#creature au verse;; i can still recall the dreamy sky we saw that day
millionsnife · 8 months
@reusignus || brother duty
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He's got his face pressed against a glass window, staring at his brother through the panes.
Taptaptap. How to get through...
Maybe his claws? He tries, scratching claws along the glass insistently. Vash! Vash, pay attention to him. VASH!!!!
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millionsnife · 8 months
@calamitysshatteredson || lab rat?
The world immediately outside of the labs smells.
Like rotten socks and molded food, sweaty humans and a strange, sweet tang he can't quite pinpoint the source of. He hates it. He misses the sound of starsong, the freshness of air untainted by civilization.
It's how Knives ends up finding himself in the pocket he's currently hiding in, even if he's not sure the owner even realized he'd climbed into it.
At least it's warm in here. He peeks out, squinting, to see if he's been noticed yet.
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millionsnife · 8 months
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commission from @minarcana along with the creechur icons pls do not yoink thank this is specific to my knives' appearance
the headcanons on this post are for currently unposted weird creature verse; there'll be one for mainverse later
the glowing plant markings are a default for knives; it's a product of him being more in tune with his nature as a plant as opposed to his brother. they can be dimmed or made to stop glowing completely but he'd rather not
he only retracts his claws when he feels safe. you'll note they never retract
he's a biter, he bites he bites he bites. hands near his mouth at your own peril
despite the wing thing he can fly
unlike vash his fur's very dull, very coarse. this reflects the fact he doesn't interact with humans often so he doesn't get pampered with baths and grooming. alley cat rabbit thing
how'd he lose his ear notch and why's his wing so fucky? sorry that's level 200 friendship unlock
separated from vash when he escaped the labs
very wary of humans, doesn't approach if he can avoid it. lives in a box somewhere. much more accepting of plants and other non-human beings
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millionsnife · 8 months
@halcyon--mind || what are you
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He peers over the edge of the box, squinty-eyed and vibrating. She's new, and that's dangerous. She's also wearing white coat like the lab people did which makes her doubly dangerous.
Knives hisses.
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millionsnife · 8 months
@epilvgue || you have found a creechur
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He's suspicious of this new creature; it's not Vash. Or at least not Vash as he knows him.
Unless his brother has gotten both larger and fatter since they were separated. And if it is his brother, how did he even escape? No way he fit in the vents like this.
A slow, cautious lean forward.
And then a bap at the face.
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millionsnife · 8 months
@strywoven || no
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They don't need to worry about where he got the knife; they only need to worry about what he intends to do with it. (Murder, of course.)
He pauses to squint up at them as he passes.
What're you looking at?
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millionsnife · 8 months
a huff, "there! was tha' so 'ard?" it was. if the scratches and bites on their skin are anything to go by. kaen's features soften, laxing into a smile for the creature propped in their lap donning the viridescent ribbon. they know it won't last, but it's there for now and that's fine with them. "c'mon, ye look good. would ah lie?" gentle scritches are given, though they're sure he'll continue to resent them for this.
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He's already clawing at the ends, trying to pull the knot undone to free himself; he stops long enough to give them a deadpan stare before continuing once more.
He will avenge this insult.
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millionsnife · 1 year
tag dump 2 tba
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