#medea supremacy
dxmoness · 1 year
𝑵𝐎𝐓𝐄 ~ Eros confessing?? You wish <3
𝑪𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝑾𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 ~ poisoning, curses, murder! You've been warned, if not comfortable feel free to skip this!
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The three nobles now sat across from each other with two on one side and one on the other.
Eros Vasilios sat there as comfortable as he could possibly be. Satisfying his thirst as he drank the tea slowly, eyeing the other two seated before him.
Medea looked tense whilst Dekis looked as if he had not been sleeping for weeks. They act as if they had not been anticipating his visit. Surely now Medea would have realized his obsession with the princess who resided in these chambers. His eyes shifted from one sibling to another as he continued on with his drinking.
The room was ruled by silence. No one talked nor did they give gestures to one another. Silence grew so loud that Dekis felt uncomfortable being in the sight of the prince.
Finally, Eros put down the now empty cup. "Well then, how has the princess been faring?" His fingers folding together, he stared directly at the window away from them. This indicated that he was waiting for an answer as the ex-heir of the Solons murmured the response. "She's faring quite well, Your Highness." Dekis shot a glance towards Medea who gave a nod of confirmation.
His fingers gripped each other to the point that it hurt as he tried his absolute hardest to keep calm. "I see. As she should be, after all one small mistake could cause an entire war to be upon us, no?"
"I suppose so." Medea said with no interest in making her voice sound polite. "What is the purpose of your continuous visits, Your Highness? Must you always come by every week to ask continuously of the princess's welfare?"
"My, it seems someone is more annoyed than the person I'm looking for." Eros chuckled, wry amusement taking the wheel. "I am here only to wonder what she has been doing due to suspicions that she might not be treated as well as she says so." Unfolding his hands, his fingers gripped the chair's in impatience. "I also can't help, but realize that every time I visit, the princess seems out of bounds." His eyes flicked towards the duchess who stiffened. "I assume this is your doing, Lady Medea?"
Her hesitation was noted as she firmly stood her ground. "Yes it is my intention. During the ball weeks ago I have come to a realization that she may not exactly feel comfortable with you therefore we move her away every time you come."
Eros frowned. Not comfortable! He'd dare to laugh, but the truth may lie right in those words. Was Name really uncomfortable with him? Pondering onto this thought, he fell in a deep thought of whether or not this could be the case.
While he did so, Medea triumphantly knew she hit the right button when it came to the sudden outburst. Her eyes met her brother's as they both felt the satisfaction of their course of action.
This victory would only be short-lived as the next noise was not from this room.
Eros jerked up at the sound of a loud thump upstairs. What was that? Judging by the faces of the Solons, they were wondering the same thing.
Dekis stood up as he eyed his sister, worry written on his face. The noise had come from directly above them where the princess's chambers were located. This would mean one thing. Something must've happened to the princess. "Please excuse me a moment, Your Highness." Dekis murmured, bowing as he left onward.
Eros looked towards the duchess. His look was cutting and questioning. Medea just seemed as if she could not contemplate the matter at hand.
Seconds pass by as the silence loomed. They both awaited Dekis's return. As for Eros, he felt as if he already knew what was going to be said next. "The princess has been injured, has she not?" Eros spoke with no trace of emotion in his voice thus breaking the silence.
"We aren't sure of that yet." Medea replied, those purple eyes fixating on those venomous ones. After some afterthought she added in. "Also why do you care? Should you not have more troubling matters at hand? Leave this to the hosts."
Eros's hand clenched the arm of the chair once more as he continued to fight the war within. Debating whether or not to suddenly lash out, he found himself choosing the latter. Lashing out would lead to troubling circumstances. Something he did not want or need to have at the moment.
A slam of the door caused both to look towards them. Eyes shifting towards the figure by the door. Dekis Solon had returned and it seemed he was not bringing good news. "Name.. she's.." Eros frowned at this. 'Name'? When had the two gotten so close that he of all people was allowed to call her by her first name? Especially without title at that.
