#maple hotel and apartments review
deardesmond · 1 year
Calico On The Run
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Early Life
Coming from a city, Desmond was taught the grind set from the moment he was born. His mother pushed him to have good grades and participate in extracurriculars that'd look good on his resume all throughout grade school and middle school. As a child, he spent many hours at his father's work, learning the roots while he still had the free time to do so. His love of baking stemmed here. He was a curious child, and was often told by his mother, "curiosity killed the cat".
In high school, he worked as his mother's assistant, keeping the role up until losing it his senior year. His mother gave it to a classmate when she found him more capable and disliked the amount of attention Desmond paid to him. She believed that served as a lesson for him to keep his focus on what's important. He was in the journalism club for all his years, and was on the Year Book committee as well. Unbeknownst to his mother, Desmond also took an interest in the creative writing club whenever he could swing by for a meeting.
His mother had him set up to enroll in the best college up until her passing, in which Desmond and his father's involvement in the company were entirely cut. His father only had his cafe to offer, and Desmond worked there as a barista up until the point he moved. While doing so, Desmond educated himself as much as he could on the side to make up for his lack of a higher education.
Start of Adulthood
By the time Desmond was nineteen, he had given up on college or becoming involved in his mother's company, and moved out as soon as he could to work for better employment. In doing so, he's moved from apartment building to apartment building and seen many different towns and parts of the world. He has also met many different villagers, and learned when to keep his guard up, for better or for worse.
His travels have taught him how to be frugal with his money, how to cut fair deals, and the art of trade, keeping hold of unused items in the hope of something better. He's a fairly good businessman, and has kept the things he needs in very good condition, mint even. Through his reviews, he's kept a backlog of all the places he's been, the good and the bad experiences. Over the years, he's set up payment sites for those interested in supporting him.
Desmond has been looking for permanent employment for most of his life, going from clerk jobs, to office jobs, to home improvement jobs, to jobs that required him to move, so on and so forth. He's been on the road for years. His least favorite job was working as a room attendant for a hotel, as he found watching the others coming and going painfully ironic.
Current Life
However, after receiving a flyer for Maple Leaf island, all that is about to change. It turns out that with the opening of the town hall for a self-governing island, they're desperate for workers to help them sort through all the paperwork and the more official technicalities. The island is growing in popularity by the minute and, as it becomes more livable, the villagers expect more commodities.
Moving to that island, Desmond feels an odd sense of peace. For once, on the boat ride over, he is able to relax, taking in the cool sea breeze and relaxing back with a glass of coconut milk. He feels he should be anxious, and yet, everything in his bones are telling him this is it. Upon arriving, he is given a lovely greeting and made to feel right at home. Tom Nook welcomes him to the island and helps him settle in before giving him the job title, as agreed. No questions asked.
Town hall paper pusher by day and museum curator by night, Desmond finds this island and, in extension, island living might just be the cure he was looking for.
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explorewithlee · 5 years
Maple Hotel & Apartments
Maple Hotel & Apartments
One of Vietnams most popular cities to visit, whether travelling or on holiday, Nha Trang has a little of something for everyone. Maple Hotel & Apartments is based only a short 2 minute walk from Tram Huong Tower and is centralised to most attractions. It is a stunningly modern hotel with fantastic service and plenty of facilities.
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The main attraction…
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mindctrlaltdel · 3 years
Random Reviews: Mulholland Drive
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This movie is BASIC INSTINCT, written and directed by Salvador Dali.
Recently, I watched MULHOLLAND DRIVE for the first time for my friend Shawn Eastridge's podcast, MISSING FRAMES (www.thenerdparty.com/missingframes/episode-103-mulholland-drive).
As I watched this odd, funny, disturbing, interesting flick, I took the following notes. Is it, as some critics say, the BEST FILM OF THE 21ST CENTURY? Here's an inside look at my viewing experience as I mulled over MULHOLLAND DRIVE...
I love how the first five minutes is basically a bad late 90's Gap commercial, all swing dancing, no point...
The Mulholland Drive sign is calling to us. The street, Mulholland Drive, is Bali Hai for perverts.
Justin Theroux gets top billing over Naomi Watts??
I gotta admit, I saw one of the movie's original posters and thought "Naomi Watts AND the lady from the first MEN IN BLACK is in this? It's the triumphant return of Linda Fiorentino." When I DIDN'T see her name in the opening credits, I was disappointed. She's NO Linda Fiorentino... for this role, she's even better. AND she's a countess (seriously, look it up). Oh, and Robert Forster shows up for 10 minutes.
Not-Linda Fiorentino has some hustle in her for someone who just survived a horrible head on collision.
I like how the street signs kind of tell us where we are and what kind of world we're in. It's like a surreal, dramatic version of that Californians SNL sketch.
You mean to tell me that the red-headed older woman didn't see not-Linda Fiorentino under her kitchen table? UnbeLIEVable.
Holy crap, the wide-eyed guy in Winky's - he plays Jimmy Barrett, the comedian in MAD MEN... and MAD MEN is an interesting connection here, because everyone talks in this measured, paced deliberate way throughout that series, kind of similar to how the characters usually speak in the David Lynch productions I've seen... When I started watching MAD MEN, I thought the actors were purposely directed to speak that way, so everything to seem more "real" as opposed to that fast-talking, old-Hollywood style that you'd expect to see from outspoken, big idea-types. I imagined that Matt Weiner wanted people to seem - at least to modern audiences - the way people actually were - particularly, the inhabitants of the intelligent and cerebral world of ad men, working behind the scenes, on the fringes of show business. But then Jimmy Barrett, an old-timey comedian ALSO spoke that way. And it just didn't seem authentic to me. Anyway, back to THIS movie...
OH and that dingy woman behind the dumpster! She's like if Captain Howdy moved out West and got all LA on us. Is that Cloris Leachman covered in mud? And the music... for some reason, there's nothing scarier than the sound of an HVAC vent on full blast. (According to this article, www.vulture.com/2014/10/mulholland-drives-evil-hobo-breaks-her-silencio.html,the actress who played Evil Hobo #1 said of her audition process: "I don’t mean to brag, but David Lynch said he was looking for the most incredible face he could find. I actually met him at a Twin Peaks party, and he was like, 'Look at that face!'")
I love the X-Files-style synth strings that play over Naomi Watts (Betty) and gram-gram (Irene) as they walk through the hotel, I mean the airport... Aw, these two old people love Betty. What a different life she's living than that countess who's not Linda Fiorentino who's squatting in that redhead's apartment that Betty's about to move into.
Even then, Naomi had a good American accent. (Although I learned she's technically British but split her time between England and Australia), those Australians are great at spitting out neutral American sounds. But once I learned that Betty is supposed to be Canadian, I was very disappointed. It's not THAT authentic. Where are her "Aboots"? And she didn't put maple syrup on anything in this whole movie.
Oh my God, are Irene and her husband, riding in this towncar, ALSO going to get held up, like not-Linda Fiorentino at the beginning of the movie? Oh okay, they're not. We just followed them for no reason other than to see that they look happier than an old couple in a Cialis commercial. I guess meeting Betty really improved their sex life or something.
Coco - of course she's a fading hollywood starlet... AHHH, Coco is played by Ann Miller - good for her. She's basically that kooky old landlady from SEINFELD, the one who worked with the Three Stooges that Kramer met when he went to LA. Look at all these connections!
"Prize-fighting kangaroo who shits all over the courtyard" - do you think Naomi Watts is going to come out and say, "as an Australian, I was actually offended by this line, but I was scared into silence by that power-hungry monster, David Lynch."
The countess - who now goes by "Rita" - does kind of look like Rita Hayworth. I like the connections to old Hollywood and to noirs and how it's all wrapped together. Rita Hayworth is also a redhead, like Betty's aunt. She's of Spanish descent as well... and the actress playing Rita in this movie is of Mexican descent... Connections, connections.
I love that this casting session is basically run by a deep state shadow organization with a weird waiter in a red blazer... This is how Disney cast WandaVision.
HAHAHAH "That is one of the finest espressos in the world sir!" - this is DEFINITELY how Disney casts their movies. And Justin Theroux is the only man with integrity in this room! Does anyone have any class in this town!? They don't even validate his parking.
This is my favorite movie about making movies since BOWFINGER. And I may not be lying. And somehow less weird than THE ARTIST.
Is everyone gonna start killing each other over Ed's famous black book? This is oddly funny.
"Something bit me bad!" This incredibly long fight scene between the blond guy and secretary... it reminds me of the Uma Thurman/Daryl Hannah trailer fight in KILL BILL VOL. 2 but with less snakes.
These closeups of lingering looks on Rita's cash-filled purse are great... She's pulling wads of cash out of that purse one at a time, like Leslie Nielsen pulling eggs out of that blond lady in AIRPLANE!
I want to know what direction David Lynch gave that braless woman who's following the blond assassin around. It's like she's doing an acting exercise... like you know, when you're told to fill the space... "walk around the room, and clear your head. And now you're walking really fast. And now you're slow. NOW, imagine what it would be like to walk with your nose as the furthest point in front of you. Lead with your nose..." And David Lynch did that and told the braless woman to lead with her chest.
Justin Theroux is basically Robert Downey Jr.'s character from BOWFINGER, except NOW, he's the protagonist.
Betty is loving Rita's amnesia a bit too much. If this were my life, Rita would be the most interesting thing to happen to me too. Hell, if I was from Ontario, getting off at LAX would rock my world.
When Justin Theroux enters his glass-walled home to find his wife with another man, well... Justin Theroux may never star in something like HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, but I can definitely picture him in YUPPIE WITH A GOLF CLUB.
That slinky theme song playing in Justin Theroux's/Laraine's house is a song that I actually listen to in my tiki, lounge playlist - to give you a hint of my music tastes. What I listen to for fun, Billy Ray Cyrus puts on to drown out his love-making.
By the way, BILLY RAY CYRUS!!! WHAT? Is this how Miley was conceived??? I think yes.
Pink paint in a jewelry box! This is much better than the usual throwing-all-his-belongings-out-a-second-story-apartment-window-scene that happens in every other movie.
I wouldn't be THAT excited if I learned MY name was Diane Selwin. BUT the sexxxual tension with the waitress Diane at the diner is palpable!
So, not-Linda Fiorentino has amnesia. How does she know that answering machine is NOT her voice!?
Justin Theroux/Adam Kesher's wife is very aggressive with the large man who's so dedicated to finding Adam Kesher that he keeps calling Adam's name in vain like the secretary in my doctor's office.
I watched this movie in pieces, the first half late at night. The second half the next morning. In between, while sleeping, I had a dream where Betty and Rita were looking over a map and any time one of their hands brushed over another, their hands would turn gold. As if this was a stylistic choice made by the filmmaker directing my dream to show that there's some kind of deeper relationship between these two women. So I've started dreaming in Lynch.
I like how this film is so utterly connected to not only Lynch's subconscious, but the audience's as well. Lynch is TAPPED IN. I don't always love when a film goes all in with a surreal style, because sometimes that's just a cover for something lacking in the storytelling department. But I do feel there's more to it here, in MULHOLLAND DRIVE.
The hooded woman, Louise... I feel like I've run into her on the streets of New York. A Louise will ALWAYS find a way to give you a portent of doom that ruins your day. Friggin’ Louise.
This movie is so moody, you really have to be in the mood to watch it.
There's something magical and prophetic about the cowboy, like he's the seer that the old general sees on the eve of battle... Also, I love how the lead female role in Justin Theroux's movie is his sword of destiny. There's a glitz and gleam and nostalgia to Old Hollywood that naturally gives this movie, set in "modern" Hollywood," a total fantasy vibe.
Hahaha that "You're still here?" scene rehearsal between Betty and Rita is an excellent transition.
James Karen - the real estate guy from POLTERGEIST - is handling casting! "He moved the headshots but he didn't cast the bodies!!"
The casting direction: "Don't play it for real until it gets real." It's interesting how the characters, who work in the "business," seem to control their reality. Betty seems unsure of where the scene is going, then she gets into it. And it really speaks to her conversion from a bright-eyed new arrival to someone who surrenders to the darker impulses of the city.
Ugh friggin' Bob...
I love how Lynnie, the casting director, pulls the rug out from under that scene. There's always a jaded casting person who totally wrecks any good feelings about every audition. It's a thing.
David Lynch uses nostalgia and a latent love for Hollywood to draw the characters (and us) into his world and then subverts our expectations. A lot.
Why is the screen test just a lip-synching contest? ...I think it feeds into the nostalgia element for the movie at large but it seems like a waste of studio resources here. Early-aughties Hollywood spending, amirite?
Rita's reaction to finding the body is played very much like the reaction a character would have in an older film... The horror! The fear! The silent gaping terror while possessed with the inability to scream. I was watching the original KING KONG before this (which is may be a sign from the universe that I had to watch this Naomi Watts vehicle, as she starred in the remake), and specifically remember the scene where the director Carl Denham is coaching Ann Darrow/Fay Wray on how to act in a horror film - "now look up, and you see it, you see it in all its horror. And your jaw drops and you try to scream but you're so frozen in terror that you can't!" - I imagine that's what Lynch is doing to not-Linda Fiorentino off-camera as they filmed this scene.
Uh-oh, Rita is single-white femal'ing Betty now... She doesn't have a personality of her own, so she's going to take Betty's.... And now we're just getting NUDE with each other. This erotic thriller immediately turned from skintillating to Skinemax.
"I'm in love with you" - is Betty just saying that to convince herself? It feels more lusty than real. Betty's so bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Rita is gonna chew her up and spit her out!
I like the shot when they're sleeping together and, as they rest, their faces overlap thanks to the perspective of the framing. How much of the same person are they becoming? Where does one personality start and the other end?
The weird 2am theater. How'd Rita and Betty find this place? I love how this pop-up slam-poetry reading in this opera house is as terrifying to Rita and Betty as finding the dead body.
So Betty starts convulsing in her seat and then the poet disappears in a kind of old-style, cinematic I'm disappearing effect. I dig it.
Wait... is this a mysterious, magical show that just appears in LA, like Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead, that town in THE MUMMY that only shows up at sunrise on the third day or something like that? Or is this just a poorly attended Spanish-language talent show that could only afford to book this theater at 2am on a Thursday?
I love that Betty and Rita are tearing up over Rebekah Del Rio's performance (Rebekah Del Rio is a real person, by the way). Then, Rebekah faints as her voice keeps singing - is NOTHING real? Has Betty totally given into this weird world to the point that she doesn't really know what's authentic and what's fake anymore OR was Betty fake before she got to LA so it was easy for her to get acclimated.
This movie is like THE MATRIX, from the perspective of characters who only took the blue pill and didn't look back.
OOOH, Betty has the box and Rita has the key! But the box is empty except maybe its the Gom Jabbar pain-box from DUNE. Is David Lynch using MULHOLLAND DRIVE as an excuse to make good on his promise to produce a good version of DUNE.
WAIT A SECOND, the cowboy knows the dead girl? Does this even matter?
Now, wait ANOTHER second. Is Betty performing or DREAMING when she's Diane or is something else going one??
What's the BLUE KEY doing there?
"Two Detectives"??? Is she talking about Betty and Rita OR Robert Forster and the pudgy guy? OR someone else entirely - the two guy's from Winky's???
The movie became more interesting the moment the perspective shifted to "Diane" and "Camilla." When that happened, Naomi Watts really amped up her performance... reaching a level of intensity we hadn't seen since Betty's audition... it does take 2 hours to reach that point.... But then, when Betty and Rita are topless on the couch, I couldn't tell who they were supposed to be until Rita/Camilla called her "Diane."
Wait, now Rita's acting?? OH, so Rita was an actress? And Diane wasn't? Or Betty looks exactly like Diane?
The weird shifts in focus. The sad masturbating. This is the most depressing soft-core ever made!
Did Betty get killed and have amnesia too?
They take a shortcut to Eddie's house which looks EXACTLY like where Rita/Camilla was taken at the beginning of the movie by the hitmen in the towncar before that wild accident with those teenagers made her life weirder... OR less weird. You be the judge.
IS this a flashback or the future. Eddie and Camilla are having an affair?
