#maybe. Maybe then i donteknow..
moving-to-dreamwinged · 6 months
good god it’s almost been a year of this
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i dont know what to DO how do i celebrate self ship anniversary … commissioning smth would be nice but i don’t knoew… im going to be in japan during it so ill probably just buy something nice and cute which should be easy w merch stores and stuff idk i imagine therell be lots of stuff of mywif e but EEeeeeee …. crazy that its coming up so soon….. shakes
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Oh, hun that’s not silly at all! I can imagine that can be pretty scary. :(
Is there anything that usually helps you calm down before sleeping that we can try?
- spider 🌈
Mmm ...
I don't know.. normally I just deal with it even when small buts not handling it well today and donteknow why I being so stupid about it today. Is been long enough that I relativ used to it but now I throwing tantrum like a baby an I not a baby-
Maybe I watch a movie..? Or listen to music.. dat way is not silent and I be distracted.. I dont know..
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