Medea's face paled with realization. "She's what?"
Eros braced himself for what he waited for, but was lashed with a bigger problem.
Words could not describe how much that hit him. That word came with a paroxysm of rage. "What do you mean gone?" Eros responded with his eyes flicking with rage.
"She's not in her room and not anywhere in the estate grounds." Those words brought worry to Eros. In fact, blaming those damnable guards for not taking her back then and leaving her now.
"So much for a 'great' stay." Eros said, venom lacing his voice as he stared at Medea who regarded him with the same kind of venomous gaze. "Show me." An order came from his lips that he had tried to contain. This caused the older male to look at his sister once more who nodded in defeat. Last thing they needed was a bloodbath from the prince.
Entering the princess's chambers they found a mess. As if someone was trying to rummage through her things and find something or anything at all that could be a blackmail.
Another thing that was noted was the shattered tea cup that now lied on the floor. Then it hit Eros almost immediately. On his way to the dining room where they had been staying before the incident started, he had noticed a maid carrying what seemed to be a giant bundle. Big enough to be a human.
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tagging, @roseadleyn , @d10nsaint , @that-one-pretty-bitch , @sidra-29
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gawrkin · 8 days
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Zeus. F***ing ZEUS.
Not Tiresias
Not Circe
Not Medea
Not Pythagoras
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cntarella · 8 months
For I must die for what I've done A twist of fate, a desert sun For I see what I destroy Sweet reflection knife into me For I see what I destroy I can see what I've begun
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nah it's okay, at least i know who to go to for sexy men thirst content wink wink. yelan is there for kinktober, and i have no idea who medea solon is, but the webtoon she's from looks interesting i'll probably give it a read some time soon
hi hi anon!
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ashbcjasc i totally understand nonnie! and yea, i don't actually have yelan bc i skipped her banner due some family stuff happening, but i did see that one interrogation scene in her trailer, so i'll be using that for inspo,,
also, yes!! i really recommend reading to be you, even just for a day bc it's just so damn good. medea is, imo, a well-written female character who will use any methods necessary to get what she wants. and she even knows her way around a sword, which isn't usually seen in most manhwa i've read.
and psyche goes through a character development too, since she starts out as weak and tender, but this is due to childhood trauma and a mother that overly sheltered her. but she grows as a character and is able to stand up for herself.
overall, i really recommend this manhwa to anyone who's interested, but i'm mostly there for medea lmao,,
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Link to old pinned post (articles about racism and white supremacy in classics) HERE.
The event: Poll bracket to answer the central question: which woman from ancient Greek or Roman myth and literature would win in a fight?
The rules: Vote based on who would win in a fight, NOT who you like more. Consider factors such as physical prowess, intelligence or cunning, and magical ability.
If the character has multiple non-godly forms, consider the one you believe to be more powerful. If the character is a goddess for a portion of their life, please only consider their mortal or non-godly form.
The tags: All posts related to the bracket are tagged "ancient woman thunderdome 2023." All fights are tagged "who would win."
The bracket:
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[image description: a bracket titled Ancient Woman Thunderdome 2023. it lists 32 matchups between 64 women. all matchups are listed below. end image description.]
