#mango mastani
spicyvegrecipes · 1 year
Mango Mastani Recipe | How to make Mango Mastani
Mango Mastani Recipe Today I am sharing Pune’s famous street food Mango Mastani Recipe. Mango Mastani is a rich, thick and creamy, delightful drink for all mango lovers. it’s topped with ice cream, dry fruits and nuts. Mango Mastani is a delicious drink or mango milkshake with ice cream prepared using puree from fresh mangoes blended with thick full-fat milk and cream which is then topped with…
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morethansalad · 21 days
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Mango Mastani / Indian-Style Mango Milkshake (Vegan-Friendly)
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spideystevie · 2 years
Heyy!! I loveee all your fics that ive read but 'Be okay' is my fav fic of yours out of all because its so cute and warm and soft and the way you've written it is beautiful and brilliant.
aw i'll cry, thank you so much <3 be okay was a fave to write i LOVE comfort fics
tell me ur fave fic of mine!
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vikramkarve · 2 years
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Dear Friends Have some Mango Ice Cream Sweet Dreams #mango #icecream #sujatamastani #sujata #mastani #pune #dessert (at Pune, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIlqSvpq8y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hebbarskitchen · 2 years
Sabudana Vermicelli Kheer Recipe
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reidslovely · 2 years
That’s the Price: Cruel World (Chapter Two) (Mob! Peter x Reader)
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Request: Sort of. @mango-mastani brought up turning this into a mini series and i caved.
A/N: This could be a heavy chapter for some so please be aware of that, and please read the content warnings before continuing this fic.
Pairing: Mob Boss! Peter Parker x Fem! Reader 
Content Warning: Sexual allusions, mentions and brief descriptions of abuse/neglect on part of reader’s father, threats of gun violence, there is a gun present towards the end. Passing mention of blood, and beatings. 
As always please reblog and if you feel like it comment!
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Dating normally was not an option in this business, Peter knew that from a young age. He had heard the stories of how his parents met, how May and Ben had met. From the age of eight he knew the pattern, knew how he would meet the woman he would one day marry.
“So this is the first date you’re having? With her I mean?”
Asked Harry, as he lounged on the blue velour couch. Peter flattened out his curls with the palm of his hands, looking in the mirror at the blonde. “You’ve known you were going to marry this girl for years and you’ve never talked?”
“I’ve..I’ve sent her letters, and flowers. Besides we’ve talked..just not alone. And I haven’t known for years I’ve known for a year.”
“Does she return the favor?” Harry laughed. “Letters I mean get your head outta the gutter.”
“Doesn’t matter Har, we gotta do this.”
“It’s sad..going on your first date with your arranged wife..at nineteen.”
The way Harry drew it out made Peter bathe himself in embarrassment and guilt. He should have tried harder, harder to get (Y/N)’s affection- break her away from her fathers grip. Harry was lucky, Norman had gotten rid of the arrangement idea for himself after his failed marriage. Now Harry got to indulge in any girl or guy who paid him any bit of their time and affection. Peter grabbed the sports coat off the back of his desk chair, heading towards the door of his bedroom.
“Goodbye Har.” Sarcasm, and annoyance dripping from his tongue. The dirty blonde laughed, raising a glass to him as his friend passed.
“Yeah, tell me all about it when you get back.”
The park the two had agreed to meet at was even more private than (Y/N) had mentioned. This was a blessing to both of them, neither were technically supposed to meet without chaperones present. Peter paced nervously looking back and forth between entrances waiting for her, his sense perking up at the sound of the entrance gate opening. Soft footsteps approached him, he stood turning to meet the girl.
“Hi..(Y/N)…” He fumbled his words out.
“Peter.” The way she looked at him was one of fear, and confusion. But under it all there was a softness. Peter looked at the flowers that rested on top of the chess table, he grabbed them, thrusting them out to her.
“Hydrangeas..they’re your favorite.” Her cheeks pushed up as she smiled slightly, suddenly forgetting what their future held. It was like a normal date.
“You remembered.”
“Of course.”
Peter lifted his head finding his wife's eyes, her cheeks soft and dusted with her fancy blush. Luring a soft, content hum from his lips as he reached out for her. (Y/N) smiled sweetly, taking her place on his lap, her hands holding his shoulders. “What are you thinking about?”
You..I’ve always thought of you.
