#meta knoxville
riccaby · 3 days
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I originally designed Meta & Nilla in 2004! That means 2024 marks 20 years of these two dorks! I dunno the exact date I created either of them, but Meta was designed first, probably two or three months before Nilla was. I gotta try to draw 'em a bunch before the year ends!
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hairbrush9 · 2 years
Brit and I started a new show on Hulu called reboot with kitty from always sunny, Johnny Knoxville, Keenan Key, and this ginger white kid who is hopelessly optimistic and it's pretty funny. It tries it's best to be meta on the modern TV filming induatry, kind of like how 30 rock did In the mid 2000s
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storyitblogs · 9 months
SEO in Tennessee
SEO in Tennessee refers to the process of enhancing the visibility and ranking of a website or online content on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo specifically within the geographical context of the state of Tennessee. This involves optimizing various on-page and off-page elements, such as keywords, meta tags, content quality, backlinks, and local citations, to improve the chances of appearing higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) when users in Tennessee search for relevant products, services, or information.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Tennessee is the strategic practice of optimizing digital content to improve its visibility and ranking on search engines within the state. This process involves tailoring website elements such as keywords, meta tags, and content to align with the preferences of local users. By understanding the unique search behaviors and trends of Tennessee residents, businesses can create a stronger online presence that resonates with their target audience.
Whether it's a small local shop or a larger enterprise, effective SEO in Tennessee can drive more organic traffic, boost brand awareness, and ultimately lead to higher engagement and conversions. The goal of SEO in Tennessee is to attract more targeted organic traffic to websites, increase online presence, and ultimately drive more potential customers from the Tennessee region to engage with the website or business.
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Understanding Local SEO
Local SEO, short for Local Search Engine Optimization, is a digital marketing strategy focused on optimizing a business's online presence to improve its visibility and ranking in local search engine results. Unlike traditional SEO, which targets a broader audience, local SEO aims to connect businesses with potential customers in specific geographic areas, such as cities, towns, or regions.
The primary objective of local SEO is to ensure that when users search for products, services, or information relevant to a particular location, businesses that cater to that area appear prominently in the search results. This is particularly crucial for businesses operating in a specific region, like Tennessee, where targeting local customers is essential for growth and success.
Key Components of Local SEO:
Location-Specific Keywords: Incorporating location-based keywords within website content, meta tags, and headings to align with the language customers use when searching locally.
Google My Business (GMB) Optimization: Claiming and optimizing a Google My Business listing to provide accurate business information, images, reviews, and map details to users searching in the local vicinity.
Local Content Creation: Developing content that's relevant to the local audience, such as blog posts about local events, news, or customer stories from the region.
Citations and Backlinks: Ensuring consistent and accurate business information across online directories and platforms, while also acquiring high-quality backlinks from local sources.
Keyword Research for Tennessee
Keyword research for Tennessee involves identifying and selecting relevant search terms that are specific to the state of Tennessee. These keywords will help your website rank higher in local search results and attract targeted traffic from people within the region. To effectively conduct keyword research for Tennessee, follow these steps:
Identify Your Niche: Understand your business's focus and the products/services you offer. Consider what sets your business apart in the Tennessee market.
Brainstorm Seed Keywords: Start with a list of general keywords related to your business. For example, if you have a restaurant in Nashville, your seed keywords could be Nashville restaurants, best places to eat in Nashville, and "Tennessee dining.
Localize Your Keywords: Modify your seed keywords to include specific Tennessee locations. For instance, Nashville BBQ restaurants, Knoxville fine dining, and Memphis family-friendly eateries.
Use Keyword Research Tools: Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ube rsuggest, or SEMrush to expand your list of keywords. These tools provide insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords.
Analyze Competitors: Look at the websites of your competitors targeting Tennessee. Examine their content and the keywords they're ranking for. This can provide additional ideas for keywords.
