#mattieu x daphne
Could it be the son of Daren and Kalla or a son of Daphne and Mattieu? :0
Sorry for the delay!! QwQ
Here is Imar 👁
👁 middle son of Mattieu x Daphne
👁 he is 11
👁 sexuality: ???
👁 his best friend is Derick (Kalla x Daren's eldest child)
👁 he likes to read fantasy/gore books but also doing some sport with his father and his friends
👁 it's difficult for him to learn science, he is better in math and history (but he wish he could be like his mother or big brother)
👁 his skin is dark like his mother Daphne and his grand-mother Allie, he also has his mother's hair, but has the green eyes of his dad
👁 he only wear glasses to rest his eyes or when he has to focus for a long moment on something. And immediatelly take them off when Derick is with him
👁 he likes to spen time with his uncles, and having sweet moment with his aunt Alison
👁 he secretly write stories that he hide due to the shame
👁 he has a magic crystal too
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(Derick is comming too but later >v<)
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yelek-galleries · 1 year
Daphne 📂
Claro que sí amiguito
Daphne versión canon
🔬 Daphne Enakai Undyng hija menor y adoptiva de AA!Undyne y AA! Alphis
🔬 alma: cobardía
🔬 tipo de magia: camuflaje y técnicas de defensa
🔬 nivel de magia: débil/intermedio
🔬 edad de línea temporal actual:19 años
🔬 edad de la línea temporal de la historia: 16 años
🔬 se autoproclamo la nueva científica real después de que sus madres murieran, después de 2-4 años,fue oficialmente proclamada cómo la nueva científica real por la reina Toriel
🔬 no es una santa por completo,será uno de los montruos más débiles, pero eso no quita el qué sea inteligente,lógica,analitica y realista
🔬 no creo a Darío y los demás por pura amabilidad XD,no,no.. "no puedes recibir sin dar nada a cabio" ,ella no creo niños en si,si no un tipo de armas qué en algún momento pueden ayudarle en caso de que la barrera volviera a ser destruida,ella combinó lo mejor de los ADN de los padres
🔬 le ve más futuro a Darío y lottie qué a kelalla, pero eso se definirá con el pasó del tiempo
🔬 en su linea temporal actual tiene un hijo llamado Rodrigo, qué es su hijo mayor y que tuvo con su pareja mattieu
Mattieu- @the-creator-undertale-au
🔬ella atendió la herida del ojo de su hijo en el momento exacto qué Rodrigo grito y pidió ayuda
🔬 se siente culpable por lo que le pasó a su hijo,así que trata de compensarlo pasando un poco más de tiempo con el y su esposo
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I think I like this MEME too much XD
Mattieu - Allie x Dust son
💙Dullie child💜
Daphne - @yueart
XD sorry Daphne... sometimes Mattieu can be stupid
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yelek-galleries · 1 year
Ooooh ok my bad :0 why not Théia x Draco ? 🤔
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well, well,well~ It is a very handsome boy what these two have
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Meet Royse (Roy)!
❥ He is the son of the Middle (? of Draco x théia
❥ He is 12 years old
❥ He prefers to be called Roy, since it is very strange for him to be called Royse (Usually when his parents scold him they call him Royse XD)
❥ His best friend is Rodrigo (Mattieu and Daphne's eldest son)
❥ He was born with his soul pointing to the right, it is not known why, it is only known that it is a very rare tear
❥ He takes care of lottie when Dario doesn't feel like it ,And that's almost all the time so he's like babysitting lottie when her parents are busy
❥ He gets along quite well with his aunt marinett, she is his favorite aunt since marinett pampers him a lot
❥ His body has gray spots, inherited by his Draco father, these spots are more concentrated on his face and on his chest, so that he always covers his face and his body in general
❥ He has a necklace that his mother gave him, with the initial R of his name engraved
Théia - @the-creator-undertale-au (You uvu)
Draco - me :D
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