#maybe while he’s in anbu after a terrible mission or maybe following the uchiha massacre
lemony-snickers · 1 year
I wonder if at some point, Kakashi might have seriously considered leaving Konoha.
In the end, he is too loyal and too determined to protect the people he loves to truly abandon his home.
But I wonder if he toyed with the idea. In the middle of the night, back slick with sweat after yet another nightmare.
He thinks of how Konoha destroyed his father, thrust Obito into a war he wasn’t ready for, instilled in Rin ideals that led her to believe killing herself was justified because it was in the best interests of the village. He thinks of Minato and Kushina slaughtered before their baby ever got to know them.
He wonders if maybe he’d be better off striking the Leaf symbol from his hitai-ate, leaving behind the strict shinobi code in favor of his own. A code which embraces the grey, prioritizes empathy.
Maybe he even toys with it a little, sneaks out of the village when he’s not on mission to see how long he can get away with before he’s missed; before a hawk circles above his hiding place to call him home.
Like when you’re a kid and you hop out your window, wander down the road or into the woods to a secret spot only you know. Just to test it out. Like “running away” just for a little while might fix whatever is broken.
You always go home, in the end. And so does Kakashi.
Because he would never forgive himself if he truly abandoned his post; the way Sakumo abandoned his son or Rin abandoned her surviving teammate.
I wonder if when Sasuke defects from his home in pursuit of Orochimaru—of power—Kakashi understands a little more than most because he’s considered the same path.
Weighed the price of leaving against the one he has already paid to stay.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Look look, I know you've implied that Sasuke!Nyx is the only FFXV reincarnation in the Naruto 'verse, but - just. I had a sudden mental image. Of /Libertus/ as a Maito - as in, a close relative of Maito 'Konoha's Glorious Green Beast' Gai. ("YOUTH!") Perhaps a younger sibling or cousin or something? Because. Because the /mental images/ of the /rest/ of the non-uchiha-Compound family /reacting/ to an Uchiha being Best Friends with a Maito - Kakashi would despair. Gai would weep - in JOY.
I was not on board with this plan until you said Uchiha being Best Friends with the relative of Might Guy and now I’m dying.
... FINE.
One exception. JUST THIS ONE.
And also Crowe. Because I’m a sucker but SHHHHHH.
Because of course Libertus and Crowe would bully their way through the afterlife and timeline to follow their Ulric. Of course they would.
Hmmmmmmmmm *cracks knuckles* ficlet ramble time!
-Jun will forever be grateful that his mother was the one to name him and not- well- his father.
-Of course he only knew to be grateful AFTER meeting the man his mother had had a teenage fling with, but his point stands. Which was after that wildfire swept through and burned down most of his little village and the trauma of nearly burning made him Remember. Remember another life, another time, another way of life.
-Made him remember Nyx and how Libertus, after finally passing away of old age, had found no Nyx waiting for him, had gone and picked a fight with ... he thinks it might have been Ramuh? Or possibly Bahamut himself, and demanded to be taken to his best friend RIGHT NOW. No he didn’t care if Nyx had wandered off to become a Walked Twice. You think Libertus isn’t stubborn enough to qualify? TRY HIM YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD.
-Not his most sparkling moment of intelligence to be sure.
-But that means ... Nyx has to be here. Somewhere. Surely.
-But there is no Nyx in the village, and the village is struggling to cope, especially his mother, considering both their home and her workplace had been reduced to rubble.
-They end up leaving the village. They had never treated Libertus’s mother too well after he had been born, so it was no real emotional loss. Libertus is physically five when this happens, and he tries his hardest to help his mother and make her smile. She’s the only Clan he’s got after all.
-They wander from village to village before settling down in one where his mother finds work as a seamstress. Libertus, now eight, makes a few yen running packages and messages around town, his brown braids with the little blue beads he’d managed to get bouncing against his temple.
-It’s on one of his runs when he’s around nine that he rounds a corner too fast and smacks right into someone’s leg. He lets himself fall, tucks and rolls back to his feet with the flexibility of a child and the skill of a glaive, an apology already on his lips.
-The leg turns out to be owned by a NINJA. Wonderful.
