#me trying to take the rose away from cass: ok girl this is a problem and i need you to stop— *takes her cape instead*
tastycitrus · 6 months
in scribblenauts unmasked, batgirl cass is scripted to spawn a rose to hold after a short period of time. she seems to prioritize holding this rose over anything else, but uh...
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the1rei · 6 years
Bloomin' Ross pt64
What is it that this mysterious being is after and what will it cost Cass and Rose? 
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When Cass reached the scene of the battle, the guards were picking themselves up.  The Captain had finally been released from his paralysis though, by the way, he stiffly moved it hadn't completely left his body.  One of the guards sat against a wall his eyes searching the world around him paying no mind to the Captain's orders, another, a big man with a mustache sat huddled with his hands over his ears and a third, a scrawny man was held up by another guard.  "Dad, what happened here?"
"Cassandra?" The Captain looked up and seemed to notice his daughter for the first time.  Surprise and fear played across his face turning swiftly to anger as he turned stiffly toward her.  "What are you doing here?  You should be taking care of the Princess as I told you."  
"I came to help you, you clearly needed it," She snapped back gesturing to the sorry state of the guards.  
The Captain narrowed his eyes and slowly shook his head.  "It's not safe; we have no idea what that thing is after."
"He wants the dog," The voice sounded like little more than a whisper, but they both heard it clearly as if he was right next to them.  Cass turned back to see the man who had his hands cupped over his ears muttering to himself.  
The Captain had barely started towards the guard by the time Cass was already in front of him, kneeling down to look him in his wide, panicked eyes and put a hand on his shoulder only to quickly withdraw it when he jumped.  "What do you mean, what dog?"  
"The one like him, the one from the underworld!  He wanted to know where it was."  The guard voice grew more panicked as he spoke and he began to shake more feverishly has he tapped a finger to the side of his head.  "He wanted to know where the dog was and he looked inside, now he knows she has the dog."  
There was a moment of confusion before the realization of what he was saying dawned on Cass, and then her face turned panicked.  The Captain had just reached her when Cass shot up and took off down the street ignoring her father's calls.  She knew where the being was going, what the underworld dog was and she had to get there first.
"I'm going to find out what's going on," Xavier said stepping around the counter out of the shop.  Rose trailed slightly behind him Pyrepy clutched to her chest.  They had heard all kinds of things were happening in Corona, but the stories were so wild and varied that they couldn't figure out the truth of it.  Some said the city was under attack by a monster, or a dragon, or a magician and there was no sorting out fact from fiction.  
"Are you sure, maybe you should stay and Pyrepy, and I should go, we've had some experience with strange things at least."  Rose looked up at her master worriedly, and Pyrepy barked in agreement with her sentiment.  
Xavier smiled approvingly to his apprentice, "I've seen my fair share of strangeness in my time, I'll be fine.  Let us old folks take the risk once in a while."  
Rose didn't seem set much at ease by that, but she nodded unable to deter Xavier anyway.  She watched from behind the counter as she made his way down the street towards the city gates.  Rose was too preoccupied with worry for her master to notice the tall red-skinned figure striding down from the opposite end of the street until Pyrepy's ears perked up and he barked.  
Cass raced through the streets dodging around people and obstacles barking at anyone who didn't move instantly, even jumping right over a few low objects that would not move quickly enough for her.  Her heart thumped wildly in her chest imagining just what something that had effortless take out a squad of guards could to a single girl, even one as capable as Rose.  
"Rose!"  Cass called as she neared the blacksmith shop, but she received no answer, and there was no one in the front part of the shop.  Jumping up, she slid over the counter and shot straight for the shop door throwing it open and calling out again.  
Rose stared at her wide-eyed and surprised on the other side of the door her hand hovering in the air like she was just about to open it.  "Cass what?"  
Rose did have time to finish her sentence as Cass pulled her into a hug.  The confusion on her face melted away as she did the same into Cass' arms.  Oh, thank goodness you're ok."  
Rose chuckled, "Of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be?"  
Before Cass could answer the sound of a clearing throat interrupted her and Cass looked deeper into the shop to see the being standing there holding Pyrepy.  "Rose get behind me!"  
Cass practically shoved Rose behind her and drew her sword, only to have Rose's hand seize her wrist.  "Cass what are you doing?  Stop it, Phistophilus is just here to see Pyrepy."
Cass looked from Rose to the being who was standing in the back of the shop holding the puppy up to his face.  Pyrepy stubby tail was wagging wildly, and he was panting happily at this Phistophilus trying to lick him.  Cass gave Rose a questioning look.  "Pyrepy was left behind after his mother gave birth to her littler on the surface.  Phistophilus' people are very strict about maintaining order and records of everything that goes in their world.  He has been searching for Pyrepy since he learned he was missing."  
"Order?  He attacked my father and the guards!"  Cass snapped advancing on the underworlder, though her sword was in her hand she didn't brandish it threateningly just glared up at the tall red-skinned man.  
"They attacked me; I was merely acting in self-defense,"  Phistophilus spoke in a low, calm voice as Rose looked worriedly from one to the other.  
"What about the guards at the gate?" Cas challenged.  
"They asked me to identify myself," Phistophilus grinned a little and turned to look down at Cass.  "So I did so in my native tongue, as is the right of foreign dignitaries."  
"Your no dignitary, the underworld isn't a kingdom."  Cass spits through clenched teeth.  
"Correct, it is a republic nation, and I am it's representative to Corona duly recognized by my leaders and King Eadred of Corona."  Phistophilus nodded his eyes returning to Pyrepy as she spoke, the pup seemed to be delighted to see him.  