MY MOTHER? COCO - what's real and what isn't????
The jitterbug competition.... Diane/Naomi wanted the lead so bad, Camilla got the part but in Mulholland Drive, Naomi is the star.
Then, Camilla is kissing that other blond actress who Betty watched screen test...
MULHOLLAND DRIVE is just David Lynch telling us that LA is a place for lust and jealousy and no matter what, purity gets ruined.
WHAT, the blond waitress is BETTY? And Diane hires the blond guy, who's officially labeled as a hitman.
Diane is also from Canada...
Are Diane and Betty just different versions of the same people in nearby parallel universes? I certainly HOPE so. This is too much insanity for ONE universe to handle.
The blue key will be found where the blond guy told Diane. Okay, that makes sense. But if this were to mirror real life, the key was in her hand the WHOLE time!
OH, and hobo-Cloris Leachman comes back... AND she's holding the blue box/Gom Jabbar... WHY the hell did those two old people wander out of that paper bag??? Do they represent longstanding guilt? Seems like it. Because they've just crept into Diane's apartment.
MULHOLLAND DRIVE is almost silly to the point of pretentiousness at points - at least with the last word to be uttered on screen - "silencio." That said, it does evoke the HAMLET line: "And the rest is silence," so THAT's poetic.
Sadly, Robert Forster was barely in this movie...
Oh, and Lee Grant played Louise - the old-Hollywood connections keep coming!
I can't believe this movie was intended to be a pilot?
Now, some final notes:
On the swapping of characters and relationships in the last 30 minutes -- my first thought was that Betty/Diane and Rita/Camilla look similar and/or they're connected by a parallel universe, and the diner is like the central hub between worlds, and hobo-Cloris Leachman is the gatekeeper between the two worlds... I buy the "dream world" explanation that some critics espouse, that's something I considered myself as I watched. But I'm not sure I believed Betty is Diane's dream version of herself. Also, I think David Lynch has a feeling about how everything fits together, yet I don't know if he's even settled on an explanation for everything. He just trusted his subconscious and he's so confident in his latent abilities, that we trust him to show us everything we need to see and take us everywhere we need to go.
I enjoy how it's a surrealist answer to SUNSET BOULEVARD. I hope in 2050, someone makes "The 405" really tying all these movies and Los Angeles roads together.
MULHOLLAND DRIVE is weird but good. Still, I don't know if, to me, it's more weird than good. It's also funny. But is it funny because it's weird or because it's actually, genuinely funny? Are these questions David Lynch actually wants me to ask or does he make it weird on impulse to cover for the fact that the film is simply just weird and based entirely on impulse? MULHOLLAND DRIVE is almost like a parody of a film noir, made by an inter-dimensional alien life-form who studied a bunch of movies from the 40's through the 90's but doesn't have a full grasp on human behavior, and DESPITE THAT, it's more of an emotional experience than a logical one. It's somewhere in between. It's self-indulgent in a way but also very giving. It's a paradox wrapped in an oxymoron wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a coffee-stained napkin covered in cigarette ash locked in a small, blue box.
Summing it up: I don't think there's a world where this movie would get a perfect score from me. Because ultimately, for all it's interesting and exciting moments, it's more of a passion project for David Lynch than a piece of entertainment for the audience, no matter how entertaining it may be. To me, it's a vision board more than it is a complete film. And yet, it IS a complete EXPERIENCE. And there's nothing wrong with that.
All of that said, I know David Lynch doesn't really like to give viewers a clear cut, traditional narrative. So, I had a feeling the mystery was just that, a mystery. Or even moreso, the FEELING of a mystery. It's not about where we're going, it's about the journey to the destination. And while the general atmosphere is moody and evocative and often powerful, MULHOLLAND DRIVE plays more like a 2.5 hour piece of music than a cohesive narrative. Maybe that's the best thing about it.
In the distant future, when our way of speaking has become as archaic as the words of Shakespeare are to us, it's the feeling and emotions and images of movies like MULHOLLAND DRIVE that will still have a timeless impact on the future audiences who view them.
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travellingwhisperer · 7 years
melodrama through the eyes of a (fellow) synaesthete
hello everyone! just like lorde herself, i have a strong case of synaesthesia (I get colour visions, but also tastes and scents as well), so this is my attempt to review the masterpiece that is melodrama through my synaesthetical experiences
let’s go
green light: car air freshener, heated highway and the visions you get when you drive in heat (a la mirages), blackberry-scented cheap shower gel, a pistachio green silk scarf, old school adidas kicks, lemon juice drops on fresh summer salad, beige satin, old black cars (a la classic cadillacs and jaguars), maple syrup, the heat of cairo at around 11 am
sober: ripe honeydew, the smell of guitar wood varnish, red satin ribbons, smudged glass coffee tables, spilled lemonade on said tables, peach vodka, the feel of white plaster in old museums where security guards are very strict, cough syrup (both the colour and the flavour), artificial smell of mint, mint gum, velvet red carpeting in old and badly aired town halls, the humidity of rainforest
homemade dynamite: 4 am sunrise straight after a storm with torn dark grey, nearly black clouds being ripped, smell of gasoline, deep puddles in cracked pavement, dimmed street lights about to go out, magenta, white musk perfume from the body shop, deep indigo of the nearly sunrise of mid may, that walk home from a rowdy night out when everyone is more or less sobered up, but not sober enough to feel shy yet, still drunk enough to be honest with affection and cursing and slightly slurred speech
the louvre: bamboo blinds, bamboo shoots, bonsai trees, flowing honey, varnished birchwood, sunlit old halls in ugly grey soviet buildings, silver hellium-filled balloons, white shiny doors between a party-filled room and a closet where hook-ups and one-night stands take place, old oil paint, the sunny, lemon yellow butterflies, muddly skies of july, edelflower syrup in a glass of white wine, edelflower flower crowns, an expensive pool in a mansion-like house in hollywood hills, the eerie comfort and anxiety of the opening credits of twin peaks
liability: massive bouquets of lily of the valley, white lace curtains knitted by a grandmother, greyness of a sunday in a village on a last warm october day, a single light in an office on a late night in a massive skyscraper, dried flowers, drops of nosebleed on a crystal clean white sink, grey that turns into pastel lilac, the feeling of ripped paper
hard feelings/loveless: faint sunrise shining through the windows of a manhattan apartment in a skyscraper, all shades of orange spilling onto a hi-tec kitchen, cointreau liqueur, sunny warm nights on ocean beach, lukewarm bathtubs when the bath foam has fizzled, bonfires and burned marshmallows, just the beginning of feeling buzzed (like a glass of wine in), tender shades of yellow, rustiness of old heavy doors into a basement, scaffolding sounds, first sunniest days of spring after a heavy winter, sunset in the ocean, heavy fluffy sweaters / neon diner signs, anime eyes, porcelain dolls, peach-flavoured bubblegum, glass bowls
sober ii (melodrama): colour of crimson, heavy red velvet couches, smudged matte red lipstick, glass shards, ripped pearl necklaces and scattered pearls on sticky floor, red limelight, stilettos, tight black bodysuits, smoky-eyed tall models in revealing tight and latex dresses, marble furniture with golden decor, fistfights during a party, ripped suits and thrown ties and unbuttoned white shirts on boys with wealthy fathers
writer in the dark: light parakeet green, whitewashed starched tablecloths that crunch, old wooden tables, rusty cages for canaries, Advocat liqueur, big pearl necklaces on black dresses, big sunglasses (a la Audrey’s in Breakfast at Tiffany’s), sunny Sunday mornings on a patio with a cup of fancy tea, sunday clothes, white churches in greece, silver tears and crying in the backseat after a breakup, wilted flowers in a vase with dirty water
supercut: light green and orange, Love Is bubblegum, peaches, apricots, mint, Mojitos, fairy lights above people at a rooftop party, roadtrip one takes after a breakup with all thier belongings, flavoured water that doesn’t quench thirst, sparkling water with lemon and ice cubes, worn down picnic blankets, fancy dresses girls wear to the entrance into a nightclub, folding chairs, chilled champagne
liability (reprise): cold winter wind of february, the feeling on the tip of the tongue from scolding hot tea, big white rooms in museums, light green, light smoke of e-cigarette that smells like peppermint, the smell of sunscreen, the stillness of a swimming pool at noon in heat
perfect places: red wine, swinging chandeliers, red plastic cups, glass grand pianos, the last summer party in august, that warm feeling at the end of the party where everyone’s buzzed and affectionate and there’s a lot of kissing and hugging and swinging, big fake golden earrings, summer fruits, fancy hotels and luxurious lifts/elevators, skinny dipping, black velvet dresses that touch the floor, uncontrollable laughing in comfy sweaters
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littlemuffinblog · 4 years
Hello all!
It’s been a long while since I’ve written up a proper blog post on here. I’m most active on my instagram these days, but I’m going to make an effort to post more regularly on my actual page as sometimes I find I cut recipes short to fit them all into the Instagram/Facebook format etc.
I was recently in New York and pretty much centered the entire trip around finding all the good foodie spots, so I figured it deserved a lengthy post! We tended to eat a late brunch and dinner most days, skipping lunch as our hotel had a free snack bar which was very handy. They had fresh fruit, lovely coffee & granola bars in the morning which were great to grab n’go. The options changed from lunch time and included savoury snacks and sweet treats with limitless soft drinks, fizzy water etc. We stayed in the Club Quarter Hotel Midtown near Times Square. It was a brilliant location, lovely room, great value, nice staff and the unlimited snack bar with filtered water on tap was such a bonus. They even gave little bottles to take your water with you! Hotel website linked here.
So, without further ado, here are all of the foodie places in New York during my trip. Hope anyone travelling to NY finds it useful! Thanks to everyone who recommended food spots to me before I went – you all helped to make my trip deliciously good and my foodie self is eternally grateful!
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Bubbys – Easily the single best brunch I have ever had and was the food highlight of the trip for me. We went to the one in Tribeca but they have a few locations. We got the Eggs Benedict and ‘Pancake Flight’. The Eggs benny was to die for, we opted for the version with bacon and added some avocado to it. The pancakes were also EPIC. Super fluffy & thick, they came with berries, nutella, blueberry compote, whipped cream, caramelised banana and toasted walnuts. They also came with maple syrup and butter on the side without even asking – it was a lovely touch. The total bill came to about $60 including a tip and we didn’t get coffees/drinks, only tap water. I honestly can’t wait to go back to NY to have Bubbys again, it was just that good. Bubbys is a definite must! Website here. 
Sarabeths – This is super near to Central Park. We had seen on their instagram that they are famous for their french toast so that’s what we went with. For $50 we also got a caraffe of Bellini’s – it’s about 5-6 glasses which were $15 each so it’s good value really ;). I ordered the Almond crusted French toast and my friend went for the ‘Fluffy Fat’ french toast. We also ordered a side of bacon (additional $12). I will say I was quite disappointed with my almond version as when I cut into it, it was actually bone dry in the middle. The whole point of French toast is that it should be eggy/custardy having been soaked in an egg mixture but this was essentially dry almond toast. They were very good and immediately replaced it with the plain version that my friend had ordered. This was absolutely delicious and came with a side of butter and maple syrup. The service was great here and I would definitely recommend the Fluffy Fat french toast and skip the almond version! All in all the bill came to about $115 excl tip. Pricey but it is in a great location and overall the food and drink was lovely. Website here. 
Fresh & Co – We definitely couldn’t leave New York without trying a cream cheese bagel! I had lots of places recommended to me, but we happened to be passing by here and were stuck for time so we just popped in. It wasn’t on the menu and breakfast had just finished, but they made these specially up for us which was really nice. We asked for 2 wholemeal bagels, filled with cream cheese, avocado, crispy bacon and a runny fried egg. We got freshly squeezed orange juice to go with. It was honestly *so* good and hit the spot. Great place to call into if you just want something quick to eat & go. I think it was roughly $12 for the two bagels, with orange juice about $5 extra incl taxes. They have quite a few locations. Website here.
Ellens Stardust Diner – This place is pretty much as American as it gets. It’s a diner set in the heart of Times Square, waited by Broadway hopefuls who sing and perform throughout the entire meal. They are also famous for their brunch. We headed here our first night and ate dinner here. We went for the Mac n Cheese burger, served with waffle fries. We then shared a Brownie ‘Mudslide’ Sundae for dessert. It was typical American diner food, it was decent and hit the spot but you definitely more so go there for the surroundings than the food. Total bill was about $60 excl tips but be mindful, they send around a separate bucket for the tips for the singers too. Website here.
Ottos Tacos – We got these the night we went to Woodbury Common Shopping outlet. It was such a long day and we were absolutely shattered when we got back to our hotel, so we ordered Uber Eats. We opted for a ‘Beyond’ Vegan chorizo taco, chicken taco, chips & guac and rice and beans. The chorizo taco wasn’t great but all in all was a tasty meal and perfect for a late night nibble. Uber eats is super handy if you’re stuck on time/tired and they have no problem delivering to hotels, they had a huuuuge selection of foods available. Website here.
Otto Pizzeria – We had a lovely dinner at otto pizzeria. We originally wanted to get to Joes pizza which I’d had lots of recommendations for or Scarrs… however otto was closer by and Joes had queues out the door! I opted for a delicious egg pizza washed down by blood orange cocktails. We actually arrived half an hour earlier than our booking and they were lovely about it and immediately seated us. We also got complimentary focaccia & olive oil to start! It did the trick but definitely still have Joes & Scarrs on the pizza list! Website here.
Levain Bakery – I went to the one just off central park. I had heard a lot of hype about this place. They are famous for their super thick gooey cookies and sweet jesus, they did not disappoint. Some of the best cookies I’ve ever had. All made better by eating them while strolling on lovely sunny day in central park. You wouldn’t even know the bakery is there – it is tiny and down these little steps, I had to ask a local where it was as I couldn’t find it! There was no queue when I was there thankfully, but be mindful of this as apparently there is usually a big wait. The cookies were $4 each and worth every bit and more! Their hot chocolate looked epic too so will definitely be paying here a visit the next time I’m in New york to get it! Definitely put this place on your list. Website here. 
Magnolia Bakery – If you are a fan of Sex in the City, you’ll be familiar with this place. It is just around the block from Carrie Bradshaw’s famous apartment and the bakery featured in the TV show a couple of times making it an instant hit. They are famous for their banana pudding – a creamy pudding filled with banana, sponge and graham crackers. I opted for the small pot (as I was stuffed but couldn’t not go to NY and not try it!). It was absolutely insanely good. I think it was about $5 incl tax and worth it for sure. Next time I’m going to try their cupcakes as I’ve heard they are amazing too. Website here.
Carlos Bakery – If you’ve ever watched Cake Boss, here is a must visit! We went to the one near the Port Tunnel (where we got our bus from to Woodbury Common. We actually got a great deal for this on groupon, I’ve linked it here) The original one is in Hoboken and I believe is worth a visit too! The bakery itself was full of a mix of treats, a lot of artificially coloured american style cakes which wouldn’t be my thing, but their pastries, cookies etc all looked amazing. We were spoiled for choice. M\y friend got an M&M cookie which was really tasty and I got a chocolate hazelnut lobster tail pastry filled with delicious hazelnut creme patisserie and drizzled with nutella. So good. All in all they both came to about $11 dollars. The perfect breakfast to bring on board the 1 hour bus journey!  Bakery linked here. 
Airport Lounge – 51st & Green in Dublin Airport terminal 2. We opted to pay into the lounge before our flight as we had a few hours to kill. It was definitely worth it in my opinion! It was located after pre clearance for the US so it was lovely to relax and unwind knowing you had that already done. It costed €39 to get in at the door, but you can book it online for €35. Our flight was in the morning, so they had a full buffet breakfast bar alongside a cocktail bar and coffee station. You can see the lounge by clicking here. 
