mervezell · 6 years
Ortadoğu da bir bayram
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Hamdolsun 2. Kez bir Arap ülkesinde bayrama eriştirene. Geçen sene Ramazan Bayramı bu sene Kurban Bayramı. Ama tamamen farklı bir kültürde. Çoğu şeyler de benzerlikler olsa da bayram öyle değildi. İlk gün Ürdün de iken yazmıştım ailecek bayram namazına gitmelerini. Bu çok hoşuma gitmişti. Akşam Arap ailemiz bize gelmişti. 2. Gün ise bu fotoğrafların sahibi kurs müdürümüz evine davet etti. Yusuf hoca tanıdığım çok nazik biri. Mesafeli ve babacan. Kendisi öğretim görevlisi ve tanınan biri olsa da. Üslubu felan hep sıcaktı. Ürdün de farklı üniversiteler de birçok hoca ile tanıştım muhabbet ettim. Genel anlamda hepsi aynı sıcaklıkta idi. Daha oturmadan Arap kahvesi ikramı oluyor. Bu tada alıştım eve de getirdim. Yanında artık tatlı olmadan dahi içebiliyorum. Benim de böyle Arap fincanlarım var. Bedevi erkek ve peçeli kız figüranlı. Bayram kültürlerinde ise bizde ki usul kavurma yok. Dahası kavurmayı bile bilmiyorlar. Yani baya farklı geldiydi bize. İlk gün Mensef adında pilav üstü tavuk, et tarzı bir yemek yapıyorlarmış. Sadece ev halkına. Gelen misafirlere de tatlı ikramı. Bizde ise dolmalar sarılacak, hemen kavurma için et doğranacak felan oo. 😂
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Yemek fotoğrafları paylaşmayı sevmiyorum ama bu bize dışarıdan sipariş ettikleri yemekti. Hep böyle büyük tepsi de pilav üzeri tavuk. Her gittiğim evde bu boy ve daha büyük tepsilerde pilav oluyor. Bizde çorba ya da bir sulu yemek tüketilir ya bu kültür de ise pilava dair herşey. 1 saatlik bir misafirlik olsun dedik ama yatsı namazını dahi orada kıldım. Muhabbet gerçekten güzeldi. İlk gün ailecek herkes toplandığı için çok fazla ziyaret olmuyormuş dedi hocamız. Yani bize orada yalnız bir bayram geçirtmediler. Dolu dolu bir bayram yaşadık. Elhamdülillah.
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Bu resimdekiler de bayramın ilk günü yedikleri etli Mensef. Bunu bize uygulamalí derste hocamız evimize gelerek yapmıştı. Normalde sevmiyorum kasede ki sosu pilava döküyorlar ve alışamadım. Sade gayet güzel. Ve tüm yemeklerde kavrulmuş badem. Bu muazzam bir tat veriyor. Farklı bir kültürde bayrama eriştirene hamdolsun 🌿
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hydradaddy · 7 years
Y'all, mensef is so good and you're missing out
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englabicdiaries · 6 years
house of nidal
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“It’s great to be in Amman; but Amman is not Jordan.”
Last night, after a day at Umm Qais, we were welcomed into the home of Abu and Om Nidal in the region of Irbid. Abu Nidal, father of our tour guide Nidal, is also the leader of the Bina Issa tribe. A Bedouin community tracing its origins thousands of years back, the Bina Issa tribe has made a home for itself in Irbid beginning in just 1983. Jordan itself is a melting pot of different nationalities; outside the hustle of Amman, however, we were able to see the roots of the country. 
Single file, we lined up outside of Abu Nidal’s home to take our shoes off before entering. We congregated outside on the terrace, where mats lined the floor for us to sit on. You couldn’t imagine a better scene; barefoot, outside, and all sitting together under the sunset. One by one, Nidal’s brothers laid down plates of steaming Mensef in front of us, all of which were prepared by Om Nidal and her daughters. Once the sun had set, Abu Nidal traversed the lines of students eating, sitting to show us the proper way to eat Mensef with our hands. It was funny; as simple as his directions were (rolling the rice in your palm and pushing it into your mouth with your thumb), we just couldn’t seem to follow them properly. After dinner, we sat nursing our food comas with a pot of cardamom tea while Nidal spoke to us. He spoke about the life of Bedouins in Jordan, and implored us to imagine being without electricity, a certain source of water, or concrete walls to lean on. In the same thread, he spoke about the importance of Ramadan; when most who celebrate Ramadan begin their daily fast, they do so with the knowledge that they can expect food at sundown. For many in the world, this is not the case. Ramadan is a time of sacrifice in honor of them.
In the most heartwarming turn of the night, Nidal stood up to wish a happy birthday to the students who have celebrated theirs on the trip. As it turned out, it was also Nidal’s nephew’s birthday, a young boy named Safwan. As we made our way into the living room, we were met with four cakes waiting for us. Renditions of ‘Happy Birthday’ in both Arabic and English ensued, and I don’t think anyone in the room could have felt anything but warmth.
This is Jordan.
As I’ve been in other homestays I’ve experienced, I was inspired by the hospitality of our hosts. With over a dozen people already living in the family home, they welcomed another forty. I can’t imagine the time that the women must have spent preparing the home and the meal for us— their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, as they called us. I don’t have the fluency to express my gratitude adequately in Arabic, but I tried; when I tapped Om Nidal on the shoulder and smiled “Yatik Al-Afia,” she pulled me in and kissed my cheek.
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hydradaddy · 7 years
Guys I don't know how many of y'all are middle eastern or know was mensef is but boy fuckin howdy it's the best thing I've ever eaten and I just found a restaurant like 40 minutes from me that serves it and it's got me FUCKED UP
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hydradaddy · 7 years
So that ask for Brock I'm also going to answer as me bc I can do whatever I want :) Favorite food favorite word favorite color favorite song favorite video game what you would name your daughter and son also how tall are you Mensef, fuck, gold, Love Shot by The Blue Van, N/A, Adelaide, Roman, 5'7" ❤️
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