On-Page Optimization for Tennessee
On-page optimization for Tennessee involves tailoring your website's content and elements to cater specifically to the local audience within the state. By incorporating relevant keywords, location-specific information, and user-friendly design, you can enhance your website's visibility in search results for users searching from Tennessee. Here's how to effectively optimize your on-page elements for the Tennessee market:
Keyword Integration: Incorporate Tennessee-centric keywords naturally within your content, headings, meta titles, and meta descriptions. These keywords should reflect the products, services, or information you provide while aligning with the way locals search for them.
Location-Relevant Content: Create content that resonates with Tennessee residents. This could include references to local events, landmarks, culture, or even using local idioms and phrases that your target audience is familiar with.
Tennessee Landing Pages: Consider crafting dedicated landing pages that highlight your offerings specifically for Tennessee customers. These pages can provide detailed information about how your products/services meet the needs of the state's residents.
Images and Media: Optimize images by using descriptive filenames and alt tags that include local keywords. This not only helps search engines understand your content but also enhances the accessibility of your website.
Google My Business (GMB) Optimization
Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence and interact with customers in a local context. Optimizing your GMB listing is crucial for improving local search visibility and attracting customers in Tennessee. Here's a step-by-step guide to GMB optimization:
Claim and Verify Your Listing: Start by claiming your GMB listing if you haven't already. Verify your business through Google's verification process, which can include receiving a postcard with a verification code.
Complete Business Information: Fill out all relevant details accurately. Include your business name, address, phone number (NAP), website URL, working hours, and a brief description of your services or products.
Add High-Quality Photos: Upload high-resolution images that showcase your business, products, and services. Include photos of the exterior, interior, team, and any unique offerings. Visual content can make your listing more appealing.
Local Content Creation
Local Content Creation refers to the process of developing digital content that is specifically tailored to the interests, preferences, and needs of a local audience in a particular region or location. In the context of Tennessee, local content creation involves crafting articles, blog posts, videos, and other online materials that resonate with residents of the state. The aim is to establish a strong connection with the local community, provide valuable information, and build a sense of authenticity and relatability.
Benefits of Local Content Creation:
Relevance: Creating content that addresses topics relevant to Tennessee residents increases the chances of capturing their attention and engagement.
Community Connection: By focusing on local events, news, and stories, businesses can foster a sense of community and belonging among their audience.
SEO: Local content can improve search engine visibility for location-specific keywords, making it easier for Tennessee users to find your business.
Strategies for Local Content Creation:
Local Events and News: Cover local events, festivals, news, and developments that are of interest to Tennessee residents.
Community Spotlights: Profile local businesses, artists, or individuals who contribute positively to the Tennessee community.
Tennessee Tips and Guides: Create guides, tips, and how-to articles related to Tennessee-specific activities, attractions, and experiences.
Building Local Citations and Backlinks
Local citations and backlinks are crucial elements of a successful SEO strategy, especially when focusing on Tennessee. These components play a significant role in boosting your website's credibility, authority, and visibility within the state. Here's a breakdown of how to effectively build local citations and backlinks for Tennessee SEO:
Local Citations: Local citations refer to online mentions of your business's name, address, phone number (NAP), and sometimes additional information like website URL. They contribute to search engines' understanding of your business's location and relevance to local searches. Here's how to build local citations:
Google My Business (GMB): Claim and optimize your GMB listing with accurate NAP information. This is a foundational step for local SEO.
Local Directories: Submit your business to reputable local directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and local chambers of commerce. Ensure your NAP details are consistent across all listings.
Industry-Specific Platforms: Depending on your niche, list your business on industry-related platforms specific to Tennessee.
Backlinks: Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are links from other websites to yours. Quality backlinks from authoritative sources can significantly impact your website's search engine rankings. Here's how to build backlinks for Tennessee SEO:
Local Partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses or organizations in Tennessee for mutually beneficial partnerships. This can lead to natural backlink opportunities.