“How much of a coward your father is for pulling out of lunch. I mean c’mon I was gonna pay for him.” He laughed bitterly, the two knowing the real meaning of his words.
“I’m sure you were, baby.”
Peter hummed out a laugh, his fingers rubbing over the exposed skin of her legs. (Y/N) hummed looking at him, holding his hand there. The two had gotten closer in the weeks since their wedding, even sharing the bedroom now. However, Peter had only ever gone as far as holding her as she slept at night regardless of her ache for more. Peter Parker was raised a gentleman, for better or for worse.
“Our guests are here.” She says against his cheek, his hands holding her closer.
“And you’re up here with me, instead of downstairs playing hostess?”
(Y/N) giggled, her nose brushing against his cheek. “I find you much more interesting, Mr. Parker.” Peter laughed with her, his hands rubbing her sides.
“Up, Dove. This is in celebration of you.” Peter settles her onto her feet, fixing her dress. “You’re all bunched up. Go to the bathroom and fix that up, and I will go play host? Sounds good?”
(Y/N) nodded, wrapping her arms around his waist in a hug. Peter’s lips pressed against her forehead before sending her off to the bathroom. He closed his office door, fixing his tie and started down the stairs, Miles and Harry blocking his way halfway down.
“We have a problem..” Harry says leaning on the railing. “(Y/N)’s disappeared and we have an unwanted guest.”
“She’s not missing, she's in the bathroom cleaning up.” Peter looks over the two men’s shoulders, knowing whose face to be searching for.
“We can’t find him. He came in through the back, and ran off when we spotted him.” Miles answers as calmly as possible, not wanting to draw attention to themselves. Peter sucked in a breath, his irrational brain wanting to lock (Y/N) in the bathroom until the coast was clear. As always, the rational part took over.
“Okay, Harry, you take the front. Miles, can I trust you with both backdoors?” The young man nodded quickly, rushing off towards the back. “Harry, I need you to set parameters for the outside. He’s not leaving here.”
“Alive, I mean. He wants to show his ass here, I’ll let him but he’s gonna deal with the aftermath. If you excuse me, I need to go get my wife.”
Peter coughed under his breath as he turned loosening his tie. Soon he was rushing back up the steps, pushing the bathroom door open; he was not met with the sight of his wife.
Here’s where the irrational part of his brain took over.
“Goddamn it.”
Peter pushes through the different bedroom doors, looking in his upstairs office once again. Peter pushed his way into the locked door of their bedroom. The handle rips off as he slams his body into the door opening it.
“What the fuck!” (Y/N) yelled out a scream covering her naked body with the new dress. She stared at her husband, whose chest heaved up and down all of his feelings boiling to the surface at once. A cold, and painful shiver ran over her body- in that moment she knew something was wrong.
“Why did you lock the door? I..was worried. I couldn’t find you.” Peter calmed himself before approaching her. (Y/N)’s hands shook as she held the dress to her, tears swelling in her eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Peter covered his mouth, as he held her arms.
“My zipper broke on my dress when I was fixing it in the bathroom. I needed..needed to change, I’m sorry.” She apologized to him, her heart pounding in her throat. What had she done to make him upset at her? She hiccuped as he zipped up her new dress, pulling her into a hug.
“Shush, shh shh.” Peter petted her hair, shaking his head. “It’s not you baby, I thought you were in danger was all.”
“Pete, why- why would I be in- he’s here.” She let out a shaky sigh.
“He is, was. I’m not sure where he is, but we can’t let it ruin the night okay? I will be by your side all night. I’ve got people on it.”
He grabbed her face tenderly, pulling her eye to eye with him. She nodded, her jaw tense as she held her hands over his. “If he shows back up here, I guarantee you the only way he’ll be leaving here is in a body bag.”
Peter picked up the old dress that was laying on the bed, patting the fabric on her cheeks. “Do. Not. Leave my side tonight.” He dropped the fabric pulling her into his arms.
“I wasn’t planning on it.” She whispers, nuzzling her head under his chin. (Y/N) let out a shaky breath, her hands dropping from his sides as they broke apart. She tilted her head back to look at him, his lips pulling down slightly as he stared at her.
“C’mon they’re going to get restless. That’s the last thing we want tonight.”
(Y/N) hummed softly, a forced laugh leaving her lips as she and Peter made their way downstairs.
