#mera's lukewarm takes
goth-mami-writer · 5 months
JJK one-shot below⬇️⬇️
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Soooo. I don't usually post the body of my fics here, but this is one I worked on for a babe of mine. @short-honey-badger
Toji × OC (FemOC is his neighbor) "Dirty Dishes"
Mera used the key under his mat to sneak into his apartment that afternoon after she trotted up their conjoined steps. His Doordash order had been sitting since she'd ran down to the main office to grab her mail. He probably got hung up on the phone again in the car and she knew that he hated cold rice.
She let herself into his apartment, moving aside the empty boxes of takeout by the door that were now stacked into a tower where his trash can was overflowing. Toji was great at what he did, putting bounties on sorcerers and hunting them down, so it made sense that he never had time to clean. But her nose crinkled in disgust every time she was in here. 
On her own accord or not. 
She moved the take out boxes to the side and set the lukewarm rice bowl in the microwave only to find another bowl of cereal that clearly had been sitting for days due to the chunky cornflakes liquefied to the bottom. 
“Are you fucking-? Why is a bowl of cereal-” Mera spat before the smell hit her dead on as it wafted from the microwave, “Oh my GOD!!!” 
She moved the bowl of cereal and didn't care if he came back to find her in his apartment or not, this was no way to live. 
She and Toji would sometimes chat in hallways as they passed each other on the way home. He was always somewhat…civil. He did grunt and roll his eyes a lot but it was something she found friendly. But there wasn't anything else that she could call a close relationship. Besides one incident where she was locked out of her apartment in which Toji spent the entire night with a hairpin and a lockpick to help her back inside. The entire time, she balled herself up by the doorstep, hating her day already without this shit happening but Toji found sympathy and picked the lock before it looked like she might start crying. 
Everything after that night seemed to be somewhat unsaid and unspoken though Mera seemed not to mind. However, Toji picked up on it right away. There were glances and feelings shared between them, though he'd never be the first to admit it. 
She began washing some of his dirty dishes in the sink as she heated up his order of fried rice and then began clearing the trash away from his door. After she began tidying his small breakfast table so he'd at least have a space to eat his rice, she didn't notice the door opening. Toji's face sneered in defense as he crept inside, not knowing who had snuck into his apartment. He didn't think the door was broken into so he wondered who the hell knew about his key. 
He held his short spear over his head, entering the kitchen ready to strike down what he thought to be a very crafty yet unlucky intruder until he saw Mera standing nonchalant at his table. 
“Jesus!” He said after losing a breath, huffing out in relief, “Courtesy text would be nice, dickface! Coulda killed your ass!” 
“Courtesy text?” She scoffed turning around, wondering if he'd even say thank you for all the work that was indeed a courtesy, “Fucker, I've found you on my couch eating my leftovers!” 
“You offered them to me!” 
“Yeah! Like 12 hours before and you left me on read!” 
He rolled his eyes with his nose crimped in defeat before he asked if she ate his Doordash and she presented the now warm take out bowl, explaining that it was just left on his doorstep to get cold and he tossed down the short spear onto the counter top before nearly scooting her aside to begin digging in. 
He placed a hefty spoonful of fried rice in his mouth before asking,
“So ugh…what are you doing?” 
He watched as she began gathering her small cinch bag that she'd brought in, and she asked, not quite understanding what he meant, 
“Ugh… leaving?” 
“Nah- I mean-” Toji said amid a mouthful as he leaned over the counter with his elbows planted on the granite as they spoke, 
“Like what are you doing coming in here and being all nice and shit. Ya ain't my old lady?” 
“Well, I mean- you helped me get my door unlocked. I figured… why not help you out a little?” 
Toji found a curious look on his face that slowly grew into a grin that was painted maliciously across his lips. His scarred mouth curved up, snickering under his breath as he stood straight up to further the point he was about to make. 
