#mayor would be the obsessive type wouldn't he?
starrclown · 16 days
Okay, so I remember you ask about LMK rare pair on IG. And to be honest I have no idea. Until now. What you think about Not Mayor and Wukong? IcePeach? BrokenDolls? Or whatever their ship name is.
My idea for them is Mayor try find new a purpose in life after LBD gone. At first he try to reach Bai He because he can't cope nicely and Bai He kinda look like LBD. But there is one problem and that is Wukong. *Cough* FrozenStar Duo*Cough*. So he decide to keep on eye on Wukong instade because he have nothing else to do and since Wukong always be seen with Bai He for past few week after LBD gone. He hates Wukong at first because you know Wukong is kinda the want who make him know that LBD doesn't need him. He hated that feeling. But he also feel something when fighting with Wukong. It's the warm because Wukong always warm. He can't stop thinking about that warm.
He sees Wukong as a leader, a protector, a hero but most importantly a KING. Someone who deserve to be serve. He kinda became bit obsess with Wukong after keep watching the king and staff. He decide to do something.
Even after everything he still a Mayor for some reason. So after the city fully fix in a month and half (thank you technology. They live in futuristic time so you know). He organized so call "Celebration Party" to celebrated a win against LBD. The party was open to public and invited the the Monkie Gang as special guess and also Monkey King. So like it or not they kinda have to go since the whole city expect them to there.
Save to say that Mayor plan kinda work. Wukong is there so that's perfect. He bait Wukong to the middle of party where a lot of people can see them. He ask Wukong to dance with him and Wukong couldn't say not since all eyes on them and Wukong stage fright kick in.
They dance. And Mayor could feel the warm again. Normaly he would always feel cold since that what LBD do. The cold is nice and love it for a long time even he wasn't needed he still love it because that all he ever know. But this WARM. This warm is so addicted. The more he feel the more he want. It was powerful. He wants more
"May I serve you, My King" he said kissing Wukong hand.
(dude, Stalker Tango was playing on background while they dance. It's the vibe I get for this whole thing)
4 things.
1. Hiiiii!!
2. I clicked on this and it shot to the bottom of the text and all I saw was Stalkers Tango. (I used to EAT up that song. It was all over my YouTube page like 2 years ago.)
3. Yall I saw this ship on Tiktok like 2 days ago. It was a sideshow with those two and with the audio "Do you think you'd kill for me on day? Yes, of course I will my darling." I don't know if they have like a confirmed ahipname cause like, that's a RARE rarepair right their. I call them Star-shapedIce. I thought of it cause you know those ice molds you can make diffrent shapes with? Like those!
4. There are so many parts about this I like.
Mayor just like, having nothing to do after LBD. Like it makes perfect sense cause he has spent litteraly years serving her. The idea he's just like: "Well this kid looks like her, might as well." *Spots Wukong* "Fuck not that guy."
Bro your feeling warm cause SUN WUKONG my guy 😭. I know this is saying he's getting warm cause he's catching feelings but I like the idea that he says Wukong makes him feel warm and Bai He in thr back is like, "Yeah! No duh! Your fighting SUN Wukong! Dude your on a tropical mountain with monkeys and fruit trees! You dumbas-"
This raises a good question, does Mayor still have like political power?? Like can he make decisions for the city. Do the people of the city know that their mayor was LBD's right hand man? Bro that would suck if your Wukong. This Mayor, someone you know helped LBD take over the world, is just inviting you to dance and shit and you can't say no cause you can't let the people of the city you protect down. Ya think he gets pissed after the 4th party invitation?
Say Wukong agreed to let Mayor serve him. Since we both agreed that Bai He would be with him (cause that duo is great) dude she would NOT be chill (ha ha) about him being there. Angst material right there.
