Guys I got another idea,
Meanwhile in a certain tent two brothers are having a very deep discussion.
"The Myrmidon camp should be our easiest way to get close to the gates of Troy." Menelaus said, to his older brother.
"Yes, but the problem is that we don't have enough soldiers stationed there." Agamemnon replied.
"The ones we have are strong enough. Didn't you hear about that monster, with the golden spear? They say he appears in the nightmares of the Trojan soldiers, even the Spartan armies near the camp fear him." Menelaus informed him.
"Yeah, and he's pretty useful too... If only we could find another one of those little menaces. It would make things so much easier for us." Agamemnon told his brother.
"TRANSFER ME TO THE MYRMIDON CAMP!" Achilles' suddenly said, while ripping the curtains of the tent open...
The chariot stopped abruptly. "We have arrived."The chariot driver told the passenger at the back.
Achilles jumped out of the chariot excitedly.
"Finally! After all those years of waiting. After all the pain and suffering I had to go through. After all the loneliness I had to endure. I would finally see my beloved Patroclus again." He ran towards the camp awaiting the sight of a dark haired boy. However the camp was completely empty. It was a desolate place other than a few tents and campsites it was all empty, not a single soul in sight. "Well this is disappointing." He murmured.
"O-oh my! Prince Achilles. I certainly wasn't expecting you here." An old man spike from the shadows of a nearby tent.
"I was transferred to the Myrmidon camp, just recently. I'm here to help storm the gates of Troy and take part in a glorious battle" The prince replied.
"Oh, well I suppose your a bit late." The old man said.
"What do you mean?"
"Recently there has been a bit of a panic. The soldiers of Troy have attempted an ambush. They were planning to make a surprise attack on the soldiers of the Myrmidon camp. I am far to old to continue fighting so they left me here to keep guarding the camp." The old man informed him.
At this Achilles panicked. "What!? An attack!? An ambush!? Where have the soldiers gone?"
"They have left to hold off the soldiers, though I have doubts they can last for long, they weren't exactly prepared for it. There is a big chance that some lives might be lost. Oh well... We're not above making a few sacrifices." The old man said.
He turned to Achilles, and instantly he thought that he might die of a heart attack right then and there. His eyes were covered in shadow, his hands were in fists, you could see the veins popping out his skin. "Where are they..."
It was the middle of battle, soldiers were screaming left and right. Spears were being thrown, arrows were being shot and swords were being clashed. The ground was stained in blood. It was chaos. The Spartans were not doing well.
"This is unfair!" "This was an ambush!" "You sorry, cheating Trojans, do you have no shame!" The soldiers would cry. It was no use, this was a big army against one small camp.
"This is a mess" Achilles thought as he found the battle field, he could see the Spartan soldiers dying around him. "One of them was Patroclus!" He didn't want to think about it, but that one fact was his only thought. The boy who kept him awake for nights. The boy who was the treasure within his memories. The boy whose smile would shine brighter than the sun. The boy who he has kept him from going insane, through all the suffering here has faced within these past few years. "I will allow this battlefield to burn, I do not care for the lives of these soldiers, I do not care who has to die. I will ensure that my Patroclus will be in my arms once more."
With that thought in his mind, he jumped into the battlefield. He was like a rock thrown at a flock of birds. His presence was enough to cause discord. His onyx armor would reflect the horrified faces of the soldiers. His copper shoes would walk through the blood and bodies of the dead. And his dark helmet would be the last thing that they saw. He held a spear in each hand and carved his way through the armies. Nobody was safe, Spartans, Trojans, he did not care. "Where is he!" His mind wasnt even focused on the screams of the dying warriors, he was distracted with the thought of his lover, who might've already been stabbed through a sword. "No, he is alive he is strong, he is MINE!"
Suddenly a spear would appear from out of nowhere. Achilles made the mistake of turning his head. It would have slipped through the eye socket of his helmet, and it would leave him blind.
The spear was caught, just moments before it could reach his eyes. The hand belonged to a boy with dark skin and silver iron armor. He threw it at the soldier who shot it. It went straight through his head. And the incompetent man was left for dead.
The dark haired boy looked at the man in dark armour. They stared at each other, despite the anarchy and the chaise around them they both stood still. It was as if the screams of the dying soldiers around them were clogged too their ears, the splashes blood were dripping slowly, and the spears were moving in slow motion.
( Guys the man who was left back at camp was supposed to be the old guy, who was friends with Hercules but I forgot his name)
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