Local Events and Sponsorships: Participate in or sponsor local events, charities, or community initiatives. Event websites or sponsor pages often provide backlinks.
Content Outreach: Create high-quality, relevant content centered around Tennessee topics. Outreach to local bloggers, journalists, and influencers to share your content, potentially earning backlinks.
Monitoring and Analytics
Monitoring and Analytics play a crucial role in the success of your local SEO efforts in Tennessee. By utilizing tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, you can gain valuable insights into how your website is performing within the state's online landscape. These tools allow you to track various metrics, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and refine your strategy for better results.
Google Analytics provides comprehensive data on website traffic, user behavior, and conversions originating from Tennessee. You can analyze which pages are most popular among local visitors, understand their navigation patterns, and identify potential bottlenecks in the user journey. Additionally, you can track the sources of your traffic, whether from organic search, social media, or referrals, helping you assess the effectiveness of your local SEO efforts.
In conclusion, mastering local SEO in Tennessee is not just a strategy, but a powerful tool for businesses to thrive in the digital age while connecting with their local audience. By tailoring your online presence to align with the preferences and search behaviors of Tennessee residents, you can create a significant competitive advantage.
Through strategic keyword research, on-page optimization, and the utilization of platforms like Google My Business, you can enhance your visibility in local search results. Crafting location-specific content, engaging with the community on social media, and building reputable local citations further solidify your presence.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Pokémon Worlds 2023 may see a legendary player return after 6 years on the sideline
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Aaron "Cybertron" Zheng, one of the all-time greats in the Pokémon Video Game Championship series, now has a confirmed invitation to the 2023 World Championships in Yokohama, Japan. He would be making his first major event appearance in six years. The beloved VGC player is known for his YouTube channel which has gained over 200,000 subscribers since he started back in 2010. Between content creation and competing, he’s also been busy with school, his career, and commentating events such as Knoxville and Portland Regionals this year. A run at the June 10 to 11 Fresno Regionals didn’t start out great for Zheng, though—he missed the deadline to submit his team for Fresno Regionals, resulting in an auto loss for the first round of the Swiss stage. This meant he would need better than a 6-3 record on day one of the tournament to secure his Worlds invitation. https://twitter.com/CybertronVGC/status/1667703456872927232 He ended up going 8-1, undefeated on the first day with the exception of his first-round penalty. Zheng ultimately finished in 24th place at Fresno, but regardless of the result, he earned enough championship points to qualify for Worlds this year. This would be the first time he’s competing at the pinnacle tournament since 2017. Last year, he flew to London for the World Championships, but not to compete. He instead took on the role of an analyst on “The Couch” segment of the tournament. During that time, he also mentioned his dream of winning Worlds someday. He’ll finally get another chance this year—if he decides to go. Based on his strong performance in Fresno this weekend and Vancouver Regionals earlier this year, Zheng would be among the top North American players to watch out for at Worlds alongside Wolfe Glick, Justin Tang, Emilio Forbes, and more. The Regulation D ruleset for Worlds is expected to give us the wildest meta so far in Scarlet and Violet, with the main event set to begin in mid-August. Update June 12, 2:20am CT: Zheng told Dot Esports he hasn’t committed to competing at Worlds yet. He may have to choose between competing and commentating. Read the full article
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metanilla · 4 years
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sabasse · 7 years
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2 of my favorite dorks <3
Check out the webcomic @metanilla !
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s4g2world · 3 years
When NOT to Use SEO
A large part of our business is conducting professional Search Engine Optimization services for small and medium-sized businesses. So you might be surprised to learn that we talk ourselves out of more SEO projects than not. Or, more accurately, we talk our clients out of doing SEO.
Many people see, hear and read about various SEO success stories from friends, colleagues and business associates and think, "Hey, sounds great. How can I use that for MY business?"
