#mauty: *sees daughter about to walk into a low-hanging branch* ( ºΔº )
vancilocs · 4 years
🍄🍂🌸🌼💫 for phaedra mallory and mauty?
pls don’t break this post tumbsmdalfml
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
She doesn’t really eat anymore, nothing has taste and she doesn’t need it so why bother. But when she did she would bake big or small pies with either sweet or savory filling, and she really liked baking in general. She liked to decorate them real nice too. She’s a pretty good cook, and if she smells a pie she gets a lil nostalgic and sad
Mallory eats impeccably healthy, got her proteins, got her greens, got meal plans and whatnot. She snacks on smoothies, eggs and protein bars mainly. Splurges on chocolate if sad. Likes to cook, makes herself balanced hearty meals with greens and chicken
Mauty’s a pretty good cook but himself is very picky so while he’ll cook for the family he himself will eat only a few things from it. Will snack on an apple provided it’s cut up first
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
She hasn’t really let anyone too close so it’s been a long time since she’s been hugged, so nowadays she’s a little apprehensive about anyone being so close to her. Way back when she had no problem though. She shows affection very discreetly, just a pat on the hand, a comforting word before she leaves. Kinda ran out of those things.
She likes hugs, especially likes picking up people if they allow it. Ruffles hair, gently punches shoulder, puts arm around, she’s open with affection. For lovers its lots of kisses and hugs, for siblings (all six of them) hugs sometimes, more punches. Strangers get a wave or a handshake. Likes receiving affection too, easy to get along with.
He really likes hugs but only from a very select few people, which are his kids and husband. Sister gives him half-hugs which is fine. Otherwise please keep your distance. Openly loving with husband with hugs and kisses, kids get those too. Others know he likes them but likes his own peace more.
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
Seasons changing, birds singing, water flowing, cute water nymphs having fun in their springs, someone coming to say hello when passing by, flowers blooming, sunshine on her old bones, anything that makes her feel somewhat alive and reminds her that there’s life and joy in the world around her, people feel and love and remember, everything reminding her that she exists
Camaraderie and friendship, seeing friends, seeing family, working out, having inside jokes, pretty clothes, flowers, jewelry, someone saying “I saw this and thought of you”, good food and company
Home and hearth, sounds of rain and fireplace crackling, perfectly balanced spear good to throw, soft fur to touch or to lay on, a child’s laugh, gifts from his kids, cuddles and kisses from husband, hands in his hair very gently, watching silent snowfall, watching husband work on making fabric bc it’s very monotonous and nice to watch and the sound is rhythmic and calming
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner? 
She really doesn’t have any she considers family, but she considers Mahran a friend and appreciates the company she keeps as well. She knew her dad, probably knew her grandparents, she’s been there for ages and knows Mahran is a good and smart woman. Acts annoyed at Ilya but appreciates them paying her a visit when passing by on the way to visit Kyrie. As for mans, she HAD one perfect one, and would like to see him again, thankyouverymuch
She’s likable, I bet she has friends within the bounty hunters even if she hasn’t been there for long. Who knows if she’ll get a date from there or anywhere else later on. She’s not actively looking but wouldn’t mind having a girlfriend (if she has time for one...), someone interesting and fun. She’s also really young though so like. No hurry to settle down or anything
He’s close with his twin sister and obviously loves his husband very much, and also everyone in the clan considers each other family at least in some way and he shares this view. Him and Ola have known each other since they were practically kids and he’s just been a very grounding and calming presence for him throughout his life and he kinda just fell in love at some point
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
I don’t want her story to be tied to Jarvarad and focusing on getting back to him, it’s her refusing to give herself up to someone she doesn’t like nor will ever accept, her story is about her and building herself up to break her own damn curse. Husband and new job as kicker of god ass is just extra
She’s just a ball of energy tbh, hench ass woman doing the Most (also with added stoner farmer twin it’s even funnier)
Mute. Terminal bitch face. Spear taller than him (and he’s tall). Beefy af. Kicks beast ass no problem. Also a mushy househusband who cuts crusts off his kids’ sandwiches and blushes violently when orbular manlet husband pulls him down to give him kisses
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