The Plaza Hotel – We were initially going to book ourselves in for afternoon tea here as we’ve heard rave reviews. It was booked out in the end, but we went their for a drink after our brunch in Sarabeths. We opted for 2 x champagne cocktails each $26 excl tax/tips. They were served with a lovely little snack plate of chilli pumpkin seed chocolate and roasted chickpeas. The cocktails were amazing and the setting was just fabulous. It is pricey, but 100% worth it. We sat in a window seat and watched the world go by, just taking in the surroundings for the afternoon. It was such an activity fulled break, it was lovely to just relax for a while and unwind. Would highly recommend it and I think I would definitely try the afternoon tea the next time I visit! Website here. 
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Tourist Attractions – I figured I may as well pop in the places we went while I’m at it. We pretty much ticked everything off the list except visiting the Brooklyn Bridge and the Highline… next time!
Statue of Liberty – We got a free ferry from Manhattan to Staten Island. You don’t need to pay for the tourist ones and they will try the hard sell to push it on you at the door of the terminal but stand your ground! You can get the commuter ferry for free from Whitehall which goes right past it and you get a very clear view. We just hopped off at the other side and got straight back on it. Took 20 mins – they go every half an hour. Would definitely recommend. Info link here.
Carrie Bradshaws Apartment – Quite near the Statue of Liberty area, about 20 mins in an Uber. It was so cool to see as a SATC fan. It was also just around the corner from Magnolia bakery. Be mindful people actually live in the Apt block when you’re taking photos. Location is here
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Ground Zero – We went here en route to statue of liberty as it is quite close by. It was also quite close to Bubbys in Tribeca. We just went to see the memorial which is free but you can go into the museum too. There is a great shopping mall and discounted designer department store nearby called Century 21. Worth a visit too. There is also a target nearby if that’s something you wanted to browse!
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Rockefeller Centre – Top of the Rock. We paid about $42 for the ticket to get up. We bought online but they have a ridiculous queue system where you need to validate your online ticket to get a physical one, so the queue was the same for those who didn’t buy online and it cost the exact same. Be prepared to queue, we waited almost an hour to get up but we were told it was unusually busy as it had been raining the 2 days previous. However, the views are absolutely spectacular when you get up, so it was well worth it in the end. You can go at sunset for an extra $10 per ticket which would also be pretty cool.
Woodbury Commons Shopping Outlet – This place is definitely well worth going to if you are in the market for discounted designer handbags / shoes. The clothes were good value too depending on what you’re looking for but the handbags we’re exceptionally cheap with 60%-80% some items depending on what coupons you had/how much you spent. As I mentioned above, we got the return bus from the port terminal near times square. It was $27 on groupon linked here or you can buy it there for $42 so it’s definitely worth getting it online. It took about an hour each way, with a pretty regular time table. It doesn’t open until 10am so we got the 8.30am coach which worked out great. You also get a free coupon book from the information desk when you arrive which is included in your bus ticket.The food was okay there, had a lot of fast food outlets and a Pret A Manger (they are everywhere in NY!) Definitely a must visit if you’re looking to do some shopping! Link for outlet is here.
Central Park – I was really taken with central park. It is so cool to stroll around (especially with some Levain cookies!). You can hire a horse drawn carriage for a pricy $100 per half an hour or a bike cart for $5 per minute. We were initially going to rent bikes but we didn’t bother in the end, instead walking around and taking it all in. Well worth a look. The plaza hotel and Sarabeths were super near here too.
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So that’s a wrap! It’s pretty much all I can fit into this post. I hope it’s helpful for any trips you have planned to New York. Please tag me if you visit anywhere I’ve recommended so I can relive the memories… @littlemuffinblog
It was the most epic trip and I will definitely be back! Miss you already NYC.
New York – Foodie & Travel Guide Hello all! It's been a long while since I've written up a proper blog post on here.
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nhlhoser · 7 years
On The Rocks- 10
Part 9  Masterlist
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Everyone left after Steph and I made the arrangments for her to move in a couple weeks after when her lease is up and Mitch + gang are free to help move what she needs.  I am actually really excited to have Stephanie as my roommate, so far she seems to be a really good person.
My plans for the day weren't much other than laying around my apartment watching T.V. and eating junk food, in the most unflattering sweatpants and hoodie combo in my possession. It was going great too until I remember my job interview tomorrow and I fell off the couch like the memory physically smacked me across the face.
I need to mentally prepare more than anything else, I know I have the ability to do this and get the job, it's just I still feel like I'll mess it up with something i'd say or trip over myself.
"I need to distract myself," I mumbled sitting up, leaning my back again the couch. Scrolling through my phone I have a couple messages from Steph just about moving and stuff but also one from my brother made my grin.
"Ah," I grunted throwing my gloved fist at my brother's grinning face, I had put a good amount of weight behind it and I clocked him pretty good. His head flinging back dramatically but raising his fist in time to upper cut my chest making me fall on my ass. I lay on the floor of the boxing ring sweaty and gross but feeling great.
"I tap out," I wheezed dramatically spreading my limbs like a starfish almost in the middle of the ring, where my younger brother Ricky and I were sparring. My brother is just a little bit taller than me and likes boxing because he's a small guy compared to the rest of his lacrosse team. He's never actually been in a fight but he will always say.
"Just in case you know," He'd say with a wink and throwing a couple punches into the air.
"So what's caused you enough stress to agree to come with me? You're usually a solo mission kinda gal,"  Ricky said helping me up, knowing me well enough to know when I'm stressed. Grabbing my water and unstrapping my head gear, making my way out of the ring.
"I have a job interview/ try out tomorrow," I finally said when I had my things gather and Ricky was leaning on ropes staring down at me raised brows. He ducks under and hops down to my level.
"You say that like it's a bad thing, I thought you wanted a new job," His black/brown hair sticking to forehead adding to the confusion in his blue eyes that match mine. I sigh, fiddling with my towel nerves re-entering my body like wildfire.
"It is a good thing! I just feel like I mess it up," I confessed turning away from my brother to head to the change rooms.
"That's just your nerves talking Amelia," Ricky laid his hand on my sweaty shoulder to stop my movement before going on "We both know you're pretty damn great at your job, You have to stop doubting yourself. You'll do great" He pulled me into a hug- a nasty sweaty hug. Pulling away i swat him away.
"I needed that," I smiled at my brother who smiled back before pushing me toward the change room with a 'you stink'.
Waiting for a shower to free up, now feeling a lot better and light hearted I open Snapchat and jokingly take a gym selfies caption 'Better than Marns' referring to Steph at the hotel on the weekend. Sending it off and tossing my phone in the locker I head to the showers.
It was when I was home again that I got the notification.
'SCREENSHOT Stephthechance'
"Oh fuck," I cursed instantly calling the evil blonde I called my friend just hours ago.
"Hello?" Her innocent voice making me scowl.
"Whyyyy???" I whined into phone balancing it on my shoulder as I work my through my apartment dropping my bag in the laundry room and gloves into the closet.
"I had to, girl. I need proof to burst my boyfriend's ego. He's always flexing and being mister manly man," She whined at the end of her statement.  Groaning I readjust my phone so now I can hold it normally.
"Just delete it please," I plead making my way into the kitchen to make something to eat.
" I could, but what's the fun in that" she laughs.
"Me not killing you is fun, Man I don't want the stress of you showing someone on purpose or accidentally. I'm already stressed about a job interview tomorrow," I groaned back to the awkward way of hold my phone against my shoulder assembling my protein shake.
"Oh, where's your interview?" She completely disregarding my threat of her death.
"Some sports team in Etobicoke, Massage therapist," I easily confess as I busily work on my shake and trying to not drop my phone in the sink.
"Going by what Auston told us about you 'Magic hands' You'll do great especially this coming from him." Steph lowered her voice to mimic Auston. My cheeks flare at the thought that they were talking about me.
"Oh god, he told you," My voice cracked. What else did he say? Did he tell them about sharing a bed? Oh god, that's so embarrassing.
" Yeah, He told us how you did some magical voodoo on his back before he fell asleep on the couch,"  Steph oblivious to where he actually slept.
"Oh yeah, That was nothing really," I tried to hold back my sigh of relief, sitting on my couch I relax into the cushions instead a released a tired sigh.
"If that's nothing, You something has to be a thousand times better! Also, Mitch is jealous, he almost made us come back so you'd massage his back," Steph's voice caring a different note at the end.
"Don't work Steph you'll get a massage too" I teased.
"My neck does hurt... and since you offered....." she trails off into a giggle. Shaking my head I finish off my shake.
"Sure thing but you have to delete the photo first," I challenged.
"Well, Will you look at that! My neck doesn't hurt anymore!"
"I hate you so much right now," I groaned over the phone to emphasize my displeasure.
"No, you don't! Well Mitch is coming in the door with food now so I'll let you get to whatever you do,"
"See ya"
Hang up the phone I groan again.
"She's not deleting that photo," I said to no one but my furniture.
Sleep came easier than I thought it would of due to my nerves but I was out as soon as my head my pillows. Getting up was a little bit harder than It was going to sleep, My body is that good sore after a great workout but also the hesitation knowing that the sooner I get ready, the sooner I leave for the interview.
I got dressed and ate slowly but by the time I was done it was time I should leave.I got uber and in no time I was the Mastercard Centre. I guess I was so nervous I didn't even notice the logos on the door or on the walls as I made my way to the trainer's room by following signs. I could hear the sound of hockey, hell it even smelt like hockey. When I got to where I need to be I felt the need to vomit I was so nervous but I was greeted by a friendly enough looking man who looks to be in his late 40's maybe.
"HI, I am Todd Bean we talked over the phone. Amelia Ashton if I am correct?" He sticks out his hand for a handshake, I grasp it strongly but not overly strong.
"Yes, That would be me?"
We talked for almost an hour about the job, my job history, and certifications.  He was now reviewing my paperwork with a passive face as if he was deciding something. I just sat for what felt like forever fidging slightly and twirling my thumbs. The longer he went without saying anything only made my nerves worse, the nervous sweat setting in making me feel so gross.
He tilts his head up me and slowly a smile spreads across his face, deepening the slight wrinkles around his eyes and mouth.
"I am willing to hire you right here, right now but" My posture starts to slump, there's always a but.
"I need to test you a little bit, just because you passed your certification doesn't mean you're good enough for me." He's eyes teasing but serious. He writes something down on a notepad before he stands and beckons me to follow him. He leads me out the door and down the hall to another trainer's room, this one has a massage table in the middle with all the needed creams, oils and ointments lining the shelves with towels folded perfectly on the lower shelves.
"I am going to get a test dummy, You just make yourself comfortable," He's back out the door before I could say anything. I take this as an opportunity to check out the oils and such, examine each label seeing all the different effects, one cools or heats and another numbs. I was busy exploring bottles that I almost didn't notice when Toad re-enter the room, this time with another person.
"Amelia, this is Connor Brown," Toad motions towards the very familiar hockey player, this would be the time i finally realized my job interview is for the Toronto Maple Leafs. 'Act cool' schooling myself I introduce myself as we shake hands.
"So, to put it simply, The job is to make Connor feel better and so here is the test," Toad grins now pointing to Connor "Make him feel better,"
I nod turning on my profession mode on I started with the questions to better understand his body to know what amount of pressure would be needed and where to lighten up or press harder.
In the end, Connor fell asleep on the table.
"Well, I say you have the job!" Toad clapped me on the back as Connor release a snore. My eyes widen and all my nerves are gone.
"We will finalize everything in person another day, I'll email you when and where You'll be meeting the rest of the staff. To start you'll be mainly working on practice days to get you into things and before long you'll be game ready!" He voices very cheerily making me smile.
We shook hands and discuss the jobs some more before I was out the door of the room, I was walking down the hall when I heard familiar voices.
"Man, Connor gets to test out the new therapist when he knows I volunteered first," A grumpy voice of Mitch Marner sound around the hall  I was passing when Mitch and who was with spotted me.
"Hey, Amelia, What you doing here?" A still sweaty Mitch asked.
"Well, I guess I work here now" I smiled.
"Oh doing what?"
"I am the new Massage therapist,"I confessed like it was some secret. Mitch's eyes widen and his elbows the guy beside him who turns out to be the very tall enforcer Matt Martin, He looks a lot taller than when I met him at the bar.
"She the one I was telling you about, 'Magic hands' so Auston said," Mitch's whole being oozed excitement. My face turns red instantly as my cheeks burn.
"Man, Now I can see for myself, Come you have to meet everyone else!" Mitch starts to lead me to guess where everyone is, Matt in tow shaking his head.
We get to a door with the Leafs logo posted rather brightly in your face, as Mitch tosses open the door he pulls me into what I am guessing is players lounge because there multiple guys around the room on couches or at tables eating.
"Hey! Amelia!" a voice with a Swedish tinge to it call out from across the room, where William is sitting with Morgan Rielly and James Van Riemsdyk. Mitch leads me over to them with a huge grin.
"Hi" I shyly sit across from the blonde and two others with Mitch beside me and Matt leaning on the arm of the chair to Mitch's right. Before anyone can ask or say why I am here, Mitch does it.
"Amelia here is out new Massage therapist," Which gathers some looks from the guys across from us. I sink into the couch as they stare.
"Ah, you did mention that you're a massage therapist!" William nods at the memory of dinner. A look of confusion washed over Morgan and James' faces. They probably wonder how their teammates know me. William also catches his teammates confusions and Mitch starts the story of the boring Gala then the bar, hotel and temporarily stealing his girlfriend.
"Then Auston and I almost killed her," William stated not explain further which left room for some imagination. William caught that his words could be twisted sexually.
"We accidentally made her fall off a treadmill and she hit her head," William defended. Morgan and James nod.
"So she's the one Auston got the meds from me for," Morgan stated.
"Yeah, whatever those were got me pretty damn high," I blurted out making the guys all laugh, as I get redder and sink further.
"Well, they're  for a grown man," Morgan noted, it made sense really how sloppy I got.
we-they kept talking some more when Matt asked me if I was going to be at the Game Tomorrow.
"No, I don't officially start until- I am not even sure but when i do start with you guys it will only be during practices until I get into a routine," I explained.
"I also have never been to a game," I added.
Williams jaw visibly drops and well as Mitch.
"But how?"
"Oh yeah, Steph was texting me about that,"  Will and Mitch started at the same time.
" Well, I've never had the money or the time," I shrugged.
"Well, Looks like you're coming to the game tomorrow," James said and the rest nod with him.
"I can't-" I start.
"Save it, women, you're going," William said staring into my eyes making me want to look always but I felt trapped.
Looks like I am going to my first Leafs game.
"You'll have to wear my jersey of course, as I am your favorite," William said Arrogantly.
"What makes you think she won't be wearing mine, I too am her favorite," A new voice challenges Williams previous statement from behind me.
I don't have to look to know its Auston Matthews.
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literaryeagle · 7 years
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Yes, it's time for another Yuri!!! on Ice book review!  Here is the Enjoy Your Trip! guide, published by Banpresto.  It's a short and cute booklet about the skaters' home countries, plus the location where the last three episodes took place for the Grand Prix Final.  Check out the front cover art, shown above.  Do you see Makkachin on the airplane?  So adorable!  (The back cover of Enjoy Your Trip! shows Victor, Yuri, Yurio, and Makkachin with the words "Did you enjoy it?")  This book is actually one of several travel-themed Yuri!!! on Ice items from Banpresto's "Ichiban Kuji" (Best Lottery).  I had to get several items in order to obtain the book, so I'll be covering all of them in this post.  But I'll start with the book because it's my favorite thing from this lottery.
It's pretty short (only 14 pages) and most of the text is in Japanese, however there are plenty of charming and colorful illustrations to enjoy, such as screenshots from the anime, photos of real locations, pictures of food, and doodles of Makkachin.  There are a few little bits of English and other languages, too.  For example, remember the scene in episode 10 when Victor and Chris launched themselves at Yuri in the hotel room?  Well, this book has a picture of that with the words "HEY Boy" and a bunch of hearts scribbled on it!  Take a look:
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Keep reading for the rest of the review, plus a few more pictures!
The book starts with an "Are You Ready?" two-page spread showing the Table of Contents, plus an illustration of Victor, Makkachin, Yuri, and Yurio.  (The skater trio are in the same poses used on the back cover of the book, but on these pages they are spaced further apart, and you can see some of their luggage as well.)