The problem with SEO, probably more than any other Internet marketing tactic, is that it's often the wrong tool for the job. No matter how bad you WANT it to be the answer to your problems and help you increase sales it's just not not going to cut it.
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sSo to help you evaluate whether SEO can be part of your well-rounded Internet marketing strategy, here's 5 reasons why SEO will NOT help you"
1. You Have a Made Up Product: The whole foundation of SEO is to position your webpages to be the answer to the question regarding relevant searches. If the product or service you offer is something so unique or made up, you can't leverage SEO for the simple reason that nobody knows to search for it. Case in point was a company that came to us to implement an SEO program for "Dog Wine." The problem is two-fold: Wine is actually bad for your dog so nobody would be looking for those keywords together unless maybe it was for "Dog wine poisoning." Secondly, the product wasn't actually wine at all but a type of gravy commonly sold to spruce up kibble. So while the product was real and perfectly OK to feed your dog, the association between the made up product category (dog wine) and the actual product (a kibble additive commonly referred to as "dog gravy") was beyond the scope of SEO. A better marketing solution that we suggested was a trade PR campaign combined with blogger reviews since the product needed explaining in order to "get it."
2. Low Search Volume: The biggest issue we find is that the keyword phrases associated with the company's products and services are in low demand. Nobody wants to hear that what they're selling is not in demand or the greatest thing since sliced bread. SEO exposes weaknesses in branding and product positioning. Sometimes SEO is considered a panacea for a weak product offering or non-existing branding campaign. SEO can't perform magic, and certainly can not create demand where little or none exists. SEO works best when you have a product or service with well-articulated BENEFITS to the person doing the search, since most searches start with "How do I... " or "How to... " Be the answer to that question assuming it's even being asked. Our keyword research will expose those weaknesses right away.
3. No Supporting Efforts: Search Engine Optimization has become increasingly complex in that one-time efforts, while still important, aren't enough to sustain any short term success. And with the rising importance of social media's impact on SEO, businesses will need to invest in ongoing social media efforts to boost their baseline SEO results since all the major search engines have gone on record that social media signals going in and out of a website are a validation of that site's authorityon a particular subject (and set of keywords). So to invest in SEO is really a baseline step that needs to be reinforced with social media marketing and content marketing and blogging on an ongoing basis.
4. Website Design is Not Set Up For SEO: While a website's layout can be changed, this can often lead to additional costs in order to change the layout of the website to make it SEO ready. For instance, the number one problem is when all products and services are listed on a single page. In order to perform proper SEO, each product or service must have it's own page since proper onsite SEO requires unique META tags, Title tags, keywords, etc. Another hurdle is when clients have Flash-heavy websites or resist placing actual text and words on the site preferring mostly pictures. SEO is about content, mainly text.
5. Need Results Immediately: And as you probably suspect, SEO can take time to take effect. In fact, the very nature of GOOD SEO practices is to try and mimic organic linking and social media activity in as natural means as possible. That means slowly, and gradually. And even then, it can take the search engines weeks and even months to index your site and move it up in the rankings - if at all! So if you have a special event or you're planning a product roll out or other timely event, SEO isn't going to be your ticket to the top.
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marvinjspence-blog · 4 years
A The The Windows 8 Phone And Surface Tablet
The associated with Atlanta will be the business center of Hawaii of Atlanta. In the city undoubtedly are thousands of companies that help to accelerate its economic expansion in recent years.
Primary Meta tags nowadays are not that much important precisely as it used to end up being. However, the description tag is still used by some search in displaying information about websites to users helping them decide whether the web page is of their total use or. Therefore, you should also not forget putting the description amount. For short descriptions, you might use the alt amount.
In the Custom Website Design process, we build and design could according to with regard to your preferences. Merely offer to give the instructions soon after which sit right down to watch us develop your website. We've got properly trained website designers and developers who will almost always ready to gift you very best of procedures. We begin the Web Developer Long Island right through your scratch. We attempt as up to we can to decode what website is with. We'll then take the process right after.
