpack pockets.
I reach Jenna, who was waiting leaning against a wall. My head turns towards the supermarket checkout, and I widen my eyes seeing two zombies: One of them has blood on the face, while the other emits guttural sounds from the throat.
Jenna is about to open her mouth, but I quickly walk towards her and put my hand on her mouth. She looks at me with confusion, her breath hitting my hand. Small freckles surround her face; the girl is relatively attractive.
With my head, I indicate where to look, and Jenna slowly obeys. I remove my hand from her face, and she raises her hand with the gun.
"Too much noise," I whisper, and Jenna puts the gun in her pocket.
"Where do we get out?" I say with concern, noticing other zombies near the rear exit.
"Storage," Jenna whispers, pointing to a door behind the checkout.
We walk slowly and cautiously towards our goal, avoiding attracting the attention of the zombies near the entrance just two meters from the checkout.
We reach the storage door, but as soon as we open it, a horrible creaking attracts the attention of the zombies.
"Run!" I say anxiously, seeing how the two zombies chase us, horrible noises coming from their mouths. With a decisive blow, my bat strikes the skull of one zombie as I close the door behind us, trying to stem the flow of invaders. However, the noise has attracted other undead, and the situation becomes more critical.
"Let's go!" Jenna exclaims, taking my hand and dragging me behind her. "We're close to my hideout!" she whispers weakly.
I turn around, and a horde of ten zombies follows us ferociously, running disoriented with annoying noises coming from their wide-open mouths.
We continue to flee, Jenna leading with determination. I hit some zombies that emerge in the alleys, the bat slicing the air with fierceness. Jenna, with agility, climbs the fire escape, seeking temporary refuge from the ever-growing threat.
In the frenzy of the fight, I grab the knife and accurately strike another zombie straight in the eye, trying to clear our path. Meanwhile, Jenna (who was behind me as she kicked a zombie's jaw) quickly climbs the stairs, pulling it up behind her, preventing the zombies from following us.
The fight continues; I shoot some zombies, trying to contain the horde that becomes more numerous. "Be careful, Jenna!" I shout as the bat moves fiercely, the knife sinking into rotten flesh. Jenna, with a concentrated look, replies, "We're making our way, hang on!"
New undead join the chaos; their moans and screams fill the air. "These don't give up easily!" Jenna shouts behind a gunshot, the deafening sound in the tight hunt in the apocalypse.
We reach the top of the building; the situation becomes critical. "We have to jump!" Jenna yells, the instructions clear in the tension of the moment. "WHAT?" I reply, my bat still stained with zombie blood. Jenna guides the jump with skill, and in the adrenaline of the moment, I follow her indication.
The fall is controlled but full of adrenaline.
I quickly turn towards the horde of zombies behind us and sigh with relief as one by one, they fall from the building, crashing into the street.
"We're safe," Jenna says, smiling broadly. "Safe? How can you smile in this situation?" I say incredulously.
Jenna opens a window and briefly checks the inside before entering. I follow her, scrutinizing the surrounding environment with a mix of anxiety and curiosity. The tension in our journey through the zombie apocalypse seems to momentarily ease, but the weight of reality persists, anchored in our gazes and the visible traces of uncertain survival.
"Well, there's no one," Jenna says after inspecting every corner of the apartment, locking the entrance as a precaution.
"Well," I say, sighing tiredly. "Don't turn on too many lights," I suggest, and Jenna smiles.
Jenna sits on the couch, holding a bottle of whisky in her hands. We settle, and Jenna takes a sip. "Tell me, Y/n... what awaits you at home?" she encourages.
I begin to speak, sharing the weight of my experience during the apocalypse. "No one... I lost sight of my family," I confess, my gaze turning to the uncertain horizon. "I sincerely hope they are still alive."
Jenna listens attentively, her eyes reflecting empathy. Then, it's her turn to share. She recounts losing everything, friends who died in front of her eyes after a car accident during the apocalypse. Sadness permeates the room as our stories intertwine in a context of devastation and loss.
So here we are, two souls seeking a bit of comfort in this ruined world, sharing the burden of our stories in a dialogue of sadness and hope.
Jenna rests her head on my shoulder, taking another sip of whiskey. Her shoulders tremble as the brunette starts to sob.
I feel her palpable pain, like an echo of the tragedies we both have endured. Instinctively, I try to comfort her. I wrap an arm around her shoulders, attempting to convey a sense of closeness and understanding. "We're here together, Jenna," I whisper gently, hoping my words can offer some relief in the darkness surrounding us. "We'll find a solution," I add, trying to infuse hope. "I'm sure they'll rescue us," I say as I run a hand along her shoulder.
Jenna clears her throat and lifts her head to look at me intently, her breath infused with alcohol mingling with mine. The brunette leans in slowly. I shyly turn my face the other way, burying my head in the hollow of her neck.
I wrap my arms around her waist, trying to convey a sense of calm and mutual understanding. Jenna timidly reciprocates the hug.
"Now is not the time to kiss... you're drunk, and we just met today," I say, smiling slightly.
"I'm not drunk... I need to distract myself... that's all," she says simply, revealing a fragment of vulnerability beneath the surface of the apocalypse.
Jenna looks up and gazes at me attentively, her eyes moving from the bottom to the top of my face. Jenna straddles my legs, the brunette leaning hesitantly towards my face, wanting to avoid a potential rejection. I can understand what she wants... Jenna simply desires to forget for a moment the hell that is burning through the streets of our city. The brunette raises a hand and places it on my cheek, wiping away soot with her thumb.
"And besides... even in clubs, you meet someone that night... before having fun..." she whispers and smiles broadly. I roll my eyes at her comment and melt shyly when I feel Jenna's lips gently pressing against mine.
I place my hands on her hips and reciprocate the kiss.
Jenna breaks the kiss and pulls her shirt over her head, looking at me with eyes that are beginning to widen due to the heated atmosphere. "I can't believe you want to have sex right now," I chuckle as Jenna unbuttons my camouflage jeans, her lips making contact with my skin.
"Don't blame me," she says, smiling on my neck.
My hands roam over her body, the skin tingling with shivers. Jenna joins our lips again in a swift movement, and I sigh against hers.
I think I can let go I think to myself, smiling unconsciously during the kiss.
"Damn," the exhausted brunette whispers. Jenna flops onto the opposite side of the bed, smiling as she catches her breath.
"Did you enjoy it?" I ask with genuine interest while sitting on the bed to retrieve the pants strewn on the floor. I put on a T-shirt and slip the jacket between my arms.
My eyes glance at my weapons lying on the floor.
"Yeah... but there was no need to dress up," I smile and turn my head in her direction. Jenna looks at me with a smile plastered on her lips, her body completely free from clothes.
I bite my lip mischievously.
"Do you still have energy?" I inquire, and Jenna chuckles softly. "No, I'm exhausted... out of steam," she states, and I laugh at her comment.
I lace up my boots and crouch on the floor, remaining at the same eye level as Jenna. "I'm really sorry... I don't want to seem like a girl who uses you," I brush a strand of hair from her face. "But I can't rest until we're safe and sound," I say, and Jenna genuinely smiles.
"I understand." Jenna brushes my nose with hers and gives me a small kiss on the lips. "Good," I smile and place my lips on her forehead.
I get up and leave the room, sliding into the silence of the deserted structure. While exploring the apartment for something useful, my eyes fall on a radio on one of the shelves. I decide to tune it, and amidst the static, the words of a national announcement emerge.
"Survivors, we invite you to reach the top of the MCI Center. A rescue operation is underway. We await you. The operation will take 3 days, and we will pick up any survivors at dawn."
I return to the room with Jenna, my heart pounding. "We have a chance," I announce, trying to convey the news cautiously. "They've organized a rescue operation. We just have to reach the top of a building five blocks away. Let's get ready for the journey."
Jenna genuinely smiles and gets up from the bed, starting to dress with determination. The atmosphere in the room oscillates between tension and hope. As Jenna puts on her clothes, her gaze meets mine, reflecting a mix of emotions.
"Three days to prepare," Jenna says, clenching her jaw with determination. "We have to make sure we have everything we need. Weapons, food, and anything that might be useful for the journey."
I nod in agreement. "Right. We need to be ready to face anything along the way. We don't know what awaits us out there."