After that, we get to the first section of the book, "Enjoy Hasetsu!!!", which is obviously devoted to Yuri's hometown of Hasetsu, Japan.  These two pages have some pictures and info about the hot springs, Hasetsu Castle, and the skating rink.  Food is a big part of this book, so that means pork cutlet bowls are also covered here.  By the way, Makkachin barks in different languages in this book, so for this section the barking is in Japanese, "Wan Wan", and in the Russia part it's "Gav Gav", on the Canada page it's "Bark Bark", and so on.  Very cute!
Next, there are two pages called "Love Russia".  Although most of the pictures of the skaters in this book are screenshots from the anime, this section includes something new... an illustration of Victor, Yurio, Yuri, Georgi, and Milla as a set of matryoshka dolls!  I love it!  Check it out:
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Isn't that charming? I like that the Victor doll is winking, and that the Georgi doll has the dramatic eye makeup from his "Carabosse" skate.
Moving on, there's a page called "Welcome to China", with cutie Guang-Hong showing us the Great Wall of China, plus more food of course.  Then the next page is "Smile Country Thailand", which means that the delightful Phichit is here to show us the sights!  Here's a piece of the Thailand page:
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After that is a page called "A Breath of Switzerland", so we have Chris introducing us to delicious fondue, and the beautiful Swiss Alps.  There's a picture of Chris next to a photo of the Alps with the English text "Nice view and nice guy".  Then we have the "I ♥ Canada" page, showing us the northern lights, JJ and Isabella's love, and yummy maple syrup!  Minami and Yuri sure are excited about the maple syrup:
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The Japanese text in the above image says "Oishisou sugiru!!" ("It looks too delicious!!").
Okay, on to the next page, which is "Come to Kazakhstan".  There's a picture of Otabek with a photo of Astana accompanied by the words "CITY BOY", and another picture of Otabek with a photo of Charyn Canyon and the words "Wild guy".  There's also a photo of a couple of traditional hats, which Yurio must really like because he's shouting "give me!!!".
Then there's the "Others" page, which is for Italy (Michele), America (Leo), the Czech Republic (Emil), and Korea (Seung Gil).  For the final part of the book, we have two pages called "A Yearning Barcelona", because the last few episodes took place in Barcelona, capital of Catalonia (an autonomous community in Spain). The "HEY Boy" picture shown earlier in the review is from this section!  This part shows photos of the Sagrada Família, and a pan of paella.  There's also a "Fashion report" that discusses what some of the characters wore in episode 10.
Overall, the Enjoy Your Trip! guide is a cute and fun book. I just wish it were longer than 14 pages!  Anyway, I said that I would also cover the other "Enjoy your trip!" stuff that I got from this lottery, so here we go.  Since this was a lottery, which characters I ended up with for these items was random.  First, here is a large can badge... I got my favorite character, Yuri!  Score!  Check it out:
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Next, I also got two little boxes, each containing a rubber strap charm.  They're blind boxes, so you don't know which characters you received until you open them.  I got Phichit... twice!  Well, that's okay, because I like him a lot.  Take a look:
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Finally, I got two slightly larger boxes containing acrylic charms.  Again, they're blind boxes, so I had to open them to find out which characters I got.  The first box contained an acrylic stand of Victor with Makkachin, and the second box had little charms of Otakbek and JJ.  Cool!  Here's a photo:
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Oh, and here's what the Victor acrylic stand looks like when it's... well, standing:
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Such cute items! Do you want to try acquiring some stuff from this lottery?  Aitai Kuji has a page for it on their site, so hopefully that means some of these things are still available, but I have no idea which ones.  Keep in mind that it's a lottery, so what items or characters you get is completely random!
Thanks for reading, everyone.  I have other official Yuri!!! on Ice merchandise that I’ll be reviewing, so keep checking my blog for new stuff!
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chris-carson · 7 years
The Economist
Up until that day Arthur had spent his life on one branch of a family tree ripe with independent wealth. When they met, his parents joined their respective fortunes—his father’s from a string of agricultural technology patents and his mother’s from a high profile corporate law practice—to bring him, their only child, into a very comfortable nest. He had a cousin that made a fortune with an app that alerts users that their laundry is dry. One aunt made a fortune ghostwriting bestsellers for entrepreneurial men that, like her son, make apps. His uncle was publisher and editor-in-chief of an iconoclastic political magazine called The Ambiguous Review . Then, of course, there were his grandfathers, on both sides, whom he only ever learned to describe as “businessmen.” Call it a blessing or call it a delusion, but Arthur never thought about money. When he finally attempted to fly the nest he only fluttered softly to the ground like a maple seed, where he sank into reverential daydreams about his own lineage. He wasn't mesmerized by the fortunes, no, but by all the ability, the talent. He was sure that equal, or greater, talent was waiting in him for its moment to flower. It was only a matter of finding the right habitat. After four years of college in San Francisco, and three more years there waiting to blossom, Arthur had relocated to Washington DC, to more fertile ground in which to take root.
The week he arrived, the whole historical DC skyline was erased by a thick gray blizzard that, when finally settled, had buried the eastern seaboard under feet of snow. As the city stalled, trying to clear the streets and dig out the metro stations, Arthur stayed indoors, typing. He was planning on starting a blog about DC, an insider's look at the world’s most powerful city. He wrote a few pieces that he never published. Then as quickly as it came, the snow melted away. From his window Arthur could watch clouds of honking geese push their gracefully rounded weight through the thick, misty air. He watched as people, thawed out of their apartments, made their way back to work. But Arthur had no work to go to. He had a freezer full of bagged food from Trader Joe’s and in between episodes of “House of Cards,” Arthur Isaacs began to worry about his future. Something would have to happen.
And something did happen. Arthur’s publishing uncle called one afternoon to say he had a good friend in DC, an economist named Lev Reissmann. He was the world's foremost expert on Sri Lankan rubber imports. Arthur recognized the name from college when Reissmann came to lecture, Arthur’s sophomore year. After hearing him speak, Arthur changed his major for the third time in two years to study economics. When Arthur learned that his uncle knew Reissmann, not as the wizard that had predicted Myanmar's boom in thumbtack sales, but as Levy, fellow Cub Scout and childhood friend, Arthur saw a chance to make a big connection in a city built on connections, and finally do something for himself.
All Arthur had to do was find P Street and hurry to the meet Reissmann. He was already late, but heading in the right direction now, he walked down a long street. Victorian town houses rose above him on either side, with long thin fronts, the paint faded to colors like soft pastel and red brick faded to orange. They were squeezed together like layers in ancient rocks. The leafless limbs of the magnolia trees lining the street bent arthritically in all directions. Parked along the sidewalk was a steady stream of placid luxury sedans and station wagons. The narrowness of the street made it seem like a dry bone that had shrunk under the heat of time. But with the sun at his back Arthur walked quickly through the whole scene, up to a tall house fronted by thick brown stone steps. There was the  figure of a man standing at the wide window holding a road atlas but gazing past it and onto the street from under a red baseball cap. It was Reissmann.  
The front door was nearly ten feet tall with a big brass door knob and a glinting mail slot. The big front window jutted out from the front of the house and through a thinner pane of glass on the side, Arthur looked into the front parlor room at Reissmann, still standing at the window. The immaculate room could have swallowed Arthur’s entire studio and held room for more. The fireplace alone was larger than Arthur’s kitchen. It was framed by a glittering marble mantle, cut with straight stately lines. Books lined the walls from floor to ceiling. Billowing white sofas sat carelessly in the center of the room surrounding a low table carved from wood fine and red. Arthur stood at the window on the porch waving, trying to catch Reisman's attention but couldn't. Arthur’s own reflection in the glass waved back at him, like it were mocking him from the center of that wonderful room.
How nice it would be to live in one of those, instead of these tiny apartments in these old buildings. In San Francisco, he had shared a basement apartment with his girlfriend Anne Marie, and standing in the cold he suddenly thought of the musky smell that permeated from the carpeting and the constant battle against black mold in the bathroom. Before his last rainy season out west, Arthur remembered getting a call from his cousin, who mentioned that a tech millionaire was looking to invest in something artistic, like a movie. Arthur felt confident he could write a screenplay. He told his girlfriend Anne Marie about the opportunity. She was a small young woman, almost squat, with plump red cheeks and little pea-shaped brown eyes that would droop at the corners when she was excited, and she was excited by the news, as she was by all of Arthur’s opportunities, and much of what he thought and spoke.
“Oh babe, that is so great. I’m so happy for you” Anne Marie had said.
She was working as a waitress in a hotel restaurant to earn a little bit of money while she got her graphic design portfolio together for graduate school. Every night she made a point of bringing sushi home just in case Arthur had forgotten to eat dinner. So while Arthur ate salmon nigiri dipped in soy sauce, he glowed vibrantly with all the ideas he’d ever had over the years that could be used for a screenplay.
But on a night when the rain came, without a sign of letting up, Anne Marie returned from work with her leather jacket pulled over her head, the paper bag of sushi soaked through and torn. After eight months on the screenplay, Arthur had taken a lot of good notes, but hadn't put anything to paper.
“I hope the sushi isn't wet,” Anne Marie said, shaking herself off at the door, and combing her fingers through her dripping hair. Arthur was reading on the couch, a little drunk.
“Hi babe,” Anne Marie said, but Arthur didn't answer.
She walked over to him. “Are you not talking to me tonight?” she asked.
“No, I’m sorry,” Arthur said, “I’m just busy doing some writing.”
She bent down to kiss him. Walking off to the kitchen she asked, “How has the writing been going?”
“Fine,” Arthur said.
“Are you getting a lot done?” she asked.
“Yes,” he said.
“When can I read it?” she asked.
She came back with a glass of water and the sushi on a plate that she placed for Arthur on a low table they kept in front of the sofa and sat down next to him.
Arthur didn't answer. Anne Marie turned the television on. He was better off without her. He was better off here, in the city of his future. It was only a matter of ringing the doorbell. Arthur fired his hand quickly at the brass encased doorbell and heard it chime inside. When he turned back to look in through the window Reissmann was gone, the road atlas rested on the back of one of the white couches. But nobody answered the door. Arthur worried he had done something wrong. Had he imagined hearing the chime? Maybe he had imagined pressing the bell all together. Maybe this wasn't even the right house. In a panic, Arthur fired his hand again. As he did, the door opened and a now hatless Reissmann, bundled in a dusty wool coat and scarf, appeared at the door as the second bell chimed just above the old man’s head. Reissmann gasped and jumped back in surprise.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Isaacs,” Reissmann said, hard lines cutting through his forehead, below his marble white hair.
“No, I’m sorry,” Arthur said, “Are you okay? I just didn’t think you heard me.”
“Yes, I’m fine and I can tell you I heard that,” Reissmann said, ducking back inside the house, leaving the door open. Arthur watched him shuffle down the long shadowed hallway to a block of light coming from the back of the house. Arthur began to follow him, only to realize, after three or four steps in, that he had not, in fact, been invited inside. He quietly made his way back out, hoping Reissmann wouldn't see him. Arthur heard muffled voices coming from the back. Dipping his head back through the doorway into the shadows, he asked, loudly, “What was that?” No answer. When Reissmann came back outside holding a briefcase he told Arthur, “I wasn't speaking to you,” and locked up the house.
They walked down the street, back in the direction Arthur had come from. The sun in the late afternoon was low in the sky. It spread a thick blonde light over everything that briefly reminded Arthur of San Francisco. Anne Marie used to squeeze honey that was the same color as the light spreading over everything into her mint tea. Thinking of her like that made it hard for Arthur to concentrate on whatever it was Reissmann was talking about. All that honey she would go through, how greedily she’d squeeze that bear-shaped bottle into her favorite tea cup.
“You live on such a beautiful street,” Arthur said suddenly, cutting Reissmann off in the middle of an anecdote about his son’s tenure.
“Yes, I suppose I can take a little credit for the street,” Reisman said. “You see, when my wife and I bought our place — that was nearly fifty years ago now — this whole street was just full of empty houses. We basically had our pick of where we wanted to live and bought the place for a little more than the money we had in our pockets. Not really, of course, but you get the idea. It was cheap. Now it must be worth...well, millions!”
“You are very lucky,” Arthur said, unsure himself what he meant by lucky.
“Luck has nothing to do with it. We are still working on the house, of course, and that means, still paying for it,” Reissmann said.
“But at least it is yours,” Arthur said.
“Yes,” Reissmann said, “it is ours.”
A silence fell between them as they paused at an intersection. Arthur looked at Reissmann who looked back and gave a forced and toothy smile. Reissmann’s teeth were in bad shape, small, birdlike and brown, his lips were all chapped and cracked and dry. Looking closer, Arthur saw his small and crooked fingers gripping the faux leather briefcase. His chinos had bleach stains near the pockets. He had loosened his scarf, warmed by the walk, revealing the wide collar on his dress shirt poking out of his sweater like a gaping mouth trying to swallow that little head of his.
“I have a late meeting this afternoon, in just about half an hour. I thought we could get coffee at the Bolingbrook Institute, where I work, and bring it to my office, instead of going to the cafe to chat,” Reissmann said as they crossed the street.
When they arrived at The Bolingbrook, Arthur looked up towards the angled glass structure donning the front of the tall, brick building, home to one of DC’s most influential think tanks. Looking up, he could see people walking quickly from one floor to another, working on the world’s finest economic quandaries. They were as busy as ants, moving like quick geckos in a terrarium. Arthur didn't know the first thing about what they did at the Bolingbrook Institute, but he still pictured himself charming Reissmann into an internship, then watched himself rushing down those white steel steps, looking out from inside the glass box at a hopeful young man looking up from the street the way Arthur was. He could see himself invite the boy up to give him an opportunity, just like the great Lev Reisman did for him. He saw it all before even going inside.
Inside though, Reissmann led him silently downstairs to the cafe. Arthur ordered a simple black coffee, while Reissmann got a large cafe au lait. The young woman working the counter had big eyes brown as acorns like they were painted onto her soft, full, brown face. As Arthur tried to pay Reissmann for the coffee, Reissmann was busy following this young woman along the counter, saying, “And please, more milk than coffee.”
She nodded at him without a word. Reissmann, though, was eager to talk. “Your hair looks very pretty today,” he said. She didn't respond as she turned to fill the tall paper cup with more milk. When she turned back, Reissmann asked her, “How are you?”
She nodded and handed him the cup. He took it and said, “Gracias,” with a long, roll of the R. He held up one dollar for her to see, then stuffed it in the tip box with a smile.
This woman was not Mexican or Spanish, and Arthur could see that, but he didn't think he should say anything. He watched Reissmann struggle with his stiff fingers to pour honey into the cup, but didn't offer to help.
Upstairs, Reissmann’s office was spacious, but mostly empty. There was a desk in the center of the room, some wires running from the dusty computer on the desk, back to the outlet below the wide window on the room's back wall, directly behind Reissmann, who sat behind the desk. There was a filing cabinet in the corner. All the drawers were open and empty. Along one wall were stacks of old boxes that looked to be deflating like old pumpkins. There were no bookcases, no phones, the computer wasn't on. It was hard to tell if somebody was just arriving, or on his way out. Reissmann got right to the point.
“We don't have much time,” he said. “So tell me how it is you think I can help you?”
“Well this is a big help,” Arthur said, “just meeting with me like this. I know you are busy, so thank you. I guess I’d like to know if you have any advice for a young person who's just moved here, any advice on how they can make it.”
As he was finishing talking, Reissmann raised his cup to his lips. Arthur watched as the loose top slipped off and he spilled a stream of milky yellow coffee into his lap.  Reissmann shrieked and leapt out of his chair.
“It’s fine,” Reissmann said.
“At least it is more milk than coffee, right?” Arthur said.
“Something like that,” and sitting back down Reissmann added, “I don't know what happened.”
“I do,” Arthur said.
“Excuse me?” Reissmann asked.
“The top wasn't on all the way,” Arthur said. “I noticed it downstairs too, but didn't think it was my place to tell you, or say anything.”
Reissmann looked at Arthur for a moment, his lips taut like he was about to say a hundred things, but couldn't start somewhere. “Anyway,” he started after a moment, “to answer your question. Young people have been moving to DC for as long as I've been here and seem to make it, as you say, just fine without any advice from me. You see?”
