#me bbs qq <3
warverse · 1 year
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Just brohoes sharin a bit of smoke~ War!Dream: @toxictoxicities (Og @jokublog )  Defiance: @doloshroom 
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
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M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
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calpicowater · 3 years
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Week 25/52: June 21st - June 27th 2021 | Taro Fresh Milk 🥛
Oh my god this is the beginning of a very very long and crazy week but on this day I was SO upset from work but then bb took me out on a mini date and gave me rice balls and bought me Coco and I felt better!!! Tried the fresh milk fresh taro with QQ balls and it’s yyds!!!!!! THANK U BBBBBBB <3 
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noahser · 3 years
How do we treat game(no preaching, Using details and emotions)-- to put out your view on games
hold on for 3 secondsDon’t push yourself to answer this. I hope in the next few minutes, i can make you fell more confident when you are playing games.Background: games industries start to get boom steadily
Game companies start to recruit more people and headhunt talented people from other industries. salary in most game corporations gets their boost bit by bit.“ Shanghai claims itself as a global E-games city with the most considerable salary jump and heated recruiting. The biggest occupation demand gap is the producer of a game, TA(technology art), and engineering. In some shanghai companies, some graduates can get 500 thousand yuan a year, which is pretty considerable. Some scarce jobs’ salary can get double by job-hopping from another city”, cited from Times Zhoubao reporter named Jason.Some Chinese companies also make some excellent games possible: Forged In Shadow Torch, Tales of immortal, The Scroll of Taiwu, Dyson Sphere Program, Genshin Impact, and so on.▼Posters of gamesBut since not a single game company in China has made it through the game industrialization transformation process, we still can not forge a game that can be on a par with other foreign 3A games and get a long way to go. But, we are moving forward.Status Quo: People’s attitudes towards games have begun to change, and more and more people have started to pay attention to games. E-sports or live broadcasting are rapidly developing, and people have gradually adopted a more positive attitude towards games.Many games have also acted as social tools (Honor of Kings, Game For Peace, Mole’s World, Harry Potter), in games, people experience virtual worlds. Games are even changing the real world, and the influence of games is becoming more and more noticeable.The game has become a tool for connecting feelings among roommates in the dormitoryGames became a time killer for boys in the back row of college classesThe game has become a useful tool to alleviate the embarrassment when people are waiting for food at the table or the follow-up supplement activities after a meal when there is nothing to do in your mind.Do games seem to be needed by more people? Is the game really being treated fairly by more and more people?But wait, it doesn't seem right. These are something we are evading. Why do we choose to play games in these scenarios?You said that the dormitory relationship is not easy to handle. Finding some time to play games together could enhance our relationships.You said that you are socializing and your friends are all playing this game. If you don't play it, I could be regarded as withdrawn.You said that are there that many things to talk about when you hold an event together? Play a game together to relieve boredom. Isn't it good?You say that this is the ninth art. I am leveling up my aesthetic taste and experiencing different life experiences.▼An art form other than (painting, sculpture, architecture, music, poetry (literature), dance, drama, film)You said that I was so tired in class or work, I want to relax in the game.Wait, are we evading something? Do you need so many reasons for playing games? Can games only be used as tools? Games, can not they just be games?Let me tell my story. When I was in elementary school, I lived in my grandmother’s village. After school, what should we do after we have nothing to do? Of course, it was having fun. We go to play glass balls, play cards, throw sandbags, play top toys on ice, and use BB guns to shoot birds, which made me feel really regretful till now.At that time, the plastic bullet did not grant BB guns great power. The bird would fall off at most when it hits, and it could not fly temporarily cause it still hurts. At this time, we would happily rush over to catch the bird. Of course, birds were useless for us if we keep it. So we would release the birds afterward. But once, we hit a bird with a bullet, it fell off suddenly. I rushed over happily, only to find that the eye was hit with blood flowing. It was the first time we encountered this situation. I suddenly felt regretful. That was the first time I felt heartache for a bird. I held it up and put it under the alpine grass outside the yard to let it rest and prevent others from catching it. (Actually, I don’t know what to do). After a while, when I