"King Eadred?" Cass stared blankly for a moment then reaffirmed her glare, "He was king six hundred years ago!"  
"Correct, he forged a contract with my people to cease interference within Corona's borders.  Borders which were extended by the addition of Saporia lands to Corona's territory, a clever move I must say."  Phistophilus smiled and frowned in turn at the brilliance of the action.  "As such, I was the only one able to come and investigate the puppy's disappearance here.  While Corona is safe from our brokers, it is not a haven for those who wish to escape the payment this one's mother was deployed to retrieve."  
Cass moved to speak again, but Phistophilus continued cutting her off, "It was the responsibility of the Royal Family, who had become aware of the puppy's presence in Corona, to contact me or at very least alert its public servants to my identity to avoid such problems.  In any event attacking a diplomatic official is against the Coronian law and as such is punishable in such circumstances as these."  
Cass still wasn't sure if he was lying or not, but the weight of his knowledge gave him an air of authority she didn't want to challenge openly.  Phistophilus seemed to grin at her hesitation and added.  "I'll let the matter pass this time and allow the King to deal punishment as he sees fit.  My interest is only in the state of this puppy."  
Cass chewed her lip and gripped her sword tightly but said nothing.  Rose instead stepped forward looking sympathetically from Cass to Phistophilus asking tentatively.  "How is Pyrepy, I've done my best with him, he seems quite happy."  
"Humph," Phistophilus gave her a distasteful look and turned her eyes back to the dog.  "He's ruined as a retrieval hound; you've let him get soft on happy emotions.  It's such a pity; the human world can be so effective at teaching a hound to be fierce and angry."
"I'm sorry," Rose apologized though she was more than a little confused as to why he was talking about Pyrepy being happy and loved would be a bad thing.
"It's a small matter, I will deal with him back in the underworld," Phistophilus tucked Pyrepy under an arm and gave the girls a slight nod, "Good day to you both," and started towards the door.  
"Wait, you're taking him."  Rose rushed to stop the tall being standing between him and the door, Pyrepy whining softly now trying to get out of Phistophilus' grasp.  "But I thought you said he was no good to you now."  
"Correct, once back in the underworld, I'll destroy the beast, and the matter will be dealt with," Phistophilus replied coldly starting to step around the girl.  
"You can't," Rose gasped her eyes brimming with tears for a moment of despair then her eyes shot to her hammer laying on her anvil and turned fierce.  "I won't let you!"  
She only managed a step before Cass grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the weapon.  Rose screamed for Cass to let her go, but Cass shook her head, "You can't fight him, Rose, ten guards couldn't stop him."  
"I'm not letting him hurt Pyrepy," Rose screamed tearing her arm free from Cass' grip.  
Cass knew then that if she didn't do something Rose could very well end up sharing the same fate as Pyrepy and if that happened either Phistophilus or Cass would follow soon afterward.  
"Leave him with us!"  Cass shouted up at Phistophilus causing both the underworlder and Rose to halt in their tracks.  
Phistophilus tuned to look appraisingly at Cass, "Nothing is free in the underworld.  If you want this tainted pup, you can have him, but you must give up something of value in return."  
"How much?"  Cass asked she and Rose had next to nothing, but maybe Rapunzel could convince her parents to pay the exorbitant price of the underworlder.
Phistophilus laughed at that and holding out his free hand conjured a massive ruby, clear as glass and perfectly cut.  Then with a squeeze of his hand crushed the gem and let the shattered pieces drop like hail to the floor.  "Material wealth means nothing to my kind; you must offer something of great value to you in exchange."  
Cass growled and trusted her sword at Phistophilus, "Here take it."  
"Cass," Rose voice caught in her throat as she watched Phistophilus take the sword from Cass.  
"Mmmm," Phistophilus grinned examining the sword.  "I very great prize indeed.  Your father's sword given to you, lovingly repaired by one whose love is unconditional.  Very well."  
Rather roughly Phistophilus released Pyrepy letting him drop to the ground with a yelp.  The puppy immediately picked himself up and raced to Rose who scooped him up into her arms.  Taking hold of one of the scrolls draped from his back Phistophilus sliced through the paper with the sword offering it and the point of the sword to Cass.  Cass watched as the underworld script was burned away and replaced by English the document was a staggering length easily twice Cass' height.  
Cass got the idea of the procedure and stabbed her thumb on to the point of the sword as she lifted the bottom of the scroll up to see the X marked line at the bottom.  "Won't you get in trouble for brokering a deal in Corona," Cass muttered though she didn't mean to say it loud enough for him to hear.  
"As I did not facilitate the deal, nor come with that intent it is not against the deal made with Eadred.  However, in signing this, you are assuming responsibility for obtaining the permission of the royalty to make this deal it all there in print.  Along with the terms of signing custody of the pup in exchange for the sword and all responsibility therein."  Phistophilus explained, Cass was just grateful she hadn't accidentally soured the deal.  She quickly pressed her thumb to the line on the contract.  When Cass pulled her thumb away, leaving a spot of blood behind that instantly twisted and thinned.   When the blood stilled, her name was written, as if in her hand, on the line of the contact.  
"Excellent, a pleasure doing business with you," Phistophilus said releasing the sword which disappeared and rolled up the contract.  As he did the scroll, he had cut the contract from lengthed back to its former length.  He handed over the rolled up contract and handed it to Cass.  "This is your copy; don't lose it.  
Cass took the scroll and winched as a pier of flames engulfed Phistophilus in a flash and then he was gone.  Rose held Pyrepy close and let her tears flow.  Cass gripped the contract tightly in her hand and didn't realize she was shaking until the sound of the guards calling her name outside shocked her back to reality.  
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