Arthur nodded.
“In fact, I think there have been entirely too many young people moving here and expecting the city to give them all kinds of things, expecting the city to change for them in all kinds of ways. They don't appreciate the history. They don't appreciate the culture. They don't want to work hard. In fact, it is as if all they want is advice.”
As he went on and on, Arthur saw, in the lines around his forced smile, could hear, between his polite tone, exasperation and annoyance. He thought about San Francisco again, about the last time he spoke to Anne Marie, when he told her he was thinking about leaving and he could see in both the shape her face took and the way her eyes moved, that the surprise and confusion had morphed into anger and resentment. He remembered the way she challenged him to simply say what he wanted, whether it was to leave her or stay with her, it didn't matter but just be a man and say it and stop the excuses. He never did. He told her he was going to visit family on the east coast, but never intended to see her again, and somehow, listening to this old man talk about what he learned in the Peace Corps, Arthur finally understood what it must have been like for her, trying to talk to a cowardly, selfish man.
“Well, thanks for your time,” Arthur said, standing to go, “It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“Sure thing,” Reissmann said, “and good luck.”
The two men never saw each other again, but when Arthur got home he found an email from Reissmann waiting for him with the name and number of a reputable temp agency. There was no response to the Facebook message he had sent Anne Marie a few days before, telling her that he was going to meet Reissmann for coffee. Arthur opened their messages and looked at the little thumbnail picture of her for a minute, then wrote, “Well that couldn’t have gone any better. I think I may get a fellowship at Bolingbrook!!” She never responded to that message either. San Francisco was having a heat wave and the nights there were suddenly warmer and Anne Marie was happy to find herself enjoying bourbon for the first time in her life, and giving up mint tea completely.
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erikonymous · 7 years
Donald J. Trump, a reality-television star erecting a mausoleum for himself behind the first-hole tee of a golf course he owns in New Jersey, first declared his candidacy for president of the United States in the atrium of Trump Tower, which he built in the 1980s with labor provided by hundreds of undocumented Polish workers and concrete purchased at an inflated price from the Gambino and Genovese crime families. “The American dream is dead,” Trump said to the audience members, each of whom he paid $50 to attend. During Trump’s primary campaign, he told his supporters that he knew “all about crazies,” loved “Wall Street guys” who are “brutal,” planned to “use the word ‘anchor baby,’ ” and preferred to pronounce “Qatar” incorrectly. Trump, who in 1999 cut his sick infant grandnephew off the Trump Organization’s health-care plan and in 2011 compared being gay to switching to a long-handled golf putter, pledged to repeal the Affordable Care Act and said he’d consider trying to overturn the legalization of same-sex marriage. Trump said that his book The Art of the Deal was second in quality only to the Bible and that he never explicitly asked God for forgiveness. At a church in Iowa, he placed a few dollar bills into a bowl filled with sacramental bread, which he has referred to as “my little cracker.” Trump, who once dumped a glass of wine on a journalist who wrote a story he didn’t like, told his supporters that journalists were “liars,” the “lowest form of humanity,” and “enemies,” but that he did not approve of killing them. “I’m a very sane person,” said Trump, who once hosted a radio show in which he discussed the development of hair-cloning technology, the creation of a vaccine for obesity, the number of men a gay man thinks about having sex with on his morning commute, and the dangers of giving free Viagra to rapists. Trump denied being the voice of John Miller, one of several fictional assistants he had previously admitted pretending to be, in a recording of himself telling a reporter that he had “zero interest” in dating Madonna; that he had three other girlfriends in addition to Marla Maples, with whom he had been cheating on his wife; and that he had an affair with Carla Bruni, who later responded by describing Trump as “obviously a lunatic.” Trump, who once offered the city of New York vacant apartments in his building to house homeless people in hopes they would drive away rent-controlled tenants, sent a bumper sticker to a group of homeless veterans whom he had previously declined to help and asked them to campaign for him. Trump, whose companies have been cited 24 times since 2005 for failing to pay workers overtime or minimum wage, said the federal minimum wage should go up, and then said it should not. Trump referred to 9/11 as “7-Eleven,” and called Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren “the Indian” and “Pocahontas.” Trump, who had previously labeled a deaf contestant on his reality-TV show The Apprentice “retarded,” and had described poor Americans as “morons,” said the country was on course for a “very massive recession,” one resembling the U.S. recession of 2007 to 2009, which Trump once said Americans could “opt out of” by joining Trump Network, a multilevel-marketing company that sold a monthly supply of multivitamins purportedly tailored to customers based on a test of their urine. Trump submitted his financial-disclosure form to the Federal Election Commission, on which he swore under oath that his golf course in Briarcliff Manor, New York, which was being sued by the town for causing flooding, was worth $50 million, despite having sworn in a previous property-tax appeal that it was worth $1.4 million; and swore that his golf course in Palos Verdes, California, which he was suing for five times its annual revenue, was worth more than $50 million, despite previously having filed papers with Los Angeles County stating it was worth $10 million. Trump claimed he made $1.9 million from his modeling agency, which a foreign-born former model accused of “modern-day slavery,” alleging that the agency forced her to lie about her age, work without a U.S. visa, and live in a crowded apartment for which she paid the agency as much as $1,600 a month to sleep in a bed beneath a window through which a homeless man once urinated on her. Trump sought to exclude a recording of himself telling the nephew of former president George W. Bush that he grabs women “by the pussy” from a fraud suit filed against Trump University, a series of real-estate seminars taught by salespeople with no real-estate experience, which was housed in a Trump-owned building that the Securities and Exchange Commission said also housed the country’s most complained-about unregistered brokerages, and whose curriculum investigators in Texas described as “inapplicable.” Trump announced that he would win the Latino vote, and tweeted a photo of himself eating a taco bowl from Trump Grill in Trump Tower with the message “I love Hispanics!” Trump referred to a black man at one of his rallies as “my African American,” and pledged his support for black people at a gathering of mostly white people in Wisconsin, whom he often referred to as “the forgotten people.” “I am the least racist person,” said Trump, who was sued twice by the Justice Department in the 1970s for allegedly refusing to rent apartments to black tenants, whose Trump Plaza Hotel was fined $200,000 by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission in 1992 for removing black dealers from card tables, who allegedly told a former employee that he hated “black guys counting my money,” who in 2005 floated the idea of pitting an all-black Apprentice team against an all-white one to reflect “our very vicious world,” and who was endorsed by leaders of the Ku Klux Klan, one of whom said, “What he believes, we believe.” Trump tweeted statistics credited to a fictional government agency falsely claiming that the majority of white murder victims in the United States are killed by black people. Trump tweeted a photoshopped picture of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who Trump had said “had blood coming out of her wherever,” standing next to a Saudi prince, who tweeted back that he had “financially rescued” Trump twice, including once in 1990, when the prince purchased Trump’s 281-foot yacht, which was formerly owned by a Saudi arms dealer with whom Trump often partied in Atlantic City, and with whom Trump was implicated in a tax-evasion scheme involving a Fifth Avenue jewelry store. Trump disputed former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s claim that Trump magazine is defunct, showing as proof an annual circular for his clubs that was not Trump magazine, which folded in 2009. Trump republished his book Crippled America with the title Great Again. Trump told and retold an apocryphal story about a U.S. general who executed Muslim soldiers with bullets dipped in pig’s blood and proposed that Muslims be banned from entering the country. At the first primary debate, Trump praised his companies’ bankruptcies, including that of Trump Entertainment Resorts, in which lenders lost more than $1 billion and 1,100 employees lost their jobs, and that of Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, a publicly traded company that Trump used to purchase two casinos for almost $1 billion, and from which he resigned after the company went bankrupt for the first time, but before it went bankrupt for the second time. “I made a lot of money,” said Trump. At the fifth primary debate, Trump defended the idea of retaliating against America’s foreign aggressors by killing non-combatant members of their families, saying it would “make people think.” At the eleventh primary debate, Trump told the crowd there was “no problem” with the size of his penis. Trump said that he knew more about the Islamic State than “the generals,” and that he would “rely on the generals” to defeat the Islamic State. Trump said he would bring back waterboarding and torture because “we have to beat the savages.” Trump offered to pay the legal bills of anyone who assaulted protesters at his rallies, denied making the offer, then made the offer again after a 78-year-old white supporter in North Carolina punched a 26-year-old black protester in the eye and said, “Next time we see him we might have to kill him.” Trump, who in 1999 called Republicans too “crazy right” and in 2000 ran on a Reform Party platform that included creating a lottery to fund U.S. spy training, said that the 2016 primaries were “rigged,” then clinched the Republican nomination for president, receiving more votes than any Republican in history. “I was the one who really broke the glass ceiling,” said Trump when his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, became the first woman to lead a major party’s ticket. Trump hired Steve Bannon, the editor of the white-nationalist website Breitbart, to replace his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, who ran a firm that once lobbied for the military dictator of Zaire, and who himself replaced Corey Lewandowski, who resigned from the campaign not long after he was filmed grabbing a Breitbart reporter by the arm to prevent her from asking Trump any questions. Trump selected as his running mate Indiana governor Mike Pence, who previously backed a bill that would allow hospitals to deny care to critically ill pregnant women, and who once criticized the Disney character Mulan as a “mischievous liberal” created to persuade Americans that women should be allowed to hold combat positions in the military. In his general-election campaign, Trump said he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, and called on Russia to hack into Clinton’s email account. Trump said that he doesn’t pay employees who don’t “do a good job,” after a review of the more than 3,500 lawsuits filed against Trump found that he has been accused of stiffing a painter and a dishwasher in Florida, a glass company in New Jersey, dozens of hourly hospitality workers, and some of the lawyers who represented him. “I’m a fighter,” said Trump, who body-slammed the WWE chairman at WrestleMania 23 in 2007, and who attended WrestleMania IV with Robert LiButti, an Atlantic City gambler with alleged mafia ties, who told Trump he’d “fucking pull your balls from your legs” if Trump didn’t stop trying to seduce his daughter. Trump, whose first wife, Ivana, accused him in divorce filings of rape, and whose special counsel later said rape within a marriage was not possible, said “no one respects women more than I do.” Trump threatened to sue 12 women who accused him of sexual misconduct, including one who recalled Trump trying “like an octopus” to put his hand up her skirt on an airplane 35 years ago; four former Miss Teen USA contestants, who alleged that Trump entered their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing and said, “I’ve seen it all before”; the winner of Miss Utah USA in 1997, who alleged that Trump forcibly kissed her on the lips and then told her, “Twenty-one is too old”; an adult-film star, who alleged that at a golf tournament in Tahoe in 2006 Trump offered her $10,000 and the private use of his jet to spend the night with him; and a People magazine reporter, who alleged that while she was writing a story on Trump and his current wife, Melania, on the occasion of their first wedding anniversary, Trump pushed her against the wall and forcibly kissed her before telling her, “We’re going to have an affair.” “What I say is what I say,” said Trump, who previously told a pair of 14-year-old girls that he would date them in a couple of years, said of a 10-year-old girl that he would date her in 10 years, told a journalist that he wasn’t sure whether his infant daughter Tiffany would have nice breasts, told the cast of The View that if Ivanka weren’t his daughter “perhaps I would be dating her,” told radio host Howard Stern that it was okay to call Ivanka a “piece of ass” and that he could have “nailed” Princess Diana, and tweeted that a former winner of his Miss Universe pageant, whom Trump once called “Miss Piggy,” was disgusting. “Check out sex tape,” tweeted Trump, who once appeared in a soft-core pornographic film breaking a bottle of wine over a limousine. Trump did not comment on reports that he used over $200,000 in charitable contributions to the Trump Foundation to settle lawsuits against his businesses, $20,000 in contributions to the Trump Foundation to buy a six-foot-tall painting of himself, and $10,000 in contributions to buy a smaller painting of himself, which he hung on the wall of his restaurant Champions Bar and Grill. “I’m the cleanest guy there is,” said Trump, who once granted the rights to explore building Trump-branded towers in Moscow to a mobster convicted of stabbing a man in the face with the stem of margarita glass, who was mentored by the former lead counsel for Senator Joseph McCarthy and the Gambino and Genovese crime families, who once purchased a nightclub in Atlantic City from a hit man for a Philadelphia crime family, who once worked with a soldier in the Colombo crime family to outfit Trump Golden and Executive Series limousines with a fax machine and a liquor dispenser, and who once purchased helicopter services from a cigarette-boat racer named Joseph Weichselbaum, who was charged with drug trafficking in Ohio before being moved to Trump’s sister’s courtroom in New Jersey, where the case was handed off to a different judge, who gave Weichselbaum a three-year prison sentence, of which he served 18 months before moving into Trump Tower. Trump told journalists he “made a lot of money” when he leased his house in Westchester to the late Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi. “I screwed him,” said Trump. Trump, who in 2013 said that he did “have a relationship” with Vladimir Putin, said in 2016, “I don’t know Putin.” Trump, who wrote in 1997 that concern over asbestos was a mob conspiracy, who in the 1990s spent $1 million in ads to bolster the theory that a Native American tribe in upstate New York had been infiltrated by the mafia and drug traffickers, who once implied that Barack Obama’s real name is Barry Soetoro and that he won reelection by making a secret deal with Saudi Arabia, and who in 2012 tweeted that global warming was a “hoax” created by “the Chinese” to weaken U.S. manufacturing, suggested to his supporters that the Islamic State paid the phone bills of Syrian refugees, that his primary opponent Ted Cruz’s Cuban father was involved in a conspiracy to kill President John F. Kennedy, and that U.S. Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia may have been suffocated with a pillow. During the first debate of the general election, Trump said that Rosie O’Donnell had deserved it when he called her “disgusting both inside and out,” “basically a disaster,” a “slob,” and a “loser,” someone who “looks bad,” “sounds bad,” has a “fat, ugly face,” and “talks like a truck driver.” At the second general-election debate, Trump invited three women who have accused Clinton’s husband of sexual misconduct to sit in the front row; claimed that Clinton had once laughed about the rape of a 12-year-old girl, which audio showed not to be true; claimed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had endorsed him, which it had not; and afterward suggested that his opponent had been on drugs during the debate. Trump, who said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose supporters, told his supporters that Clinton could shoot one of them and not be prosecuted. Trump told the audience at a Catholic charity dinner that Clinton “hates Catholics,” and told his supporters that she is “the devil” and that Mexico was “getting ready to attack.” Trump, who once kept a collection of Adolf Hitler’s speeches at his bedside, told his supporters that the election was “rigged” against him, won the election despite losing the popular vote by a margin of almost 3 million, claimed that he had in fact won the popular vote, and then announced that he would be staying on as executive producer of The Celebrity Apprentice on NBC, which a year earlier had fired him because he called Mexicans “rapists.” “Our country,” said Trump at a victory rally, “is in trouble.” Tower of Babble
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The Best Places To Eat & Drink In The Hudson Valley added to Google Docs
The Best Places To Eat & Drink In The Hudson Valley
The Hudson Valley is always a good option when you’re looking to get out of the city for a little while. It’s easy to get to by car or train, there’s a whole lot of nature, and “artisanal” applies to more than just $15 cocktails. And right now, a weekend or week-long getaway probably sounds particularly appealing. But before you start researching hiking trails and Airbnbs, let’s address the most important thing first: where you should eat. Here’s a guide to our favorite spots in most of the major towns in the upper part of the region, from Cold Spring to Hudson.
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The Rivertown Lodge is basically the real-life amalgamation of every well-styled photo of upstate New York on the internet. There’s blonde wood everywhere, mid-century furniture and walls covered in books, and they use and sell the kind of ceramic mugs you decide you want to buy for your apartment, until you realize they’re $45 each. As for the food - dishes like grilled pork ribs with preserved mustard greens or roast chicken with salsa verde - it’s very good, and a lot less than $45. Whether or not you’re staying at the hotel, make this place a priority for dinner, which is offered Friday to Monday from 4-9pm, or Sunday brunch from 10am-2pm.