went to check again, I found it disappeared. I don't know what fate it faced afterward. I blamed myself for a while and never used a BB gun to aim at birds again. After having such an experience, I began to understand "Whether it is a human or a small animal, the pain will make those who experience it feel intense discomfort whether you are the hurt one or not." When I picked up the BB gun, I didn't even think about what I could get from it. All of this may be an unexpected gain.Later, I get to know video games from a friend. A small game computer can be connected to the TV to play a variety of cool games just by plugging in a ROM cartridge. It really refreshed my cognition about games at the time. So, I spent all the pocket money I had saved for a long time on a family computer called Subor - a game console in the store, which is apparently a private version. But i knew that way later on. I was ecstatic and take it home. Whenever there was just me at home, I turned on the TV and browse a set of games on my “Subor”—— Mario, Contra, Nunchaku, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and other games, even these simple interaction logic of these games can make me fascinated. Later, on the basis of these games, I also came into contact with more excellent works, such as Mortal, Streets of Rage, King of Fighters, Street Fighter, and so on. . . Subsequently, the Internet swept up, and web games emerged, QQ Tang, QQ Pet, QQ Speed, CF, and CS Online showed on the desktop of my computer. Although I had been reprimanded for playing games, these games gave me a better understanding of games. I came to figure out that” wow, games can be like this”. Recalling now, did I want to get anything when I played the game? No, all of this may still be unexpected gains.Why, when we talk about playing games, we never admit that we are playing, and we always feel that we need to pursue meaning in order to justify our behavior of playing games.Looking back at the emergence of many things, when French photographers Louis Lumiere and Auguste Lumiere brothers put their invented "event projector" in a cafe, and when they played their films, did they mull the meanings from this thing that can bring to us? I'm afraid not. But we all know what the movie has achieved today."Today I have been busy, nothing can be done, I suddenly missed all the women of that day. After careful examination one by one, I found that their behavior and knowledge are all above me. Don't protect yourself because of my dissatisfaction, and also make them annihilate." This is Cao Xueqin's original intention to explain her creation in the first chapter of "A Dream of Red Mansions". Literature may not think about the meaning, but it captures the beautiful and subtle emotions that could not be written in words before and creates a world of New. For example, light enters a dark room, which is dark for a hundred thousand years, and it can be enlightened at once. , So we can see the “Bullet screen” like "Thousand-year dark room, a light bright the dark all", "Although it can't come, my heart yearns for it" "After that, if there is no torch, I will be the only light", not just "Olygi" at the ends of some high-energy videosSo, where is the meaning of playing games? I want to say: it can be meaningless. If it can bring me unexpected gains, of course, it is better, but if it doesn't, it doesn't matter.When we let go of the idea of ​binding the game to other meanings, we can really play the game.Stop deceiving yourself by saying that I play games to socialize, I play games to feel the ninth art, and I play games to relax my brain for better learning. stop! I play games because I like games, nothing else, just to play games. Because a game can only be a game.
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wtfy-cyzj · 6 years
Jike Junyi
吉克隽逸 Summer Jike Summer JK 王隽逸
Birthday: May 13, 1988
Height: 162 cm