To make our newsletters we have tried several different programs once. At one point we were using MS Publisher, which can what we currently use to help make our e-letter. To do that, we create it in MS Publisher, then export it to MS Outlook to email out through email via MS Office's features. Currently, though, we use Apple's Pages, can be part of Apple's iWork suite. We occasionally Adobe InDesign as well whenever we all do magazines. Scribus is a free, open-source program for page layout that you will as a substitute for those. If you desire a free, open-source office suit, try Open Office.
My focus at the time was on local marketing in general, and hotel and resort marketing in particular kind of. One of my clients, a boutique resort in Turks and Caicos, had additional than doubled its revenue in the first 50 % 2011, your same period in the year 2010. I wanted to take this success story and the idea to sell my marketing consulting services to other hotels and resorts.
About consist of time which I started watching these videos, I started reading blog posts and school materials. For anything tied to Mobile App Development Long Island Knoxville has the same limitations every other area. I filled the space online and with Ken Web Developer Long Island  App Savvy and Chad Mureta's App Empire.
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riccaby · 9 months
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I keep saying it and I will keep saying it:
everyone should design super forms and Power Rangers suits for their OCs
as a treat
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project-casting · 5 years
'Fatal Attraction' Season 10 "Detective Austin" Speaking Role Casting Call
‘Fatal Attraction’ Season 10 “Detective Austin” Speaking Role Casting Call
TV One‘s Fatal Attraction is now hiring actors for “Detective Austin” speaking role for scenes filming in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Casting directors are now hiring actors, models, and talent to work on November 20th and 21st in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Producers are seeking the following types:
*Must resemble the photo, SPEAKING ROLE
About Fatal Attraction:
View On WordPress
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Three Things You Are Able To Do Immediately To Burn Belly Fat
You want to write down for the low aggressive keywords as a result of it will be simpler to get Google and other search engines like google and yahoo to index your article. Attack enemies from distance whereas also planting both Thermite Mines and Sigil of Consumption round you, where your enemies will transfer to. They'll discuss to you, know very well what your necessities are, and present you with eCommerce solutions that may enhance your webpage site visitors. Google Analytics is professional and behaviour targeted: You might discover a statistics tools focusing more on technicalities and the mechanical aspects of internet visitors fairly than offering you knowledge about visitors behaviour. It might considerably enhance sales and helps you save amount of time in provide chain operational points like inventory monitoring, order processing and follow-ups. We use confirmed methodologies that enhance engagement and sales. Most visitors use smartphones to navigate via your web site and blog. A extremely designed e-Commerce webpage addresses various on-line challenges and provides sensible options for them. Although an e-Commerce net site design is just a little extra pricey in comparison with a static net design, the benefits in added profits more than cowl the extra costs. If your site is an ordinary HTML site, then title, description and key phrases are set using meta tags.
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If Google's search key phrase web hosting you will get more than a hundred million outcomes! Otherwise, you will lose prospects and prospects. When you have an eCommerce web site design, you can ship a confirmation e-mail on your clients as well as update your online database after a purchase is placed. No doubt getting links into the pages of an internet site has turn out to be important over the years however it doesn't imply any old hyperlinks will do. Do they supply technical support only throughout their working hours from 9 to 17 years and they provide 24x7 technical assist? They are consumer-pleasant, they've interactive sections resembling boards, blogs etc. Almost all of those web sites have been in existence for years and they don't have any spamming background. The e-Commerce options providers undergo your rivals' websites and word down their strengthens and weaknesses. Compatible Browser: Most of the customers are using Internet Explorer for browsing websites.
