nekropsii · 2 years
If Retris is named after/based on Tetris, are all the Sovstuck original characters based on/tied to classic video games? Like Space Invaders, Pong, Snake, Pac-Man, Frogger?
A few of them are! We’ve got extremely overly complicated and extremely simple reasons for each one, too! Here’s a few I can think of right off the bat:
Tejuri is inspired by Snake.
Dynama is inspired by Frogger.
Presae is inspired by Centipede.
Meseri is inspired by Polybius.
Ajax is inspired by Space Invaders.
I would also like to take a moment to say that while, yes, Retris’s name is literally just Tetris with an R in front of it (there are very simple and very complicated reasons for this also,) the inspiration I derived from the game for Retris’s character is largely based on The Tetris Effect. Don’t think about that too hard! Or do. I’m not the boss of you. :)
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nekropsii · 2 years
i don’t know if it’s been done before, but I remember a post you did where you summarized each sovereignstuck player in a sentence or two, you also mentioned their ancestors I think, I was wondering if you could do the same for them?
I don’t think I’ve done this, actually!! I can do that!! Thank you for the suggestion!!
Content Warning: None.
(NOTE: I’ll only be doing the NPCs that haven’t been replaced by another character in-game, simply because we want their replacements to be a bit of a surprise!! I hope this is ok!!)
INANILOQUENT COMMANDER: Goody-two-shoes Twitch moderator that takes rules way, way too seriously.
ARGEBI KROMAB: Godless RPF Writer who makes her time spent on AO3 almost her entire personality as a Coping Mechanism for the fact that she sucks. Trying her best.
KHANDA MORAGE: Imagine an Abridged version of Jigsaw from the Saw Franchise who is a gay wizard and a Cognitohazard on purpose.
ARSINE SARGAS: War criminal. (Derogatory.)
OCHOSI STOLAR: Daredevil with more explosive energy than a coked up Siberian Husky.
DULVYX ERRATA: Self-identified “Empath” who plans on making that literally everyone else’s problem.
ATRISA ALRIUM: Picture, for a moment, a stereotypical High School Mean Girl, except she had a redemption arc, is nice now, and is still a slut. (Affectionate.)
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