She lit up on his arm, moreso, Peter lit up on her arm. His friends and colleagues had never seen the brunette with such a loving, whimsical smile. (Y/N) couldn’t help but let out a little laugh each time Peter introduced her.
“Ah Curt, Curt. This is my beautiful, adoring wife (Y/N). (Y/N) this is..well I shouldn’t call you by that here, Dr. Connors.” He teased the older man, his grip still firm on (Y/N)’s hip. She had never fel so cared for, so adored. Almost forgetting she should be on high alert for the ghost to make his appearance, but there comes a time where she believes that maybe he had finally left her alone.
“He talks about you like that all the time you know.” (Y/N) turned to the temptress-like voice, before her stood three women all holding a drink. The dark haired girl thrusted the other glass out to her smiling. “You did what none of us could do.” She grins. “I’m Felicia this is Gwen and Mary-Jane.”
The women had been mentioned in passing, all women Peter had dated with in one way or another in his teen years. “Yes, I put two and two together.” (Y/N) smiles at the women.
She laughed taking the glass filled with the red liquid, like clockwork she looked over her shoulder checking Peter was still in her line of sight. Swirling the wine, she thought of conversation topics; this was still all so new to her.
“I mean it’s not like we had a choice, we’ve practically had this arrangement since we were kids.”
The girls laughed in response.
It wasn’t a joke.
However, she forced out a laugh with them. “Well congrats, really.” Gwen smiles. “You’re one of us now.”
“I am honored. Are there any expectations from me?” (Y/N) joked, settling into the dynamic. Mary-Jane shook her head, her hand grabbing (Y/N)’s forearm lightly.
“Of course not, you’re the wife you just have to tell us the juicy details.”
(Y/N) jumped at the sudden firm hand finding her lower back, a thumb stroking it’s way across. “Have you inducted my wife to your coven Miss Hardy?” Peter teased, nursing his whiskey.
“She was a willing participant.” Felicia's sweet voice hummed. Peter scoffed with a laugh, pressing his lips to (Y/N)’s temple. Her eyes peered up at him watching his every facial movement, he talked with the women so politely and respectfully. Asking about their jobs, Gwen and Harry’s newborn letting them know that if they ever needed anything to reach out. It was astonishing to (Y/N), that a man of Peter’s status treated women like equals.
“I need to refill my glass.” He says, (Y/N) jumps from their embrace taking his glass from his hand. “Dove, I’m a grown man, I can get it myself.”
“No please. I’ll be right back, Harry is at the bar. I'll have eyes on me.”
Dodging his argument, (Y/N) turned and rushed to the bar before Peter could say no. The bar was lined with liquor, grabbing the bourbon from the bottom shelf she poured it over the ice in his glass.
“Mrs. Parker.” Harry says urgently, as he rushed around the bar. “I need you to follo-“
A hand reached over the bar clamping down on (Y/N)’s forearm, shock settles over her body as the glass crashes to the ground.
“You think you can just throw me out of your own wedding? Forget about me?” The ghost she had forgotten abut yells in her face, practically pulling her across the bar. Osborn threw himself across the bar, pulling Tony back; pulling (Y/N) further across the bar in the fight.
There was a mix of voices yelling the name, and (Y/N) wasn’t even sure if he heard them. Her eyes screwed shut, her mouth agape in pain. “Let me go, please, please. I’m sorry”
Her tears felt hot against her cheeks, as they rolled down into her mouth.
“You are so ungrateful. Without me you wouldn’t be here, you would be nothing. And you throw me out of an event I spent your whole life putting together. You fucking bitch. I have half the mind to pull you across this bar and show you your-“
The steel click of the handgun is the only other sound that filled the room besides (Y/N)’s begs and plea on top of her fathers yelling.
“You have not even five seconds to step away from her or I will lay your brains out on this floor.” Peter’s calm demeanor set an eerie feeling over the room.
“Yeah or wha-“
Peter pushed the barrel of the gun deeper against Tony’s temple, the sheer force pushing Tony’s head the other direction.
“I said. Walk. I don’t like repeating myself.”
Peter grabbed the back of Tony’s suit pulling him off (Y/N). Forcing him to walk towards his office doors. Harry grabbed the other side of Tony’s jacket, leading the way.
“Party is over, thank you everyone for coming and for your lovely gifts. Now, Miles will show you all to your cars and you can expect thank you cards very soon.”