We lock eyes, aware that time is running out. The rescue operation represents our hope to leave behind the nightmare of the zombies and find a safe haven. It's time to prepare for the journey that will determine our fate.
Three days later
"Damn! Help me!" I lean against the door, trying to prevent the zombies from getting in.
Yesterday, during our slow and challenging journey, Jenna and I encountered three-quarters of the Mayers family on the street: Martin, Emma, and Percy. We faced a myriad of zombies, and the run never let up. We were on the 28th floor of the redemption building just 10 minutes from extraction. Jenna was covered in sweat and had just finished the bullets. Percy had an axe, and Martin had a nice hunting rifle.
But ammunition was scarce.
I had long lost the knife I had thrown at a zombie trying to bite Jenna, and the pistol was completely empty. I only had the pump-action shotgun left.
"I got this," Percy, out of breath, hands me the axe, and I use it as a lock to block the door.
I look down, and my blood freezes seeing a scratch on my leg... was it a zombie? Just a scratch? Did I fall? But while I was trying to block the door, a couple of arms tried to touch me to get in.
"Go!" I say breathlessly. Emma looks at me confused and starts running up the stairs with her father. Jenna looks at me with a raised eyebrow as she approaches me, offering her hand. I look at her fearfully.
"Go..." I say hesitantly and slightly scared. Percy gives me a quick glance before following the family up the stairs.
"Don't play the hero and come with me," Jenna smiles genuinely, and I look at my leg. The brunette follows my line of sight, and her eyes immediately lose their brightness. "It's just a scratch." Jenna approaches without fear and looks at me with a small smile on her lips.
The zombie screams continue, and the door was about to give way despite having the axe.
"It could also be a zombie..." I say seriously, and Jenna sighs loudly.
The brunette places her hands around my face and forces me to look her in the eyes. "I don't want to lose you either," she confesses, and my heart flutters thanks to her words. "You're all I have left..." she says softly and leans towards my face, joining our lips in a swift motion.
I close my eyes during the kiss and let myself be carried away by the emotion.
"If I turn, shoot me, okay?" I quickly say, and Jenna nods sadly.
Jenna reaches out, and this time, I grab her hand without thinking twice. As soon as we reach the second flight of stairs, the door breaks, and the zombies run towards us. I kick one zombie, and we run even faster up the stairs.
"Help me with this!" I grab the wardrobe leaning against the stairs, and Jenna quickly understands my intentions.
The brunette leans, and together we throw the wardrobe, slowing down the zombies.
Jenna runs up the stairs, and finally, the door leading to the roof is visible. Emma was at the door, urging us to move. Emma points the rifle I had given her before coming here and shoots some zombies, blowing their heads off.
"Let's go!" Jenna yells and takes my hand again.
A huge smile appears on our lips as we see the helicopter flying over the building from above; some soldiers descend from the vehicle with AK-47s.
"Get in!" one of them shouts. "Girl, get out of there!" he adds, and Emma quickly turns around, running behind us. A horde of zombies exits through the door, the soldiers shoot at the horde and meanwhile retreat.
I throw myself onto the helicopter, Jenna behind me. "We made it!" Jenna yells to Martin and Percy. I smile broadly.
Emma gets in, and the soldiers jump on the helicopter, which starts to move away quickly from the building.
"We made it," I say, smiling slightly, and Jenna nods at my words. The brunette takes my face and kisses me passionately in front of everyone.
"Together," Jenna whispers, resting her forehead against mine, and I unconsciously smile at her gesture.
"We were there too," Percy intervenes, and we all burst into laughter. The atmosphere was completely different now, and I am truly grateful to avoid any confrontation with the zombies now... I just wanted to sleep peacefully and wake up next to Jenna.
The brunette rests her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes to relax a bit.
I think we can enjoy this moment of peace.
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poisonlove · 9 months
Sorry... | j.o
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It's a story set in a high school and revolves around Y/n, a lesbian student who has faced bullying and discrimination because of her sexuality. Her life takes an unexpected turn when Jenna, a popular and cruel girl, approaches her unexpectedly.
Summer vacation had just ended, and it was time to return to school. The sense of freedom and carefreeness I had enjoyed during the summer was fading, giving way to anxiety and worry about what awaited me in the new and fortunately final school year.
I walked to school, headphones in my ears playing the sweet sound of "Daylight" by David Kushner. The music enveloped me, trying to make me forget the impending start of a new school year, which I anticipated to be as disastrous as the previous ones.
I paused for a moment, taking in my surroundings. Leaves were slowly falling onto the grass, a sign that summer was gradually giving way to autumn. The temperatures were dropping, and the bus stop was as crowded as ever, with familiar faces. Looking around the neighborhood, I noticed subtle differences. The air was quieter than usual, with many people still asleep at this hour. Gray clouds covered the sky, giving the atmosphere a more melancholic feel.
I walked almost like a shadow, lost in my thoughts. A sigh of frustration escaped my lips as I thought about why I should endure this daily torture. Why should I endure the bruises from the taunts inflicted by the popular kids?
The truth is, there is a reason, even though there shouldn't be. I'm a lesbian. It's surprising how something so personal can become an issue for others, especially considering we're in the 21st century. I often wonder how my sexuality could affect anyone's life other than my own. It should be a personal matter, a part of who I am, but it seems that some people are obsessed with the idea that they should judge me for it. I didn't choose to be a lesbian; it's simply who I am, and it feels unfair that I have to bear the weight of others' prejudice and ignorance.
There's a sense of frustration in seeing the world move forward in many other areas but still having to face discrimination and bullying because of my identity. But despite it all, I'll continue to be myself and hope that one day the world can accept anyone, regardless of who we love.
I sigh deeply and shake my head, instinctively biting my lower lip as I walk. Confusion and frustration surround me, but I try to keep them at bay. My eyes turn towards the house in front of me, and a spontaneous smile spreads across my face when I see my best friend, Sofia Carson, coming out of her house with her backpack. It's a relief to see her, especially in moments like this.
Sofia is a girl with black hair and lively eyes that radiate enviable confidence. Her contagious smile and friendly personality make her a special person. As I get a little closer, I see Sofia running toward me with a radiant smile on her lips. Her black hair flows behind her as she approaches, almost as if her positive energy could brighten the whole day. She's my rock in this chaotic world, and her presence makes me feel stronger and less alone.
I remove my headphones and turn my attention to Sofia. "Hey, Sof. How was the trip?" I ask with a smile, trying to momentarily push away the thoughts that were tormenting me.
Sofia wraps an arm around my neck and leans her weight against my body.
"I missed you so much, you know?" she says, looking at me with bright eyes.
"We haven't seen each other for just two weeks," I murmur, amused.
"True... but the trip to Europe was great... I went to Italy!" she exclaims with enthusiasm.
"Is it true that everyone in Italy is beautiful?" I ask with curiosity, and Sofia huffs, nodding several times. Her reaction makes me laugh.
"Yes, it's true..." Sofia seems a bit embarrassed as she bites her lower lip, and I can't help but laugh again.
"And what have you been up to these past two weeks while I was gone?" Sofia asks timidly, and a shiver runs slightly down my spine. During that time, I experienced a panic attack and escalating depression, succumbing to the temptation of the razor blade. Unconsciously, I pull the sleeve of my leather jacket down to hide the scars.
"Oh, nothing special, you know," I reply, trying to smile. I don't want to worry Sofia with my problems, at least not right now.
Sofia looks at me out of the corner of her eye, seeming to doubt my words. My attempt to conceal what I've been through in the past two weeks doesn't seem convincing. Without even realizing it, we had already reached the gates of LA High School. We look at the imposing building, aware that another school year awaits us.
"Oh, did you hear? The new album by The Weeknd just came out!" Sofia exclaims with excitement. "Really? I didn't know!" I respond, surprised and relieved by the change of topic. "I'll have to listen to it when I get home."
A few steps ahead, as we gaze at the school panorama, Sofia returns to the subject. "I bet it's fantastic; his last album was amazing."
"I hope so," I say with a smile. "I like his music."