Mera narrowed her eyes to his changed demeanor, one that seemed ready for a challenge. He leaned himself infront of the counter where she stood waiting for him to explain the shitty grin he was holding and he said lowly with a rumble in his throat, 
“Helping me out a little…would've been throwing my food in the door or setting it on the counter then dipping. You came in and did this whole song and dance in my nasty ass kitchen. So I'm just wondering….why?” 
Mera face blushed and Toji noticed with an entertained smirk beginning to grow as he knew the answer already just by the demure look on her face now, 
“What are you sweetenin me up for, Mer?”  
“I.. am..not.” Mera grumbled with her mouth tight, trying not to let him see the truth even as it slowly became written across her telling expression. 
“You're not?” Toji teased, now only an inch from her face, peering down to her from his immense height. 
“So-” Toji said after a swipe of his tongue across his bottom lip almost daringly, “If I kissed you on your smart-ass mouth, It’d just be another stupid Tuesday, huh?” 
Meras's heart pounded in her chest with a rhythm she swore the tenants three floors down could hear if they listened. Toji smiled widely with a deviousness, knowing she'd never admit it to his face. But hell, he didn't need a word after a little flustered blush like that. He reached in the front pocket of his sweat pants and presented something swinging in his grip. 
“Went down to the main office, by the way.” He said as he revealed a keyring with two new metal keys jingling from a metal loop, 
“Got you some extra keys so your forgetful ass doesn't get locked out at midnight again.” 
Her face changed away from the flattered redness into complete shock. She never assumed that he'd be the one to actually help her besides that favor of unlocking her door but he actually thought of her this way and it was endearing. Her smile grew a little more sweet instead of frazzled and she reached forward for the keys, 
“Thank you, I appreci-” 
Toji's hand closed around the keys, stopping her mid sentence from retrieving them and she moved her eyes to his. He evilly smiled again but this time with hidden intention. He remained completely silent as his arm moved up, holding the keys just out of her reach and stepped that one inch closer to put them chest to chest now.  
“Come on-” He purred daringly with a wink, “I know ya ain't that damn short.” 
Mera lost a breath, knowing exactly what he was trying to do and she moved, becoming fearless for a moment to match his cocky, teasing attitude that lit her aflame. She stood on her tippy toes, becoming only a breath away from his lips as her fingers reached upward but suddenly as she met his gaze, those keys were the least of her worries. 
Toji felt his smile trembling now with pride and as if he dared her with a glint of his dark gaze, Mera closed her own eyes as they met at the lips. Toji kissed her deeply, holding his free hand to her waist to pull her in with a tender roughness by the small belt loop on her hip. 
Mera eased back down to her resting height away from propping up on her toes and Toji ducked his head down to keep them joined in a kiss that seemed to be climbing. As he tasted her lips, becoming a little caught up in the way she lapped against his mouth bravely now, he tossed the house keys to the tile to free both his hands. 
He placed Mera onto the counter, still wrapped warmly in a deep, sensual kiss and she locked her ankles behind his waist. After a tender bite to her lip, both of them breathed heavily as they shared a glance, knowing they wanted more of each other. 
Toji kissed her again, moving with more intention as he cupped her jaw in his calloused hands that were rough against her skin. His tongue flicked across her lips, tempting her to give him more and softly she moaned beneath her breath and Toji grinned widely to hear her enjoy it.
They parted with heavy, chugging breaths heaving away from their mouths. Toji swallowed in a gulp, feeling the need to fix his waistband after a kiss like that, and he did so slyly. Mera fanned her red face with her hand only for a moment as she gained a breath, stepping down from being sat atop his kitchen island. He reached into the floor, properly handing over her keys, and he asked after clearing his throat, knowing she probably wanted to be nonchalant about what just happened, 
“What ugh- what are you doing later on?” 
“Like-? Tonight?” Mera asked just to be clear, and Toji remarked smartly in a scoff, 
“Yeah, dipstick. I don't mean next week?” 