The fights:
ROUND ONE (bolded denotes currently active fights!):
Clytemnestra vs. Niobe Electra vs. Iphis Chrysothemis vs. Cassiopeia Iphigenia vs. Semele Procne vs. Creusa Callisto vs. Europa Daphne vs. Lysistrata Philomela vs. Andromeda
Penelope vs. Antiope Atalanta vs. Stheno Dido vs. Lavinia Penthesilea vs. Nausicaä Camilla vs. Anna Briseis vs. Lesbia Agave vs. Chryseis Phaedra vs. Charybdis
Antigone vs. one of Hephaestus' "golden fembots" Helen vs. Deianeira Ariadne vs. Eurydice (from Antigone) Hecuba vs. Iambe Andromache vs. Echo Eurydice (Orpheus' love) vs. Psyche Ismene vs. Tiresias Jocasta vs. Scylla
Medea vs. a siren Circe vs. Cressida Cassandra vs. Leda Medusa vs. a maenad Hippolyta vs. Galatea Arachne vs. Pasiphae Pandora vs. Danae Io vs. Calypso
Clytemnestra vs. Electra Cassiopeia vs. Iphigenia Procne vs. Callisto Lysistrata vs. Philomela
Penelope vs. Atalanta Dido vs. Penthesilea Camilla vs. Lesbia Agave vs. Charybdis
Antigone vs. Helen Ariadne vs. Hecuba Andromache vs. Psyche Tiresias vs. Scylla
Medea vs. Circe Cassandra vs. Medusa Hippolyta vs. Pasiphae Pandora vs. Calypso
Clytemnestra vs. Iphigenia Callisto vs. Lysistrata
Atalanta vs. Penthesilea Camilla vs. Charybdis
Antigone vs. Hecuba Psyche vs. Scylla
Medea vs. Medusa Hippolyta vs. Calypso
ROUND FOUR (quarterfinal!):
Clytemnestra vs. Callisto Atalanta vs. Camilla Hecuba vs. Scylla Medea vs. Hippolyta
ROUND FIVE (semifinal!):
Clytemnestra vs. Atalanta Scylla vs. Medea
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devouringfate · 1 year
Out of those candidates I’d probably go with Kama, Mordred or Lolivinci myself lol
Adele and Musashi are there cause Caenis was an enemy for a while and they are our allies... Which I suppose also includes Mash, who I forgot on the original list. The Gudas are also there because of this
Koyanskaya is mostly a thing all to herself and an enemy overall to both sides in a way
Medusa and Medusa Lily I don't have much of an explanation for beyond "Victims of Poseidon"
Medea and Medea Lily cause Argonauts, so the relationship does exist and voyages at sea can get pretty long and boring~
Pollux is also an Argonaut, but they also became enemies along the way, so there's also that
Mordred is often shipped with her so... Sex gone "wrong"~
Wodime and she had quite a relationship before Chaldea arrived and I find the thought fun enough
Kama, Corday, Sei Shōnagon and Lolivinchi are all in the Summer Event with Caenis in terms of Swimsuit Debut, so the chance for such depravity certainly exists
Ibuki is mostly because, as Caenis put her opinion, "I don't like gods. Doesn't matter if they're old or new...they never do anything good. Hey Master, can I kill them?", which also includes Kama in addition to the previous
Plus, Summer Servants eating each other due to skin exposure and horniness is why Lady Avalon is on the list and Ibuki also has a swimsuit
If I were to add more... Anastasia (Caenis pretty much threatened to rape her during the First Lostbelt), Chloe, Castoria, Melusine (All three for no reason other than "it could be fun"), the Valkyries (Swimsuits... Also maybe in defence of Skadi under the Ibuki reasoning?), Morgan (Wife), Nagao (Battle rush during sparring?), BB (Sakuraface Supremacy!), Ishtar (Also works under the Ibuki reasoning, but slightly less so, mostly because it's Ishtar), Brynhildr (Oh hey, she has the Brynhildr's Beloved trait)
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yvesjpg · 3 years
❀┊ icons¿
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(◠‿・)—☆ MED3A S0LON 🗑️
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Your throne beginning made me think Medea only hates Psyche for becoming crown princess but then it turns out their backstory was "the girl I trusted the most, who I sheltered from the evil nobles that looked down on her, betrayed me and indirectly caused the death of my mother figure" And then I am like oh yeah gay enemies to lovers-
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ly-von-karma · 3 years
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 3 years
Eros and Medea Love is War AU
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angelkiel · 3 years
no thoughts only hatred for Dekis and Medea's father
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dxmoness · 1 year
𝐖𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐎 | 𝐄. 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐬
marq's note: I have nothing to say.
tw: blood, attempt murder.
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Medea has been a kind hostess to say the least. Her overlooking with how Name was treated was given with utmost respect and thanks from the female. She seemed quite intent with making sure she was at home. This almost felt like home. Almost.