-The ninja is staring at him, a little metal toothpick hanging from his mouth so loosely that if he gapes a little harder it’s gonna fall out. Libertus has a bad feeling about this. He yells an apology that is possibly too loud and energetic (an odd side effect of this new body, he tends to get ... loud and enthusiastic when nervous) and books it. He wants nothing to do with ninja, he just wants to grow up enough to travel so he can go find his idiot.
-The ninja doesn’t follow him.
-Nope. The ninja turns up again two weeks after Libertus had successfully forgotten about the incident with ANOTHER NINJA. This one is wearing some kind of awful, AWFUL jump suit of eye-searing green (watch out indeed), a red belt (oh dear), and the world’s shiniest bowl cut.
-Weren’t ninja supposed to be STEALTHY?
-The living neon warning sign is looking around with fervor as the two enter Libertus’s mother’s workplace (how did the ninja know she worked here), and his mother gasps. But not out of horror at the truly awful outfit, but out of ... recognition?
-“H-hello again,” she murmurs with a mix of fear and memory that makes Libertus’s hackles rise and him discreetly snatch one of her spare scissors off the shelf in the back room.
-The green ninja gives a booming, smiling greeting, then ... sobers. Quietly asks if she’s ... doing well.
-If she has a son.
-That’s about the minute Libertus notices that the man has caterpillar eyebrows. Caterpillar eyebrows just like Libertus’s, who did NOT inherit those from his mother thank you. He got her soft chestnut hair and hazel eyes.
-Libertus dives out of the back of the store and tries to stab the ninja in the femoral artery with the scissors because PYRE NO is he gonna be taken away from his mom by ninja for being some kind of wayward blood child.
-He doesn’t manage to get the artery, the ninja is too fast, but via the advantage of surprise and glaive memory, he DOES manage to bury the scissors into the man’s leg.
-It’s really not fair that all the man does is hold him up by his scruff and laugh about it. He has a bleeding leg. SHOW SOME PAIN.
-There’s talking after that while his mother fusses in terror and the toothpick chewing ninja pulls out a roll of bandages with a sigh (if it hadn’t been for the current situation, Libertus would have sympathized, he knew what that Sigh meant, he too had an idiot to look after).
-Surprisingly, the green ninja (Might Guy! He announces with a smile that literally sparkles what the pyre) does not insist on taking “Jun” away from his mother.
-Nope. He takes his mother WITH them back to the village. For a wedding. Libertus is honestly stunned. Weren’t ninja supposed to be sneaky and without honor? He has literally no obligation to marry the woman he had a fling with as llike- a FOURTEEN year old just because a kid came out of it. But apparently nope. Libertus’s father is the one ninja with a sense of chivalry because he signs a marriage certificate within hours of getting back to the ninja village of Konoha with mother and Libertus in tow.
-And just like that, Libertus’s name is Might Jun.
-What is going on.
-No he doesn’t want to be a ninja buzz off.
-Libertus takes to exploring their new home, partly to avoid his new ... father and partly to look for Nyx because who knows, maybe he’ll get lucky for once.
-He’s passing the ninja academy when he hears laughter and footsteps. He sidesteps, but isn’t fast enough to keep from getting run over by a screaming blur of orange. While trying to catch his breath from being trampled by the screaming orange blur (who has yet to notice the impact), a hand appears in his vision. He follows the hand up a pale arm and to a concerned face with black hair and black eyes, “Hey, you okay? Sorry about Naruto, someone let him have ... caffeine...” the boy’s breath stops. He’s staring at the side of Libertus’s head.
-No. His head. His temple.
-His braids.
-And Libertus, on an old instinct from another life, tilts his head as he sits up, looking for braids.
-He sees the purple bead and cord, the simple twist braid partly tucked behind the boy’s ear and hope burns through him like liquid fire. No way. No way. What were the chances of finding Nyx HERE.
-Check that, it’s a child soldier death academy. Why wouldn’t he find Nyx here.
-If it’s really Nyx.
-He swallows his fear and whispers, “For Hearth and Home.”
-Hope flares in the other boy’s eyes, his lips twisting before he rasps, “Libertus.”
-And the next moment Libertus is on the ground again, pinned down in the middle of the street by a sobbing Nyx, but that’s okay, because Libertus is sobbing too. A second after that and he’s hauled to his feet and dragged off by Nyx to a too-empty compound that still stinks of old blood and bleach and bundled into one of the houses so they can sob in privacy.