As if nothing happened, everyone had gone back to chatting as they exited the house. (Y/N) dropped behind the bar, shaking and holding her legs closer to her. There were no tears, she couldn’t cry even if she wanted to.
“(Y/N)..” Gwen’s soft voice overtook her sense, her freshly manicured hands reaching out to her, (Y/N) took them as support as she lifted herself from the space behind the bar. She glanced at Peter's office. There were no screams, no arguing, not even a gunshot.
“No, no. Let’s get you to lay down.”
There was no fight left, she leaned on Gwen as she walked up the steps her body finally giving into the tiredness that washes over her. Gwen laid (Y/N) on the bed, and pulled her shoes off before covering her up.
“It’s alright, you need to stay up here. Go to sleep, okay.” Gwen walked to the door, closing it softly behind her.
As much as she wanted to give into the sleep she couldn’t, she tossed and threw herself around. Even using what little strength she had left to get up and change into her nightgown thinking she just needed to be more comfortable. Subconsciously, she knew it was the missing body in the bed. The only touch that could comfort her in moments like these.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath, rolling in the bed to watch the door. Counting down, wishing that he’d walk in- but ultimately she had no idea how long it would be. She didn’t know how long it had been since the argument. She closed her eyes holding Peter’s pillow close to her chest, her eyes closing. Finally feeling warm, her body started to drift into that sweet comfort; the creaking sound for the wood door opening her sense back up.
“Oh, Dove, I'm sorry.” Peter held himself at a distance, something he never did with her. Avoiding her gaze in the dark room, his hands shoved into his pockets. “Go back to sleep, I’ll be in soon.”
(Y/N) watched as he disappeared into the bathroom, the door shutting behind him. The water in the sink ran for what felt like forever, she waited like a kid for him to walk out. Finally, when the door opened and Peter settled into bed everything felt normal again. Except his distance, he laid on his left side tonight, not his right facing her. She stared at his back for only a couple seconds before pulling the fabric of his shirt. Without words he knew what she wanted, he turned to her pulling her to his chest. As his hands pulled on her she saw the red that lined his nail beds, the bruising on his knuckles, and the busted vein that left a ugly mark. Refusing to let her see it he moved his hands flat against her back, holding her as close as humanly possible.
“I’m so sorry Peter.” She says her hands rubbing his chest. Her guilt building in her chest, she drove him to that point.
“No, no. None of that- you are not to blame. He is the monster, not me. Not you.” Peter brought his hand to cradle her face, his thumb rubbing softly.
“Did you kill him?”
The question shocked Peter to a point of laughter. “No. I wish I had.” His breath came out rough, his thumb stroking her cheek. ‘Harry pulled me off. He’s dropping him off at a hospital, no questions asked.”
(Y/N) kissed his palm, her eyes fluttering closed.
“That is the price I pay for you. For my love for you.” The devotion in his voice could drive her to tears. “I would do anything for you, you know that right? Protect you to any extent I have too.” He spoke so tenderly, the tears overflowed.
“I know, I do.”
Their lips found one another like magnets, her hands grabbing his shirt in the heat of passion. This was what safety felt like, here in this moment she knew that nothing would ever take away the love they had for each other.
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Tags: If you were forgotten let me know!
@a-lumos-in-the-nox @bxcketbarnes @sincericida @megmehz @andrews-lovr @helloheyhihowdyheya @toomanyfictionalboyfriends @lateridk @thatsassyhufflepuff @adhdhufflepuff @theonlymaddie
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
Just gonna share my sitaramam edit on here as well 💕
Tagging ppl based on who replied to/liked my earlier sitaramam post :
@eenadu-varthalu @gauri-vishalakshi @myheartonthemove @booksmartheart @voidsteffy @sinistergooseberries @yehsahihai @dumdaradumdaradum @ms-potato @fangirl-bookaholic @saltyhumanoidbailiffshoe @infinitesubconscious @mango-mastani @maidenofmidguard
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madamlaydebug · 11 months
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This Mango Mastani recipe is really going to get you overjoyed!
This Mango Mastani is not only beautiful and attractive to look at.
• Good, sweet, ripe mangoes or mango pulp
•1.5 cup chilled milk
•2 tbsp sugar
•1 tbsp fresh cream
• Ice cubes
• Mango Ice cream
• Some mint leaves, dried fruits for garnishing.