We exchange a few more words, but soon Sofia is called over by some of her friends in the distance. "Hey, y/n/n, want to come with me?" she asks, but I shake my head, feeling embarrassed. I don't want to add my discomfort to her social interactions, so I watch her walk away, hoping that my best friend can enjoy her day without the burdens I carry with me.
I put my headphones back on, and my smile quickly fades, replaced by the sadness that seems to inevitably return. As I pass through the school doors, anxiety grows within me.
But before I can take a step, two arms enter my field of vision, and I find myself quickly with my back against the lockers. The force of the impact makes me grit my teeth and hold back the tears, clenching my jaw to prevent a whimper from escaping my lips.
The perpetrator of my pain is Asher Spenser, the brown-haired guy and captain of the basketball team. "Look who we have here! And I was hoping not to see you until at least the last year," he says with a contemptuous smile.
"But at least I'll have something to take my frustration out on, you disgusting freak," he hisses through his teeth, his tone filled with hatred and ridicule. As I face yet another challenge in my day, I know I must find the strength to endure these cruel words and ongoing torment.
Asher sadistically laughs. "Without your little friend Sofia? She was always there to solve your problems."
His laughter is like a knife stabbing into my heart, and I feel increasingly isolated.
Then, with a boundless malevolence, he continues to whisper, "Even your best friend got tired of you... do everyone a favor... kill yourself."
His words are like daggers in the dark, hurting more than his physical actions. My jaw clenches as I try to hold back the tears, and humiliation and anger merge into a storm within me. But I know I can't let him see how much he's hurt me. I have to endure.
"What do you want, Asher?" I murmur weakly, hoping he'll go away.
"The disgusting lesbian suddenly found some courage!" he says sarcastically, and before I can react, he pushes me against the lockers again.
A female voice intervenes from a distance.
"Let her go, Ash." But Asher seems to ignore her. He presses my face against the locker, forcing me to turn my attention to the instigator of my torment, Jenna Ortega. She's the captain of the cheerleading squad and the leader of the popular group. Next to her is Cassie, her best friend, who's sipping on a smoothie.
"Stop looking at Cassie, a freak like you can't ogle my girlfriend," Asher slams my body against the lockers again, making me slide to the ground. His violence is palpable as I stand there, unable to react or defend myself. Anger and shame blend together as I feel the gazes of curious onlookers.
"Let her go, Ash," Jenna repeats, giving me a quick glance. Her request seems surprising given her involvement in my troubles. "Suddenly you're being nice to her?" Asher asks, looking puzzled. Jenna opens her mouth in indignation. "I can't stand her, you know that," she justifies herself, "it's just that some teachers are roaming the school, and if they catch you, you'll get detention."
Before I can get up from the ground, a liquid spills over my head. I feel completely dirty from what seemed to be a strawberry smoothie. With tear-blurred eyes, I look towards Cassie.
She then throws the empty cup at me, always wearing a smirk on her lips. Her laughter is malicious and cold, while Asher laughs heartily by her side. Jenna, on the other hand, has a strange look on her face, as if she's reflecting on what's happening.
Without thinking, I run to the bathroom, utterly embarrassed, just wishing to get rid of the sticky smoothie. My day has turned into a nightmare, and the only comfort I can find is in the privacy of the bathroom, where I can try to recover and hide my humiliation.
I dash towards the bathrooms with my head down, earning chuckles and looks of pity from some students who have stopped to witness the scene. My desperate run draws the attention and sympathy of those who see my condition.
I know a place where I can seek refuge. It's a bathroom located on the fifth floor, long abandoned by the school. The walls are faded and peeling, the floor is covered in dust. Mirrors are often cracked or scratched, and the air is filled with a gloomy and neglected atmosphere. It's a place where no one would bother to look for me, an isolated corner where I can hide my shame and try to regain a semblance of dignity. It's my secret sanctuary, away from prying eyes and the torment of bullies.
The first thing I do when I enter the bathroom is take off my leather jacket, leaving just the hoodie and top. I look at myself in the mirror, and my reflection fills me with disgust. Tears silently stream down my cheeks. Amidst the sobs, I turn on the faucet, letting the water flow. I bite my lower lip as I lean down, tilting my head to wet my hair, desperately trying to remove the sticky smoothie.
The cold water runs through my hair and down my skin, refreshing my flushed face. As I continue to rinse my hair, I hear a voice coming from the entrance of the bathroom.
"So, you were here when we couldn't find you," the voice says. I glance at myself in the mirror again, wondering why Jenna can't just leave me alone.
"What do you want, Jenna? You want to pull my hair? You want to dunk my head in the toilet?" I ask in frustration, challenging her. I've reached a point where I can't bear her cruelties without defending myself.
Jenna blinks in surprise, seemingly not expecting my reaction. Her expression, however, quickly turns into a disdainful sneer. Her skin is impeccably fair, and her black hair falls in soft waves. She's wearing a short skirt and a pink crop top that showcases her well-maintained figure. Despite her attractive appearance, her ruthless and cruel demeanor makes it hard to ignore how toxic she can be.
"I just wanted to know how you were," Jenna defends herself with what seems like a gentle tone, although her eyes betray a hint of sarcasm.
At that moment, I smile sarcastically too, unable to believe her words. I know all too well that behind this sudden concern lies another form of manipulation. Jenna excels at making her actions appear kind, only to strike even harder afterward. I won't be fooled by her.
"What do you want, Jenna?" I ask again, trying to understand her true intentions. Her eyes move along my wet body, following the path of water droplets running from my hair down my shoulders and down my body to my abdomen. It's an embarrassing sensation, feeling scrutinized like this.
"I told you, I wanted to know how you were," Jenna replies again, but this time, she seems to say it without sarcasm. Her sudden sincerity surprises me, but I remain cautious. I'm not sure if I can really trust her words, considering her history of cruelty.
"Come on, Jenna... we both know you're no saint," I say with a hint of venom in my voice.Jenna huffs with anger, evidently irritated by my challenge.
The tension between us is palpable, and even though it seems like she wants to be kind now, I can't forget all the pain she has inflicted on me in the past.
I'm cautious, but at least for now, it seems like she wants to stop tormenting me. Her eyes move along my body again, but this time, they linger on my arm. I shudder, realizing that someone has discovered my scars. My breathing becomes irregular as Jenna looks at me with confusion and panic.
"Do... do you hurt yourself?" Jenna asks, swallowing nervously. Her words hit me like a punch in the gut. I had never thought that someone would discover my darkest secret. Instinctively, I grab my jacket and put it on, wanting to cover my scars. At that moment, I don't care that I'm only wearing a top, as I have no intention of going to class, and I'll likely go home early.
Jenna approaches me, looking at my wrist covered by the jacket's sleeve. Her expression is hard to decipher, a mix of concern and confusion. I'm not sure what to make of this situation. I had never imagined having such a conversation with Jenna.
"Show me..." Jenna mutters and, without waiting for my response, takes my hand. Her nails delicately trace my skin before she lifts the jacket's sleeve. It's surprising how gentle she is in this moment. She places her hand around my scars, feeling their texture.
"Why do you cut yourself?" Jenna timidly asks.
"Isn't it obvious?" I respond with venom, anger boiling inside me.
"Listen..." Jenna starts, but I immediately cut her off. I have no desire to listen to her or explain my reasons.
"Sorry okay?" She say.
Consumed by anger, I approach her, and surprisingly, she doesn't move, almost challenging me with her gaze. "I don't need your pity... not after you've shown me your true colors all these years," I say with a whisper, my voice filled with anger.
I don't want her pity now, after everything I've been through. Jenna looks at me with tearful, shining eyes, but my heart is too full of pain and anger to accept her apologies so easily. "It was my only way..." Jenna mutters, her voice breaking, "...it was my only way to get close to you." Her confession surprises me deeply.
I had never imagined that her actions could be an attempt to get closer to me, even if it was in a strange and destructive way. My anger and pain mix with confusion as I try to understand her motivations.
"But what the hell..." I mutter instinctively, unable to believe what I'm hearing.
Jenna continues to speak, confessing her true motivations. "I was... I was so jealous of how you could be yourself without fear of others' reactions... You seemed happy... you were happy even though others looked at you strangely, knowing your sexual orientation..."
Jenna swallows nervously, visibly anxious but continues. "I... really like you, Y/n," she confesses, her words filling the air between us.
