#maybe if there was more book canon centric fics i would read more loljdkjfkd
beldaroot · 2 years
Hi :) Do you have any favorite It/Reddie fics based on the book canon? Or any advice for finding fics based on the book? No pressure to answer!
hi!! tbh solely book canon fics are pretty rare... it tends to be a mix of movie and book canon :( but here are a few of my favorite mainly book-centric fics:
circular motion by sinchronicity
good and lost by garbagebreath (literally anything by this author is amazing and usually strictly book canon)
in fact, everything's got that big reverb sound by @dystopiary
finis (a tragedy in three acts) by HATECADILLAC
if you want to look for more book canon fics, i recommend looking through the "it - stephen king" tag in ao3 and exclude the "it (movies- muschietti)" and "it (1990)" tags if you don't want the films' canon included.
also, any fics dated before september 2019 tend to be more book-centric since it chapter two definitely changed the landscape of fics based on movie canon only!
[here's a list on ao3 for fics that are tagged as a combo of book and movie canons (x)]
hope this helps! happy reading! <3
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