#me: charlie plays and creates super mario roms in this specific subculture that barely anyone knows about
quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
Kevin & Charlie watching Lucifer wreck shop at a video game (bonus points if it’s a video game you’re not supposed to be able to “win” like Minecraft or Stardew)
Even Lucifer's laptop (old, runs while making a funny whirring noise, probably stolen from Sam) can run Minecraft, provided the settings are low and his grace keeps it from overheating, so Charlie sets him up and lets him loose, taking advantage of his distraction to use him as a pillow as she curls up on the end of the couch and props her own computer against her stomach to challenge herself with Kaizo levels.
She loses track of time until Kevin passes by, peeks over their shoulders to snort at Charlie killing Mario (Only death 247 on this ROM!) and then say, "Holy shit," as he looks at Lucifer's screen. Charlie, curiosity piqued, tilts her head just as Lucifer says, "Mammoth Cave," as though it's completely normal to create a 1-to-1 recreation of the largest cave system in America for Minecraft Steve to crawl through.
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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