I'm taken aback by this revelation. I had never imagined that Jenna could have romantic feelings for me after everything she had done.
"Don't mock me..." I say with anger, my confusion and pain turning into rage. "If you really like me, you wouldn't have treated me that way."
Her past actions, her bullying, and her cruelties had been so damaging to me that it's hard to accept her words now. I'm not sure if I can trust Jenna, even though she seems to have opened up to me.
"Do I seem like an idiot to you?" I ask, watching Jenna shake her head.
"I saw how people looked at you... I was afraid that someone like me would be treated the same," she confesses sincerely.
"Just because you're a popular girl doesn't mean you can't fall for someone like me," I say sarcastically, my anger and frustration still palpable. Her admission is creating a mix of emotions in me, but I can't help but be skeptical of her intentions.
The situation is incredibly complicated.
"I'm really in love with you..." Jenna murmurs softly, placing her hand on my cheek. I close my eyes at her touch, feeling her nails on my skin. But Jenna's touch shakes me, and I quickly remove her hand from my face.
"You could have just been my friend... like Sofia..." I mutter, smiling sarcastically. "Now I need to leave; this situation is really unpleasant."
Without saying another word, I leave the room, leaving Jenna Ortega confused and alone.
And certainly, such a confession wasn't enough to erase what she had done.
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poisonlove · 5 months
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Prompt: Amidst the glitz and glamour of the entertainment world, Y/N finds herself entangled in a web of emotions. Navigating the captivating landscape of her newfound celebrity life, her heart becomes a battleground between two captivating co-stars, Emma and Jenna. The boundaries between fiction and reality blur, leading Y/N into a maze of confusion. With Emma's vibrant charm and Jenna's enigmatic aura, Y/N grapples with a choice that could redefine not only her on-screen performances but also the very fabric of her personal bonds. Blinding lights cast shadows on her feelings, leaving Y/N torn between two captivating forces in a world where fiction collides with reality.
Wordcount: 1.9 k
Pairing: Jenna ortega x reader
Author: sorry for this shit
It's amazing how a simple pastime can turn into an extraordinary opportunity.
My world, where I enjoyed imitating movie characters in online videos, was shaken by the surprising news from Tim Burton. The master of dark cinema personally chose me for a role in the second season of Wednesday Addams. The transition from a simple pastime to a set with a professional cast, a renowned director, and a real dressing room is something I could never have imagined.
I was nervous as I watched the cast of the first season, observing me with enthusiasm and joy, new faces to see and integrate into the plot. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights, taken aback by all this unexpected attention.
"Welcome!" Hunter, a guy with puffy brown hair and a perpetual smile, extends his hand to greet me. With a small smile on my lips, I accept the greeting and chuckle with embarrassment. "Thanks," I reply with flushed cheeks, not sure why I should thank him.
"Finally! I was tired of always working with the same faces," Joy intervenes with a smile on her lips. The girl had a drink in hand and raises it to her mouth, drinking its contents. "You're always friendly, Joy," George, a guy with curly hair and sweet coffee-colored eyes, smiles at his friend with amusement. "Welcome," he adds, smiling broadly.
"Hi!" My eyes turn to the sound of the voice, and I see a girl with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I smile nervously, recognizing Emma Mayers: the actress was notably more beautiful in person. "You must be my new love interest," she adds, widening her lips in a beautiful smile, blue eyes looking at me attentively. "Yes..." I chuckle weakly, nervous.
I can't deny that the fact that I'm her new love interest embarrasses me: I'm not entirely sure I can pretend to flirt or kiss someone for pretend. I shudder at the mere thought. "Well, because George was a terrible experience," she says, smiling mischievously, trying to downplay the situation.
"I love you too, Em," the guy called George intervenes, rolling his eyes at her comment. The blonde laughs, and the sound of her laughter makes me shiver slightly, increasing my nervousness and causing the blood flow to stop on my cheeks. "I know," Emma sticks her tongue out at George, and he imitates the gesture.
My attention is captured by a couple talking to each other, conspiring who knows what. The guy laughs softly and puts his arm around the shoulders of the shorter girl who looks at him with a small smile on her lips. I recognize the couple as Jenna Ortega and Percy White. I had heard rumors of a possible romance between them, but I thought it was nothing more than a rumor: I knew the media always wanted to meddle in the lives of the famous, spreading gossip and causing a stir on the web with sensational news. But the way they look at each other and touch makes me feel a lump in my throat.
Percy directs his gaze at me and smiles broadly.
"Hi!" The brunette takes his arm off Jenna's shoulders and walks towards me. "Welcome, we're glad to have a new addition to the cast," he says, smiling with genuine happiness and kindness.
Jenna's eyes are fixed on me, and my body is suddenly invaded by shivers and excitement, my heart beating wildly. The series' protagonist approaches with an enormous smile on her lips, and my knees wobble at the beauty she radiates: Brown eyes, dazzling smile, dimples on her cheeks, and freckles surrounding her face.
"Welcome," Jenna smiles genuinely and wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me tenderly. I reciprocate the hug with surprise, sighing audibly at the moment I feel her perfume invade my nostrils. The scent of what seemed like vanilla made me smile timidly.
Jenna breaks the hug and smiles genuinely at me.
"Want to take a tour of the place?" Emma intervenes quickly, approaching us. Jenna looks at her co-star with curiosity and simply takes a step back, getting close to Percy, always glued to this guy. I sigh audibly and smile at the blue-eyed girl with enthusiasm, nodding. Emma smiles triumphantly and takes my wrist. "Can I join?" Hunter says eagerly, and George looks at us attentively.
"Me too," George says pouting, and Emma nods enthusiastically.
Three weeks have passed since my arrival, and despite having a great relationship with the entire cast, Jenna, Emma, and I were practically inseparable. My feelings are a whirlwind of chaos and insecurity, not knowing exactly which girl to choose. Emma, a beautiful and friendly girl who is always ready to help me when needed, or Jenna, the stunning brunette, kind, and affectionate, but suspected to be linked with Percy.
I tried talking to George and Hunter, and both advised me to make a decision before ruining the friendship between Jenna and Emma. I didn't even know if they felt the same, and the idea of choosing one of them scared me. The most selfish part of me suggested keeping both, but my heart didn't want to suffer and, above all, feel guilty.
"Hey," I divert my attention from my thoughts and unconsciously smile when I see Jenna standing near me. "Can I sit?" She asks curiously, chewing her lip nervously.
My eyes carefully watch her gesture.
"Sure," I say, taking off my sweatshirt and placing it behind my chair. Jenna adjusts herself and crosses her legs, her thigh pressing against mine. "Are you going over the scene?" She asks curiously, her eyes watching the script in my hands. Shivers run down my spine feeling the contact of her leg with mine, the warmth emanating from her body.
"Yes..." I clear my throat, and Jenna nods, smiling shyly. I immediately notice Jenna shivering from the cold, and I worry about her. "Do you want my sweatshirt?" I ask with genuine concern, and Jenna denies, pushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Sure? Are you cold" I raise an eyebrow in confusion, and Jenna sighs loudly, shivering once again. The brunette nods slowly, and smiling, I take off my sweatshirt and hand it to her. Jenna puts it on, looking incredibly adorable as it hangs loosely on her.
"Thanks." Jenna smiles genuinely and comes closer, resting her head on my shoulder. Emotion grows inside me, and I nervously smile. I look down, and I see Jenna's hand brushing against mine. Gathering courage, I grab it, intertwining our fingers. I feel Jenna's pulse racing under my touch, her arm relaxing.
"So..." Jenna says in a low voice, breaking the silence around us. "Do you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" She asks with curiosity, looking at my script resting on my legs. Jenna's thumb absentmindedly caresses the back of my hand, making me shiver slightly. In reality, I'm confused because I don't know if I feel something for Emma, but in simple terms, I'm not in a relationship. "No... what about you? Are you with Percy, right?" I ask with my heart in my throat, nervousness running through my body. Jenna raises her chin and looks at me with confusion.
I was afraid to hear her answer. Jenna breaks the contact between our hands.
