#merlin summoned verse;; i could see a color that no one else could see
millionsnife · 2 months
@avaloniamagus || i want my dragon to be red
"And how do we figure that out?" He stares at him directly, holding his hands out in demand for Cath. That's his familiar now, until Merlin gets him a dragon.
"How big will it be?"
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bloodypapercut · 3 years
anyone else but you (g.w. x reader)
instead of paying attention in french class i wrote this so i hope you beautiful people enjoy <3 :) plz take care of yourselves (also this is inspired by the song anyone else but you by the moldy peaches)
(requests are open)
word count: 1.4k
   It must have been 3 in the morning, the sky was still a mixture of deep indigo and blue hues with speckles of glimmering stars. The castle grounds stood still; nothing but the incessant pattering of raindrops against the windows, the howling winds, and the occasional sonorous crack of thunder and lightning could be heard. Sitting up Y/N rubbed her eyes and stretched her jaw, an attempt to rid the disoriented state one usually finds themselves in upon waking up. Though the exhaustion from writing long essays and reading from tedious textbooks possessed her, the likeliness of falling back into slumber was unlikely. Draping a blanket over her shoulders, she took light and apprehensive steps to avoid the cries of the walnut floorboards under the weight. The warmth of the dorm proved to be insufficient, so she steadily paced to the door and gently pushed it open, yearning to sit by the common room fire.
   The room was desolate, much to her relief. She approached the fireplace and with the flick of her wand a gleaming flame engulfed the wood logs. The clamor from the weather outside slowly faded and was overtaken by the crackling flames. The ambiance served as a great sense of comfort against the storm, but Y/N grew bored of just sitting there. Her eyes danced around the expanse of the highly decorated room in an attempt to find something that could serve as a source of entertainment. Leaning against one of the chess tables was a mahogany acoustic guitar. Muttering 'accio' the guitar was summoned to her grasp and the chords of ‘Anyone Else but You' by The Moldy Peaches resonated softly. The simple chord progression repeated until the words started to flow from her mouth, her eyes closing in the process.
“You’re a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on your back is the latest trend
I don’t see what anyone can see in anyone else
But you”
   The lyrics were sweet and innocent, it perfectly described how she felt. They never failed to bring a bashful grin to her face because it reminded her of a goofy ginger boy, her best friend. His vehement laughter echoing through the halls whenever they ran from Filch. The feeling of his slightly clammy hand that she gripped so ardently, to make sure she didn't fall behind. The freckles sprinkled on his flushed cheeks. The tranquil air he brought to any room he stepped into. His sense of humor, that left anyone in his wake gasping for air and wiping away tears. Everything about his being distracted Y/N from what was right in front of her. It embarrassed her knowing that she had all these fantasies of being with him, that would probably never happen. Daydreams occupied her head almost every second. She was so busy indulging in her wishes that she failed to register the languorous footsteps growing louder from the other end of the room.
   As George descended the steps a melody so pure and delightful sounded from in front of the fireplace. It was familiar and warm, something he wishes he could bottle up and keep with him everywhere he went. The figure leaning over the spruce instrument, strumming leisurely on the ornate persian carpet came into view. It was Y/N, upon this realization, he felt himself falling harder for her.
“Didn’t know you could sing so well angel.” Y/N nearly let the guitar tumble out of her grasp.
“George, you git! You frightened me, I nearly caught a death.” Her hushed berating was the catalyst to him giggling as he got closer to her.
“Going to the kitchens, want something?”
“The usual.” He winked as he rushed out the portrait hole, swiftly surveying his surroundings before dashing to the left.
Within a mere 15 minutes, George had returned, balancing two plates in his hands. He placed a treacle tart in front of her, smiling wholesomely whilst sitting down.
“I liked the song you were playing earlier.”
“Teach me how to play it.” He wiggled his eyebrows and grabbed the guitar from her grip, placing it delicately in his lap.
“Well, there are only 2 chords, it’s quite simple just start with a G, so bar the 3rd fret, yeah there. Okay, then place your middle finger on the 3rd string from the bottom on the 4th, and then those two there.” She softly manipulated the position of his fingers, urging him to press harder on the 3rd fret. His hand was warm and she let her touch linger on him for longer than needed, just to savor it. Unknownst to her, the sensation of his skin against hers was the most pleasant thing on earth, he would let her bruise him if it meant he’d get to feel her touch.
“Then just put your fingers there to play a C major 7, that’s it. Now you can play.”