Normalize this ship that no way would be healthy in the beginning. The toxic spice ✨
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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busterkeel · 2 years
I love the tall Jazz concept, but what I love more is tall Fenton siblings
Jazz has to be taller than Danny, she could be 6"9 or 6"10
Danny could be 6"7
I'd say Danny started growing when he was 16
His ghost form doesn't/hasn't aged though because reasons....
In my mental sinario Dan turned over a new leaf with some help comforting from Jazz and he's 1 or 2+ inches taller than Jazz, like 6"11+
He doesn't have a human identity because he likes staying in the zone more, unless he's looming over amity for some strange reason or visiting Jazz,(Jack or Maddie)
Honestly now that I'm typing it I can see them making time to visit him in the zone
Maybe they feel regret, if they hadn't been so caught up on their ecto experiment and research the portal accident wouldn't have happened, he wouldn't have been so scared to tell them he's part ghost, and they would have had time to notice his school grades were low so he wouldn't have felt he need to cheat
Dani at age 12 is like up to Danny's neck in his original height at age 14, so I'd say she's like 4"10
But when danny has his growth spurt she grows to Danny's original height of 5"5 when she reaches 14
I guess some part of her want to seen as a younger sibling(because of the whole vlad clone replacement fake family, she wants a real one, so she emotionally doesn't allow herself to grow faster than danny, jazz & Dan) and she still hasn't hit her growth spurt like Danny did, but when she does or allows herself to she'll 1 or 1 1/2 inch shorter and danny being
She has a ligit human identity which has been set up by Tucker, Technus and Desiree......, let's say she was at boarding school from 11 and below
Does Wisconsin have a boarding school?
Well it does now, she was being taken care of by Vlad (who had made up with the fentons)
He sponsors them now....(these dots are really me just holding back from explaining 😭)
Dani also travels alot (paid by Vlad of course) and she trusted to take care of herself, from her past roaming experience (plus she's a fenton/phantom 💪) she visits when she wants to and on holidays
I'd like to say her obsession is freedom, she can be who she wants to be and not someone she failed to be, (this is also why I think that mind control wouldn't work on her like Danny) which is also why I give her a water core since unbound it can mold into anything
Let's say Vlads ghost obsession was making him crazy, all that time he was alone with that ecto achnee made his obsession seeking out kin someone who'd understand him, aka Danny
Especially when he wanted something but he didn't know what, so he got rich to try to fill the void, and then when he found something that would fill it aka Danny he wanted him to join him
Honestly all that time alone, with his doctors not know what the hell is wrong with him, and him having to figure out his powers blind, his feeling of abandonment from Jack & maddie, the root of the problem being Jack and seeing Jack happily with a family
Made him even crazy
Making him want to steal from Jack, aka wanting Maddie and Danny
(I know I didn't explain this as best as I wanted, but this is not what I came here for)
He gives up the mayor seat to a nice guy who like to drink tea, has a mustache and looks like he gives nice hugs
Anywho as I said he sponsors the fentons who in turn sponsors Amity park with ghost tech, ghost shields in certain places
in the future after canon (beside the whole identity reveal) there should be a Amity park announcement that can pic up different ecto signatures that Maddie and Jack put in like
Also what if they have like a GhostGo app (like pokemon go) Let's say Tucker created it and if you see a ghost you can take a picture of them and it'll be added to you own personal database
I imagine Youngblood being rare cause only children and child at heart can see him, but even if they take a picture of where he is he'll still show up blank, but they have the option to draw him
Anyways I can imagine after everyone is grown up Maddie and Jack start traveling to paranormal places to research ghost activity
(I've also have in my headcanon from someone else, that years ago before the portal they went to a event in Gotham to get Bruce Wayne to sponsor them and he laughed in their face)
Reasons why Danny's ghost form isn't aging
Even tho he knows he wont turn evil like Dan there's still some uncertainty mentally that's holding him back, like no one being able to stop him of he turned evil, he doesn't like being strong......
