#mea regina mea lux meus amor
unabashedqueenfury · 1 year
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Reign 2013-2017
Mary and Francis
La nostr'amor va enaissi
com la brancha de l'albespi,
qu'esta sobre l'arbr'en creman,
la nuoit, ab la ploi'ez al gel,
tro l'endeman, que l sols s'espan
per la feuilla vert el ramel.
Enquer me menbra d'un mati
que nos fezem de guerra fi
e que m donet un don tan gran:
sa drudari'e son anel.
Enquer me lais Dieus viure tan
qu'aia mas mans soz son mantel!
Il nostro amore è come il ramo del biancospino che intirizzisce sull'albero, la notte, nella pioggia e nel gelo, fino all'indomani, quando il sole si diffonde attraverso il verde fogliame sul ramoscello.
Ancora mi ricordo dì un mattino quando ponemmo fine alla nostra guerra con patto, e lei mi offri un dono così grande: il suo amore fedele e il suo anello. Ancora lasci Dio vivere tanto che io possa mettere le mie mani sotto il suo mantello.
(From "Ab la dolchor del temps novel" , Guillaume IX d' Aquitaine / "Nella dolcezza della primavera", Guglielmo IX d'Aquitania, XII Century)
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acciofrary · 4 years
I love your blog! What are your favourite frary quotes?
Aw, thank you!
Ummm lemme think...
“I would rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else” all my uwus
“You know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you, no matter what.” THE PULL. IS SO STRONG. YES. FOLLOW THAT PULL FRANCISCO
“I’ll pressure you, and listen to you, and argue with you, and love you until the day I die” stfu Frank I’m crying cos he did that, he rly did that. literally
“The world is dark, Mary. And uncertain. And cruel. The only thing that really matters is that we face it together. Whatever the future brings, you are my light” aaaaaaaaaaaa isn’t this one on everybody’s fav frary quotes list?
“You are my most precious possession. Our marriage, our life together” even tho Mary definitely needed a reminder of this.........maybe sometime during s2.......maybe a reminder of the marriage part?.........maybe......*cough* but STILL. oh and also from this scene: “You are my home” ~sobs
“I will never love anyone the way I love you” ;_; and she NEVER did!
“She’s his equal in every way. He loves her and she loves him” thanks Catherine
And just because I’m a salty bitch: “But when it came to Francis and [Louis], you saved him. Not because he’s your king but because your love for him is deeper, strong” not her wholeass lover knowing it haha and proving that Mary definitely always “loves Francis more” (like we needed the reminder but STILLLLLLL) but she definitely needed to work on the “it was always [him]” part bc girl
“Mea regina, mea lux, meus amor (My queen, my light, my love)" not really a quote but what Francis engraved on the sword he made for her #justcuteroyalsoulmatethings
Oh and the recurrent “You came back to me” or rly it’s just the general theme for these two whatever I LOVE IT literally one of their theme songs being Back To You, he always found his way back to her, she always found hers back to him, EVEN IN DEATH WOW
AND FOR THE GRAND FINALE: “I’ve been waiting for you” he’d been waiting for her, you gUYS ~sobs
ok So that’s a lot! Off the top of my head lol also, sorry for the late response (I’m actually not sure how long ago you sent this in...) !! <3
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allarica · 6 years
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“Mea regina. Mea lux. Meus amor.”
Day 10 & 11 of Digital Inktober 2018: Francis Valois and Mary Stuart
the year is 2018 and I just finished marathoning reign and I’m still crying over the last five minutes of the series 
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“Mea regina, mea lux, meus amor” - François de Valois 
(My queen, my light, my love)
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