“I don’t know when to strum.” Y/N tried to explain but after several failed attempts, and George having trouble with playing the barred G, Y/N ended up behind him, guiding his arms and hands manually. The contact sending immediate chills throughout their bodies. The feeling of her chest pressed against his back was something he always wished to materialize, something he thought would only happen in his dreams, but here he was living it out. When the strums came naturally she slowly let go but continued to rest her cheek against his shoulder. As she started singing the first verse, the atmosphere turned intimate, almost fragile. He was plagued by her voice, it made him see color, it held him in a tight embrace, it clouded his vision, everything was Y/N and Y/N only.
“I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body’s swinging from side to side
I don’t see what anyone can see in anyone else
But you”
As George finished his verse he looked over his shoulder, admiring how she looked with shut eyes, her eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks. The way her lips moved to produce the beautiful noises ringing in his ears.
“Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don’t see what anyone can see in anyone else
But you”
   It was George’s turn to sing but he remained silent. His eyes remained on her serene face, soaking in every detail. He was convinced that she was the most precious and delicate thing to ever exist, that nothing could ever match the beauty Y/N possessed. At this point they weren’t singing together, they were reciting the lyrics to one another. It was an unashamed declaration of their love. Their shared desires for their friendship to become something more were now palpable. They made direct eye contact, both of them craning their necks in semi-uncomfortable positions, they didn’t mind.
“Did you forget the lyrics?” She muttered, trying to ease the tension.
“No, I just-” He cut himself off because in one swift motion he pushed the guitar on his lap aside, turned over, and kissed her ardently. She tensed up upon realizing what was happening but as he deepened the kiss she let herself relax and thread her fingers through his hair. Her eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks, and the contrast of his slightly chapped lips against her pillowy ones was something he’d never get tired of. She pulled him closer and straddled his lap, wanting to be engulfed by his physical touch. They transferred all their pent-up emotions into the kiss. Minutes had passed and they pulled apart slowly after Y/N started to giggle making George bite her bottom lip playfully. Even after parting they still held each other tightly, keeping their foreheads against each other and their arms caging the other's body. They sat in a blissful silence, letting the sound of their breathing and George’s occasional sigh of disbelief pierce it.
“Did we just?” She nodded, pushing the tendrils of ginger hair off his forehead.
“Keep singing, I like your voice.”
“Only if you play.” Kissing him on the cheek she turned around on his lap to lean her back against his chest.
   George continued singing, the strumming started to slow down and Y/N’s head started to become heavy against his shoulder. When the music reverberating from the instrument came to a complete stop he looked over to see her peacefully sleeping. With a smile, he lifted her delicately, placed her on the couch, and hugged her body close. When her body shifted he panicked, only for her to turn around and face him.
“I love you, Georgie.” She muttered after kissing the side of his mouth. When he remained speechless, his face baffled, she laughed and buried her head in his chest.
“And yes I really mean it.”
“Merlin, I love you too, so so much.” He truly couldn’t imagine anyone else in his arms, he wasn’t certain about much but he knew it would always be her and only her.
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millionsnife · 9 days
‘useless information is my curse, I’m afraid.’
@forgivenpunishment (verse? yes)
"Yes, I've noticed." He's as bad as Merlin, Knives decides in annoyance. Why had he bothered hiring this man at all? Well. 'Hiring'. He was sure the other man was intentionally steering himself towards useless informants to stall Knives.
Atop his head, Cherry Tart opened its mouth and made a sound reflecting his mood fairly accurately.
"Did you at least find my brother."
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millionsnife · 12 days
The most contemptuous chameleon.
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millionsnife · 16 days
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"Cherry Tart's still the smarter familiar." Muttermutter.
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millionsnife · 20 days
❝ how can romance ever be silly? it’s all they have. ❞
"And? It's still dumb." He turns his nose up, a look of disgust across his face at the idea. "It makes them stupid, all this love nonsense." Just look at that human the other night, drunken warbling at some woman's window. As if keeping her up half the night would make her interested in his offer!
She'd probably have rather slept. He would have.
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"If anyone ever tries to serenade at my window, I'm throwing a bucket of water on them."
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millionsnife · 1 month
“Fou!” Cath palug is going to pat! Knives’ cheek. Then its going to hop up onto his shoulder. “Fou, fou!” Merlin wants you, on the double!
He sighs, turning on his heel to go and find Merlin at that with a scrunched nose. "Why didn't he just come here?"
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millionsnife · 1 year
tag dump 2 tba
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