"Percy? No... we're just friends." She says, smiling broadly, and I suddenly feel stupid and relieved at the same time. "Oh... I thought so," I say with flushed cheeks from embarrassment, and Jenna smiles, shaking her head. "I know... the internet spreads rumors," Jenna murmurs, puffing irritably, "but... Percy and I have nothing," her eyes sparkle as she looks at me. I couldn't help but get lost in her gaze, two coffee-colored puddles analyzing me carefully.
"Mmmh..." Jenna clears her throat and looks away at her hands, "have you set your eyes on someone?" She innocently asks, playing with her fingers. Someone? Actually, two, but obviously, I couldn't say that. "Maybe..." I say hesitantly, and Jenna looks at me from the corner of her eye, an involuntary smile spreading across her lips.
"You?" I ask with embarrassment, and Jenna nods, making a face. The blood boils in my veins at the thought of Jenna being in love with someone else. "Oh... who?" I ask almost in a whisper.
Jenna looks up, observing something in the distance. George, Emma, and Joy walking side by side, laughing, and saying some nonsense. I follow her gaze, and disappointment fills my body seeing that she was looking at George. The curly-haired guy laughs softly while playfully pushing Joy. Emma, on the other hand, looks at me with interest, smiling broadly, her beautiful smile printed on her lips. Involuntarily, I smile too, and Emma keeps looking at me, bright and lively eyes.
"Do you and Emma go out together?" Jenna asks quickly, her gaze suddenly becoming serious "No," I say with confusion, and Jenna continues to look at me attentively. Occasionally, I could sense the brunette putting up a barrier with the outside world, but I really wished she would show herself as she was. I wanted to get to know her and make an impression. A part of me wanted to do the same with Emma but the latter was already quite extroverted, and it was easy to read her emotions. Jenna, on the other hand, was unreadable.
"Oh..." Jenna looks at me with embarrassment, and I smile at how adorable she is. "I know who you like," I intervene, and Jenna's eyes widen, her body stiffening at my words.
"You have to tell him... you know?" I say with a bitter smile. Jenna softens her gaze and continues to look at me, her thoughts and feelings unreadable.
Him? She says spontaneously.
"I'm sure George will feel the same," I say, smiling broadly, hiding my pain, and Jenna snorts with frustration. "It's not George," she says with irritation, making me blink in surprise at her reaction.
Emma walks towards us and stops in front of me. I look up, and Jenna looks away towards the floor. "Y/n, shall we walk a bit? We need to rehearse," Emma says, smiling broadly, her eyes curiously looking at Jenna. The brunette was silent, her hand gripping the chair arm tightly noting Emma's interest. "Um... sure," I say, smiling slightly, following Emma.
Let's start walking without a specific destination, simply enjoying each other's company.
"So... I noticed there's something between you and Jenna," Emma says, smiling weakly, walking alongside me. The girl with blue eyes puts her arms behind her back, walking absentmindedly.
"What? We're just friends," I say nervously, my heart pounding wildly against my chest. "But you like her, right?" She asks with a faded smile, her blue eyes looking at me attentively. "Yes," I say, not being able to lie to her. Emma lowers her gaze and looks at the tips of her shoes. "But I also like you... I'm really confused," I continue suddenly revealing a truth I wanted to keep hidden.
"I like you too... but Jenna is my friend," she says, smiling broadly, her eyes bright at the mention of her friendship with Jenna. "Jen is really introverted and hard to understand... I don't want to lose her friendship," she confesses, continuing to walk alongside me.
"Why should you lose her friendship?" I ask in confusion, and Emma rolls her eyes at my comment. "It doesn't matter," she says, laughing and elbowing me in the side. "So..." I say, and she quickly interrupts me, "I'm sure you like Jenna more, I think the on-set kisses confused you," she says with sadness, her blue eyes losing their liveliness.
"Emma..." I say sadly, feeling a void in my chest. "I told you she and Percy are not together, right?" She asks, and I nod, "but despite that, you still weren't sure," she says bitterly, looking at the floor. I feel a pang of pain in my chest and nod quickly, unconsciously knowing that Emma was right.
"Don't worry about me, I'll manage," Emma smiles genuinely and chuckles, but her eyes are dull.
"Okay," I say uncertainly, "so let's remain friends," I say almost bitterly, and Emma nods her head, "friends," she repeats weakly. "Sorry, but I have to go," Emma adds quickly, her steps increasing considerably.
I watch Emma walk away from me with sadness.
That same night, I found myself at a small party with the cast, Emma, and Georgie, dancing animatedly together. A part of me was sad, but at the same time, Emma had given me the green light with Jenna, and I had to move forward. I was slightly jealous of Georgie, I admit.
My eyes were on Jenna, who was leaving the party, and I unconsciously followed her.
As I open the door, the cold cuts my cheeks, and darkness surrounds us, a pleasant silence accompanying us.
"Do you need some fresh air too?" Jenna asks while lighting a cigarette; she was so damn sexy. "Yes, I love Hunter, but his trailer is too small," I laugh, and Jenna just stares at me.
"So... do you like Hunter? But I'm sorry because you know that he..." I start, but Jenna quickly interrupts me, smoke escaping from her lips. "Why do you assume it's a he?" she asks almost angrily, and a shiver runs down my spine at the intensity of her gaze. "Alright... so Joy?" I say, smiling slightly, sad but ready to support her. I had already lost Emma, and the chances of losing Jenna were skyrocketing.
"No!" Jenna throws the stub on the ground, looking at me with shining eyes. Her cold and exasperated response surprised me. Jenna sighs in frustration, crossing her arms to seek warmth. I hated not being able to read what she felt and thought; it was so damn difficult.
"Why do you care?" she asks defensively, and I sigh at her comment. "I want you to be happy," I confess, and Jenna stares at me without batting an eyelash. Her eyes soften, and she takes steps toward me. "It's you," she whispers.
I blink incredulously, and Jenna smiles genuinely. "Me?" I say with a smile on my lips, curious.
"Yes, damn it!" Jenna says, frustrated. "But I was afraid you liked Emma, and I care about her friendship," she confesses later.
"I like her... but I like you more," I admit, and she looks at me seriously, something incomprehensible swimming in her eyes.
"Am I not the second choice?" she timidly asks, the barriers she had finally broken ready to rise again to defend her emotions.
I shake my head; honestly, I liked Jenna from the moment I saw her.
Sensing the tension in the air, Jenna delicately bites her lips, then sticks out her tongue to moisten them. My eyes follow her with admiration, caught by the gesture exuding sensuality.
Red, full lips, so kissable.
Without warning, Jenna leans in, her presence intensifying the atmosphere charged with desire. With confidence, her lips meet mine in a long-awaited kiss. Jenna's strength and energy transmit through the contact, while the moment becomes charged with palpable passion. Jenna's hands firmly grip my shirt, and mine find her hips almost immediately, pulling her closer. During scenes, Emma used to kiss me tenderly, slowly, without invading my space too much, which was completely the opposite of what Jenna was doing.
Oxygen soon runs out, and we break the kiss, my nose brushing against hers, my eyes able to see the freckles around her face. "Wow," Jenna says, smiling widely, her breath slightly infused with alcohol. I smile too. Jenna wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me gently. "I'm glad you didn't do anything with Emma," Jenna says, smiling against my neck. I smile bitterly and let myself be carried away by the hug and her intoxicating scent. "Yeah," I say weakly, and Jenna tightens the embrace.
I had chosen Jenna, and there was no turning back.
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poisonlove · 8 months
A macchiato, please | j.o
part 1
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I'm finally home, wrapped in the familiar atmosphere only my apartment can provide. Tex, my affectionate German Shepherd, is my sole company at the moment.
"Hello, sweetheart," I whisper gently, bending down to pet his head as his tail wags happily, displaying pure joy.
"I know... you're hungry," I confirm with a resigned sigh, heading to the kitchen. I open a can of dog food and mix it carefully with the kibbles.
"Enjoy your meal!" I add with a shy smile as Tex starts to happily devour his food.
I toss the keys onto the table.
I was so tired that I decided to skip my usual nightly routine and went straight to bed. I fall onto the soft mattress, exhausted from the long day.
As I turn on my phone, the screen greets me with a notification that seems like a dream.
Jennaortega has started following you.
A thrill of excitement rushes through me.
"I can't believe it," I whisper to myself with a small smile, feeling as if I've won the lottery of luck.
