#maybe I'll make a tumblr post of what would have been bullet points the plot so that other people can enjoy it
savrenim · 1 year
mildly annoyed that my brain really only wants to write One Fic Per Fandom because sometimes I have two really good really different ideas but only one of them will be born
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olomaya · 9 months
How do you believe in yourself when making these mods? Like how do you not give up on the project before you even start it? I just find myself overwhelmed by so many ideas and features I could add to this car project but I’m getting overwhelmed before I even start it at all, I guess my question is how do you break your projects down into sizable goals so you don’t overwhelmed?
Like the first thing I want to do is to animate the cc car doors and add the features of the fixer upper car to them, but then I just keep thinking of so many ideas I want to do for this project and I guess I get distracted and make myself overwhelmed.
But I think this happens to everyone, whether you're making a mod or a CAS item or doing a conversion. Maybe other modders and cc creators can chime in with tips as I'm sure we all have our coping mechanisms. My own thoughts are after the cut.
I totally relate to getting so swamped with ideas that you get distracted from the actual project. It happens to me all the time! But the ideas can also keep you motivated and excited about a project too.
You sound like you're on the right track already in wanting to focus on the car and the object animations. That's at the core of the mod and for a big project like this, you might want to consider it 3 separate mods. Mod 1: fully animated, TS2-style cars. Mod 2: Custom routing add-on for your custom car so they pull out of driveways. Mod 3: Third (or first) person camera mode when a Sim is driving your custom car.
For an example, I had originally planned to make the Private Clinic mod as one giant mod that had all the features. As I kept adding in more stuff, I got overwhelmed and realized what a bad idea that was so I broke it up into modules, releasing what was finished now and saving the rest for later.
For big projects like what you're describing, I usually plan them out. I write out sort of a thesis statement ("with this mod, you will be able to XXXX") and then I make a bullet point list of the key features and/or objects in the mod and what they do. I also add reference notes that I can go back to later that will give me ideas of how to make those features happen. For me, it's less overwhelming when I write it out and also more satisfying when I can cross off parts of it that are done.
To avoid burnout I don't spend more than a week working on any 1 mod. After a week, if it's not done, I'll stop and do something else to give myself a break. I find it helps to step back from big projects. Also, by working on different projects, you learn new things that can help you with your other projects. I can't tell you how many times I've been stuck on something, I leave it for a while to go work on other stuff and then from working on those other things, I figure out the solution to my issue.
I'd also recommend talking to other modders like on the TS3 Creator's Cave on Discord (MTS Modding section seems pretty dead now unfortunately) which is a good place when you're starting out. They're very encouraging and resourceful. 🙂 Or post your progress on your Tumblr.
So my suggestion would be to write out everything you want to do. Plot out what is core to the mod on one page and what are add-ons on another. I would write the add-ons on another page to reinforce the idea that they don't need to be done at the same time as the core part and so you're not constantly looking at them when you're focusing on the core mod.
As you get more experienced, you'll get more confident and a lot faster so those features that seem overwhelming now won't be later.
The above is what works for me but once you get started, you'll see what works for you and find your rhythm!
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revengesworn · 8 months
okay i am making a wishlist of ideal mikey threads for Reasons
-i already mentioned this one recently, but members in toman learning about the things mikey's been hiding. generally cracking him open like a walnut, etc. preferably with lots of emotional vulnerability from mikey's side
- similarly to the above, threads set in the final arc timeline with members of toman. like that specific time period where mikey's trying to make everyone hate him, and they don't know wtf he's doing. nice.
- something related to mikey's frustrations with his lack of agency & feeling useless/a burden due to the dark impulses and being unable to help his friends??this would work well with a takemichi who he could openly discuss things with, but i'd be interested to see how it could work with other characters too. i don't have ideas for that yet unfortunately tho
okay i don't know why tumblr suddenly insisted on adding bullet points but. sanzu and mikey threads!! especially where sanzu knows exactly what's going on with mikey but mikey himself doesn't. i love that shit.
the problem with a lot of these is that they require specific characters to work, so i also want to think of ideas that aren't centered on toman. maybe something with post-canon mikey using his knowledge from the future to understand someone in a way they wouldn't expect?? or maybe... him being forced to go to someone for help with something?? idk. i'll update this post with more non-toman threads in a bit, i think...
but if anyone is interested in plotting any of these ideas out with me, please like this post and i will shimmy into your dms like. so fast. aksfhjdnfkjd >:)
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safyresky · 2 years
Frostmas Year Nine: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
(in Kermit the Frog voice) Let's begin!