From Ganluo, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
Signed with Universal Music
Is a member of the Yi people, an ethnic minority in China
Social media
Instagram Weibo
Where to listen
iTunes  x  x Spotify
2013   一首心歌
2014   吉克隽逸
Let's Vogue  [live] 
Summer Time (feat. Snoop Dogg)   
月到天心处 (The Stand-In OST) 
2016   Intrepid大无畏
Lotion Song   
最后的恋人 (The Last Lover)  
游爱民族 (Love Nomadic Nation)   
Snap (feat. Mr. Fantastic)   
In Control   
Boss (English ver)   
2014   即刻出发 北京演唱会Live (Ready to Start Off: The 1st Concert - Beijing Live CD)
I Feel Good / Sexy Music  
愛你在心口難開 (feat.沙寶亮/ Sha Baoliang) 
暗香 (Sha Baoliang guest performance)
答案 (feat.楊坤/Yang Kun)  
空城 (Yang Kun guest performance)
天地在我心 (feat.劉歡/Liu Huan)  
Summer Time
Let’s Vogue 
2016   我的猫 (My Cat) 
2017   尘世 
2018   I’m Your Fan 
2012   在我想起来 (with 李代沫/Li Daimo)  [二次曝光 (Double Xposure) OST]  
2013   月到天心处 [十月围城 (The Stand-In) OST]     
2013   爱情发的光   [青蛙王国1 (The Frog Kingdom 1) OST] 
2013   争气  [白幽灵传奇之绝命逃亡 (Outcast) OST]  
2013   Now That You Can’t Have Me  [白幽灵传奇之绝命逃亡 (Outcast) OST]  
2014   无惧此夜 (Fear Not This Night – Chinese version)  [Guild Wars 2 3D online game OST]  
2014   Fear Not This Night (English ver)  [Guild Wars 2 3D online game OST] 
2015   向死而生 [李开复忏悔录 (Li Kaifu's Confession) OST] 
2015   我是女王 [我是女王 (I am the Queen) OST]  (arranged by Gong Ge) 
2015   巴黎假期 (Paris Holiday) (with 金志文/Jin Zhiwen, 谭维维/Tan Weiwei, & 陈楚生/Chen Chusheng)  [巴黎假期 (Paris Holiday) OST]  
2015   奋不顾身 (with 刘欢 / Liu Huan)  [钟馗伏魔:雪妖魔灵 (Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal) OST]   
2015   幸福加油  [妈妈像花儿一样 (Mom Is Like a Flower) OST]   
2016   Mad Man Killer  [校花的贴身高手 (School Beauty's Personal Bodyguard or Mr. Bodyguard) OST]   
2016   海洋之心 (lit. Heart of the Sea) (How Far I’ll Go)  [海洋奇缘 (Moana) OST – Chinese release]  
2016   无侠  [西涯侠 (Western Man) OST]  
2016   所爱一生 [大话西游3 (A Chinese Odyssey 3: Love of Eternity) OST]  
2016   珍珠 (Pearl)  [大唐荣耀 (The Glory of Tang Dynasty) OST] 
2018   千年 (with 金志文/Jin Zhiwen)  [天乩之白蛇傳說 (Legend of the White Snake) OST]  
2014   Halo (Beyonce cover)  [Closing Ceremony Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games]
2016   长春 长春 (with 张文/Zhang Wen)  [The theme song of the 13th Changchun Film Festival Closing Ceremony]  
2017   The Magical Journey  
2017   别人的圣诞节  
2017   新世界 (New Age)  
2017   神舞幻想 
2017   空空山海 
2018   I'm Your Fan 
2018   伤情 
2018   喊你的名字
2018   远远的时光  
Advertisements, etc
2012   无处不乐 (Everywhere) (with Ding Dang/丁当, Deng Ziqi (G.E.M)/邓紫棋, & Qu Wanting/曲婉婷)  [Tencent Network QQ Music Theme Song] 
2013   Spoonful   [Haagen-Dazs brand song]
2013   谢安琪 (Kay Tse) - 两双 (feat. Jike Junyi)  [KFC brand song] 
2014   Innovation Is Fashion  [2014 Innofashion brand theme]  [lyric video]
2015   呼唤爱  [Beijing Bid 2022 Winter Olympics and Beijing Olympic Music Week Excellent Music Works]   
2015   白幽灵传奇之绝命逃亡 (Outcast)     Role: 梅     (with Hayden Christensen & Nicolas Cage)
2015   钟馗伏魔:雪妖魔灵 (Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal)     Role: 易微
2016   大闹东海 (Dadong East China Sea)     Role: 东海龙女
2012   The Voice of China season 1
2015   Running Man China
I can’t tell if this is an official or fan account, but there are a ton of videos on this youtube account. https://www.youtube.com/user/LoveJKJY/featured
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hoshihiime · 2 years
sorry i think this is late but if ur still doing it
17, 24, 28 !!
17 - fairy lights or LED lights? I have LEDs! They're brighter than fairy lights for me and the ones I have can dim so if it's too much I can just - set the mood just right :,3c 24 - what’s something you do to de-stress?
mast- I actually play IDV with my friends or just sit on call in discord for hours because I can't stand to be alone for too long QQ;;; I also like to just - collect fics to read later - so if you see me liking a bunch of fics in a row from the Spencer x Reader tag,,,mind ya business. IT'S FOR MY BEDTIME STORIES.
28 - hugs or hand-holding?
BOTH!!! GOD I AM SO TOUCH STARVED! One of my primary love languages is touch and physical affection so holding hands, little smooches to the forehead and the back of my friend's hands etc - all are very very good <3 I adore platonic cuddling and smoochin', and ofc I always ask if someone's comfortable with me being so affectionate first sdkjfbfsgfg
soft asks to get to know people
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gokifu · 3 years
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저리 붙였으면 50집 넘는 걸 버릴 일 없었다. 실전은 두 방 연달아 맞고 후수라서 손을 돌렸다.
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후수로 이을 필요가 없었으며 5에 뻗을 수 있었다.