He know he wont be like Dan (which is why his human form is aging to an extent) but in his ghost form there still that lil fear of becoming evil and that's stopping his ghost form from aging and looking like Dan
Like around 18 years old he is crowned crown prince(he was already a prince, but now they're really getting him ready for the throne" and he starts learning about ghost history and kingly stuff, but then he learns that the whole tittle comes with a power boost (I've read a fanfic that does this and loved it) and now that too powerful to stop if he turns evil is slowly creeping up the just a lil 🤏
The more I explain this the more it Branches off into my other mental sinarios I was just trying to tell the height differences......
Well....The whole town is liminal, some more than others and they are sick of the Justice league not taking them seriously and answering their pleas. Like after the whole town went into the zone and they still didn't help, they gave up on them and now hold a strong disgust towards them
Ok im done, I really had to force myself to stop typing this is not what I came here to explain....
Just one more thing
I should mention that Danny wanted to be an astronaut, but because of the ecto in his blood he can't so he stuck with being a Nasa engineer (I think they don't need your medical history for that) plus he can fly to space any time he wants
In the zone Dan is called Lord Phantom, older brother of (crown) Prince Phantom, Jazz would be called Princess Jazz, but I don't want the justice league to figure out their identity, like I want it impossible unless they're trusted enough to be told
But once again amitians don't like the justice league so....... she's called High Princess.
Dani could be called Princess Dani or princess Phantom
(She's called Ella in her human form)
18 + 5 = 23/24 when he's with nasa(still dodging being crowned, basically king without the crown, he'll take it soon... maybe that's why the justice league comes knocking [like that one fanfic where all the magic users feel it] after a long time of connecting to Amity park), Jazz would be 25/26 psychologist in Gotham, just meeting or going out with Jason, Dani is traveling places hard to reach, and is in ghost knight training. Don't know what Dan would be doing? Or Sam, Tucker & Valarie would be outside the zone
I imagine the fenton siblings towering over the Wayne's/batfam if she ever introduces them, Honestly still mad at frickin Bruce from friendly neighborhood vigilante ch. 14
Anyways the reason for this is because of the recent tall jazz fanfic had my mind running.
........This is posted some days later, I really went off track and didn't even want to post it anymore. I really just came to talk about the heights. The only reason why I finished it is because of another headcanon that formed while I was typing this, which will be in part 2 !
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4rainynite · 1 year
Danny Phantom Enemies Headcanons
This headcanon is gonna be about the many characters from the series Danny Phantom and see what their relationship with Team Phantom would be in the series ranging from: ally, neutral, and enemy. Now, it’s time for the enemys, enjoy. Allies here and neutrals here!
P.S. Sorry this took so long to due, real life comes before making headcanons. Enjoy!
Warning : Some character explanations will be super long, mentions of death, and other things rated PG-13.
Skulker - He was one of Team Phantom's first villains and was obsessed with hunting Danny for his pelt (GROSS!) and for being a Halfa. Skulker obviously doesn't care about who or what he hunts especially if a child or an endangered animal is his target. Once it's revealed that Danny isn't the only Halfa around (Not just Vlad and Dani) I can see him giving Danny 'the reason you suck speech' about how Danny is no longer special or worth his time hunting, which is a relief for Danny, but they'll still fight each other. Skulker may over time have a villian's respect towards Danny and Team Phantom, but will never admit it. I have a theory that the only reason he never hunted Vlad is because Vlad bribed him with endless weapons if Skulker never hunts him and Vlad pays Skulker to hunt things for him. On the scale of villiany in the show Skulker is #4 seeing as he hunts for sport and how he has been dangerously close to killing Danny and others.
Nicolai Technus - As much as Technus is a mad scientist type guy, he didn't really have the drive to be evil until Danny planted the idea. Once the idea came to mind Technus went through without hesitation, he could've changed his mind anytime. He defiantly embraced his villainous role by manipulating Danny and Valerie's emotions to like each other knowing that Valerie likes Danny Fenton and hates Danny Phantom (a bold move, I must admit). Ans in the bad timeline he teamed up with Skulker forming an even bigger baddie. So, yeah, he's an enemy.