Taking a necklace out of its box, she fitted it on checking herself in front of the mirror. It was time.
The ball was being held that night, and it was time for her to meet this great Prince everyone had chattered on about.
Coming out of her room, she found Marquess Helio standing there waiting for her. "Good evening, Your Highness, ready to go?" His eyes seemed to gleam with delight when she gave a nod.
She noticed his hand was out, taking this as a sign to take his hand. She did. Hand in hand, they walked out of the building where the duchess stood with none other than her brother, Dekis.
No denying that the brother was handsome, it seemed visuals came in the blood with this family. "Good evening." Both ushered them inside, saying they could be late.
Time passed and they made it to the location where this Coronation ball was being held. It seemed the Prince was there already for as Name walked past the others. Some ladies of the court whispered about how attractive His Highness looked and how he looked his best.
Why are they so surprised? Shouldn't everyone look their best during their Coronation? Name highly doubted anyone wouldn't look their absolute best on their ascension.
As she entered the room, she was met with bad looks toward her. As expected, after all she was of the rivaling empire. Silence ruled the room as she and the duchess walked side by side. She could feel looks of anger all around. It seemed the aura of this room was only one. Venomous rage.
Were they angry at her or Medea? She couldn't be sure, but they were angry. No, more like pissed. Was this the reason of her invitation? To feel emerged with the venomous hatred given by the nobles of the empire..?
Suddenly, they stood in front of the throne. A male sat there, one leg positioned across the other, his cheek pressed against his hand in a bored expression. That was until his eyes fixated onto her own.
Eros was overjoyed to finally see her face-to-face. Holding his excitement, he tried his best to keep his mood into the normal bored expression he kept. "Good evening, Duchess Solon. I see you've brought a guest." His voice was slightly tainted with a cheery tone to keep his beauty comfortable. "Good evening to you, Princess." He was about to add her name, but decided not to.
Name's lips were pressed in a firm line. So he did know. Was he actually the one who sent the letter then? Suddenly remembering her courtesy, she bowed respectfully. "Good evening, Your Grace. I speak for both myself and my family to give you a congratulations. May your reign be a successful one for everyone to talk about years from now." Lifting her head up, she managed to catch a smile from the prince. It seemed she had earned the respect.
"I see.. I thank you then." He answered, then inquired with curiosity. "How has your stay been with the duchess?" He needed to know. After all this girl was top priority for him.
"She has been treating me quite well, Your Grace. She's in fact made it so it seems I am at home." Name was confused on why he had to question her stay. Shouldn't he be focusing more on other matters?
Eros frowned at this. So she was enjoying staying with Medea. How infuriating. It made him angry that she was enjoying the duchess' company instead of being with him! Collecting his emotions, he nods. "How... nice of her." He made sure to cast a glare towards the duchess that referred the glare back towards him with no hesitation. He decided to shoot his shot, suddenly standing up to stand next to her.
Name's heart raced as she felt him against her, hand on her shoulder while his lips neared her ear practically touching it. So close that she felt his hot breath against her, making her shiver. Her stomach churned as she felt sick. What was he trying to do..?
"If you'd like you could stay here with me." He whispered as he leaned back away as he looked at her. Optics directed to optics. "I'd truly enjoy such a honor."
This made her heart skip a beat. Stay with Prince? When he could most likely kill her? No, that was suicide at its finest. She doesn't even trust him.
"No thank you." She started. Voice shaking ever so slightly as she looked him straight in the eye. "The duchess has treated me just fine, and as much as I'd like to talk more with you, Your Highness.. I might distract you from your work which wouldn't be good as you have just ascended in your role." She gave a small apologetic smile in response.
This made him stop. No? Did she dare say no to him? All because of Medea? "I see. Thank you for your concern, if you change your mind you know where to find me."
A hand then grabbed her as Medea helped her walk away whilst giving the prince one last fitting glare. "Let's go, everyone's looking at us." She whispered lowly to which Name nodded.