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(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.11]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.5]HA[0]TM[120]OT[30 fischer]RE[W+R]GN[Friendly Match]DT[2021-01-09]PB[jaydeechoi]BR[26k]PW[Gorilla Monsoon]WR[?]PC[https://online-go.com/review/593261];B[od];W[pp];B[dd];W[dp];B[jk];W[cf];B[ef];W[dc];B[ec];W[cd];B[cc];W[db];B[eb];W[de];B[ed];W[cb];B[bc];W[bb];B[bd];W[ce];B[cg];W[be];B[df];W[ee];B[fe];W[bg];B[ae];W[bf];B[bh];W[ch];B[ag];W[dg];B[af];W[cg];B[ab];W[ac];B[ad];W[bi];B[eg];W[ge];B[gd];W[ff];B[fd];W[gf];B[fh];W[ie];B[hd](;W[ig];B[jc];W[hi];B[gi];W[hj];B[hh];W[ih];B[gj];W[hk];B[fl];W[gm];B[fm];W[fn];B[hl];W[gl];B[gk];W[il];B[hm];W[gn];B[in];W[ik];B[jj];W[jn];B[io];W[im];B[hn];W[jo];B[ip];W[jp];B[en];W[eo];B[iq];W[dn];B[em];W[dm];B[dl];W[fk];B[el];W[cl];B[ej](;W[ck];B[dj];W[gp];B[ci];W[jq];B[dh];W[pk];B[qi];W[oi];B[pj];W[oj];B[qk];W[pl];B[nk];W[ql];B[ii];W[hg];B[gh];W[lh];B[jh];W[jg];B[kh];W[kg];B[lg];W[li];B[lk];W[kl];B[lj];W[ki];B[ji];W[lf];B[mg];W[nh];B[mm];W[nq];B[mf];W[le];B[me];W[kc];B[nj];W[mh];B[ok];W[qh];B[rh];W[qg];B[rg];W[rj];B[qj];W[rf];B[rl];W[of];B[rm];W[pn];B[ri];W[md];B[ne];W[qe];B[qd];W[rd];B[pe];W[pf];B[ld];W[lc];B[jd];W[kd];B[je](;W[kf];B[rc](;W[qc];B[pc];W[pd];B[jm];W[jl];B[qd];W[qb];B[rb];W[pd];B[ll];W[km];B[qd](;W[oe];B[pd];W[nd];B[pb];W[qq];B[om];W[qn];B[ni];W[oh];B[no];W[nn];B[on];W[ol];B[nl];W[mo];B[op];W[mn];B[oq];W[nr];B[or](;W[nm];B[qr];W[rr];B[qp];W[rp];B[po];W[qo];B[oo](;W[pr];B[mp];W[lq];B[lp];W[lo];B[ko];W[ln];B[ir];W[er];B[mq];W[mr])(;W[np])(;W[cq]))(;W[rp];B[nm];W[rr]))(;W[pb];B[ob];W[oe];B[pd];W[nd];B[oc];W[nb]))(;LB[pc:1]W[pc]))(;W[nd];B[oe];W[oc];B[pc];W[rc];B[ob];W[nc];B[kf];W[pb](;B[qb];W[pa](;B[qa];W[qc];B[oa];W[pb];AW[pa]LB[nd:1][oe:2][oc:3][pc:4][rc:5][ob:6][nc:7][kf:8][pb:9][qb:10][pa:11][qa:12][qc:13][oa:14])(;B[if](;W[qc])(;W[ng])))(;B[if];W[ng])))(;W[dj](;B[ek];LB[dj:1][ek:2][fq:3]W[fq])(;B[ck];W[cj](;B[bk];W[dk];B[ek];W[ei];B[fj];W[fq];B[cm];W[cn];B[bl];W[bn];AW[fk][cl]LB[dj:1][ck:2][cj:3][bk:4][dk:5][ek:6][ei:7][fj:8][fq:9][cm:10][cn:11][bl:12][bn:13])(;B[cm](;W[bl];B[cn];W[do];B[bk];W[dk];B[ek];W[ei];B[fj];W[fq];B[bm];W[bo])(;W[ek];B[bl];W[dk];B[cl];W[fq];B[co];W[do];B[gp](;W[fp];B[cp];W[cq];B[bq];W[br];B[ap];W[dr];B[cn];W[jq])(;W[fo];B[cp];W[cq];B[bq];W[br];B[ap];W[dr];B[cn];W[jq];AW[cl]LB[cm:4][ek:5][bl:6][dk:7][fq:9][co:10][do:11][gp:12][fo:13][cp:14][cq:15][bq:16][br:17][ap:18][dr:19][cn:20][jq:21]))))))(;W[hh](;B[gi];W[ij](;B[gk];W[ik];B[gm](;W[jl])(;W[in];B[go];W[ip];B[gq];W[fp];B[gp];W[ir]))(;B[ik];W[hj];B[fk](;W[gl])(;W[hk])))(;B[he];W[hf];B[if];W[ig];B[jf](;W[kh];B[ii](;W[jg];B[kf];W[gj])(;W[jh]))(;W[hj];B[ii];W[hi];B[jg])(;W[ji]))(;B[fj];W[hj];B[hk])))
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thememcry · 4 years
talk to me + 10 and 4 :3
      talk to me voice meme, accepting.