This was so unhealthy phrase spread throughout the Internet and it grew to become a well known debacle. This should be certain that your website design is pleasing as effectively. Is it just e-mail or phone support, they as properly? Moreover, it doesn't hurt to verify whether you are a so-known as POP3 e-mail handle ("actual" e-mail address), Internet e-mail or each? POP3 e-mail tackle you'll be able to examine e-mail, utilizing your favourite e- E-mail consumer and Web mail lets you verify your electronic mail wherever has a pc and an Internet connection. Fortunately, there can also be software obtainable that will assist you place collectively highly effective joint ventures sooner and more effectively by taking out a lot of the legwork. Web content material: Content placed on website ought to be helpful and related to the shopper searching for. Positioning the content material and creating equilibrium So as to ensure that your webpage is heading in the right direction, it's recommended to consider equilibrating the content material.
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During your session, is something not feel right? Website design scheme coloration Deciding the best colour is elementary in web designing. In order to have coloration balance, your net design techniques should all the time concentrate on simplicity. Your website needs to have space and for this matter "breaks" or areas must be strategically placed. In addition, it is strongly recommended to be informed in regards to the measures that you get your webhosting package, no matter if they are internet statistics, file supervisor, and issues like that, proposals. 2.Try PDF Compressor V3 should you focus on PDF file compression. Stay away from pointless results and instruments Web design must always focus on technique. Therefore, too many results and instruments won't work in your benefit; quite the opposite, they might diminish individuals's interest. Layout design web Think about the perfect structure that might work together with your necessities. Soak slopes: Most barricades likewise won’t work going or down soak slopes, as a rule greater than 30 degrees. If not, then I'd suggest discovering someone who does line up more with what you feel is your version of the truth, relatively than going out on a limb to convince others of your fact. The simple truth is, bullies should never be allowed to win - even if they are your lover or your spouse.
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Top Advantages of Choosing Reputed SEO Companies
It doesn't matter that SEO is old, it still has the potential of providing way better benefits than Social media marketing and many other types.
There are SEO companies offering amazing services, but if you choose reputed SEO Company USA and get your website optimized, then you can avail a vast number of benefits. To explore all, this post can definitely help. The below mentioned are the top five reasons which can help you know that why it is advantageous and reliable.
1. Boost Visibility of Website
By using backlinking and optimizing your website properly, the SEO company will make your website get rank in SERM. It lets your business progress at a faster rate and you can rely on it without any issue. Even, some companies offer the website development which will eradicate all the issues and provide enormous benefits. Keep in mind that you choose a reliable company because they are only able to provide better visibility.
2. User-Friendly Design
SEO has shown its presence by making the websites simple in UI so that these become user-friendly. Such websites are good to keep all the users interacted and increasing the stats. These stats may look bad on paper, but Google chooses websites that are user-friendly in design and the traffic stay on a particular website for a longer time period. It can definitely help you out in various manners and make your website load faster.
3. Provide Important analysis
You can check out the stats and know that where your company stands. Getting better results without an SEO company is hard. The optimization works for sure and it can provide a significant number of benefits as compared to others that's why you can rely on it without any issue. The proper analytics can bring graphs and help you understand that what you gained after implementing SEO strategy.
4. Uses Keywords
The SEO companies choose the best keyword with less competition. You can add content, or you can leave it to the SEO Company in USA  because they will outsource this work and write some quality articles and blogs. The content will contain keywords and the company will also ready Meta-description as well as improve the readability of the content to eradicate all the issues. You can also rely on it.
5. SEO is better than PPC
Pay Per Click (PPC) is effective to obtain traffic but the price is higher and it doesn't provide much traffic as SEO because of the potential. Due to such reasons, you can rely on SEO and obtain a range of traffic where most of the traffic will be quality one. Such people will find your website again and the traffic keeps on increasing with the time that's why you can rely on it and eradicate all the issues with ease.
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amits4g2 · 3 years
The Progress of Web Design: From Tim Berners-Lee to Mobile Website Design
Evolution of Web Design
In the early 1990s, websites were text-based. The use of images and graphics were not yet main stream at the time. The first web design was made of a single column and text-based pages in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). Website pages were a collection of text documents connected to each other by internal links. Through research and development, significant advancements were made. The first website was published in 1991 by the inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. He is also the current director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) founded in 1994, which oversees the web development and its standards.