Curious to know more about her, I access her profile, smiling at her beautiful close-up picture. Her bright, happy eyes convey an infectious vitality.
"Wow, 40 million followers," I thought incredulously. It was like stepping into a whole new world, filled with enthusiastic followers.
I smile as I see numerous comments filled with love and support for Jenna, carefully observing her latest post: she was inside a car, wearing headphones. An involuntary sigh escapes my lips; her brown eyes seem to gaze at me as if wanting to read my soul. Her slightly parted lips, her perfectly falling bangs... her posture so natural by the window told a story of freedom and carefreeness.
I follow her back.
With shyness and anxiety, I open the chat and look at Jenna Ortega's profile picture. "You can do this... just say hi," I murmur to myself, trying to muster some courage.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed the place I manage to write, my fingers trembling slightly. I send the message, feeling my heart race. I exit the chat, letting the adrenaline rush through my veins.
I wait anxiously, heart in my mouth, hoping for a response.
The minutes seem endless as the chat remains on standby. Then, suddenly, the phone emits a sound, indicating a new incoming message. The lit screen shows the name Jenna Ortega and a short but kind message: Hi! Yes, I really enjoyed the place, the atmosphere was truly cozy. Thanks!
A spontaneous smile spreads across my face. Is there something you're particularly passionate about? I write, hoping to make the conversation deeper and more interesting.
Jenna's response comes quickly: Mmmh... why this random question?
I nervously bite my lower lip. I don't know, I'd love to know something about you that the internet can't tell me I write honestly.
I involuntarily smile as Jenna puts a heart on my message. "In that case... I love art and culture, so I enjoy visiting museums and art galleries. And also nature, taking long walks in parks."
I feel an immediate connection, as I also loved long walks, especially with Tex, my loyal four-legged companion.
I decide to share this detail:
I also love taking long walks, especially with Tex, my German Shepherd. He's my faithful adventure companion!
Jenna seems to like the bond with the four-legged friend, and the conversation continues on this topic. We've found a common ground that makes the conversation more authentic and enjoyable.
How about we have a call? she suddenly asks.
I feel a thrill of excitement at the opportunity to hear her voice and get to know each other better.
I reply: I'd love to.
A few seconds later, Jenna's profile picture, a white light, appears.
I swallow and, sighing, I accept the call.
"Hey!" My voice trembles slightly, nervous.
Jenna softly laughs, making my heart beat uncontrollably.
"Hello," Jenna responds.
I can sense the smile she's wearing.
"How are you?" I ask and close my eyes at such a basic question.
"Good... just a bit tired," she comments shyly, letting out a small yawn.
My eyes glance at the alarm clock next to my bed, seeing that it's only 10:08 PM.
"Maybe... we talk tomorrow?" I ask worriedly, biting my lower lip.
My heart hammers rapidly in my chest.
"No... I enjoy talking to you," she confesses, and my cheeks flush.
I sigh in relief knowing she couldn't see my blush and smile widely, almost feeling a pain in my cheeks.
"Oh, well... I can say the same," I reply.
Jenna gently laughs, making me smile even more.
"Do you have any interviews tomorrow? Or have the recordings already started?" I ask curiously.
"Mmmh," Jenna murmurs, thoughtful, "I think we're meeting with Tim," she says almost hesitantly.
"Right, it's not certain they're shooting here," I murmur almost sadly.
"I have no idea... but it's very likely," she admits weakly.
An not uncomfortable silence envelops us.
"And tell me... you said you'd be meeting. Who's with you?" I ask with curiosity, clutching the sheets out of nervousness.
"Oh... let me think," Jenna murmurs, "I believe it's Percy and Emma," she admits.
"Emma?" I ask excitedly. "Enid?" I ask with a smile on my face.
"Yes..." she laughs softly at my enthusiasm.
"Do you know I ship them in Wednesday ?" I say excitedly. "Enid and wdenesday are so close and adorable!" I exclaim happily.
Jenna bursts into laughter.
"Maybe it'll be canon... who knows," she says in a sing-song tone.
"Come to think of it..." she begins. "Maybe one day I could introduce you to the cast," she proposes, and I open my mouth in surprise.
"You're not joking... really?" I ask, and she gently laughs at my excitement.
"Seriously, let's say it's a way to pay you back for the coffee," she murmurs, yawning.
My excitement grows as I talk about my passions, the books I love to read, and the places I like to visit in the city. But then, I notice Jenna murmuring timidly, almost incomprehensibly, not responding.
"Jenna, everything okay?" I ask worriedly, sensing something off in the air.
"Mmmh," Jenna responds even more timidly, as if wanting to hide something.
"Did you see the new movie talk to me?" I ask absentmindedly, trying to change the subject and lighten the mood. "It was strange... I feel sorry for the guy, his face got messed up... but the ending... wow," I murmur absentmindedly, hoping to liven up the conversation.
I notice Jenna getting quieter and quieter, and worry grows inside me. "Am I... boring you?" I ask uncertainly, fearing I've made the conversation dull or tiresome for her.
"No," Jenna barely manages to respond, her voice weak and tired.
"I like your voice... keep going..." she affirms with a yawn, trying to encourage me to talk, but it's evident that fatigue is taking over.
Confused, I stutter in my thoughts, "What was I saying?" My mind is a bit foggy, and the fear of having bored her grows.
Jenna's steady breath makes me realize she has fallen asleep. I smile tenderly, knowing it's been a long day for her. Unfortunately, it's clear that tiredness has taken the lead, and I realize it's best to let her rest.
I gaze at the ceiling of my room, smiling.
"Goodnight, Jen," I whisper with a small smile, feeling the breath of the girl on the other end.
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poisonlove · 8 months
JEALOUSLY p.2 | m.a
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Wednesday Addams watched Y/N from afar as if she had been ensnared by a spell. The fairy sat under a majestic tree, its foliage filtering the golden sunlight, enveloping her in an angelic and hypnotic aura. Sunbeams danced through the leaves, creating patterns of light that caressed her soft brown curls, making them shine like dark wood strands bathed in the morning dew.
With almost obsessive attention, Wednesday noticed every little detail: the delicate curve of her neck, the long, dark lashes that gracefully opened and closed as she read, her tongue that, at regular intervals, lightly grazed her lower lip in concentration. When something in the book intrigued her, her eyes would light up, a vibrant gleam that turned her beauty into enchantment. Y/N had her unique way of reading, a fascinating ritual. With nimble fingers, she turned the pages gracefully, sometimes delicately underlining the words that struck her the most. Her usually serene face came alive with a radiant expression of joy when she found a particularly touching sentence. Wednesday couldn't help but notice Y/N's small absentminded gestures, her fingers playing with strands of hair, gently touching the book cover, or toying with a blade of grass. It was as if the world around her had melted away, her focus solely on the magic of written words.
Wednesday remained there, admiring the scene with fascinated eyes, as if she had been transported to an enchanted world. It was a vision of beauty and grace that she would never forget.
Wednesday was consumed by an uncontrollable jealousy towards that book. Her jealousy was extreme, fueled by the way Y/N caressed it with her fingers. She ardently wished that those fingers would explore her body, entwine in her hair after every passionate kiss. Unconsciously, she bit her lower lip as she imagined Y/N on top of her, kissing her passionately and penetrating her with her fingers.
From being as cold as a stone statue, Wednesday had suddenly become a burning flame of passion.
"Obsession Addams is the only solution"she thought to herself.
Her eyes continued to enjoy the sight of Y/N, admiring her as if she were looking at the most beautiful painting exhibited in an art gallery. A deep sigh escaped from her lips, a lament of uncontainable desire.
Suddenly, Wednesday felt her blood freeze in her veins when she saw Xavier approaching her. The misunderstood artist from "Nevermore" sat down next to the fairy, causing Y/N to close her book.
A flash of anger flickered in Wednesday 's eyes when she saw Xavier push a strand of hair away from T/N's face during their brief interaction.
How dare he touch what she considered hers? How dare he touch her?
Wednesday clenched her teeth violently, and a growl erupted from the depths of her throat. Her blood boiled, and a fiery blaze burned in her stomach. Her fingers clenched into a fist as she struggled to control her immense anger.
That useless boy was about to experience her wrath.