She rolled her eyes, trying not to let herself laugh at his replies too much knowing it'd just feed into his ego. Her work needed her to cover a shift that night but she'd be home around the normal time. Toji nodded putting his hands into the pocket of his sweatshirt with a shrug, 
“I was askin’ cause…I dunno..I'm not doing anything later and yanno..if you-” 
He stopped mid sentence knowing that his face was warming up with every word further, not to mention he was stuttering. Mera giggled and closed the gap between them to say, hoping he wouldn't mind her finishing his thinking, 
“I don't care if we hang out. But..why don't you come up to my place? Not that I don't love yanno, week old ramen and a mountain of beer cans-” 
“I didn't exactly invite you in here, asshole. So cut me a fucking break.” He mentioned watching Mera start for the door after checking her watch with a chuckle. 
“Hey-” Toji said, hoping to stop her before she left. 
Mera turned, waiting for him to speak with her hand holding the doorknob. Toji gave a short glance to the floor, knowing these words were gonna roll off his tongue like lava but they needed to be said. He shifted his weight uncomfortably and said in a grumble, 
“Thank you…for..coming in here. Cleaning and shit.” 
Mera nodded with a low snicker, knowing that was probably the best she was going to get in terms of a sincere thank-you and she opened his door, mentioning with a wink of her own before leaving, 
‘Don't mention it. Just…thank me later I guess.” 
“Easy there.” Toji said with a wide smile, loving that she was getting a little more spunk. 
She closed the door, knowing she needed to hurry and get ready for her shift at work, but her face was still brightly lit. She would've expected the kiss before the ‘Thank You.’ In a way, she hoped maybe his apartment would stay on the messier side. It seemed to give her a good excuse to sneak in for more time alone with him. But the real thing that was giving her butterflies was thinking of what was going to happen later that night. 
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knghtfall-blog1 · 5 years
no  one’s  awake  but   get  ready  for  a   tag   rant  bc  i   really  do  want  it  to  be  clear  that  i  wanna  write  bruce  as  someone  who  has  made  so  many  mistakes  in  life,   and   has   not   only   learned  from   those  mistakes   but   Changed   because  of  them.   he’s   never  always  been  the  same  person,   he’s  not  someone  with  uncompromising  morals   &   philosophies  :   he  certainly  used  to  be  ,   but  like  i  said  :   change . 
#kelly clarkson vc so here's the thing .#comic book characters are v ....... Unique in terms of where they stand in the scope of character creation & development#literature by nature has always been written with the goal of exposing human nature through cautionary / morality tales#most content that is being created now (attempts) to Say Something about Life / People / Morals / The Duality of Man or smth#OR ......... you have the place in which superhero stories / content sits in : Power Fantasy#Wish Fulfillment And Escapism are what lie at the soul of superhero stories which is why theyre so popular rn bc#lets face it we're all Depression#HOWEVER ... because of that constant standard of a Story serving as wish fulfillment (which batman has always been lbr)#the story doesnt have to committ itself to natrual character development : ur supposed to project urself onto this character or this Life#u dont wanna be told that u need to change or that ur wrong and need to learn a lesson which is why i feel like dc is so WEIRD about#JSUT LETTING BRUCE REALIZE HIS OWN MISTAKES AND CHANGE ....... LIKE LET HIM GO THRU PHASES AND REALIZATIONS AND S T ICK TO THEM#LIKE ? A REGULAR CHARACTER OR A REGULAR PER  SON ?#like dc cant decide if bruce is GRITTY AND REAL or just Perfect Fantasy and they always land in the middle and its WORSE#BC THEYRE REALLY OUT HERE THINKING THEYRE DOING SMTH SLDKFJDSKL#anyways i gotta stop this is a whole novel im sorry dslkfjd buT I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE .........#LET HIM BE A DUMBASS DC .#tag rant /#long post /#mera's lukewarm takes /
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radioromantic-moved · 3 years
lukewarm take: mera and indus are dating
good take: mera is a lesbian and indus is aroace
also a good take: mera is a lesbian and indus is straight but it’s like this
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