The two of them made it to a corner in which they stood as the prince went on with speech thanking everyone who had joined that night. After a while, Name had gotten overwhelmed with the amount of people attempting to talk with her. She managed to find the balcony empty enough for her to take a breather.
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The assassin watched her soon to be victim in silence. A smile forming in her lips. Now was her chance to murder the person who was keeping her from getting the attention of her master.
Watching her movement, luck was on her side! The female turned around to face the way she wasn't on. A laugh nearly escapes from her as she prepared to pounce. Boosting her self, she nearly stabbed the girl.
A quick movement was made as the assassin felt a blinding pain. Crimson splattered on the floor as the red liquid gushed from a mortal wound. Eyes flying back and forth she was met with a sight of white eyes glowing with fury and rage.
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Name turned to the sound of a faint scream to see a female with a sword so close.
Had she been planning on killing her? It didn't matter either way for the Prince had gotten to her first.
Eros slowly pulled out the sword as the girl bled to death. He walked over to Name whose face grew pale in realization of her near death. "Are you alright?" He asked, inspecting her for wounds.
"I'm fine.." She mumbled, eyeing the now dead body. "Who was she..?"
"An assassin or rebel no doubt." He said plainly. "I'm surprised she showed her face here today especially after a specific incident where I warned her of returning." He looked back at the body.
"I see." So this assassin had been here before. And the prince had nearly killed that time. Like he did to many others, including her own empire's men. Why did he spare lives in the brink of death? A warning? Or was it pride? It didn't matter to her. If he thought if it as a good way to scare enemies it worked in wonders. "I thank you for saving me then." She whispered as he turned back to look at her.
"No problem, if I hadn't the war would be raging as far as the eye can see." He murmured as his fingers made their way to her hair. Touching it he leaned and slowly took a few strands of her hair, kissing it gently. "Please excuse me now, Your Highness. It seems I am needed back in the Ballroom." He murmured once more as he moved back. "Please be careful now. You never know what lies in these trees." She nods, giving a small smile to which the prince surprisingly returned.
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He walked past the nobles who were making their leaves known. The ball was over now and his Name had gone home with the Solons long before it even finished, much to his annoyance. He did not say anything when the other assassins wondered aloud where their member was.
That was until they asked him. "She's dead." This statement stirred a lot of uneasy questions and rage between the members of this association. Such as "How did she die?" or "Why didn't you say sooner?" some even wondered where the body laid.
But, the question asked next was one of great importance amongst the rest of them. "How do you know about this, Your Highness?"
Eros gave a look of boredom as his fingers slowly tapped the table. A sight of impatience and one with no interest. "I killed her." A plain and straightforward answer. One he did not care the response for as he stood up and walked away from the room. Loud yelling heard behind him, but he didn't care. That girl tried hurting his wife to be! Not just hurting in fact, murdering was the best answer. She didn't deserve mercy. She got what she exactly deserved. Her death wasn't pretty, but it was better than leaving her alive when there could be more possible opportunities of her killing what was his.
He threw his glass across the room in frustration as it shattered into a million pieces. This was getting out of hand. His emotions were getting out of hand. He had her. She had him. Why didn't he take her back then in the balcony?
Mercy. A laugh emerged from him, breaking free. He had given her mercy! How different. See how insane she was turning him? She was given mercy! By someone who never gave it.
Let her spend her next few days of kindness because sooner or later he'd use his trump card. And she'll finally be his forever.
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@d10nsaint , @sidra-29 , @rouecentric , @roseadleyn , @that-one-pretty-bitch
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finsprideicons · 3 years
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I believe in Medea/Psyche supremacy
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in-notts · 3 years
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〚 character page 〛〚 wc 〛〚 pinterest (wip) 〛
-(Giancarlo Commare, cismale , 26) did you see that person over there? that’s THEODORE NOTT. they’re a PUREBLOOD and work as a JUNIOR BARRISTER at the MINSTRY OF MAGIC. honestly, they’re A BIT UPTIGHT. i can tolerate them though as they can also be SURPRISINGLY SWEET. they remind me of footsteps echoing in lonely hallways & longing glances. anyway, i heard they’re PART OF PRIMIS. watch your back around them.  