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      the guiltiest pleasure and a little bit of qq.
            ty bb <3
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pokerqq13-blog · 4 years
Poker Contest - Blind Stealing Tactic
When it all is chosen, Poker events are commonly not impressive battles in between 2 costs hands in the later rounds. They are typically 60/40 or closer battles, which eventually determine the end result. With 10x the Large Blind or much less, you have choices. You might increase the minimum with swipe hands, however I believe this is weak. For one, you are welcoming individuals to find over the leading with several hands if you often swipe in this manner. If you are the kind to minimal raising with your costs hands also, after that you are additionally running the risk of being broken by individuals that make the most of the excellent cost you have actually supplied as well as see a flop from the blinds.
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Minimum increasing with huge blinds and also a 10 x large blind pile normally implies you will certainly swipe blinds at a much less regular price, however likewise take the chance of much less to do so. It additionally gives the opportunity for challengers to beat you on the flop which you will certainly miss out on greater than not. Truthfully, I do not minimal raising since it constantly appears to place me in tight spots. I understand that hard does not always suggest negative, yet I choose to prevent these type of areas.
If you do not minimal raising, you are going to be elevating 2.5-3 x large blind with 10 x large blind pile. Currently the issue occurs below. You must increase 2.5-3 x bb with all your hands? If you elevate 2.5-3 x bb when you are taking, as well as do anything in a different way when you have an exceptional hand, after that I assume we can concur that this makes no feeling. You should maintain your challengers off balance. If you elevate 2.5-3 x bb with a swiping hand, and also somebody discusses the top for your pile, you are mosting likely to fold up obtaining 13:7, or about 2:1 chances. Many swiping hands, typically, deserve this rate.
The bottom line is this: If you swipe sufficient making use of the 10 x BB policy you will certainly have a greater price of success than utilizing any other approach. Most of the time you will certainly be doing sufficient job to maintain your pile expanding, or to a minimum of maintain it where it is. When you do obtain called, it will not constantly be by aces or kings in poker qq , as well as it will certainly frequently be a coinflip scenario. One much better than elevating to 3 x bb and afterwards folding to a reraise. The problem ends up being a great deal much more clear with 8 x BB. It must all be pressing and also folding. I expect 10 x bb is an approximate quantity, and also I would certainly concur that perhaps 9.5 is a much better mark. I truly do not believe elevating less than folding as well as all-in is mosting likely to be a much more +EV relocation than increasing all-in to start with.
At 5-6 x bb you ought to be one of the most determined. Exactly what this variety of hands is, depends. For the many component, this need to be the elevation of your looseness. Why? However not for long since you have folding equity. When the blinds increase, or when you obtain blinded, or when both take place, you make sure to shed nearly all of your folding equity, and also you have no chance to endure as well as develop a pile without face-off. If you have less than this, claim, 1.5-3xBB, your folding equity is virtually gone. Due to the fact that you wont be able to make any person layer with garbage hands, you should not be hopeless currently. Currently you need to be rather careful, and also even worse situation simply go down with any type of arbitrary 2 from the huge blind.
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kimyumbin · 7 years
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Happy birthday to my little marshmallow; 
It’s crazy to think that you’re officially an adult now. You always bring so much happiness to my heart through your adorable personality, but also through your amazing laughter. You seriously are like a son to me, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you my little fluff. I just want to protect you from all the bad things in the world, qq. I hope that you get to spend this special day with amazing people and eat lots of amazing food. Please continue to warm our hearts with your smile. Happy birthday bb <3
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modelseriess · 7 years
olá, eu denovo *wink* , só passei aqui pra dizer a mesma coisa, e mais um pouco ksk, melhor tumblr que já segui, só queria ser amiguinho qq
aaaaa q amor, vamo ser amiguinhas sim bb, me segue no twitter @jacksonawery e vamos conversar lá sz
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