Finally, she rose from her hiding place and hurriedly made her way towards her Beloved, who still didn't know she was hers. Y/N turned to her, wearing a confused smile at the unexpected visit from the ravenette. Xavier stopped laughing when he met Wednesday 's gaze, which radiated a chilling darkness.
"Oh, hello, Wed," the fairy exclaimed as she got up from the grass and quickly brushed off her uniform.
Every word Y/N spoke made Wednesday Addams feel like her heart was about to explode. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to regain the composure that her trembling knees had taken from her. She sighed deeply, maintaining an impassive expression as she looked at her fairy.
"Do you need anything?" Y/N asked, confused but also slightly excited. It seemed that she was finally having some kind of conversation with her crush, someone she had secretly admired for weeks.
Wednesday decided to get straight to the point, without mincing words. "See you tonight. Here. At 9 o'clock," she said with a determined tone, before turning around and walking towards the academy's entrance. The fairy looked at the silhouette of Wednesday walking away with confusion; their conversation had been brief and enigmatic.
However, Y/N had no intention of letting this opportunity slip away. Excitement and anticipation mixed in her chest as she mentally prepared herself for the upcoming date.
At exactly 8:30, Wednesday was already on her way to the rendezvous point, but she had an important matter to resolve first. Cautiously, she looked around for signs of life, ensuring that no one was watching her as she headed to Xavier's not-so-secret hiding place. The raven-haired girl sighed and silently entered the shed, where she knew she would find him.
Inside the shed, Xavier had his back turned, completely absorbed in his painting. His face lit up with a smile when he felt the door close behind him.
"Hello, Y/N, you know..." he began to say before he turned around, but his voice trailed off when he met Wednesday Addams' piercing gaze.
Something was clearly wrong, and Xavier felt uncomfortable under the ravenette's intense scrutiny. Instinctively, he took a step back.
Did he just say "Y/N"?
With a mocking smile on her lips, Wednesday slowly approached Xavier.
"So... you were expecting Y/N?" She asked with an innocent tone as she traced her fingers over the hanging paintings on the wall. A fire burned in her guts as she remembered the bastard touching her fairy. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Xavier noticed that the girl was wearing gloves, which increased his unease. He audibly swallowed.
Wednesday advanced towards Xavier, picked up a forgotten brush from the table, and drove it into the boy's thigh. A cry of pain escaped from Xavier's lips as he doubled over from the sudden and sharp pain.
Wednesday clenched her jaw tightly, applying more pressure to the open wound. Xavier, with pleading eyes, looked at the ravenette. Wednesday could feel the fear in his eyes, and she found it highly amusing.
"Why did you do it?" Xavier whimpered, struggling to hold back tears as he stuttered from the pain.
"She is mine. The next time you touch her, I'll stab it in your neck, not your thigh" Wednesday said in a low and threatening tone. Xavier nodded in desperation, making gestures to show he understood.
Wednesday got up and walked away from the boy, who was at that moment trying to remove the brush from his leg. With a victorious smile on her lips, Wednesday left the shed, removed her gloves, and put them in her backpack.
The night was taking an unexpected turn, and Wednesday was determined to ensure that Y/N was safe from any threat.
"Sorry for the delay" Wednesday said with a slight discomfort in her voice. The fairy turned to her and returned a nervous smile.
"Don't worry... you're right on time" Y/N replied simply, her eyes meeting Wednesday's. Addams looked away, feeling nervous about the intensity of her Beloved's gaze.
"Are you ready?" Wednesday asked with a smile as she took Y/N's hand, interlocking their fingers.
The heart of the raven-haired girl was beating strongly against her chest as she enjoyed the pleasurable contact of their entwined hands. She fervently wished that this touch would never fade away.
However, Y/N furrowed her brow when she noticed a red stain on Wednesday's right cheek. Without thinking twice, she raised her thumb and wiped the stain from her cheek. Wednesday sighed, feeling the warmth of her touch.
"Thanks. It's paint" Addams affirmed, offering a small smile, relieved that she could come up with an excuse quickly. She couldn't admit that it was Xavier's blood.
Unable to resist her impulses, the raven-haired girl leaned in to kiss her Beloved gently. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she felt Wednesday 's cold lips against hers, but she quickly surrendered to the kiss, smiling at the long-awaited magical moment.
Wednesday caressed Y/N's cheek, enjoying the softness of her skin and the deliciousness of her lips, which immediately became her addiction. She made a small smile when she noticed that the fairy's eyelids remained closed and her lips slightly parted.
"Let's go... I'll take you to a special place, Cara Mia" wednesday whispered, pronouncing the Italian nickname while smiling as she noticed the blush on the girl's cheeks.
Y/N didn't hesitate to take Wednesday's hand. She had complete trust in her, not only because she felt safe and protected but also because she knew that Addams would do everything possible to make her feel comfortable.
Wednesday tightened her grip, fearing that her Beloved might pull away. She hadn't stabbed Xavier in vain; Y/N was supposed to be hers, and the whole school had to know it if they didn't want to face her wrath.
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poisonlove · 9 months
It's Fine | j.o
Sorry I'm very sorry
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Part 3
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" I yelled in panic, my eyes anxiously scanning the ride as it slowly ascended along the track. "Stop complaining and enjoy the roller coaster," Jenna replied with a small smile, her eyes shining with adrenaline.
She had the absurd idea of coming to the county fair to try out some new rides. I had never been very comfortable with these attractions, but Jenna was always seeking adventures. My heart was racing, my breath quickening. I was afraid of heights and the thought of being suspended in the air. But Jenna seemed completely at ease.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. "Okay, maybe I could give it a try. But just one!" I said, still trying to convince myself.
We continued to wait as the ride reached its highest point. Then, with a sudden jolt, the brakes gave way, and we were catapulted downward. "CRAP!" I exclaimed loudly, my eyes wide with surprise. Instinctively, I placed my hand on Jenna's, hoping to find support to prevent me from falling during the ride. Her slender fingers intertwined with mine in an instant, strengthening the grip of my hold.
In the blink of an eye, the death-defying ride came to a stop.
The safety bar lifted, allowing us to exit, and I thanked the heavens for still being alive. "See? It was fun," Jenna said with a huge smile plastered on her lips. "Fun? I saw my soul leave my body," I muttered distractedly. "You're always such a drama queen," Jenna teased, while fixing her ruffled hair.
My eyes slowly descended to our still intertwined hands. In that moment, a wave of self-awareness washed over me, causing my cheeks to blush intensely. I swallowed hard, feeling suddenly awkward, and with a clumsy gesture, I released our grip.
Jenna made a disappointed face but quickly replaced it with a shy smile.
"You don't know what I'm usually like; you don't know me at all," I exclaimed with irritation, remembering the times Jenna used to tease me.
"Can we move on?" Jenna's voice sounded like a plea. "I've told you several times that I want to change, to be myself," she concluded, looking at me seriously.
I opened my mouth indignantly and sighed heavily. "Mmmh," I grumbled, still not entirely convinced. "I didn't hear that," Jenna said with a small smile on her lips. "Fine... I'll try," I muttered under my breath.
"Well then... I must say that this sweatshirt looks great on you," Jenna complimented, changing the subject.
I had decided to wear a simple gray sweatshirt and a pair of ripped jeans that matched my Adidas sneakers.
"Thanks," I smiled, embarrassed. "You too... I mean... you look beautiful, umm... you looked beautiful this morning too, but that's not the point," I stammered, blushing.
Jenna chuckled softly and tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "What do you want to do now?" she asked eagerly, looking around at the bustling fairground rides with bright eyes. My eyes fixed on the Ferris wheel, longing to see the city from above and find some quiet in this bustling fair.
"What do you say we take a ride on the Ferris wheel?" I asked timidly, and Jenna smiled to the side. "I knew you wanted to go there, old lady," Jenna teased and nudged me playfully in the side. "But if you want to go on the Ferris wheel, then let's go," she said with enthusiasm.
Jenna timidly, with flushed cheeks, reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked toward the enormous Ferris wheel. The sensation was overwhelming, and my body seemed torn between the instinct to pull away in fear and the irresistible desire to draw closer due to the sweet feeling this contact was causing.