I straight up thought this chapter would be fairly short, because when I wrote it out in point form the events didn’t seem like they’d have a lot of action. Then I began writing it, and I was DEAD wrong
I listened to the opening scene of the North Pole Resort SOO MANY TIMES to hear the lyrics to the song perfectly. I had to ask my wonderful housemate to take a listen to try and figure out the “santa t-shirts, santa ties” line and WHEN I FINALLY WATCHED IT ON DISNEY WITH SUBTITLES, HEARD THAT I GOT IT W R O N G! It's Santa SIZE. I'll have to change that up lol
FUN FACT! “at this point I’ve adopted a stance of the less I know, the better” is my family’s motto up until recently
“I like the cut of your berg” is one of my FAVOURITE frosty-fying slang lines I’ve ever done! It’s a frosty version of “I like the cut of your jib” which was used in sailing in the 1700s ish to describe if an incoming ship was frens or not frens
-> I originally thought it was just some funky 20s slang, then googled it to make sure I was right and learnt the above!
-> the berg is short for iceberg--B likes the cut of Jacqueline’s iceberg, being the idea to maybe get rid of the awful recordings :)
Sometimes I’m like ‘these things don’t really need explaining’ but I get excited about my own work and then have to share how I got the ideas with everyone so ONWARDS I SUPPOSE
Man I miss multi-level lists! this Frostmas BTS has been in my drafts for FOREVER, and was the last one I did before tumblr switched to the new post editor
So it's kinda all over the place. My bad lmao.
Jacqueline realizing that she hadn’t updated everyone on what the elves thought of her nonsense was a BLESSING because I realized that I hadn’t addressed it, so thank you for that opportunity, Jacqueline
Archie's Guide to Important People in the North Pole: Big Man->Santa. Boss Man->Bernard.
I would like to take this moment to credit @shittyelfwriter with Archie’s existence in those few chapters of ROE, because I love him and always picture him as the elf playing the piano and going UGH and facepalming during Jack’s rendition of North Pole, North Pole (pictured below). THANK YOU FOR NAMING THE BOY, ANA!
The conversation between Jacqueline and Archie, that dripped sarcasm, was my favourite thing to write this chapter :D
The scene with Chrys give you weird vibes of all manner? Yeah, that was intentional. "Perfection" can be unsettling, after all
Bernard is definitely so DONE this year and it SHOWS -> That is exactly what I was going for, especially since I know that he's not normally
Okay so. Let's Talk About Chrys. TW: Sexual Themes
very embarrassing, but I got the concept from a series of fantasy erotica novels and I wish I was joking
(they’re called the World of Hetar series, very good, very very VERY smutty. I’d say it’s 60% SEX, 30% PLOT, and 10% SEX DRIVEN PLOT)
(I know people who know me are like YOU READ SMUT? YOU?? AN ACE??? and yes, I did, I read exclusively smut from the ages of 12-17 because my Dad worked for "Trash Romance Novel Company" and brought home books for free every month, and the books were, in fact, mostly if not totally smut)
Erotica aside, I quite liked how the author had built up the magical world, the beings, and how magic works in it
In the third or fourth book, called “The Twilight Lord”, the fairies ally with the desert princes who are some kind of magical fae themselves, and they create the Perfect Wife for the corrupt leader of the neighbouring continent to distract him from starting a war
She was a mix of his current 2 wives and the things he liked about them, and looked like the protagonist, Lara, who cursed him to not be able to fuck I shit you not and who he ALSO had a big huge thirst for which was GROSS because he was old as fuck and even though she’s half fairy, she was like. 12 or 13
And this new wife is able to GET IT UP with him, hence how he’d be distracted--he really liked sex (reminder: this is an erotica series)
So he’s too busy fucking her and then on top of that, she would divide the other two wives and basically bring the house down from the inside, neutralizing the threat of this corrupt sex loving mofo
And that’s where the idea of Chrys came from!
So basically tl;dr: Chrys was inspired by a spell a sexy bunch of desert princes in an erotica series did to make the perfect wife for their enemy and knock him right tf down :)
How this works with Cheri’s magic: same concept, less sex
Chrysanthemum is a Perfect Being, who is bound to a specific magibean. Chrys’s purpose is to be Jack’s Mrs Claus, and because she was made with dark magic she drains energy of those around her (except for jack’s energy bc he’s the person she’s bound to) and magnifies bad ideas
spoiler alert: in the long run, Chrys will be TOO perfect and TOO agreeable for Jack and he’ll grow tired and it adds to the whole “I thought this would get me everything I’ve ever wanted but it didn’t” long term theme I have going for Jack as Santa
but yeah
end tw for sexual themes. away from chrys we go!
battled with the “cultural appropriation” bit because I felt as though it may be insensitive but then I wrote it anyway because that’s what it is at it’s base :\
it was supposed to be a stand in? I'd go back and change later? then I didn't. We're rolling with it now lol
Have you ever heard Elf’s Lament by the Barenaked Ladies?