Walker - For a guy who's a warden and expects everyone to follow the rules he's a hypocrite. He makes his own rules for others to follow, kidnap children, putting that shock collar on Wulf and almost putting it on Sam, and framed Danny and made him public enemy number one in his own town! If the series continued like a court episode revealing that it was Walker who attacked the ex-mayor and his police ghost possessed many citizens. Thus, clearing Danny's name and some high council in the Ghost Zone (not the Observants one, but like a lower division council that handles the different ghost jails and domains) remove Walker from his position as a warden and he is a prisoner of his own jail. He'll obviously blame Danny and Team Phantom and wants revenge.
Penelope Spectra & Bertrand- Oh my gosh, where do I begin with her? After the trauma she caused during her first episode she's #3 on my DP deadliest villains chart. Before she even set foot in Caper High, Spectra has gone through many different schools sucking the students' of their misery/energy to make herself and Bertrand stay young by lying and humiliating them, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if those poor kids ended up committing suicide because of her. Heck, she tried to kill the students of Casper High in 'Doctor's Disorder' and Jazz during the pep rally in front of everyone to create more misery. She made Danny utterly miserable, tried to turn Danny against Jazz, and tried to vaporize Jazz, and made Danny question himself as a Halfa by calling him a freak. As for Bertrand he's basically her lap dog and has no problems resulting in killing to get what he and his boss want. I think we all can agree that these two need to stay away from everyone, but mostly children.
The Guys in White - Let's face it: Amity Park hates these guys! Every episode that they're threatening citizens and ghost. They seem to have no problem with collateral damage seeing how that tried to kill Gregor/Elliot thinking he was the ghost boy and destroyed the observation station. Unlike the Fenton's who'll pay for the damages they caused, the Guys in White refuse to pay a penny and use the excuse that they work for the government. The worst thing they ever committed was them trying to blow up the Ghost Zone which would destroy our world too. Overtime they'll waste too much money on ghost catching equipment and the citizens of Amity Park will get sick of them causing the organization to disband. With only Agents K, O, and the leader guy still around trying to capture Danny or any other ghost.
The Other Ghost Hunters - After, their encounter with Danny Phantom they most likely felt humiliated, and it only fueled their hatred towards ghost. But seeing how popular Danny Phantom is in Amity Park doing anything against him is a big no-no. So I can see them waiting for Danny to screw-up so they can catch him.
Control Freak and Lydia - Seeing as Team Phantom have ruined his circus and plan to take over the world it's a given that he's an enemy. He probably spent years going to every town with his circus stealing from banks, museums, and jewelry stores only to be stopped by a couple of teens would make anybody vengeful. I doubt he remembers that Phantom and Fenton are the same person after Danny erased everyone's memory, but he does remember the events. Seeing as Lydia and Control Freak are a couple she seems cool with whatever evil scheme he comes up with. I believe the two were dating before her death.
Prince Aragon - Let's see arrogant, was willing to marry a child (I'm aware that was a practice back then, but today absolutely not!), kept his kingdom imprisoned in time for hundreds of years, and was abusive towards his sister. I see him having more of a vendetta over Dora and Sam than Danny.
Hotep Ra - Was a backstabbing advisor who tried to takeover world.
Vortex , Undergrowth, Nocturn - All three are powerful elemental: weather (Vortex), earth (Undergrowth), and dreams (Nocturn) that connect not just the human world but the ghost world as well. In each of their appearance all three were able to takeout Amity Park in a short amount of time and gave Team Phantom a run for their money, until they learned a new skill to defeat them. Seeing how the Observants had Vortex on trial it's obvious he is super powerful! I wish there was a special episode where all three combined like Skulltech 9.9 to see what kind of damage they could do.