Jenna's thumb instinctively caressed the back of my hand, sending shivers down my spine. Her nails, light as feathers, glided gently on my skin, creating an electrifying sensation.
Jenna approached the counter with a smile on her lips. "Can I have two tickets for the Ferris wheel, please?" She asked politely.
The person behind the counter handed over the tickets, and Jenna handed over a $10 bill to pay for the ride.
"You don't have to pay for me..." I murmured timidly, feeling indebted.
Jenna looked at me with a small smile on her lips. "I'm inviting, I'm paying."
Our turn arrives, and with tickets in hand, we step onto the Ferris wheel. An awkward silence envelops us as we settle into the cabin. Slowly, the wheel starts moving upward. Unlike roller coasters, the Ferris wheel gives me a unique sense of security and tranquility.
As we ascend, the city unfolds before us, bathed in the warm sunlight. Streets wind like intricate mazes, buildings stand majestically, and golden reflections on the nearby river create a magical atmosphere. The city seems like a different world from up here, and I can't tear my eyes away from this enchanting spectacle.
I hear a strange noise beside me and see Jenna focused on something.
"What are you doing?" I ask in confusion.
"I'm... wait a second," Jenna murmurs softly, concentrating.
My eyes shift downward, and I notice with careful attention that Jenna's skirt has ridden up slightly due to her awkward position. My cheeks flush with red, and I instinctively look away, trying to maintain a certain level of privacy in the cramped Ferris wheel cabin.
Jenna shifts and turns toward me, her eyes shining with pride.
"Look at what I've done!" she says with enthusiasm.
Squinting my eyes, I try to figure out what Jenna has done. My mouth falls open in realization, and I look at Jenna beside me with an expression of reproach.
"You vandalized the ride?" I ask, closely examining the etching Jenna made with a key.
"Stop seeing the negative side," Jenna exclaims, evidently annoyed. "I wanted to be romantic," she murmurs softly.
A small smile spreads across my lips as I observe Jenna's doodle: my initial + J enclosed in a heart.
How can someone so brash be so endearing?
Jenna raises her eyebrows mischievously and smiles genuinely. "Ehmm... don't I deserve a reward?" she asks boldly.
"A reward?" I inquire with confusion.
Jenna rolls her eyes at my words but then smiles shyly. My pupils dilate as I watch Jenna close her eyes and slowly extend her lips, inviting me to kiss.
"I'm waiting," Jenna's statement sounds odd, given the angle of her mouth.
I reflect on how well Jenna has behaved in these past few hours. Blushing, I decide to approach her.
Now, closer to Jenna, I can observe her face more closely. Her closed eyes, awaiting the kiss, are framed by long lashes. As I look at her from such a proximity, I notice the various freckles surrounding her face, giving Jenna a unique and captivating appearance.
The conscience in the back of my head warns me, and hesitating for a moment, I lean in to delicately kiss Jenna's cheek. My action causes Jenna to tense under the touch of my lips on her skin.
She stammers something incomprehensible, her words forming only disjointed sounds, while her cheeks blaze with embarrassment.
"Let's get off!" Jenna yells, jumping up and swiftly exiting the ride as soon as it returns to the ground, as if she needed a sudden escape.
I chuckle tenderly and follow Jenna off the ride.
Jenna rubs her cheeks with her hands and then straightens her back, trying to regain her composure.
"Ehmm... I want cotton candy," Jenna exclaims with a small smile, turning towards me, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
"How do you want it?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, curious.
"Pink, hippo!" she exclaims with a contagious smile on her lips.
Several weeks have passed since that exciting encounter at the fair, and things between Jenna and me have evolved in a surprising way.
"Are you really sure about what you're doing?" Sofia asks with concern, looking at me seriously.
"Yes..." I smile timidly.
Jenna has slowly distanced herself from the "popular" group, making up excuses one after another. Of course, she still continues to be a cheerleader, but this time she avoids any contact with her former best friend, Cassie, who has since become the leader of the group.
"I really see a change in her," I murmur with flushed cheeks. "It's... how can I put it," I whisper. "Kind." I bite my lower lip trying to hide a smile.
The physical violence has decreased considerably, but the insults are still there.
"Y/n/n... I just want you to be happy," Sofia states, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Because it seems strange to me that she never shows up with you," she murmurs, trying to make me see reason.
This is true... when we were at school, Jenna never stayed with me, not even in class. We exchanged greetings in the hallways, and then she would go talk to her group of friends. Without looking at me.
But I understood; it wasn't easy to come out, and I would be patient all the time.
"Okay, fine... see you later," Sofia gave me a kiss on the cheek and smiled genuinely before heading to the locker rooms.
I smiled to myself as I turned towards the school's exit. But in the distance, I saw Asher, and my blood froze. The brunette smirked maliciously.
"Get her!" he yelled angrily, and panic engulfed me when a pair of arms dragged me towards the bleachers on the football field.
"What do you want! Let me go!" I screamed, feeling uncontrollable fear. "Please," I whispered, tears forming at the corners of my eyes.
The guys threw me to the ground. "What the hell did you do to Jenna, huh? Why did she distance herself from us?" Asher shouted angrily.
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion, tears streaming down my cheeks.
A powerful slap made me turn my head in the opposite direction. The pulsating pain shot through my face, and a metallic taste filled my mouth as I bled slightly.
"TELL ME!" Asher muttered through his teeth, his voice filled with anger.
Crying uncontrollably, I felt the searing pain on my cheek. Asher looked at me with eyes overflowing with rage and delivered a violent kick to my stomach, causing me to bend forward.
The pain spread through my body like a wave of fire. It was a sharp, burning pain that seemed to steal my breath away. Tears kept flowing, but I desperately tried to hide them as I endured the physical agony I was enduring.
I spat blood on the ground, looking at Asher with fear and anger.
"I don't know what the hell you want... but I suggest you go to hell," I murmured, forcing a bitter smile, feeling the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.
"Damn..." Asher muttered and leaned in to give me another punch.
I closed my eyes, preparing to take the blow when a voice suddenly interrupted the jerk.
"ASHER!" someone yelled.
I turned towards the sound of the voice and saw Jenna walking towards us with a worried look. Jenna was wearing the cheerleader uniform, most likely preparing for practice.
Jenna alternated her gaze between me and Asher before crouching down and looking at me seriously. Her hands gently moved along my face, trying to assess the wounds.
She clenched her teeth when she saw the deep cut on my cheek, her expression full of concern.
"Are you okay?" Jenna whispered softly.
"Yes..." I replied with a small smile.
"What the hell is going on, Jenna?" Asher asked incredulously. "Since when are you hanging out with this loser?" he questioned skeptically.
Jenna sighed loudly. "Since I fell in love with her... okay?" she said irritably. "What... you..." Asher stammered in surprise.
"You heard me; do you have a problem with that?" Jenna challenged.
Asher looked at his friends and, with a quick glance, they decided it was better to leave. "It's not over, Ortega," Asher muttered before walking towards the school's exit.
Jenna sighed and turned to me.
"You didn't have to..." I began.
"No... I had to, it's the right thing to do," Jenna said with a small smile. "But it wasn't necessary..." I said timidly.
Jenna put her hands around my face, making eye contact with me. "It's necessary to be honest with yourself... and I'm bisexual," she whispered softly, smiling.
Jenna leaned in shyly and joined our lips in a tender kiss.
The kiss was sweet and gentle, a celebration of honesty and mutual acceptance. Jenna's lips were warm and inviting, and our contact grew more intense. It was as if we were merging into a single moment of understanding and affection, and all doubts or fears seemed to fade away.
My hands instinctively rested against her hips, feeling the exposed skin under my fingertips.
Jenna smiled genuinely.
Our lips slowly parted, a trickle of saliva connecting our mouths broke gently.
"You can't understand how long I've been waiting for this," Jenna exclaimed contentedly, giving me a small kiss on the lips.
"Me too..." I whispered softly.
"Do you know that you'll probably have trouble with Asher now, right?" I asked, worried.
Jenna pressed our foreheads together, smiling sweetly. "I don't care anymore... to hell with school and all the jerks like Asher..." she confessed in a breath by my lips.
"The only thing that matters to me is you, my little hippo," she exclaimed, stretching her lips into a beautiful and huge smile.
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