Because it’s where I got the Union Comment from
Then I was like “but DO THEY HAVE UNION???!?!” and remembered the “accident or design” thing and realized “OH they ARE their own union” and figured that in terms of a Santa like JACK, The council would step in (which they’ve done. and tried to do stuff. but haven’t had luck bc PLOT)
god Frostmas is exhausting. Villains are underappreciated for all the effort they put into for being on TOP of things
(in Korvo Solar opposites Voice) what fucking scene are we on. why are these so long. why did i do this to myself. FUCK
This uniform thing was unplanned/meant to be just a footnote. Then. Well. THIS.
It is a decent feature of the Resort in the movie so, I guess it works out :)
FUN FACT: I was playing a very good dnd campaign at the time! And that's how Davian got her name, lol. One of the amazing NPCs was named Davian, and we had a really good session with them and the name stuck and boom! Into Frostmas it goes. Once again, Frostmas is proving to be a time capsule reminding me of wtf I was doing while writing these bad boys :)
I miss my friend's campaign ):
And yeah, this fight is one Jacqueline cannot win. this is on the elves. So what does she do? Goes back to her hyperfocus of destorying SantaJack
How? By figuring out wtf Chrys is >:)
Alright. Scene subheadings are back! Right on.
"Myles would be proud AND would probably have been able to connect the dots and figure out what was up, and then place it on a neat presentation board, to boot."
LEGATE DROP! Myles is Tooth Fairy's Legate! He's v sweet, a lil bit clumsy, SUPER into conspiracies--hence Jacqueline being like "MAN I WISH THAT KIDS WAS HERE, HE'D KNOW WTF IS UP"
So let's talk about BLINTER. Just to clarify: THEY WERE NOT ABOUT TO GET IT ON IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DEN. This is just a typical post work day for them: start a fire, make a blanket nest, be cozy until kid 2, 3, or 4 come to harass them
Blaise is pouty bc they didn't even get a single cuddle in before Kid 2 came in like
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And I was 100% referencing the meme lmao.
god tumblr killed the quality. I'll post it separately. ANYWAY
the Blinter and Jacquie scene was fun to write! This is one of the scenes where I was dropping very strong hints that Jacqueline was freezing--and Winter AND Blaise were noticing. Winter'll explain it all in Y11 ;)
"You could really tell that graphic design was Chrys's passion"
another meme reference:
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I think we, as a collective people using slang, should bring back "gag me with a spoon". Also some older slang! I try to sneak those in when I know of some to show. Y'know. AGE.
This whole scene with Jack and Chrys actually was me laying the ground work for FINAL RESORT. Trying to get in all of the booths we see, the petting zoo, and the different announcements about various activities set up before the double digit years! That was my goal :)
Ah yes. the walk out. God, this uniform thing was meant to be small, but lord did it EVER go big. I'm actually okay with it--my y9 notes were so lacklustre, I was concerned it would be (you'll laugh I know) TOO SHORT lmao
No. Fr. Look at them.
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"Because those outfits are a joke, and you wouldn't catch me dead wearing those."
Sassnard. We Stan.
"I'm so proud of all of my crew," said Davian. "Crimes against fashion should NEVER be tolerated!"
"And the break from the constant ruined showtunes, what a relief!" said Archie, leaning very far back in his stool."
The elves have their priorities lol. I Bet Archie and Davian are biffers.
Curtis on damage control was A) a stroke of genius on my part and B) the way I decided to start laying the groundwork for Customer Service Sales Person Curtis we see when Scott gets to the Resort! God, there is SO MUCH GROUND WORK FOR VARIOUS ITTY BITTY BITS WE SEE IN THE MOVIE, IT'S ACTUALLY INSANE. No wonder you all dig Frostmas so much. good lord
And then, we have it! Final Resort. Wholly heckeros! And yes, I did indeed name the Fire Marshall. Marshal. I'm a genius 🙃🙃🙃
""Course! It's lunch. I doubt anything will happen during lunch."