Fuego 69 $$$$ 731 Hudson Street
Also at Riverton Lodge, you’ll find Fuego 69, a pop-up from the people behind the temporarily closed Lil’ Deb’s Oasis. From 3-5pm, you can hang out in the hotel’s backyard and order drinks, or stop by for dinner between 5-9pm, when they’re serving dishes like buckwheat flatbread topped with buckwheat honey and fried buckwheat groats. 69 cents from every dish is donated to local and national racial justice causes.
 Jose Silva Hudson Food Studio $$$$ 610 Warren St.
If you’re looking for a great dinner in Hudson, but don’t necessarily feel like shelling out more than the cost of a night at your Airbnb, consider Hudson Food Studio - a casual spot serving a variety of very good Southeast Asian food. Order some adobo chicken bao and spicy crab cakes with sambal tartar at a table on their outdoor patio between 5-9pm Thursday through Monday.
Backbar $$$$ 347 Warren St
Located in the back of one of the 3,000 antiques stores on the main street in Hudson is Backbar, a cocktail bar that also serves Malaysian small plates. It’s a funky, cool spot with a giant string-light-covered backyard, which is where you currently enter the space. After ordering at the counter, find a table in the tented garden, and order some romanesco laab, shrimp dumplings, and natural wine. The first come, first served seating is available from 4-9pm on Wednesday and Thursday, and you should also keep it in mind for late-night drinks and snacks on weekends when they stay open until midnight.
 Annie Schlechter Talbott & Arding $$$$ 323 Warren St.
We highly recommend using Talbott & Arding as a pit stop before heading out into nature for the day. This fancy market in the middle of town has everything you need (and definitely don’t need) for a picnic. Take a look at the long list of cheeses, cured meats, breads, and spreads on their website, and place an order for curbside pick-up by calling 518-828-3558.
 Jose Silva Wm. Farmer & Sons $$$$ 20 S Front St
Wm. Farmer & Sons is connected to a hotel, and feels like a much-nicer-than-average hotel restaurant. The space is attractive, the service is great, and the food all looks familiar, but includes tweaks like serving a blue crab omelette with mentaiko hollandaise, or topping a fantastic burger with butter-braised onions and tomato relish. The coffee shop and rum room are currently closed, but the restaurant and bar room are open for dinner Thursday through Sunday. Reservations are encouraged, and available through their website.
Grazin' Diner $$$$ 717 Warren St
Grazin’ is a good, casual option for lunch or weekend brunch in Hudson. They’re known for their super local, non-GMO, all-those-good-things burgers and American food, which is available daily inside the diner’s old-school space. If you’d rather take your order to go, you could head across the street to 7th Street Park.
Swoon Kitchenbar $$$$ 340 Warren St
Swoon has been around a lot longer than most of the Hudson restaurants people tend to talk about, but it’s still a very good spot for wine, cheese, and oysters. Their sidewalk seating is available Thursday through Sunday, and if you want something more substantial than snacks, they serve entrees like soft shell crab sandwiches and pappardelle bolognese.
cold spring  Hudson Hil's Market & Cafe $$$$ 129-131 Main St
Hudson Hil’s is the restaurant that will convince you to buy property in Cold Spring. This is a daytime cafe that serves super fresh, locally-sourced food and employs some of the nicest people we’ve met in restaurants. An example of a phrase that was said to us while eating here: “I’m going to warm up your pie for you - is that OK?” It is always OK. And we will always come back to Hudson Hil’s. Everything we’ve tried here for both breakfast and lunch is outstanding, but the biscuits and country sausage gravy should not be missed.
Moo Moo's Creamery $$$$ 32 West St
There’s one main street in Cold Spring - filled with charming cafes, antique shops, and design stores that look like they belong in a much bigger city - and after you walk the entirety of it, you’re going to want some ice cream. Get it at Moo Moo’s, then walk across the street to the park on the river for an extremely scenic ice cream experience. Moo Moo’s is open Thursday through Sunday from 12-9pm, and if you’re the planning type, then you can check out today’s flavors on their Instagram.
Riverview Restaurant $$$$ 45 Fair St
The indoor tables at Riverview are all separated from each other with glass dividers, but whether or not that makes you feel comfortable, you should still try to get an outdoor table here. The second-floor wraparound porch overlooks the Hudson River, and it’s an ideal spot to eat pizza with gravlax or maple-brined pork chops at lunch or dinner. Call 845-265-4778 to make a reservation.
Cold Spring Depot $$$$ 1 Depot Sq
Want to feel like you’re living in a different century? Eat lunch at Cold Spring Depot, a restaurant directly next to some very old train tracks. The American food is enjoyable and the beer list is great, but mostly, there’s something thrilling about eating a burger while a train goes by right in front of you. And if you’ve just come up to Cold Spring for the day (and you should, it’s only an hour and a half train ride from NYC), this is an especially convenient option as it’s just a few steps from the station. The outdoor garden is currently open until 8pm every day except Sunday.
Le Bouchon $$$$ 76 Main St
For some semblance of a romantic night out, Brasserie Le Bouchon is your best option in Cold Spring. It sort of feels like the love child of a Little Italy spot and a French bistro, and it’s very nice outdoor patio has a large covered portion in case rain threatens to derail date night.
rhinebeck  Liz Clayman The Amsterdam $$$$ 6380 Mill St
With a giant still life painting hanging in the dining room, staff in suspenders, and a space inside a brownstone, The Amsterdam feels like a rich Dutch person’s library. But you can avoid that initial stuffiness in two ways: hang out at the bar, or head to the giant backyard filled with Adirondack chairs and firepits. Both are great places to have a quality cocktail and some very good, seasonal American (non-Dutch) food. Reservations are available through their website.
 Grand Cru Beer & Cheese Market $$$$ 6384 Mill St.
Not only does Grand Cru have a good draft beer list that you can check out on their website, but they also have a big outdoor beer garden with live music and rotating food vendors. Check out their Instagram to see when and who will be there to play music and serve food.
 Jennifer May Terrapin Restaurant, Bistro & Bar $$$$ 6426 Montgomery St
Terrapin has a lot going for it. It’s a restaurant inside a giant old church, the menu ranges from tapas to quesadillas to pastas, and along with attractive bar and dining rooms, they’ve recently expanded their patio seating. You can make a reservation for indoor or outdoor seating any day until 9pm through their website.
 Market St. $$$$ 19 W Market St
Market Street is a modern Italian spot with sidewalk seating that serves some of the best pizza in the Hudson Valley. The pastas here are also great, and if they’re offering a risotto special, that needs to be part of your order.
Rhinebeck Bagels & Cafe $$$$ 31 W Market Street
Whether you want a bagel with cream cheese or a sub with roast pork, pepperoncini, and au jus dip, this is where you should go when your stomach tells you it’s jealous of all the attention you gave your liver last night. Place a takeout order through their website for pickup any day between 8am-2pm.
woodstock  Francesco Tonelli Cucina $$$$ 109 Mill Hill Rd
If the idea of the L’Artusi of upstate New York is exciting to you, then you should make it a priority to go to Cucina. If it’s not exciting to you, then we’re curious and a little nervous to hear what is exciting to you. From the seasonal Italian food to the upscale but comfortable space inside a converted farmhouse, to the wraparound porch, this place is easily one of the best dinners you can have in the Hudson Valley.
Tinker Taco Lab $$$$ 54 Tinker Street
There’s no bad place to drink a good margarita. And at Tinker Taco Lab, you can have one next to a stream while you eat barbacoa tacos on homemade tortillas. This counter-service Mexican spot has nice outdoor seating, which is available Friday through Sunday.
 Jose Silva Oriole 9 $$$$ 17 Tinker St
Oriole 9 has an artsy feel, inspirational quotes written on chalkboards, and plenty of vegan options. In other words, it’s not the spot to bring someone who you’re trying to convince that Woodstock isn’t all tie-dye and Birkenstocks. But it is the pace to bring someone who wants a great burger, bucket of fried chicken, or huevos rancheros. They’ve set up a bunch of tables in the alleyway next to the restaurant, which you can make use of Friday-Monday from 5-8pm.
Bread Alone $$$$ 22 Mill Hill Rd
You might buy this brand of bread at the Union Square Farmer’s Market, but it’s possible you don’t know they have brick and mortar cafes sprinkled around upstate. The location in Woodstock is small, but a good stop for coffee and a pastry, especially when you can sit at a table on the patio, which is open every day from 7am-5pm.
The Mud Club $$$$ 43 Mill Hill Road
On weekends from 9am-3pm, stop by the takeaway window at The Mud Club for coffee, pastries, and bagels. It’s basically in a gorgeous Hudson Valley backyard, with a bunch of benches and giant rocks where you can spend a couple hours planning an afternoon hike or a move to Woodstock.
phoenicia  Jose Silva Peekamoose Restaurant $$$$ 8373 State Route 28
Peekamoose is an even better restaurant than it is a word, and that’s saying a lot. We’d put it alongside Cucina as a must-visit for dinner if you’re spending the weekend around Woodstock or Phoenicia. The space feels like a giant ski lodge, with two options for seating: the dining room’s more formal, with reservations available by calling 845-254-6500, and a nice deck with plenty of first come, first served outdoor seating. As for the food: the menu seems to have been created to make you want to order everything - think short ribs, rigatoni and meatballs, and wood-grilled octopus.
 Jose Silva Phoenicia Diner $$$$ 5681 Route 28
As much as you’ll feel like you’re walking into Portlandia Goes To Woodstock, it’s pretty much impossible not to love this place. The menu is full of stuff you want to eat, including breakfast all day with pancakes that need to be part of any order here. Their expanded outdoor seating is available from 8am-6pm (8pm on weekends) every day except Wednesday.
Woodstock Brewing $$$$ 5581 NY-28
Despite the name, Woodstock Brewing is technically located in Phoenicia. The indoor space has huge windows and a tap list that includes tasting notes and varieties of hops, while outside, there are tons of tables and a full food menu, including a phenomenal burger. They’re currently open Thursday-Sunday from 12-9pm (10pm on weekends).
hunter  Jose Silva The Prospect Restaurant $$$$ 13 Scribner Hollow Rd.
The people behind the hotel Scribner’s Lodge used a formula discovered by many Williamsburg expats before them: buy an old, run-down Hudson Valley building, make it look like Brooklyn, and the people will come. Scribner’s is a beautiful space, with impressive views of Hunter Mountain on display from the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hotel’s restaurant, Prospect. The housemade pastas, cheeseburger topped black truffle aioli, and cocktails are all delicious, as are all of the desserts. They’re not accepting reservations, but you can call 518-628-5150 to check their availability.
saugerties  Katherine Lewin Miss Lucy's Kitchen $$$$ 90 Partition St
If we lived in Saugerties, the people working at Miss Lucy’s would probably know our first names, our dogs’ middle names, and the fact that we’re not at all ashamed by the fact that we like dipping our fries in mayo. You can’t go wrong with anything on the comfort food-leaning American menu, but you should give a little extra consideration to the turkey confit, andouille, and shrimp jambalaya with cornbread. They’re currently open Wednesday-Saturday from 12-8pm and Sunday from 12-7pm, and whenever you come, try their bloody mary.
 Olsen & Company $$$$ 81 Partition Street
This studio-sized fancy market looks like it was picked up and moved from East Williamsburg. They stock local, artisanal grocery items, and serve coffee, sandwiches, salads, and sides. It’s an ideal place to pick up something for the road when passing through Saugerties, or to get supplies for a picnic, but the indoor and outdoor seating also make it a good option if you’d rather eat off something other than your lap.
Slices of Saugerties $$$$ 71 Partition St
This is where you should stop if you’re looking to grab a slice on your way through Saugerties. You can place your order ahead of time through their website, and it should include multiple grandma slices and an order of garlic knots.
kingston  Brunette Brunette $$$$ 33 Broadway
If, when you imagine a wine bar, you think of a place that looks like a living room from the 1990s, know that this particular one could not be more different. Brunette is a ridiculously charming spot - there’s floral wallpaper, a white marble bar, vintage stemware likely sourced from Kingston’s many antique shops, and a restroom that we plan to steal interior design ideas from. For an up close look at all of that, you can sit at one of the tables available for limited indoor dining. Otherwise, opt for a table out on the side. Either way, make use of the highly curated by-the-glass wine list, and snacks like shrimp rolls, hot dogs, and trout roe nachos.
Duo Bistro $$$$ 50 John St
Duo Bistro is a light and bright space that we like best for daytime eating (though they serve dinner in addition to lunch and brunch, and accept reservations by phone at 845-383-1198. The menu is full of American classics, but with twists to keep them interesting, like a burger topped with kimchi and pork pate. Whether it’s your first or last meal of the trip, you’re probably already going to be convinced by this point that you need to stock your kitchen and home with better, more local, more artisanal products - and Duo Bistro anticipates your needs with their attached market.
Stockade $$$$ 313 Fair St
The best place for cocktails in Kingston. Stockade Tavern has an old-timey feel to it, with a fireplace, tin ceilings, and plenty of candles. Until you can experience those aspects of it again, though, make use of their outdoor seating, which is available Wednesday through Saturday from 4-9pm.
 Outdated $$$$ 314 Wall St
Half antiques shop, half all-vegetarian cafe, full-on upstate New York. While Outdated is typically packed with people who live around here - studying, getting coffee, playing cards, and eating all organic, all locally sourced foods - it’s currently a place to pick up those things to go (at least the coffee and local food) Wednesday to Sunday from 10am-2pm. Call 845-331-0030 to place your order ahead of time.
STONE RIDGE & ACCORD  Cherries Ice Cream Bar & Grill $$$$ 4166 US Highway 209
Cherries is nothing more than a tiny deli by the side of the road, but don’t let its size fool you. This is maybe the best “deli” in all of upstate New York. The counter-service space with an attached covered patio has a full menu of things that are exactly what you want to eat in the middle of your road trip (fantastic sandwiches, chicken tenders, and curly fries to name a few). But you’re here for one thing above all else: their soft serve. Get it until 8pm any day except Monday.
Butterfield $$$$ 3805 US-29
Hasbrouck House is an old inn that was taken over and renovated, and it has a nice restaurant called Butterfield. The walls are stone, there’s a fireplace, and the whole place generally makes you feel like you’re in the upstate New York version of a castle. A low-key castle, but still. The restaurant is serving brunch and dinner Friday-Sunday both indoors and outdoors, with high-end American dishes like garden squash gazpacho with squash blossoms or dry-aged steak with shallot agrodolce.
 Westwind Orchard $$$$ 215 Lower Whitfield Rd.
This is one of our favorite places in all of upstate New York. Westwind Orchard is a fully-organic farm and pick-your-own-produce destination - a thing that, as it turns out, is actually pretty rare. Once you finish picking your raspberries, pumpkins, or apples, it’s time to eat, and that’s when you’ll head back to the yard that’s covered with picnic tables and a wood-burning pizza oven. Their margherita pizza is on par with what you’ll find at the best spots in NYC, and they also do creative things with their own produce - like the raspberry and sausage covered pie. If it wasn’t clear from everything we’ve already said, Westwind Orchard is perfect for kids, but it’s also perfect for pretty much anyone else. It’s absolutely worth going out of your way for this place.
montgomery City Winery $$$$ 23 Factory St
City Winery, which has locations in NYC and around the country, opened a massive multi-use project on a 22-acre plot centered around a converted mill. Along with making their own wine from grapes grown on the property, they have a tasting room and restaurant with outdoor seating overlooking a river and waterfall. You can make a reservation for a table Thursday through Sunday through their website, where you’ll also find details on their on-site concert series.
beacon Ella's Bellas $$$$ 418 Main St
Ella’s Bella’s is entirely gluten-free. Whether or not you care about that, you should still drop in whenever you’re in or around Beacon. Their fantastic breads, pastries, and cakes, which you can order up to a week in advance, are available until 4pm every day except Tuesday.
Homespun Foods $$$$ 232 Main St
Homespun Foods serves the kind of food that won’t derail your hiking plans before you’ve decided on a trail. Thursday through Sunday, order a gouda pecan salad and turkey avocado sandwich at a table in the backyard or the tented front patio, both of which are open for lunch and dinner.