Born September 4, 1980, Theodore Faustus Nott was a beacon of hope in his father’s eye. The Nott Family had once been almost as mighty the House of Black, but over the centuries, the empire crumpled until only Zacharias Nott remained. Zacharias had been a supporter of Voldemort from the beginning. He was a nasty man with strong beliefs of blood supremacy. As Zacharias’ previous two wives had been unable to bear him a child, his last hope on continuing the family name fell onto his newest wife: Medea Nott née Lestrange. One would think finally getting the son he so desired would melt away Zacharias’ cold exterior and interior - but that was far from the truth.
Theodore’s childhood home in the Nott family manor was never a happy one. The house was dark, drafty, and eerily silent. The only light in the manor seemed to come from Medea. Theodore was close to his mother when he was small; her warm smile accompanies most of his happiest memories. But when the sun set, the quiet manor would suddenly become filled with screaming matched between his parents. It was on particular night, shortly before Theodore’s ninth birthday, these fights would reach their ultimare crescendo.
Peeking through the heavy wooden doors that lead into the dining room, young Theodore sat quietly waiting for his mother to bring him up to bed. By now, he was used to the yelling and screaming. But the evening took a different turn as his father pulled out his wand, aimed it at his mother, and shouted a spell Theodore had never heard before. The green light that hit his mother seemed to illuminate the whole room. The sight and sound of his mother’s body hitting the hardwood floor still haunt Theodore to this day.
From that day onward, Zacharias began to mold Theodore into the perfect heir. Theodore learned very quickly to obey his father’s every word, as even the slightest slip-up would end in all sorts of painful punishment. Manipulated by his father, Theodore felt like a bird trapped in too small of a cage. It was no surprise when he got to Hogwarts that Theodore was sorted into Slytherin. Like his father had instructed, he tried to surround himself in only his fellow purebloods. He never spoke of his mistreatment at home while away at school, not even to his closest friends. To the outside world, Zacharias was an eldery wizard who had lost his most recent wife to a blood malediction and was now raising his only son.
Hogwarts gave Theodore the chance to open up a bit, though as every year another tragedy struck the school: Theodore became angry and upset with the idea of losing school, his one escape from his father. As he grew older, his temper became more explosive. It was usually younger students and muggleborns who would feel the brute of Theodore’s anger.
When Theodore turned 17, he was offered his dark mark. He had done truly nothing for Voldemort to earn it, simply an example of nepotism among those closest to the Dark Lord. Theodore refused, fleeing. He made his safehaven in France, his mother’s ancestrial home. While Theodore thought he was off the hook, it wasn’t very long until the Ministry came knocking and he was accused of helping Voldemort. 
Despite his only connection to Voldemort being his father, Theodore was still put under house arrest by the Ministry. Nine months alone in the Nott manor were worse than living there for seventeen years. He finished his last year of schooling through tutors coming to see him. While his name once would have gotten him any spot he could have dreamed of, Theodore was now met with ugly stares and hostile words. Getting an entry level job in the Ministry, over the last eight years Theodore has worked hard to build up to a junior barrister posistion.
He met Elphias Doge while working, the pair had an instant connection. To Theodore, Elphias is everything his father wasn’t. He was quick to join Elphias’ side, some natural balance in his twisted psyche feeling fufilled when there was someone else guiding him completely. Despite also working for Elphias Doge and his party, Theodore remainsa rather passive member. Politics bore him.
Theodore wants to reclaim his name from his father’s legacy. He feels like he should be willing to do whatever it takes, but some invisible holds him back; even after almost eight years since the last time they saw each other, Zacharias Nott still keeps a ghostly hand on his son’s shoulders.
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lalithy · 3 years
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Medea supremacy 🛐🛐
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kisskissf4llinl0ve · 3 years
thats lady medea supremacy for you😌 better get used to it
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