Famous last words, B-Man. And yes, I did that on purpose >:)
While she is master of the dark witch arts, she isn't evil? Very chaotic. Kind of lets it slide a lot of the time when Witches use "dark" magic. Everything has a price, blah blah blah, it's not her place to tell people off about it--that's her sister's place, Gwen, aka, Glenda, master of the light witch arts
And also, dark magic will take what it needs in response. She just makes sure people don't use it SUPER illegally. Otherwise she kills em. It's her favourite part of the job :)
Lawful Evil?? Idk.
FUN FACT: She gave Gwen the nickname Glenda, like the good witch in The Wizard of Oz (derogatory), and Gwen went, "oh! Glenda, like the good witch in The Wizard of Oz (affectionate)? you're such a sweet sister I'll take it :)" and now everyone calls her Glenda much to Cheri's (dis)satisfaction.
Cheri is very not serious and hates being called in for business unless murder is involved. She does NOT ignore any summons, ESPECIALLY from Mother Nature.
Hence why Tara had a easy enough time getting her in
But Cheri does NOT make things easy for people, nope!
"Hay, Jacquie" a la Catra going "Hay, Adora". I was watching SPOP at the time. It's a DAMN good show, Catra/Adora my BELOVEDS
FUN FACT: Only recently decided how Warlocks worked in my universe! They know everything and can guide ANY castor. It's like a reverse of Warlocks in DnD. They don't need a patron; they ARE patrons!
By RETIRING Cheri means that a lot of Warlocks went into Rosehaven with the Call. They were making BANK on the feuding fae factions.
Petty vengeance->one night stand with Jack where he said he'd call back, and didn't, which Cheri expected but any excuse for petty revenge is a good one! Good karma->Cheri explains it herself: if it helps the "good" forces, and she contributed to it, she gets a bit of a pass on being The Worst :)
this was an idea I had had since like, the BEGINNING. Halfway through or so, Jack would bug Jacqueline in the proper timeline, to check in and also let her know that he'd like a turn and also, as a plot device so I could remind everyone it's a story of the past being told from the future, and plant the seed of "wait, is Jacqueline going to forget it? Or is she going to remember it?"
Is she? Well, you're not finding out until the Epilogue :)
It is just as jarring as I had hoped it'd be, especially since I forgot all about it! I was ready to title this section THE END and talk about Bernard's amazing exit.
But yeah, it was a fun reminder that this takes place POST redemption, TECHNICALLY, which is a lot of fun! And that was so pleasantly jarring. I'm pleased >:)
if you listen to this version of the halo theme song on loop, you may enter the space I entered when I wrote this bit
anyway. i love Jack. He is. the Blorboest Blorbo EVER. But he did, in fact, steal Christmas for his own holiday and turned the park into a Resort. Implying that there is an overnight stay. Especially with a pamphlet THAT THICK. It;s not even a pamphlet. It's a fucking guide book. FUCK.
And like, there were no hotels that we saw. Maybe there are inns! I mean, the Winter Wonderland has rooms. But I digress.
REGARDLESS, something needed to happen to really get B-Man, well, GONE. And this was the final straw: Elf's houses for you to stay at, with your own personal elfsisstant!
It HURT to SUGGEST Jack would make the elves like. SERVANTS so I tried really hard to avoid that sort of thing--but yeah, they'd be like hotel staff but live in. Imagine being an elf and having to NANNY HUMANS?! FUCK
"That's what your emotional support sprite is for," I said.->Meme alert! "sir this is my emotional support x" meme lol.
Jacqueline gets to kick down doors, once again. Idk why she slams doors open so much? She just does lol
"...It's perfect," Jack said. "It's everything I've ever wanted." I tilted my head. There had been something about the way he said that that made me think that he did not believe that anymore"
I'M LIKE, DROPPING HINTS NOW AT JACK'S ENDGAME FOR FROSTMAS (since we already know Jacqueline's)
I wanted to avoid "servant" related words, but B-Man is way more blunt than I am and we thank him for it tbh
"Really? Cause this is me, walking away."
SO THIS RAW ASS LINE WAS GIVEN TO US BY @shittyelfwriter YET AGAIN! WOMAN'S A GENIUS! We were chatting about BMan's exit and she sent a snippet with that line and I went "Ou. Yeah. That's GOOD" and did a bit of "do it different so they can't tell it's copied"
but credit is given where credit is due lmao! Ana's mind is like, BIG BRAIN when it comes to writing and connecting dots n shit :)
and there we have it! Frostmas BTS: Y9. Y10 coming to you SOON I hope! I'm clearing out my drafts. They're all just. Frostmas BTS and wips that have yet to see the light of day :3
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