 The Roundhouse The Roundhouse $$$$ 2 E Main St
The Roundhouse is the most upscale dinner option in town, and the picturesque space is enough of a reason to stop by on its own. The big, string-light-covered outdoor patio looks out over a waterfall, and is a great place to eat some duck confit steam buns and housemade pasta on a nice evening. The restaurant is open every day, and on weekends, they also have a BBQ pop-up where you can order 12-hour smoked brisket and barrel-aged negronis all day long.
Bank Square Coffeehouse $$$$ 129 Main St
This is Beacon’s go-to independent coffee shop. As you might expect of a coffee shop around here, it’s an exceedingly pleasant place with a nice outdoor patio where you should have a latte (or a beer) while you plot your next move around town.
Dogwood $$$$ 47 E Main St
Dogwood is a solid pub with very good cocktails and hand-crafted sodas. They’re offering an abbreviated food menu focused on different types of open-faced sandwiches topped with things like roast beef and horseradish mayo or chipotle pulled chicken and cheddar cheese. The indoor space is currently open from 5pm-12am Wednesday through Sunday.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/hudson-valley-restaurants Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created July 25, 2020 at 04:42AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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Twenty-three Torontonians, from shopkeepers to enterpeneurs to heiresses, who acrylic a account of a chiefly admirable city
Profiles by Jean Grant, Danielle Groen, Gabrielle Johnson and Michelle Taylor
The IT Girl
Chloe Rogers
Chloe rogers is clashing any added Toronto teenager. The 17-year-old babe of media begat Ed Rogers and his socialite wife, Suzanne, lives in a mini-château in Forest Hill. She spends her vacations in Barcelona, London and Anguilla. And she attends appearance anniversary galas and alms assurance with appearance stars like Zac Posen and Coco Rocha. Rogers afresh took her sartorial affection one footfall further, signing a arrangement with Elite Models—she’s aback appeared in beat shoots for Flare and The Kit, and donned feathered frocks in David Dixon’s abatement 2014 aerodrome show. Off the catwalk, she prefers to dress like any 17-year-old: body-con cocktail dresses, crop acme and angular jeans. They’re not absolutely the delicate confections favoured by her mother, but Chloe insists “she has never aloft an countenance at annihilation I accept worn.” Maybe Suzanne is aloof adequate that her babe alone raids her closet for the loungewear. “She has the softest bathrobes ever,” Chloe says.
The Wonder Woman
Suzanne Cohon
Suzanne Cohon is a able multi-tasker. She spent the aftermost decade architecture her PR abutting into a communications powerhouse, she has an eight-year-old babe with her -husband, CFL abettor Mark Cohon, and she’s additionally an alive philanthropist (she sits on the board for the Ronald McDonald House’s anniversary gala). For her anarchic day-to-day, she sticks to a simple and -stylish uniform: jeans, blazer and architecture studs, amped up with leopard-print Gucci slingbacks, hot blush Brian Atwood pumps or addition best from her 100-pair-strong shoe collection. But at appearance parties and alms dos, she trades out her -working-mom accoutrements for -jumpsuits, ablaze colours and beefy jewellery that ensure she gets noticed.
The 40-year-old owns ASC Public Relations, which reps appearance heavyweights like Calvin Klein, Ann Taylor and Hugo Boss.
Style Inspiration
“My clients! We assignment with some of the best artistic and accomplished designers in the world.”
Her Current Obsessions
The Silver Fox
Paul Mason
Less than two years into a amusing assignment amount at Ryerson, Paul Mason was active to the Judy Welch agency. In the 26 years since, he’s absolved every above aerodrome in the world, and appeared in ad campaigns for Gap and Donna Karan. But admitting his industry cred, Mason is alert of adorable ever careful or styled. “I’m not actual trendy,” he insists. So what of that hipster beard? His accommodation to stop atom was a allegorical act afterward the afterlife of his mother, but the net aftereffect has additional his modelling career. Mason credits his facial beard with landing his best absorbing gigs yet: “Instead of catalogues, I’m booking crazy editorials,” he says. “For a contempo annual shoot, I spent four hours accepting affected tattoos all over my body. I never would accept done that before.”
Mason has appeared in ad campaigns for D&G and Hugo Boss, and in editorials for GQ and Fashion.
Style Inspiration
“Daniel Craig, Jude Law—the Brits are appropriate on point with appearance after aggravating too hard.”
His Current Obsessions
The Tomboy
Elaine Lui
When Justin Bieber began aloof about in pants with a bend as baggy as the nation’s aggregate jaw, it became near-impossible to comb up a drop-crotch-pants enthusiast. But whether announcement her contempo memoir, Listen to the Squawking Chicken, or actualization on her daytime allocution show, The Social, Elaine Lui will not canal the drop. (“The fit is adulatory aback it’s put on properly, not center bottomward the ass,” she insists.) Lui favours -tailored clothes with strong, structured shapes—boxy tops, ’80s shoulders, a circumscribed white-pleather anorak she’s beat to threads—that acquiesce her to move from the baby awning to the red carpeting to the dozen circadian posts she writes for her website, LaineyGossip. The one barring to this wearable rule: Lui’s weakness for beautiful, generally absolutely abstract shoes. Akin the best adroit sartorial pragmatist needs a carnality of her own.
Lui, 40, runs the blog LaineyGossip and co-hosts The Amusing on CTV.
Style Inspiration
“Charlotte Gainsbourg, Gwen Stefani and Kate Moss apperceive absolutely what their appearance brands are. That self-awareness sets them apart.”
Her Current Obsessions
The Print Master
J.S. Vann
When J.S. Vann was growing up, the earlier of bristles kids built-in to Cambodian refugees, there was consistently a bed-making apparatus in the house. “My dad would clothier things for us and accomplish abiding we looked absolutely acceptable branch to class,” says Vann. “Even admitting we didn’t allege English, we could still present the appropriate image.” Now, as the artistic administrator for accouterment maker Garrison Bespoke, Vann helps others do the aforementioned thing, whether for Drake (a anorak lined with a best Raptors jersey), the Toronto FC (matching pinstripe three-pieces) or his ancestors (“I accomplish abiding they’re the best dressed for proms and church”). As for his own outfits, it ability be bespatter shoes, checky pants and a houndstooth anorak one day, head-to-toe orange the next. “People allocution about accepting all-embracing style,” he says, “but I really try to alive it.”
The 34-year-old Vann is the artistic administrator for Garrison Bespoke clothier shop.
Style Inspiration
“Kanye West and Tom Ford. I like that they don’t put banned on their creativity. They accept macho dynamics and shapes.”
His Current Obsessions
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The Sneaker Prince
Jason Burke
For Jason Burke, sneakers are a lingua franca: they affix him with punk, skate and hip-hop subcultures. Aback accepting his aboriginal Air Jordans at the age of 12, Burke has endemic abutting to 5,000 pairs of shoes. A acceptable block of that collection—snatched up in places like Shanghai, Milan and Copenhagen—is accessible on Burke’s e-commerce site, Snkrbox, for those with a affection for best bliss and a size-12 foot. (Burke would put any of his shoes on the site, admitting he does accept to bouts of seller’s remorse.) “I don’t go places if I can’t abrasion sneakers,” he says. “The Thompson Hotel adopted a sneaker action because of me.” Acquisition him there in apparel with white Chuck Taylors, or angular jeans with an old-school -basketball argot afraid out—unless he aloof awash those -Jordan 11 Concords, in which case, acquisition him there aching the accident over a drink.
Burke, 39, is a retired CFL amateur who active up affairs for Canada Goose and runs Snkrbox.com.
Style Inspiration
“Kanye West for his attitude. Michael Jordan for his performance. Spike Lee for his cultural influence.”
His Current Obsessions
The Countess
Lisa Corbo
Lisa Corbo, who grew up in Italy and -Australia, abstruse to dress with ambition from a adolescent age. “You don’t dress for assignment or to affect someone—you dress for yourself. Always.” For Corbo, that bureau authoritative an effort, yet activity effortless—the key to abundant style. A acceptable haircut, adorable shoes, a ablaze lipstick and a acute bark affliction administration are her foundation. “It all starts from within, doesn’t it? The apron is apparently the aftermost affair on my list.” Whether she’s allowance audience at her Yorkville boutique, adequate at home or hosting a fundraiser for the Princess Margaret -Cancer Foundation, Corbo looks -striking. Structured accouterment in adequate fabrics, account accessories and her absolute red aperture complete the picture.
Corbo, 53, is the co-owner of Yorkville’s George C. boutique
Style Inspiration
“My mother, who calm Dior accessories, and my daughter’s way with airy separates.”
Her Current Obsessions
The Marlboro Man
Markus Anderson
There’s hardly a job Markus Anderson hasn’t captivated in his 11 years with Soho House: he absolved in a waiter, managed the restaurant, again the club and now serves as a -company consultant. But it was his time spent as the House’s all-around associates administrator that shaped Anderson’s style. In London, area he befriended appearance designers like -Alexander McQueen, Anderson came to acknowledge affection structured jackets and a Chelsea boot. (“They accomplish sense—the weather’s bits best of the time,” he says.) In Sydney, area “it’s crazy hot,” he approved out jeans and T-shirts with a tailored fit. Those pieces now serve as article of a compatible for Anderson, with the casual cardigan befuddled in. “I do adore a bit of knitwear,” he says—lucky for him, aback Toronto winters are affluence long.
Anderson, 37, is a adviser with the Soho Abode group.
Style Inspiration
“The accessible appearance of Paul Newman and Steve McQueen.”
His Current Obsessions
The Office Hipster
Morad Reid Affifi
Morad Reid Affifi is a sartorial -contradiction. He rhapsodizes about the canicule aback men wore their active finest to a hockey adventuresome at Maple Leaf Gardens, but can’t absolutely carelessness his adolescence admiration with disco colours and fits. He donned a tux every Friday night for a month—he acquainted acceptable in it, and his tux bare some wear—yet unapologetically advocates for elastic Havaianas flip-flops. It’s created some abashing in his amusing circle: “My accumulated accompany anticipate I’m a hipster, and my hipster accompany anticipate I’m corporate,” Affifi says. For now, he’s blessed to comedy the bifold agent.
Affifi, 35, is a accomplice at the business bureau Portland Stewart.
Style Inspiration
“My dad was a huge influence—he embodied archetypal style. I still abrasion the best Pierre Cardin belt I blanket from him.”
His Current Obsessions
The Playmates
Misty Fox & Violet Keeler-Fox
Before ablution her career as a architecture artist, Misty Fox advised blur in Australia and spent a year in London alive as a model. “I afraid out with checkerboard shirt-wearing, rarely-showered blur guys while accepting to abrasion actual admirable apparel and dresses for shoots,” she says. “This adverse opened up a apple of appearance that somehow agreed to accommodated me in the middle.” While active in the U.K., she developed a aptitude for best shopping, -scouring Spitalfields and Portobello Road for different finds. Today, her babe mixes thrift-store pieces into her apparel with ease. “Violet is so chargeless with her announcement aback dressing; she doesn’t anticipate already about what anyone will think,” says Fox. “She’s an afflatus to me.”
Misty is a 32-year-old hair, architecture and appropriate furnishings artist. Her daughter, Violet, is seven.
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Style Inspiration
“My appearance is ’60s- and ’70s-inspired boho with a beam of decrepit glamour,” says Misty. “Cool and punky,” says Violet.
Their Current Obsessions
The Maestro
Ray Civello
Ray Civello feels a little cheated by men’s accouterment options. “Guys accept so few affairs to abrasion annihilation fun,” he says. Still, he’s managed some memorable apparel over the years. In the ’90s, as a adolescent beautician at the Rainbow Room, the city’s hottest salon, he favoured all atramentous layers by Yohji -Yamamoto. These days, he takes meetings, designs salons and reviews financials while cutting glossy apparel in abrupt hues like animate dejected and aubergine, or adventuresome checks. (He opts for akin brighter colours on the golf course.) And, as you ability apprehend from a man who takes sartorial chances, he has a admirable accumulating of accessories: hats, coloured lace-ups, blooming scarves and, of course, about a dozen pairs of his signature thick-rimmed, brave glasses.
The 56-year-old’s beard authority now comprises 11 salons, bristles training schools and added than a dozen Aveda stores.
Style Inspiration
“Though I’m Italian, I adulation Japanese designers like Comme des Garçons and Yohji Yamamoto.”
His Current Obsessions
The Natural
Elissa Mielke
When Elissa Mielke meets with music -producers, she knows she’s one amid array of ambitious singer-songwriters. So she carefully dresses in apparel that are adventuresome or asinine to angle out. Luckily, she has a closet abounding of memorable pieces from best and assignment food to draw from, like bristling leopard-print boots (“They bout nothing, so in my apperception they go with everything”), a hot blush men’s dress anorak (“I feel like I’m not accustomed to be sad aback I’m cutting it”) or one of her 30 best hats. She finds arbitrary pieces in food like Queen West’s Mama Loves You -Vintage—when she comes in, the agents already apperceive what she’ll try on—and Value -Villages in baby towns, “where bodies no -longer accept charge for their sparkly pantsuits.” It takes austere brio to put calm a -stylish accouterments from castaway clothing, and -Mielke’s got it.
Singer-songwriter Mielke, 24, models for bounded characterization Horses Atelier.
Style Inspiration
“I adulation the women in the Advanced Appearance documentary. And Florence Welch from Florence and the Machine.”
Her Current Obsessions
The Pragmatist
Lance Chung
A career in appearance array of snuck up on Lance Chung. He activated for an internship at Sharp annual while alive on a business amount at the University of Alberta—and the acquaintance stuck. He after active on as the publication’s online editor and amusing media manager, area he drew on his business training to appraise the activity of new labels. “In appearance today, there’s so abundant accent on branding,” he says. “A acknowledged artist knows who they are targeting. They’ve done their research. It’s not abundant to focus on the -creative—they accept to attending at it as a business.” That business-first attitude extends to his wardrobe. He favours basics like brittle white shirts and aphotic jeans, again adds layers like printed ties and arbitrary accessory pins. “I stick to a foundation of acceptable menswear but comedy about with accessories”—a bright eyes that gives Chung his sartorial edge.
Chung, 25, is a cast adviser specializing in men’s fashion.
Style Inspiration
“I adore Nick Wooster for his menswear and Lapo Elkann for application account pieces in a way that’s not tacky.”
His Current Obsessions
The Bohos
Sacha Grierson & Lola Flanery
Family is a big accord for Sacha Grierson. Not only does she allotment a business with her mother—Eat My Words, a bakery committed to adopting money for the Stephen Lewis Foundation—but she describes her own babe as her “constant accompaniment in everything.” She’s anesthetized her adulation of aggregate admirable to Lola, who started demography an absorption in clothes at the age of four. “We were activity out and she was determined about putting calm her own ensemble,” says -Grierson. “She did a solid adaptation of ’90s grunge after akin alive it: high-top -Converse, Roots sweatpants, a tutu, a checkerboard shirt and a fur hat. It looked fantastic.”
Sacha, 40, co-founded the bakery Eat My Words. Her daughter, Lola, is nine.
Style Inspiration
“Lola and I biking calm a lot. Our appearance is afflicted by our destination.”
Their Current Obsessions
The Arch Man
Michael Burns
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After 12 years alive in bay street’s accounts shops, Michael Burns fabricated the jump to a tech startup in January. Along with the new job came a added airy wardrobe: the slim, European-cut apparel and cottony ties that he already wore to applicant affairs gave way to jeans and action jackets—and, already in a while, a brace of cowboy boots. But he still projects the composure of a arch man, akin in above accoutrements (the silver-grey at his temples enhances the Clooney vibe). And, aback he throws on a archetypal cape for a fundraising gala—he’s the armchair of the Toronto East -General Hospital Board Foundation and the co-founder of True Patriot Love, an alignment that supports aggressive families—he earns bifold takes from appealing adolescent things and association matrons alike.
The 43-year-old exec afresh larboard Thornmark Asset Management for an e-commerce startup alleged AudienceView.
Style Inspiration
“The adult and archetypal men of Hollywood: the Rat Pack, Cary Grant and Sean Connery.”