-Libertus spends a good ten minutes screaming himself hoarse at Nyx for dying. For being a self-sacrificing heroic idiot. Nyx screams back that what was Libertus doing here then huh?
-“I died of old age you idiot! Like you should have!”
-Nyx pauses “...Oh.” A blink, a flicker of red in black eyes and Nyx whispers, “What happened ... after?”
-And Libertus tells him. He tells him everything as they lie on Nyx’s futon, tangled around each other in a puppyish pile like they did when they were children. He tells him about Insomnia’s fall, and Princess insisting on separating, on going to Galahd and waiting until the Long Night fell and he returned to the glaive. How he was the Captain and hated every second of it, hating having to choose which brothers and sisters would take the suicide missions, hated losing more and more people as the night kept going.
-He spoke of the young king who returned ten years later with age and wisdom in his every line. How they followed him to Insomnia to take back the dawn. How the king died purifying the scourge and giving them a chance. How he had gone back to Galahd with the survivors and rebuilt their homes until Libertus was old and grey and couldn’t really walk because of the ache in the hip a daemon shattered during the Long Night that no one had had an elixir for.
-Then he speaks of waking up here as Jun, of his mother and his ... new father. Of being taken here and exploring and finding Nyx.
-Then Nyx huddles closer, and tell him his story in return. In waking up his memories in a massacre. All of his Clan. Gone. Again. Murdered by a kinslayer, a former BROTHER and Libertus keens for his friend. Nyx whispers of putting himself back together and training, and it is only now Libertus registers the pink and purple ribbon woven into a tiny braid in his hair, a declaration of revenge.
-Nyx also tells him of Naruto, the boy he’s adopted, of little Hinata and her flinches and how she blossoms like a flower in the sun with just a little bit of kindness and praise. He talks about his Anbu, the masked ninja that leaves potted plants on his window sill and is secretly addicted to Nyx’s cooking, terrible as it is, and how even though the man will not speak and won’t give his name, Nyx has adopted him too.
-Libertus hugs Nyx as tight as he can and swears that it will be alright.
-He comes home late that evening, dragging Nyx behind him by the wrist, looks his new father in the eyes and says he wants to become a ninja.
-The promise of training, of becoming strong enough in this world to protect Nyx, is worth the manly tears and illusionary sunsets his declaration gets.
-Of course, dragging Nyx home only causes more manly tears when he announces that this is his new best friend (what kind of name is Sasuke anyway, Nyx is much better, but they keep their old life names to themselves). And they get ... a lot of odd looks after that as they run around, attached at the hip just like when they were kids the first time around. Might Guy, his father, has a lot of Feelings about this friendship. Mostly Manly Tears and booming declarations of Youth. Libertus smacks Nyx over the head the one time Nyx grins and says Lib’s new dad is fun.
-Meanwhile the rest of the village watches in horror at the budding friendship of the Last Uchiha and Might Guy’s newfound son. Because MIGHT GUY’S SON. AND THE LAST UCHIHA.
-Kakashi feels a creeping sense of Doom™ in his future.
I’ll cover the reunion with Crowe in another ramble sometime, and more reactions on the Might/Uchiha friendship but for now this has already gotten long enough so I’ll leave it there. XD
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
Had Naruto or Itachi the saddest and tragic past?
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Sasuke’s past is the saddest, also because it has a traumatic impact on his present, that the ending didn’t solve at all. 
Back to your question (thanks for asking btw), Naruto and Itachi’s pasts are very different so their personal tragedy is different.
(Long post ahead. some anti-Naruto rants because of how he’s written in the ending, anti-Konoha) 
I explained Itachi’s tragedy, or better, what it represents, here and here.
Naruto never got to know his parents, who sacrificed themselves, Kushina to protect him, Minato to protect him and the village. They both trusted Hiruzen to protect their son, believing that the old asshole would keep him safe from the villagers’ hate. He was shunned and hated, he asked Hiruzen about their parents but received no answer, he craved for a family, or friends, or just a little attention, for which he pulled pranks and did anything even to get scolded. It’s a terrible, sad and lonely childhood, with no one around to tell him what’s right or wrong, to teach him stuff, to cook and care about him.