You only need a blender to mix up the above ingredients except for the mint and dried fruits into a golden-hued, yummy drink.
I've used home made mango ice cream, That added another level of deliciousness to this milkshake.
Enjoy these delicious popular mango mastani, it is seriously the best & yummy.
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appocalipse · 2 years
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okay, but i love you all so much?
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yes i always see what's in the tags, in case anyone is wondering
@harringtown @familyvideostevie @mango-mastani
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bttbiindia · 1 month
Sujata Mango Mastani
One of the best things to buy in Pune, Maharashtra, India is Mango Mastani from Sujata Mastani. Located all over Maharashtra, this is one of the best mango drink in Maharashtra, India
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mohitvatra · 9 months
Mango Mastani Recipe 
A unique and delicious desi style mango milkshake made with lots of dry fruits and mango pulp. It is commonly made and served as a road food dessert on the streets of Pune city, but has led to riots across India. This recipe post is based on my own experiments, as there have been many variations as it has grown in popularity.
Indian Road Food Recipes has a ton of bites and chaat recipes that will fill your mouth with different flavours. It goes without saying that some sweet dessert milkshake recipes are all you need to tone down the spice level. Mango Mastani Recipe, which combines ice cream, mango pulp and dry fruits, is one such popular dessert recipe.
As mentioned earlier, Mango Mastani recipe can be prepared in many ways. The main differences are in the proportions of mango pulp used in different recipes, ice cream and mango milkshake. In contrast to the mango flavor, some recipes are overly generous and add too much ice cream flavor. Instead of mango base, I call these ice cream mastani. I tried to make the milkshake more balanced by adding more mango and concentrated mango pulp. You may not be sure to see many street traders adding mango mash to it, yet I think this is nothing but a real mango sweet. If the amount of cream is increased it may taste better or bring more customers to these street vendors, but it is not an authentic recipe.
Furthermore, I would like to conclude with some advice, modifications and suggestions for mango mastani recipe. firstly, for this recipe, i highly recommend using sweet mango pulp and extract. It should be fully prepared and should not have any pungent taste. Use Badami, Neelam, Alphonso, Dussehri and Raspuri mangoes whenever possible. Second, when it comes to ice cream stick to creamy vanilla-flavored ice cream. Butterscotch or caramel can be used, but you should avoid dark-colored or strongly flavored ice cream. Finally, be generous with how much dried organic produce you include in this recipe. Plus, there are plenty of options, so try a different kind of nuts for crunchy, creamy flavor in each bite.
For more information visit the link: https://cookingkhajana.in/mango-mastani-recipe/
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cafecreme01 · 9 months
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Mango Mastani - Cafe Franchise in India - Cafe Creme
Indulge in the flavors of Mumbai with Cafe Creme's Mango Mastani. Experience the essence of this vibrant city in a glass. Our Mango Mastani is a delightful fusion of rich, creamy mango goodness that captures the spirit of Mumbai's cafes. Sip, savor and transport yourself to the heart of Mumbai at Cafe Franchise in India.
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coolbud13 · 11 months
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 6th May 2023 Written Update
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, 6th May 2023 Written update on worldofentertainment.in Satya follows Sai’s suggestion and tries Mango Mastani. After tasting it, he comments that it’s delicious. Satya’s family members are taken aback and surprised as it is the first time he eats Mango Mastani after Girija’s death. They believe Satya will move Sai. As Amba eats Mango Mastani and feels happy, she says…
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spideystevie · 2 years
Heyy!! I love your writing so so much!! You write everything so perfectly its such a DELIGHT to read anything you've written. Keep creating magic with your words, love!!
there are tears in my eyes oh my god thank you so much i appreciate you endlessly <333
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artijaihind · 1 year
सिर्फ 5 min. में बनाये मैंगो मस्तानी और तीखा चटाकेदार मैंगो सालसा | mango mastani | Mango Salsa Recipe
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reidslovely · 2 years
thanks to @mango-mastani ‘That’s the Price’ will be my new mini series! now, i have no clue how long it will be but it is going to have three parts. i started on part two just now while waiting for dinner, so if you want to be a part of the taglist send me a message or comment and i will add you <3
there will be a playlist to go a long with it very soon and i will link it on my masterlist!
hope you’re all very excited!
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