His Current Obsessions
The Dandies
Pierre & Tristan Jutras
When it comes to activity put together, Pierre Jutras has his accepted bottomward to a -science: “A acceptable night’s sleep, a abundant workout, a algid battery and a brittle suit.” As admiral of the Spoke Club, he spends best of his canicule in accumulated accoutrements but changes out of it the minute he gets home (his alternative is jeans from Citizens of Humanity or Hugo Boss Orange, a V-neck bodice and high-end sneakers). His four-year-old son, meanwhile, embraces a added all-embracing artful and is acquisitive to aggrandize his appearance horizons. “Tristan’s mother became his claimed stylist the minute he was born, but he has aback developed his own appearance and frequently vetoes some of her choices,” says Jutras.
Pierre is the 40-something admiral of the Spoke Club. His son, Tristan, is four.
Style Inspiration
“Alain Delon, Cary Grant—I adulation the accessible breeding of ’60s cine stars.”
Their Current Obsessions
The Shopgirls
Sydney Berchtold & Marisa Buchkowsky
As a kid, Sydney Berchtold was consistently dying to get into her three earlier sisters’ -closets. Now she has the best adorable apparel of all—Rosedale’s The Narwhal boutique, area she stocks cool-girl curve like Helmut Lang, Acne and ALC—and area her sisters appear for appearance advice. “I’m absolutely bossy!” she says. “One is into boot-cut jeans, and I acquaint her she’s not accustomed to abrasion them.” -Buchkowsky, for her part, says she’s not as bedeviled with clothes as you ability apprehend (though her accomplishments is in affairs and merchandising; Berchtold’s is interior design). “Marisa consistently looks badass,” says Berchtold, who thinks her partner’s edgy, street-style attending complements her changeable taste. “But Sydney is antic and adventurous,” says -Buchkowsky, “and she has fun with every trend.”
Berchtold, 28, and Buchkowsky, 31, are the co-owners of The Narwhal boutique.
Style Inspiration
Berchtold: Jane Birkin, Kate Moss. Buchkowsky: the Olsen twins, the Rolling Stones.
Their Current Obsessions
The Gentleman
Jimmy Molloy
Jimmy Molloy sells alone the best -spectacular houses and condos in neighbourhoods like Rosedale, Forest Hill and Yorkville. It’s a austere business, involving austere money, and he dresses the part: in categorical pinstriped suits, he exudes the aforementioned ambience of ability as his high-profile clients. But Molloy distinguishes himself from the archetypal Bay Street types with the casual blithe sartorial touch. He ability action rainbow-hued socks beneath his signature Gucci oxfords, for instance. Or, for a night out, he’ll bandy on a superb aubergine Armani smoker jacket. You don’t absorb 21 years affiliated to Appearance annual editor-in-chief Bernadette Morra after acquirements a few tricks.
The 54-year-old above restaurateur (he acclimated to own the accomplished dining atom Auberge Gavroche) is one of Toronto’s top realtors.
Style Inspiration
“Colin Firth. He’s consistently elegant, but still airy and approachable.”
His Current Obsessions
The Fearless Femme
Vanessa Morcom
When Vanessa Morcom was 19, she adopted clothes that were abbreviate and bound and went able-bodied with a annealed drink. That’s not so unusual—but she additionally ran her own PR firm, administration columnist scheduling for Madonna, Rihanna and Drake. It was a activity that accepted as afflictive as a pleather mini, so at 24, Morcom chucked the company, volunteered with an NGO and relaxed. Now aback in publicity, she brand clothes that are admirable but comfortable. “When I appearance up in my cowboy boots, atramentous jeans and a crisp, white shirt, I’m there to get the job done, not to attending the part,” she says. Bathrobe blazers and cottony jumpsuits are accessible staples for 18-hour days, and on weekends Morcom can be begin in apart able-bodied wear, teaching yoga and brainwork at the Toronto South Detention -Centre. “Both in and out of work,” she says, “I’ve abstruse that you accept to abbreviate it.”
The 29-year-old Morcom is the CEO of the publicity abutting Morcom Media.
Style Inspiration
“Marchesa Luisa Casati, the Italian almsman and muse. I aloof feel her spirit.”
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Her Current Obsessions
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tripstations · 5 years
Solo Travel Tips and Trips Update
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inb4vaughn · 5 years
Color Your Fall With Carolinas Golf
Fall is golf’s “second season” throughout the Carolinas. High temps in the 70s and lows in the 50s mean course conditions are peaking from the beach to the mountains. Bermuda and Zoysia grass fairways are hanging on to their green hue while bentgrass greens are flourishing.
With more than 220 days of sunshine, and average precipitation below four inches each fall month, golfers are almost guaranteed a full-18.
What’s more, North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina serve up some of the Southeast’s most stunning fall foliage. These five golf destinations offer bang for the buck, sublime conditions and are easily accessible via the Carolinas’ highways and byways.
Grandover Resort
Greensboro, N.C.: This 36-hole resort with its recently re-imagined hotel conveniently located off I-85 is one of the state’s best kept golf secrets. Golfers can experience both the East and West courses—wrought by Gary Panks—over the course of two days while bedding-down in elegant AAA Four Diamond digs.
Rumbling Bald Resort
Lake Lure, N.C.: A short drive from most major North and South Carolina cities, Rumbling Bald’s two mountain-style courses are the epitome of fall golf. Apple Valley is a Dan Maples design that’s spacious off the tee but demanding on approach shots. Bald Mountain is shorter, sporty and conveniently located near onsite lodging.
Rumbling Bald is also perfect for side trips deeper into the Blue Ridge Mountains for hiking or sightseeing. Situated on the north end of Lake Lure, water sports are still in-play well into October. The resort offers a fall-foliage focused golf package, starting at $290 and including two nights’ lodging, two rounds of golf, range balls and breakfast.
Pinehurst Resort
Pinehurst, N.C.: Okay, so the longleaf pines of North Carolinas’ Sandhills region aren’t exactly resplendent with fall color. But hey, it’s the Pinehurst Resort. This timeless golf haven, one of the top golf destinations in the world, isn’t resting on its reputation, either. The new No. 4 course re-opened to rave reviews in the fall of 2018, and the like-new Cradle short-course is perfect for families, couples and settling bets.
Home to 10 courses and three AAA Four Diamond hotels, Pinehurst’s Manor Inn just reopened following a multi-million-dollar facelift. Now, golf groups have a true place to call home. It features two private hospitality suites with room for 20 that can be reserved for the entire length of stay. The new North and South Bar serves a curated selection of whiskies, cocktails and craft beers from the PBC.
Cherokee Valley
Travelers Rest, S.C.: New ownership has Cherokee Valley positioned as one of the Upstate’s only true stay-and-play destinations. Cottages conveniently situated across from the clubhouse are ideal (and affordable) for golf packages.
A new, full-service restaurant is opening this fall featuring a Blue Ridge Mountain gastropub theme. Just 30 minutes from Greenville, S.C. and 45 minutes from Asheville, N.C., Cherokee Valley is an optimal basecamp for exploring the Western Carolinas.
Clemson Walker Course
College Courses
Greenville, Clemson, S.C.: – For golfers looking to experience two of the best college courses in South Carolina, school is in session. Both the Furman Golf Club and Walker Course at Clemson University are open to the public and are incredible values (especially if walking 18 in the afternoon). Located 45 minutes apart, visitors can spend the night in Greenville or Clemson and soak up fall in two of the Upstate’s most eclectic cities.
The post Color Your Fall With Carolinas Golf appeared first on Golf Tips Magazine.
from Golf Tips Magazine https://ift.tt/2mJXC5n
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suzie81blog · 6 years
Note: all of the images featured in this post are my own and are set as galleries – click on the images to see the full size.
The Bloke and I have just been to NYC for a week. We have visited once before on our honeymoon in November last year, but as we were there for just over four days we wanted to go back and attempt to see as much as possible that we had missed last time. We chose to go at the beginning of September – arriving on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend – with the hope that the city would be slightly quieter and the following week was back to school. 
We wanted to experience both the tourist and non-tourist places, so I spent several weeks before reading blogs and watching vlogs about everything to see and do, mapping out our activities according to each day. This wasn’t set in stone and would allow us to change each daily plan around according to the weather. 
We stayed at the Wyndham New Yorker and for the first time ever we received an upgrade to a room on the 40th floor, without even asking. The views were amazing – I didn’t mind the construction work going on as it was fascinating to watch the building development at such a height – and the sunsets were fabulous!
The New Yorker
The view from the side window
The view from the main window
Day One
(Note: this was really day 2 as we arrived at 5.00pm the day before but were so tired we went for a meal and had a short wander around before going to sleep).
Pancakes for breakfast with bacon and maple syrup from the Tik Tock Diner next to the hotel.
Subway pass – 7-Day Metro card for $32. This is perfect for a longer stay as it allows for unlimited subway and bus travel until midnight each day. 
Dana’s apartment used in the first Ghostbusters film.
Natural History Museum – dinosaurs, great exhibitions and The Bloke met Dum Dum.
Lunch at Uno Pizzeria and Grill on Columbus Avenue (at the back of the museum). Our server, Parrish, heard our accents and immediately put the football on the TV – I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I wasn’t really a football fan but we had a lovely chat with him. Great food, great service, definitely worth a visit.
Central Park – I had a Bach Partita performed for me by a cellist from Belgium, saw an erhu being played, we walked down to Bow Bridge and Bethesda Terrace and I was delighted to see that the Acapella Soul singers were performing. I first saw these guys in Washington Square in 2010 and have followed their YouTube videos ever since. They’re still amazing. We walked past the Bandshell and down The Mall to the Plaza and the Plaza food court. I ate a beautiful macaron from here. 
6 1/2 Avenue – a ‘secret’ street used by locals to cut through the city.
Dana’s apartment
Natural History Museum
Grr. Arg.
The Bloke met Dum Dum
Bow Bridge
On Bow Bridge
Bethesda Terrace
The Bandshell
6 1/2 Avenue
Day Two
Roosevelt Island as the weather was glorious. We got the Roosevelt Island Tramway (which the subway pass can be used on) next to the Queensboro Bridge, which took just a few minutes (there is a subway and bus option too). It was a great decision – there was almost nobody around and we took our time, taking in the amazing views of Manhattan. We walked down to Southport Park where we saw the ruins of the former Smallpox Hospital, and then to the Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park. Stunning. 
Serendipity 3 cafe. I ate an amazing buttermilk chicken sandwich and drank an enormous pink lemonade, but they are more famous for their Frrrozen Hot Chocolate and desserts. 
Dylan’s Candy Bar. I bought a marshmallow treat, just because.
Roosevelt Island Tramway
Roosevelt Island Tramway
View of Manhattan
Roosevelt Island
Smallpox Hospital
Smallpox Hospital
Buttermilk chicken from Serendipity 3
Pink lemonade from Serendipity 3
Day Three
The Met Museum. I was a little disappointed at the rooftop bar was closed, but we saw incredible art works that had been on my Bucket List for a long time. 
The Guggenheim. More art, and although I generally prefer modern art over most periods, I found some of it to be a little too much. In one section a video was featured that consisted of a man rolling around on the floor. I’m sure that it means something significant to others, but I didn’t get it. 
Paley Park – a small hidden park with a waterfall.
The Met
The Met
The Met
The Guggenheim
The Guggengeim
Paley Park waterfall
Day Four
The Dominique Ansel Bakery for a Cronut. I’ve been wanting to try one of these for a while, and from the reviews I had read I was expecting a massive queue. We were lucky though – it was almost empty, and I managed to eat my Cronut next to their garden.
Washington Square – a beautiful spot to sit and people watch, with the famous arch and a large fountain.
The Stonewall Monument.
Brunch at Buvette, a small French bistro on Grove Street. I ate waffles with gouda, bacon and syrup and drank freshly squeezed orange juice. I was unsure whether that sort of combination would work, but it totally did. 
An ‘American Glob’ ice-cream from the Big Gay Ice-Cream Shop, also on Grove Street. I almost had a ‘Salty Pimp’ instead, which isn’t a sentence that I’m used to writing. 
Friends Building, also on Grove Street.
Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment in Sex and the City, on Perry Street. 
After returning to the hotel for an afternoon siesta, we went up to Mood Fabrics (featured in Project Runway). I met Swatch, the store mascot. Swatch had obviously had enough of life that day. 
Bill’s Bar and Burgers next to the Rockefeller Centre. 
The Lego Store. The Bloke was in his own personal heaven.
A cronut!!
Dominique Ansel Bakery
Washington Square
Stonewall Monument
Big Gay Ice Cream Shop
Carrie Bradshaw’s House on Perry Street
Shadows on the street
Bill’s Bar and Burger
Day Five
Brooklyn Bridge and Brooklyn Park. It was a sweltering 30+ degrees, so The Bloke and I tried to shelter in the shade as much as we possibly could while taking in the breathtaking views. The Bloke found the classic shot of the groynes and so spent some time taking his own shots, while I took the opportunity to sit in the breeze.
Walked across Brooklyn Bridge. It was far busier than the last time we did this in November the year before, but it was rather amusing to watch the insane poses being carried out by the Instagrammers.
Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
The groynes
Lego Bloke had a wonderful time
Walking Brooklyn Bridge
The Bridge
Day Six
Water Taxi down the Hudson. It was much cooler and we got to see the architecture of the lower west side of Manhattan. We exited at Battery Park.
From there we walked to Bowling Green Park, the Charging Bull and Fearless Girl Statues and then to Wall Street.
Ghostbusters Firehouse – we took a short subway ride up to see the iconic building as the last time we visited it was undergoing renovations and almost completely hidden by scaffolding. As I was stood opposite a tourist couple walked down the street and the man suddenly recognised what it was – he obviously didn’t realise it was there at first and I laughed at the sheer expression of awe on his face. I think his bubble was somewhat burst when he had to explain the significance of it to his girlfriend, but still…
Titanic Memorial – a small lighthouse and plaque down by the Southstreet Seaport piers.
Water Taxi from South Pier. It stopped at Brooklyn Bridge and then took a leisurely pace over to the Statue of Liberty. However, as we were traveling back up the Hudson towards Midtown it turned into a speedboat, and i laughed myself silly as The Bloke and I had to desperately cling on to the chairs and our cameras.
Kinky Boots on Broadway. Absolutely incredible – we’re a huge fan of the film and it was one of the best shows I have ever seen, to the point where I had to try and calm myself down and stop crying as I found myself becoming completely overwhelmed during the final song. Amazing.
The Water Taxi
The Charging Bull
Fearless Girl Statue
Stock Exchange
Ghostbusters Firehouse
Titanic Memorial Lighthouse
Statue of Liberty
Kinky Boots on Broadway
Day Seven
Sephora, just because. I have make-up, but that’s not the point.
Lincoln Center, where we saw totally naked people being made into art works with body paint. 
The Juilliard School – when I was training as a violinist it was one of my personal dreams to go here, and I finally did. Ok, maybe not as a student, but I made a point of taking a picture just so I could send it to my mother and say ‘I went to the Juilliard, Mum!’
For the final part, we walked over to W 58th Street 6th Avenue to find the corner crossing from Midnight Cowboy. Dustin Hoffman almost gets hit by a taxi and yells ‘Hey! I’m walking here!’ This was an unscripted scene that happened because the studio couldn’t get permission to close down the street for filming, and so had to film via a hidden camera in a van driving up and down the street. The taxi that almost hit him was a real one that had run a red light, and Hoffman improvised the now iconic line that was kept in the final cut.
Lincoln Center
The Juilliard
Hey! I’m walking here!
What an incredible week… and there’s still so much more that we could have seen!
How to Spend 4 1/2 Days in New York
The Honeymoon: NYC 2017
  What about you guys? What are your favourite places in NYC?
You can also find me on Twitter and Tumblr @suzie81blog and you can also find me on my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/suzie81speaks, my Pinterest page http://www.pinterest.com/suzie81speaks and my instagram page http://www.instagram.com/suzie81speaks
A Week in New York Note: all of the images featured in this post are my own and are set as galleries - click on the images to see the full size.
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