Pariah Dark - Guy was a tyrant king who ruled with an iron fist and was so powerful that a group of ancient ghosts had to imprison him in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep to stop his reign of terror. He doesn't care if you're human, ghost, or halfa in his eyes he's above all. The guy transported Amity Park into the Ghost Zone and lead an army that could've destroy everyone and the world! Heck, Skulker didn't want to confront him, SKULKER, that really says something! Hopefully, no one will be stupid enough to wake him up again.
Dan Phantom/ Dark Danny - He has no humanity in him, destroyed most of Amity Park (and most of the world), committed two thousand evil deeds, and even tried to kill his family and friends. Dan Phantom has no redeeming qualities and seeing how the observants couldn't take him out without Clockworks assistance shows how powerful he is. Inever believed Danny's ghost side was bad; Danny is Danny whether he's Phantom of Fenton. I believe the guilt and stress of losing everyone he loved and the fusion with Vlad was what form Dan Phantom. Heck! If it were reversed and Danny killed his ghost half, he would've been Dan Fenton human serial killer. For everyone's sake he needs to stay in the Fenton Thermos forever!
Master's Blasters - Okay, we all know season three and the last episode were to put it lightly -something. But I have to ask: where did Vlad find these guys? I mean honestly, a trio of ghost hunters pop out of nowhere, are better hunters than Valerie and Danny, the second they arrive Amity Park just eats them up and are willing to pay for being saved despite how they feel about the GIW, seriously? If it weren't for the cancelation, I would've built them up that Vlad staged their hunting/ rescues to make them look better than Phantom. As Danny slowly doubts himself as a hero the Master Blasters start charging for the rescues. At this point of time Phantom and Red huntress are nowhere to be found so the citizens of Amity Park have no choice, but to pay. Skip forward to the ending (minus Danny and Vlad revealed to be halfas) where the Fentons, Phantom, and Red Huntress team up to protect Amity Park from both ghost and human threats it's revealed that Master's Blasters aren't as good as they appeared without Vlad's trickery. They most like vow revenge on Team Phantom and try to outdo them only to fall flat.
Vlad Masters/ Plasmius - Where to begin with, Vlad? Oh, wait, I know! Vlad had this whole scheme to keep Maddie to himself, make Danny and Jazz see him as their father, created clones to make a new family, take over Amity Park, and tried to kill/humiliate Jack on a number of occasions. Even in the alternate timeline when he finally marries Maddie he is crazy controlling of her. He's doomed Amity Park/ the world numerous times for power, attempted to kill Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and Dani who are children (would've killed Valerie too if he knew about her finding out his secret), has tried to discredit Danny, taken over Amity Park via cheating, used his ghost powers to gain his wealthy, the list goes on. Vlad does seem to have some regret which is something most of the villains of the show don't seem to grasp. His older self in 'The Ultimate Enemy' realized the error of his ways and helped Danny return to his timeline (Vlad did state that he could've killed Danny instead but choose to do the right thing). And judging from the end of 'Phantom Planet' and the cover of the book ' A Glitch in Time' he seemed remorseful. He's done many things that have endangered both ghost and human life just to mess with Team Phantom, only time can tell if he deserves redemption.
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heavensbeehall · 3 months
"Catching Fire", Chapter 6
Part 1: The Spark
Chapter 6: Welp, Katniss thinks she's going to die so it's time to eat EVERYthing. As I would. The Preps arrive when Katniss is full and tell her to purge in the bathroom. Peeta is disgusted and wonders if they were wrong to subdue things in the Districts. Katniss is then introduced to Plutarch Heavensbee. Of the Capitol Heavensbees! He has a mockingjay on his watch and Katniss doesn't understand his meaning. They leave on the train toward 12. Katniss sleeps one whole night without nightmares. Once they reach the Mayor's house, Katniss sees a report on an uprising in District 8.