Such life surely affected his personality, making him incapable of paying attention at the Academy, this incapable of being a decent shinobi at first (probably because he was too excited about being around other people, kinda like puppies), incredibly self-centered, only able to relate to those in which he sees a little of himself, because he has been his only reference, literally, for years. Such things affect him forever, even when someone actually was there for him, like when Iruka took him under his wing (but still he wasn’t always around), and then Kakashi (but most of his attention was for Sasuke, and even more of it was for his own struggle) and then Jiraiya, who loved him dearly, and who should have been there for him since the start.
Like the average shounen protagonist, he’s all talk and no real ideal beside lots of nakama and proclaimed bonds, becoming Hokage and random “let’s all be friends” (which is more like “y’all be friends with me”) and “I’ll make things better when I’ll be Hokage”. Which he didn’t do, despite having promised Sasuke.
My in-universe explanation (besides the shitty writing of the ending and everything after) is that he craves attention so much, because he has been deprived of it for so long, that he is addicted to it, and he’s incapable of taking unpopular decisions that would make him look bad in people’s eyes, be it villagers or comrades. After all, he wanted to become Hokage because it’s the one who has the most respect and attention, because it means finally being acknowledged, not being ignored or shunned or looked upon anymore.
He’s a victim of the system, whose way of coping was to be accepted by the people and the very system. It’s a very common thing actually. Many of those who are bullied prefer becoming part of the majority who bullied them, instead of getting revenge over them. Sasuke is another victim of the system, but being an introspective person and an independent thinker, he didn’t chose to be assimilated and accepted into the system, instead he chose revenge first, then he chose to learn about it, and then to change it. If only he succeeded, instead of being manipulated and belittled because of it.
Naruto had a chance to change it when he became Hokage, even before, having become a hero admired by everyone, instead he used the old coping mechanism, being accepted by everyone. And in doing so he is no longer a victim, but part of the oppressing system that fucked up his life and Sasuke’s, and many others’.
Itachi’s path follows the opposite direction instead. He’s born in an elite clan, son of its leader, he’s a prodigy whom everyone praises and admires. He could have had everything, but he was caught between the Uchiha and the village, he became a tool for both and his life became a living hell, with only his little brother as his ray of light, but also the one he needed to protect at all costs, for whom he sacrificed the clan, his honor, his future.
Looking closer, he was born in an elite clan but he was exposed to war at 4, he was horribly traumatized by it, so much that he dreamed of peace and he studied the past of the village in order to understand how to achieve it, and being the genius that he was, he had a Hokage-like mind already during his childhood. (I mean, looking at Hiruzen’s shitty ruling, Tsunade’s initially promising but then weak one, Kakashi’s canon nothingness and Naruto’s crap, maybe some past Hokages had childlike stupidity but yeah). Despite his entering Anbu at 10 and becoming captain at 13 he was still young so Danzo took advantage of that, and of his love for Sasuke, manipulating him into slaughtering the clan or he would have had it done himself, killing Sasuke first. Itachi trusted Hiruzen, so he was completely lost after Shisui’s death and the old fucker not doing anything to stop Danzo. 
So he took that mission and killed the Uchiha clan and ensured Sasuke’s safety in the village, being branded as a criminal and losing his honor, joining Akatsuki and still protecting the village from afar, since, without him inside it, they’d have attacked Konoha earlier.
Itachi was a victim of the system indeed, he suffered for years, both in Konoha and outside, after the massacre, only living with his resolve, to be alive until Sasuke would kill him and have his revenge. He was willing to never tell Sasuke the truth so he’d only hate him and not the village, so that he wouldn’t have a negative image of the clan. Unlike Naruto, who chose to side with the majority, he stood alone, to defend the greater good (not the shitty village ruled by assholes but the concept of the village and world peace, and the future) but most of it all to protect his beloved brother. He stood alone even when he defeated Edo Tensei by himself, even though Naruto and Killer B, and then Sasuke, fought by his side. He was a victim even though he was very active and he took his decisions well knowing their consequences and meaning. 
In this aspect Itachi’s story has more in common with Minato’s than Naruto, whose story has more in common with Sasuke’s, both boys being victims of a system they knew nothing about, while Minato and Itachi acted actively within it, and even though they wanted peace, they had to do what they had to do, sacrificing themselves and the one they loved the most, thus putting them in a painful future even though they would have never wanted it.
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