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In the mid 1990s, table-based websites were introduced. Now web designers were able to organize their web pages within cells of a table. It became possible to create multiple column websites, which in return allowed better web content organization and navigation layout. Table-based websites also enabled customization of each element within the table. Web designers could now insert background images within cells of a table; however, good design principles were not really important. Website designers and clients were interested by the hottest, latest and most advanced web design technology available. As things started to evolve, frames, animated texts and visual hit counters became part of web design. Frames were used to clearly separate the body of a website from the sidebar navigation. Animated texts and GIF images were used to capture the website user's attention, while visual hit counters became a good way to measure the popularity of a webpage. In 1994, Macromedia introduced Flash, which is essentially a software used to produce Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) to create animations and stream videos.
In the late 1990s, Flash became more popular. Most websites became a combination of table-based design and flash elements, with flash animations including the company's logo, a flash-based navigation and flash-based image galleries. The major Web Design innovation of the late 1990s was the introduction of Personal Home Page (PHP) which according to Wikipedia, is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. PHP gained a lot of popularity because it is free and compatible with leading operating systems and web servers which make it deployment easy across different platforms.
The 21st century brought a lot of innovation to web design with the introduction of CSS. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to format an HTML webpage. Now web designers could separate the content of a page (HTML) from its styling or design (layout, colors, fonts, etc.). In the early 2000s, Microsoft Internet Explorer became the first web browser to fully support the CSS structure. In stride, the concept of intelligent web was introduced with the advent of JavaScript. Now designers could animate content without flash and perform a complex computation of data. The use of drop-down menus and forms also became very popular. These forms allowed internet users to generate content online, create personal profiles and upload pictures.
In the mid 2000s, the semantic web was born. This movement primary allows machines and computers to understand website pages as well as human do. This was made possible by inserting computer readable Meta tags about pages and their relation to one another through technologies such as XML, TURTLE and N-TRIPLES.
The last decade was marked by the advent of web 2.0 with some major updates. The web became more and more interactive, and web applications began to expand. Now web content can refresh itself without having the entire page reloaded. The attention is now geared toward web content (articles, Press Releases, graphics and videos) instead of just selling products online. And HTML 5 was introduced as an alternative to Flash and graphics.
Mobile Web The New Trend
A recent study showed that by 2014, mobile device sales will exceed desktop sales. More and more web designers are converting their website to a responsive version for users on the go. The new standard is gearing towards tall and skinny websites, rather than short and wide lay-outs. The navigation menu is significantly reduced to the most important links. Nowadays, mobile sites are used for various purposes, such as location detection, GPS tracking, etc. and the data is offer services, such mobile coupons, local restaurant reviews, etc. Another recent study stated that two-thirds of cell phone users say they access the web/email from their device.
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metanilla · 5 years
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vapebiz · 4 years
First PMTA from an Indie Vape Manufacturer Submitted
First PMTA from an Indie Vape Manufacturer Submitted
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E-Alternative Solutions (EAS) has submitted Premarket Tobacco Applications for its closed-system vape products to the FDA. The company is the first vaping manufacturer not owned by a major tobacco company to announce a PMTA submission. All of the big tobacco companies that sell vaping products in the U.S. have submitted applications, the most recent being Imperial Brands’ application for myblu.
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christianblogr · 4 years
Eiffel Tower Day
Eiffel Tower Day – A Day that commemorates the opening of the Eiffel Tower (tour Eiffel) in 1889 for the World’s Fair. Reminds me of the Knoxville Sunsphere. Learn more about this famous tower in France. (Jour de la Tour Eiffel  – Fréquentation de la tour Eiffel)
Eiffel Tower Day
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Held annually on March 31. In 2019, it will mark the 130th year. The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France on…
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