#maybe i'll rewatch callisto6 while recovering from surgery and cry about amy dallen
artemissoteira · 2 years
Do 10 50s!!!!!! (Any questions you want)
thanks casey ily for enabling me <3 (d&d ask meme here) this is, obviously, a long post bc of who I am as a person. you're all welcome.
6: Which of your d&d characters has been the least like you?
Honestly, probably Medea! And even she has slipped so much towards me lmao. Girlboss is not really my vibe but has been so so fun to play. I don't think I could have found her without Isaac's Sphinx to play off of because I don't have to feel bad about being mean to him sfdsdf and she needs an outlet for that. I'm not a person who carries much guilt or bitterness so that has been really interesting to poke at.
12: Have you ever fought a beholder?
Yes, an undead one, in a oneshot @brogendered ran! iirc we fucked up trying to get into the house over the wall instead of through the door and dropped right into a deadly encounter. we scooped a magic sword and fled back over the wall but left the beholder in some AOE damage spell, then took a short rest, and by the time we came back it was fully dead lmao. Extremely scary surprise encounter to start off the oneshot and extremely kind of jake to let us cheese it that way instead of killing us immediately which we probably had earned.
16. What is your favorite D&D pod/vodcast?
Anything by the Streampunks (Twitter here; most of their shows & others currently hosted on Queuetimes on YT/Twitch). Most of their stuff isn't in the D&D but all of it makes me cry. I started with Callisto 6 back on Geek & Sundry as my first ttrpg foray outside of CR and have never looked back. Strongest of recommendations to anyone interested in superheroes in dystopian cyberpunk Los Angeles 2119 combatting megacorporations with the power of eternal gay love and direct radical action, with a ton of loving care put into worldbuilding and rooting their characters in specific neighborhoods of the city.
It's a story about deliberate compassion and the enduring connection of communities in an unkind capitalistic world, with a storyteller who knows and takes care of his players by giving them every chance to explore what choosing kindness means and to reclaim agency for their own characters, allies, and antagonists alike. Fundamentally changed my understanding of ttrpgs as storytelling you can do, on purpose, with everyone throwing themselves wholeheartedly into a shared story with a deliberate commitment to theme. I think genuinely every single character made me cry at least once, including the ones I originally didn't connect with who ultimately had such powerful arcs that revealed the actors had been paying real damn attention the whole time.
Also has my favorite gay flirting via mechanically suboptimal combat choices that I've ever seen. I simply can't get into it here because I WILL scream but my jaw dropped. gina devivo’s mind. if you want even more longform gay yelling from me send me questions about callisto 6 or other streampunks shows lmao.
watch the first 2 seasons (24 eps) of callisto 6 on youtube. season 3 currently only available on geek and sundry's twitch archive, which you can access for a month for $5 and binge all 12 episodes.
14. Have you ever had a romance with an NPC or another PC?
Casey I will love you forever for turning my sheer lesbian energy and chronic Support Women syndrome into an actual romance for Medea and Medusa. Galaxy brain. I think that's the only romance I've dealt with, unless we count Tony wingmanning Tuck by strongly implying she'd fucked a lot of giants, which we shouldn't, even if it was iconic.
18. Do you use props/minis/terrain in your game?
using this as an excuse to say Roll20 my beloved. still extremely proud of the first oneshot I made from scratch last spring, when I taught myself javascript in order to code puzzles into the Roll20 API. I made: pressure plates that trigger walls to move up and down to allow water to flow; an automatically rotating lantern puzzle that revealed hidden text on the walls and featured actually climbable lanterns that I could hook character tokens to; and most importantly a secret button to change the icon of the goose barbarian, Duck Duck the Goose, from the standard Untitled Goose holding a knife into an edited version of the icon with "then perish" laser eyes.
Oh also a secret pressure plate trap that would only trigger when the bard stepped on it, played a magical sound effect and teleported him to another page where he had to solve a penis nonogram puzzle to be sent back to the party.
Aaand a magic electrical spark that worked as a laser pointer to guide a kitten around the map, complete with both the spark and the kitten’s icons switching orientations as they moved depending on whether they were above/below and left/right of each other.
20. If you run a homebrew game, give an out of context spoiler.
The rats don't like weasels.
21. Drop a picture of a mini you painted (if applicable).
No physical minis, but in the dark ages before heroforge had color options I manually recolored this mini of Tetra using fake photoshop by isolating each part of her body and fucking around with hue filters until I liked it.
tetra with hat dot png:
Tumblr media
[ID: a purple merfolk mini from heroforge with webbed ears, an orange-tinted vest, a bright green kelp skirt, gold leather armbands, a large pink shell on one shoulder, a green kelp headpiece and orange flames rising from one hand. a clipart image of a purple propeller hat covered in gold stars has been edited onto her head. end ID]
yes the propeller hat image is from club penguin. yes i added the stars myself. yes I am this sexy and correct all the time and yes it is exhausting.
32. Most memorable NPC you've encountered in a game you played in.
There's so many, but I've periodically heard Najiba's voice in my head saying "Ithren, are you crazy? Like, you're a little bit crazy, right?" for weeks. her voice is so lyrical I want to listen to her talk for hours.
Ithren doesn't get her at all, but they like when she asks them questions bc it makes them feel like they are doing something useful by answering, even if their answers are completely incomprehensible to the party. I love that after every big thing that happens she goes, "Um, was that okay? That we did that? Like is that a good thing or did we do something bad here?" & makes everyone give their opinions. queen of nosiness.
34. Favorite accent to do for characters?
I've only found one accent I can do reliably so far and it's, like, surfer bro frat boy himbo burnout. Instant hit with the children and got my hapless bandit captive adopted by the party so quickly and now he's in charge of their horses. I love him so much.
all my other NPCs inevitably slide towards vaguely british snooty woman or gruff gravelly uncle no matter what I try to start them as. the two genders etc etc.
36. What was your first d&d character you made?
Tony the Tabaxi, my beloved. Orange tabaxi thembo swashbuckler rogue. The name is a fakeout for Tony the Tiger; they're actually named after Antonio Banderas who voices Puss in Boots. They’re just Puss in Boots. Thought I was gonna have to do something funky for the build but swashbucklers literally get the Panache ability at level 9 that is a free non-magical charm that works perfectly for Puss's big sad cat eyes. Love them so much.
Shrek 2 isn't on Netflix (or wasn't at the time) so for character research I watched Puss In Boots (2011) as well as "Puss In Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale", which is a choose your own adventure interactive special?? And a few episodes of The Adventures of Puss in Boots which (spoilers) takes place in the town of San Lorenzo which puss protects for years until the bloodwolf gets summoned and puss & friends get sucked into a dimensional portal (?) and Puss has to choose to have his friends' memories of him erased in order to correct the timeline, but carries them with him always. From what I recall. He adopts some piglets I think.
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