-- You should NOT read these books on an empty stomach. Because I find myself thinking things like, "Have I ever had pumpkin soup? Should I get some? Can I order it online? I think one of the only similarities between Katniss' inner monologue and Snow's is that they are both obsessed with food.
-- It's odd. For a district that seems so important (Paylor, Bonnie and Twill all come from there), I don't really know much about 8. In my head I am picture Triangle Shirtwaist-type conditions since all the districts feel vaguely old timey.
Oh, the fun we two have together.
Katniss' inner monologue is snarky and that's why I love her.
One day when I dropped by to give Hazelle the game, Vick was home sick with a bad cough. Being part of Gale's family, the kid has to eat better than ninety percent of the rest of District 12. But he still spent about fifteen minutes talking about how they'd opened a can of corn syrup from Parcel Day and each had a spoonful on bread and were going to maybe have more later in the week. How Hazelle had said he could have a bit in a cup of tea to soothe his cough, but he wouldn't feel right unless the others had some, too. If it's like that at Gale's, what's it like in the other houses?
Aww Vick. The littlest Hawthornes are cuties. Posy is the STAR of Mockingjay as far as I am concerned.
I find Peeta admiring a table of elaborately decorated cakes. Bakers have come in from the kitchen especially to talk frosting with him, and you can see them tripping over one another to answer his questions. At his request, they assemble an assortment of little cakes for him to take back to District 12, where he can examine their work in quiet.
This also adorable. I think one thing Collins does that a lot of other authors don't is include these smale kindnesses from everyday Capitol citizens. It'd be very easy to make every one of them evil or stupid. These things remind you that they are human.
... and now I want cake.
Madge and I aren't gossipy and clothes bore me to tears. But after a few false starts, I realized she was dying to go into the woods, so I've taken her a couple of times and showed her how to shoot. She's trying to teach me the piano, but mostly I like to listen to her play.
I wish we got to know more about Madge. I feel like there is some story there.
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yanderelmk · 1 year
I totally love the idea you caught my attention 👀👀👀 also what other songs do you thinks it would fit the others Yan Lmk? Can't decide wich character I love them all 🥺🖤 you can choose if you want 🖤 also that would give me some ideas and now this song will be on my head along with the Mayor on my head 👌
YOU ARE THE BEST THANK YOU FOR ASKING THIS I HAVE SO MANY!!! SO!!!! I really feel like Syntax is You'll Be Gone by YonKaGor, he just feels more the type to absolutely slander someone to their darling to keep them from being together. You will be murdered after he massacres your reputation. I also have this idea firmly lodged in my brain that Unhealthy Obsession could be polycule dynamics! (Mayor and Syntax both being a yandere for one person, could also be Macaque and Wukong, maybe even LBD and Mayor. Or Peng and Azure who are an underrated possible yandere duo!!) Best part is the song could either be two yanderes not knowing they're co-stalking someone OR two yanderes who are intentionally co-stalking OR they're co-stalking and it's a rival situation! Saccharine by Jazmine Bean is Macaque all over. I always imagine that he's someone who hasn't felt genuine romantic attraction, so those feelings of romance overwhelm him, a massive form of cute aggression where he's not sure if he wants to keep you by his side and rip apart anyone who looks at you or tear you apart for causing him to be put in such turmoil. In another post I mentioned Pet by Perfect Circle is so LBD. The manipulation of convincing you that she's the only one who truly understands you and can keep you safe in this imperfect world, you just need to shut everything else out. Only her words matter. Only trust in her. Everyone else is just trying to deceive you. Yandere by Jazmin Bean? Peng. Peng Peng Peng. It's a more general song but I can definitely see Peng being the most proud of his actions for the sake of his darling. After all, in his mind, who wouldn't want a partner who's willing to go the extra mile to keep rivals at bay and your honor true? That's just the mark of a devoted suitor, after all.
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